It Was Finally Time

By Grey Hound

Published on Apr 21, 2009


This story is purely fictional (although I wish it wasn't, as I strongly identify with the main character), it exists only in the mind of the author. If you're under 18 and you're on this site you are a very naughty boy and should log off now. Sorry for the typos and other mistakes in my first installment which was my first story on Nifty, hopefully this one won't have as many.

Any comments or feedback is always appreciated and can be e-mailed to


Chapter 2,

I also posted my pic in my most submissive look, on my knees, legs spread in the middle of my bed, with my black dog collar on and a desperate look on my face, who could resist.

The ad went on to say, I will not be checking or responding to any e-mail messages, and that I am open to all cumers and that whoever was serious should cum on over and that if I was already being used when you got there to just jump right in.

After about 30 minutes and couple of quick pops of tequila a quick beer and about a half a joint I decided I would get on my knees, totally naked of course, and wait on the living room floor in the middle of the room. After about ten minutes or so, I heard a hello at the door and a brief knock; I had the door ajar already so upon the knocking the door opened up several more inches. And then he entered.

In he walked, slowly with some hesitation; clearly he was a bit surprised by what he saw.

Now think about it really, how many times have you ever had a random hook up and didn't at least for a moment consider who the person was and what he looked like before you starting sucking on his cock?

Lucky for me it was a fairly young guy maybe just a few years older than me, a little overweight, not striking in the looks department, but definitely not repulsive, I felt a momentary bit of relief.

He said, uh um I'm just looking for some head? Almost in the form of a question, clearly even though I knew who I was and knew my place in life he didn't. There was no need of course to ask permission from a slave after all.

Well come right on over I said, never moving never getting off my knees he slowly moved towards me. Once he was close enough I reached for his pants and unbuttoned his jeans and unzipped them, pulling his boxers and pants down in one motion unveiling a respectable six inch, or there about, man tool, which I immediately engulfed with my mouth without hesitation.

Fuck man, I heard him say, you don't waste any time, you really want this don't you? I never withdrew his cock from my mouth to answer him, oh yeah I muttered with his dick firmly in my oral cavity as I began pushing down to his pubes which were now tickling at my nostrils.

Soon there was a nice coat of throat slime on his dick and I was thrusting enthusiastically, I heard him say, oh my god, oh my god! I am going to blow, he started to say is it alright ..., (to cum in my mouth? I guess that was what he was about to say) to late, his cock exploded before he could get the words out.

Maybe he was straight, maybe he was in denial, as I had been for so long, maybe his girl friend wouldn't give him head, or swallow, something that if I live to be a hundred years old I'll never understand.

I would never know because as soon as I was done with him and his dick had barely popped out of my mouth, and I was still using my finger to get the last few drops of cum off my lips and into my mouth he was out the door. Shit I don't think he even had his zipper up yet. I kind of laughed to myself and thought that was a nice start to the evening.

Experience had taught me that not all of those who would come by tonight would be young; some of them would be down right repulsive. It didn't matter I'd blow them anyway or let them fuck me (and desperately hope that they would), anything they wanted. It was a nice start though.

Wow that was impressive I suddenly heard a voice say, I nearly jumped out of my skin. Fuck someone else had arrived and never announced their entrance into my apartment.

He didn't look like your typical guy looking for a warm hole or two to use from some slut either, like there's really a look anyway. I stopped being shocked by appearances and whom you might think would be looking for male sex and who wouldn't long ago, but I digress.

No this fellow had a look like he was there for a business purpose, not sex.

Guy Fisher? Even though it was asked in the form of a question it was more in a tone of confirmation, I slowly nodded my head and my heart began to race even faster. How did this guy know my name? Who and the fuck was he and if he wasn't here for sex what was he here for?

Who are you, I said in the most demanding tone I could muster although it didn't sound convincing, especially not to me and I was the one saying it.

Well that's not really important now is it? How do you know my name? Again I tried to muster a demanding tone, it wasn't convincing though. Oh that part was easy, you remember Vinny? Who's Vinny? Sure you remember Vinny he's the one that put that tattoo on your lower back, you know the one that says "Slave".

Oh my fucking god what was happening here? My mind began to race, was he here to beat me up, although the guy at the tattoo parlor seemed fairly repulsed by me I didn't think he was some gay basher. Fuck what do I do? Do I try to run for the door, who am I kidding I am stock naked. And although this guy isn't huge he looks powerful, like a guy who works out a lot and besides he looked like he had an air of confidence about himself that said he could take care of himself pretty easily, which I was sure he could.

It was fairly obvious to both of us that I was no match for him.

My voice now beginning to tremble, I asked now quivering a bit, so would you like some head, or something?

He laughed, no Guy I'm not here for a blow job and with that he turned and locked the door, I don't believe that you'll be servicing any more patrons tonight.

OH MY GOD, it was a good thing that I was already on my knees, I became very light headed and started to see stars, this guy hadn't laid a hand on me and yet I felt dizzy and beaten.

What had I done? What started as a fantasy had brought me to this point. I know I was depraved beyond all hope. I had come to terms with that, I was perfectly content to be who I was a slut ... No a "Slave".

Just stay where your at Guy obviously you have potential, don't worry about who I am, I'm here representing a client of mine. Vinny had nothing to do with this either, he's just a pawn, he gets a commission. What kind of commission I asked. Fuck why would I ask a question like that? Who gave a goddamn what kind of commission, but he answered anyway.

A thousand dollars, holly fuck, A THOUSAND DOLLARS? For what? A finders fee Guy, it's just a finder's fee. Jesus that was more than I make in two weeks with overtime.

Look whoever you are that tattoo was nothing more than a joke, that's all. Holly fuck, goddamn it, son-of-a-bitch, I just kept cursing myself in my head over and over again. I just wanted whoever this guy was to leave. Shit I'd never go on Craigslist again, I'd fucking move to another city and get the fuck out of here. I was so scared I could have shit myself, although thinking about it at the time I kind of laughed, I had already taken care of that in anticipation of a long night, shit this wasn't turning out at all like I'd planned, I was scared, really fucking scared.

Still I had no idea who this guy was and why he was inside my apartment. I could try to get to the phone and dial 911, surely that would get rid of him, then what? A bunch of annoying questions? Shit I had pot in my house and the smell of it was still in the air, I could be arrested. Better arrested then dead I surmised, although for what ever reason I began to believe that he wasn't here to hurt me. He seemed more amused by me than anything, not shocked, not repulsed, just amused. After all here I was on my knees, naked, door open for anyone to walk in, he'd just watched me blow a guy to completion and swallow his load, shit why wouldn't he be amused.

Look he said I've come a long way tonight so lets get down to business; it is clear to me who and what you are. I know it; you know it, so let's stop kidding each other.

I am here on business that's all, you're a "Slave" I represent your future Master, plain and simple. I represent an interest here in the United States; my client is a wealthy businessman, very wealthy, with a sprawling estate and a few more slaves besides you, he's looking for a few more. He likes to entertain. Entertain, entertain what who? What and the fuck is he talking about what entertainment? I'm no "entertainer".

Who in the hell did this guy think he was he was already talking as though he or his fucking client whoever this "wealthy businessman" was as if he owned me.

I'm not available and I'm not for sale ... At any price! I shouted towards him, not to you not to anyone, wow this time it sounded pretty convincing. Isn't it amazing the thoughts you have in your head even in a time of crises.

That's fine, not a problem, I'll leave.

Hmmm, my head began to race again, he said he'd come a long way and he was just going to leave, just like that? For a moment I started to believe that he was going to kidnap me into forced servitude. I was more confused than ever.

Look he said, you're a fine looking specimen you'd be a real prize to own there's no doubt about it, (there he's goes with the owning shit again) and I don't get paid for coming back empty handed, but I don't force anyone either.

Yes if you enter into a slave's contract tonight it is irrevocable, my client has taken safe guards and although not exactly legal, well, you really don't have any options after you enter the contract. Your owner can and will do with you what he wishes, we've taken measures. Measures what fucking measures?

Although know this, my boss is well connected, he picked up his first two slave's through and independent broker. Those two were lucky. Know that this guy doesn't care who he sells his slave's to, or for that matter how he gets them. The two my client bought (bought what the fuck, was I really listening to this shit), the two my client bought, he repeated himself almost as if he had read my thoughts by the expression on my face, were in fact voluntary slaves, best we can tell. It could be that they just wanted to be free from the grips of the slave broker or feared being sold into the Middle East or Japan.

I heard that those slaves don't get treated as well as slaves here in the US, in fact it is my understanding the ones who end up in the Middle East usually sleep with the animals and that sometimes their Masters will let the animals, um how do I put this delicately, um use them. What the fuck! Getting fucked by a dog, or a camel, what kind of sick fucks are they anyway?

Japanese Masters are far nicer, as I understand it at least. It is much more accepted in their culture and a lot of the time when the Master has bored of their slave, they turn them over to their children, well as not much more than a toy. You know how rough kids can be on their toys, you are just property after all. Who would think kids could be so brutal; often when those sick little fucks get done "playing" with the slaves nobody would want them anyway, not pretty. Fuck I didn't even want to know what he was talking about with that one, now I'm not sure which would be worse.

But what do I know anyway, I was instructed to come and make an offer. I just work for one guy he's got lots of bucks and I have others to go and recruit, and a jet waiting for me. A jet, this guy (or his boss, whatever) has a jet waiting.

Keep in mind though that Vinny has no such loyalties, it's a known fact that other dealers have connections in that community also. Oh you can try talking to him, won't do much good he'll just run you out of the place. And the police? Most of the ones this guy picks up are street kids; usually their parents don't give a flying fuck about them anyway.

If I were you I'd definitely consider moving, you might want to change your name to. Son you are at risk, and the next time you're in that park toilet you like so much having so much fun sucking all those dicks, (fuck how in the hell did he know that! I've never told anyone) well don't let me scare you honestly I am not trying to you. Let just suffice it to say the other fella won't be asking your permission, it won't be voluntary.

See you later, good luck, and for just a moment he looked at me as though he already knew my fate and that it had already been written. Kind of a sad sigh, sort of hard to describe, like he knew something I didn't. Goddamn it all to hell for all I knew he was already planning a side deal with the other guy.

And without a further word he turned and headed for the door.

Wait..., they're must be something I can do, right? Can't we just talk for a minute? I can't wait long Guy I have a pretty pressing schedule, but sure, let's "talk".

To be continued, thanks for reading, I hope you enjoyed it.

Next: Chapter 3

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