Italian American Style

By moc.loa@potgnipor

Published on Apr 25, 2021


Chris held the phone to his ear, hearing it ring. Ultimately, he should have used his cell phone since the matter didn't really involve official police business, but he wanted it to look that way. He heard a pleasant voice pick up the phone. "Hello. This is Bobby" "Hello, Bobby. My name is Chris Messina. I'm calling from New York." "Okay...." now the pleasant voice sounded suspicious. "Bobby... I hope I can call you Bobby, but if you'd prefer Mr. Flynn, please tell me." "No, Bobby is fine if I can call you Chris." "Ha ha. I've been called worse. Anyway, let me get to the point. I know you're busy. I work for the NYPD. Your brother is my boss." "IS BARRY OK? IS EVERYTHING ALRIGHT?" The voice had changed to one of concern, of fear "OH, no, no. Everything is fine. I'm sorry if I made it sound like something were bad... That's the last thing I wanted to do." Bobby laughed nervously. "Ok. I overreacted. Our family's like that. Let me catch my breath." Chris laughed. "I know about overreactive families. Italian American here." Bobby had returned to the friendly voice. "We'll have to have a 'can you top this story' competition. Decide who's got the craziest relative. But before that, what's up? I guess something's important if you're calling. " As they spoke, Chris could hear the sounds of a kid's voice in the background. He seemed to be singing with a cartoon show. A man's voice joined occasionally. It was a deep. professional sound. "Bobby, I'm calling because, well, to be blunt, two reasons. One, your brother misses you. He misses you something awful. Second, my partner and I, well, we're thinking about a kid, or kids. We know nothing. But Barry told us you had a kid. I can hear him in the background. Maybe, I thought, just maybe" Bobby finished it off "You could kill two birds with one stone. Try to fix things with my brother and I, and then get some info about child raising." He sounded defensive. "I admit Bobby, the call is out of place. Your brother doesn't know I'm doing it. It's just that, well, my partner and I had dinner with him and Colleen a little while ago, and he tears up whenever he talks about you." "HE DOES?" Bobby sounded surprised. "I thought he never wanted to see me again." "Well... he told me part of the story Bobby and... what can I say? He was scared. He was really scared. He thought he was gonna get thrown out too. Your folks were wrong. REALLY wrong." As soon as he said that, Chris realized that, however crazy things were at home, he was tremendously lucky. So was Sal. Bobby paused for a minute. "I have to think about this. I want to talk to my husband." "Russ?" "YEAH! How did you know that?" "Bobby, your brother is concerned about your life. He does what he can to see how you guys are. His words to me were 'there's a hole I can't fill because Bobby is gone." "HE SAID THAT?" "Yeah, he did. He misses you, he wants to meet his brother in law, he wants to play with his nephew. He wants it all." Another pause. "How is Colleen? So sad about her and kids." "I know. They do ok. You should see her go nuts when he insults her cooking." "Ha ha. You know, when I was still home, her cooking was already earning a name. NOT a good one." "Well, when we had dinner, he DID insist on coming to our house." "You sound Italian Chris. Italian food is always good. " He paused. "Not as good as Italian men, but good." Now they were teasing. "Your man Italian Bobby?" "I wish. No, he's a mongrel. Can you hear him? He's vocalizing" "I can. I grew up with music in the house, but I couldn't tell you if it were Aida or Carmen or whatever." "This one is Figaro. " "He should learn Danny Boy. You guys should visit." "Let me think about this Chris. And let me know a number where you can be reached. I'll give you some tips if you decide to go through it. You have my number of course. " "Sure. Let me give you my cell so none of the nosey holes around here can listen in." Bobby laughed. "Nosey hole. God, that was an expression we used at home. I like you Chris. Sound like a good man." "Barry told me you were too, Bobby. Please give him a call." "I'll think about it Chris. That's the best I can do." Well, Chris breathed a sigh of relief. He hoped he didn't open a huge can of worms. Barry hadn't asked him to do this, but... OH, he hoped it worked out. Later that day, as he was signing out of shift, he walked pass the Sargeant's little office. "Sargent Flynn speaking," he heard as he picked up the phone. "HOLY SHIT. BOBBY. MY GOD. IT'S BEEN YEARS."

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Back at home, Sal was getting ready for chris' initiation into things leather. As he thought about it, he realized this was the direction they were going in a for a long time. Did he push it, or did chris? Was he being more dominant, or was chris being more submissive? They had fallen into the roles as if they had thought about them for a long time. Sal actually hadn't. He knew he had a crush on chris. It was an odd crush: he always did think about how chris protected him, made sure the tough guys left his "fratello" alone, remembered the younger chris' arm around his shoulder as they walked, the shared ice creams, but he couldn't really recall jerking off to fucking chris , or tying him up, or anything like that. He did dream about what it would be like to share a bed with him, snuggle, cuddle whatever. As those thoughts passed through his mind, alternating with planning a "scene", he smiled. Snuggling with chris was still one of his most favorite things to do. He never knew that... that one hand on chris' shoulder was going to lead to what they had. And now, they had begun thinking about kids. He was a lucky man.

"HONEY. I'M HOME..." he heard chris' teasing voice. And the slammed door. THAT was a habit that all the nipple torture, all the ball torture, would do nothing to stop. He'd have to just get used to it.

He thought about tying an apron around his waist and coming to the entrance way with a martini glass in his hand. No, chris would just have to deal with his bare chest, and the tight jeans he had found in the bottom of his clothes drawer. When had he bought those? Sometime in the 80s, no less. Yeah, people said he looked like the guy in the levis commercial, and he had gotten a pair. They fit well then. NOW. They were snug.

chris changed before he left the precinct. Once a week, he brought the used uniforms home, and they'd have them cleaned, or Sal - who never trusted what the dry cleaner did to chris' clothes - would clean them himselves. It was a "family tradition." He'd tie chris to a chair in the kitchen and then as he cleaned the clothes, he'd take time to flick chris' nipples, shove his tongue down his throat, sit on his lap and pretend he was gonna dry hump him... Usually it ended with some passionate sex on the bed. He smiled. It was going that way tonight. He knew it. He just made sure that Momma's lasagna in the oven was at a low enough temperature not to burn: he planned on making some heat of his own. "Hey there, Officer Messina." He kissed chris deeply. "I think there's something wrong with the street lights. Can you adjust them?" He moved chris' hands to his nipples. "OH YEAH. They seem a little cold. Maybe I can warm them up. " "Mind if I warm up my hands on your oven, stud?" He reached behind and put his hand on chris' ass. He leaned in and whispered "Play with my nips all you want. It's only making me wanna jump you more." "Anch'io" (me too), answered chris. "Go take a look in the bedroom. I got ya a bunch of stuff . Try it on." chris smiled. "Did you..." "GO TRY IT ON." chris smiled, and dropped his voice. "Yes sir."

Sal had laid out a leather outfit on the bed. There was a vest: he had gone one size too small, because he wanted it tight. A harness. Chaps, and also short leather shorts. A cap. "What's this Sal?" chris picked up a heavy leather strip that had what looked like snaps on it. He saw Sal grinning. He had put a leather band around his left arm, and dark glasses on. "It's a cock ring, bottom. You put it on to keep your cock hard during sex play. You're wearing it tonight. Put on the harness. I'll help. The shorts. AFTER you put the ring on. "This?" chris held up a black dildo. "Whaddya think? When I'm not in you...." He smiled. "MOVE. You haven't seen the flogging whip yet." As he dressed, chris was finding the smell of the new leather, well, arousing. He loved the leather jacket he had, but he didn't wear it often. He always felt his cock get just slightly hard on the few times he did wear it. He figured he'd be wearing it more in the future, even if only in the house. "BEFORE TOMORROW, FUCKTOI" Sal had folded his arms and was looking rather stern. chris couldn't see his eyes, so he couldn't read anything out of that. He DID see a small black object, folded, in Sal's left hand. "GOD DOES HE LOOK HOT" Sal was thinking, as chris finished. "TURN AROUND." "yes sir," chris answered meekly. He knew where this was going - he thought - and his cock was showing it . Sal grabbed his wrists, and tied them. He didn't use cuffs: he used a pair of leather restraints. Sal had bought them, together with an expensive contraption of four cuffs, that would let him tie chris' wrists and ankles in a hog tie. he was saving that for another time. While his back was turned, chris felt a leather collar go around his neck. He could barely see the ring in front of it, which Sal hooked a finger through after he had put the leather band on chris' right arm. He led chris to the play chair, and sat him down. chris hand't seen the blindfold that went over his eyes. "OPEN YOUR MOUTH, BITCH" " yes sir. MMMMMMMMMMMMMPH. " Another new toy: a penis gag. chris sucked on it. Not as good as the real thing, but stimulating. He began to thrust his hips foward until he felt the hit of the flogger on his crotch. "MMMMMMMPH." it caught him by surprise. "UNLESS YOU WANT ME TO LOCK UP YOUR COCK, YOU KEEP THAT UNDER CONTROL. GOT IT?" "mmmmmmmmmmmmmph." chris nodded yes. The darkness from the blindfold was complete. He couldn't see a thing, so he didn't know that Sal had just put on a very thin pair of leather gloves, but he felt them when Sal began stroking his torso. "MMMMMMMMM. I think someone needs another shave. And I KNOW someone needs a little of this..." chris felt both nips being twisted. He bucked again. His cock had a mind of it's own. He was trying but... it seemed he was gonna be locked up sooner or later. He felt Sal's hands from behind him, as Sal changed position. His fingers were on chris' nips, and his mouth over his ear. "Know what you are, chris? A BOTTOM. A FUCKING BOTTOM SUB WHO SERVES ME. ONLY ME." The smell of the leather, the smell of his lover's sweat mixed with his cologne, the whole scene: chris began to drift somewhere. He dreamed he was floating: suspended by four ropes, his ass in the air. Sal was in air too, coming toward him, with a cock as long as a boat oar. And he was ready. OH, was he ready. "Problem with this gag... it makes your mouth unusable. Gonna have to change that." Sal took out the penis gag, and replaced it with a leather gag with a hole in it. "Say AHHHHHHHHHHHHH, bottom" He ordered chris. When chris did, he felt Sal's cock go into his mouth. "MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMPH." chris began to slurp. He LOVED the taste of Sal's cock. Every time he sucked it, he wondered why he had waited so long to taste it? He didn't want to let it go, but after he got it nice and wet, Sal pulled it out.

"First course over. Main course: ass on a bed of sheets. Coming up." "AAAANANANANANAGGGGGGGGGGGG" chris moaned through the gag. His eyes were still covered, as Sal pulled him out of the chair and dragged him into the bedroom. He tossed chris on his back. "Know who wears leather shorts, chris? Leather boys. And leather BOYS... get FUCKED. By leather men." Now, Sal took off the blindfold. "OH FUCK" chris thought, when he saw Sal standing there. All he wore were the glasses, the band, and a very short pair of leather speedos. DAMN he looked so good. Could he dress like that every day? " Sal took the gag off next. "I wanna hear you BEG for it leather boy. BEG for every inch." Sal's fingers went back to chris' nipples. "OH YES. OH YES SIR. PLEASE. PLEASE GIMME YOUR COCK. GIMME EVERY BIT OF IT. " Sal smiled as he slipped the shorts off. He tsk tsked "Messy messy messy boy chris. You're gonna have to learn more control or... we're gonna keep this locked. "I understand Sir. " chris answered meekly. He wasn't sure how he was gonna manage the locked cock on the job, but for now, his mind was elsewhere, as this big, hot stud pulled up his legs. That's when chris realized the cock ring was making him more rigid than he ever had been. Sal's plunge was not gentle. "FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCK SIR." chris yelled, and Sal laughed. "You don't like it bitch boy? You want an ass flogging instead?" "NO sir. NO. I want your cock. I want it. I want it NOW. He was getting it. Sal had learned what chris liked and what chris LOVED, and tonight, it seemed he was pulling out all the "greatest hits." Sal knew, for example, that chris loved to feel the tip of Sal's cock just at his ass. It was like a tickle, and he kept it there. He kept it there for about five minutes, before he began pushing in further, and further. SLOWLY, so that chris could talk while he was getting nailed. Sal also knew that chris liked to share his feelings about what was happening, and he talked as he was getting Sal's cock in him. The leather smell continued to get him more excited than usual. 'SCREW ME SIR. SCREW YOUR BOY. SCREW HIM LIKE YOU OWN HIM." Sal smiled. "I DO own you boy. No one else gets you." He was feeling very emotional about this: the sex, the leather, it was all great. But he felt, in his heart chris had just said it. Sal owned him. Unsaid, was that chris owned Sal. There was no other way to put it. Those emotions, those feelings of deep, deep love got pushed aside as they both hardened. It was close. It was gonna be a BIG orgasm and then... seconds apart, they exploded. "How you like the harness chris?" Sal kissed him. "You know, I didn't even see it." "You're right. Let's go take a look." "FUCK. It looks GOOD. It smells great. You get one for you Sir?" Sal smiled. "I did. that's waiting for next time. I got another great one in mind for you. "If I were untied, I'd wrap my arms around you Sir." Sal smiled. "But you're not. Maybe you won't be tonight." "C'mon Sir. I can only take so much stimulation." Sal laughed. "Good point. And I can use a hug from my boy." He released the bonds, and they hugged. They stared into each other's eyes. "You know how much I love you? " chris asked. "I think so. Cause I know how much I love YOU" Sal answered. An elephant entered the room. They knew. They knew a wedding was in the air, but not yet. Their families were important and they were adjusting. it would wait.

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After they got cleaned up and sat down for dinner, chris took a sip of wine and spoke. "Hey, I hope I did the right thing today. I called Flynn's brother. Spoke to him. I think they were talking as I left the precinct." Sal looked at him. "He ask you to do that?" "No. I just wanted to see..." Sal crossed his fingers in front of chris. "You have a good heart Officer Messina. I hope this goes well." They continued eating and talking, occasionally thumb wrestling or something silly. Then the phone rang. Sal picked it up. "OH hi Barry. All ok." He was smiling. "You know, I am SO HAPPY TO HEAR THAT. But let me put the instigator on the phone." He handed it to chris. "Remember what I said about how much I love you?" "How could I forget?" "Double it." chris smiled and went back to the phone. "HEY SARGE." "chris.... chris... I don't know how to thank you..." Barry was sobbing a little. "For what? " "Bobby.... Bobby and russ Jordan. They're coming to visit. You put this in motion. You better meet him. And what's this shit about the two of you and kids?" "It's just a start Sarge, just a start." "Start my ass. We're gonna talk about this. Other families would give a ball to have the family support you do. You did this without asking, well...." He laughed. "Colleen has a LOT of time on her hands, and she thinks you two would be GREAT dads. "THE BEST!!!!!" he heard Colleen yell in the background. He talked with Barry for a bit longer, and then said "see ya tomorrow Sarge." He got off the phone. "Well, if Barry and Colleen have anything to do with it, we're gonna be fathers a lot sooner than we thought.

Next: Chapter 9

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