It Wasnt My Fault Series

By Brian

Published on Jun 13, 2014


It Wasn't My Fault

Disclaimer: This story is fiction. It deals with interaction between males including oral and anal. Any person under 18, or anyone living in a state or province where reading these stories is illegal should leave this site now. Adult gay content.

Chapter 5

It wasn't my fault I was getting addicted to black dick. That was Gary's fault and I loved him for it. I knew my original reason for not liking black guys was Big Ben. Now I had had Gary, Malcolm, Hans and Sydney. Granted Sydney hadn't fucked me yet, but I knew in time I'd get his nice thick cock in my butt.

The population of the school was mostly black boys. Us whites and off whites were really a minority. I knew everyone probably knew I was Gay. I hoped I didn't get Gary into trouble with the other colored boys for hanging with me. All the guys I had met so far never had a problem with me being Gay, but just wasn't sure what their reaction would be to Gary and me as boy friends.

Gary was due to arrive tomorrow and I could hardly wait. I really missed him.

At Breakfast today Jer and Sam asked me if I wanted to go to Kevin's and play video games. I really wasn't interested and said I figured I'd just hang around the house. Both knew I missed Gary. They took off and I went up and lay on my bed.

Problem was it was not exactly Gary's big black cock I was thinking about. Sydney kept popping into my thoughts. Not only Sydney the football team as a whole were in my thoughts too. I'd love to be towel boy for the whole frigging team. My thoughts were interrupted by Jim.

He knocked on my door and I quickly sat up to hide my boner.

"Yeah." I said.

He opened the door and looked in.

"Matthew you should get out and enjoy this weather while we have it."

"Yeah, I suppose Dad. I was just thinking that's all."

"Gary no doubt." He laughed.

If he knew the truth, he'd probably have me locked up in a loony bin.

"I guess."

"Well go enjoy son. Just be home for supper. Maybe take a spin around the neighbor hood."

Now that was a good idea.

"Okay Dad."

I left and skated up to Monroe. Then I followed it. I didn't know it was like a crescent. I passed Kelsey Park and skated further on. It came out in a much seedier area than I lived in. I guess the Heritage District sort of ended at the school. I figured I could skate to Columbia and then up to the school. Maybe see if there was any action in the skate park.

I just rounded the corner onto Columbia when I almost ran down six black guys. One heard me and jumped out of the way. I did a toe stand to stop. "Sorry guys. I wasn't expecting you."

"Hi Matt. What you doing way down here." It was Sydney.

"Hi Sydney. I was just out exploring the neighborhood. Come down Monroe and was headed back to the skate park."

Now was in the middle of all six and Sydney was the only one I knew. Shit I might be in big shit if these boys didn't like white guys.

"So you know this white boy Sydney?" He sounded mad.

"If you look, he's not exactly white and yes I know him. He goes to our school."

"Matt, Matt, you that queer boy that's chasing Gary?"

I didn't say anything coz I figured I'd just get beat up more.

"So you like black dick. Want to suck another." The guy said as he grabbed his crotch.

It was then I looked at all six boys around me. All were well over six feet tall and really out weighed me. All were wearing tank tops or loose t-shirts. All had on those silky type basketball shorts of different colors. Except for Sydney it looked like none of the others were wearing any underwear. I thought about what the guy said.

"That depends." I said.

"Depends on what? He said sort of menacing.

"Depends on weather you guys are going to beat the crap out of me."

The guy put his head back and laughed. "Shit, we weren't going to do anything. Just never see no white boys around here."

"Well I won't do anything out here on the street."

"You sure about this Matt? You going to get a real rep as a dick sucker." Sydney said, even as I saw his cock start to get hard.

I just shrugged.

As a group they turned and walked up the street with me in the middle. I had a nice view of round asses. The turned into an alley and down about 25 yards. They stopped next another loading dock.

The guy that had done most of the talking just turned and pushed down his basketball shorts. I was right he wasn't wearing any underwear. The hard cock he pulled up almost made me swoon. About eight inches and thick. He pulled back his foreskin and a bead of precumm slipped from the big piss slit. I just dropped to my knees and let it slide into my mouth.

"Holy fuck, I thought he was kidding." Another guy said.

The guy wasn't exactly gentle as he fucked my mouth and I gagged on his cock quite a few times.

"You want my black juice too boy?"

I just kept sucking and he blew a big load down my throat. He backed off.

"Damn you do that good Matt."

The guy next to him was hard in his shorts. I just turned, pulled them down and swallowed his cock.

I did all six and then did the first guy again. He was a lot more gentle the second time. Still had a big load. He pulled me up when I was done.

Figured I'd swallowed a gallon of sperm.

"Any of you want to fuck me now?"

"Not a chance white boy." One of the others said.

From the looks on some of their faces I wasn't sure that was exactly true, but didn't say anything. I knew I had come in my boxer briefs, but didn't care about that either.

"We going to play basketball or what?" Sydney said.

They all but the guy that had his hand on my shoulder turned and headed down the alley. As soon as they were out of sight, he slid his hand inside my shorts and underwear.

"Nice dick Matt. I'd love to see how you taste sometime and really would like to fuck your brains out."

"I'm Steven. Give me a call sometime. You could come over. My rents are away for Christmas so we would have the place to ourselves." He pushed a piece of paper into my hand. I then followed him out of the lane.

My mind was in a turmoil as I skated beside them to the school. I had sucked all six off and could just as easily leaned over the dock and let all six fuck my brains out. Now this rough guy, I thought was going to kick the shit out of me wants to suck my dick and fuck me. What a morning and it was only 11.

I headed for the washrooms as they went to play basketball. I jacked off thinking about those boys, especially Steven. I came so fast.

I didn't feel like skating so just sat in the shade. Wasn't anyone I knew skating.

I wondered if I was getting a rep as a cock slut. Gary would be pissed. God I loved to suck cocks and could probably do anyone that asked now even if it just added to the reputation I was getting. I wasn't sure I cared anymore.

I then figured I might get a second load from some of them and headed for the basketball courts. Shit they were gone. Fuck and I was hard again. I knew where I could jack off so just picked up my board and walked along the wall to the stairwell. I stopped dead when I heard voices.

"Jesus Sid. Just stick it in. You aren't the first and I know won't be the last."

I heard a grunt followed by a moan. Then the gentle slap, slap, slap of balls hitting a guys ass cheeks. The moans got louder. I figured Sydney was screwing someone. I wondered who. I also wondered what to do. I might get the real crap beat out of me if they found out I was listening.

It wasn't my fault I was so hard it was painful. They say a hard cock has no conscience. Well mine over rode all my fears and I just stepped out and looked down into the stairwell.

Sydney had Steven on his back and was hammering away at his ass. He saw me immediately and missed a beat, but kept going with big smile on his face. He beckoned me with one hand. I lightly walked down the steps into the stairwell.

"You want me to come inside Steve?"

"Fuck no Man. I'll be leaking all the way home."

"No worries. I'll get Matt to rim your ass." "WHAT!" Steven's eyes shot open and he saw me.

Sydney stopped and I knew he was unloading inside Steve's butt.

"Come on Matt, lick Steve's hole."

Oh fuck yeah, I thought and was on my knees with my tongue in Steve's hole as quick as a bunny. While I sucked up Sydney's load, he pulled down my shorts and underwear and shoved his slimy cock into my ass. Fuck heaven had to be like this. After sucking up all of Sydney's juice I sucked Steven's hard cock. He was super horney and came real quick. That caused me to blow my load on Steven's ass. After sucking him dry licked my sperm from his ass. After Sydney blew inside me he pulled out. I sucked his cock clean.

"You are something else Matt." Steven said.

"Well we are here you want to fuck me too." I said to Steven.


While Steven fucked me doggy style, I sucked Sydney's cock. Both took along time to come. I wished I could rim myself now with two black boys loads in my butt.

After both were done I just sat up and jacked off.

I just pulled up my shorts and underwear. They straightened themselves out and we left the stairwell.

"I'll see you guys later." Sydney said and was gone.

Steven wasn't in any hurry.

We sat in the shade and I pulled out a bottle of water. I took a pull and handed it to Steven.

"Thanks Matt, for everything."

"No sweat, I really wanted you guys to fuck me in the alley."

"Well I would have and Sydney and Gerry might have, but those other boys just like to get their dicks sucked."

"Sydney was right Matt. You might get a real bad rep as a cocksucker at school."

"So how come you black guys like to get sucked. I figured most of you as straight."

"Matt, there are more guys than girls at our school. Those that like to get screwed are real sluts. The rest don't put out much so guys are horney all the time."

"Well how come there are more guys than girls?"

"Fuck, you don't know? Washington High is the bad boy's school. Most of the guys here have been either kicked out of other schools or been in trouble with the cops. I got kicked out of Jefferson. This was the only school that would accept me."

"Now Benny and Brian are on the basketball team and you can be sure they'll let their teammates know you like to suck dick. Me, Sydney, Ralph and Mike are on the football team. I won't say anything and I know Sydney won't, but those other two I don't know about."

I slid my hand up his basketball shorts and grabbed his cock.

"Well I'll suck this anytime you like Steven."

"Well I got to piss first, unless you want that too."

"I'll do that if you want."

I knew I had got more from Steven's ass than Sydney's cumm, but no longer cared. Steven's piss wouldn't bother me at all.

We went around the corner out of sight and I drained him. He wasn't into getting sucked just yet.

"Steven, I don't have to be home until five PM for dinner. We could go to your place and play around."

"Cool. Come on then."

We talked all the way to a run down tenement block. It looked pretty bad on the outside and reminded me of living with my real Mom and Ben. Inside the halls were just as bad as any on the east side. Steven opened his door and ushered me inside. What a contrast. The inside was neat and tidy. New or almost new furniture. Nice pictures on the walls.

"This is nice Steven."

Yeah, shit outside, but Mom and Dad can't afford any place else right now. We hope to get into one of the railroad houses, but Dad can't get a mortgage."

"Well Gary's Mom sells real estate and actually owns all three railroad houses. I could maybe talk to her Steven."

"Yeah I know, Gary and her live in one."

"You know Gary and his Mom?"

"Of course, hard not to, he is on the football team." He laughed. "You ever do anything with Gary?"

Steven looked at me sort surprised. He didn't say anything. He walked to the kitchen and brought back a couple ice cold cokes. He pulled me down to the couch.

"Matt, I've heard rumors Gary is Gay and also that you are his boyfriend. As to doing anything with him, no I haven't, but would sure like to. I'd love to get into his Mom's pants. She is one hot babe."

I wasn't offended he wanted to get into Anna's pants. I knew it would never happen. She was a hot looking lady.

"Steven, Gary and I are boyfriends."

"Hot Damn. I'll keep it quiet."

"Thanks Steven."

"Question I have Matt, is why you let other black guys screw you and suck them if Gary is your boyfriend."

"I guess I'm kind of addicted to black cock. My Mom was a hooker. We used to live in Madison. Well a Native guy knocked her up one night and I came along. We moved here to the City. I thought things might change, but she got into drugs and finally hooked up with her pusher. I had to suck her customers sometimes. Well I got fucked by one day and after that, Big Ben her black boyfriend kept telling me he was going to fuck me. He had a near foot long cock and real thick. I was lucky sort of. Him and Mom got busted one day. I ended up in a foster home."

"Long story short, I ended up with Jim and Elsie. Best place I ever been to. One day last fall it was going to rain and I took the alley home hoping to get home before it rained. I ended up getting grabbed by Gary and two other black guys. They were going to Rape me. Gary talked them into just letting me suck them. They did fuck me, but it wasn't rape. I'd had all kinds of guys here at the skate park. After I took Gary Home with me and he just sort of became my boyfriend.

"WE fuck each other and he was the first black guy I really liked. He told me most black guys liked to get sucked, but not fuck. So I went out one day to find out. Now I love the feel of black cocks. They are super to suck and feel nice in my butt. All the other stuff, like rimming and drinking pee sort all came together. Big Ben was the first that made me drink pee and one guy from the skate park asked me to lick his ass after he got screwed. I loved it too, so now I have no problems."

"Aren't you worried you'll get more from a guys butt than just cumm?"

"I was at first, but most cases it's all mixed with the cumm and I don't really notice. I mean I'm not going to lay down and let some guy crap in my mouth, but if I get a few lumps they just go down with the cumm I swallow. Even you had a little turd that went down after Sydney screwed you. Occupational hazard." I laughed.

"Well I'm sorry Matt."

I slid my hand up under his shorts and grabbed his cock.

"Now I thought we were going to play."

"Are you always horney Matt?"

"Yup, damn near twenty four seven, especially when I get close to guys like you."

He stood up and pulled me up. We walked down a short hall and into his bedroom. Typical teenager bedroom. Double bed, posters on the walls and clothes spread around. He just pushed off his shorts and pulled his t-shirt off. I need no instructions and quickly stripped. WE sucked each other off first. Then he fucked me. I was surprised he rimmed me after sucking my cock clean. Then he let me fuck him. His insides were so much like Gary's I could have done him forever. But my staying power was nothing like his. After cumming I rimmed him and he sucked my dick clean. We sort of just cuddled and napped for an hour or so.

WE showered together and I drained him again. He tried to drain mine but spit it out. I laughed.

"It's an acquired taste Steven." I giggled more.

"Well I'm not sure I want to acquire it."

WE dried and went out nude and sat on the couch. He grabbed two more cokes and we cuddled on the couch. I was just as relaxed with Steven as I was with Gary. Was that going to be a problem for me I just didn't know.

I looked along his great body and down to his soft cock. I remembered how Big Ben used to almost rape my mouth. Steven had been pretty aggressive the first time I sucked him off.

"Steven, will fuck my face like you did the first time?"

"You liked that? You sure gagged a lot."

"Well Gary does it sometimes and I guess I sort of like being dominated by black guys. Ben used to really rape my mouth and he was way bigger than you or Gary."

"Okay Babe, I'll do it anyway you like it." He stood up.

I dropped to my knees in front of him. He just rammed his dick into my mouth and straight down my throat. It was so fast I gagged and chocked on it. He then started to really fuck my face.

"Come on cock licker, suck that big black cock."

He said as he hammered at my mouth. Fuck it felt so good, almost like he fucked my ass.

He took along time to blow and I was almost faint. He blew when his cock was in my throat and most I think went right into my stomach. I slowly licked him clean and sat back. Then I noticed I had blown all over the floor.

"Get down there cock licker and clean up your mess."

Some had got on his bare feet and some on the floor. I never even hesitated. I dropped and licked up everything.

"Jesus Matt. You are something else, I have to tell you. Crazy is a word that comes to mind. You better be real careful with some guys at school. They find out about that part of you and you could be in big trouble. Some of the basketball team and football team are huge compared to me."

"Tell you what. I'll only submit to you and Gary like that."

"Okay Babe."

Damn he did it again just like Gary. Gary called me his Babe too.

It wasn't my fault I was falling in love with Steven too.

I guess he saw the tears in my eyes coz he pulled me close and wrapped his arms around me.

"You okay Matt?"

"Not really Steven coz I think I am in love with you too." "I guess I'm falling for you to Matt. I guess we'll have to get together with Gary and figure out how we both can love you."

I lifted my head up and mashed my lips on his. We tongue played for a while and I was super horney again. It was just like Gary.

"Fuck I got to go." I jumped up.

It was almost 4:30.

I rushed into the bedroom and pulled on my board shorts and grabbed my runners and T-shirt. I kissed Steven at his door and was out skating for hell bent up the street. Then I noticed I didn't have my boxer briefs on. Damn I had left them at Steven's. I'd call him when I got home.

I got home at 4:50 and ran up and grabbed a shower and was down just in time for supper.

"How was your day Son? Jim asked.

"Great Dad. Met some guys at the skate park and had a blast. Even skated down past Company and came out on Columbia."

"Got into the tenement area. You need to be careful down that way Matthew."

"Didn't see too many people."

"Well most of them come out at night. Just be safe Son."

After dinner I was in my room with Sam and Jer.

"You weren't at the skate board park. We were there with Kevin most of the afternoon."

Well I was close. I was over watching the basketball guys."

"Get any? Jer giggled.

"Lots of cocks to suck, but no screwing. Now I want you Jer."

Cool." In short order we were in a circle suck on my bed.

I slept like a log that night.

After a shower and breakfast I was up cleaning up my room when I remembered I had left my boxer briefs at Steven's. I fished out his number and called him.

He told me he had slept with my boxers on his face all night. I told him that was real kinky. We laughed for a while and just talked of odd stuff. I said I'd call him later.

I had just got off the phone when someone tapped at my door. I turned to look and Gary walked in. I was out of the chair in front of my computer so fast the chair was knocked over. Two steps and I jumped into his arms crying.

"Wow Babe. You really missed me eh?"

I just hugged him.

He walked in with me wrapped around him, closed the door and then flopped back on the bed with me on top. I just rained kisses all over his face. When I stopped I just looked at him. God I loved him so much it hurt.

"I missed you too Babe."

"I can tell you really missed me." "Well that's normal anytime I get this close love." I said.

We sat up on the edge of the bed.

"So meet any one new and have some fun?"

When he said that everything crashed down around me. I could feel tears welling at my eyes.

"Oh Gary, did I say something wrong?"

How do I tell him I fell in love with someone else?

Just tell him my mind screamed. Then I figured I could show him better.

"I got to make a phone call and then we got to skate someplace."

"Okay Babe. If that is what you want."

I called Steven and asked if Gary and I could come over. He said sure and would meet us outside in 30 minutes.

WE skated up past the skate park by the school and onto Columbia.

"Where are we going Babe?"

"You'll see. It's not far."

WE met Sydney and three of the guys I had sucked off yesterday. Fuck I prayed none of them would say anything.

"Hi Matt, Gary. Nother nice day eh."

They all fist bumped, but never commented on my actions yesterday.

"See you guys." Sydney said and they headed off.

Steven was waiting outside his apartment building. Gary and Steven greeted each other like long lost brothers. Maybe this would not be so bad. After going inside and sitting down, Steven brought cokes and sat down on the other side of me. I was rock hard, but super scared. Before I could say anything Steven started to talk.

"Gary, until yesterday I had never met Matt. I knew of him. A couple of months ago I figured out you and him were boyfriends and I guess I was a little jealous. I was hoping one day we might get together. Well yesterday, I fucked Matt's mouth. But it was different than other guys that sucked me. He loved it. He also sucked off five other guys. I told him after I wanted to suck him off and fuck his butt. I did and he fucked me too. I was in heaven I thought, but then thought about you. Gary I love Matt and he's told me he loves me and you."

I looked at Gary. He had a bemused smile on his face.

"So that's what you were so worried about earlier Gary?"

"Yes. I'm sorry Gary, but I do love you both."

"Confessions time Steven. Ever since I first met you Steven I have wanted to suck your cock. Now I guess I got you and Gary. For me it's no problem Matt. I still love you and maybe more now coz I also get Steven in the package."

I leaned up and kissed Gary and then did the same to Steven.

"I guess I get the best part. I get the man I love in my mouth fucking me while I get the other man I love fucking my butt. I wish I could rim myself."

Both laughed and then hugged me at the same time. I reached into the shorts of both and grabbed their cocks.

"Guess we know what you want Baby." Steven said.

Very quickly we were all nude. Gary grabbed Steven's cock.

"Yup going to enjoy this both ways."

"Gary, you haven't had Matt for a few days so you fuck him first, I'll fuck his mouth and we can change. Matt you want to know what we taste like from your butt I can arrange it."

"How, I can't even bend low enough to suck my own dick." I giggled.

"You'll see. Now get on your knees my little white boy."

Well Gary really fucked my butt. So hard in fact that Steven didn't even need to move. Every time Gary slammed into me Steven's cock was forced into my throat. This was my real heaven having a black cock in both holes at the same time. They could do this forever. Gary came first and deposited a big load into my butt. Steven blew another load into my mouth. I was almost full from both ends. Then they changed places.

It took a lot longer for both to blow, but I never complained.

After both were done, Steven walked into the kitchen and brought a glass.

"Blow in the glass Matt." Well that was easy, I was super horney.

"Now crap it out in the glass Matt." He set the glass on my hole.

I had taken a crap earlier so I hoped there was nothing inside my butt but cumm. I grunted over the glass and knew lots came out coz I felt it. I was surprised that Steven rimmed me after.

"Didn't want any mess on the couch." He laughed.

"You want to know what we taste like together. Here drink this." HE handed me the glass.

I looked at the glass in my hand. It was not just white of cumm, but more a yellow color. I sniffed the glass but could discern no real smell. I just upped and drank it down.

Well it did taste like cumm, but more like when I rimmed guys. I wondered what just their cumm mixed would taste like, but could do this with no problem.

Come here Baby. I got something to wash it down." Gary pissed in my mouth.

That made me feel better and I just sat back smiling.

"I'll do that all the time guys if you want."

"That's pretty much up to you Babe."

Well it was day of real fun. I got fucked and sucked all day. Gary got his wish when he sucked off Steven. I got a stomach full of cumm and other stuff. I didn't care what I sucked from these two boys holes and never balked at rimming them when ever they asked.

Gary and I headed home about three in the afternoon. Man was I full. Just hoped there was room for dinner."

I slept real good in Gary's arms that night.

The next day was Christmas eve and we had lots of stuff to do to get ready. Gary's Mom Anna was coming over on Christmas morning. She'd be here for Christmas Dinner. We got the house decorated and helped Mom get some of the stuff ready for the next day.

We all watched Christmas Special on TV that night before bed.

Gary and I sucked each other off before just cuddling.

In the morning after Breakfast, I snuck out and wound the Grandfather Clock. It had a chime in it that went off every hour. Anna arrived and brought a whole shit load more presents. When I looked under the tree I could just see the Skate Board I bought for Gary buried under other presents.

After every body had a glass of wine and orange juice we sat down to open presents.

Jim said he'd act as Santa. Just as he reached for the first present the clock on the wall started bonging. Jim turned and looked with an astounded look on his face.

"Merry Christmas Dad. Elsie said you really loved that old clock so I got it fixed for you for Christmas."

Jim got up and pulled me into his arms.

"That's the best Christmas present I have ever received Son. Thank you so much."

"Well I love you Dad. So you are real welcome."

Elsie adored the blouse I got her. Anna was in love with the necklace and ear rings in Silver I got here. Both boys loved those baseball cards.

Dad handed a big box to Gary. It had all the skate board stuff. Then he picked up the board.

"Hmm, I wonder who this is for."

Then he handed it to Gary. Gary looked at the name on the board and started to cry.

I hugged him. "Merry Christmas Love."

Well I got shirts, jeans and other stuff from everyone. The last big box under the tree Dad handed to me. It was from Gary. I torn open the wrapping and burst into tears. Gary had bought me s new long board.

He then hugged me and wished me a real merry Christmas.

We all sat around thanking everyone. Then tidied up. After lunch we were sitting out on the big veranda at the back of the house.

"Dad is it okay if Gary and I go visit a frind that's at home alone for Christmas."

"Matthew, if he's a good friend, invite him over for dinner."

"Are you sure Mom?"

"Of course I'm sure. We have plenty and no one should be alone for Christmas."

Jer and Sam followed us up as we went to change.

"Sam, I never bought Steven a present. Can I give him the Raptures Jersey you gave me. It comes down to my knees."

"Sure Matt. Gary we got the Basketball Shorts too. You want to give them as a present?"

Gary hugged both boys and thanked them. We wrapped the shirt and shorts in some of the wrapping left over from our presents. Then Gary on his new board and me on mine took off for Steven's place.

Boy was he surprised when we arrived and started to cry when we gave him the presents.

"I never got you guys anything."

Well you got something we both love Steven."

Didn't take long until we were on his bed in a circle suck. Then we changed so we got each others loads. I wanted both to screw mw again, but didn't really have time.

"Steven Mom and Dad told us to invite you for Christmas Dinner. So better get dressed. Wear those new shorts and top, but better wear underwear."

He protested but we talked him into coming.

He pulled out the boxer briefs I had left at his place and pulled them on. Fuck they were so tight I was sure he's split the seams if he sat down. I told him.

He laughed and sat down and then did some squats. Fuck that just made them tighter. I ran my hand over his very visible cock.

"Jesus Matt. I really will split the seams you do that. I'm keeping these by the way."

Steven looked real hot in those Raptures Jersey and shorts. We walked all the way home.


Next: Chapter 6: It Wasnt My Fault 6

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