Italian American Style

By moc.loa@potgnipor

Published on Apr 6, 2021


Neither Sal nor chris had seen Mrs. Migliorelli take the photo. They just headed back to their place to get on with life after the Easter dinner , while Mrs. Migliorelli, well, you'll find out.

Everything began to come together about a week and a half later. chris came home from his beat, and when he came into the house, he saw a cross between a stool and a chair in the middle of the living room. It was taller than a standard chair: he saw that the rung where you would normally put your feet was a few inches off the ground, so if your feet were on the rung, they wouldn't touch the floor.

"Hmmm. Must've been something Sal saw and liked. Whatever," he thought, just before he felt Sal's arm grab him in a headlock.

"HEY. What the...." Sal had started going to the gym so it was going to be tougher for chris to get out of this than it had been in the past. He was able to twist his head enough to see the smile on Sal's face: chris called it Sal's "fuck face," because when he smiled like that, it meant chris was gonna get fucked.

" 'Member how many times you put ME in one of this studmuffin?" Sal laughed. "How's it feel... bottom boy?" chris felt Sal tighten the grip around his neck.

"Sal, knock it the fuck off. I'm gonna puke up my meatballs. You want sex? Let's have sex. "

"Oh, we're gonna have sex, chris baby, but we're gonna have it in a slightly different way, cause bottom boy, things are about to change around here." He dragged chris over to the stool. There was a back on it, but it was lower than usual.

"CLIMB UP. SIT! Hands behind your back, officer messina." chris liked it when Sal called him that. It went back to fantasies he had when he was a kid: the captured sheriff, captured Jim West, tied up lone ranger. Being called "officer messina" by his lover brought him back to that.

chris had changed before he had come home, so he was in a dark gray V neck t shirt and tight fitting jeans. Sal had made him the shirt, and it showed off every crevice of his torso. Now, as Sal tied his wrists behind him, he understood the chair: without being able to plant his feet on the floor, he was more helpless than usual, and the placement of the back pushed his chest out. He could see his nipples poking at the shirt fabric. He felt Sal grab one, then the other ankle, and tie them back so that his legs were spread.

"Look at that handsome, studly cop. TOTALLY at my mercy..." Sal came in close and began to slowly massage chris' nipples. "Nice and tender, huh office messina?" chris grunted. "I dunno what you're talking about. FUCK..." Sal tightened his twisting, just as he pushed his knee into chris' crotch. He worked the nipples and crotch for a few minutes, as he watched chris' bulge grow.

"Guess who went to the gym today, officer messina ? This guy. And guess who's got a REAL smelly jock for you." Sal's smile got bigger, as he pulled it out, and massed it into a ball. "Open up, cop." chris smiled. "I'm just gonna spit it back out." "No you're not. You'll see. " Sal pushed his knee into chris' crotch harder. When chris cried in pain , in went the gag. Now, chris LOVED Sal's jock sweat smell. If he could get into bed with Sal after the gym, but before a shower, he thought he got 10% harder. So he LOVED the idea of having this jock in his mouth, and he chewed on it to get what he called "Sal juice out of it. Making Sal force him to take it, just made it better. But how was Sal gonna keep it in? Then he found out. Sal pulled out a remnant from one of his creations, and a large narrow piece of blue silk tied the jock in. "MMMMMMMMMMMPH." chris was enjoying himself so much, he was having difficulty showing he was in distress. When Sal pulled out one of their kitchen spatulas, he didn't have trouble anymore. Sal wasn't joking, as he began slowly stroking the plastic spatula over chris' cock. "Maybe I'm gonna scramble some eggs for dinner, huh chris?" chris looked at him, a little scared. He began shaking his head "NO," and Sal just smiled. "Bottoming for me is great, you stud. But you're gonna have to do better. You're gonna have to become... my fucking sub." chris wasn't sure what Sal meant. He had always wanted to have cock up his ass. Wasn't that being a sub? What did Sal want. "WHACK!" the spatula came down, and chris tried to yelp through the gag. "This is the start christofero. You're gonna get ten tonight. " He chucked as he saw chris' big brown eyes get bigger. "You can handle it. All those years doing construction, then out on the street with your nightstick. Well.. " Sal opened his pants and stepped out of them when they fell down. chris' eyes were glued to his hard cock. "You're gonna get MY nightstick tonight. After...." he got back to the beating he was giving chris' cock. "You're gonna be in this chair every night. EVERY FUCKING NIGHT. It's gonna be part of our routine, you hot fucking piece of italian meat. " "MMMMMMMMMMMMMMPH." chris didn't think he could take a ball beating every night. "We'll be doing something different. Every night. Something that show's who's in charge...." Sal grabbed chris' nips and squeezed hard. "We KNOW who's in charge, don't we?" chris bowed his head and tried to get a "yes sir" out, but all he could manage was "mmmmmmmmmph." "Too bad I worked so hard making that shirt, cause what I wanna do now, is just cut holes in it over your nips. " Sal thought for a minute. "DAMN. You're so fucking hot I forgot there's more than one way to skin a cat..." He grabbed the front of chris' t shirt, pulled it out of his jeans and yanked it over chris' head. Sal's lover's magnificent torso was on full display. He stared at it as hard as chris was staring at Sal's hard cock, which Sal stopped to stroke every now and then. "Clamps? Hmmmm. You want clamps studmuffin?" "MMMNMMMMN" chris was shaking his head no, and Sal laughed. "How about we go old school? I found these at your mom's house." He pulled out two clothespins, and chris remembered back to his teenage years, when he had played with his own nipples using his mother's clothespins. "MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMPH!!!!!!" he screamed into the gag, as Sal attached them. He looked at the gleam in Sal's eyes as he started twisting them. He felt liquid seeping out of his own cock. "Ha ha. You want some of this meat chrissy? Isn't that what your dad said to you at Easter? You want some sausage?" chris began to shake his head up and down, as Sal kept up the clothespin play. "Wonder how one of these would feel at the end of your big cock, stud boy?" "MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMPH" chris shook his head NO more vigorously than he ever had. Sal just smiled. "Maybe tomorrow. A little pain is GOOD for a sub stud." He began untying the silk pieces he had used to tie chris' ankles. "Ok, now you can get on your knees, chrissy. Time for you to have a sausage lollipop." When Sal took the gag off chris, chris looked up at him, with a pleading look. "Please Sir.. can you take the pins off?" "NAH. AFTER you get me nice and wet. I wanna play with them while you do..." "Yes sir." chris knew that Sal meant it, so he got to work. He knew by now how Sal liked to be sucked and he knew he was doing well by the way Sal had moved his fingers from the clothespins, and had begun massaging chris' ears. Sal used to refer to chris as his "big puppy" because of how sensitive his ears were. For chris, it was hard to stay focused on sucking Sal while his ears were being worked. He LOVED IT. Sal pulled back and then he released the pins "YEEEEEEEEEEEEOWTCH!" chris yelled. He leaned against Sal's lower body and purred, as his ears got massaged more and more. "You gonna be my bitch cop? Like in all those dirty books, chrissy?" "Sir, I already AM your bitch cop, but yes... YES.. Take your bitch cop's ass." "I oughtta collar you and drag you into the bedroom, you big helpless stud.." Sal laughed. "I wonder what Sargent Flynn would think if he saw you like this. He probably thinks you're fucking ME" (That WAS , indeed the case. Sargent Flynn, in his good hearted way, had given chris some books that he had read on "how to keep it up" and "how to keep your partner satisfied," which were all from the active partner point of view. He hadn't corrected him. "Slip your hand in the cuff, stud. I'll lock the other one when you're done." "Yes sir." chris knew that it gave Sal a kick to see him have to immoblize himself for getting fucked. When he was done, Sal grabbed chris' free wrist and tied that one down, too. "Want your feet tickled tonight, chrissy?" "NO! NO! C'MON. You nearly ripped my tits off Sal. Can't I get some cock?" "Just know... it's on the menu this week." He pulled off chris' shoes and then his sheer socks. Then he slipped off the jeans. "OH MAN. Just FEEL that fine ass," Sal had slipped his hands behind chris and was kneading his cheeks. "Peaches? Who needs peaches? I got honeydew melons." He fell on top of chris and shoved his tongue down chris' throat, finding no opposition as he frenched him hard. Sal looked at him. "You want this?" He ran his tongue around his lips. That always meant that Sal would eat chris' ass if he wanted it. "YES SIR. YES. PLEASE. I'LL DO WHATEVER YOU WANT. PLEASE!!!!!" "Ha ha. You'll do that anyway, now let's get those legs up. " Sal had a strange habit of making a pig grunt before he went after chris' ass, and he did it again. chris began to laugh. "Wha? What's funny?" "Oh, I'm sorry Sir. That noise. That noise. Remember that old crabby ass Father Pollack in English class? Always changing 'I' to 'me' and 'me' to 'I' and teaching us that song about proper grammar. Sal looked at him. His fingers dug into chris' ribs. "YOU TELLING ME I REMIND YOU OF FATHER POLLACK? " "hahahahahahahahahahahaha. NO. NO. That sound though... it just reminded me of how he'd snort before we got lectured." "Well, he never did this to you.. although I'm sure he wanted to. EVERYONE did.." This time, Sal didn't snort, and he began to lick the skin around chris' asshole, before he dug in. When he heard chris moan, and he felt him push his ass forward, he went in deeper. "OH SHIT. OH YEAH SAL. OH FUCK. OOOOOOOOOOOOH. WHY THE HELL DID YOU WAIT TO DO THIS TO ME? OH FUCK...." Sal looked up. "I wanted to make sure I could do it good for the man I always loved." chris smiled. "Not good, Mr. Rosso. Well. Use the adverb, not the adjective," and chris began to laugh. "OH FUCK YOU MESSINA. Maybe I should just leave you here and jerk off." "NO. NO. PLEASE SIR. PLEASE. I WANT COCK. I WANT COCK. " chris smiled. "There's only one thing I want as much as I want cock." "What's that babyface?" "Next time.. next time we fuck... can you put on one of my uniforms? PLEEEEEEEEEEASE" "Hmmmm. Intriguing. VERY intriguing. Cop to cop sex. Seen a porn of that once or twice. Always wondered: who's doing my man at work. BETTER NOT BE ANYONE ELSE BUT ME." "NO SIR. NO. The only cock I want , is yours. MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM" He felt Sal begin entering him. He was so hard. So rigid. It WAS like a nightstick, but it was warm. So warm. chris was tied so he couldn't grab his balls, but that was ok: Sal grabbed them for him. He twisted them gently this time. "Cop on cop action... Maybe I'll make me a uniform. Gonna learn how to cut and sew leather next week?" He thrust into chris. "Leather? How come Sir?" "Cause there's a leather fair not too far away in the future, and I wanna show up with my hot lover, in nothing but a leather harness I make for him." NOW TAKE MY COCK." As Sal thrust, chris realized that he might have to work the day of the leather festival. It would wait. For now, he just threw back his head so Sal could nibble on his adam's apple as he drove, deeper and deeper. chris began to cry a little. "You're so good to me Sir. SO GOOD TO ME. GOD YOU FEEL GOOD." Sal smiled. "OH YEAH. How good does THIS feel?" He pulled out and rammed in, hard. "HOLY SHIT. HOLY FUCKING SHIT." He felt Sal unload in his ass and unload big. He felt Sal moe his hand from his balls, up to his cockhead, and tease it until the dripping became a stream, and the stream became... a geyser. chris let go. It seemed to the two of them that every time they made love, they were making up for a month they weren't together as boys. Sal fell down on top of chris. "I feel like I could fuck you every hour of every day, chris." He kissed his ear. "DAMN you make me feel so good." "You make me feel good too Sir. REAL good. Listen, about that leather fest?" "Uh huh? " "Well, two things. First, I may have to work. Low man on the totem pole, Sunday event. Remember? Also, if I don't have to work, are we ready? I mean, that's a public event. There are gonna be people. Maybe people we know, maybe people who know people we know, there's gonna be photos. We gotta think about this." Sal sighed, as he ran his fingers through the jizz all over chris' torso. He moved some to his own lips before he shared with chris. "Yeah, I hadn't thought about that. If our folks don't know, can't let anyone else know."

And as Sal was saying that, his mom, and chris' mom, were on the phone talking about the photo Mrs. Migliorelli sent to them. "OH EVIE. JESUS CHRIST. WHAT THE?" "Pindy, pindy be calm. We don't know what it means." "THE HELL WE DON'T EVIE. HAS YOUR HUSBAND EVER KISSED YOU LIKE THAT, CAUSE MY HUSBAND SURE AS SHIT NEVER DID?" "Pindy, I know, I know. Come on. Level with me. You never thought this could be?" "NO! They're friends. GOOD FRIENDS. GOOD CATHOLIC FRIENDS. EVIE. OIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII. IF THEY'RE DOING THIS IN PUBLIC, WHAT'RE THEY DOING IN PRIVATE. I DON'T WANNA KNOW."' Evie laughed. "Now, Pindy, that's a baldfaced lie. You spent the day wondering about it after she sent you the picture, that... that STRONZ. Why can't she keep her nasty secrets to herself. "OH, EVIE. It's just such bad news. I mean... are they doing the stuff we saw in that movie ?" Evie was silent. "Oh MY GOD, you're right, P. And then they brought those germs into the house. You remember if they washed their hands before Easter dinner?" "EVIE. Easter dinner is NOT my biggest worry?" "What's your biggest worry old lady?" "My biggest worry? MY BIGGEST WORRY? THE SIN EVIE THE SIN. OI. " "You know some people don't think it is P?" "THEN WHY DIDN'T THEY TELL US?" "P, how long did it take before you told your folks about Mr. Rosso?" "THAT WAS DIFFERENT." "So you didn't sin?" "NOT MORE THAN YOU DID PUTA!" "Ok P, Ok, calm down. What's the second worry you got?" "My second worry? Grandchildren." She began to cry. "They're never gonna give us any." Evie looked up to heaven and said a prayer of thanks. She was DONE with kids. No more. "Listen P, tell ya what? When was the last time we had a family pizza conference?" "Oh madon' Wasn't that when Maria started wearing makeup at school?" "Maybe time for another one." "GOOD IDEA. I'll make the call." "P, maybe you shouldn't. I'll make the call. I'll set it all up. " And the next day, Evie called chris at night. When he was done, he looked at Sal. "Somethin's up, stud?" "Wha? " "Well, that was my ma. We've been summoned. Not invited, summoned. Pizza conference night. " "What night?" "Next night I have off. Thursday." "Hmmm. Two days from today. Ok... " Sal smiled. "If there's no sausage pie...." chris shook his head. "Sallie, you didn't hear her voice. Something's up. I have no idea what, but..." He thought for a minute. "I'll call Maria." "Ciao bel. Che cosa?" "Maria, chrissy here." "Yeah, I know. Names come up on cell phones stoonad." "Listen, this family conference thing?" "Oh yeah. It's about the picture Mrs. Migliorelli took." "What picture? " "OH, Mom didn't tell you? You guys thought you were in the clear when you kissed. Migliorelli got a photo. She sent it to Ma." chris felt the blood drain out of his face. "YOU KNEW?" "Oh, I saw the picture. Mom showed it to me. WHEW that was a hot kiss. She wanted to know if I knew." "What did you tell her?" "I told her DUH. If she hadn't figured it out, tobacco had rotted her brain." chris felt amused, and also concerned. "What about Sallie's mom?" Maria sighed. "Let's just say that's gonna be a harder nut to crack. Maybe I'll get some dirt on her. She doesn't spend ALL that time in confession because she likes the smell of incense." "Ok, M. You gonna be there?" Maria laughed. "OH, I wouldn't miss this inquisition for seven gowns from Sallie. You bet I'll be there." chris wasn't sure if he felt good, or bad about that. He gave his sister a kiss goodnight, and went into the room where Sal was watching the news." "Houston, we got a problem?" "Matt Houston?" Sal smiled. "I mean, I know I'm hot, but..." "Sallie, listen to me. Seriously. Remember that kiss after Easter?" Sal thought for a minute and smiled. "OH YEAH. I was horny all the way home." "That witch Migliorelli saw us. She took a photo. That's what the conference is about." Sal sighed. "Well, let's not say we didn't think this COULD happen. " "Sal, your mom is gonna be the problem. That's what Maria says." Sal smiled. "You know, my mom, when I was a young boy, had her share of fun. I was home a lot because you jocks didn't want me around. I got a few names. ASHPETT chrissy. I can control my mom." Could he? Come back. You'll find out.

Next: Chapter 7

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