Italian American Style

By moc.loa@potgnipor

Published on May 31, 2021


Chris sat in the middle of his and Sal's living room. He was wearing nothing but a pair of black athletic tights, and his sneakers. Sal had tied his wrists behind him and gagged him. Finally, the hitachi rod was set on low, right between his legs, so that a low but persistent vibration went through the cock cage. He was being "punished" for a few things, and also was "suffering" from a story he had told Sal about work, which hadn't horrified Sal, but had aroused him. The week before, a few of the detectives had been ambushed during a stake out. Their guns had been stolen, and then they had been left, bound, gagged, and naked in a warehouse. They had been found, and no one was hurt. As chris told the story, at weekly Sunday dinner, his mother had reacted.

"Oi vey, madonn. Coulda been u chrissy." chris hadn't seen Sal's face when she said that, but it lit up. Sal had put down his fork and stopped eating the braciole in front of him. He had been thinking. "Hmmm," and he saw, in his mind's eye, chris in that position: out of danger, but bound gagged and naked nonetheless. He already had reasons for wanting to put chris in his place. There had been another leather night, and if chris had been reluctant the first time, this time he was adamant. He was NOT going. "FUCK THAT. I'M NOT GONNA PARADE AROUND LIKE SOME ROMAN SLAVE BOY." Sal just laughed. "OOOH. That's a good fantasy, caro . You in nothing but a slave's leather shorts, a chain around your neck, me leading it. This could be hot. "HA HA HA. VERY FUNNY SALLIE. GO FIND ONE OF YOUR DESIGNER FRIENDS TO BE THAT BOY." Sal had just smiled. He had anticipated opposition, just not this much of it. "I don't need a designer friend. I . Have... YOU" "I'm NOT going." Then chris made what he realized was a big mistake. He turned his back on Sal. That's then he got grabbed, and dragged screaming to the bed. "WHAT'RE YOU GONNA DO, FUCK ME TILL I SAY YES?" "Hmmmm. I hadn't thought about that, but that IS a possibility." chris had managed to turn over onto his belly, forming a ball, and Sal just grinned. "Oh, a challenge. Let's see. Yes, this is where the bed sags." He slipped his hand down between the bed and chris, and his fingers circled chris' navel. "CUT IT OUT. THAT'S FIGHTING DIRTY." "All's fair in love and war, lover man." Sal begin to tickle the most ticklish part of chris' body - he was even more ticklish here than he was on his feet. "STOP IT. STOP IT," chris yelled out in between laughs. "Then roll over boy. JUST ROLL OVER." "Ok, ok. You win. I'll roll over. You're gonna fuck me missionary style, fine. Just do it." "Fuck you? Who had any thoughts of fucking you? Not yet. That would make you too happy chrissy. I got something else in mind. " chris was pinned underneath his Dom, and Sal began unbuttoning his dress shirt. "You gonna come with me?" "NO." "Ok... Then I'm just gonna do something and not say a word, until you change your mind." He kept chris pinned down and then he circled chris' left nip with his fingers. "HEY NO. DON'T DO THAT." Sal said nothing, and smiled. He just whispered. "I'm gonna nibble your nipple." Then he went silent. Instead, he began softly and gently chewing that nip, like he promised he would. chris sighed and gritted his teeth. He KNEW he was gonna lose this one, unless Sal got bored, which he would. Could he hold out that long? He doubted it. It had been six days since Sal had opened the cage, and it was quite unlikely he was going to do it anytime soon now. He felt the little nips on his flesh. He began to moan. The moans got louder. Occasionally, Sal would stop and just lick the nip as it got more and more sensitive. "I'm not going. I'm.... not.. nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnng" chris began to buck his hips. That spot was driving him crazy, and Sal wasn't going anywhere. And he didn't seem to be getting bored. "OK OK. I'll go. I'll wear the damn harness again. I'll go. Just.... stop." Sal looked at chris. "You really want me to stop, bottom?" "No. But I want you in me. Hard." "I think I could arrange that.." Sal got off the bed, and "looked" chris into place. He stripped, and then got chris' pants off. He pulled chris' legs in the air. "GOD, I wish I had a dollar for every time I've been in that hole. " He slipped in. chris breathed a sigh of relief. He needed to cum, badly, but this was the next best thing. Sal had figured out a way to angle his cock so that the mushroom rested right on chris' prostate. He was doing that now, and chris was squirming wildly. "YES SIR. YES SIR. FUCK MY COP ASS. FUCK ME. FUCK ME LIKE I SHOULD BE FUCKED. OOOOOOOOOOOOH" he began to swoon as he felt Sal gushing into him. "I don't want you to feel like I treat you like a big slab of meat, chrissy, but damn it, you are so fucking hot, it's hard for me to keep my hands off of you." "Or your cock outta me." "You complainin?" "No sir." chris smiled and went to pull in Sal for a kiss. They lay that way for a while. Then, Sal whispered to him. "You know, we gotta talk about this thing with the Migliorelli baby. " "Yeah. How the hell did they get the idea that we would adopt him?"

Indeed, the Sunday dinner had centered on that. Pindy brought it up first. She was smiling. "So. It looks like you boys won't have to go through any paperwork to get your kid," she just dropped that out as she put down her third tray of antipasto. The looked at each other. "Ma," Sal looked at her. "Do you know something we don't?" "You couldn't figure it out Mr. Smarty Pants?" He saw that Evie was smiling as she started "explaining." "Ashcolt." (ascolta: listen). Carmela Migliorelli ain't gonna keep that kid. Her mom's gonna make her put it up for adoption." She shrugged her shoulders. "So I told her you guys'd be happy to adopt him. "MA. It's not Sicily. We don't do it that way?" Again she shrugged her shoulders. "WHAT'S THE PROBLEM? Rosalie is good with it, we're good with it, and we'll have our first grandson. From GOOD people." "Zia Fay," asked chris. "What about Carmela? What does she think?" "Who knows? God knows she wasn't thinking when she spread her legs for that pizza boy." "Amen, Fay, amen," Evie added. She had seen someone use "amen" like that on television. She didn't know what it meant in context, but it sounded good. "WAIT. You three streghe. The two of you and Rosalie, decided that Carmela, chrissy, and I would agree to this? HUH? What do you think, we're four years old?" Pindy began to get red in the face. "FAMILY AND FRIENDS MEAN NOTHING TO YOU?" "MA, you know better than that. There's the law. She gave birth in a hospital there's a record." "No she didn't sweetie. Your zia Evie and I delivered the baby. At home." Evie shook her head. "The way it should be. Who needs hospitals when you got four skilled hands?" Sal and chris looked at each other. "You believe this?" Sal said to chris "Yeah, I actually do. What else would you expect from these two." "DON'T TALK ABOUT YOUR MOMS LIKE THAT, " Sal senior added. "The two of them are the only ones making sense. You're gonna hire a lawyer, drag out the whole damn process, and you don't need to. BAM. You got your kid." "BAM, DAD" Sal answered. "Two grown men, not married, and they got a kid. You think people won't notice?" "So what's stopping you from getting married? " Evie looked at them. That nice Mario Cuomo - good Italian boy - he said you could get married. What's stopping you?" Sal looked at them. "You're okay with us getting married without a ceremony? Without a million paisani showing up?" "Well, no, but we can do that after you sign the paperwork. The church can wait. It always does." Sal looked around. He saw chris' sister "Maria, you couldn't talk sense into these two chooches?" Maria shrugged her shoulders. "Talk sense into them? It's the best idea I've heard in a while. You guys have been together longer than just about anyone else I know, it's a piece of paper, I'll be the witness, let's get on with it. GEEZ, you already got the rings." "And the baby?" Maria smiled. "He's so cute. And I like the sound of Zia Maria." Sal noticed chris had gotten very quiet. "CHRISSY. Gimme some help here" "Oh, I dunno Sal. You know..." He patted Sal's leg. "I really DO need to make an honest man outta you, and if our moms are ok with a delayed church wedding, what's wrong with it?" "WHAT'S WRONG WITH IT? WHAT IF CARMELA WANTS THE KID BACK? WE'RE KIDNAPPERS IF WE DO THIS." chris laughed. "Oh, COME ON. You've been talking with that fancy lawyer. He must have a friend he can recommend. "LAWYER? WHY YOUSE TALKING TO A LAWYER." Sal caught a breath. "Because I'm quitting the company. I'm gonna go out on my own. My own company. And I need advice on my designs. What do I do? Can I take them?" Maria looked at him. "You're leaving and you didn't tell me? Why not?" "Because there's three forms of communciation: telephone, telegraph, and tell Maria" "HEY. BE NICE TO MY SORELLA" chris smiled. "But it's true Maria. " "Harumph. Maybe I won't come with you." "So you're forming your own company? You're gonna be a magnet like Bill gates or - what's his name - Jeff Bozo? " Evie asked. Sal shook his head. "Oh geez I don't know. And it's magnate. And its Bezos. "WHATEVER. I like mine better," Evie answered. "Bezos sounds like kisses, and who wants to kiss him. SCHIFFO. More like a clown. Pagliaccio Bozo, head of Amazon." Sal really wanted to return to his braciole before it got ice cold. "Can we talk about this baby again." "OH HE'S SO CUTE. She named him Luca." chris smiled. "Luca. Like a wolf. " "That's LUPO STUNAD." "HA. I didn't give birth to Sal. I gave birth to freaking Dante," wailed Pindy, and Maria got up with the curse jar. "Twenty five cents Zia, please. " It was a typical Sunday dinner at the Rosso and Messina houses.

On their way back home, after they had packed the usual stack of leftovers, Sal looked at chris when they were at a red light. "So, you think this idea of the baby is a good one?" chris smiled. "I do. And I'm gonna say those same words when we go to City Hall and make it official, sweetie. Have you seen his picture?" "Yeah, I saw it. He looks like a baby. They all look the same." "NAH. This one's got character. I can tell already, he's gonna be a looker. " He paused . "Like you. Maybe hotter." Now chris was REALLY pushing Sal's buttons. "I'll tell ya what. I'll talk to the lawyer. When I speak to him next week, I'll find out what we can do." At another red light, he took chris' hand. "You wanna see what your schedule allows, for going to City Hall?"

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So, now, chris was sitting there. Sal had gone out to get some wine before the store closed. He had thought they could use a toast, to celebrate finally become husbands, and to this "kid" idea, but chris was gonna get it. That detective story hadn't left his mind, and add that to the resistance over the leather weekend next week, and the lack of support chris gave him at the dinner.... As he walked in, he put the wine on the table, and pulled up a chair next to chris.

"I bet those captured detectives didn't look as good as the one I've got here..." He took the hitachi and pushed it further under chris' balls. "MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMPH" chris was put in even more agony, as Sal began pinching his nipples. "Damn do you need a shave, bottom. " "mmmmmmmmmmmmmmph" was all chris could get out, with a head shake no. "Nah, we won't do it before the leather fest. But...." he pushed the rod in further "You're gonna shave yourself this time, even your cock, right?" chris' eyes got wide. He could see shaving his torso, and maybe even his pits himself, but his dick? "OH YEAH. And I'm gonna film every bit of it. " Sal began slowly pulling the hitachi out from under chris. "Now... what do I always have for dessert after a family dinner." He took out chris' gag. "You know the answer? What do I always have for dessert." "my ass, Sir. " "That's right. And I'm craving sweets right now." Before he led chris out of the chair, he put the collar and leash on him. "GOD, Just like a Roman slave boy. You shouldn't have put that idea in my head. I could make you a costume in an hour. "OH SHIT" thought Chris. "He will too. " "Backway this time, my fucking backstreet boy." "yes sir." chris knew that meant doggie style, and he got in position. He was lucky tonight: He felt Sal's tongue digging in. "YEAH. There's the sweet. My sweet chrissy's ass. My soon to be husband. And manbitch." "Husband soon. manbitch now Sir." "OH YEAH. OH YEAH." Sal was ramrod hard as he pushed into chris. chris wanted it just as much. He pushed back. "TAKE ME DADDY. TAKE ME." As he rammed chris, Sal realized "Daddy was probably not going to be an empty name soon. He wasn't ready for this. Not at all. But it was clear, chris wanted it. chris was a sub and a bottom, and he didn't ask for much. When he WANTED something though... And right now, he wanted Sal's cock. "You shrink in the wash big man? " "Ha ha. You wish. " Sal pushed hard and got a yelp out of chris. "NOW who shrunk. " He smacked chris' cheeks. "maybe the Holland Tunnel that's your ass could shrink?" "Who's fault is that Topman?" Sal laughed. It was true. If chris' glute muscles were getting weak (they weren't), it was because Sal was fucking him so often. What was the baby going to do to their sex lives? "OI VEY. What are we getting into? " Sal was too far along for the thoughts to kill his erection, but chris could feel the softening, just before Sal blew his load in him. "Sallie.. It's gonna be ok. We're gonna be husbands, we're gonna be dads, and it's all gonna work out just fun. And you're gonna be magnet bozo." He pulled Sal closer. "I'm your bottom, but I'm also your rock. Don't forget that. " Sal began to cry as he kissed chris.

The next day, chris made the appointment at city hall. He called his mom, who rented a limo right away. Then when she made up the list, she rented a second one. "THREE? Too expensive. They can take the subway." Pindy did the same thing.

Next: Chapter 13

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