It Is What It Is

By Eric Trager

Published on Jun 26, 2016


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George Dickson stepped into the foyer of the GM condo, greeted by Joe Wyman. "Hey, Joe! Are Sean and Andy ready?"

"Yup. They're in the living room. Want a beer?"

"I'll pass, Joe, but maybe a glass of water'll do the trick. This won't take long - those are two bright boys and all we're gonna need to do is just get straight what the deal is, and is not, for tomorrow afternoon."

"Yeah, I figured that. OK, I'll get you some water and you can go get started with the guys, George. And thanks again for doing this for us!"

"Not a problem, Joe. What your boys did for Tim is something I can't put a value on. Peg and I say that all the time. This is the least, and I mean the VERY least that I can do for them."

"Thanks just the same, Joe. I guess what goes around comes around, hey?"

"You said a mouthful, Joe..."

George made his way to the condo living room, and greeted the boys, "OK, men, we're gonna go over a few things here before we head to Kenosha tomorrow. Won't take long, but I just need to get some concepts and stuff across here."

"Hey, George!" Sean called out, "Sure, we know we need to be prepared a little bit. I guess we should get started then?"

"Right..." George answered.

"Here's your water, George," Joe said, stepping into the living room. "You don't mind if I listen in, do ya? I've always just found legal matters fascinating is all..."

"Absolutley, Joe! I guess that gives us a good place to start, as well. OK, look, guys, even though I will accompany Sean as his Attorney, tomorrow's hearing is not a legal proceeding."

"It's not?" Andy asked.

"No, son, it's not. What it is, is a closed-door session of the Kenosha School Board. The Board is the governing body of the Kenosha School System, but it is not a Court. It has no legal authority."

"Then why do we have to go?" Andy asked.

"Well, YOU won't have anything to do there..." George replied. "but Sean has been invited by the Board to answer questions they may have. You were not invited, but shall accompany us because your dad will be at work at that time, and because of Joe's rule that Sean must accompany you at all times. You will merely be there as his stepbrother, and I will be there as Sean's Attorney. Sean will be appearing voluntarily as the Board has no power to compel his attendance."

"But, George, I WANT to be there. The hearing is about what might happen to Coach Anderson, right?"

"I'd say that's a fair assessment, Sean" George replied.

"Well, Coach didn't do anything wrong. It seems pointless to have a hearing about nothing..." Sean commented tartly.

"Sean..." George replied, "I wasn't there, so I can't be sure. It's not my job to have an opinion about that, anyway, but I know you, and if you say the Coach did nothing wrong he probably didn't. Look, whatcha need to understand here is that most School Boards are run by people who don't know the law, many times have unworkable, ridiculous policies, and an inflated sense of their own importance. The most likely scenario is that the Administrators of the School District are trying to cover their asses. Now, from what you've told me, anything that happened was done off school grounds at a private residence at a time when school was not in session. So, I agree with you, this is BS, but if, as you've also told me, you don't want anything bad happen to Coach Anderson then it's best for you to appear as invited if for no other reason that just to humor these people and get whatever it is that you can get on the record in the Coach's favor. If you don't appear, then it would seem as if you don't care one way, or the other what happens to Coach Anderson. Does that make sense?"

"Yeah, when you put it that way..." Sean answered.

"Good, so let's get started. Like I said, this shouldn't take too long. First thing I'll tell ya is that you will be asked some questions. You could be asked questions by the Superintendent of Schools, or any member of the Board. Probably not too many questions, though, as there's not much to question you about. It's their meeting, and they'll run it the way they want, OK? But here's the thing: you cannot answer any questions that might have to do with the investigation and Court proceedings that are ongoing in the case of Andy's beating. That will limit to a great extent what you can answer and what you cannot."

"How am I gonna know that?" Sean asked.

"That's why I'm going to be there. I have here..." George said, producing a document from his briefcase, "...a letter from the Kenosha County District Attorney's Office. Read it over." George handed the letter to Sean. Sean read the letter and handed it back to George.

"OK..." Sean said, "So the letter says I am admonished not to answer any questions having to do with the investigation, or the cases pending before the Court and then it gives case numbers. It says if I do then they can prosecute me for interfering with Police and Court proceedings."

"That's right, Sean, because as probably unfair to you, and especially to Andy, as it sounds the guys that attacked him, and anyone else involved, are innocent until proven guilty. The trials have not yet begun, there is still an ongoing investigation, and the DA's Office doesn't want details leaking out to the public before the trials begin. That's just how our system rocks `n' rolls... As your Attorney, I am an Officer of the Court, and I am duty-bound to make you aware of the admonition from the D.A.'s Office. OK, I've done that, so let's move on, here."

"OK..." Sean answered.

"So how this is going to go..." George went on, "is that once we enter the room where the hearing is, I'll introduce myself, and give a copy of the D.A.'s letter to whoever it is that's running the meeting, which most likely will be the President of the School Board. I've googled the Kenosha School Board, and I know who that person is so we're pretty much all set there. When they call you for questioning, I'll rise and let them know that I am there as your Attorney. They'll probably ask you to state your name for the record, and you will go ahead and do that. But here's what you will do after that..."

"OK, so far, so good..." Sean said.

"When they ask a question, I want you to look at me before you say a word. If I nod my head yes, then go ahead and answer the question. If it's a yes-or-no question, just answer either yes, no, or I-don't-know and say nothing more. If it's a question that requires specific detail, answer only the question that was asked and don't add anything extra at all. If you do not understand the question, ask the person who asked it to rephrase because you don't understand what they are asking. Got it?"

"Yeah. Now what do I do if you shake your head no?"

"If I shake my head no, then I've got your answer written on this piece of paper here, and you will read it word-for-word to the questioner. Here – go ahead and read it out loud, Sean."

"Based on the District Attorney's admonition to me contained in the letter furnished to the Board some moments ago, I respectfully decline to answer the question," Sean read out. "OK, well what if whoever asked the question gives me shit then?"

"Then you say nothing. I will answer in that case restating the D.A.'s admonition. If they still don't get it, I'll ask to confer privately with the Board's Attorney who I am sure will be present. We're gonna do this by the book, and if it comes to that, their Attorney will set them straight."

"OK, well, that seems easy enough. I don't think I'll mess it up."

"No, Sean, you won't. You're a cool customer. You'll do fine. Consider it practice for when the real trials begin. And it will be good for you, too, Andy. You can kind of get some idea of what it's like to be questioned, and some idea of procedure. Like I said, it's not a Courtroom, but there should be some of the same procedures and decorum."

"Is that it, George?" Joe asked.

"Yep, I think that's all she wrote, guys!" George replied. "I'll pick you guys up at about Noon since the meeting is at 2:00. We can grab some sodas and stuff for the road, and we'll be there in plenty good time! Oh, and I want both of you guys dressed in slacks, shirt-and-tie, and nice shoes. Understood?"

"Sure, George!" Andy answered.

"OK, men, then I'll see ya tomorrow at Noon sharp! Joe, any questions?"

"Nope, I think you covered it all pretty clearly, George. And thanks again!"

"Anything for these two, Joe. Guys, like I told your dad, our family is indebted to you for how you helped Tim. This is the least we can do to repay you!"

"George?" Andy asked.


"We didn't do anything. We just helped a friend is all."

"OK, then, Andy, that's what I'm doing!" George grinned, slapping Andy on the back.

George took his leave, the boys and Joe winding down for the evening.

"Sean," Joe said. "Go get me a pair each of slacks and a white shirt for each of you. I'll iron them right now so that they're ready in the morning. Get two ties ready to go, two pairs of dress socks, and set a pair of nice shoes each by the front door so you'll be ready to go when George comes tomorrow."

"OK, dad. Sounds good. I guess it'll be OK tomorrow..."

"You'll do fine. And I hope you can help Coach. I don't see how they can do anything to him, but I guess we'll see, there, Bucko..."

The next day at Noon, George Dickson wheeled his Cadillac Escalade into the driveway of the GM condo, got out and rang the doorbell. Sean and Andy came to the door, dressed as requested and looking sharp.

"You guys ready?" George asked.

"Yep!" Andy replied.

"Say, George, we'll let Andy have the front seat. He's gonna need it because of this leg and all..." Sean said.

"OK, but you're pretty tall, Sean, and the back seat of the Escalade isn't as big as you might think..."

"Oh, I don't care, I just want Andy to be comfortable. I still think this is a pain in the ass, but whadya gonna do?"

"Hehehe..." George chuckled. "Yeah, it is a pain in the ass, so let's just get it over with, already..."

Driving to Kenosha, George retraced the same route that Sean and Andy had trodden on their first visit to Janesville, a time that while not long seemed upon reflection to have been so long ago and with so many changes and new horizons unveiled since.

Arriving inside the Kenosha School Administration Building, George and the boys found the Board Room, and entered. A Police Officer asked what their business was, and George stating so to the Officer's satisfaction, they were seated. The clock told them that the time was 1:45 p.m. People who appeared to be Board Members strode in, and when George was sure he spotted the person who was the President of the Board, he rose, walked over and introduced himself, spoke a few words, and handed over a copy of the D.A.'s letter.

Sean heard the door to the room open, and turned around to see both Jim Nolan and Joe Regent enter the room. Regent appeared to be accompanied by an Attorney. Nolan did not. Sean waved them both over. "Hey, guys! Good to see you, not under these circumstances, but good all the same!"

"Hey, guys! Andy chirped.

"Hey!" Nolan and Regent answered back.

George Dickson was returning to the table, and Sean introduced them both. "Both of you boys have Attorneys present?" George asked.

"I do." Regent replied.

"Not me. I can't afford one, and my mom and dad probably didn't hear me when I said I hadda come down here." Nolan said, looking forlornly at the floor.

"You say your name's Jim Nolan, right?" George asked.

"Yes, sir." Nolan answered.

"George Dickson. Call me George. I believe you may know my nephew, Danny Parks?" Jim nodded, quizzically. "Well, you just got yourself an Attorney, son. Won't cost you a dime. Now, come over here for a minute and I'll give you the one-minute run down on how this is gonna work, OK?"

"Really!" Nolan gasped. "Jeez, I mean, THANKS! I mean, wow..."

Sean was privately wondering how on Earth George Dickson would have heard the name Jim Nolan.

Returning to their seats, the three boys and George sat down and waited for the meeting to start.

Turning around again, Sean spied Coach Anderson who was there with his Attorney, Garrett Crossman. Sean smiled and waved to the old Coach who winked back at him.

Precisely at 2:00 p.m. the President of the Board, Jeannine Kwiatkowski, called the hearing to order. "The purpose of this hearing is to determine whether, or not any of the rules in the District's Employee Handbook were transgressed in a matter having to do with student athletes at Tremper High School. Is Irving Anderson present?"

"Right here, Madam President!" Coach Anderson replied, raising his hand.

"And seated next to you I take it is your Attorney, Mr. Anderson?"

"Yes, Madam President, I am Garrett Crossman representing Mr. Anderson."

George looked over in Crossman's direction and gave him a nod.

The questioning of Coach Anderson didn't take but more than five minutes. The Coach said was that he'd had some players come to him and state that they would not be going out for the team this year due to the actions of some of the others, and that he had no first-hand knowledge of what those actions were. He also added that he had made an immediate report to the School Principal. When asked to repeat for the Board what he had heard from the players that came to him, Attorney Crossman intervened letting the Board know that there was an investigation still ongoing, and Court trials being scheduled, that therefore his client would be unable to answer anything along that line of questioning, and in any event that his client could not be held responsible for anything of which he no foreknowledge, that took place away from school when school was not in session and was not a school-sanctioned event.

Attorney Crossman then moved that the hearing be concluded citing his foregoing reasoning, stating that in light of that "there's simply no `THERE' there," and continuing, "In addition, and upon my advice, my client provided me with what appears to be a full documentation of his involvement, such as it is, this matter, both written and electronic. My office referred said documentation as well as a copy of the District's Employee Handbook to a Labor Attorney's office. It is their opinion, a written copy of which I furnished to the School District's Attorney yesterday that there is no basis for any action against my client."

This prompted the Superintendent of Schools, a 60'ish looking woman with witch- like salt-and-pepper hair who sat behind a ridiculously important looking black and gold name plaque announcing her to be Dr. Walkinson G. Scott, Superintendent of Schools, and who peered imperiously out over a pair of black framed, half-lensed reading glasses to caustically state that the School System had legitimate concerns and that the hearing would continue. Dr. Scott's intervention brought a rebuke from the President of the Board who reminded the Superintendent that it was up to the Board, not the Superintendent whether, or not to adjourn any Board function.

The Board President then inquired of the School District's Attorney whether he had a copy of the letter to which Garrett Crossman had referred.

The Attorney indicated that he did, and handed it to the President.

A vote of the Board was taken at that point, the board voting 4-3 to continue the hearing.

Andy leaned over whispered out of the corner of his mouth to Sean, "Jesus Christ, Sean-o! If idiots could fly this place would be a fucking airport..." Sean, for his part, simply rolled his eyes, nodded his head, and smirked.

The Board President called Principal Roberts. Roberts was without an Attorney, and stated that Coach Anderson had indeed made a report to him as soon as he heard of the incident. Principal Roberts further stated that upon receiving the report he had in turn reported to his bosses, the Director of Secondary Education and the Superintendent. Principal Roberts was then thanked, and dismissed.

Next up was Joe Regent. Joe's questioning took less than one minute. He simply relayed how he had been present at Coach's office when Sean and Nolan had been there, had been asked by Coach to leave before any conversation took place, and had no knowledge of any conversation that might have taken place after that. When asked why he had gone to the Coach's office he merely said it was to return a personal item to Sean whom he knew would be seeing the Coach that morning. Regent's Attorney than asked that his client be excused, as he really had no useful information to furnish in the matter. The Board President agreed, and Regent and his Attorney left the building.

The Board President then called on Jim Nolan. Jim indicated that he was present. George rose, stating to the Board, "Madam President, if it pleases the Board, I'm Attorney George Dickson representing James Nolan and Sean Wyman."

"So noted," the President answered back. Superintendent Scott then asked Nolan whether, or not he had ever known Coach Anderson to violate a rule of the School District's Handbook. George immediately signaled for Nolan not to answer the question. Nolan looked puzzled for a moment whereupon George answered for him, "Madam President, if it pleases the Board, my client is a Senior in High School and is not now, nor ever has been an employee of the Kenosha School District. Therefore, he cannot reasonably be expected to have any knowledge of the Employee Handbook of the Kenosha School System, much less to make informed judgments with respect to the contents thereof. There is no way for him to answer that question. We respectfully request that the question be withdrawn."

"Agreed," the President said to a noticeable sound of displeasure from Superintendent Scott.

The only other question asked of Nolan was what his purpose was to be at the Coach's office that morning. He answered that the purpose was to inform the Coach that he would not be going out for football in the coming season. When asked to elaborate, Nolan read the prepared answer given by George Dickson that he would not answer due to the ongoing investigation and Court trials.

The Board President signaled that there were no more questions to Nolan, and that visibly exasperated Dr. Scott, who scowled, "I see the students have been well coached by their Attorneys today..."

Sean was called next. The questioning followed exactly the same line as Nolan's had, but when it was indicated by the Board President that there were no more questions for Sean, Dr. Scott jumped in interjecting sullenly, "There are serious matters here, and it would be appreciated if we could get full information! This is sounding like the same old story! Mr. Wyman, are you sure you have no more information?"

The Superintendent's comments enraged Sean who thought it looked like she wanted simply to hang Coach Anderson out to dry. Sean did not look over at George for an opinion whether, or not to answer the question. "No, I have nothing further to add. I can say, though, that everyone who's gone before me here today has told the truth as I know it to be. I was there. And with all due respect, Madam Superintendent, the truth usually IS the same old story..." Sean looked Dr. Scott straight in the eye and gave a subtle "don't fuck with me" look.

With that, George, not wanting to see the situation go any further south, rose and looking at the Board President said, "Madame President, Ms. Scott, if there is nothing further I ask that my clients be excused."

"Mr. Dickson!" Dr. Scott snapped, "Please address me as Dr. Scott. I think I've earned that!"

"Of course. I apologize, Dr. Scott. And please address me as Attorney Dickson. I KNOW I've earned that... Madam President, is there anything further that the Board requires of my clients at this time?"

"Does anyone on the Board have any further questions?" The President asked, looking up and down the line of other Board members.

No one signaling that they had anything, the Board President stated, "There is nothing further for your clients, Attorney Dickson. Thank you for your cooperation."

"You're welcome, and thank you, Madam President." George then signaled for Jim, Andy and Sean that they would leave at that moment. All four men arose and left the building.

"Jesus Christ, that Superintendent is a fucking cunt!" George said once they had all cleared the confines of the School Administration Building.

"George, if I didn't know better I'd say she's out to screw Coach. I mean, I went last and it looked like because she didn't get anything she wanted out of anybody else she was either trying to get me to trip up and say something stupid, or give out information that I'm not supposed to give out." Sean said. "Besides, she pissed me off, and that's why I answered her back about the truth being the same old story"

"Sean, the look on her face after you said that was worth a million bucks!" George laughed. "She looked like someone hit her in the face with a manhole cover..."

"Only you could pull that one off, Wymo!" Nolan laughed, slapping his knee.

Andy beamed, "I'm proud of you, Blondie!"

"George, how are we gonna know if anything happens to Coach?" Sean asked.

"Well, the Board will take a vote on it, and it'll probably be announced in the local newspaper. I mean, it's not gonna be on CNN. It's not like this is some kind of world news, or anything. I'd be surprised if they really did anything meaningful to Coach. Oh, sure, they might stick a finding in his file just to satisfy themselves that they actually did something, but my bet is that'd be about the extent of it. From what I heard today, they never even should have had that hearing at all. You can't go back in time and tell someone that you think they're somehow responsible for what other people did that they had no prior knowledge of, and weren't responsible for. That kind of shit would never fly in a Court Room. I'd bet the Board's Attorney told them that and they just didn't, or wouldn't listen."

"Jeez, I wonder if they want to stick something in Coach's file and he makes a stink about it. Ya know, I could see that happening..." Sean said.

"OOOOOOH YEEEAAAAHHHH!" Nolan agreed. "He's Old School for sure. Say, George, how'dja know I know Danny, anyway?"

"Son, Danny's mother is my sister. We're only a year apart in age – she's a year older than I am - and we're very close. She talks to me about everything. And I do mean everything. Seems Danny's mentioned your name to her a few times. I gather my nephew's quite taken with you..."

Nolan turned beet red and began to stammer.

George continued, "Now my son, Tim, he's just a little more than a year younger than Danny and until they moved from Janesville to Chicago they were best friends. Inseparable. Even went to the same schools up to 7th Grade. So, like I told Sean and Andy here, any friend of our family is a friend of ours. But you're not only a friend, you're family, son. You tell that boyfriend of yours that you're both invited to our place anytime. You tell him Tim would love to see him, and so would his Uncle George and Aunt Peg."

"NO SHIT!" Nolan exclaimed. "Jesus, it's a small world, hey? You bet I'll tell Danny! And, hey, George?"

"Call me Uncle George, son..."

"OK, Uncle George, anyway me and Danny are coming down next weekend. We'll be meeting up with Wymo and Andy first. Don't tell Tim because it's supposed to be a surprise, OK?"

"Oh, I wouldn't tell him now thatcha asked and it's supposed to be a surprise and all. I guarantee it'll make Tim really happy! Tell ya what, all you guys can gather at our place Saturday night. We'll make the back yard patio and grill and everything available to you guys and we'll even throw in the food and beer. Us older folks enjoy doing stuff for fine young men like you guys!"

"I'm tellin' ya, Noles," Sean said, "and don't take this the wrong way, but at first I thought leaving Kenosha and moving to Janesville was gonna be the end of life as I knew it. NOT! You'll see – I promise you'll meet a bunch of really good guys. I'm looking forward to fitting in and making my name!"

"Jeez, guys, if Danny weren't here I'd wanna come be with you guys. There ain't nuthin' except Danny left for me in this town. Besides, things with me and Danny are getting kind of serious. I gotta come out to my parents. I don't think that'll be much of an issue, hell, they probably won't even hear me when I say it..." Big Jim Nolan looked like a lost little boy as he told his friends that.

"Look, Noles," Sean said, "No matter what, you and me are bros. I'll always have your back. You ever need anything you got my number, right?"

"Yeah, and thanks, Wymo..."

"No, I'm serious. You're the one who told me to go for it. You remember?"

"Yeah, I'll never forget that one for sure..."

"If not for you, I might not have Andy and now that I look back, if I didn't have Andy I wouldn't be who I am. Now I feel like I'm together, and like I'm whole. And it's you that I have to thank for that. So, I guess what I'm saying is if there ever comes a time when you need anything, you call me first. You got that? I can make shit happen..."

"I hear ya, Wymo... I only said what anyone with common sense would say that night, though..."

"I know, and that's what I needed at that moment – someone with common sense who had the balls to show me what was right in front of my face."

"Hey, dude, it is what it is. I only toldja what I saw. Dude, you and Andy got it made. You are so good for each other! Now, tell me about this Tim guy..."

"You mean Danny's cousin?"


"Well, you'll just have to see for yourself, and that's all I'm sayin'! Don't worry, Noles, he's top shelf. You'll like him..." Sean had his reasons for his response, not least of which was that he planned to give his friend, Jim Nolan, a sense of belonging which he knew full well that he lacked, and that as big-hearted as Jim was that he longed for.

"Dickhead, Wymo!" Nolan laughed, and fist-bumped Sean.

"Hey, I got my reasons, Noles... And I want you to call me when you come out to the `rents. I need to know that you're not just existing in your shell. Don't get me wrong, it's a great shell, but it's still a shell. You do a great job of hiding how much your parents ignore you hurts, but I gotta tell ya, bro, you're not fooling me. I'm not trying to force anything here, but I need you to let me know when you need a bro. I'll always have your back, Jimbo!"

"I know ya will. And I promise I won't be shy if I need anything. You gave me a lot to think about, Wymo. I can't process it all at once right now, but trust me, it won't be forgotten."

The three boys then hugged, said their goodbyes, and Nolan shook George's hand saying, "Nice to meet you, Uncle George, and I'll be seeing you again soon I guess!"

"Looking forward to it, Jim. Remember to say hello to Danny for us, will ya?"

"Sure will, and thanks again!"

Once in the Escalade, and underway George asked to neither boy in particular, "So, that Jim Nolan seems like a real nice young man. What's the back story with him and Danny, anyway?"

"Well, George, as you already know, they're boyfriends. They met when Andy was in the hospital and me, Jim and another friend went to the restaurant where Danny works. Danny was our waiter and Noles fell for Danny like a fart in church. THUD! And it's been that way ever since. Say, do you think Danny knows about Brett? I got an idea here!"

"Uh-oh..." Andy chimed in rolling his eyes. "What's yer big idea, there, Blondie. This oughta be good..."

"Well, let's play a practical joke on em!" Sean grinned. "I figure Brett doesn't know about Danny, and even if Tim knows about Noles it doesn't matter. What I'm thinkin' is that when they get there we'll get Tim and Danny away from everyone else and have them dress in the same outfit. I mean, they look like they could be fucking twins – oops, sorry, George..." Sean laughed, "then we get em to come out together and tell Brett and Noles that they got two seconds and one chance to pick the right boyfriend!"

"You're pure evil, Sean-o, that's what you are!" Andy laughed an evil laugh.

"Mwa-ha-ha!" Sean teased.

"I gotta hand it to ya, there, Sean. I think that's pretty damn funny!" George said.

"Well, yeah, and I'll even buy the clothes. I mean, Tim's gotta be mostly the same size as me, and even though Danny's a little taller than Tim, he's a little less built, too, so I figure just buy two of everything and we're good! I'll just buy what would fit me and it should work! And guess what else!"

"Oh, shit, here it comes!" Andy muttered under his breath.

"I should get outfits that look EXTRA gay! It'd be so much fun!"

"You WOULDN'T!!!" Andy gasped.

"Nah, I ain't gonna do that, but it would be funny, don'tcha think?"

George guffawed, "I swear, you guys. All of ya! Yer all enough to drive a Saint to drink! So, Sean, how's the Quarterback dual going with Tim?"

Sean dreaded the question the second he heard it leave George's lips, but the Dicksons were kind, honest people, so Sean knew he had to give a full and real answer.

"Well, here's the deal: We're both playing our hearts out. I know I am and I'd be shocked if Tim wasn't, too. I think there may be small differences one way, or the other here and there in our skill levels and athletic ability, but to be honest, I dunno how Coach is going to make a choice. At the end of the day, I think we're equal. I told Coach that I'd give it everything I had, but that I'm a team player. If Coach picks Tim, I'll be fine with it – I'll be back next year, and Tim won't. I gotta say, though, that Tim's one tough guy to compete with. He's on a hundred percent of the time."

"Glad to hear it, Sean. I know Tim says he's gotta keep on his toes all the time at practice. He respects your abilities. He says you're good. I know he's my son and all, but my heart's with both of you guys. You've done so much for each other, and that goes for you, too, Andy. I hate to use the word `blossom' with respect to boys, but I can't find a better word to get it across. Tim's really blossomed since you two came to town."

All three men enjoyed smiled at that, and the trip back home passed quickly. George thought he might have seen a slight tear in Sean's eye when he checked in the rear view mirror, and he thought to himself, "These two, Sean and Andy, are the real deal."

Approaching Janesville from the east on Highway 14, Sean noted ominous looking clouds far to the west. "Jeez, guys, wouldja look at those clouds? They're so black and dark!"

"Yup," George agreed. "Well, it's been really hot today, and I wouldn't be surprised if we've got a thunderstorm rolling in!"

Once back in Janesville, George dropped the boys back at the GM condo, letting them know that he'd see them Saturday and teasing Sean not to buy Tim and Danny a couple of dresses.

The wind whipped the storm door out of Sean's hand when the boys tried to enter. "Jesus, we better get inside quick. I think this is going to be one hell of a storm!"

After entering the condo, Sean got a text from his dad letting them know he'd be late that night because of a couple of meetings at the plant. Sean texted back that was OK.

"Hey, Brown Eyes, dad's gonna be late tonight. Meetings at the plant. Jesus Christ, wouldja look at that wind outside! Man, we're gonna be in for a storm for sure!"

"OK, well, if dad's gonna be late I know what I want for dinner!" Andy waggled his eyebrows.

"What's that?"

"TUBE STEAK!" Andy yelled with an evil grin. "Get your ass in the bedroom and strip! NOW! I want you to fuck the shit out of me, Blondie! I want you to make me blow the biggest load I ever did, and I want you to do it now!"

As he always did, Sean obeyed Andy when it came to sexual matters. Andy's bossiness in the bedroom was part of his charm, and Sean could never displease his lover. Sean fairly ran to the bedroom, tore off his clothes and was on the bed before Andy even made it into the room. Sean's cock stood at full mast, and Sean temptingly, slowly fondled it in front of Andy while licking his lips.

"Get over here, Brown eyes! Get naked! Don't even waste time with kissing! I'm gonna eat your hole for a while. You're so fucking bossy I'm gonna make you bark like a dog before I stick my dick in you!"

Two miles to the southwest as the crow flies, George and Peggy Dickson had gone out for dinner that night to the Country Club. Tim and Brett declined their invitation to go with a thin excuse about wanting to watch television.

Peggy and George didn't exactly buy it, but as Peggy told George, "Whadya gonna do, hey? It's been rough on them the past little while. They need some time to themselves same as we do, now..."

No sooner had they left than Brett walked up to Tim, Hugged him tight and kissed him softly. Brett and Tim's lovemaking on the surface might appear to be a good bit more tender than Sean and Andy's, but it was with no less passion.

"I want to make love to you, Sweet Prince!" Brett whispered in Tim's ear. "I want to be inside you. I want to do it now..."

Tim shivered at his lover's advance. Brett had that effect on Tim. Tim was head over heels in love with the blonde boy that had materialized in his life seemingly out of nowhere just a short time ago. Tim regarded Brett as his savior.

For his part, Brett adored his Quarterback boyfriend. Tim's chronic habits of getting tongue-tied, and speaking before he totally thought out what he meant to say were endearing to Brett because at the same time Brett knew that there was no bullshit about Tim – what you saw was what you got, and that was sincerity.

Tim turned and kissed Brett sweetly while beginning to remove Brett's clothes. "I'm all yours. Always will be. I love you, so..." Tim began to undress Brett, falling to his knees and engulfing the tall blonde's large dick to the hilt with his throat.

Sixty-five miles to the east, two more lovers were falling into each other's embrace. Danny and Jim hiked up along the Lake Michigan shoreline to a spot they never shared with anyone else except each other. "Can we do it on the beach?" Jim asked tentatively.

"I thought you'd never ask! I want you so bad, lover boy, but you better not get sand up my butt!' Danny teased. The truth was Danny saw in Jim what he was pretty sure Jim didn't see in himself quite yet. He saw decency, he saw love and he saw a generous humanity.

Jim thanked God for bringing Danny to him now that everything else in his life was either gone, or had never been there in the first place.

In all three cases the three sets of young lovers pleased their partners and basked in the glow of their love.

Sean fucked Andy roughly just the way he liked it, his larger body pounding away at his lover's hole. Andy was in heaven at the sight of Sean's hard, furry body, watching his muscles move in rhythm to the intense fucking Sean delivered. Andy could take no more, shooting first and covering both of them with a massive load of thick, white cum that to Sean had that musk and chlorine scent that smelled like heaven. Sean kept fucking for what seemed like another ten minutes before he screamed out in pain and pleasure filling Andy's insides feeling both Andy's moist warmth and his own slick load.

Their orgasms were heightened after Andy had surreptitiously revealed to Sean that he'd saved a couple of prime buds from his former dealing days and they had each enjoyed a couple of bong hits prior to their sex.

Brett was a bit more gentle with Tim, but only just. The football practices and weight training, along with Brett's continued growth meant that if anything he was now at least as big and strong as Tim. Brett was not shy to make this physical equality known, and to him it was hot beyond description not only making love to his mate, but totally having his way with him. Brett withdrew from Tim before he came, commanding Tim to take his cock down is throat. Tim obeyed and was rewarded with Brett's massive cum contractions covering his face, mouth and throat.

Not being totally submissive, Tim flipped Brett backwards, grabbed onto his golden curls, plunged Brett's face onto his engorged pole and pumped until Brett was fully infused with a huge load of Tim's cum.

By now the rain was upon them in torrents and sheets, wind howling, the flat, Midwestern sky low and black. Cracks of lightning and cannonades of thunder punctuated the early evening sky above. Both young couples observed the thunder and lightning, extreme as any they had ever witnessed, matched their earlier orgasmic throes in a union of heaven and Earth.

The four Janesville lads basked in a post-orgasmic trance of lust and love. All four of their hearts overflowed thanking God for what they had in their mates.

Still farther to the east, the sky had just begun to hint at what was to come. Danny and Jim were naked on the beach, their love making far more slow and sensual on that day that the animalistic hedonism taking place to their west. They took their time to pleasure each other and were in no hurry. Heavy kissing and caressing was followed by a mutual slow undressing. They then enjoyed a long 69, tenderly stimulating their cocks almost to the point of no return, but instinctively knowing when to stop. Skillfully accompanying their 69 with plenty of ball and ass play, they pushed each other to the point if frenzy. Danny began eating Jim's ass transporting Jim onto a plane of delirium. Both of them were hard to the point of their erections being almost painful. Both leakied copious rivulets of precum.

Jim told Danny that he wanted to ride his dick to orgasm. "I want to impale myself on your cock, red-head!" Jim huskily hissed.

He wanted to see his man's face when Danny filled him with his seed. He wanted to see Danny's face when he shot, and he wanted to coat Danny with his own cum. Jim got off on seeing cum on skin and it didn't matter whose cum, or whose skin it was. He got off just as much shooting his wad on Danny as he did feeling Danny's hot jets sear into his own skin.

Jim greased himself up, and lowering himself onto Danny's ample cock hissed, "Feel yourself inside me, love! How does it feel? Is it warm and soft to you? Does my asshole muscle feel good gliding over your dickhead? What do you want, Danny? Do you want me? What do YOU WANT DANNY!"

"Cum for me, Jim! I'm getting close! If you don't shoot I'll go mad!"

"I'll be there in a minute, or two! Oh, FUCK, your cock feels so good inside me!" Jim was riding Danny like a stallion. Every upthrust of his asshole released Danny's cock from the grasp of his sphincter, and every downthrust pushed Danny ever closer to eruption.

"Unnnngh! Oh, fuck, Jim! FUCK! I'm on the edge! Uh! OHHHHHH! FUUUUUUUCK!!!!!!" Danny could take no more. Overpowering volleys of hot cum filled Jim's ass, and he could feel them. Jim was pushed to the limit. He saw his man's eyes roll back in his head, and his entire torso tense right up to his neck.

"Danny! Fuck, Danny! SHIT! Oh, God, I'm cumming! FUUUUUCK!" Jim unloaded what even for most 18 year olds might amount to a two-, or three-day load of cum onto Danny's hair, face, shoulders and chest. Danny eagerly lapped up the solid shot that landed on his lips.

"I love you, Jim!" Danny mouthed to his lover who was still impaled on his pole.

"I love you, too! Danny, I love you more than anything!" Jim croaked out and cried what were to Danny obviously tears of joy, but the tears kept coming...

Danny became alarmed at his boyfriend's continuing tears. He looked at Jim, placing his hand on Jim's shoulder, whispering, "Is something wrong, love? Please talk to me..."

"Yes!" Jim mouthed, burying his head in Danny's chest.

Danny stroked his lover's head, rocking him back and forth. He kissed the top of Jim's head whispering, "Talk to me, Jim. I'm here and I'm never leaving. Please talk to me..."

The wind and rain continued to pound the GM condo so much so that a time or two Sean and Andy swore they felt the structure of the building slightly vibrate. "Jesus, And, this is unreal!" Sean said peering out the family room window into the ravine behind the patio and back yard.

"Jesus, Sean-o!" Andy replied. "We should call dad and tell him to wait this out – this is really ugly! Hey! Didja see that!" Andy pointed out into the ravine.

"Whadya talkin' about..." Sean answered, getting himself a glass of water.

"Over there! In the ravine! I thought I saw a person out there!"

"Nobody in their right mind would be out in this, And, unless it's someone who just really likes bad weather!"

"Yeah, but I swear I saw something move and it looked like a person, I mean with like clothes and everything! WOW! There is it! It is a person! I think they're hurt... Sean-o we have to help them! Right now!"

"Show me where!" Sean said.

"Right over there! About fifty yards out down in the ravine!"

"WOW! Yer right! Jesus Christ! I'll put on a raincoat. I think dad's got one somewhere. You stay here! And you stay right by the back door, you hear me? I'll make sure all the locks are locked. I'm not supposed to let you out of my sight!"

"Go get ready! I'll stand in the back door the whole time so you can see me. I'll be fine! Hurry up!"

Sean scurried around donning a rain slicker and a pair of rubber boots. Out into the maelstrom he made his way ever closer toward a bundle of sopping wet material that he deemed in fact to be dressing a human. The wind being too strong to call out, Sean determinedly made his way over to the drenched, hunched over being.

Within range, Sean reached out and grabbed onto the thing. The thing spun around gazing upon Sean with crazed eyes. "Help me!" Sean heard. "" the thing sputtered in a hoarse whisper then passing out in Sean's arms. The rain and wind pelted Sean, and it was difficult to stand without being swept away. In the seeming emergency of the moment, Sean threw the person over his shoulder, finding them to be small enough to manage, and determining that he probably had the strength to make it back to the condo without assistance doggedly trudged his way back up the ravine and onto the patio.

Andy gasped at what he saw. "Sean-o! Get in here! I'll get towels and fresh clothes!"

Quickly, Sean doffed the raincoat and his now thoroughly soaked clothing. He changed into a pair of sweats which he wore commando, and one of his signature baggy t-shirts. Back into the family room, he made his way to the sofa where he left the ravine person, slowly taking stock of what he saw.

He determined it to be a teenage boy, perhaps a year or two younger than Andy and him, probably of Hispanic descent, and with some bruising on his face. Andy showed up with towels, and a pair of pajamas, bathrobe and slippers. The boy remained passed out.

"Sean-o, I'll dry him off and change him. You go to the kitchen and make a cup of hot tea and get some soda crackers!"

"OK. What do you think we should do after that? Should we call the Police? I mean, this kid looks hurt to me..."

"No, not yet, Blondie. I think we need to get him out of these wet clothes, and get him dry and warmed up first. Then once he comes around, we should talk to him and find out what his story is. Maybe he just fell in the storm and got hurt and maybe his parents are looking for him, I dunno...I just think we need to find some shit out first."

"Yeah, that makes sense... When you get his clothes off, see if he has a wallet with some ID in it."

"Talk to me, Jim." Danny continued to rock his sobbing boyfriend, tenderly rubbing his back. Danny was frightened. Did Jim want to break up with him? Had he done something wrong? It all seemed to be going so well, and there was no explanation for Jim's sobbing.

"Danny..." Jim choaked out, "I...found...out...something...really ...bad. I...don't...think...I...have...a home...any...more" Jim totally broke down and was now sobbing uncontrollably.

"Jim!" Danny shook him hard. Jim! We're going to talk about this. Now, stop crying and pull yourself together! We're going back to my place, and we're going to get to the bottom of this! Right now!" Danny tossed Jim his clothes. Jim looked up with surprised eyes.

"I love you, Jim, ya big goof! There's nothing so terrible that we can't get through it! Now, get dressed and we're going to talk this out! C'mon, it looks like rain any minute now!"

"I love you, to, Danny. OK, I think I'm OK now... I'm sorry..."

"Take deep breaths, love, and not a word until we're back at my place, OK?"


Sean returned to the family room with a cup of strong tea and a plate of saltines. "Whada we got here, And?" Sean asked, looking curiously at their charge.

"I dunno, really, Sean-o. He hasn't come to yet. When I was dressing him, I'd say he's probably a year, or two younger than us judging by his physical development. I mean, there's not a whole lot of hair, and stuff, and he's smaller even than me. He didn't move the whole time I was changing his clothes. That's kinda weird, don'tcha think? I took his pulse, it seems OK..."

Just then there was stirring. The kid Sean hauled in was coming to. Awakening, he shot up wild-eyed looking frightened out of his wits not knowing where he was or who these two strangers were. "Who are you? Where am I?" the boy asked in only very slightly accented English.

"Well, who are YOU?" Sean said in a manner conveying to the boy that Sean was in charge. "Look, I'm Sean, and this is Andy. You're in our house. I rescued you in the storm from the ravine out back. As soon as you saw me you passed out. You're safe here and we're not going to hurt you. We changed you into some dry clothes, and I got the clothes that you were wearing in the washer right now. Here, drink this tea, and there's some crackers, too. If you want anything else, I'll get it for you, but first we need to know who you are and what you were doing out there. You better answer us now, because when our dad gets home he's gonna wanna know the same thing, trust me..."

"UM, OK, name's Juan Ricardo Rodriguez."

"Well, that's a start..." Andy cut in. "How old are you, Juan?"


"Where do you live, Juan? We'll call your parents for you to let them know you're safe. You look hurt, like someone beat you up. How'd that happen? Don't worry, like I said, we're not going to hurt you, but we need to know what the deal is here..." Sean clicked off rapid-fire.

"I don't live anywhere. My parents are gone..." Juan said, looking at the floor.

"Juan..." Andy said softly looking at Sean who indicated Andy should proceed, "Juan, that doesn't make a whole lot of sense. So, why don't you start from the beginning. We're going to help you, but we need to know how we can do it. Will you let us help you?"

"Yes." Juan answered still looking at the floor.

"Juan," Andy continued, "my dad said it to me and I'll say it to you. Do not look at the floor. When you talk, you look us in the eye, OK? Now, look me in the eye and answer me. Will you let us help you?"

"Yes!" Juan answered looking Andy in the eye with a combination of terror and hope.

"Well, that's progress, I guess..." Sean shrugged. "Hey, Juan, you said your name's Juan Ricardo, right?"

"Yes..." Juan answered.

"OK, we're gonna call you J.R. How do you like that?"

"It's OK, I guess."

"Good." Sean continued. "Now start from the beginning and spill your guts..."

For the next hour Andy and Sean listened in rapt attention.

Hurrying back to Danny's car just as the sky opened, Danny and Jim made their way to Danny's Grandmother's house. "Hi, Granny, we're back!"

"And none too soon, either, you two! Jim, you look awful! Do you feel OK?" Danny's grandmother asked.

"Yes, I'm fine, thanks..."

"Granny, Jim and I have to talk some stuff over, so we'll be in my room, OK?"

"OK, but no sex! My old ticker ain't what it used to be!"

"Granny!" Danny exclaimed, mouth hanging open, feigning innocence.

"I know you two are in love. It's as plain as the nose on your face, my boys. And I don't give a damn. You each caught yourself a fine man, so it is what it is. Just try to keep it down..."

"Um...OK, whatever you say, Granny..." Danny snickered. "C'mon, Jimbo, let's go and you tell me what it is you need to get off your chest. Move it, James!"


Next: Chapter 19

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