Italian American Style

By moc.loa@potgnipor

Published on Mar 19, 2021


Sergeant Flynn and his wife were coming over for dinner that Saturday night, and Chris was more than jittery. He was freaking out. He had been freaking out since Tuesday when he and the Sergeant had confirmed the time. "So we'll see ya at 7, Colleen and me?" Flynn had asked as he and Chris finished . "Yes sir. Absolutely." As the sergeant walked away, he turned. "Hey, Messina, I owe you an apology." "For what Sir?" "I just excluded Sal. We'll see BOTH of you at 7. Slip of the tongue. " He laughed. "Is it like the old rule about dropping food on the floor? The ten second rule?" He laughed as he walked off.

"FUCK THE SARGE FIGURED US OUT!!!!" Chris was screaming when he got home that night. Sal was trying to keep calm as Chris raged. He had seen this before when they were growing up. Chris raged, Sal calmed him down. Usually an arm over Chris' shoulder, and a promise everything would be alright, would do it. This was gonna take more. Sal kept his distance as Chris flailed his strong arms. "Chrissy, so fucking what? Maybe he figured us out, it's not HARD. " He snickered. "But I am. You're goddamn sexy when you're angry." "SAL. THIS ISNT SOMETHING TO MAKE FUN OF. IF HE KNOWS... " "If he knows, so what? Maybe he doesn't? Maybe he was just being polite. And if he does... didn't HE ask YOU if he could come to dinner?" "What if he's just looking for evidence so he can sack me?" Sal laughed. "Now you sound like our mothers. Here we go. 'what if' after 'what if' after 'what if' until we talk ourselves blue in the face. "Well, seriously Sal, what if?" Now, Sal got up his courage. He put down the knife he was using to slice up some meatloaf and came over to Chris. He stood as close to him as he could get, and then he put his hands around him, slipping them down to Chris' ass. "Then you'll lose your job, you'll stay home all day as a fucking manwife, and you'll take care of me the way I should be." He planted a kiss on Chris' lips "MMMMM. You don't think I take good care of you Sal?" Chris' big brown eyes were filled with a bunch of emotions: lust, love, fear, worry, you name it. "You take REALLY good care of me, Officer Messina. I hope I take as good care of you. Speaking of.... looks like these nipples need some taking care of." Sal backed off so he could get a grip and begin kneading Chris' pecs through his V-neck t shirt. "OOOOOOOOH. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAH. DAMN Rosso. Why do you think sex can fix everything?" "Seems to be doing a pretty good job. Calmed you down, got ya hard. Got your mind on something else." Sal smiled as he felt Chris' hand on his cock, groping it through Sal's jeans. "I want this. I want it Sallie" "How much? " "Bad. Real bad." "I wanna give it to ya. But there's a price to pay." He kept twisting Chris' nips. "What is it? Tell me. I'll pay it." Sal snickered. "You bring up work one more time tonight, you gotta let me tie you up and gag you. An hour for each time you bring it up." "GOD THAT FEELS GOOD." Chris pumped up his chest. "Ok stud. You got a deal." "Get on your knees Messina. Lube me up good. Then I'm taking you from behind. " "OOOOOH. Yes sir." Chris dropped to his knees, and opened Sal's zipper. After he did, Sal said "Now get your hands behind your back. Like you've been cuffed. You belong to me tonight, Chris Rosso." "I belong to you every night Sal. Every fucking night. MMMMPH" Sal had just shoved Chris' mouth over his cock. Chris got to work. By now, he knew the spots to work on that got Sal harder, and more into the sex they'd have next. He ran his tongue around Sal's cockhead, thinking that it reminded him of Sal's bald head. He pulled back and licked around Sal's cock like it was truly a lollipop. And he moved a finger right to Sal's "taint" to bring him right to the edge. "FUCKER YOU KNOW WHAT THAT DOES TO ME. " Sal yelled and Chris laughed. "Yeah. What you working my tits does to me." "Get your pants down. Get on that bed. Face down. And you better hope I don't pull out the belt and whip the shit outta you first." "Should I plank Sir?" "Nah. I wanna ride on top of you once I'm in. Like I'm surfing. Surfing on my hot Italian boyfriend." Within minutes, they were naked, and Sal was on Chris' back, his tongue working on Chris' ears, one at a time. "OH FUCK. OH FUCK. " While he nibbled, Sal began sliding his cock into Chris' ass. The saliva had long evaporated, but when Chris felt tight, Sal spat into his hand and then used his finger to push some of it into Chris. When Chris got sexually excited, he made noises like a puppy, and Sal teased him about that. "BOW WOW. Puppy Chris is getting a bone." He slid in further. Chris gasped and moaned. "YES YES YES. OH FUCK YES. MORE SIR. PLEASE. PLEASE TAKE MY ASS." Sal kept plowing Chris until he got to the point where he couldn't hold it anymore. He unloaded inside Chris and rolled him over. He saw Chris smiling, and he ran his finger around Chris' lips. "Who gives a shit what anyone knows? Who fucking cares?" Chris' voice was low, sweet and dark. "Right now, all I care about is whether you're gonna get up or not, cause you better not." He came when Sal hugged him and his cock was trapped. "Not gonna fall asleep again, Chris. It was like superglue last time. Chris began to laugh. "Oh shit, that's right. No fun that time." As Chris showered, Sal thought about his own question: "who fucking cares?" He knew that it DID matter who knew. He understood why Chris was nervous about work, even if he thought he worried too much. The elephant in the room for the two of them was their parents: did they know? Had they figured it out? If they did figure it out, would they be angry because no one told them? How would they react if and when they DID find out? They had no answers. At least Sal didn't , and he knew he thought about these things more than Chris did. What happened on Tuesday happened every single day that week. Yes, the sex was great, especially the night Chris wouldn't shut up about his concerns about work, and Sal DID tie him up, gag him, and then edge him for two hours before fucking him. But this couldn't go on. Sal was glad that the Saturday dinner was coming up and would be over.

Sergeant Flynn was having his own worries. How do you tell someone "I know, and it's fine?" "I mean, I COULD be wrong, but I don't think so." Barry had seen the way Sal and Chris looked at each other. It was the way his brother had looked at Nathan, up until the day his parents came home early, surprised them, and threw Nathan out and Bobby soon after. Bobby had tried to get in touch with Nathan, but Nathan wouldn't speak with him after their folks had told Nathan's folks. There had been weeks of recriminations about who's son had seduced who's son. The parents never spoke to each other again. Nathan stayed home, but Bobby just kept on running. One time, Barry had managed to get his phone number by "using a favor" as he said. He called Bobby, and Bobby had hung up on him. He eventually began exchanging cordial holiday greetings from his brother, and in the last two years, Bobby had included him on his Christmas card list. Each year, he got a picture of Bobby, smiling in a god awful Christmas sweater, arms around Russ, with first the one, then the second dog in the picture too. The latest Christmas letter (he got that now, too), asked all of their friends to "say a prayer" because he and Russ were trying to adopt a baby. It was that last sentence that got to Barry, big time. His wife, Colleen, had a condition when she was a young girl that made it impossible for her to get pregnant. She could enjoy foreplay and everything BUT penetration. She had even told Barry that it was ok if he , as she put it "relieved himself" via other means as long as "the gal is clean," but he winced when he thought that not only would he not see his brother on another holiday, soon he wouldn't be seeing his nephew. "They make a great couple" he told Colleen. "You know, if you didn't see them standing next to each other, you'd swear there were one person. Their mannerisms, their vocal patterns, everything. " "Borne and bred the same way lad" Colleen had told him. "You know, it happens. Sometimes the friends are more like brothers than the brothers." She realized what she said and stopped. "Barry. Ya know I didn't mean offense with that." "No, no. I understand. Bobby and I were never 'two peas in a pod'. Mom used to wonder if a ghost had given her one of us and Dad the other. We couldn't have been more different. "Well, I'm looking forward to meeting these two young men. And eating some good food too. " Barry thought about what to bring: a six pack for sure. No, two. But wine. Bringing wine to Italians? It seemed stupid. Colleen had the solution. "I haven't killed anyone with my cookin' yet, but I came close a few times. But my soda bread..." And that was true. Colleen had "the touch" for the Irish specialty. "I'll bake up a couple loaves. Everyone likes homemade bread, Barry. It'll be fine. And we're Irish. Bread and beer. What could be more perfect?" It was with all of this behind them that Colleen and Barry got into the car to drive to Sal and Chris' place.

"You clean up REAL good. If I hadn't dumped into you a couple hours ago." Sal had come up behind Chris, who had been setting the table. He had put on a dress shirt that Sal had made him: white, with dark red vertical stripes. He had on casual, mid blue pants and loafers. Sal had his arm around Chris' middle . "Let's open another button, stud. Might not matter to Sarge, but his wife... I want her to be JEALOUS! GRRRRRRRRR" He ran his tongue over Chris' ear. Chris pushed his hips back into Sal, and felt a little bit of soreness from the fucking he had gotten that afternoon. Sal had called it "a therapeutic fuck" for both of them. They had decided to roast a capon for dinner: Sal had wanted to make lasagna, but it was Saturday: Sunday was dinner at the Rossos, and neither one of them wanted to do two pasta nights in a row. They had made a big plate of roasted vegetables and set them on a tray with provolone and olives. There was a fresh salad in the fridge, and broccoli rabb ready for boiling. They had stopped at the Italian bakery to get a cheesecake - yeah, there would be cheesecake tomorrow, they knew, but it was dessert. You could push that around.

The doorbell rang. Sal dropped his hands to take Chris' "Just kiss me stud. Trust me. It's ALL gonna be alright."

"SARGE. GEEZ. You wore a jacket? It ain't a funeral" Chris greeted his boss. "How do you do? Mrs. Flynn? I'm Chris. This is Sal." Sal had to stop himself from leaning his arms on Chris' shoulder. He saw the way Colleen was looking at his man. Maybe he shouldn't have insistedon the second button. "Please call me Colleen. Or even Connie. Just like Francis. I've heard so much about you Chris." "And I've heard almost nothing about you." Barry stretched out his hand to Sal. His shake was strong and firm, and he looked Sal right in the eye. "These are good people." Sal thought. "They're more than good people. They're us. They're just straight, and Irish." Sal opened up a bottle of spumante do drink with the antipasto. Colleen had never had it before and it took her by surprise. "It ain't champagne, but it's.... hell it's better than champagne." Then she blushed. "OH. My language. And I went to confession today." "I think the Lord excuses the h word when it's the first time you had spumante Colleen," Sal smiled. "What would Miss Francis say?" Colleen laughed and Sal continued. "Seriously. don't stand on ceremony and don't feel like you have to watch your language. " "That goes for you too Sarge, although Sal's ears may get burned if you let it all hang out."

By any stretch, the dinner was a success. Since Colleen had brought two loaves of the soda bread, Sal took out one of them with the salad. "Now, this is something WE'VE never had, Colleen, so you show us what to do." "Oh, it's easy. Ya cut it, ya put some butter, or clotted cream on it, and you cram it down." Barry looked at her. "Yup, that's about it." "Well, we don't have any clotted cream, and let me see... AH. I got one stick of butter." "OH SHIT that's right." Barry slipped. "Olive oil. I shoulda figured that one out." "We got enough butter Sarge. MMMM. This is great plain Mrs. Sarge." Colleen nearly spit out her bread when she head Chris call her Mrs. Sarge. "OH BOY. If I didn't know you were a cop, Chris, I'd know now. " She turned to Sal. "So, you're a designer? Clothes?" "That's right. I didn't really get into school stuff all that much, but I loved drawing. One thing led to another, and... "This is one of his creations," Chris pointed to his shirt. His guard was down from the wine they were drinking, and he might not have said that Sal had made his shirt if he had been totally sober. "Do you design just for men or for women?" Colleen asked. "Actually, more for women than men. Chris is such a good model that..." now SAL was thinking he had drunk too much wine. "Let me show you one of my sketch books," he got up to get one. Barry turned to Chris. "You got siblings, Messina?" "I got two. Sal's got three. We're both the oldest." "How'd you meet? " Colleen asked innocently. "Oh, our moms worked side by side forever. They became so close that when they married it was to guys who knew each other. Then they got houses near each other. You can hear it from every blue collar Italian in the state. It's the same story." Barry pulled out his wallet . He showed Chris a picture of his brother. "I guess my family wasn't really good Irish. I only have the one brother. This is Bobby." "Hey, you never talk about him Sarge. I guess he got the looks in the family." Chris smiled and so did Barry. "He did. He's a handsome guy. I get a picture from him every year at Christmas . Don't get to see him other than that." "AW, that's a shame. He live overseas?" Barry laughed. "Sort of. He lives in California with his partner. Bobby's gay. My folks threw him out when they found out. "OUCH. I'm so sorry Sarge. " He shook his head. "I keep on saying I'm gonna fix that. I just don't know how. " "Hey Colleen, let's look at some of my gowns," Sal was back with a big, overflowing scrapbook. "He loves this shit," Chris smiled as he said it to Barry. "Yeah, I know. He's the one responsible for all you guys being fashion plates isn't he? " You KNEW about that?" "Yeah, forever. I thought about asking you to do mine, but Colleen fancies herself quite the seamstress and... "OOOOH. Look at that collar. WOW. Is that..." "It's silk, yup." "OH, but the way silk bunches up. You must have gone mad. Sal made a joke. "Yeah, I tore my hair out over it." That provoked a laugh, and then Sal added, and then regretted "And now I'm working on tearing out Chris'." "How about you Colleen? Big family? " Chris asked. "Oh yes. We're good Irish. I have 8 brothers and four sisters. " "So lucky 13. Where are you in the mix?" "Right smack in the middle. I'm number 7. " "That's why I always play 713" Barry said. "7 for my wife, 13 for my family." He dropped his voice. "And don't tell anyone I play. And if you do, DON'T BET ON MY NUMBER." The chatter continued. Sal passed the cheesecake and offered to make espresso. "Nah. I'll be up all night and we'll miss mass" Barry added. "But maybe we can have coffee together sometime. I don't think either of us have ever had expresso." "It's espresso honey." Barry laughed. "Can you tell my wife is the educated one?" "Know what Barry? " Sal smiled and looked directly at the sarge. "I think you're both pretty smart." And he smiled.

It was after 11 when the Flynns got up to leave. Colleen offered to help clean "No, don't. Leave it all. We'll clean it tomorrow before we visit family. We don't get a lot of company so we're just so grateful you made the trip. "What was that bird Sal? Capon? Like Al Capone?" "Ha ha. Same word. But I think he still had his balls unlike our bird. " He blushed. "OH SAL." Colleen faked the accent of one of her nuns. "Go to the mission box and put in a quaaaater. And 100 times 'I won't talk about testicles/ I won't talk about testicles" "We ALL talk about testicles Colleen" Barry said. "It 's all they talk about at work. "Well, Sal is NOT one of you. Sal is a designer. And refined." "I love you Colleen" he smiled at her. Best get out of here. Messina I'll see you on Monday. "Bet you will Sarge. Have a good night." He didn't even realize that he had just put his arm around Sal's waist.

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Sal wouldn't let Chris do any cleaning "Tomorrow's fine. We'll get it before we go to Sunday dinner." "Huh. Twist MY arm." "Hmmm. Now THAT could inspire me." They were sitting on their sofa, Sal's arm around Chris, Chris leaning into Sal, wondering when his nipple was going to be attacked. Sal had his leg thrown over Chris' "Sarge has a gay brother." Chris said. "No shit! That must've come out when I was getting the design book." "It did. Folks threw him out of the house. He's off in California. "What's he do?" "You know, Sarge didn't say. I'll ask next chance." Impatient with waiting, Chris pulled Sal's hand down to his pec. Sal started toying with it right away. "Yeah, keep doing that Sal. Keep doing it. I need to... relax...." "I love you Christofero Messina" Sal whispered to what he thought was a sleeping Chris. "Te anch'io," came softly out of Chris mouth. Sal got up very gently, and took Chris' hand as he led him to the bedroom. He didn't try to undress him, but in the middle of the night, when Chris got up to pee and saw his naked lover in the bed, he stripped.

In the car ride back, Colleen sighed. "SUCH really nice people. I wish they didn't have to be so... guarded." "I know hon, I know. I can't give Chris any favors at work, but... well. " He was silent. "Write your brother a letter tomorrow, Barry. It can't hurt. You'll get out your feelings, and you never know." "You're right, darling. Absolutely." At a red light he smiled. "You see the way they look at each other? Not like newlyweds, cause they're not. They've known each other forever..." "And they had to wait all that time, " Colleen added. "I'm gonna light a candle for their happiness tomorrow." "Wait until next week, sweetheart. I'm gonna find out who their patron saint it." "I'll do it both weeks. It can't hurt. Neither can that letter. Don't forget." "No darling." And as he drove, Barry thought about how long it was gonna be before Sal and Chris started henpecking each other.

Next: Chapter 5

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