Italian American Style

By moc.loa@potgnipor

Published on May 15, 2021


It was the night of Sal's one man show. "I tell ya, I hope that he's a big hit, but I'm happy as a pig in shit that it's over," chris was talking to his Sergeant. "He's been an absolute nut case for the last month. Maria's been over about every night to help with logistics, he's been up late, I wake up and I hear the sewing machine going... " Sergeant Flynn winked. "And you're not getting any nookie." "YEAH. THAT TOO. I mean, I won't say we were screwing like minks but..." "Shhhhh chris. shhh. I got enough women in the place who wanna get in YOUR pants, don't add Sal to it. " chris smiled. "He's the better looking one anyway. I'm lucky to have him." "I think he feels the same way about you." Sergeant Flynn folded his arms and smiled. "Look at that beautiful shirt. You didn't buy that. " "Nope. I haven't bought a shirt since we're together. " "The collar is one with a concealed button. Fancy schmancy chris." chris laughed. "Ya know, I lost that fight. I lose most of the fights about things like this. I HATE button downs. Sal loves them. So when I wouldn't wear the button downs he made... he altered the collars. My fingers are too clumsy to do em, so he does em." "He didn't do it today. They're flying around like birds." "I KNOW. He was gone by the time I woke up. He needed to "get shit done" at the design studio he said. "C'mere. I know how to do em." Sarge Flynn reached up to chris' dark maroon shirt, and did the buttons. "I guess you won the fight about colors though." chris blushed. They DID have an argument about that. Sal insisted that chris was a "spring/summer" and should wear light colors. chris HATED light colors: he wanted black, dark green, dark purple, all that end of the spectrum. "And no plaids, Sallie. NO. NO PLAIDS. You try to get me in a plaid, I may in fact flip you." When chris said that, Sal smiled. "Then I may just give your sister the cage key and ask her to put it in your mom's curse jar." That stopped chris in his tracks. "But no, that's fair. No plaids. Not even on your speedos. " After that "argument," Sal had charged at chris, upsetting his balance, and then tickled him until he begged for cock. And he got it. But we digress. Let's move forward in that day. It's just about twenty minutes before show time. chris is feeling somewhat like a castrated rooster in a hen house, because he's sitting amongst the women of his family and Sal's: Pindy and Evie are, of course, there, in dresses Sal made for them. So is his sister Maria, who's running back and forth between backstage and her family. Lucy and Gloria are there too. And as he looked around, chris realized that just about every woman in their neighborhood was there. "Ma, Zia Pindy, did you tell EVERYONE?" The matrons looked at each other, and Evie asked "we weren't supposed to? No one told us not to." "Ma, I hope they don't embarrass Sal. " Then he looked at them. "I hope the two of YOU don't embarrass him. No getting silly until the end of the show."

They were interrupted by a woman with a blue rinse and a dress that may have been fancy at one time, but was dowdy now. "Hi Pindy. Hi Evie." "MRS MIGLIORELLI! " Pindy shouted. "Oh goodness. It's good to see you here." She gave Mrs. Migliorelli the traditional two cheek kiss, and chris knew his "aunt" well enough to know she was faking. "I wanna wish Sallie all the luck in the world. So does Carmela" (Carmela was Rosalie Migliorelli's daughter). She wanted to come tonight but she didn't feel well. "Gabeesh, Rosie gabeesh. Maybe I'll send capon soup over tomorrow." "NO. Don't go through any trouble. Let me get to my seat. Officer chris, it's good to see you too. Don't let these women take advantage of you," she made a fake frown. "Too late," he answered, with most of his family joining him. As Mrs. Migliorelli walked off, Evie turned to Pindy. "You're not REALLY sending soup to that cow and her daughter are you?" "OF COURSE NOT. Not unless I spit in it first. "MA. PINDY. STOP. OK, she did the wrong thing about the picture, but..." "HA. You don't know the half of it. She did that crap to you before she knew Carmela was pregnant." chris' eyes went wide. "Cammie's pregnant? When did she get married?" He saw the two of them laugh. "That's the thing. She didn't. " "Yeah, and now the bun in the oven is the size of a Thanksgiving turkey. THAT's why she's not here tonight." "How far along IS she?" "Hmmm. Probably six months." "And the father?" They looked at each other. "All we know is, Carmela ordered a LOT of pizza about 7 months ago. And 8 months ago. " Evie looked at Pindy and they both started laughing. "I wish MY dough rose that well. Must be something in the sauce," and the started laughing again. "MA. Zia. Stai zit. Quiet. The lights are going down." They were. There was an announcement and then, the show started.

Sal had carved a niche out for himself that did seem to need filling: his clothes weren't "off the rack," but they weren't "haute" either. Someone had described them as "The clothes you wear when you want to show off, but not that much." And he designed for men AND women. The show was going to show both men's and women's designs. "Madon. That music. The thump thump thump. Didn't I get enough of that from the kids." "MAAAAAAA" chris was trying to keep his voice down. "It's a fashion show. That's the music they use." "OOOOH. Glo. Look at that pink one." Gloria was talking to Lucy as a model came out wearing a pink suit that looked like she could wear it to work, or to go out. She was followed by a man - a dark hairy Mediterranean type - in a navy suit over a dark shirt with a very fine white pattern going through it. "OH, chrissie," Pindy whispered. "You could wear that." chris actually felt a little jealous to see another man wearing clothes Sal had made. "Yeah. I think I could." But his mind really wasn't on the fashion show: Carmela Migliorelli was pregnant. And unmarried. ..."

At the end of the show, there was an ovation as Sal came out. He was beaming ear to ear. He had on his red suspenders, his navy blue shirt, rolled at the sleeves and his old fashioned white pants. He was wearing "attitude glasses": Maria had insisted he do. He smiled and waved to the audience. When he saw his family, he wanted to call up chris so badly and kiss him in front of everyone, but he knew... chris wasn't ready for that. Instead, he blew a kiss to chris. Anyone who didn't know, could think what they wanted. His whole family was there. It was for all of them.

"They want HOW MUCH for polpette?" The whole crew was sitting at a restaurant, to celebrate. It was the second one that night. Sal had wanted to go for Chinese food - so did Maria - but when he saw his mother put her finger down her throat when he wasn't looking, they changed their minds. Now, he was wondering if he did the right thing. "Ma, it's NOT gonna be as good as yours, ok? And the prices are gonna be ridiculous. Let your son take you out. ONCE. JUST ONCE." chris leaned over to him. "It's a great show Sal. Great collection. I wanna wear everything the men were wearing. " Sal smiled. "You will be." "HOW ABOUT US?" Lucy asked. "DO WE GET SWAG TOO?" Sal was quiet. He was exhausted. "Swag for everybody. Now can someone get me a drink?"

Back at home, he got chris out of his shirt before he got out of his . In the middle of a deep kiss, he asked "who did your collars? I didn't do it this morning. I didn't know you were gonna wear that shirt." The smack of chris' lips as he pulled back resonated. "Sarge did. He told me they were flapping around like birds." "I like your boss. He's great." He began pushing chris down on the bed. "Not as great as you, but great." Sal's mouth found chris' ear and nibbled. He whispered. "You know, I'm exhausted. But I've got just about enough energy to deposit a big load in my man's ass." "About time. It's been a week." "Ha ha. And you've been locked up the whole time." "Yeah. I think I'd know that Sallie." "Maybe you need another week. Get your pants off. " "Aw come on Sallie! " "Get your pants off. And roll over. You're gonna FEEL it tonight." Sal's piece jutted out like a pier in a river, it was that big, and that thick. chris began to lick his lips. "NO. I'm fucking you DRY tonight, you handsome bitch. Get on your belly." "Yes sir." chris rolled over and bent slightly, so his ass was in the air. He felt Sal's finger tracing a pattern on his right cheek. "Hey, what're you doing Sir?" "Seeing where I'm gonna put your tattoo" "WHAT? Sallie, I'm not getting any tattoo." "If I want you to get marked, you're getting marked big guy. "Sal's BITCH" right there." "FUCK. That sounds hot," chris thought, but.. a permanent mark? He started to say something but he got cut off. Sal had the necktie chris had worn that night, and he shoved it between his teeth, tying it behind his head. "Maybe on pecs." "mmnnngnggnggngng" chris was shaking his head no. He felt the WHACK of the paddle Sal had bought. "YOU DON'T GET TO SAY NO, COP CUNT. IF I SAY YOU GET MARKED, YOU GET MARKED." "nnnnnnnnggggggg" chris surrendered. He knew he wasn't going to win this. And he had to play his cards right. He needed to bring up Carmela Migliorelli's pregnancy at the right time, and that wasn't now. Not as Sal's dick began to pierce his ass. Dry hurt a little, but it felt SO GOOD after a week of celibacy." "You are just the hottest man in the world chrissie." Sal nibbled on chris' ear. "I SO wanted YOU to model tonight, you woulda driven every old queen in that audience nuts." He pushed and chris pushed back to get more of Sal's cock. "And I woulda had to let all of them know. "THIS ONE IS MINE." chris began shaking his head 'yes' as he felt Sal's totally engorged cock take him. "I have a week of fucking to catch up on. And I'm gonna. Starting tonight. And I gotta surprise for you. You're gonna get to wear your harness. In public. With me." GOT IT?" He shoved in harder. chris knew that this was going to happen, he just didn't know it was gonna happen this soon. It excited him, but it scared him. If they were going to try to adopt a baby, and someone saw...." "TAKE IT YOU FUCKING COCK BITCH BOTTOM" Sal yelled as he drove in, and held his cock steady. Then he pulled out. "Roll over bitch. I wanna see your face when I breed you." chris couldn't move fast enough. He loved the way Sal's face crinkled up and how his teeth showed, just like a wolf, when he was cumming. As Sal took his ankles and pushed his legs up, he whispered to chris. "I love you chris messina. Know what excites me more than fucking you? Knowing I'm gonna be your husband." "MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMPH" chris was trying to say "kiss me," and Sal looked at him, shook his head yes, and bent down, kissing him through the gag. "FUCKING HOT" chris thought as he felt Sal tonguing the gag, sliding in around it. "My lover has such an imagination." He heard Sal sigh and then felt the liquids going into his gut. Sal was right: he had a LOT of pent up jizz and it just kept coming. As he was finishing, Sal ran his finger on chris' balls. "MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMPHHHHHHHHHHHHH" came out of a pleading chris. Sal smiled. "Yeah, I'm gonna unlock you. And you're gonna do yourself tonight." After he unlocked the cage, Sal got behind chris on the bed, and wrapped his arms around him. "You're so fucking sexy, lover. SO FUCKING SEXY." His fingers found chris' nipples as chris began to jerk. "I dunno if I wanna go fast or slow. What do you want Sir." "I wanna know I'm gonna be sleeping with you tonight. And tomorrow. And our whole lives." He squeezed chris' nipples hard, and that set off what Sal called chris' "nuclear fission." chris always came in very small shots, as if he were sending Morse code. And the tit play did it. The reaction started and soon, they were both covered with chris' jizz. "Shower? or bed?" chris asked. "Bed. There's time for showering tomorrow. And now, I really AM exhausted. " It wasn't the first time they were stuck together in the morning.

Next: Chapter 11

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