Italian American Style

By moc.loa@potgnipor

Published on Mar 7, 2021


It took Sal and chris a few weeks to find a place they both liked. Chris had to spend some time convincing his mom that this was a good idea. "You hate us. What we do wrong, Chrissy? Why can't you stay? All those years , we protected you and now... now we get a cop in the family and you leave. Go figger." "MOM. It's not like that. The house ain't that big, Frankie (his little brother), needs more space, he can have my room, you can turn his room into a closet for ya stuff... I ain't a kid ma." "You're always a kid Chrissy." She huffed, and faked a bit of crying. "I don't care if you're 90, you're still my kid. YOU KNOW HOW LONG SONS LIVE AT HOME IN ITALY, MR BIG PANTS? " She stopped and took a breath. Evie was trying to quit smoking and it wasn't going well. Chris moving out wasn't either. "Yeah, I know Ma. And I hear you make fun of them every time you see one on cable." "ECCOLO UN MAMMONE" You say it all the time. "Dat's different. Those boys, they do NUTHIN for themselves, NUTHING. They lay around all day, in some hoity toity shirt, open to God knows where." "Sounds good to me ma." "YOU WANT THE CUCCHIATA? YOU WANT ME TO COME AFTER YOU WITH MY COOKING SPOON?" "Ma, you know I'm gonna come to every Sunday dinner. You won't have to do my laundry, you won't have to clean up after me..." She was unconvinced. "At least it's Sallie. You ain't movin in with no stranger or some lady friend who's gonna replace me." She turned around and chris came up behind her, taking her around her middle. "MA. You're always gonna be my best girl. SIEMPRE MAMMA L'OTTIMA."

She smiled. "You gonna give me grandkids someday, ragazz? You're gettin old ya know." "I know Ma, I know. I hope I can give ya a surprise soon." She smiled. "REALLY? There's someone special?" Chris realized he might have stepped into it. "There is Ma, at least I think so. But I don't wanna say nuthin. Don't want the malocch'" "GOOD CHRISSY GOOD. Tell God. Ask God for help. We'll meet her when we meet her." Chris stepped away to wipe off the sweat from his face. "out of one fire...." he thought.

On moving day, his police brothers came to pack him up. Four of them. His sister, Maria, was watching every one of them from her window. "HEY CHRIS. That girl: you sure she's your sister, cause she's sure good looking." "EH FANGOOLA Strunzo" Chris swiped back at his sargeant. "You touch her, you're gonna be singing soprano. " "You know who's pretty Chris? Your buddy Sal. GEEZ. THE ARMS. When he did my shirts, he was working nearly naked. GOD. Does he work, go to the gym, and start again?" "Ha ha. Know what? He spends almost NO time in the gym. That's all natural." "You sure that ain't HIS sister?" There was laughing among the guys, as four cops loaded up Chris' car. "MA. I'm gonna be heading off." "She's in the toilet Chris. She said call her tonight." Chris knew she was having a moment, and she didn't want his buds to see. "Ok, love ya Maria. By the way, you want a boyfriend?" He pointed a thumb at the guys, and she ran off from the window.

Sal had already moved his stuff into the new place. He was waiting at the door when Chris and his buds drove up. He knew them all from tailoring their shirts, so no intros were necessary. "EH GUYS. You ever know a man who owned so much SHIT?" He smiled. "Don't you go there Sal: I'm not the one with a sewing machine." "Yeah, and it's a good thing I have one, the way you fuck up your clothes." He saw the look on Chris' face and realized he may have said the wrong thing. There was no negative reaction. "C'mon guys, let's get the stuff unpacked. " They started moving things into "Chris' bedroom." Sal and chris weren't ready to start letting people know about "them," so they had rented a two bedroom house. . Two bedrooms, two baths. The owner was more than happy to give them a good deal when he found out Chris was a cop. He figured if people saw a uniform around the place, it would make it safer. Five cops and Sal made the moving easy. "Hey, you guys wanna get pizza or something? My treat" Sal offered. The sargeant smiled. "Next time, ok? Have a housewarming party or something. First day in, you gotta get situated, find where the forks go, everything else." He shook Sal's hand, and put his other hand on his shoulder. "You got the best roommate in the world Sal. " He looked at Chris "Or maybe you did. I'll see you on Monday, Officer Messina. We gotta talk. I want you to get into a detective program." There was handshaking and embracing, before all the guys left. "Lemme change my shirt. This one is filthy." Chris had kept some clothes at Sal's house, and they were already in the apartment, in his closet. He slipped out of the wife beater and into a blue polo that hugged his biceps. Sal had put an overshirt on over his t shirt, and he was standing in the living room when Chris came out. He had his arms folded, and he was smiling. Chris came over to him. "Whaddya looking at , handsome?" He flashed his own winning grin. Sal smiled. "My boyfriend. The guy who's about to give me a blowjob?" "You think so?" "Damn right I do, because...." Sal reached out and grabbed each of Chris' nipples. Chris reacted by moaning. "OH SHIT. That ain't fair. I was too tired to get away." Sal lowered his voice. "Do you WANT to get away, chris? Cause I'll stop squeezing?" chris wimpered a little. "No. Don't. Don't stop Sir. Please...." "Well," Sal answered. "You know what you gotta do." "Yes sir." Chris got down on his knees and he pulled out Sal's cock. It was hard, and dripping. "MMMM. First blow job in our house. Should do something like .. oh I don't know, order a pepperoni pizza later." chris wanted to laugh, but his mouth was already all over Sal's cock. He had been thinking about this all day. He felt Sal's hands go to the back of his head, and press his mouth down further. If Sal held him, he could put his hands behind his back, a position he loved. It made him even harder. "DAMN YOU'RE GOOD AT THIS OFFICER MESSINA." Sal began thrusting his cock further into Chris' mouth. He pumped faster and faster. chris moved his big tongue all around Sal's cock. Then Sal was ready. "TAKE IT OFFICER. TAKE IT YOU HOT FUCKING STUD." He shot down Chris' mouth, and Chris swallowed every drop. He took a deep breath. "Deal's a deal." He stood up. Their deal was that Sal had to kiss him every time Chris blew him. Sal didn't mind at all. While they were kissing, he slid his hand down and got inside Chris' jeans. He began stroking his man. Chris moaned in pleasure. He tried to take as much of Sal's tongue as he could. More. And more. He closed his eyes. This was gonna be so great. "MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM" He yelled as he unleashed his own orgasm. When they had masturbated together as teens, his jizz had always gone just a little further, and his orgasm lasted just a little more. He hoped Sal knew that he was always thinking about what Sal's cock would feel like in his mouth. Now that Chris knew, he realized it was better than his fantasies. They cleaned up and started getting chris' stuff put away. "Hey. What's that bag? I don't recognize it." chris picked it up and began laughing. "MOM. She sent dinner." He unpacked it on their kitchen table. "She sent dinner for three days. GEEZ. " Sal laughed. "She thinks I'm not making any money at the design factory." "NAH. She just wants to make sure we don't have to eat each other's cooking."

It had surprised Sal AND chris when they found out that with their combined incomes, if they were willing to drive a little, they could get a place as big as they did. Not only was the place MUCH bigger than Sal's old apartment, the rooms were bigger, and that meant there was room for bigger beds in the apartment. It was something chris remarked on that Sunday, after they had driven back from Dinner at the Rosso's . They had taken Sal's car: the deal was that if they went to Sal's house, they took Sal's car, and vice versa. There was a shopping bag of leftovers in the backseat. As he drove, Sal laughed. "You realize that there was the same amount of leftovers there were before we moved in, after she packed the bag. "It's a conspiracy Sal, I'll tell you. I think they wanna make us both fat." "Fat and happy. That's what we'll be." He put his hand on chris' thigh and chris hugged it back. "I still say we waited too long." Sal smiled but he was silent. "Hey, you in the mood Sallie?" "ALWAYS. How come you never ask?" "Well... I thoughta something today. Figgered we could try it." "Whatcha have in mind?" The big smile came out. "Oh, you'll see my man. You'll see."

When they got to the house , they began kissing in the doorway of "their" bedroom. At a break, chris said "Know what I like about the new big bed? King size? It's big enough that we can... WRESTLE" He pushed Sal down on the bed and began to put some wrestling moves on him. "CHRIS. STOP. COME ON.." "WHATS A MATTER TOPMAN? You gonna let your bottom boi take you out?" Sal took the challenge and fought back. He didn't stand a chance. He never was a match for chris, and he never would be. chris was sitting on his chest, holding Sal's wrists down on the bed. Again, that big smile. "I think I'm gonna top you Sal." Sal pushed against chris' hands. He figured this would happen eventually. He didn't like bottoming, but for chris. "Ok. You gonna be in charge today? Good with me." chris reached for the silk strips they had attached to the feet of the bed. He tied Sal in place. Then he grinned. "I don't think you know what I mean by topping, Sallie boy." Chris stepped off of him, and got undressed. "DAMN" Sal thought. EVERY TIME he saw Chris' naked body, he got an erection. Front and back: the man was beautiful: better than any of the statues he had studied in art history. "Like what you see stud?" Sal faked indifference. "It's ok. My cock is bigger." "Really? I never measured. Let's see." He pulled off Sal's shoes, and then his pants. Sal was completely hard. Chris moved his cock next to Sal's "Yup. You're right. You know what the rule is, don't ya?" "You mean the rule about who fucks whom? The one with the bigger cock does the fucking." "THEN I GUESS YOU'LL HAVE TO DO THE FUCKING" Chris teased. "Ok. Not gonna argue. Let me up." "Nope." Chris answered. "That's the surprise I have for you. Now, don't lose control while I lube you, cause you're gonna get in REAL deep when I'm done." Sal had no idea what chris had in mind, until he had lubed him really, really well. "Now, I read about this, and I think I can make it work. Tell me if I don't." chris reared up enough so that his ass was over Sal's cock.

Then, he began lowering himself onto Sal. He winced. "CHRIS STOP. I'm hurting you. " "FUCK NO. You're not hurting me caro. Not. At. All. OH SHIT THAT FEELS GOOD." He slid down further on Sal. Sal agreed: it DID feel good. chris had tied him tight, and between the bondage, and chris sitting on him, he couldn't really do anything about bucking up and down: chris was in control: he was bottoming from the top. Sal began to whimper. "You're such a fucking genius, cop. GOD does this feel good." "You keep talking about God, and I'm gonna do something sacrilegious like tie your balls with a rosary. " chris began to laugh. They still both practiced "the faith" as they called it, but chris was a stronger believer. He still said night prayers before they went to bed, and he'd never do that. "If he fucks like this, he won't have to," Sal moaned, as chris slid up and down on him. "You like that hot stuff?" "OH YEAH. OH GOD. Never thought of this." "OH, I'm gonna teach you a WHOLE LOT more stuff. " chris teased. "Maybe I'll join sex crimes, learn some new stuff." "Bring me some books too, " Sal whispered before chris slid down again, and took all his attention with the sliding up and down on Sal's cock. "DAMN CHRIS. I'M GONNA SHOOT. I'M GONNA BREED YOU." "DO IT YOU STUD. GIMME YOUR SEED. CAUSE I'M GONNA GIVE YOU MINE."

chris began stroking himself. "NO. NO CARO. My mouth. Please. My mouth." "I won't say no ." chris waited until he felt Sal shooting deep into him. "GIMME IT. GIMME YOUR COCK YOU HANDSOME BASTARD." chris shoved his cock into Sal, and Sal got to work. He was much noisier at this than chris was, but he was effective. chris rocked back, enjoying Sal's tongue work. "Every top should know how to suck Sal. I think you passed. " He turned serious. "You wanna swallow?" Sal shook his head up and down vigorously. "We'll breed each other. TAKE IT. " chris pushed once, and his seed began to flow down Sal's throat. In his brief sex life before chris, Sal had sucked a few cocks and learned what worked and didn't. And he loved chris' cock. He had stared at it almost as much as he stared at his ass when they were growing up. Now he had them both. "I should leave you tied down, Sal. Maybe do something like, oh, I don't know, tease your cock until you shoot again." "DO THAT AND THE NEXT TIME I GET A CHANCE, I'LL SHAVE THE SHIT OUTTA YOU." "Ha ha. No you won't. You like my body hair too much." "Good thing, because you're losing your head hair. You're gonna be as bald as me." It was true. chris was losing his hair . It ran in his family. "But ya know what chrissy? It just exposes your ears more. And the combo of your ears and nips.... I can keep you in line for a week with that. " He saw the look of bliss on chris' face. "But you gotta let my hands go for me to do it." chris faked a sigh. "Yeah, you're right. I guess." He untied Sal and Sal wrapped himself around chris. "DAMN did I luck out, officer Messina. I got to fuck over a cop, and then I got a cop's rod. " Like most good Italian Americans across the state, they bedded down for their after Sunday dinner nap. While they slept, chris' sargeant was studying and thinking. Sargeant Barry Flynn liked chris a whole lot. When he helped the move in, he had thought to himself "who do they think they're kidding? " Then he realized: he was the only one who had figured it out. Maybe that was good. Sargeant Flynn had a gay brother he adored. He didn't see him at all because, when their parents had kicked him out, Bobby had left the state. Now, he had a husband on the other side of the country, and he never forgot that Barry kept quiet when he got thrown out. Barry thought that, maybe, he could make amends to heaven by doing something to make their lives easier. He thought about it for a while.

Next day at work, he approached chris. "Hey, Messina, I was wondering. When you gonna invite me and the missus to dinner?" "Sarge, ain't you supposed to invite us?" Flynn laughed. "You're an Italian, I'm Irish. I'll not surrender on drinking, but you got us beat on cooking. However good or bad you do it." "Ha ha. So you'll bring the suds, and Sal and I will cook?" "You know, you're not as dumb as I thought." That's when chris realized. "He knows. Maybe."

Next: Chapter 4

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