It Wasnt My Fault Series

By Brian

Published on Jun 17, 2014


It Wasn't My Fault

Disclaimer: This story is fiction. It deals with interaction between males including oral and anal. Any person under 18, or anyone living in a state or province where reading these stories is illegal should leave this site now. Adult gay content.

Chapter 6

Walking between Gary and Steven I looked like a midget. I guess it was kind of funny, especially if you consider both have had their cocks which are at least an inch longer than me and way thicker inside both my ass and mouth. Had to stop thinking like that or I'd be hard all night.

Steven was almost in tears the way he was treated when we got home. Anna, treated him like a long lost Son and Jim and Elsie welcomed him as if it was natural that he was there.

At dinner, I sat between Gary and Steven, which didn't help my cock any.

Man did I stuff myself. I never had Christmas Dinner like this before. Roast Turkey and dressing, mashed potatoes, gravy, cranberry sauce, peas, carrots and plum pudding with rum sauce for desert.

We also had what Anna called not so virgin punch to drink. What I found out it was mostly fruit juices with a bottle of white wine added.

After dinner us boys did the cleanup. With four it didn't take long at all. We then went out into the sitting room to talk.

The next surprise came when Henry, Anna's boyfriend showed up. The bigger surprise was he was in uniform. I didn't know he was in the Army. I didn't know what all the stuff on his uniform meant, but the eagles told me he was a Colonel and the patch on his shoulder said that he was in the Seventh Calvary. Anna greeted him with a kiss and a Merry Christmas. We all shook hands with him.

"Now something I have been keeping from everyone, but this is a real good time to announce it. Henry and his Battalion are shipping out to Afghanistan at the end of January, so we are getting married before he leaves and all of you are invited."

Gary was out of his chair like a shot from as gun and crying on his Mom's shoulder. I was super happy for both. Gary had told me Anna was real lonely.

Steven, Gary and I were sitting on the couch with me in the middle. When I looked at Steven he was looking at Anna. I nudged him.

"You are supposed to be looking at me." I whispered.

"Yeah you are right Babe." He said and kissed me on the cheek.

Well I guess I turned bright red coz everybody laughed. When I looked at Anna she had a weird look on her face and Jim didn't look at all happy.

Shit, now I was in trouble. Jim had no problem with me and Gary, but I was sure he'd not like the idea that I now had two boyfriends. Anna I figured knew what was up, but not my Mom and Dad.

I was so scared I might lose one or both of them I burst out crying and bolted from the living room. I ran to my room and slammed the door closed and flung myself on the bed bawling my eyes out. I just got down to sniffles when I heard someone at my door.


Dad opened the door. "Can I come in Son?" "Sure Dad." I was still almost in tears again.

He came in and closed the door. He sat down in my only chair.

I see there have been some changes Matthew. I thought you and Gary were boy friends."

"Well we are, but I love Steven too. I don't know why Dad, but every time I even get close to Gary or Steven I get all mushy inside. I could hardly control myself all night. I'm sorry Dad. I'm just scared now I will lose them both now."

"I very much doubt you are going lose either Son. Surprising as it may seem, but both Gary and Steven said almost exactly as you did down in the living room. I know how much you love me and Elsie and even Jer and Sam. So I guess having you love two others is not all that bad. It will complicate your life at school."

"Now I think you should come back down stairs. We do have guests remember."

"Okay Dad. I'll be right down."

He left me alone. I washed my face and made myself more presentable.

I walked back in the living room and sat between Gary and Steven. Both just leaned over and gave me a peck on the cheek. Boy am I glad for tight boxer briefs or everyone would have seen my hard on.

"Matthew, while you were out of the room Anna and Henry told us what they have planned. They are going to Disney World in Florida and they are taking you five boys with them. Steven has agreed to go, so you will all be together. When you return Anna is hosting the New Years party at her home. Of course you are all invited. From her house you boys can skate down to Railroad Park to watch the fire works." Oh wow. Disney world. I never thought I would ever get to see it and with Steven, Gary, Jer and Sam too. Boy could we have fun and not just in the park. Jim brought me out of my thoughts.

"Matthew, if Steven is staying tonight you can get the roll away cot from Sam and Jer's Room."

"Okay Dad." He must have known we would all be in the same bed.

The party broke up shortly after and Anna and Henry said good bye. We would all meet at Anna's on Tuesday.

Steven, Gary and I were barely in the room when Jer and Sam rolled in the cot.

"Here's the cot Dad was talking about." Both were giggling.

They shut the door and we sat and talked about the trip. I finally stripped to my boxer briefs. Gary and Steven followed suit. Jer and Sam had come in boxers.

Sam, always the adventurist one grabbed Steven's cock in the very tight boxer briefs.

"Man are you ever big." Steven pushed down the briefs before he split the seams.

"Oh yah." Sam said and leaned over and started to suck Steven.

Well that sort of broke the ice. Pretty quick it was all mouths sucking cocks or licking holes. Nobody was screwing but then everyone had a cock or balls to lick and play with. An hour later Sam and Jer left. I cuddled with Steven on one side and Gary on the other. Sleep was real easy between these two lovers.

Well in the morning Gary and Steven had no problem pissing, but I was so hard standing between them I just couldn't. Once they climbed in the shower and water started to run I was finally able to piss. The relief was almost as good as sex. Climbing between them was another problem. I had one washing my back as the other washed my front. Even though it was a tight fit with three, it sure felt good especially when Gary pushed a soapy finger into my butt and Steven was jacking my dick with soapy hands.

Of course I blew my load all over Steven's cock and balls.

"Well white boy. Going to get down there and clean up your mess?" Steven said.

I knelt down and took his cock into my mouth. He fucked my face like I liked and came far sooner than I would have preferred. Then I licked up my cumm from his balls and bush. Then turned and sucked Gary off. Boy was I happy. Not even eight o'clock yet and two loads of sweet cumm in my stomach. I could handle getting up like this every morning.

WE talked about what we would do today. Steven wanted to go home to change. He also said we could head up to Battery Park and check out the skate board park.

"Do you skate Steven?"

"Sure, but broke my last board and can't afford to buy a new one."

"Well you could use my new one and I'll use my old board."

"How about I use your old. Then if it gets wrecked you still have your new one."

He said he also had to stop at the 24 hour drug store on the way.

I packed my dirty underwear in my pack. Steven said he wanted them so I gave them to him. I also gave him a clean pair of mine to wear under the basketball shorts.

All Jim said when we told him our plans to be back for dinner at 5 pm.

Sam and Jer had already left for Kevin's. I wondered if all they were doing was playing video games. Kevin was a pretty hot looking guy.

We stopped at the all night drugstore and Steven bought something although he didn't say what. After getting to Steven's he wanted to change. We all trooped into his bed room.

"Strip white boy." Steven said.

Well that was a no brainer. I think he read my mind.

He took me into the bathroom and then showed us what he had bought. It was an enema kit. Now we could clean ourselves out completely.

"Just don't want any more accidental stuff getting into you Babe. Shit goes in the toilet not in the stomach."

It felt weird when he did it to me and I was shocked the amount of stuff I got washed out of my butt. He did Gary and then Gary did him. Now that we were clean we headed for the bedroom again. I hoped I was going to get two dicks in me. No such luck. Steven just dressed.

"Why did you do it now if we were not going to do anything?"

"Later Babe. WE got all day."

I reluctantly dressed and we headed for Battery Park.

Battery Park was part of a Civil War Memorial. The actual memorial was down at the bottom of the hill. We walked up the hill to the Battery. The Confederate Forces had held Battery Hill for most of the war until the Union Forces over ran it. Then the Union cut the only North South supply road for the confederacy going north. The Confederate Army had lost almost three thousand men trying to take it back. The Union held it until the end of the War.

The Skate board park was not actually in the park. It was in an area that used to house warehouses. They had been torn down and the city had built the Park. It wasn't as big as the one at Railroad Park, but was still good with lots of stuff to do on a board.

The washrooms were like the ones at the Railroad Park, which is under the bleachers that lined one side of the park.

First thing I noticed was that were only a few white guys skating. Most were black boys of all ages. None took notice of us when we started to Skate. My problem was I couldn't concentrate. Just too many good looking colored boys in tight cutoffs and most with bare tops. I finally sat down in the shade of the bleachers.

Gary skated over.

"Tired already Babe?"

"No can't concentrate. Too many good looking guys." I giggled.

"You should have brought a glass. You might get lots of black boys in your butt today."

"Didn't bring a glass. Brought a mason jar from home."

Gary laughed his head off at that.

Well I finally got up enough nerve to check out the washrooms. They were exactly like the one at Rail road Park. A line of urinals on one side and a line of cubicles on the other. The walls went right to the ceiling and down to floor. For curiosity I checked the last booth. Yup it had a hole in the wall. So I went in, pulled off my shorts and undies and sat down.

Well almost as soon as I sat down a black cock came through that hole. I was sucking on it instantly. It was almost like they were lined up waiting, I had one after another. My jaw was getting sore so I turned and pushed my butt against the hole. I had to brace myself with my feet on the toilet as one after another I got fucked. The stuff was running down my legs before I stopped and sat down. I wiped the stuff off my legs and pulled on my board shorts. I went out and down to the last cubicle. I pulled the mason jar from my pack and crapped out the stuff in my butt.

Almost a half inch was covered the bottom of the jar. It was mostly white. I just drank it down. Not bad, but not as good as Gary and Steven I thought. I stuffed the jar back in my pack and got dressed.

Gary and Steven were sitting in the shade.

"Gee Matt. Thought you got lost." Steven laughed.

"Well I don't need any lunch." I giggled.

Gary skated over, dropped his board.

"Got to piss. I'll be right back." He headed for the washroom.

Well it was a pretty long piss break so knew he got more than relief from pissing. I couldn't complain coz I was gone almost an hour or more.

When Gary came back, Steven and I just smiled. We picked up our boards.

"Come on guys, got to show you another place. I'm sure you will love it Matt."

We skated back into Battery Park and then along a twisting walk through big old trees. It was really nice and very quiet. We skirted the big cemetery and up to a huge copse of thick bush and trees.

"This place is said to be haunted. I hope you don't believe in ghosts Matt."

Inside the copse was dead quiet, not even birds. We walked a long a path barely seen on ground. We came to an opening in the middle. We stopped and just looked. A black boy, who except for his long dick looked about thirteen was on his knees sucking a much older boy. Another was pounding his butt. All looked real happy. Seeing those boys going at it got me real hard and I almost came on the spot.

"Want to get in on the action Matt?" Steven whispered.

Gary hadn't waited. He had his shorts down and off. Then his t-shirt.

"Come on Matt strip here and we leave our boards here too. No names Matt even if you recognize someone okay?"

I just nodded as I quickly stripped.

Well the boy getting fucked nodded when we walked out. The guy screwing him pulled out and I watched his cumm ooze from his hole. Man I couldn't stop my myself. I was on my knees rimming him. Gary shoved his dick into me as I rimmed the young guy. When I looked up Steven was fucking the other boy. Man I could no believe this place. No one said a word hardly, but pretty soon I bet there were more than fifteen boys in there having sex anyway they could get it. I don't know how many cocks I sucked, holes I rimmed or even how many I had in my butt, I only hoped it would never end. Well no one can go forever even me. I slumped down at the edge near our stuff and just watched. I wasn't even hard any more. Even as I knew what was happening would go on for a while yet, I was done. My stomach finally rebelled and I puked up a shit load of cumm. That was it. No more.

I wiped myself clean with my t-shirt and dressed. Gary and Steven saw me dressing and finally joined me.

"Sorry guys, just too much for me I guess. Never swallowed so much stuff in my life. Got real sick."

"Well maybe we finally got it out of your system Matt.

"Yeah, I guess."

Steven and Gary would never be out of my system, but I knew I had to cool it with other guys, except those I knew. One of these days on one of my forays the cops might catch us and then the shit would really hit the fan and Jim would send me to a loony bin.

After dressing we skate back to Stevens's apartment. I used his kit to clean me out before both did the same. I mean I would have rimmed both if they had asked, but neither did. We sat nude on the couch with a coke.

"You'll never see most of those guys Matt. They mostly go to other schools."

"Well I thought I saw Joey, but he never came near me so I'm not sure."

"You did see him, but was avoiding you."

"Guess not many worry about ghosts." I giggled.

"How come they say it's haunted?" Gary asked.

"Well legend from the Civil War says a Confederate colonel used go into the trees at night and kill wounded soldiers with a sword. They say the copse is haunted by those killed by the Colonel. No one knows if the story is true."

"You mean he just murdered the wounded. That's like a crime even in war."

"It's just a story Matt."

Steven stayed over another night at my place and went home to pack for our trip the next day. Gary and I just stayed around the house. The good weather deserted us on Tuesday morning. Low scudding clouds with the smell of rain. Jim drove us all to Ana's place.

This was a trip of firsts for me. I had never been on a jet before and never dreamed of seeing Disney world. We had a blast in the park and in bed at night too. The three days went way to fast.

New Years turned out to be nice, if a little cold when we watched the fire works. Our holiday's almost over we prepared for school.

Anna dropped another bomb shell on Steven and his parents. She agreed to rent one of the railroad houses with all the rent going to pay down the mortgage on the house. Steven and his parents would be living next to Gary and only six blocks from me. Best New Years present I could think of.

Things changed for me in school. Word got around pretty fast that hitting on me could end up getting the hitter a knuckle sandwich from Gary or Steven. Not many guys wanted to cross them.

It didn't stop me from sucking a few different cocks, but I'd only suck guys. Only guys I let in my butt were Gary, Steven, Jer and Sam. I made things less complicated. We still used both Skate board parks, the one at the school and the one in Rail road park, but I only sucked guys. Everyone knew we were a trio, but no one said anything within ear shot of us. Steven had warned me about the Basketball team, but the only guy I ever sucked was the Captain and he had sucked me too. He wasn't a bad guy and knew I was more or less partnered with Gary and Steven. He made sure he had permission before he asked me.

There was no way I would have ever taken him in my butt. He was as thick as big Ben, but a bit longer. I couldn't even swallow his whole dick. His load was huge too and I thought I would drown when he blew. He was good at sucking and got me off twice to his once.

Now I didn't have a sport elective, so I got drafted into the towel and ball boy position with the football team. Funny part was I hardly ever saw anyone in the showers like I had hoped before. After putting all the equipment away and then cleaning up the towels and washing the floor, except for either Gary or Steven I was the last one in the locker room.

Only time that changed was on road trips to other schools. The home team always supplied most of the equipment so I got to see lots of hanging cocks and big muscled butts. As it happens, I have pretty good Gaydar. I was sure the only real brown boy was gay. He was like me, not black, but brown skinned like me. He had a six inch uncut cock that got to be almost eight inches and not too thick. I had seen him hard lots of times and even saw him looking at me more than once.

I talked to Gary and Steven about him and they told me he was a loner, staying pretty much to himself. He was fantastic receiver and got lots of praise from the coach, but never fraternized with the team. When I told them I was sure he was Gay, they said for me to go for it if I wanted. They doubted I'd get anywhere with him.

Now we were doing real well in the standings and might even make it to the State Championships. However we needed to travel to Atlanta to play the Warriors. This would be a three day overnight trip and there standards to make before anyone could make that trip. Everyone had to have a B+ average. Mine was only just B. I just knew I wasn't going to get to go. I tried everything, but it wasn't my fault my Mom had been an alcoholic and drug user when she was pregnant with me. That was my problem. I just wasn't smart enough to make a b+ average.

Well I tried to talk to the coach about it but he just said he was sorry. There was nothing he could do. The rules were State rules. I cried myself to sleep that night.

I was so down I was just doing enough to pass my courses. I was sitting in class brooding one day about three days before the road trip, when I was called to the principal's office. This was only the second time I had ever been called there. I wondered what I had done now.

"Come in Matthew and sit down. You can relax. You are not in any trouble."

"I think I may be the one in trouble later."

"Huh." I said.

"It will no doubt surprise you to know that over the past week I have had several people in my office that think you are one very important person in their lives and I am an ogre."

"Your Mom and Dad, Anna Thompson, Mr. and Mrs. Rustin, the Director of Family services as well as a letter from a Colonel Thompson of the Seventh Calvary."

"Now I don't make the rules governing the State Sports Federation. Those rules state that anyone traveling overnight to Games must have a B+ average during their school year to be able to travel with the team. Now I have been told in no uncertain terms that it would be best for me, the school and the team that it in your case these rules should be relaxed. Therefore you will be going on the over night road trip." I almost jumped for joy.

"Thank you Sir. I didn't know anyone else really knew I wanted to go."

"Well have a good trip Matthew. Now you better get back to class Son."

He shook my hand and I headed to class on the top of the world.

After class I headed for football practice.

"MATTHEW! Where the hell you been boy. Just because you won't have much to do in Atlanta, doesn't mean you can slack off here. Get that equipment out."

"Sorry coach."

"Matt, congratulations. Myself and the whole team were pulling for you Son."

When he said that I almost cried. I didn't even know even half the team and most never even spoke to me.

I got a lot of pats on the back and even a few on my butt as I went through the locker room to the equipment room. We had a great practice and both Gary and Steven were still waiting for me when I came in. Both gave me a real good hug and kiss. I really was walking on the clouds.

When I got home I gave Dad a big hug and Mom a hug and a kiss and thanked them both.

"Son we knew you had your heart set on going and as I once said your happiness is all we ever want."

That night I let Sam and Jer screw my butt and I sucked both off.

I knew once they were alone they'd be fucking each other. I told them to let me know when they were done and I'd rim both. They were using the same enema kit that Gary, Steven and I were using so I never got more than cumm from their butts.

I woke up tired but happy Thursday morning.

Now there wasn't a practice Thursday night, but I still had to load the equipment truck. Gary and Steven came to help and I was surprised when Allan Lightfeather showed up too.

"You the coach's shit list Allan? Gary asked.

"Yeah. I flubbed two passes on the last practice. I'm also teamed with you guys in the room in Atlanta. I hope that's okay?"

"It's cool Allan. I'm sure we will get along fine."

I had told Dad I'd be late and not hold dinner. Gary said he'd buy pizza after we loaded up. We invited Allan too. It wasn't lost on Allan when both Gary and Steven kissed me good bye in front of my house.

I didn't sleep well Thursday night. Add in that I had to up at 3:30 am to get the bus at five at the school meant I was a walking zombie when I got to the school. I sat with Gary and Steven sat with Allan on the trip. The first part the bus was silent. Everyone was sleeping. I had some real erotic dreams sleeping beside Gary.

It was a long trip from the Southern edge of the State to Atlanta. We stopped about half way at a MacDonald's for lunch. Everyone pigged out on hamburgers, fries and coke or shakes. Bet it was the best lunch that MacDonald's had ever had. Back on the road everyone was awake now and conversation was either girls or football.

Gary asked me to change places with Steven. Both liked to play chess and had one of those magnetic chess sets. I had tried the game, but my brain wasn't equipped to think ahead like you needed to play. I ended up sitting next to Allan.

We talked about each others life. I told him my hole story including falling for Gary and Steven. His was similar to mine except he knew who his father was although he had not struck around with his Mom any longer than mine had. WE were pretty much alone in our seats. There were groups of boys behind us and another big group ahead of us. Gary and Steven were so absorbed by their game that they just zeroed out anything going on around them.

I finally got around to what I wanted to say.

"Allan, we are going to be in the same room. If you want I can take care of anything you want."

"Fuck man. Are so open like this all the time?"

I giggled.

"Yeah I see something I want and chase after it full bore."

I detected a bulge in his pants. After looking around I ran my hand over it. He took a deep breath and pushed my hand off.

Fuck man. Someone might see."

"Their too absorbed in their girl stories."

"Well let's talk about this later okay?"

"I'm cool Allan." I rubbed his cock again and leaned back.

We didn't talk much the rest of the way to Atlanta. Lucky for me the equipment truck had arrived earlier and the crew at the stadium had unloaded everything and put it in our dressing room. WE unloaded at our Motel. It was only six blocks from the Stadium.

Each room had two double beds and two cots. Four guys to a room. Gary, Steven and Allan shared a room with me. Steven and Gary both knew we didn't need two cots. We'd be in one of the double beds. Allan could use the other or?.. I thought.

We had dinner at a pizza place and then a team meeting.

"Okay guys lets get this over with. Tomorrow we play the Second place Team at 10 am. In the afternoon, the First place team plays the fourth. The winners of both games play in the final on Sunday."

It was a pretty forgone conclusion that one of the teams would be playing the Atlanta Warriors. They had not lost a game all year.

"Lights out in all rooms by ten. You guys need to be well rested for tomorrow. You guys can do anything you want until 9:30. Bed check at 9:45. god won't help anyone who misses bed check."

There were a lot of moans but everyone knew the coach didn't play around.

Didn't matter to me. All I wanted was to be on my knees getting fucked by Gary or Steven and the other fucking my mouth. Allan could join in too if he wanted.

It worked out pretty much as I hoped except Allan admitted he was only a bottom. That was cool coz I got to rim him after we all fucked him. I also got to suck him off. We were all decent for bed check. Then Gary slept with Steven and I slept with Allan. I got to suck him off again half way through the night. Allan was pretty worried about what the rest of the team thought about him sleeping in the same room as three admitted gay boys.

"Allan, I'm sure everyone knows. The coach would not have put us together unless he knew about you. Just relax, if anyone does or says something I'll give him such a beating he'll wake up next week." Gary said.

No one even commented.

The first half of our first game was all offensive. Both teams put up two touchdowns. We scored a field goal too, which put us ahead 17-14 at the half.

The second half was a defensive game. It was like two herds of bulls going at each other. The Panthers tied the game half way through the forth quarter. Everyone thought it would be an overtime game.

Then the Panthers took a roughing the passer penalty with less than a minute on the clock. Steven got up real slow after that hit. I honestly thought he would be out of the game right then. He stayed.

We needed twenty five yard to be in field goal range.

I wasn't all that savvy on football, but it seemed to me we were not going anywhere fast. Steven did three rushing plays for ten yards. Maybe I thought we were just biding our time to go into Overtime. With ten seconds on the clock the guys lined up for another rush. Steven had sucked them all in.

Steven took the ball, did a three sixty in place and rifled the ball down the left sideline. Allan was under the ball when it arrived and almost walked into the end zone. Touchdown and a win. Man I went crazy along with the fans.

After the celebration on the field I was so excited about winning I almost didn't notice all the swinging cocks and balls in the locker room. Almost was right and I enjoyed the view and no one mined that I just gawked sometimes at all those good looking cocks. There even a few that were pretty plumped up.

The Coach came in and congratulated us on a good game, but also reminded us we still had one more to go. We were pretty much resigned to who we would be playing. The Home town favorites.

If I thought the last half of our game was defensive mostly, the whole frigging second game was a defensive game. The Warriors' went down 6-3. to a full house crowd of home town fans. They were not happy.

After dinner that night, Gary gave Steven a massage and I gave Allan one. Well the massage turned into one big orgy of cocks and asses. I loved it all, I just wished Allan could fuck me. He had the perfect cock for fucking as far as I was concerned.

In the morning, we packed all our stuff and dropped it at our bus. After the Game and awards ceremony, we would be heading home. The Game was set to start at two. We had a practice on the field from 10-12. The Cougars practiced before us from 8-10. We just sat in the dressing room after discussing strategy and game plans.

We had whipped the Cougars' all year, but as the Coach said, Playoff's were a whole knew ball of wax. The Cougars' had never played us like they played the Warriors so we knew we were in for a very hard game.

What a battle we were in. The Game was tied at seven at the end of the first half and everyone was hurting. The hits were hard and fast throughout the first half on both sides.

I listened to the announcer. He said it was the States best Defense going against the Best Offensive team. It meant we were reacting to them more than doing our own thing. We needed to play our own game and let them react to us.

I sat listening to the Coach.

"Any questions?"

"Coach, can I say something?"

"Of course Matt. You are as much part of our team as anyone."

"Well I heard the announcer say we got the best offensive team in the league, but we been reacting to their defense. How come we are not playing our game instead of reacting we should be making them react?

"I mean I see Steven in the pocket all the time, but as soon as they rush our game falls apart. We should make them come to us. Make them change posture. Give Steven long enough to get the ball away. Hell I only saw one pass in the whole first half. Even if he misses, they got to react on the next play."

"Maybe you should be Coach Matt. You are right. Steven you are going to taking some real hard hits."

"Yeah but if he has the ball gone, they might be late hits and we gain yards weather he hits Allan or Roger." I said.

That got a laugh from everyone.

"Steven, Gary, me and Allan will sooth your pains later."

"Thanks Babe."

I had just outed us all to the team and had included Allan. When I looked at Allan he had a big grin on his face. I guess I did right for once. "Let's go get them." The Coach yelled.

The Cougars must have thought they were hit by a Steam roller in that second half. They took a late hit penalty on the first play and we gained more yards from the penalty than we had all the first half. We picked their defense apart almost faster than they could react. At the end of third quarter we were ahead by 14. By the end of the game the score was 31-7. We put 24 unanswered points on the board.

That wind was sweet in front of nearly 50,000 people and TV. It was made even sweeter for me when the coach had me front and center to lift the big trophy. Man I was walking on air.

Me, a dumb little foster kid on national Television.

It wasn't my fault about what was waiting for me when we got home.

We got home at near midnight and I went straight to bed. I was still tired the next day, but had to go to school. It was a whirlwind day for all the team and even me. I don't think I shook so many school kids hands ever before. I was glad when the day was finally over. I skated home with Steven and Gary. We just kissed before I went inside. Jim and Elsie were waiting for me.

"Matthew, a registered letter came for you on Friday. WE pretty much know what it is about. We received one too." He handed me the letter.

It was form some lawyer. It said my Real Mom was going to court to get custody of me back.

"No way Dad. I'm never going back to her. She gave me up and even said she never wanted anything to do with ever again. I won't go." "You might not have a choice Son if the courts sides with her. She is your natural Mother and the courts are inclined to allow it to happen."


Next: Chapter 7: It Wasnt My Fault 7

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