It Wasnt My Fault Series

By Brian

Published on May 17, 2014


It Wasn't My Fault

Disclaimer: This story is fiction. It deals with interaction between males including oral and anal. Any person under 18, or anyone living in a state or province where reading these stories is illegal should leave this site now. Adult gay content.

Chapter 1

It wasn't my fault I had been in and out of a dozen different foster homes in the last five years. It wasn't my fault that at sixteen I was just five foot two and a hundred pounds. It wasn't my fault that I was brown skinned with black hair and blue eyes. It wasn't my fault I was a lousy student in school just barely passing my grades. It wasn't my fault I got hard every time I saw a boys dick.

It wasn't my fault that my Mom was a crack addicted whore. She shacked up one night with a big Native guy who knocked her up. Well growing up in a mostly white neighborhood wasn't easy for a half white half native boy. School was hell and made even more so coz everyone knew my Mom was a whore. The only thing I learned good in school was how to run. Running away from all the bully's and anyone else that hated me, which meant almost everyone.

When we moved to the big city I thought things might change, but only got worse for me. When I was ten my Mom used to use me to keep her tricks happy before she got to them. Meant I learned to suck dick real fast. It was either that or they would have been using my butt.

Well my Mom got shacked up with her drug dealer and when he wasn't screwing her, I was sucking him off. One day he told me soon I'd learn how to take it like a man. I knew what he meant and scared shitless. My Mom's drug dealer was big Negro guy and his dick had to near a foot long.

I was lucky it didn't happen. About three months after Mom shacked up big Ben, as everyone called him, the cops raided the house. Both my Mom and Ben were arrested, I was found in a back bedroom in my very dirty undies. I ended up in the hands of Child Services.

Well I knew I had a name but could never remember what it was. Everyone in my life just called me boy. Even the kids from school. Always boy do this or boy do that. So when Child services asked all I could say was boy.

They eventually found out my Name was Mathew Higgins. But that became another problem for me. After being called boy for so long my mind didn't recognize Mathew or Matt when it was used to call me, so I just ignored people. It was the main reason I was in so many different Foster homes. Everyone said I was uncooperative. I didn't mean to be, it's just the way I was.

Most of the foster homes I was sent to had more than one foster kid and in all cases they were older than me. Because I was so different I was picked on a lot, even forced to suck older boys off. I never minded sucking them coz I had learned to like it when I was at home with my Mom.

By law I was a ward of the State until I was eighteen. Well at sixteen it was harder and harder to find Foster Homes that would accept me. They tried to put me in a group home, but it was worse than the foster places I had been so just ran away.

Now I was standing in front of a huge brownstone. The neighborhood wasn't the best in the city so I figured that it would just like all the other places I had been in.

An older man and women came out the front door. The man looked close to fifty and the women a little younger than that.

"Hello Mathew. I'm Jim and this is Elsie. Would you like to come in and talk?"

Well that was sure different than the other places I had been sent to.

I just shrugged and walked in behind them. The Child Services Councilor walked in behind me. They walked to a large sitting room and indicated for me to sit. Elsie left the sitting room and moments later came back with a big tray. On the tray was a large pitcher of orange juice, four glasses and a big plate of cookies. She set them down on the table.

She filled the four glasses and handed everyone including me s glass of orange juice. Then she grabbed the plate of cookies. Everyone took a couple.

"Help yourself Mathew." My hand shook as I took a couple of cookies.

"Mathew, I think I know what you are thinking. You are thinking well here you go again. Another house, another set of parents that only care about the money they receive from the State. More hand me downs and only enough to food to keep you alive. Elsie and I hope we can change your mind." Jim said.

"It may surprise you but when your name first came up on the list of children waiting for Foster homes, we applied for you to come here. However we are limited to three boys, so were turned down. Mrs. Callahan asked us if we were still interested when you ran away from the group home. We said yes and here you are."

"We have read your entire file Mathew and know everything about you. As far as we are concerned it is all past history. Here you start fresh. Elsie and I would very much like you to stay. The two other boys we have would like you to stay as well. However Mathew, we won't force you to stay if you don't want to."

"We know most boys need time to make up their minds. We would like you to stay a few days and then decide."

"Okay." I said.

Elsie showed Mrs. Callahan to the door and came back and sat down.

I knew what Jim had said could have been for show to the Councilor. Now I would find out the real stuff.

"We have a few rules we would like you to follow while you live here Mathew." Here it comes I thought.

"First off, I am Jim and that's Elsie. No Sir or Mame in this house. The boys are Jeremy and Samuel. Because they are younger than you there will no bullying. We expect you to be on time for meals and clean and washed before hand."

After every meal you are expected to help clean up. After, once you start school you can finish your home work if you have it. After you are done you are free to do as you please until lights out. For you that's 11 PM. For Jeremy and Samuel it's 10 Pm.

"You re expected to keep your room clean and on Saturday mornings help with the house cleaning and laundry. The rest of the day is for you to do anything you wish as long as you are home for dinner."

"Lastly, there is no swearing in this house. Both Elsie and I know it is sometimes hard not to, but try to keep it clean."

"Now I'll show you around and then take you up and show you your room." The main floor of the house consisted of the sitting room, a large kitchen and pantry, a dinning room and a bathroom. The Second floor had the Master Bedroom, Bathroom, office and recreation room. The recreation room had a big flat screen TV, two game consoles and about a million games I thought. A computer terminal and several book shelves. The top floor had three bedrooms and another bathroom with tub and shower.

"You boys bedrooms are all on this floor Mathew. Jeremy and Samuel have those two on that side and this is your room if you stay.

To say I was astounded when we walked in would be gross understatement. Dominating the room was the biggest bed I had ever seen. Along one wall was a big bookcase filled with books. A window on the other wall looked out into a very small back yard. It also had a computer desk and computer. Attached to the ceiling in one corner was a flat screen TV. There was also a walk in closet.

"This is my room?"

"If you stay Mathew, this is all for you."

I set my suitcase down and just looked at the room. Then I looked at Jim. I didn't see the cruel smile I was used to seeing on foster Parents. I didn't see the dollar signs in his eyes. All I saw was someone who cared. For the first time in memory I broke down. I put my head down and started to cry. Half a second later Jim had me in his arms just holding me. I guess that did it the dam burst and I bawled my head off.

After I got down to sniffles Jim let me go and stood back.

"Feeling better Mathew?"

"It's just nobody ever gave me anything like this before."

"It does take some time to get used to. Last thing I will tell you is that there are no locks on any door. Elsie and I respect your privacy as all boys need it. No one will enter your room unless you want them too. This is your room if you want it Mathew. Call it what you like even your own castle. The only time anyone will enter here without your permission is Saturday Morning Inspection. I'll explain some things about the computers in this house later unless one of the other boys beat me to it."

"Dinner is in about an hour. See you then Mathew." He turned and closed the door on his way out.

I just wandered around the room looking, almost afraid to touch anything. This was like a dream and I didn't want to chance waking up. Then I heard a tapping at my Door.

"Come in." I said.

The door opened a little and a red head stuck his head in.

"Hi, I'm Jer. Sam and I wanted to meet you."

"Well come in."

Both boys came inside and closed the door. As soon as I saw them, my stomach did a flip flop and my dick started to get hard. Shit I thought they are bound to see it, but I was afraid to move and cover it up.

"I'm Jer and this Sam."

"Hi Jer, hi Sam. I'm Matt."

Jer was real carrot top with bright red hair and millions of freckles. Both boys had t-shirts and cut offs on. Both filled out the t-shirts a lot better than I would. Jer was about my height but way heavier. Sam was taller and built like a brick shit house. My eyes were drawn to those cutoffs both were cut so short for the legs to be almost non existent. Both showed as big basket too and from the looks of them they were semi hard too. I almost swooned right then and there.

Both boys giggled.

"Sorry Matt. We didn't mean to shock you."

"It's cool, I just wonder how you even got those cutoffs on."

That brought a laugh from both.

"Well we can't wear them down stairs. Elsie and Jim would kill us. But up here it is okay. We put cargo shorts on over them to go down for dinner."

"We both know we're gay and Jim said you are probably like us, but we had better ask before we said too much to you. We thought these would tell us pretty much everything."

"They don't mind you are Gay?"

"Of course not. They don't exactly approve, but said we all have to live our own life. Are you Gay Matt?"

I had never really thought about what I was. I did like to suck cocks and had been screwed lots in other Foster homes by some of the older boys. I had run from the group home when the other guys said I was going to get raped by them all.

"I guess I kind of am. I mean I like to suck dicks and been screwed lots. I just never thought about what I was."

Both moved real close to me.

Sam and I like to suck too, but we never did it the butt. Jim won't let us on websites that could tell us or show us how. Will you show us? I mean we'll suck you and all. We got no problem doing that."

"I never screwed anyone before. It was always the other way."

"That sucks." Sam giggled.

"Can we talk about this later."

"Oh sure Matt. We both hope you decide to stay."

I was pretty much convinced I would stay before I met Jer and Sam. Now it was almost certain.

"We got to change for dinner. We'll come and get you Matt."

Any doubts I had before were gone by the time dinner was over. Roast Beef with mashed potatoes, carrots and peas. All the milk I wanted to drink and hot apple pie and ice cream for desert. I was stuffed. Everyone talked and joked and laughed. Obviously Jim and Elsie wanted everyone to be happy in this house.

Clean up was simple with a big dish washer. Sam and Jer did the pots.

They both took off after saying they would see me later. I went to talk to Jim and Elsie.

"This place is so different from anyplace I have ever been. I guess if you will have me, I'd like to stay." I was almost in tears again.

"Of course we want you to stay." Elsie said as she wrapped her arms around me. That did it. I was bawling in her arms.

She just held me until I was back to sniffles. "Why don't you go play with the boy's. They are probably in the Rec room. We'll sit down tomorrow and talk if it's okay with you Matthew."

I found both in the Rec room playing a game. I just sat down to watch. It looked like they were pretty evenly matched.

"You want to play Matt?" Sam said without missing a beat.

"I never played games before on a computer."

"That's cool. We'll teach you."

Both boys just stopped their game.

"Come on sit between us. We'll put in a learner game we all can play."

Well sitting between these two boys did nothing but get me hard. Sam must have known what they were doing to me coz he leaned close.

"We don't bite unless you want us too Matt."

I almost came right there, but just laughed.

Learning the controller was pretty easy but for a learner game it got harder and harder. Even Sam and Jer were losing lives as fast as I was.

We finally stopped.

"Look guys, I'd like to go on, but I'm bushed."

"That's cool. Can we come and talk some more?"

"Sure if you want."

We all headed up stairs. Both Jer and Sam stopped at their rooms. Both came to my room in their cutoffs. Jer handed me a pair of white bikini briefs.

"Try these Matt. We know you ain't got much for clothes. We never had either until we came here. Elsie and Jim will probably take you shopping tomorrow to get what ever you want."

What the hell I thought. I turned away from them and pulled of my jeans and then my ratty underwear. The bikini briefs felt good as I pulled them on, but I had trouble getting my dick in them. When I turned back my mouth fell open in shock.

Both boys sat on the edge of my bed in just their white briefs.

"Oh wow Matt you are real big." Jer said and reached over and ran his hand over it. I stepped back.

"Jesus I almost came." I said breathlessly.

"Well can't have you messing up your clean undies." Jer laughed.

He just kneeled in front of me. Pulled down my undies and swallowed my cock.

He took me right to my sparse pubes and gagged. I was pretty proud of my cock and balls. I figure I got them from my dad. I had nearly seven inches and real thick.

He backed off and just sucked. Barely a minute later I blew and he just lapped it up. Fuck, what ever resolve I had just disappeared.

When he stood back against the bed I said the first thing that came into my mind.

"Do you want to fuck me?"

His eyes got real big and he started to stammer. It looked like he might have a heart attack so I just moved over to him, went to my knees and pulled down his undies. I had his dick in my throat instantly. He didn't last any longer than I did and I just swallowed everything. He slumped back almost faint across my bed.

Not caring anymore I just moved over to Sam.

"Your turn Sam." I said as I peeled his undies down.

What a beautiful cock Sam had. Real thick, but not too long and uncut. The big mushroom head just out of his foreskin. I just sucked right in. I had trouble getting all down my throat at first, but soon I was bobbing on his whole cock. He lasted longer than Jer, and had a huge load for a guy, bigger than I think I had ever had. Tasted good too. I would love to feel him in my butt too.

I sat back on my knees and smacked my lips.

"Well so much for talking." I giggled.

That broke both boys up and soon after we were sitting in a circle on the bed in just our t-shirts. Both boys were different. Jer with his long thin cock buried in fiery red pubes and Sam with his thick uncut cock in dark brown pubes. I hardly had any hair at all compared to these two.

"Did you really mean it when you said you wanted me to fuck you?"

"Well I do, but we got to get some stuff first."

"What kind of stuff?" Sam asked.

"Well we definitely need lube. Something like Vaseline or KY gel. Can't screw without lube. Will hurt too much."

"Where can we get it?"

"Well you show me where a drug store is and I can buy some KY Gel. I got some money."

Well we sure can't do that until tomorrow."

"You guys sixty nine suck each other?"

"Sure, all the time."

"Well how about we do a daisy chain. I'll suck Jer, Jer sucks Sam and Sam sucks me."

It didn't take us long to get it on and I loved it more this time. It took both longer to get off and I loved the feel of Sam's lips and mouth on my cock. I didn't get many blow jobs before this so I wanted it to last.

Jer got off almost as fast as before so I started to lick his balls. Then I slipped my tongue up between his legs and licked his butt hole.

That lasted maybe a half second and he was up on his knees.

Sam was swallowing my load so I never moved until he was done.

"What's the matter Jer?" I said as I sat up.

"What, what did you do?"

"I licked your butt. You guys never rimmed before?"

"Oh, that's gross Matt." "Why? All I tasted was soap and sweat."

"Yeah well that's where your crap comes from."

"It's also where your dick goes when you fuck. What's the difference I use my tongue on the outside or my dick on the inside. You guys shower everyday so nothing on the outside to worry about."

"I don't think I could do that." Jer said.

"What did it feel like Jer?" Sam says.

"Real weird."

Sam was obviously the more adventurous of the two.

"Well you can try it on me Matt, just to see what it feels like."

"Okay lay on your back and pull your legs back."

When he did I saw almost no hair on his crack. I leaned down and ran my tongue along his crack until I hit his rosebud. When my tongue touched his rosebud his whole body jumped and he moaned. I tongued his hole a few times and he just moaned more.

"God I think I'm going to cum." He said.

I slipped up quickly and just as my lips wrapped around his tool, three short shots of cumm covered my tongue. I sucked him dry and sat back.

"How was it Sam?" I giggled.

"Real weird, but real good. You can do that to me anytime Matt."

"Well later. Look guys I'm really bushed and need some sleep. We can talk more like this tomorrow."

"That's cool Matt. We'll see you in the morning."

Both boys pulled on their undies and left.

I couldn't believe my luck. A real nice place to live and two guys that were gay and real friendly. I think I was in heaven. I crawled between the clean sheets, switched off the bedside lamp and was in dreamland almost instantly.

I was having the most erotic dream I had ever had when I realized it wasn't a dream. I felt a tongue on my hole and a real hot tongue at that.

"What, who?" I almost whispered.

"It's Sam Matt. We got to be real quiet. It felt so good when you did me I just had to try it."

"Well you got me in this position so why don't you fuck me too."

"We don't got no lube."

"Don't matter Sam. I been fucked without. Just go slow."

Well Sam did go slow, but it didn't matter. It hurt like hell and I had to clinch my teeth shut to stop me from screaming. Then I remembered it had been at least three weeks since I had a dick in my ass. Wrong decision on my part but too late now.

I could feel every millimeter of Sam's cock as it split me open. It didn't take him long to get it all inside me. Even though my rings hurt real bad, his cock was so hot inside, I just wanted him to fuck me.

He said it was his first time, but he sure knew how to do it. He pulled back slow and went back in slow. Soon all the pain faded as I felt that thick cock up inside me.

"A little faster and harder Sam." I breathed.

He slowly speeded up and then stopped. I felt his super hot sperm shoot inside me.

"Now fuck me good Sam."

He did for about 20 minutes before he just collapsed over me. I didn't feel his load that time but he went soft inside me.

I flipped on the light as he pulled out. All there was on his cock was his own cumm. I pushed him back and sucked his cock clean.

He moved up beside me and cuddled up close.

"You got to promise you will fuck me Matt. Jer might take longer to come around, but I want you soon please."

I had clamped my butt closed so I didn't mess up the bed. Sam leaned over and kissed me.

When he stood up he looked down along my body. My dick was rock hard and leaking.

"I better take care of that so you don't mess up the sheets." He giggled quietly.

It took about a minute for him to suck me off.

"I like how you taste Matt." Then he was gone.

It all felt like a dream. A dream come true for me. Sleep was easy.

In the Group home everybody was up real early and I woke up early too. First thing I knew I needed to piss and crap. I guess all that rich food went right through me. I grabbed a towel and ran down the hall to the bathroom. Boy did I need to crap and turned on the fan too. After crapping I showered and then dried myself. I walked back to my bedroom and dressed, wearing the same white bikini undies Jer had given me.

Then I made my bed and tied up my room. I found Sam's white undies so knew last night was not a dream. I stuffed them in my suit case. I'd give them to Sam later. I wandered down stairs. I could smell coffee before I even got to the main floor.

I walked into the kitchen.

"Good morning Matthew. You are up early. Sleep okay?"

"Yes Thank you Elsie. I always had to get up early in the group home."

She set a cup of coffee and several different boxes of dry cereal on the table along with whole milk.

"Help yourself Matthew. The boys will probably sleep longer."

I figure it might be longer than usual, especially for Sam.

Elsie sat down and made up a bowl of corn flakes. Jim came in got himself some coffee and sat down.

"Morning Mathew. Sleep well?"

"Yes sir, ah I mean Jim."

He just laughed and opened his morning paper. I finished my breakfast and had another cup of coffee.

"You could go wake the boys Matthew. You guys start back to school in a month and will need to be up early."

"Okay." I headed up stairs.

I quietly opened Sam's bedroom door and looked in. In the dim light I saw Sam sprawled naked on the bed. His morning wood laying along his stomach. I walked to bed and leaned over and licked the head of his cock. He moaned in his sleep. I leaned closer and took his cock into my mouth. He sat bolt upright and three thick streams of cumm shot into my mouth.

"God I thought it was a dream. You can wake me up like that any day."

I just stood back.

"You going to wake Jer the same way." He giggled.


He laughed, grabbed a towel and headed out his door. His dick leading the way. I walked to the adjoining door and peaked inside Jer's room. He was the same as Sam had been except his hand was between his legs.

It was obvious he was in some kind of dream because he was moaning in his sleep. I leaned over and let his long cock slide into my mouth. He took longer to wake up, but when he did his hand came down on my head and pushed his cock into my throat before he blew a real big load in my mouth and throat. His body slumped back on the bed.

"God what away to end a dream."

"Man I thought it was Sam."

"Well I did Sam first." I giggled.

"Elsie said I should wake you guys coz school starts in a month."

"Well just never been woke that way before."

"I don't mind being you guys alarm clock."

"Well we got to return the favor sometime."

After they both showered and had breakfast we were all sitting in the sitting room.

"Matthew the State requires that we make sure you have lots of good clothes. Do you boys want to come along and help Matthew shop? School starts next month and we will get the stuff you need for school to."

Both said yes and we piled into Jim's station wagon.

Now every where else I had been would always get me the cheapest clothes they could. Not here. To the boys Sam and Jer it was almost a game. I'd pick out the cheapest jeans I could find and they would check the size I picked and change the cheap ones for the most expensive in the store. I'd pick white t-shirts they'd change them for other colors. Same for undies and socks. Even the two pairs of sneakers were a lot of money. Elsie and Jim never batted an eye when the bill was over a thousand dollars by the time we were done.

After shopping for me, we went grocery shopping and they spent another few hundred dollars.

Jer and Sam insisted I get a skate board, even after I said I didn't know how. They said they would teach me. I was almost in tears again before we got back to the house.

We had all including Jim and Elsie pigged out at a fast food place so we didn't need lunch. After unpacking all my clothes, Sam said he's make cutoffs with my old jeans. I think he made them even shorter than theirs if it was possible.

Sam and Jer took me for a walk around the neighborhood. When I had arrived, I didn't think much about it. It had looked old and rundown to my eyes.

Sam slipped on a small back pack with water and a few snacks before we left. Walking along the street I saw all the houses looked real good. All had been painted not long before and some even had flower beds in front. The streets were real clean too with old fashioned light posts. Sam told me this was a heritage district. All the house and buildings were over 100 years old. We passed an old fashioned drug store and I went in and bought a big tube of KY gel. Sam put in his pack with a big smile.

Jer told me Jim gave us an allowance of twenty dollars every week so what I spent I would get back on Friday.

This was so different than anything I had had before in my life.

They showed me the School we all would be going to and then the Recreation Center, with pool and athletic field. Across from the school was a skate board park. We stopped and watched the guy's skate boarding. Some of them wore nothing but cutoffs and some showed real big baskets.

An older boy skated over and stopped in front of us.

"Hi Sam. Hi Jer. You guys not skating today?"

"No we're showing Matt around. He just moved in with us."

"Hi Matt. I'm Tyler. You skate too." "Uh no." I couldn't take my eyes off his basket. It was huge and I'm sure he wasn't even wearing undies. I could see hair in some of the holes.

I was so hard it hurt and I know he knew it.

"Well I'll see you guys later." He adjusted his dick and then skated off.

"Fuck is he ever big." I said.

"Yeah we know. Neither of us can suck all of him."

"You mean you have sucked his dick?"

"Sure lots of times. You can too if you want. He might even fuck you if you ask. Tyler will let anyone suck his dick. We just got to head for the washroom and he'll show up."

"So how many guys here will let you do them?"

"All but Joey." Sam laughed.

"Who is Joey?"

"That's that skinny kid over there by the benches. He'll let you jack him, but won't let you suck and won't suck either. He likes to watch guys doing it but won't do anything."

I was almost ready to come, just thinking about what Sam said.

"I got to slow down or I'll blow in my jeans."

"Come on, we'll show you."

We walked along the edge of the skate park. We came to a set of concrete steps. "About ten years ago there was a building on this lot. It burned down and city just paved over it, leaving the basement underneath. When they built the skate park, they built washrooms into the back of the old basement. They bricked up the rest of the basement."

We came to two washrooms. One marked MEN and one marked WOMEN.

"I never saw a female down here."

"In the daytime only guys that use this is the skaters."

Inside the MENS washroom, were five stalls and five urinals on opposite walls. Six basins and a water fountain were across the end. Sam showed me the center stall. Just a normal toilet, but a hole in both walls.

"Go inside and lock the door. Pull your pants down like you are crapping. We'll show you."

I did as Sam said. Right away Sam's dick came through one hole. I knew what to do and very quickly was swallowing Sam's load. Just wished it lasted longer. After I sucked Jer off too.

"Okay stay put. Tyler will be down for sure."

Less than two minutes later Tyler came in and walked straight into the other stall. Less than a minute later the biggest cock I had ever seen since Ben came through the hole. I just opened wide and sucked on it. The hole was big enough for me to put my hand through and grab his big balls. I pulled on his balls, but no more cock would come through.

"Shit this is no good." Tyler said and pulled out.

"Open your door and let me in."

I did as he said and he came in holding up his cutoffs. He locked the door and dropped his cutoffs. He just stepped forward.

"Open up Matt." I just let that massive cock slide in and down my throat. I gagged a couple of times until I used to it. Then he started to slowly fuck my face. I loved it, all of it going all way down and back.

"Damn you are a good cock sucker Matt. I could have you suck my cock forever."

Yeah I would love that. He took a long time to come, which was fine with me. I just loved that thick cock in my mouth.

"Okay Matt get ready. I got a big load for you."

Big is an understatement. His first shot filled my throat and I had to really gulp it down. Four more shots the same size shot into my mouth, faster than I could swallow. Some leaked out and down my chin. He finally pulled out and I licked him clean. I jacked his cock and sucked up what dribbles came out. After licking my lips I just leaned back contented.

"That was the best blowjob I have ever had. I could live with my cock in your mouth."

"You want to fuck me now?"

"Wow. You like to get fucked too?"

"Yeah, especially with a dick like you got."

"You got any lube?"

"Sam's got some in his back pack. I bought it this morning on the way here."

"Great. Well no room in here. I'll do you out by the basins."

"What if someone comes in?"

"No one comes in while I'm in here. I'd kill anyone that did."

I pulled off my jeans and undies. I left my runners on. Tyler pulled up his cutoff and opened the door. We walked out and headed for the basins.

"Sam, dig out the lube. Tyler's going to fuck me. You guys can watch if you want."

Tyler had me lean over the basins. Sam handed him the lube and just stood back. Both boys had their cock out and were jacking them. Tyler knew what he was doing. He spread my cheeks and kneeled and rimmed my hole. That just about made me cumm right on the spot. He then lubed two fingers and slid them in my ass. Wow it felt good.

"Go for three Tyler." I moaned.

Three hurt a little, but he hit my love spot and I moaned louder.

After a few minutes he pulled his fingers out. A few seconds later I felt that huge mushroom on my hole. I pushed real hard like I wanted to shit. I felt that big head slide into me. That was easy, but I knew what came next would really hurt. I tried to will myself to relax, but the pain slowly increased. My teeth were clamped so tight I though I might break them off. He finally stopped.

"Well I got all but an inch and half in you Matt. You sure are one hot boy inside."

My hole was on fire, but feeling his thick cock deep inside me almost overrode the pain. He started real slow, but that didn't last long. Before long it was just his grunts and my moans that filled the Washroom. I felt his balls slapping my ass to knew I was getting all of him.

He took a lot longer to cumm than when he fucked my face, but I didn't care. I loved that big cock inside me. I finally couldn't hold back anymore and blew my load. That did it for him as my hole clamped down on his cock. The feel of his load going into made me blow again. He slowly pulled out. I just lay limp.

"Come on Matt. You know what to do."

I just turned kneeled down and licked and sucked his cock clean.

He ruffled my hair.

"You are the best Matt. Love to do that again anytime."

I looked at Sam and Jer. Both their cocks were rock hard.

"Come on Sam. Your turn to fuck me."

Soon I was in heaven again as Sam fucked me hard. After cumming inside I sucked him clean. Jer fucked me after Sam and I loved it as well. After cleaning him up I went and shit out most of the cumm in my butt. Then dressed.

"I could come here tomorrow Tyler if you want me."

"Up to you and these two Matt. I'll fuck you anytime you want."

We all went up and sat down. I drank a whole bottle of water. Tyler took off.

"Well, how was it Jer?" I asked giggling.

"I couldn't believe you took Tyler's cock. Hell I can't even get half his dick in my mouth."

"Practice Jer, just practice. Look guys I need to tell you the truth. I only ran away from that group home coz one of the guys was a Negro with a cock twice the size of Tyler. He would have really hurt me bad. I like to suck and I like to get fucked. We just got to be careful. I like where I am living now and don't want to ever leave until I have to. I'll suck you guys and you can fuck me anytime as long as Elsie and Jim don't find out."

"Well you got to teach us to get fucked too. Otherwise deal is off." Jer said.

"Oh I will, but we still got to be careful. We can start with fingers and work our way up. We might want to do the real thing away from the house coz you might really be yelling the first time."

It was getting close to dinner so we walked back home. I went up and had a quick shower and washed most of the cumm from my butt.

After dinner and playing games for a while, we went back to my room. Didn't take us anytime to get naked. I taught both guys how to rim. Jer was pretty worried about it until he tasted only soap and sweat. Then he went at full bore. He even got a little cumm from my butt. That almost made him cumm. Sam had no problem.

After light outs I snuck into Jer's room and let him fuck me. Then we lay and sucked each other off again. I asked him to rim me but he said no.

The next morning both taught me at least how to stay up on a skate board. We spent all morning at home. After lunch we skated to the park.

I tried a few tricks like Sam and Jer did but mostly ended up on my ass. I was pretty sore when I finally gave it up. Tyler never showed, but I did suck off a few boys in the washroom. I even got sucked off a few times. No one wanted to fuck, so we just headed home."

We all had a quick shower before dinner. It was real hot out and we sweat lots. Always had to be clean for dinner. Sam and Jer learned about fingers that night and I even got two into Sam.

For the next week, we just finger fucked each other. Jer finally tried to rim after fucking me and almost went crazy. He loved it. Tyler fucked me twice over the week and I let Sam and Jer fuck me after. Both were getting impatient to get my dick in them. Jim and Elsie solved that problem for us.

They took us to a cabin they had on a lake and allowed us to go off on our own. As soon as we were out of site of the cabin I changed into my cutoffs without undies. Both Jer and Sam did too. We walked about a mile down the lake and found a great place to camp. We set up our tent. We had a small fire to cook hot dogs and beans. All alone we figured this was a good place to do the main event as they called it.

I suggested we skinny dip in the lake. Sure didn't take those two to strip off the cutoffs. We swam and played grab ass a bit and even tried sucking under water. We decided it was cool but none of us could hold our breath long enough. We opted to get out and do a daisy chain.

After getting off, both wanted to try getting screwed.

"Okay. Look guys. I don't think I should be first. I'm way bigger than you two so I think Jer you do Sam first and then Sam can do you. I'll rim you after you each do it. Then I'll try it on each of you. If you want you can rim each other after that or I will."

We had already decided we were going to sleep in one double sleeping bag. I was sure we wouldn't get much sleep, but that was the plan. I pulled out two air mattresses and laid the open sleeping bag on top. "Okay Jer, you can start with maybe rimming and then fingers. You got to go slow coz it can really hurt the first time."

Jer did exactly as I said, but when I put lube on his dick and rubbed it, he shot his load all over Sam's butt. It didn't matter, he stayed hard. He applied some pressure to Sam's hole and my eyes got real big when Jer's cock went straight in. Sam just moaned.

"Fuck you took it all Sam."

Jer was so shocked Sam just took him that he stopped.

"Okay pull out to just the head and go in again."

Fucking is a real natural thing and Jer got right into it. He didn't last long but sure bounced inside of Sam's butt. When he came inside Sam, Sam blew his load all over his own chest. Jer pulled out. I sucked Jer's cock clean and then rimmed Sam's butt. I also had to suck him off again and then licked up everything Sam had shot on his body.

"Wow Jer. That felt so good, I didn't want it to end. Now I know what I have been missing."

"My turn." Jer said.

Well Sam did exactly what Jer had done with him, but as soon as Sam brought his dick up to Jer's hole, Jer tensed up.

"Jer you got to try and relax. Try to push out like you want to crap real bad." I said.

Weel he did and Sam rammed his dick in abruptly. Jer's back arched and he opened his mouth to scream. I clapped my hand over his mouth so only a strangled scream escaped. Sam stopped. Tears were streaming down Jer's face and he was shaking his head back and forth. "Sam, just push it in fast. That way all the pain is at once." I said.

Sam did as I said and I though Jer fainted, coz he just slumped on the mattress.

"Fuck are you ever hot inside love." Sam said.

"Feels like I got a fence post inside me. Go slow please Sam." Jer said.

"Sure Babe." Sam slowly pulled back to a moan from Jer. It was still a loud groan when Sam started back in. Pretty soon Sam was slamming Jer's butt. I knew he came at least twice before he stopped. As he pulled out I heard a real sucking sound.

"It don't want me to pull out." Sam said.

I'm sure I heard a pop when Sam's cock came out. I went down and rimmed Jer, which just about drove him nuts. Also got him off before I could get my lips on his cock. Both boys just laid back, with shit eating grins on their faces."

"Well you like it guys?"

"For sure." Sam said.

"Well I didn't at first, but it felt nice once he was inside."

I pulled out three bottles of water and we sat talking about it.

I knew in realty I was a bottom, but would fuck someone if they asked. I really preferred to be fucked and just suck. I did want to screw Sam, of the two I liked him best, but also knew both boys were in love, just from the way they fawned over each other. Jer thought Sam's dick was like a fence post, well mine was going to be like a telephone pole.

"Guess it is your turn now Matt." Jer said.

"You guys better put a sock in my mouth before Matt does me coz other wise they will hear me all over the Lake."

Jer just laid back and pulled his legs back.

"Come on Matt. You promised to screw us."

Well Jer had to have the tightest hole I had ever fucked and he would have been heard all over the lake if Sam had not stuffed his undies in Jer's mouth. I came twice in Jer before I pulled out and it did feel like his ass didn't want me to leave. Sam rimmed him and then laid back. Sam was opposite of Jer. Almost like his ass was made to be fucked. My cock went all the way in on the first push and he moaned the whole time I was fucking him. If I hadn't know better I would have figured Sam was not a virgin before Jer did him.

Well after washing in the lake we sat and ate some dinner. The rest of the evening and most of the night was a three way orgy, with Jer and Sam being almost crazy to get fucked. We didn't get much sleep that night at all.

The next two nights were a carbon copy except I got them to screw me more. I'm sure they did each other a dozen times. Home and time to get ready for school. It wasn't my fault that Jer and Sam became almost nymphos for cock.


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Next: Chapter 2: It Wasnt My Fault 2

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