Italian American Style

By moc.loa@potgnipor

Published on May 7, 2021


So, we jump forward a bit, because things have been happening with our fellas, their families, everything. Let's start with the families. Chris' sister Maria broke up with the pizza guy and found a new boyfriend. You won't be surprised. After all those family dinners, where the Rossos and Messinas sat around one of the two big tables in their houses, Sal's little brother, Frankie (named after their father's best friend - Chris- father), caught Maria's eye, and she learned that she had caught his a long time ago. "I dunno if this is a good thing, Evie" Pindy was telling her buddy over their daily espresso. "Sal and Chris... took a while to get over THAT one, but now, a SECOND one...." "Whaddya gonna do Fay? " (her nickname for Pindy). "You gonna tell 'em no. What the hell is THAT gonna do? Yeah, the googly eyes at dinner: SCHIFFO. " She shook her head. "We never saw that with the two boys." Pindy smiled. "Very true. Very true. " She sighed. "Are you happy for them Evie? I worry. I worry every day. I looked for who the saint in charge of homos is, and I couldn't find him." Evie laughed. "Whatcha do? Try to use the computer? YOU on the computer? That's as funny as me making chow mein." "Probably won't taste as bad" they both began laughing as they talked about that disaster. "TALK ABOUT SCHIFFO" they laughed in tandem. "But seriously, who's the guy? Or maybe it's a gal? I dunno Ev, some of those women saints.. that Joan of Arc...." Evie snorted. "She was French. What did you expect? Find me a good Italian saint. That Lucy. OH, what a beaut. " Pindy looked away and began to laugh. "I know. I'll ask Father Logato. I'll tell him I worry about them. " "NO LASCIA STA FAY. I'll ask Maria to look. She probably knows."

Maria had been busy. In addition to her new relationship, well, read on. See, both Sal and Chris had been making progress at their jobs. Chris had been at it long enough to take the detective exam, and he had. He was waiting on the results. A few months before, Sal had been promoted to Associate Designer at his company. Every Associate Designer had to present a fashion show: just one of the things his firm used to see who would make it and who wouldn't. They didn't take any of his other duties away, and so... He asked for a part time assistant, and he got one. If you called Sal during the day, you'd hear a very sweet voice pick up the phone: "Mr. Rosso's office, Maria Messina speaking." Yup. Remember: it's Italian Americans we got here folks. Family, however you define it, rules. And one day, she was answering the phone and her brother was calling. "CHRISSY. This is a surprise. Don't you usually use his cell?" "Yeah, I do. But it keeps on going to message." "He may be in production. You want me to get him?" "NAH. NAH. Just do me a favor sis. Ask him to think about where he wants to go to dinner. I'm taking him out tonight. Anywhere he wants to go." "OOOOH. Big news?" "Big news sis. You'll hear about it at Sunday dinner. ti amo. "Anche te bro." She threw a kiss into the phone and another assistant thought it was Maria's boyfriend. "Close. My brother." "OH. That dishy cop? I saw him here once." She sighed. "We used to talk about 'Father what a waste' about the handsome priests at school. Now, we talk about 'Officer what a waste.' "I'll tell him you said that Josie" It was Sal. He had come up from the production room. He was covered with fabric dust, looked like he was sweating, and that he needed sleep. "OH. Sal... I mean..." He laughed. "Trust me Josie. There is nothing on that man that gets wasted." Josie blushed and hurried off. Maria laughed all the while. "Officer What a Waste called you Sal. Wants to take you to dinner. You pick." Sal thought for a minute. "It's the exam" he thought. "HE PASSED! HE PASSED!"

Sal had, with reluctance, left early so that he could get cleaned up for dinner. They were going to a place they loved: Moretti's wasn't fancy, but it was THEIR place. He dressed with some care. Over time, Sal had become identified with dark blue, almost denim dress shirts, and slacks that imitated the style of the forties. He'd wear that outfit with suspenders: usually red ones, sometimes white ones, and if he had to go into full "designer mode" he had a pair of big round vanity glasses. If you check "Iris Apfel," you'll see what I mean. Except Sal's were white.

Chris came home to change too. He thought, hard, about wearing the snuggest police uniform he had, because he knew what it did to Sal to see him like that. "Maybe I'll just put on my harness and my jacket," Chris joked. "The collar too. The studded one," Sal called from the shower. When he came out: that's what he found: Chris on the bed, in a harness, wearing the collar, his hands spread out to his side. Chris pointed to the hard on that popped out of Sal's loins and just said "GOTCHA." "I'm gonna get you too. Better call Moretti's . We're gonna be late. " "Already did. Sir." It was the last word chris got out of his mouth before Sal's closed on his. He began gently scratching chris' nipples as he covered his ear and whispered. "I'm gonna FUCK you copper." chris squirmed under Sal. "You're gonna have to TAKE it, cause I'm not giving it to you." Sal leaned on chris' wrists. "Oh yes you are. " Sal hadn't shaved for a couple days, and his scruff rubbed onto chris' neck. "OH FUCK. That's cheating Sal. That's cheating." "So sue me." "Fuck me first. Sir. " "I'm hungry. Dinner's gonna be late. Know what I feel like for a snack? Cop Ass." Sal didn't give chris a chance to respond. He pushed his lover's legs in the air and then, his long, practiced tongue got to work. From practice, he knew that the left side of chris' hole was more sensitive and he worked that. He'd flick his tongue, while chris moaned, and then stop. When chris pushed forward, looking for more, he'd tease, and go to the other side. Or just dive in deeper. Eventually, Sal always went back to that "sweet spot," and chris' moans would get louder, and louder. Soon, he'd be begging. "PLEASE SIR. FUCK ME. FUCK ME HARD." By then, chris' cock would be rigid too (chris worried about other officers seeing him caged when he changed, so they only used the cage when he was off duty. One of chris' first thoughts was that, as a detective he'd be in street clothes, and...). "FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCK!" he yelled, as Sal took him with a single big, powerful thrust. Sal had been so tired the last few nights that bed time had meant cuddle time. He had even been too tired to jerk off, so getting chris' ass like this was something he wasn't gonna pass up. "OH SHIT. OH SHIT YOU STUD. YOU FUCKING WILDMAN STUD... FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCK!" Sometimes chris wanted a more gentle fuck. That wasn't the case that night. He wanted a POUNDING. He wanted to feel totally, TOTALLY controlled. And that's what he was getting. chris would always say he drove the car, because in the house, Sal did all the driving. He was driving tonight, and it was ONE. SWEET. RIDE. " "SALLIE. SALLIE. I'M GONNA SHOOT. WATCH YOUR FACE, HANDSOME. AGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGH." chris exploded. His orgasm was huge. As it happened, Sal began thinking really quickly. He was close to climax, and when he did, he knew, it wasn't gonna be the size of chris'. chris produced more semen, more sperm... more baby chrisses and christinas. They had been talking about a child. chris would never say anything, but Sal stored this information. "YOU SWEET SICILIAN HUNK" he yelled, as his jizz filled chris' ass. "OH FUCK. I feel like I had dessert before dinner, " Sal smiled as he kissed chris. "I almost want you to wear that fucking collar tonight." "I'll wear it all." "You can't. The shirts I made ya are too tight. It'll never fit underneath. " chris grinned. "Make one or two bigger ones."

They didn't need to get REAL fancy for Moretti's, but chris wanted to wear a sport coat. One that Sal had made him of course: a blue one that had a very subtle print of interwoven white red and green. chris' mother had noticed it right away. "ITALIA! " she had yelled. "SALLIE. YOU'RE A FUCKING GENIUS." Maria came over with the swear jar right away. "Ma. I think that's a big one. Put in a buck." Sal put on a came colored jacket to go over the dark blue shirt he was wearing. chris put on one that Sal really, REALLY liked: fine white cotton, button down and blue stripes. He planned to wear it on his first day."

"RAGAZZI! TOO LONG. TOO LONG. Com'e' state?" Beppo Moretti, the proprietor came over. Sal and chris loved this place. Beppo was "single but ready to mingle," as he joked, constantly, and it seemed that, well, his gifts were not all in the kitchen. Beppo was "corto": short. You couldn't call him handsome, and he had a reputation for being, in Sal's mother's words "as tight as a crab's ass" because he was so cheap. BUT... his latest girlfriend, Flora was there that night. Beppo seemed to have a new girlfriend every two weeks. "I wear them out" he said, and it might have been true. Beppo had a big sister: Marissa. She had whispered to Evie once "My fratellino. He's short but long where it counts." "Beppo, tonight's special. Can we have the spumante? With the cubes. Just like Cher had?" Beppo smiled. This meant it WAS a special night. When he brought the glasses, and he saw the way chris was looking at Sal, he knew. He went over to his host. "Have the "complimenti" candles ready. Sal was smiling. There was candle light, and the bubbly Italian wine, and his devastatingly handsome lover, who had left two buttons opened on his shirt, so that Sal could see: that gorgeous chest hair that grew back so fast. "Sweetheart," chris said, as they clicked glasses. I need to begin with saying something. Then I have two questions. First... you're looking at DETECTIVE Messina." He smiled, and Sal's face cracked open in a big smile. "YOU GOT IT? YOU GOT IT?" chris smiled. "Yeah, I did. On first try. Must've been all those Saturday night shifts, and getting Barry and Bobby back together again." Sal smiled, shaking his head. "That was a great evening. You bouncing those kids - both of them - up and down on your lap, with them fighting to see who got to ride Guncle chris. You're a father in the making. "Well, Sallie. The only one who gets to ride me is you. And I may be a father in the making, but you, Sir... "He grabbed Sal's hand. "You Sir, are the ultimate Daddy." Sal was blushing. "STOP. You're making me feel old." "Then I'm older babe. Remember. Four months. Guess that makes me a cougar. " "Makes you a FOX, handsome. So, what's the question?" "Well, I think I know the answer. Since I'm gonna be out of uniform, I'm gonna need more clothes." "If I saw you buy one thing, I'd change the locks." "Well, what about underwear?" "What about it? What makes you think I'm gonna let you wear it? " Now it was chris' turn to blush. "Seriously, chris boy. I gotcha a whole bunch of speedos to wear. They didn't work with the uniform, I get that. But now... .you're gonna wear them." The thought of Sal taking control of that too, was getting chris hard sooner than he thought he'd be. "Yes sir," he whispered. "Now, I have another, more important question to ask you." He reached into his jacket pocket. Smiling, he pulled out a Tiffany's box. Sal saw it and couldn't control himself. "CHRIS. YOU DIDN'T. NO, YOU DIDN'T. " "Open it love. Open it. " Sal did, and saw a simple silver band, with a dark blue sapphire in the middle. "Oh, Chris. It's. It's..." "Marry me Sal. Marry me." He took a firm hold of Sal's hand, as Sal began to cry. "OH HELL YES. OH HELL YES. " "Baciami" chris said in a low, throaty voice. Sal almost set his shirt on fire as he leaned over and kissed chris, as the surrounding tables, who couldn't help but notice, began to applaud and clink glasses. "That's all we get?" one woman joked when the kiss finished. "She has a point," chris said to Sal. "That's all I get." "STAND UP YOU STUD. I'm gonna give you a GOOD one. So everyone can see." No one fainted during the kiss that followed, but more than one woman felt weak, and more than one man thought he might be a little gay. Bed that night was romantic, sweet, and filled with kisses. "Life's gonna change now chris" Sal whispered, as he held his lover close to him. "How so?" "I'm gonna be rougher with you. And I'm gonna start giving stricter orders. But our families - they're gonna react to us differently. They have to. And after I finish this show... we're gonna have to talk seriously about the kid thing." Neither one of them wanted to get up the next morning.

"Ma. sono sposato," "I'm engaged" Sal told his mom the next morning. "A chi?" To whom, she teased, "Oh, some guy I met at a bar when chris was working. " "You get a ring?" "A gorgeous one ma." Pindy smiled. chris hadn't told Sal that he had asked Pindy to help him find the right one. Pindy almost never left home: going to "THE CITY" was a major event for her. But she went with her son in law to be, and commanded the store. You wouldn't have known she was "paesani": peasant class. No, no no. She walked through Tiffany's like a contessa. She had gotten an emergency appointment at "Loretta's House of Beauty" the day before, and she had pulled one of her silk dresses out of her cedar chest. The camphor smell of the mothballs carried with her, but she didn't care. "Zia, why didn't you wear one of Sal's dresses today?" "OH, Chrissy. BAD LUCK. BAD LUCK to do something like that. It was a surprise for him. If I wore a dress he touched... the dress woulda told him. " When chris looked at her strangely, she raised her voice. "DON'T ARGUE WITH ME ABOUT STREGHE AND MAGIC, CHRISSY. ASK YOUR MA. SHE'LL SAY THE SAME THING." So Pindy knew. At work the next day, Maria was at the desk when Sal came in. "Buon giorno cognata." He used the Italian word for sister in law so no one else could hear. Maria's eyes got wide. "WHAT? WHAT? " Sal laughed. "Not yet, but..." He held out his hand. "MADONNA. My brother picked that? " She was skeptical. "He did. Now I gotta find something for him." She smiled. "Lemme talk to dad. He's got so much jewelry it isn't funny. He never wears any of it, and he's been ashamed to give any to chris. From you, chris'll wear it. " "If I tell him to, he will," Sal thought. Yeah, if they were gonna be married, he was gonna have to start enforcing some rules. He had started that morning. chris was detective now. No need to change in the locker room. As he locked the cage on chris before they got out of bed, he smiled. "I think opening it once a week may be fine. " "WHAT? I gotta wait a week?" and Sal smiled. "Complain again, and it'll be two." chris sighed. "yes sir." He'd get used to it. Then Sal kissed him. "And like a typical EYETALIAN, you need a shave. All over. Tonight."

chris thus found himself stretched out on the bed that night, lying on a big white bath sheet. Sal had tied his hands together, over his head, and his ankles to the bottom bed posts. He had even taken the cage off, so he could shave chris' pubes. "Such a beautiful chest. SO FUCKING BEAUTIFUL," Sal sighed, as he kissed each of chris nips, before he chewed each one lightly. "OOOOOOOOOOOOH. Don't stop Sir. PLEASE. Do it some more. ." Sal smiled and twisted each one gently. "All in good time, my man. All in good time. " Out came the barber's clipper. Sal smiled as he moved it slowly, up and down chris' torso. He was using one hand, and he was holding chris' balls with the other. "LOOK how it's coming off. Geez, you're as hairy as a wolf, lover boy." chris didn't like being shaved, but he LOVED seeing how hot it made Sal. "Sal, you really got to do my pits?" chris asked. "Another question like that, and I'll gag ya with your speedo from today. You may be my fiance'. You're still my botom." chris sighed. "Yes sir." "Actually.." said Sal, "maybe you need MY jock." Sal was as naked as chris. He grabbed the jock from the floor, and stuffed it into chris' mouth. The smell of his lover inspired chris to bite down on it, to chew it, as the clipper went to work on one, then the other armpit. Sal had tied him tightly enough so that there wasn't any movement possible. It was over fast. "Very still now, studbottom. Very still." For shaving chris' pubes, Sal reached for a smaller tool: a single blade razor, and some shaving soap. "Just because you don't use it, doesn't mean you don't need it." He held chris' cock in his hand as he cleaned it. He smiled as he saw it growing. "My my. Maybe I need to shave you more often, whether you need it or not?" "mmmmmmmmmmmmph," chris' eyes got wide, because he saw that, now that he was smooth, Sal was untying his ankles. "You always make me horny fuckboi. And now... " He got up first though, and came back with nipple clamps. He pulled out the jock gag. "Open your mouth, stud." "yes sir," chris answered, as Sal applied the clamps. Then he put the chain in chris' mouth. "Every time I thrust, you pull that chain. Or else. chris felt Sal's cock head, and then felt it going in. "PULL manbitch." "NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNG" chris did, and felt the mix of pain and pleasure go through his nipples, and all the way to his core. Sal pulled back and then thrust in again. "PULL" "NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNG" "Up to you how long this goes on, muffin. If you work those amazing glutes of yours, I may just shoot fast. On the other hand, a loose ass means sore nips." This was a new game . Sal had never done this and chris was torn. The pain, the pleasure, but also.... he loved taking Sal's cock "hostage" as he thought of it, and he did so now. He squeezed his glutes tight, and Sal smiled as he shot into chris. As he finished, he took chris cock in his hand. "Now, we're gonna finish you off. And you pull, with each stroke... Or I stop." He began jerking his lover and NOW, chris was in even more of a dilemma. He loved the slow jerk off, but... the pulling. His nips were sore. "Faster?" Sal looked at him and chris shook his head yes. "You're gonna have to pick up the pace of the yanking stud." chris did. He had a feeling that if he missed one pull, Sal would know and he'd be blue balled before Sal did it again. He got to climax and pulled hard. "MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMPH." He shot into the air, and Sal caught some of it. "Good balm for nipples." He took off the clamps. "Sir. That was... that was absolutely AWESOME. chris began to cry. "Is everything ok? Did I hurt you babe?" "No. No Sir. I just thought about how the man I love is gonna be my husband ." "I feel the same way Detective Messina. Now let's get you untied. We still didn't finish the leftovers from last Sunday's dinner." The moms had already let them know: if they thought the wedding was gonna be catered, they were out of their minds.

Next: Chapter 10

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