Italian American Style

By moc.loa@potgnipor

Published on Mar 28, 2021


Chris was at home, sleeping. It was late afternoon, just before Sal would be coming home. He had drawn night shift duty this week, so his sleep pattern was less than ideal. He had swapped shifts with a guy so that he could be available for Easter Sunday dinner that weekend. Dealing with street crime at night was easier than the wrath of the family if he missed Easter because he had to work!

As Chris slept, he was having a dream. He had had variations of the dream before. In it, he was in a desert, staked out, wearing nothing but camouflage pants. He couldn't move very well, and while he screamed, no one was around to hear him. Then, he heard a horse coming closer and he began screaming even louder. The horse rode up, and Sal, dressed in all black with a big black sombrero, was on it. He looked down at chris, and smiled.

"Well, well. I went out looking for rabbit, and I found me a stag. " "HEY. STAG SHMAG. It's hot. Let me up. C'mon." "How'd you get there? Indians?" "I got no idea. It's a dream. Just let me up." Sal got off the horse and walked over. "You're a real pretty guy, ya know that." "OH SHIT," chris began to sweat. "I heard about this guy" Sal began stroking chris' chest. "How about we start with your ankles. Then we can see how far your legs can get in the air." "NO NO. It's ok, it's ok. I don't wanna delay you." "Ha ha. Delay is relative stud. It's all relative." He unbuttoned the shorts and began sliding them down. When chris tried to pull his legs together, Sal pulled out a knife "I COULD cut them off ya, bud. But I might slip and take a little more. Up to ya. One way or the other though, yup... I'm gonna have your ass. " "Please. Please don't. I'm a family man. I got relatives..." "What you got is a stiff cock bud." In the dream, after Sal got his pants off, he saw chris' rigid cock. He spat into his hands, and then unbuttoned his own pants. "Now, let's see who's bigger. OH SON OF A GUN! Looks like you're bigger. Ain't it a shame that...." "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO" chris yelled in the dream, and this time, in his sleep. He yelled just as Sal was coming in the door. "CHRIS. WHAT THE FUCK. " Sal went over to his lover and sat down next to him. "Another bad dream?" "The same one. The one I told you about where .. I'm tied down and you're about to fuck me." Sal smiled, as he ran his fingers over chris' torso. "You know, that doesn't sound like such a bad dream to me. You tied up, me about to fuck you. Only thing better... is you tied down and me fucking you..." He kissed chris. "And.... while you're not tied up, you ARE awfully hard. " He pulled off his shirt, and then dropped his pants. "I'm gonna make you feel it when you sit in that patrol car tonight, stud." Sal pushed chris' legs up in the air like he did in the dream. His smile was the same as in the dream, but the gentle way he handled chris was not. Sex with Sal was always good, sometimes it was great and sometimes it was just, well, off the charts. That's what it was like for chris that afternoon. He may have been supersensitive after the dream, but Sal also seemed turbocharged as he drove into chris' ass. "HOLY FUCK SAL. YOU TRYING TO MAKE ME PREGNANT?" "Heh heh. Wonder what a kid produced by us would look like." "Studly as hell. My face and your brains. OH FUCK." Just when chris thought Sal couldn't get any deeper, he did. Sal was in so far chris was feeling his hips against his ass. "DON'T TAKE IT OUT STUD. DON'T. OH FUCK. OH SHIT...OH... MY LOVER IS THE BEST COCK IN THE WORLD.' Sal's face had a wicked grin on it as he pulled out about half way, and then drove in all the way. "FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCK" yelled chris. "GEEZ you really mean it. You want the car seat to hurt like a bitch." "Speaking of bitches. TAKE IT" Sal pulled back again, and this time he began sliding back and forth, faster and faster. When chris reached down to begin jerking off, Sal pushed his hand away. "Nope. Patience brings reward." He rolled his tongue around his lips. "You want your hand, or you want my mouth?" "YOUR MOUTH SIR YOUR MOUTH. PLEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEASE." There was one final push from Sal, and then his jizz began pouring into chris' ass. "HOLY FUCK. I think I AM gonna be pregnant. DAMN. " "Ha ha. Well how we gonna explain THAT? Now, excuse me but I gotta get a mouth full." Sal began going down on chris' cock. The one bad thing about Sal's baldness was that chris couldn't get a handful of hair to push and pull his head back and forth. He tried doing it with Sal's ears, but he could never get a good grip. Nevertheless, Sal seemed to be doing just fine without any help. "OH YES. OH YES. OH DADDY YEAH. OH GOT. OH. MADONNA. OH... " chris bucked his hips and he began shooting. He never wanted Sal to take his juice, but Sal insisted. He swallowed every little bit. Then he licked chris' cock until chris began to laugh. That's when they began cuddling. "You know, I wonder what those dreams are about chris." He kissed Sal on the forehead. "You feeling trapped by me?" "NO. NO. Absolutely not. Not you, not the job. Maybe family, I don't know." "Maybe you just want me to tie you up more?" chris smiled. "You can't do it enough." "Hmmmmm. Got to keep that in mind." chris paused and then brought something up he had been thinking about. "You know I'd love to have your baby Sal. " Sal looked at him. "You're talking in riddles, chrissy. What's that mean? Last I checked, you didn't have the equipment." "I mean... I'd love it if we had a kid. You know, IVF or adoption or something?" Sal laughed. "I hear ya. What are we gonna do? Wrap it in swaddling like Moses. You think either of our moms is gonna be real happy if we adopt as a couple, and no women are involved?" chris sighed. "I know, I know. Maybe I'm just thinking about it because, well, it's Easter dinner and you know that's when they always bring up the "when you gonna settle down thing?" "It's my mom cooking this year isn't it?" "No. MY mom is doing it. She's been calling me and asking what you like all week." "They do that every year. Then they make what they want anyway." "I know. I told her you like scarola. And bracciole. "Well, I do." "GOOD. So I threw a sweet cake to the beast and shut her up. At least for a little while."

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EVERYONE came back to 'the old neighborhood' on Easter, so by the time Sal and chris drove there, parking was tough. They parked about three blocks away. Sal was carrying the cassata cake for dessert that they got from the same bakery every year, chris was carrying two huge Easter lily plants. Each of their mothers thought she had a green thumb, and every year two lillies died prematurely. Still, tradition is strong.

"WELL, LOOK WHO FINALLY SHOWED UP . CRIC AND CROC" chris could tell immediately, his mother was in exceptional form that week. He pulled his sister to the side. "Quante volte" (how many times), he asked. It was an annual reference to how many times she had said that week that they should enjoy it since "it was the last Easter she'd be with them." "I think I counted six. " "SIX? That's a lot even for her." "She quit smoking this week. She's a little.. wired.." "ARE YOU GONNA SIT DOWN OR WHAT? " she yelled at Sal and Chris. "Ma, we're looking to see how we can help. "YOU WANNA HELP? GET OUT OF MY WAY." "Yeah, so you can yell at me for being a lazy bum." "YOU ARE A LAZY BUM. HOW MANY TIMES DID YOU CALL ME THIS WEEK, HUH?" "Ma, I got the night shift, I'm asleep during the day." "Can't answer, see. HA! No lawyer in the family but me. Perry Mason, eat your heart out." Chris looked at Sal and they both looked at Chris' sister. "You wanna show us what's new in your life, Maria?" She smiled. "Yeah. I got a dress for a party I wonder if Sal could take a look. Maybe make some changes." "By the way boys," Sal's mom came over for a kiss. "You both look real nice." They were wearing shirts Sal had made for them. A dark blue one for chris, and a white one with maroon and gold highlights for himself. "Ma, is Mrs. Messina alright?" Sal asked and his mom shook her head in frustration. "WHY did she decide to give up cigarettes at HER age. Cold Turkey no less. And she decided this week that none of her kids are gonna give her grandchildren. OI VEY, a call every day. Sometimes two. " She paused. "Maybe you can hold her down boys, and I'll shove a cigarette in her mouth." "Sounds like a plan," Maria overheard them. "Come on upstairs. Let's go hide." "SURE. LEAVE ME IN THE KITCHEN. I CAN DO IT ALL BY MYSELF. I ALWAYS DO IT ALL BY MYSELF." "MA, we asked you if we could help you threw us out." "IT'S NOT THE SAME THING." "I'm coming to live with the two of you," Maria whispered. "This every day, I can't take it." "I'm coming too," chris' father came over and gave him a hug "Buon Pasqua figlio." "Buon Pasqua Signore Messina," Sal held out his hand. "You taking good care of my son, Sallie? Looks like he's putting on weight. That shirt... a little snug.." "Let's go guys. We REALLY gotta catch up."

They went up to Maria's bedroom. Her dress, cerulean, with a white lace collar, was gorgeous. Sal looked at it. "Maria, that's my design." She smiled. "YOU BOUGHT ONE OF MY DRESSES. LADY I WOULDA MADE YOU ONE." She smiled. "Well, I didn't wanna ask. I know you're both busy and..." she got quiet. "Can I ask you guys something?" "Sure sis," chris answered. "What's up?" "When are you gonna tell the families that you're gay?" It's hard to tell which one of Sal and Chris staggered more. "W... well... what makes you think we're gay, sis?" She looked at him. "You think I'm as stupid as you? PULEEEEZE. Straight guy wearing a shirt custom made for his body? Two hot guys any gal would marry living together? The way the two of you look at each other..." "Yup. You figured it out," Sal said. "When are we gonna tell? Not on Easter, that's for sure." "SEE? You're the SMART one, Sallie. My brother here? He'd probably started talking about your sex life if he had the chance." chris smiled. "It IS pretty awesome." LASCIA STAI" Maria answered. STOP. "I'm a healthy, horny young woman. Don't tell me how the two of you are bumping pussies in bed when I can't get laid for love or money in Catholic town." "YOU FOLKS GONNA COME DOWN AND EAT OR YOU GETTING PIZZA? NOT THAT I CARE." Evie yelled. "Rare form this week, guys, rare form. Yeah, don't say anything today. We gotta live with her. You don't. "

"Sallie, you on a diet?" Evie asked "No, why do you ask, Mrs Messna?" "Cause you barely touched the salsicce in the antipasto. You love sausage." chris began to slowly choke on the roasted pepper he had in his mouth. "I do love sausage Mrs. Messina, especially ones you make. I had one last night." chris turned his head from the table. "OH, from the last batch I sent home with chrissy. Hey, wasssa matter, figlio? Something go down the wrong pipe?" "No ma. Just swallowed wrong." "It happens," said Sal, which provoked chris to get up and go to the bathroom so he could keep from choking and laughing. "Hey, Sallie, by the way on diets: you think my chrissie is getting fat?" "No. It's just the cut of shirt Mr. Messina. I made that for him." "YOU made it? Sallie, don't take this the wrong way but... it makes him look like one of those guys in that movie... what was it called Ev?" "You mean Cruising." chris had just come back in the room. "You two watched CRUISING?" "Yeah, we saw Al Pacino was in it. we thought it was gonna be the Godfather or something like that." "Uh, ten minutes into it you know it's NOT the godfather ma. " "Oh, I know, but... you know.. you know how I get involved in things." "Well, what did you think of it Mrs. Messina?" "OH MADON. The FILTH. That bar. Didn't anyone ever take a rag to the surface? God forbid they had some Air wick up or something. Must've stunk worse than the YMCA." "I'm gonna choke again," chris was thinking. Sal, however, picked up the slack. "You didn't mind , uh, how do I put it?" "OH, the kissing and the sex parts? " his mom jumped in. "WAIT. YOU and Dad were there too?" "Oh yeah, it's our weekly Italian movie night." "Ma, it's not an Italian movie." "Well we saw it dubbed. But anyway, nah, kissing's good. Everyone should kiss more. With tongues I don't know about that. Maybe someone other than your dad." "HEY. My tongue is perfectly fine. " "You got bad breath darlin' Kissing is hard enough. But anyway, the sex parts? You know, what do you think? You think I'm gonna tell people where to put what they got? GEEZ. If that makes them happy, fine. " Sal breathed a sigh of relief. "I mean, best they get it out of their systems before they settle down with their wives and have kids. Now, Sal held his breath as he thought "Oh shit. Here it comes." And it did. "So, not that it's any of my business..." Pindy began "Like that's ever stopped you Ma," Sal teased, "HEY. Don't go spoiling Easter like that. Anger is a sin. I'd like to get through Easter without sinning. So, as I was saying, it's none of my business but, when are you boys gonna settle down with a nice girl and give us nice girls some grandchildren. "Oh... this is gonna be GOOD" Maria thought to herself. chris began to sweat. "I think Ma, we both wanna wait because, well, you know with the schedule chris has... he never knows if he's gonna be working the 8 am shift, the 8pm shift, it just takes time. Think about that: if you and dad were newlyweds and he weren't home at night." "Yeah... I guess that's true." Evie was nodding her head too. "But how about you Sallie?" his father asked. "Well, for me Sir, I'm trying to get some brand recognition for my designs. When people say "Oh, it's a Rosso gown," then I'll feel secure." "I see. I see. " Evie shook her head up and down. "You know, times sure change. When we got married, the four of us, we didn't think about stuff like security, or work shifts or anything. We did ok, but... the world has changed. " "You can say that again," Sal's father added. "But you know what doesn't? amici e famiglie SALUTE" He held up a glass and everyone joined him. "Ma, I'll make the coffee. Sallie can help me." Maria was arguing with her mother. "Let me do it. God knows it's probably one of the last pots I'll make for all of you." She didn't see the collective eye roll at the table. "Now, seriously Chrissy" his father asked him. "That shirt? Is it comfortable?" "It's FINE dad. It's FINE." "Just looks so tight. So constricting." Maria came to the rescue. "DAD. You and ma and auntie Pindy just gave them shit " "YOUNG LADY, PUT A QUARTER IN MY SIN JAR ON THE SINK" Evie interrupted about not getting married. Whaddya think? Women look at guys dressed like DAD?" "I look at your father," Evie smiled, coming over to put her arms around her husband. "You've been married since the Ten Commandments Ma. SINGLE WOMEN SINGLE WOMEN. You know, it's a good shirt when they walk in and I think 'wow. I'd date my brother." There was silence. "I think that's the ONE thing we didn't see in that Cruising movie" came out of Evie's mouth."

xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx "Well, that was... interesting, " Sal said, as they were walking back to the car, each of them with a shopping bag of leftover lamb, potatoes, vegetables, and bread. "I know. Thank God for Maria. Although..." "Yeah, she's a saint. A fucking saint." Sal added. "HEY. NO COISING ON EASTER. You can put a quarter in my sin can." "I'm gonna put something else in your can when we get home Mister?" "MMMMMMMMMMM." Then chris began laughing. "Try to imagine the four of them watching Cruising." Sal had to stop. He was laughing so hard. "When's your shift tomorrow, chris? Morning?" "Yeah. Got to be up at 6 to get to roll call." They had gotten to the car. They put the bags in the trunk and then Sal looked at chris. "Hey. We're far enough from home, and the streets are empty. I been wanting to do this forever." He leaned in and embraced chris, and began kissing him, right on the street. chris responded, as Sal's hands moved down to his ass. And across the street, up the block, one of their moms' friends, Mrs. Sophia Migliorelli, saw it all. She pulled out her cell phone and hoped she remembered how to use it. She took a picture and hoped they didn't hear. They didn't.

Next: Chapter 6

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