It Was Finally Time

By Grey Hound

Published on Apr 30, 2009


This story is purely fictional (although I wish it wasn't, as I strongly identify with the main character), it exists only in the mind of the author. If you're under 18 and you're on this site you are a very naughty boy and should log off now. Sorry for the typos and other mistakes in my first installment which was my first story on Nifty, hopefully this one won't have as many.

Any comments or feedback is always appreciated and can be e-mailed to . Enjoy!

Wait..., they're must be something I can do, right? Can't we just talk for a minute? I can't wait long Guy I have a pretty pressing schedule, but sure, let's "talk".

Chapter 3,

You know Guy you're the one who really wants this you know, shit you should be thanking me for coming.

I mean you know you're a slave, right? I mean you wouldn't have put that tattoo on your back if that wasn't your true intention, right? I mean a tattoo is a serious decision, even if it was an impulse at the time, you'd been thinking about it for a while, right?

Right, I responded by saying in a bit of a wisp. What was that Guy, I didn't quite hear you, right I said, a little louder this time.

Ok so how does this work?

It's really very simply Guy, sign some forms go over a few things and you'll be on your way tonight, no longer anything to worry about, free from societal obligations, no rent to pay, no worrying about money for food, bills nothing.

You make it sound like I'm going to a resort or something.

No you will be a slave there's no doubt about that. From tonight on you will be owned by your Master, you will be his charge.

What is it exactly that I will be expected to do?

What ever he wants Guy.

What a stupid question.

Come on Guy, you know that he mostly is going to want sex from you beyond that I don't really know you see, I've never actually met the man, everything is arranged by accountants and I am certain that the business manager that contacted me has never met him either.

This fellow is no dummy Guy; he knows how to arrange things.

You mentioned forms to sign what forms, none of this could be legal could it. I mean you can't consent to something that is illegal right?

That is correct?

Then what forms?

Well let's take a look at them and see. Um uh I didn't mean I am ready to do it, you know I was just wondering that's all.

Yeah I know still lets take a look at them, I want to be sure you know what they are just incase you decide to move forward.

Ok well let's see there's a durable power of attorney.

So what's that mean?

Well Guy, it means that you're giving someone else the authority to make your legal decisions for you, normally it is just used for elderly people but it's legal for anyone. There are special circumstances where young guys such as yourself would have one, but don't worry it will probably never be necessary to use it.

What other forms are there?

There's an advanced direction, a medical power of attorney, an I 9 form a blank copy of a last will and testament. Again probably never need any of them, it's just well insurance you know so that you can't say that you've been kept against your will.

But that's what it is all about right, I mean if I am owned I have no rights I'd just be his property.

Come on now Guy you think my client is that stupid? You think he's going to keep you if you truly want to leave? Others have left, not many but a couple have, there's one thing though it's a one way ticket out, you can never come back, ever.

Then why the forms?

Well Guy, you see my client owns many corporations both here and abroad. He has thousands of employees. It is easy to create a document trail you know showing pay checks deposits bank accounts you name it. You will have an existence just one you'll never know about while you're in his charge. Should you decide to leave you'll be given a substantial stipend for your trouble, enough at least to reestablish yourself back into society, buy a car get an apartment a couple of months of living expenses, then you'll be back on your own. You may have some explaining to do for your friends but one thing is for sure you can never mention my client, ever, Understood?

Are you sure about all this?

Hey I am a lawyer, a very well paid lawyer Guy, I'm not going to risk everything I worked so hard for on some kidnapping scheme, I don't care how much money the guy pays me.

As I said when we initially met there are measures, those measure simply insure that your not going to try to extort my client at some point in the future he is quite wealthy and can muster a small army of lawyers with one phone call. You be stupid really to even try.

Guy I really do have to get going soon, I don't mean to press you but I really do need a decision now.

I paused for a long moment, then said ok; ok yes I'll do it.

That's great Guy you wont regret it, let's get started.

It seemed like it took an hour to sign all the documents everything in triplicate, then going through the passwords on my computer and on-line accounts, an extensive questionnaire about family history, hobbies, likes and dislikes, even favorite foods. It seemed to go on and on forever.

Then he looked through the papers one more time and checked over a few things and said simply well looks good looks as though we're done here congratulations you're an owned slave, property of my client and subject to his care as well as his whims and desires.

He then reached into his pocket and pulled out a very small radio device, a little like a walky-talky, but smaller and more sophisticated looking. Then with a very serious tone he uttered the words, ok he's ready to go boys.

What? What the fuck? Who was that?

What Guy? Did you think you were going for a ride on a private plane or something HAHAHA, you fucking idiot, don't you know there are landing and take off records flight plans, this jet can't travel to my clients compound from here are you crazy. No my lad we've made other arrangements for you. Arrangements what fucking arrangements?

Just then the goons appeared what the fuck these guys looked scary, really scary. Like Hulks both of them.

Without so much as saying a word one of them came over to me and immediately twisted my arm behind my back and fuck did it hurt, I struggled and tried to break his grip and was startled. In one quick motion bam, I had a pair of handcuffs on fuck me goddamn this wasn't what I was expecting not at all.

I said to the unnamed lawyer dude, hey I've changed my mind un-cuff me I'm not fucking doing this, if this is how things are starting off I don't want to know what's next.

The goon looked at the lawyer and they both looked at me and said hmmm, Guy you actually believed all that bullshit about being free to leave anytime you wanted? Come on man, fuck you slaves really are stupid. Shit you signed your life away boy, assuming you ever did get off the compound, which you won't, you'd be committed to a mental institution for the rest of your life and heavily medicated. Or sold or traded to a slave owner over seas, trust me you don't want that, what I told you about that was absolutely true. This guy not only owns corporations he own hospitals, this guy owns doctors for christ sake. You know how many doctors this guy has shit on. Fuck they'll do anything he tells them to just so they can stay in there high paying jobs. HAHAHA, soon enough you'll be getting fucked by a few of them let me assure you, like I said my client likes to entertain his guest.


Wham, suddenly back handed dazed I drop to the floor, the goon puts a ball gag in my mouth and fastens it securely, no one will hear me now.

Tears start to form in my eyes and soon I am sobbing. The lawyer dude looks at the goon and comments they always cry. Just so matter of fact about the whole thing, what kind of sick fuck was this guy?

Ok the lawyer fuck says to the goon, get his ass out of here.

In rolls a rectangular wooden crate, with a stenciling on it, fragile electronics handle with care.

Fuck me my heart is racing I have to get out of here get to my senses. I rise with some difficulty and race for the door. My attempt was futile I was intercepted by goon number two picking me up off the ground literally by the waste with just his forearm.

I look over and goon number one is open the hinged lid on the crate. I decide I have to get away again I'm not going to FUCKING DO THIS, goddamn it I begin to flay about trying to break away from the goons grip. Goon number one comes over to help and with little effort they put me in the box the lid closes and then shut and I hear a padlock lock the box closed.

I am now balling uncontrollably.

To be continued.

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