Italian American Style

By moc.loa@potgnipor

Published on Apr 20, 2021


Sal and chris decided to drive over to pizza conference night at about 5:30. There would be traffic, but their families were used to travel delays. It wouldn't be a problem. chris had the day off , so he cleaned house, organized (he was a BIG organizer, much to Sal's dismay), and he was in the shower, cleaning up, just as Sal got home from work. Sal had let chris sleep when he left that morning, so chris hadn't seen what Sal was wearing: a tailored, dark blue denim shirt, and European cut white pants. When Sal walked into the apartment, chris took one look .

"SAL! WHY'D YOU HAVE TO LOOK SO GAY?" Sal smiled , walked over and began twisting chris' nipples "CHRIS! WHY'D YOU HAVE TO BE SO HOT?" chris squirmed, but ... "C'mon Sal. You know.... " "No... what do I KNOW? What I know chris, is your waist towel is beginning to tent out. Is someone excited down there." "LASCIA STAI STOP. You know if you twist my nips..." He sucked his breath in. "DAMN I wish I had a way to make you wanna bend over and take it." Sal smiled "I'll drop my drawers right now and take it if you want it. But you know... you don't. You want mine. And this..." Sal leaned in and took chris' lips, and as they kissed, he gently forced chris' hands behind his back. The towel fell away. "I can't believe I've never tied you up buck naked." "To the bed, you did." "Yeah, but in a chair. Where I can torrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrment you more, my pretty." "You're doing a pretty good job now, Sal. Don't stop." "I gotta. If our moms are BUYING pizza, well. " "PLEASE. What's the line: 'tight as a crab's ass? Both of them." chris put on a black shirt, rolled the sleeves, and then a pair of black pants. Sal commented that HE may look gay, but chris looked like mafia. "Are any mafiosi bottoms? " chris teased. "I think I have the only one. Now let's get moving."

chris drove, and Sal asked. "chrissy, this is a serious question: do you wanna top me? " chris smiled. "You know, sometimes I think about it. Sometimes I dream about it. But every dream, you flip me and I'm moaning for more. So is that your answer? " "It is." Sal put his hand on chris' leg. "You tell me if you ever want to change things up." "Do you Sallie?" Sal laughed. "I don't know. I have the same dream. And I wind up flipping you too." "We're a pair. What did my mom call us?" "Cric e croc. Think about it chris. EVERYONE in this family is a pair. Our moms, our dads. .. probably some day, our sisters too." "GEEZ that's scary," chris said. "I think about Maria becoming my mom." "You don't have to worry about that, babe. Maria is never gonna turn out that way. " He paused. "I think she's the gayest one in the family." "You're right. And she's straight."

They were meeting at the Rosso house. Pindy had set the table, there was a huge salad in the middle, beer and wine, and the guys saw a cheesecake over at the side. "Ma, you think you got enough food?" Sal laughed as he hugged his mom from behind. "NEVER YOU MIND DID I GET ENOUGH. OH, Evie. Can you get the chicken parm out of the oven?" "You made chicken parm? So we're not having pizza?" Sal's mom turned to him. "YOU NUTS? OF COURSE WE'RE HAVING PIZZA. I ONLY MADE THREE POUNDS OF CUTLETS. " She handed him a knife. "Make yourself useful. Cut the bread. You already cut out my heart." She turned away. "MA. How'd I cut out your heart?" "That.. that picture Mrs. Miglirorelli showed me. " "Yeah Sallie. That photo. What's it mean?" "YOU KNOW WHAT IT MEANS MR ROSSO" Maria had just come in. Her mom looked at her. "WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU WEARING? YOU WORKING A CORNER TONIGHT?" Maria smiled. "Ma, you gotta put a quarter in Aunt Pindy's curse jar." Chris laughed. "She's right Ma. " "OH DON'T YOU START WITH ME CHRISSY . YOU SHOULD BE PUTTING YOUR PAYCHECK IN MINE FOR THE NEXT SIX MONTHS." Maria opened her mouth again, with chris thinking "Oh God, what's she gonna say now?" "Hey, why does everyone have their girdles caught up their asses? HUH?" She looked at her mom. "And I'll put my quarter in when you put in yours. " Chris' father spoke. "We think you guys should explain this to us. That's a start." Sal spoke. "Mr. Messina, it's an easy explanation. We're gay. We're lovers. We live together. End of explanation. You want us to leave?" "AND THROW OUT ALL THIS FOOD? NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO. OH NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO. You're sitting, you're eating and you're talking." Just then the doorbell rang. It was the pizza. Maria ran to get it, and her father stopped her. "NOT SO FAST. I know you got a thing for that guy." He called to his son . "Maurizio, take my wallet, pay the guy." Maurizio came back with not four, not five , but SIX pizza boxes. "MA. How much pizza do we need?" Sal shook his head. "SO DON'T EAT IT. I JUST TRIED TO MAKE SURE EVERYONE GOT WHAT THEY LIKED." They sat down, passed around salad, pizza, and then drinks. They were Italian Americans: every crisis would stop for food. "So, Ma, Aunt Pindy, everyone, what do you wanna know?" Silence at the table. "ONE THING WE'RE NOT ANSWERING. NO QUESTIONS ABOUT WHO'S THE WIFE, WHO'S THE GIRL, WHO DOES WHAT TO WHOM. " He smiled. "Not unless everybody else tells us. We don't ask you, you don't ask us." You could see the red color grow across Mr. Rosso's face. He DID want to know: was his son the man or the girl, because that mattered to him. But was he gonna tell his SONS what he did in the bedroom with his wife? Granted, at this point it was nothing, but did he want to admit that? "I guess what I wanna know, Chrissy," Maurizio asked. "Is. how come you kept it a secret?" Chris thought for a minute. "That's a good question bro. I guess my answer is, I didn't really think it WAS a secret because, well, I didn't know what I was feeling. It just sorta... happened . "I knew. I kept it secret. I'm sorry about that." Sal spoke in between bites of pizza. "I didn't say anything because I didn't think I'd have to. I mean, we're both not kids, we weren't hurting anyone, and...." he shrugged his shoulders. "I guess we knew we were gonna have an inquisition like this and we didn't want it." "WHAT INQUISITION? " His mom yelled. "WHAT INQUISITION? WHY IS IT SO WRONG TO WANNA KNOW IF YOUR SON IS GONNA GIVE YOU GRANDKIDS OR NOT?" She looked like she was about to cry. "Ma, can I ask: how long were you and Pa together before you had me?" "Four years, Sallie" his father answered. "Four years. " "YOU SLEPT TOGETHER FOR FOUR YEARS WITHOUT..." Then he stopped. "OH, MADON. You slept with the bolster. Because..." "Because we didn't think we could afford kids. We made up for it," he smiled, and Pindy blushed. "Ma, we've been together about six months. " "AND WHICH ONE OF YOU HAS A WOMB?" "YOU EVER HEAR ABOUT ADOPTION MA? " "HA! Adoption. My blood is where?" "And what about artificial insemination?" "OH MY GOD. You'd put your you know what in a stranger?" Maria started laughing. "Your you know what... That's almost as funny as what she called MY you know what when we had our sex talk." Evie looked at her. "Eat your pizza. You don't eat you don't go out this weekend." "Hey Ma, can I ask you something? You got three other kids. Why is it so important that a kid come from me?" "You're the first one. " "Ma... what happened in Italy with the first one? ALWAYS?" "OH GEEZ. Now you bring up the old country. "No, DIMMI. Tell me. What happened." Her voice dropped. "You gave him to the church. "So you got no kids from the oldest. I offer adoption, insemination, and you say no." "Uh, do I have anything to say about this?" chris asked. "Sallie, those pants are SO HOT. Did you make them?" Maria asked and Sal blushed. Then she spoke again "Hey, can someone tell me, cause I must've missed it. When did chris ever bring a girl home, or go on a date?" Silence. His dad answered slowly "Well, he hung out with his friends a lot." Auntie P, how about Sal? Any girlfriends, any dates?" "OH, Sal had his nose in a book all the time." "You folks ever find girlie magazines, Playboy, Porn around their room?" "GOOD THING I DIDN'T" Mr. Messina bellowed. "Yeah, cause you woulda kept it" chris answered, which got a rise out of everyone. "Listen folks, I'm just asking because.. well, because.. you can't blame a kid for not wanting to share around here. You do, and you know Mrs. Migliorelli is gonna ask about it the day after BINGO. But you folks... you adults. YOU NEVER NOTICED?" "We just... we just... we wanted to let you kids grow up without us interfering too much." ALL the kids started laughing. "MA" Sal's sister Loretta added. "Chrissy and Sallie ARE grown up. Can you leave them alone?" "But.. grandchildren..." Evie began to pout. "Ma, look, here's the truth. Sallie and I, we haven't talked about it. We've been making careers. For all I know, I'm gonna take a bullet tomorrow." "Don't say that chrissy. Please don't say that." Everyone looked. It came from Sal. "I second that," added Pindy. "I don't intend to , but my point is: we're just not ready for that. I promise you though... DAD, tell em, when I make a promise, I keep it" Francesco shook his head. "That's the truth." "We're gonna talk about it. We will. We haven't said yes, we haven't said no. We'll talk about it. That's the best we can do." There was a bit of silence, and then Evie spoke. "Sallie,when you were the first one to answer about the bullet.... even before me... that told me everything. I stuck my head in where it doesn't belong. She laughed. "Mrs Migliorelli is one to talk. HER daughter: she married a drunk. " She turned to chris. "You gotta collar him. Ain't that what you police guys say." "Yeah, cause if Sallie collars him he's gonna look as good as chrissy does," Sal Sr said, to laughter.

"I'd like to be the one collaring YOU, stud." Sal said to chris as they drove back home after the family conference. Sal drove back since chris droe them to the conference. "You'd like that, wouldn't you? A collar around my neck, me chained to the wall, naked. Helpless." "Put your hand between my legs, chrissy. You'll see how much I'd like that." chris began to laugh. "Your sister, chris, if she doesn't go to law school, there's something wrong with the world." "I KNOW. GOD. She was like - what's that one on TV ?" "Julie Margolis? That lawyer show?" "Yeah, but she's better." Sal answered. "You wanna take your hand off my crotch?" "No," chris answered, smiling. "Hmmm. Maybe tomorrow after work I WILL go shopping for a collar. I know what neck size you need." There was silence for a few minutes. Then, Sal brought up the elephant in the car. "Chris, what do you think about kids?" "I like kids," he answered, playing coy. "NO. I mean us having them." chris laughed. "I think about it all the time. I think about Sargeant Flynn, not seeing his nephew, I think about all those families we see with the kids." He sighed. "I just worry, Sal, I worry. The job, the guns.." "Have you ever been shot at and you didn't tell me?" Sal's voice was rising. "No, no. That never happened. Ever. I've never even had to take mine outta my holster. " Sal made a joke. "If we get home in 15 minutes, in 20 minutes MY pistol is gonna be outta my holster. " chris smiled again, then Sal continued "Chris look. I get it. I get it for real. You have a scary job. But ya know, LIFE is scary. About two months ago, a needle broke on some gal's machine, flew up in her eye. They couldn't save it. "GEEZ. You didn't tell me THAT." "No, I didn't. Cause you'd insist I quit." "Ha ha. Damn right I would've. " "So, does this make my job more dangerous than yours, babe? " Sal asked. chris sighed. "Let me think about it this week. I see where you're coming from. " He shook his head. "GOD. Can you imagine a little Sal, or a little chris running around the house?" "Maybe a little Loretta, or Maria? Or Pindy? Or Evie?" "What did you say about life being scary Sal? I can't imagine raising a little version of our mothers."

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Sal and chris had certain "rules," and one was, once they were both inside the house, Sal was the BOSS. And the BOSS slammed the door shut and told chris. "GET NAKED. COMPLETELY. I still haven't forgotten how good your nips felt." chris smiled. "Yes sir." "When you're done, in the chair. Hands behind your back." Sal stripped down too. chris, being the neat freak, had put a napkin on chair so he didn't stain it. Sal had pulled out the strips of silk he used when he tied chris to that chair, and he wrapped one around his wrists, tying them securely. Then he tied each of chris' ankles to the chair, spreading him. Then he did something new, something chris didn't expect. Sal smiled as he pulled out a very long, very narrow strip of silk. He began winding it around chris' balls. "HEY. WHAT THE FUCK. SALLIE. MY BALLS?" Sal smiled and his hard on got longer and harder. "Looks like we're gonna need one more, maybe two. " He balled up a piece of silk. "Open your mouth. " "NOT UNTIL YOU TELL ME. OWWWWWWWWWWWW MMMMMMMMMMMMMMPH." Sal "snookered" chris, and pushed his knee into his crotch. When chris yelled, Sal shoved in the balled silk, and then he tied it in place. He smiled as he picked up the silk cord around chris' balls.

"Long enough to bring over to Betsy" - that's what he called his sewing machine - and she's gonna pull that cord little by little. Won't matter for a while, but.... DAMN you're gonna look good when your balls can't move." "MMMMMMMMMMMMPH." chris looked concerned. Betsy was getting older now, and sometimes he heard Sal curse when she went to fast, or stopped, or didn't turn off. HIS BALLS were attached to the machine. Sal sat down at his chair "WHY THE FUCK DOESN'T HE USE A NAPKIN?" chris thought, before Sal pressed his foot to the pedal. and the cord started moving. chris looked down as the slack left the cord, and it began to grow taut." "mmmmmmmmmmmmph????" He mumbled. Then things got tauter. "Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmph????" Then a few more strokes and.... no slack. "MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMPH!!!!!!!!!!!!!" "Oh, HOT DAMN chrissy. You know, I should make some kind of erotic novel up about a captured cop. Gagged. Helpless. Everyone thinks they're gonna flip him to gay and then they find out... he's hard as a rock..." chris WAS hard as a rock. When Sal started molesting his nipples, he moaned, louder and louder. Squirming was, well, out of the question. His balls hurt enough from the cord, and if he twisted... they hurt more. Sal ran a finger under chris' balls. "I wonder if this is gonna stimulate you to shoot more. If it does, and we go ahead with the kid... THAT's gonna be an awesome collection day. "MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMPH." chris moaned more and more. The finger under his balls, the nipple play, the pull of the silk rope, they were all making him hornier, and hornier. "I wonder...." Sal struck a "thinker" pose, which showed off his biceps, making chris even hornier. "I wonder what would happen if...." He took one finger, and touched it very gently to the tip of chris' hard cock. "MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP PPH!!!!!" That was all it took. chris began to shoot out onto the floor. Sal put his hand out to catch some of it. He held it up to his mouth and licked his fingers. "My Sicilian stud... tastes like garlic. And olive oil. And HOT COP. " "mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmph.." chris was begging for Sal to ungag him and to untie his balls. Sal pulled out a scissor and cut the cord. That freed chris from Betsy, but his balls were still tied up like the rest of him. "I wonder... should I leave you there until you're ready to cum again, or... should I just fuck you .." "FFFFFFFFFMPMMPPME.FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFMPHMEPLLLLLLLLSSS" Sal smiled. "Not sure I got that dialect down pat, but I think I know what it means..." He undid the gag, and ran his fingers over chris' nips. "FUCK. They're always tender after I jack." Sal just smiled and then his mouth went to one and chewed. "FUCKING SHIT. ME AND MY BIG MOUTH." "Oh yeah. That big mouth that takes me so well. Not tonight though, cause I NEED THAT ASS." Sal pulled out his work scissor again, and cut the ankle cords. "I'm keeping you wrapped up stud, cause I'm taking you from behind. "yes sir," chris gasped. Sal took chris by his own solid bicep, and threw him down on the bed. He reached under chris, and pulled his cock down, so that it hung between his legs. Then he moved one, and two fingers into chris' ass. "OH SIR. OH MY GOD. OH MY MAN. TEASING ME. TEASING ME.... FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCK." "No more teasing copmeat. No more teasing at all." Sal's cock began to slip into chris, and chris moaned with pleasure. "FUCK YEAH. FUCK. FUCK FUCK FUCK." Sal complied. He began to pump chris' ass. He had wanted to fuck him when they were getting ready for the conference. He had waited all this time. He thought about how good chris looked in all that black and he wondered - leather outfit for my stud? Hmmm. " He answered his question when heard chris yelp. Thinking about chris in leather had gotten Sal even harder, and his cock was doing some serious "damage" to his lover. "DAMN IT SAL. This always happens when you eat those fucking anchovies." Sal bent down and whispered "It's the caper berries, muffin. Think about them... I could leave that cord on your balls, and they'd shrink to that size. " "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO. NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO. Don't do that." "Heh heh. Not gonna do that. I LOVE having my big balled BOTTOM. NOW TAKE IT ALL YOU FUCKING HANDSOME STUD!" Sal picked up the pace of his fucking. chris was moaning "Uhhhh. uhhhhhhhhhhh. UHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH," as he heard Sal's hips slapping against his ass. Sal's pushing got faster and faster. "MY LOVER IS THE HOTTEST FUCK IN THE WORLD!" Sal yelled as he shot deep into chris. "Mmmmmmmmmmmmmm. Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm." chris was smiling as Sal fell on top of him. "Know why I let you abuse me like this, Sallie?" "Because you like it?" "Well, that's part of it. The other part... I love you." Sal was untying all of the restraints. "And I love you, too Officer Messina." He pulled chris into him. They were facing each other and, notwithstanding the jizz on Sal's lips, they kissed. "What a day. What a way to end it," chris smiled. As he nodded off to sleep, his grip on Sal didn't weaken. Sal knew how to sneak out of that grip: this had happened before. chris slept what his mom called "the sleep of the innocent." For now, he wanted to look at this handsome man. He DID want kids. He wanted kids that turned out just like chris: strong, sweet kids that never picked on the geeky ones. He began to think: would he quit his job if they had kids, become a stay at home pa? He laughed a little. LIke Maria and Loretta, not to mention the moms, were gonna give up babysitting duty. "What're you laughing at? " chris woke up . "You looking at my cock again?" "Yeah, I was. Thinking about how if I made a pizza with that pepperoni, I'd cover a slice, maybe. "OH... YOU STINKER." chris wrestled out of Sal's embrace and pinned him down. Sal smiled. "Go ahead. I know you want to." chris looked at him. "You'd let me fuck you Sal?" "Hell yeah. " "You want it? Cause... I don't think I could. I'm just not wired that way. " "No worries, stud, no worries. You leave the heavy work to guys like me. You cops go get some donuts." "Know what is reminding me of a donut, Sallie? That navel of yours...." chris began chomping at it, making animal noises, and making his ticklish lover scream. "STAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAP. STAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAP."

chris looked up. He smiled. "Buy me a collar tomorrow, Sal. One you like. " "MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM. Anything for my man." Sal did stop at the erotic store the next day. He got the collar. And he bought chaps. And a black leather vest. and a cap. All in chris' size.

Next: Chapter 8

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