Italian American Style

By moc.loa@potgnipor

Published on Jun 16, 2021


chris was thinking "FUCK. I know better than that! " He was stretched out on their bed, his arms and legs pulled REALLY far, and the restraints REALLY tight, giving him almost no room for movement. Just before Sal had left the room to get "one of the toys" they had gotten at their bachelor party, he had taken a roll of black duct tape, and wound that around chris' mouth three times, so tight that it was difficult even to moan. And he was wearing nothing but a dark blue jock strap. .

He knew better. It was about a week and a half until their wedding. chris was getting dressed for a Saturday at home. He saw the look in Sal's eye and he smiled. He knew that look meant that Sal was horny. Then he handed chris some clothes: an old green tank top that had shrunk to the point where it just missed covering chris' belly, and a pair of red sweat pants.

"FUCK. I'm not wearing this Sal" It got out of chris' mouth before he knew it. That shirt... Sal had made him wear it before. It meant he was in a tickling mood. EVERY TIME chris wore the shirt, Sal would pounce on him and tickle his belly until he nearly peed. To be honest, the first time he had worn it, chris had wanted to lure Sal into tickling him - and he succeeded. But now... Sal was a merciless tickler too. He was an ANIMAL. There was usually sex at the end of the tickling, and that was SOME compensation, but he had to get past what was to come... chris wriggled. No luck. Sal tied REALLY good knots.

When chris had said "no," Sal had bellowed "HEY. WHAT THE FUCK DO YOU MEAN NO." chris had looked at him and smiled sheeplishly. "Uh, No Sir?" The next thing he knew, Sal had his wrists pinned behind his back. "Listen up BITCH COP. Maybe... just maybe, I should put the words 'to obey' back into YOUR vows. You forget that?" chris tried to be a smart ass. "Maybe... SIR. OOOOOOOOOOOOOUUUUUUUUUUUCH" Sal shoved his wrists up his back. "Yeah, you won't forget it now." He tossed chris down on the bed, and when chris struggled, a quick knee to his caged cock got chris pacified. Then the ropes. And now...."

chris looked up. Sal had a handful of small vibrators. THAT was nothing new: Sal used them all the time. But now, he had... FOUR of them? And nipple clamps. And... OH SHIT. The dildo. The 11 inch dildo that someone had given them at the party.

With the duct tape, Sal attached a dildo to each of chris' arm pits, and then one to each sole. He ran the clamps over chris' nipples, while chris shook his head "no" back and forth, and tried to beg for mercy with his eyes.

"What did the guy say ? There used to be a detective at the squad, someone who allegedly had an 11 inch cock and this was modeled after him? Hmmmm." Well..." Sal turned each vibrator on and then he added the nipple clamps.

"mmppphhh. mmmpphh. mmmmmmmmmmmmmph." The sounds that came out of chris were desperate, helpless. and then when Sal pulled the clamps, they turned into just a high pitched whine. chris wondered how long the batteries were gonna hold out on each of the dildoes. Usually, Sal kept them up to date which meant: at least half an hour! Sal didn't keep them operating for half an hour, thank GOD!. After fifteen minutes, he turned them off, but he left on the tit clamps and pulled. When he had the chain as tight as he could get it, he lowered his voice.

"You're gonna marry me, right?" chris slowly shook his head yes. "That means when I say jump, you say 'how high', right?" chris mmmphed and shook his head again. "Listen up stud muffin. I love you more than you can imagine, but when you make me fucking hot to trot, you better be ready to take it. GOT IT?" Sal was pulling the clamp with one hand, and circling chris' navel with the fingers of his other one. That's what he was afraid Sal was gonna do when he refused to put on the outfit. Now, he wished he had. He shook his head yes again. "This is only the first part of your punishment. The second part happens when you go to work tomorrow." "mmmmmmmmmmmmmmph." Sal was pulling the jock down his man's legs. "SO.... There was a detective with one this big... Didn't I hear someone say his partner was even bigger? Too bad we don't hae one of those..." Sal had one hand on his own cock, as he began pushing the dildo into chris. "mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmph." The biggest one Sal had ever used was probably 9 inches. It was clear though, he was gonna get this whole thing into chris. Sal was experienced enough with using toys on chris to know when he could take more, and he took his time getting the monster inside his lover. When it was in as far as he wanted - which was about 10.5 inches - he began to twist it, as he pulled the clamps. "Think how good MY cock is gonna feel after this." "DAMN. He never twisted it before. FUCK.. " chris felt the pressure of the cage against his own hardening penis. It seemed that asking if he could jerk off after this session would not be a good idea. Sal was pulling it back now and chris breathed a sigh of relief: until Sal released the clamps, but slid the dildo in again . He did it three times before he finally pulled it out. "I think you're ready, you fucking stud. You don't deserve it, but you're getting my cock. NOW." He couldn't move chris' hips up too far but he got enough space to let his cock enter chris' loosened ass. "mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmph." OH, the feeling of that familiar cock . The cock of the man he was gonna marry. He wanted it! He wanted it more than usual. He wanted it every day. " Sal began to slide his dick back and forth. He couldn't twist it the way he twisted the dildo, but that was ok. This felt... just fine. Sal kept the pace nice and even... until he didn't, and began pushing faster and harder. chris' eyes began to bulge. YES YES YES he was thinking. "DON'T STOP . DON'T EVER STOP...." Then he felt the release, and the jizz filling his ass. "FUCK I'd tell you not to piss me off like that again, but hell.. " Sal kissed chris' lips through the duct tape. "DAMN if you turn me on like that again, piss me off whenever you want, MMMMMMM" The second part of chris' punishment was the ribbed butt plug Sal had him wear during Sunday dinner at the Messinas' the next day.


While our heroes were engaged in their Saturday game, something was going on at the Rosso home. Pindy and Evie had just sat down for their Saturday afternoon coffee break. The ladies met most afternoons to have a "black coffee" (what they called espresso), with "un po' di strega" in it. Sometimes they'd have two. Or three. They were on number two when the doorbell rang. Pindy found Rosalie Migliorelli at the door. She was holding Carmela's baby. "ROSIE! CHE COSA??? OH. BAMBINO BELLO!" "Ciao Fay. Sorry to disturb you this way." "Not a disturbance. We're having our coffee break . You wanna join us? I got amaretti cookies too." Rosalie smiled. Those were one of her favorite sweets, but she declined." "Another time, Fay. I need to ask a favor, maybe? Carmela and I... we made appointments for a dress for the boys' wedding at the same time, and I can't find no one to mind the boy. Could I ask his nonnas to watch him for a while?" Pindy looked at the baby. She smiled and called to Evie "EV. You wanna help me mind Luca?" "LUCA'S HERE????" Evie almost spilled her black coffee getting up to come and see. "Yeah, Rosie and Carmela need to get their dresses. We can watch him can't we?" "OH SHURE. I made the lasagna already" - she giggled. "Don't tell no one. When I make one, I make six, and then I freeze them. The rest I'll make tomorrow when I should be at church." Rosie began to redden. "I don't know when we'll get back from the tailor . All the ladies seem to have scheduled today. Is it ok if I keep it open ended?" "NOT A PROBLEM Rose. " Pindy put out her arms to take the sleeping Luca. She looked at Rosalie. "You ok Rosie? You got a cold or something?" "Yeah, yeah. Allergies, who knows? My nose, my eyes. I think Carmela got it too, that's why I had her sit in the car. " She looked at her watch. "We better get moving. Grazie donne. A presto." And she was gone. Evie looked at Luca. "OH DIO MIO. He's ADORABLE. Can I hold him Fay?" "OF COURSE. Both of his nonne gotta get to know him. We can put him in the nursery when he gets really tired." (Yes, both of the ladies had set up a nursery for Luca. Does that surprise you, gentle reader?" Neither one of them had forgotten the skills they learned when they were mothers. The rocking, the singing. Black coffees got cold, and the two of them had tears in their eyes for most of the afternoon. That changed when Frankie and Maria came back from the movies. "Ma?" Maria asked Evie "Why is the Migliorelli house closed up? " Then she saw the baby on Pindy's lap. "OH GEEZ. OH GEEZ" "WHAT? WHAT?" Evie asked. "You can't figure it out ma? They're gone. They left the baby. " "SHIT" said Pindy. Frankie came over with the cursing jar and put it in front of his mother. "We gotta tell the boys." "Tranquilo, tranquilo. They'll be here for dinner tomorrow. Ain't no fair to dump this on them on a Saturday afternoon. I bet they haven't finished the nursery in their place yet (they hadn't). "Ma. the quarter." Pindy handed Luca to Evie as she reached for her purse. "Ma, can I?" Maria smiled and Evie smiled back, handing her Luca. "Ciao fratellino. Hi little brother. Welcome." "Are they gonna breast feed him or what?" Frankie asked. Pindy handed him the curse jar. "Close enough. Put in a buck big spender."


So, Sunday came around. Sal was laughing to himself as he saw chris try to adjust to driving with the plug in his ass. "THIS AIN'T FUNNY SALLIE." "The hell it isn't. I'm loving it. You look so hot." chris was in a red and black checked button down and dark olive trousers, with his sleeves rolled, the requisite two buttons opened. "And I can see a little hair poking out. We may need to take care of that today." "You haven't taken care of enough? " chris got huffy. "You wanna spend the afternoon tied in the chair with the hitachi on your cock, bottom boi?" chris huffed. "No Sir." "Gimme your hand chrissie. " chris smiled, and steered with one hand, as Sal took his free one, brought it to his mouth and kissed it. "I love you so much, you big turd." chris laughed. "Feeling's mutual stronz." "Maybe I'll tie you up anyway. You always enjoy a good fucking after a bondage session." "I just enjoy a good fucking." "Not wrong, not wrong." They pulled into the Messina driveway. "You hear something, chrissie? Like a baby crying?" "Yeah. I do. From the house." They were walking hand in hand, and they stopped. "FUCK" came out of both of their mouths. Maria was at the door. She had Evie's curse jar with her. "Yeah, it's what you think. Did you drive by Migliorelli's?" "We did. Looked odd. Looked... FUCK. Shut up and abandoned." "Now you owe two big brother. Yeah, she snuckered our moms yesterday . Luca is now community property." They went into the house, and chris couldn't kiss his mom because... she had Luca on her chest. "Ain't he sweet, chrissie? God, he eats as much as you did." chris looked at Sal. "He's. Our. Son." "So he is. So he is. "


Well, it was a Sunday dinner like no other in the families' joint history. Luca got passed around like a joint at a freshman mixer, and it didn't surprise Pindy or Evie when he began to get fussy. "I'll put him down for a nap." "Oh, No. I'll do that. You've got dinner." Maria jumped up. She looked at him like she did the first time. "Fratellino, you need a nap?" She headed off to the nursery, Gloria and Lucy right behind her. "Alright. I know what you're thinking," Sal said and he looked at his younger brother Frankie. "I know EXACTLY how your mind works, because it works like mine." He smiled. "You wanna know who's doing breast feeding? You REALLY wanna know?" Frankie blushed. "Uh, no." "Boys, you gotta let him stay here until your nursery is finished. That house... it ain't fit for a baby yet. Just better get it done fast. " Both Sal and chris thought "better get all the sex we can this week. Honeymoon? Goodbye."

Sal got a kick out of seeing chris squirm on his seat during dinner. He made several sausage jokes which prompted Evie to ask "what's this with you and salsicce?" He smiled "Ask your son." "AHA." She thought. "HE'S the girl in bed. Sal just admitted: he's obsessed with 'the thing' (which is what she called a penis). chris took Maria aside "Don't let them spoil him too much, huh sis?" She looked at him. "You better worry more about me than them. I don't wanna let him go. Now... I want one too." "There's time. There's time." He kissed his sister. "You all set for next week? The wedding and all that stuff?" "Yeah, if mom and Zia Fay will stop talking about it. You know that place near city hall: Ernesto's?" "Yeah, what about it?" Maria sighed. "They rented it. So we could all have "just a little snack" after the ceremony." "Maria, Ernesto's is a full service restaurant." He paused. "How many is 'all'?" Maria sighed again. "I guess Rosalie and Carmela ain't coming, so it's probably, oh... 70-80." chris suppressed what was coming to his lips. He was out of spare change.


"I didn't say I was gonna pull it out when we got home." Sal smiled, as he slid his hands inside chris' shirt. He had chris tied in the chair, and gagged. "My baby daddy needs a shave. His tits need exercise. And THEN I can get his ass ready for fucking." "mmmmmmmmmmmph.. " This time, chris was bobbing his head yes. He began to moan when Sal opened his shirt, crouched down, and began licking, then chewing his nipples. "You wanna cum today baby daddy?" Sal had stood up and was massaging chris' ears. The massage made chris sit back in bliss. "mmmmmmph hmmmmmmmmmph." "Well, we're gonna do just that. After we get done what we gotta get done." Sal led chris off to the bed, and got his shoes, and his pants off. "I'll get the pits later. For now..." He got out the shears and began cleaning chris' chest. Then, he smiled as he took out the key and unlocked the cock cage. He used a razor to clean off chris down there. chris was so hard he couldn't believe it. That's when Sal took his cock in his mouth. "Lemme get my daddy's baby juice. Keep him from having another one." Sal licked chris' cock like a lollipop and then deep throated him. That was all it took, given how long it had been since chris had cum. "MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMPH. MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMPH." through the gag, chris screamed in bliss as Sal swallowed every drop. Sal smiled. "I shouldn't have eaten cheesecake. Now I got cream. " He untied chris' wrists. "Please Sir Daddy," chris looked into Sal's eyes. "Hold me first. HOLD ME. I'm so fucking scared. More scared than my first day on the beat." "I hear ya. I'm more scared than that first day too. I even went to church." "YOU went to CHURCH?" "Yeah, the roof didn't fall down. I lit candles to St. Michael for a week. " "Ha ha. Must've done some good. " Sal didn't answer. He just hugged chris for about five minutes. Then he whispered "Can't leave those pits unmowed." "no sir" was chris' answer. "Can't leave that man pussy unplowed." "No Sir. Gotta get as much plowing done this week as we can." There wasn't MUCH hair under chris' arms, so they could get to the main event pretty quickly, and they did. Sal pulled out the butt plug, and chortled. "Wonder what it would be like if you wore it to work tomorrow." chris didn't protest. He knew if he did, he'd have to. Instead he just whispered. "PLEASE FUCK ME DADDY. PLEASE FUCK ME." Sal was ready. He thought back to the scene the day before, and nailed his lover, hard. When he shot, chris smiled. "THAT woulda been the baby maker, stud." Sal laughed. "I tried, but I can't imagine you as barefoot and pregnant." chris smiled contentedly. "Just try to imagine me as your husband. Just a week away."


Folks, we're gonna marry these two goombas in our next installment, which will be our finale. Let me have your comments, and because weddings are crazy, I'll say now: I hope you enjoyed reading it half as much as I did writing it.

Next: Chapter 16

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