It Is What It Is

By Eric Trager

Published on Oct 11, 2016


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John dutifully followed the Judge out the back door of the Court Room, down a long hall and into a comfortable-looking office.

"Please have a seat, Juan. This shouldn't take but a few minutes."

"Thank you, um, Your Honor..."

"I've read all through your file. As you know your entire family and you have been interviewed prior to the hearing and the usual home assessment was done. I'll make this as brief as possible. Is it your wish that Mr. Wyman adopt you?"

"Yes, sir. I have nowhere else to go. Well, maybe they'd put me in one of those homes, or something, butcha see this is my one chance that I have in life. It's the only one I'll ever get. If I went to a home, I'd end up a nobody with no chance at a good life. Who knows who I'd end up with. I have a nice house now and two big brothers who both help me and look out for me. If I get to stay with dad, well I call him dad because that's how I think of him, I can be anything I wanna be as long as I earn it. I told `em right away that all I ever wanted was a chance. You can ask Sean and Andy, they'll tell ya. They're sitting right out there with dad. They're good to me and I love them all very much. This is my chance, please let me take it."

"And you're sure..."

"More than anything. I have a nice family now. I love them. I love dad, and my two brothers. Sean is the one who saved me, you know. It's probably all right there in my file and everything. Anyway, I don't think there's any reason for you to say no... Sorry, I know that's not my place, but you asked me how I feel."

"I see. Well, can you keep a secret, young man?"

"I guess so..."

"Very well, come over here then..."

John stood up and moved to the Judge's side of the desk. The Judge withdrew a large rubber stamp from its stand, stamped it on his red-ink pad and with a thud marked the application papers `APPROVED' and signed them.

"Now, here's the secret you have to keep. When we go back in there, don't look like anything happened at all. I want to see the looks on all your faces. I think you are a fine young man, Juan and I wish you all the best that life has to offer. Congratulations."

"Thank you, sir. And the same to you. Let's get this over with."

The Judge smiled at John and said, "Yes, let's get this over with."

Back in the Court Room the Bailiff called the hearing back to order. The Judge took out some papers and began reading, "In the matter of the proposed adoption of Juan Ricardo Rodriguez by Joseph Wyman, the Court has approved the application without conditions. You are now a family in the eyes of the law."

Joe pulled John into a hug. All he said was one word, "son." Sean and Andy looked down at their much smaller brother and each wiped the beginnings of a tear from the corners of their eyes. Standing closest to John was Andy who reached over and tousled John's hair.

"There is one remaining matter before this hearing closes," the Judge said. "Juan, how do you wish your name should be styled?"

John looked confused.

George whispered into his ear, "The Judge is asking what you want your name to be."

"Your Honor, my name is John Richard Wyman."

"It is so ordered. This hearing is closed." With that, the Judge brought the gavel down and said, "You are all free to go. Congratulations."

Upon leaving the Court Room, George pulled Joe aside. "You hear that ruckus in the hallway when the hearing started?"

"I did."

"Wonder what it was..."

"This is just between you and me, George."

"Of course."

"My security guy, Charlie Dittmar's been keeping an eye John's father. I hired them to do that since I had a gut feeling. They located him some weeks ago and got wind he was gonna show up here and try to take John. I asked Charlie to send down a couple of his Special Operations guys from Milwaukee to make sure that the hearing would not be disturbed. They must have caught him and bundled him off. My understanding as far as it goes is that they were tasked with making sure he, shall we say, won't be in a position to bother John again. In addition to that, he was tied to the gang that was hired to beat Andy. He was not involved in the beating itself, but I made the decision to send a message. Two birds, one stone you know..."

"I see..." George winked, "No doubt the message will be properly received."

"I also have them looking into seeing if they can't find out who raped Sean. That's not looking so good. They're saying the same thing as the cops. Nothing to go on. I've paid them handsomely to keep the file open. If they find anything their orders are to share it with the authorities this time."

"I like the way you do business, Joe. Now, let's take the boys out for an early lunch before they go back to school. I've got some news for Andy that I'm sure everyone will be happy to hear."

"Sounds good."

All were seated at the restaurant and had just ordered their meals when George spoke up. "Well, I'm sure we're all glad that's behind us now... Andrew, there's something that concerns you as well and I think it will make you happy."

"Um, OK, George... What is it?"

"It seems as if a couple of days ago one of your assailants being held at the Kenosha County Jail was murdered. Cut to shreds by a couple of other inmates with shanks while he was showering. Poor fellow..." George shook his head in concern, sideways-glancing over at Joe. "You wonder how those things happen... Anyway, it seems the others had the fear of God put into them by that incident. Their Attorney begged the Sheriff to see if there was anything that could be done to transfer them to a facility where their lives would not be in so much danger. Garrett Crossman and myself together with the District Attorney and the Sheriff let the Defense Attorney know that there was exactly one way to accomplish that: plead guilty to all charges and accept sentencing. He asked if there was any room to plea-bargain. Crossman and I were clear that we felt our Client - that's you Andy - had no interest in doing so. The District Attorney indicated the State had no interest, either. At that point the opportunity for plea- bargaining was foreclosed. They were left with no choice. Attorney Crossman advised me this morning that all of them accepted the deal and changed their pleas to guilty. That means there won't be any trials to go through on this one. The Sentencing Hearing is to be in front of Judge Horowitz. He's known around Kenosha as a `Hanging Judge.' They probably won't see the light of day again as long as they live. Sentencing is scheduled for next week. If they live that long."

"Oh my God! Really? I mean, for reals?" Andy gasped.

"Yes, Andrew. For reals." George answered.

"Jesus, finally... I can really get on with my life now! I feel like I'm the one that got let out of jail!"

Sean reached under the table and squeezed Andy's hand.

John was blithely unaware of the whole exchange as he was madly texting on his phone.

"Christ that's good news, George," Joe said. "Well, make sure you bill out so I can pay you guys. Good thing we found all that shit over on Main Street otherwise I'd be wearing a barrel after this..."

"I'm just an old Country Lawyer..." George chuckled.

Joe met George's laugh with a wink. "So we all done with brunch here, guys?"

"Yeah..." they all said.

OK, well, I'll drop ya off at school and then I gotta head to work, too."

At practice that afternoon, Coach Slater indicated that he would be changing up the Quarterback rotation a little bit by rotating both Sean and Tim in and out rapidly rather than alternating by halves of the game. Also, Coach took Sean and Tim aside and told them there would be a return to conditioning for them as well as continuance on their skills.

"Guys, I've been doing this for a long time and here's the way I gotta look at it: suppose one of you is injured and can't play. By having each of you only playing half-games so far this season I can't be sure that your endurance would carry you through an entire game if need be. Especially against a top-tier opponent. You're both in fine shape, don't get me wrong, but like I told you guys you're a once-in-a- lifetime team. I'm leaving no stone unturned. The conditioning routine we're going to do is that both of you will be released early from your last-hour class from now until the end of the season. I've already cleared that with the teachers. They assure me you're both more than academically equipped to keep up and maintain your grades. You will both report to the locker room, suit up in running gear and do two miles on the track. Then we'll go through the normal skill drills with the rest of the team. Afterwards, there will be some light weight training. As a result of that, your practices will run probably thirty, or forty minutes longer than the rest of the team. This will begin tomorrow."

"Coach?" Sean said.

"Yes, Mr. Wyman?"

"I have no problem with it. In fact, I'm looking forward to it. I'd wondered the same thing a time, or two myself."

"I agree," Tim added. "We'll never have this opportunity again and if we know we did everything we could to prepare, then whatever happens in the end was meant to be. I don't wanna hafta go back afterwards and play `coulda, shoulda, woulda' in my mind..."

"By the way, Coach," Sean interjected, "You coming to the Homecoming Dance?"

"I usually don't, why?"

"Come this year! We've got a treat for you," Sean smirked.

"Well, alright then, Mr. Wyman. I'll be there. I can only imagine what you assholes cooked up..." Coach chuckled.

"You'll see..." Tim snickered.

"Very well, let's get back with the rest of the team and get today's practice in the can," Coach said.

Practice went as it normally did now that the season was almost half over and the team had jelled and fallen into a groove. At the end of practice, Coach Slater gathered his team.

"Gentlemen, we're preparing for Homecoming this week. As you know, our opponent is Beloit Memorial. I'm sure you've all done your own analysis of their strengths and weaknesses. Talent-wise, they're probably somewhere between Parker and Sun Prairie. They are well-coached as one would expect of a Beloit team. The Wisconsin Sports Press has us as 14-point favorites. I'd like to beat the spread. We're going to be making some changes starting in this game on how we use our Quarterbacks. As for play-calling, it's mid-season, guys, and we're going to be putting all of our hard work and training into play for this game. I feel confident that we can move on from the basics and begin to display more of the advanced skills in our toolkit. I've decided that Mr. Wyman will start at Quarterback this week. That will be all for today, Gentlemen."

"Hey, Dix..." Sean said on the way to the locker room.

"What up, mofo?" Tim answered, cracking himself up.

"You think we're ready for Friday night?"

"You mean the game, or afterwards?"

"Afterwards. I know we're fucking ready for the game..."

"Yup, I do. All we gotta do is deliver our shit and we should be all good. You got yours?"

"Yeah, I got just what we agreed on."

"Me, too. Let's sneak down there tomorrow and get it squared away."

"Sounds like a plan... Hey, you know, And's already got everything planned out for if we win State and there's a parade and all... I sure hope we do, but guess what he's got planned..."

"Who knows with that guy..."

"OK, well you know what a history buff he is, right?"


"Well, he already got the shop guys to agree to work with the theatre guys and make a reproduction of the British Aircraft Carrier HMS Invincible."*


"Yeah, he says he's having them build a place on the front of it, you know, the bow of the ship, where you and I can stand because we're invincible and we're a couple of Queens... He says they'll be able to lift it and mount it over a fire truck."

"Jesus Christ... OK, whatever trips his trigger... Hey, what are you guys gonna do with all that shit you found in that Main Street Basement, anyway?"

"Dad says the booze is gonna be stored until we know what it's worth, and the rest of it goes into a bank vault."

"How much you think that booze is worth?"

"Christ, I'd have no idea. I mean, it's old and there's about sixteen-hundred bottles of it. I guess it's worth what a Buyer would pay and a Seller would take... Some guy from Woodmans is supposed to tell us what it's worth."

"You let me know. Not that I give a shit what it's worth, but, well, just let me know... I got my reasons..."

"Dix, ya know, for a guy who wears his heart on his sleeve sometimes every once in a while you can be a complete mystery."

"Like I said, I got my reasons..."

"I'm not sure how to take that, Dix..."

"Sean, I know I never call you that, there's something that's an old money deal around this town that very few people know about and I'm thinking you guys might just be a part of it. I only know about it by accident, but I can't say more for now. Please believe me. I can't say any more. At least not now."

"That's fine, Dix. It's not like I'm poor, or anything. I mean, we could fit your house into mine twice anyway. I guess we'll find out together, hey?"

"I think so. For now, let's just fuckin' win the state championship."

"We will. I know we will."

"I think if we can get past West we're there. Their guys are bigger overall than ours, but I don't think they have the moves we do."

"I don't think so, either. I watched a couple clips of their games, and they don't run a real sophisticated offense, or defense. What worries me about them is that their Linemen are ginormous. I'd watch like hell for them on their offensive running game. Our Linebackers and D-line are gonna take a fucking pounding, for sure."

"Yup. I think on offense, we're gonna hafta do a lot of passing. I just don't see how we're gonna be able to run much against that D-line they got..."

"Guys that big tire out, though. I think if we can hang with `em to halftime, we'll be fine and we'll win the game."

"I suppose. Anyway, this week we got Beloit and Coach said he wants to beat the spread, so I think we'll be aggressive when it comes to play calling. Now, you're starting. I'm gonna really mix it up with the plays in the first couple series, we'll see what we get."

"I'll be ready. And mentally, too, Dix. Don't worry. I'm fine. Also, this is Homecoming. If we win the toss, we'll receive. As much as anything, this will be about putting on a show and making our fans happy."

"You're a showman, Wymo. I'll give ya that..."

"I'm not a show-off. I just wanna give the hometown crowd what they came to see is all."

"I said you were a showMAN, asswipe. You always know just how to play to your audience. I'm sure you'll give the taxpayers their money's worth."

"Yeah, I will. And make sure you tell your boyfriend to be ready, too. I like his speed. He's gotten to be one of my favorite receivers. He's a thinking-man's player. Ask him how he'd like to take a spin at running back. I'll talk to Coach about it, but I've had ideas for a couple of plays that he'd be just the guy for at running back. I don't mean as a starting running back, but I mean just for some special plays."

"What's the plays you got in mind"?

Sean proceeded to diagram two plays for Tim, explaining how they would work, and why Brett was the key to making them work.

"This is fucking genius, man!" Tim exclaimed. "Yeah, I mean, I never saw anyone use it last year at all and never on Jayvee. Haven't seen it this year, either."

"That's just the thing. I don't think there's enough time to use it against Beloit, and if we don't have to use it we shouldn't. But I wanna talk it over with Coach and see if he'll let us practice it at least."

"Let's both go see Coach tomorrow first thing."

"OK, meet ya outside his office. Take this paper and go over it with Brett. Bring him, too."

"Will do."

Once the boys were home, Joe greeted them letting them know he'd had their cook prepare a special meal for them that evening and it would be ready in an hour.

Sean went to his room to put his things away and send an email to Coach Slater letting him know that he, Tim and Brett wanted to see him in the morning. As he closed his laptop, Andy walked in.

"Hey, Brown Eyes..."

"Hey, you..." Andy said as he walked over to Sean and wrapped his arms around him.

Sean reached up and ran his fingers through Andy's hair thinking to himself how lucky he was indeed to have his lifelong friend as his lover. He knew his recent ordeal was the second one in as many months that he made it through in large part to Andy's steadfast loyalty.

"Make love to me, Sean-o..." Andy whispered in Sean's ear as he nibbled at the lobe.

Sean spoke no words. He turned around and took Andy tenderly in his arms. "I love you, Brown Eyes."

He said as he carried Andy to the bed, sat him down on the edge and began to slowly strip him, again wordlessly. Gently and lovingly Sean positioned the now naked Andy, licking his body starting at the neck and slowly moving down between the shoulder blades to the small of his back to his buttocks, his crack and finally is hole. He knew how orally stimulating Andy's hole drive him to a jelly-like state of pleasure and Sean proceeded tenderly.

Most of the time their love-making was physical and masculine. Sometimes it bordered on rough, but this time Sean would show his lover grace and romance. And he took his time before bathing Andy's insides with his seed. So much so that in the afterwards, basking in the afterglow they heard a muffled knocking at their door and heard their younger brother announce that dinner was ready.

"I love you so much, Sean-o," Andy said, kissing Sean's forehead.

"I know, and I love you too..."

Entering the dining room, the boys were greeted by the dining table laden with Cesar salad, corn chowder, prime rib, twice-baked potatoes and home-made dinner rolls. Joe had made sure to ask the cook to use Sean's recipes for the rolls and salad.

Joe had already poured glasses of 2007 Corison Napa Valley Cabernet all around.

"Sons, I want to offer a toast. You three make me proud. I'm a lucky man. Today, John officially became my son, and today Andy's ordeal is behind him finally. We can also be proud of Sean and how he handled his recent trials. I've always said, you've got a lot of your mother in you, Sean, and I'm proud of you, son."

With that, four glasses clinked, and the men enjoyed their meal.

After dinner, in the Library, Sean checked his email and found that Coach had responded and said he was looking forward to the meeting in the morning.

Andy found in his email that he needed to confirm an appointment for the following Monday to examine his leg to see if it would be possible to remove the brace and get him back to walking normally again. This was truly Andy's day.

"Sean-o!" he hollered. "Hey! I got a doctor's appointment on Monday at 9:30 to see if I can get rid of my leg brace!"

"Sweet..." Sean said. "How does it feel? I mean your leg... Does it feel OK to you?"

"Yeah, I mean it hasn't hurt for a long time. And it feels stronger and more limber. I don't wanna take the brace off and see, though, because I'm scared that if it's not ready then I might damage it..."

"Yeah, I think that's smart. Do you need me to go with you?"

"I don't think so. It's just gonna be a quick appointment."

"Well, OK, just text me when you know... Listen, I'm gonna finish up some homework. Why don't you do the same and after that I want you to stick your fat dick up my ass and cum in it."

"Want me to fuck you hard?"

"Does this answer your question?" Sean asked, one eyebrow cocked as he removed his dick from his gym shorts and started jacking it until it leaked precum. "I want you to pound me and make me cum really hard..."

Andy pulled out his cock and started jacking, too. He walked over to Sean still jacking. Sean took Andy's cock into his mouth, swirling the head. After no more than ten seconds, he felt the head of Andy's dick expand and harden. He removed Andy's cock from his mouth and replaced it into Andy's shorts.

"Not now, hun. I want ALL of your cum in my ass!"

"OK, but don't cum while I'm fucking you. I want you to cum all over me after I'm done. I love watching you shoot. I could watch your dick spew all day long..."

"You guys are fucking gross!" John announced as he came into the Library to study. "Am I gonna hafta look at you two homos suck each other off until the day I die? Jesus!"

"Try it, you might like it, Bambino!" Andy snickered.

"Not!" John said, feigning sucking cock with his fist and mouth while making a retarded face.

"Well, I suppose that's fair. I'm not gonna eat snatch anytime soon," Sean smirked. "I can't trust something that bleeds for five days and doesn't die..."

"Hurl!" Andy laughed.

"Yeah, well, I like Kathleen's pussy!" John retorted. "She said she might want me to fuck her in the ass sometime, though, while she uses her vibrator on her pussy and her clit. Whada you guys think?"

"Go for it!" Sean said.

"Yeah, but I don't know how to fuck ass. You guys do it all the time. Don't think I don't hear you! `Oh, Brown Eyes! Pound my ass! Please cum in me' guys are enough to make me sick," John skewered his older brothers with a devilish grin on his face. "So, anyway, how do I fuck ass?"

"Sean-o, we gotta flip a coin to see who gets this job..." Andy said, teasing back.

"Might as well, I mean this little brat, all he does is give us shit all the time..." Sean said, egging Andy on. "Yup. Is it too late to give him back?" Andy upped the ante.

"That's not fair!" John said. "Besides, you can't send me back anymore. Too late!"

"We're just teasing you, Squirt!" Sean smirked. "Look, we'll tell you all about how to fuck an ass, OK?"

"Alright, should I take notes?" John asked, earnestly.

"Nah, it's pretty straightforward..." Andy said.

For the next hour the three boys discussed the basics and finer points of fucking an asshole. They discussed douching, the proper way to loosen up an asshole by fingering and eating, which John at first was grossed out by but gradually thought he could be OK with it. They discussed how to use lube properly and different positions.

"So, you mean she could sit on my cock and then be facing me? So I could play with her tits and stuff and then when she cums she could juice all over me?"

"Sure!" Sean said. "Does she juice a lot?"

"Like a fucking gusher!" John said. "Sometimes when she cums she almost shoots like a guy!"

"Maybe you should use the vibrator while she rides you," Andy suggested.

"Yeah, and maybe you should practice fingering yourself," Sean added. "You can borrow one of our dildos if you want just to see how it feels and how fast, or slow you need to go at certain times, too..."

"EWWWWWWW! I don't want one of your used dildos in my ass!" John said, disgustedly.

"Don't worry, li'l bro," Sean said, "I'll just run it through the dishwasher first. It'll be clean!"

"Well, um, OK... I guess I could, um, practice or whatever you wanna call it."

"Yeah, and if you like it, she can get a strap-on and fuck you while you jack off!" Andy added.

"You guys are fucking pervs!" John said.

"Tell me we're pervs when you hit your prostate with that dildo, bro. You'll shoot so hard you're dick will blow off!"

"No it won't either!" John said adamantly, crossing his arms.

Sean and Andy exploded with laughter. Sean laughed so hard he had tears in his eyes.

"Thanks, Runt, I needed that!" Sean said, gasping for air. "That" And he dissolved in laughter again.

"OK, fucking laugh at me then! Fine! I want that dildo tomorrow and then we'll see who's laughing! You guys are a bunch of assholes!" John fumed, still with his arms crossed and now tapping one foot on the floor.

"Stop!" Andy laughed, grabbing his stomach. "You're gonna make me fucking blow chunks if you keep going! I...can'"

"Go fuck yourself!" John replied, now red in the face.

"Um, that's what you'll be doing once I give you that dildo..." Sean said with a wink.

"Well, OK then!" John said, sticking his chin out. "And I better like it, too, or I'll shove it up your ass!"

"Li'l bro, you're the best," Sean said. "I love you to death you know..."

"Me, too," John said now staring at the floor. "You're my hero, Sean. And you're my hero, too, Andy."

"We love you, too, Johnny..." Andy said.

"I think I'm about ready for bed now, whadya say, And?" Sean asked.

"Oh, I'm more than ready..." Andy said, already half-way out the door.

That night Andy ravished Sean like he never had before. He drove Sean to such paroxysms of pleasure and glory that when it was time for Sean to spray his lover with his seed his load was so thick and heavy Andy thought it would never stop as it pulsated out of his dick. The red-hot ropes of thick sperm covered Andy's face, mouth, neck and chest with Sean's trademark dense musk-and-chlorine scent so much that Andy was driven to another orgasm barely touching himself.

Down the hall, John experimented with fingering his own hole discovering sensations he never knew existed. His own orgasm was as shattering as Sean's as he discovered a special spot deep within himself he'd never known before. His ejaculate volume and distance was such as he'd never experienced. How he wanted to experience that feeling again and to have Kathleen ride his cock gushing her cum juice on him. It was too much. Like Andy, he needed a second go, and then even a third that night.

In the morning, Sean was up first as was standard in the Wyman household. He put coffee on and made sure there were fruits and breads out for breakfast. He remembered what he told John the night before and placed one of his dildos, a smaller one that he thought would be a nice trainer, into the dishwasher on the top shelf.

One-by-one the others made their way down and had the usual morning banter about what was happening that day and scurrying about making sure to be out the door on time. Joe had a couple pieces of toast and a coffee, indicated it was time for him to go and placed his coffee cup into the dishwasher.

"What the fuck!" Joe exclaimed, pulling his hand out and waiving Sean's dildo around. "OK, who's the wise guy here..."

"I put it in there, dad. I promised John I'd run it through so it'd be sanitized because he wanted to use it. I mean, I washed it off with dish soap and hot water before I put it in there... It won't hurt anything..."

"Well, what if the cook sees it! Jesus fucking Christ! You guys, I'm tellin' ya! OK, run the fucking dishwasher WITH THE DILDO IN IT before you leave for school and leave a note on it for the cook telling her that this one's out of order and to just use the other one! Christ, do I hafta teach you guys everything? And John, just what in the hell are you planning to do with a dildo anyway..."

Well, um, Kathleen wants me to, um, you know, like fuck her in the bum, and I wanted to practice on myself so that when we, you know, do that, that I'm not like, well, you that I know what I'm doing... And Sean and Andy already told me all about bum fucking last night and everything..." Just like with Sean and Andy the night before, John had his arms crossed and was quite serious about the whole thing.

Joe just laughed and shook his head. "Johnny, just don't do anything stupid, will ya? OK? Anyway, I gotta go, so just do what I said with the dildo. Jesus Christ, three sons I have and we're standing here over breakfast talking about running a dildo through a dishwasher. I swear to fuckin' God you guys are somethin' else..."

"OK, dad. I promise..." John said, looking sheepishly at the floor.

"I don't see what you're embarrassed about, John. Sean put that fucking thing in there in the first damn place," Joe said. "OK, well, I'm outta here. Have a good day guys..." Joe then made off in the direction of the garage and the boys could see him shaking his head and hear him muttering to himself, "A fucking dildo in the dishwasher... Jesus Christ... What will they think of next..."

"OK, we gotta get going!" Sean said. "Me and Dix and Dowls are meeting with Coach before classes start today. Get your shit and let's get outta here! Move it!"

"You're fucking bossy, Sean..." John said.

"Yeah, I learned it from you, now shut up and get a move on before I crack ya!" Sean smirked. "You drive, And, `cause you got that doctor's appointment..."

Once at school, the three boys separated, Andy and John going off to their lockers, and Sean headed down to the athletic offices.

Spying Tim and Brett walking in the same direction, Sean halted them. "OK, Dowls, so did you get a chance to look over what I gave Tim? Those play diagrams?"

"Yeah, I think they're interesting. I have a couple of suggestions, though. Let's see what Coach has to say..."

Once in Coach's office, Coach Slater bade the boys sit down. "Very well, Gentlemen, what can I do for you this morning?"

"I'll start, Coach," Sean said. "I got some ideas the other day, and I was thinking... Now, Brett plays Wide Receiver on offense, but he's got some physical assets the running backs lack. I mean, he's almost six- foot-three, and he's fast and a beautiful jumper. I diagramed a few specialty plays that highlight those physical advantages with him at the running back position. Now, I don't mean for Brett to play running back because he's too valuable at Receiver. I came up with these plays to use in special circumstances. For example, suppose we're down by three, or four points with a few seconds left in the game, we got the ball and it's goal-to-go. A standard run up the middle might be a potential play call, or a pass over the middle, but with the talent we have I came up with these plays to give us some more tools."

"Have you two had a chance to look at these?" Coach asked Tim and Brett.

"Yes, we have," Tim answered.

"OK, Mr. Dowling, what say you?"

"As far as I can see, they should work. Now, I explained to Wymo that I'd like to make a couple modifications, and I'm happy to talk about those if you wish."

"Mister Dickson?" Coach asked.

"Well, these look like plays that both me and Wymo can run. Also, I think Brett's got the athletic ability to make them work..."

"Very well then. Mister Wyman, put your diagrams on the desk and let's go over them." Sean went over what he'd come up with. Coach listened and studied the diagrams intently.

"I'd never thought to use that formation. Not for a running play anyhow. Mr. Dowling, show me on these diagrams what your modifications to Mr. Wyman's work consist of."

Brett drew them out quickly, explaining each one as he went. There weren't many, but the one's he made showed careful thought.

"I see... Yes," Coach said. "And how do you gentlemen propose we practice these plays?"

"Well, Coach..." Tim began, "I think we should run through them a few times and then practice them on a whole-team scrimmage in full pads. That will tell the tale."

"Very well, you have my permission to proceed. I will schedule a team scrimmage for this coming Monday. Be ready, gentlemen. Will that be all for now?"

"I think so," Sean said.

"Thank you, gentlemen. I'll see you at practice tonight."

The three boys left Coach Slater's office not knowing that Slater was thinking what a truly unique team he had. Never in all his coaching career had he had players develop their own plays, never mind plays that were simple, elegant and designed to a specific purpose.

Half-way through his second-hour class, Andy rose as he had informed the teacher he would be doing in order to make it to his doctor's appointment across town at Mercy Hospital. He was a little nervous, but hopeful at the same time. Cautiously he walked to his car on two legs not using his cane. He thought his leg certainly felt sturdy but at the same time knew that it would be up to the Doctor to read the X-rays and make the call.

"Here goes nothing..." He thought to himself.

He made his way from the Hospital parking lot to the Orthopedic office, checked in and had a seat. After a few minutes his name was called and he followed the Nurse back to one of the examination rooms.

"Here, Andy, put this Johnny on then I'll take a couple of X-rays here and leave them for the Doctor. He should be in shortly. How's the leg doing anyway?"

"Well, I think it's fine... I mean, it hasn't hurt in a long time, and I can walk for short distances without the cane. I haven't used crutches in a while..."

"What you told me, those are all good things. Let's just see what the Doctor has to say." With that the Nurse x-rayed Andy's leg and left the room. Andy was waiting by himself. This was the part of these appointments he hated. He never knew if the Doctor was going to see him in thirty seconds, or thirty minutes.

After about ten minutes, Andy was greeted as Dr. Schroeder strode in. "Well,'s my favorite patient?"

"Fine, Doc. I sure hope I get some good news today!"

I hope so, too. Now before I look at these X-rays tell me how your leg is doing..."

Andy recounted everything he'd told the Nurse.

"Very good. Now, I'd like you to stand and take a little walk around the room without your cane if you can."

Andy dutifully did as instructed.

"Very good! I'm impressed! OK, let's have a look at these X-rays... Uh- huh...mmmmm...yes...hmmmmm..."

"Doc, not to be an ass or anything, but can you tell me in English what you're looking at?" Andy asked.

"Certainly, Andy. I can tell by looking at this that the bone has finished knitting back together. The X-rays are clean."


"Yes, really. You won't need to wear the brace anymore, however the muscles in your leg are weak compared to the one that wasn't broken. I'm going to prescribe for you an exercise regimen. It will be very light at first because we don't want to stress either the muscles, or the bones. Now, I understand that you are the Manager of the Craig football team. I haven't prescribed anything here that can't be accomplished with the facilities available at the school."

"Um, OK, I think I can talk to Coach Slater about that. I have a free period during the day that I could use for the exercise I think..."

"Yes, and it's only every other day, so I think if you did Monday, Wednesday and Friday for now that would be fine. On weekends, you can make up for it by going for a walk, something like that. Now, I am going to remove the brace, however for the time being I'd recommend you carry your cane just in case..."

"Well, Doc, it's been nice knowing you!"

"Not so fast there, Andrew. We'll need a follow up in six weeks. If there's any problems, and I don't give a damn how small you think they might be, I'll see you in this office the next day. As far as what I can see you're healed, but you didn't hear me say you're totally out of the woods. Am I clear?"

"Yeah, Doc. It's just that I've waited a long time for this you know..."

"I know you have, Andrew, and I know how much of an ordeal this whole thing's been for you. Barring anything unforeseen, I should think you'll be back to a hundred percent by Christmas. Certainly by the end of January. It's helped that you've remained active during this time."

"Alright, I'll make the appointment on my way out. Thanks again, Doc!"

"I'm glad I was able to give you good news today, Andy. Say hello to Sean for me, too."

"I will, I'll see him when I get back to school."

Andy dressed, left the examination room and made his follow-up appointment. If he thought it was safe, he'd be jumping up and down, but as it was he walked the entire way to his car holding his cane over his shoulder. It was like Independence Day.

Once in the car, he texted Sean the good news and told him he'd see him and the rest of the guys at lunch.

At lunch that day, Andy sat down in his usual spot at the jock table, threw his leg brace on the table and announced that he was no longer to be called Cass.

"Well, what the fuck should we call you then?" Cunns asked.

"Beer Can," Andy replied deadpan.

"Beer Can?" Cunns asked.

"Yeah. Ask Sean-o what that means..."

"I think I get the idea... Explains why every other day Wymo shows up walkin' funny..."

"You oughta give it a try, Cunns. Dowls was right, you do walk like you have a stick up your ass..." Sean smirked.

"Hey, don't involve me in this!" Brett quipped. "But Cunns is right, some mornings you do come in a little bow-legged..."

"That's nothing. I remember the time Wymo answered the front door with cum on his face," Tim laughed.

"OK, Dix, fuck you... That wasn't funny... Well, maybe it wa..."

Sean was interrupted by a semi-commotion about twenty feet away.

"Oh, Christ, Wymo, it looks like that bitch Colleen is picking on J.R. again," Tim said, half-pointing in the general direction.

"I can't hear. What is she saying?" Sean asked.

"Beats the fuck out of me," Tim said.

Colleen Kenendy was pointing at John who was eating his lunch with Kathleen. All the boys at the jock table could hear was Colleen hissing, "And YOU!" while she pointed at John.

Suddenly, and for no apparent reason Colleen turned and sped off.

"Jesus, she's a fucking accident waiting to happen," Tim observed. "I swear I can't believe Kathleen is her sister..."

"Well, when they had that party she seemed to think J.R. was the lawn guy," Sean laughed. "At least it looks like J.R. and Kathleen weren't bothered too much by her. They're just eating their lunch again..."

"Your little brother poking Kathleen?" Cunns asked, taking a bite out of his sandwich.

"You'll have to ask them," Sean winked. "J.R.'s a pretty serious kid, like he's on a mission, or something. I think they like each other a lot. She helps him keep him focused and I think for her, he's a good break from that crazy sister... He really likes her..."

"Well, they do make a cute couple, the little Irish girl and the Mexican kid," Brett said.

"Yeah, they do..." Sean agreed.

After that, the boys' conversation drifted to the new plays Sean designed, and how they were going to practice and implement them. Sean swore all the guys to secrecy explaining how no one could know that they had these in the playbook and that in any event they weren't even practiced and proven yet.

One lunch was over the guys broke to begin their afternoon classes. Sean and Tim had their routine down and went their separate ways, Sean with Andy and Tim with Brett. The two pairs then separated to go their own ways, Andy and Brett not knowing that Sean and Tim were meeting at their private location as they both had that hour free.

"Jesus, Dix, can you believe Andy and Brett haven't figured this out?"

"No, man, I really can't... And nobody else, either... I mean, my mom was getting suspicious the other day that something's up, but she didn't ask..."

"OK, good. We don't need anyone knowing about this," Sean said as he got into position and wrapped his arm around Tim.

At practice that afternoon, Coach had the Offense run through two of the four plays Sean developed, and with Brett's modifications. Seeing the plays in actual practice rather than on paper, Coach Slater was impressed. To his mind as a seasoned Coach he thought his second-string Quarterback had something useful here. He told them tomorrow they'd run through the other two and work them both into regular practice.

Coach Slater was also gratified to see that the new practice regimen didn't seem overly tiring to his two Quarterbacks. He knew this added conditioning work on top of everything else the team had going would be taxing even to athletes far more experienced than Sean and Tim. In that regard, he did not wish to overload the two young men, but he had taken their measure in both the pre-season and in the regular season so far and there didn't appear to be cause for concern.

For the rest of the week, Andy did his prescribed work-outs after practice with Tim and Sean. Brett and John joined in the weight training, too and found it enjoyable. John told the others that if he could bulk up a little bit that he might go out for the wrestling team, saying, "See, I don't hafta be big to do that. I mean, I only weigh maybe a hundred and twenty pounds... But if I can beat someone my own size, then I win, so yeah, I'm gonna try..."

"Go for it, Squirt!" Andy said. "If you make the team, we're gonna have the whole football team as your cheering section!"

On Friday morning before classes Andy thought he noticed Sean and Tim acting a little bit nervous.

"What's up with you guys? You nervous about the game tonight?"

"Um, no..." Tim said.

Sean cut Tim off before he stuck his foot in his mouth. "Nah, we'll win..."

"OK, so how come you guys look like something's not quite right? I mean, I saw you whisper shit to each other like two or three times today. I'm not an idiot you know..."

"Nothing's wrong, Brown Eyes. It's just how the conversation went," Sean said.

"Well, alright then..." Andy said, looking unconvinced. "Look, I gotta get to class. I'll see you guys at lunch."

Once Andy was a way down the hall Tim looked at Sean, "Phew! I think we dodged a bullet there, hey?"

"Yeah, we did. Does Brett suspect anything?"

"No. Well, he hasn't said anything anyway, so I don't think so..."

"Good. We gotta keep it a secret."

"This is killing me!"

"Me, too if ya wanna know..."

"Do you think we should tell `em?"

"No, they'll find out soon enough..."

"I guess you're right... I just don't like sneaking around is all..."

"Yeah, me either, but it hadda be this way."

"You're right, Wymo. That's what I love about you..."

"We'll just do what we have to do. It'll all be OK in the end."

"I guess so. Anyway, I gotta bolt for class. See you at lunch!"

"Later, Dix."

At lunch, Andy was even more confused about what to think. He didn't notice anything at all unusual in the interaction between Sean and Tim. The two of them as well as the rest of the football guys simply at and ran through their game plan for the evening. Brett seemed not to outwardly be concerned about anything, either. Andy was sure something was going on that he didn't know about and he didn't like being in the dark. He wondered if he should be worried.

As the afternoon wore on, Andy became more pensive. He knew they were going to the Homecoming Dance that night and wondered if Sean and Tim would be acting weird there, too. He thought he might be losing Sean to Tim and the thought terrified him. How could he live without his Sean... Between two of his classes he went in a bathroom stall to sit for a minute, tears streaming down his face. On the one hand, it didn't seem possible that someone as decent as Tim would steal his boyfriend away, and he never had any previous indication that Sean might be unfaithful, but after the rape and how Sean had been acting the past few days he wasn't sure if he could be certain of anything. He finally decided to get on with his day and whatever happened, happened.

After school, because this was a home game, the team met in the gym, went over the game plan and had a light workout consisting of calisthenics and stretching exercises. Andy observed nothing more than the usual pre-game banter between the players including Sean and Tim. Tim even came over to him, ruffled up his hair and teased him that now that he was out of his leg brace he'd actually have to do something on the sidelines. Andy tried to smile, but it was unconvincing.

"Hey, something wrong?" Tim asked, seemingly concerned.

"Aw, nuthin' really... Just one of those days, Dix."

"Well, you look like someone died, or something..."

"I'll get over it. Just go out there and win, OK?"

"Sure thing, Beer Can," Tim winked. "See you at the dance later, too..."

"Um, sure..."

Tim didn't know what to make of Andy's behavior. For the usually happy, sarcastic Andy to be so glum was out of character. He wondered if Andy had figured out what he and Sean had been up to, but that didn't make sense to him. Pressed for time, Tim had to excuse himself to the locker room in order to get his things ready for the bus trip to Monterey Stadium for the evening's game. He paused to mention the encounter to Sean who seemed to file it away in his mind as he was deep in pre-game preparations.

Before game time Coach gathered his team and let them know that tonight they were going to let it all hang out. "Gentlemen, we've come a long way from the pre-season when all we had was a bunch of raw talent. We've honed that talent. I told you after our first game that you were excellent, but not yet perfect. Well, you're still not perfect and like I said excellence is always chasing perfection but rarely does she catch it. We're as close to catching it as any team I've ever coached. We're one game past the exact midpoint of the season tonight, and it's time to show the fans what we've got. Now, go do what I know you can do."

The game started with the same fireworks as the Parker game did only tonight they were in Royal blue and white only for Craig. The teams were introduced. The band played the Star-Spangled Banner and the game was underway.

The team took Coach's admonition to heart, and that night old Monterey Stadium witnessed a show of which no one could remember seeing the likes.

Against a well-prepared and well-coached Beloit Memorial Purple Knights team, the Cougars simply out- classed their opponents in all aspects of the game. Sean was flawless through three quarters of play. Tim's play calling was magical. The Defense shut down the opponent at every turn and when the final whistle blew, the Cougars notched up their second shut-out of the season by a score of 49-0.

Back in the locker room after the game, Andy observed Sean and Tim in cahoots again, whispering, snickering and laughing as if at some sort of an inside joke. His mind off it during the game, Andy's spirits sunk through the floor. "So this is how it all ends..." he thought to himself. His heart was breaking so much tears would not come to his eyes. He stared at the floor and shuffled out of the locker room already dressed in the clothes he was to wear to the dance that night. He thought in the morning he might have to pack his things and prepare to return to Kenosha.

Just then, Sean came up also dressed for the dance. "Excellent! We're both ready! I think this is gonna be fun tonight, Brown Eyes!"

Andy's lips moved but emitted no sound.

"Something wrong?" Sean asked. "You don't look so good..."

Andy decided he'd be damned if he'd give anyone the satisfaction of seeing him down. He took a page out of Sean's playbook, squared up his shoulders, smiled and simply asked, "Ready for the dance?"

"Yup. OK, let's blast off then... Oops, wait, we gotta get J.R. I think he's gonna meet Kathleen out in front of the school once we get there."

"Sounds good, Sean-o. I'll go get J.R."

The three boys piled into Andy's Cruze and began to make their way to the school. Sean got a text from Tim and replied.

"That from Dix?" Andy asked.

"Yeah, he just wanted to see where we are. I gotta help him with something when we get there..."

"OK, sure. I'll see you inside then, I guess..."

"Sounds good," Sean replied. "Hey, J.R., you meeting up with Kathleen?"

"Yeah, she said to meet by the front doors. Hey, I been practicing with that dildo ya know... I kinda like it. You mind if I keep it?"

"I don't care," Sean smirked, "whada you think, And?"

Andy just mumbled.

At the school, Andy parked and the boys made their way to the building. John separated to meet Kathleen. Andy and Sean entered and made their way to the gym there the Homecoming Dance was to be. Sean then excused himself to go meet Tim. "I'll be back in a few, Brown Eyes."

"OK," Andy said somewhat glumly.

In the gym on his own, Andy spied Brett. He made his way over. "Hey, Dowls...where's Tim?"

"Oh, he said he had some kind of school thing to do with Sean. Said he'd be back in a few minutes."

"Um, OK..." Andy said, barely holding back tears.

"Andy? What's wrong?" Brett said.

"I think I'm losing Sean..." Andy replied, the tears streaming down his face in earnest at that point.

"Andy, come with me," Brett said, "let's go talk. We'll go outside by the back door. No one will be out there."

"OK," Andy said.

Once outside, Brett again asked Andy what was wrong.

"I'm losing Sean and I think I'm losing him to Tim!" Andy blubbered.

"What?" Brett gasped.


*British warships (The Royal Navy) have the name of the ship prefixed by `HMS' which stands for Her Majesty's Ship. "Her Majesty" being Queen Elizabeth II. HMS Invincible was lead ship of the Invincible- class light aircraft carriers, and flagship of the Royal Navy in the Falklands War of 1982.

Next: Chapter 31

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