It Is What It Is

By Eric Trager

Published on Jun 16, 2016


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About 20 minutes later Sean's phone rang. Sean recognized the number as being Jim Nolan's. "Hey, Noles, what's up?"

"There's cop cars in front of Brade's house. They pulled up, I dunno, maybe like five minutes ago I guess... I'm sitting out on the front stoop."

"What's going on over there, Noles?"

"As far as I know, nothing was going on. Except for the cop cars everything looks normal. I dunno what's going on... Wait! They're comin' out I think! Yeah, a cop just came out. Wow! There's another cop!"

"I'm not gonna say anything, Noles, not just yet, but I got an idea what's..."

"Shut up! Now there's another cop and he's coming out with Brade! Fuck! They got him in handcuffs!"

"Yup, well, listen to this..." Sean then told Jim about the day's events in Janesville. "So there you go, Noles, I think they're taking Brade in because of the whole thing about when And was beat up. Has to be. We heard they made some other arrests, too. I think the hammer's dropping right now!"

"You guys alright?"

"Yeah. Thanks for asking. It all happened so fast we forgot to tell dad and he was pissed off, lemme tell ya!"

"Ya know, Wymo, I always thought Berrifield was a little off, but never in a million years would I guess he'd do something like that. Makes ya wonder why. I don't think we'll never know. Anyway, he won't be down for breakfast..."

"Yup. He's assumed room temperature. But it's funny ya say that, Noles...I always thought he was kinda off, too. I mean, it was like a sixth sense, or something. I just never felt comfortable around the guy..."

"Maybe it's like reverse gaydar, or something?"

"Dunno, call it whatever ya want, but fuckin'-A man, this whole thing's just been too fucking weird. Anyway, whadya think's gonna happen to the Football team this year?"

"No idea, man... They say practice starts next week. I guess I'll show up to scope it out, and if I don't like what I see, well, then I'll just go home and hang it up..."

"Who do you think will be QB? I mean, that's a question. Sometimes I feel kinda bad about how things worked out, butcha know I..."

"Shut up!" Nolan cut Sean off, "You had no fucking choice, Wymo, especially after what happened to Andy! First almost the entire team ambushes you, and then Andy was almost murdered! You got nuthin' to apologize for, man, and in fact if I coulda gone with ya, I would have. The only thing good in my life these days is Danny and I got you to thank for him, too, so I don't wanna hear this crap about how you think you mighta done someone wrong. Ya didn't. And we're never gonna have this fucking conversation again!"

"Yer right, man... I can't wait to see ya this weekend, Noles, and I got a surprise for ya, too! Ain't gonna say what it is, so don't even fuckin' ask..."

"OK, I'll see ya later, man!"

"Yeah, and keep yer eye on the news tomorrow. I'll do the same!"

"Yup, later, man!"


Andy looked up, "What's going on? Sounded like something big, hey?"

"Well, Noles said there was a bunch of cops at Braden's house and they came out with Brade in handcuffs!"

"Figures. Him and that Berrifield piece of shit were thick as thieves, I'm tellin' ya...."

"I still don't think Brade planned it. He's not smart enough, but I think he can tell the cops what he knows. Asshole. I guess we'll have to wait and see how it shakes out, huh..."

"Yeah, I guess so..."

"Why the puss on yer face, Brown Eyes?"

"Cause I know I'm gonna be called into Court. I just know it!"

"Well, we should talk to Dix's dad and see... If yer gonna go, then I'm goin' with ya, and I don't give a fuck! Yer not goin' through this alone, husband. I swore on my mother's grave no one would ever touch you again, and I Goddamn well meant I said!"

"I know. I love you so much, Blondie!" Andy said with a smile.

"Look, you two hoodlums!" Joe said, "As you know, this place isn't that big, so I just heard every word you said! I want you both to know that I stand behind you in whatever it takes so you get this behind you. And I do mean whatever it takes. We need to talk about this all three of us, though. Just remember, I've been around the block a few more times than you guys. I don't want you to think you're the Lone Rangers here. You're not. And right now the best thing to do is just see how the chips fall. What happened this afternoon was out of your control, and what happens over the next few months will be, too. Let's just wait and see, guys, that's all I'm sayin'..."

"You're right, dad..." Andy said. "Anyhow, I'm kinda tired – I think I wanna go to bed now. Besides, Sean-o and me gotta finish the shopping we never did today!"

"Good idea, I'm tired, too!" Sean agreed.

"OK, but if you two get to feelin' frisky tonight, just keep it down a little bit this time, wouldja?" Joe laughed.

"DAD!" Sean and Andy said, trying to appear angelic.

All three of the men broke up laughing. "Good night, dad!" both boys said.

"Night, you two!"

Sean walked down the hall beside Andy who seemed to be getting much stronger. "Hey, And? How do you feel body-wise? I mean, how's your leg feel? I know you got a Doctor's appointment on Monday, but how you feelin'? You look like you're getting stronger..."

"I do feel better. Ya know, old Dr. Schroder back in Kenosha said I'd get better faster around the people I need to be around, and I think he was right! Hopefully I can get rid of this cast soon and get a brace, or whatever they call it. I'd even rather use a cane, just anything! I also think I'm almost to the point where I can bend enough so we can, um, I mean so you can plug my ass. I so want to feel you inside me, making love to me, and I want your cum in me, Sean-o. I've wanted it for so long... I've been in love with you for years, ya know..."

"I know that now, but it was dumb old me that couldn't see what was right in front of my face... I mean at least I wised up, but I was late to the party, huh..."

"Better late than never, Blondie! Hey, can we just curl up tonight – it's been a day, sweetie buns..."

"I agree. I guess a day like today hit's ya when it's all over..."

The boys were soon curled up in their big bed, asleep and all but dead to the world. Andy, in particular, dreamed sweet dreams that night knowing in his heart that the threat to him was for all intents and purposes gone. Subconsciously, he could feel his furry boyfriend's three-quarters hard cock lodged in the crack of his ass, awaiting its time to pierce the barrier once and for all.

The next morning, Sean woke early at 6:00 and decided he'd get up and make a nice breakfast, but one that could be eaten quickly so his dad wouldn't be late for work. He skillfully prepared a scratch-made Hollandaise sauce, toasted three split English muffins all at once in the oven, sliced off three thin pieces of ham, and began preparations for poached eggs.

Once he heard the other two stirring, he took six eggs, put them to poach and began to assemble three plates. Placing two buttered English muffin slices on each plate, he covered them with the ham slices, then two poached eggs per plate followed by a slathering of Hollandaise sauce, finishing with a dusting of paprika and a couple drops each of Tobasco Sauce for presentation. He poured three mugs of strong coffee, set the plates, mugs and silverware on the table and implored Andy and his dad to come get breakfast.

"What are we eatin'?" Andy said, still sleepy-bug eyed, but smiling.

"There's Eggs Benedict and coffee!" Sean said with a smirk.

"Wow! I am so glad you like to cook! I can't do that for shit!"

"I know, but you can decorate and I can't do that for shit, so we're even."

"What's for breakfast, son?" Joe called out.

"Eggs Benedict, and ya better get out here because it's not getting any warmer! It'll be for shit if you guys don't fucking start eating it!"

"Hot Damn! Shit-on-a-shingle last night and Eggs Benedict this morning? Thank you, son... This'll hit the spot for sure and it's a damn sight better than cold cereal."

Breakfast finished, Sean and Andy bid Joe have a good day, and got showered and dressed to go shopping.

"Sean-o, hope nobody follows us today!"

"Fuck off, yesterday was a day I don't wanna re-live!"

On the way to the Mall Sean had the radio on in the Equinox tuned in to WISN 1130 AM from Milwaukee, a talk radio station heavy on news reporting. On the hour at 10:00 a.m. the news came on. "A series of charges were filed today at the Kenosha County Courthouse connected with the beating of a teenage boy at a city park earlier this Summer, and an additional arrest in the case was made overnight. The District Attorney's office has not yet released all of the names of those charged, but states that the charges are kidnapping, attempted murder, and assault and battery with great bodily harm. The District Attorney's office states they will be adding the hate crimes rider to each of the charges. Also arrested last night was 18-year-old Mark Braden who is charged with conspiracy to commit murder, conspiracy to commit assault and battery with great bodily harm, both carrying the hate crimes rider. Braden was also charged with obstruction of justice. Kenosha Police state that a related incident is yesterday's shooting in Janesville in which another individual was shot and killed by a Janesville Police Officer acting in self-defense."

"OH MY GOD!" Andy yelled out. "This is finally over, Sean-o! I guess what happens in Court won't be much, I mean what are they gonna ask me? I really didn't see anyone enough to make out faces, etc. The voice I knew was Berrifield, but he's dead now... Maybe they won't even need me to go, maybe just a deposition... And you know what, they might call you, too because of what happened at Braden's house..."

"Yer right. Well, I mean, what would I have to say anyway? Yeah I was there, and yeah they played a video of you and me kissing that I didn't know about on TV in front of everybody so I got pissed off? I mean, that's about it, and it's not arguable. It happened. I don't know that testimony would be all that valuable to an attempted murder case. Maybe we can just get the Attorneys to stipulate to that..."

"Better just hope Braden's lawyer doesn't sue you for punching him in the nuts..." Andy giggled.

"Not worried about that. It was self-defense. Brade shoved me first, and he shoved me pretty damn good, too. I was afraid I was gonna be attacked by a guy that's a lot bigger than me so I hauled off and let him have it. End of story. Rege was there and I'm sure he'd testify to that, so I think that's pretty much a no hoper for Braden. I don't think they'll be able to make the conspiracy charges stick anyway. If Brade conspired, he did it with a dead man and dead men tell no tales. I'm betting they threw those in to get Brade to cop to the obstruction of justice and spill his guts. In the end I think Berrifield hired the beating on his own. Brade's an asshole. I don't see him as a murderer. I'm fine with him getting busted, though. He deserves to sit and stew for a little while."

"Yer right, Sean-o. I guess we need to let dad know to call the Attorney back in Kenosha. I'm fine with working with Dix's dad here, but the Court is in Kenosha and we need a lawyer over there, too."

"Hey, And, I been thinking about something else, too...."

"Whatcha got?"

"Well, I was on the Craig website and they have this club called GLS. That stands for gay, lesbian and straight. I think we should join it!"

"I dunno, Sean-o.... I've always flown under the radar. I'm a private person, ya know..."

"I know. I'm a private person, too, but I figure it this way: we're new here. We only have two years to go, and we need to meet the most people we can. I think we've had a helluva start so far, and I'd like to keep that going. I kinda want us to be known as the guys everyone likes and respects for who they are. I wanna make a really good impression here. This is our chance to shine, And. Whadya say?"

"You! You could get me to lick a square of the fucking sidewalk, Mr. Wyman! OK, I'm in, but with one condition. We tell the guys on the team we're doing it. These guys seem genuinely different than the Tremper guys, but I think we just need to be sure."

"OK, that's a deal. I don't see a problem anyway. We'll just tell Dix first and there won't be a problem. Hey, there's something else. You know, And, Dix really likes you. He told me he'd like to find a spot for you on the team because, as he said, "I like the little fucker.'"

"Sean-o, that's nice, but it's ridiculous. I'm half crippled. Besides, I'm too small and I have no experience. If you want me dead, put me on the field!"

"And, man, he didn't mean as a player.... He meant like as support. Like Manager, or Statistician. Something like that. I mean, I'm all for it, and all those extracurriculars look good on a college app, or a job app...."

"Yeah, you're right, and besides, those guys have really been nice to us. They deserve to get something back. You know, I been thinkin', too!"


"We gotta register for classes on Monday, and I wanna register in the AP classes with you. I know I can do it, Sean-o. Like you said, this is our chance to shine! Will you help me catch up if I need it? Whadya think?"

"You got a deal, Mister! Of course I'll help you if you need catching up at first, too. I think you'll do just fine. And, man, I am so happy right now I could just shit a brick. Just think where we were two, or three weeks ago and look at where we are now! I said I wanted and needed you on this road with me, well, how's the road been so far?"

"Sean-o. I wouldn't trade where we are for anything! I love you so much. I'm gonna stick on this road with you forever."

Arriving at the Mall, Sean parked the Equinox, and assisted Andy out of the vehicle. Right there in the middle of the parking lot, he pulled Andy into a hug and kissed him on the lips. "Let's go shopping, lover boy!"

Two hours later Sean pulled the Equinox up to the waiting area where Andy stood with their purchases. They filled the back seat and the cargo area with bag after bag. Sean got everything he needed to start practice, and between the two of them bought enough clothing to make sure that they'd be two of the sharpest dressed guys in the school. They also made hair appointments for the following weekend. Sean planned to have a slight wave put in his hair, and Andy decided on a stylish new cut.

The rest of the day was uneventful. Sean washed and folded all the new clothing while Andy put it away. After that, they cleaned up the condo a bit, and decided on burgers and potato salad for dinner.

Promptly at 6:00 Joe walked through the door. "What's new, guys!"

"Dad, grab a beer and let's talk on the patio." Andy said. "Sean-o, we're goin' out on the patio! Bring two cokes!"

The three men seated themselves. Sean and Andy proceeded to tell them the events of the day. "OK, guys, I'll be retaining Garrett Crossman and George Dickson as your Attorneys. Hopefully they can fix it so neither one of you will have to appear in Court. We'll just have to see how that goes because in the end that'll be up to the D.A. Andy, tomorrow morning at 8:00 the security guys will be here to install the system on the Cruze. After that there's a tutorial they'll go through with you. It's the same system Sean has, so going forward Sean can help you out if you need it. I'm hoping that after you see Doctor Schroeder on Monday you might be able to drive. I still want you two to stick together until the trials are over. We're not a hundred percent out of the woods yet, sons."

"Awesome, dad!" Andy exclaimed. I so wanna be able to drive myself around, well myself and Sean for now anyway."

"Now I think you guys can register yourselves for classes on Monday. Practice starts Monday as well, so Andy you will need to be there with Sean. Sean, I already downloaded the consent form for athletics, signed it and mailed it back to the school today, so that should be fine."

"Dad?" Andy said, "Sean and I were talking today and we decided that both of us are signing up for AP classes. Now, I never took AP at Tremper, but Sean's gonna help me catch up if I need it. I just wanna do really good, you know? I mean, I've had to try so hard on these crutches and stuff so I figure anything else will be a piece of cake! Whadya think about me taking the AP classes?"

"Son, for the millionth time I'm gonna say I'm proud of you. Just stay up with the class syllabi and you'll do fine. And Sean, I want you to make sure Andy's keeping up. We're gonna help him be successful at this, OK?"

"You don't even have to ask, dad...." Sean said.

"Good. Now, George Dickson invited me for cocktails at the Country Club this evening, so I'm going out for a little while. I'm being proposed for membership, which means a lot in an old money town like this. I guess if you two are gonna do any dickie dunkin' ya might as well do it while I'm gone, hey?"

"Dad, you're too much!" Andy giggled. Sean joined Andy's giggle with a smirk.

"OK, well, I'm gonna change and head out then, boys!"

"Have a nice time, dad!" Sean said.

"Say hello to George for us!" Andy reminded him.

No sooner did Joe's XTS clear the driveway, Sean looked at Andy and wiggled his eyebrows. "Last one to the bedroom is gonna get it!"

Both boys raced to the bedroom, but Andy secretly let Sean win. Tonight was going to be the night when Andy gave himself to his lover. He was ready for it, and he wanted it.

"Hey, you didn't even try, And!" Sean grinned.

"Oh yes I did! I tried to let you beat me, Blondie! Tonight's the night when I give myself to you. I want this so bad, Sean-o... I've wanted this for years. I need you to be inside me, I need to feel your dick fucking me, and I want to feel you cum in me. Sean-o, please make love to me?" Andy asked with genuine puppy dog eyes.

"Yes, I will make love to you. I've been waiting for this day, too. I want it to be special for both of us. You mean so much to me, And. I'd be nothing without you. I know I can do anything, but only if I have a partner who is my equal, and that's you." Sean leaned in, kissed Andy tenderly and fondled Andy's crotch just as gently. He could feel Andy's big cock stir to life. "C'mon, let's get naked!" Sean whispered.

Sean walked Andy over to the bed and began removing both of their clothes piece by piece, slowly and softly taking time to caress Andy's lithe body as he went. Andy purred at his lover's tender touches. "Mmmmm, Blondie...that feels so good... Suck my cock, Blondie! Get over me so we can 69!"

Sean, ever obedient to Andy in the bedroom, complied with Andy's wishes. He truly did want to make this special for Andy. He knew how long Andy had been waiting for this, and he wanted it to be perfect. Sean mounted the bed and on all fours bestrode Andy. He took Andy's fat cock into his mouth and bathed it with his lips and tongue. He could feel Andy twitch underneath him.

"Oh, God, Sean-o!" Andy hissed. "Oh, God you are so fucking good!"

Sean felt his own loins stir as Andy returned the treatment, but Sean was not concentrating on that. His mind was all on Andy. Sean disengaged his mouth from Andy's dick and began licking his scrotum, lightly and flickingly which immediately drove Andy crazy. Sean spit on his index finger and moved it slowly, lightly across Andy's perineum, which made Andy jump. Sean made his way further still down to the crevice of Andy's fuzzy butt crack toward his hole.

"Brown Eyes, can you get up on all fours? I'm going to pleasure your hole for you..."

It was Andy's turn to comply, and in a snap he was up on all fours with his ass pointed at Sean. Sean reached out with both hands open, palms down and began a tender massage of Andy's cheeks. Andy began moving his ass slowly in a circular motion and moaning softly. With one finger, Sean grazed Andy's crack paying special attention to gently tease Andy's hole. Andy was now going crazy. "Do me, Sean-o! I want you so bad... For so long..."

But Sean wasn't about to let Andy off the hook that fast. With one motion, Sean parted Andy's cheeks and saw Andy's virgin hole stare back at him. As if by instinct, Sean glued his mouth to Andy's hole. With a feather touch, Sean's tongue began teasing Andy's asshole. Andy hissed loudly, "Oh, God! Oh shit! FUUUUUUUCK! Do me, Sean! Fucking fuck me!"

Sean kept eating Andy's ass for what seemed like hours and could feel what resistance there was give way. He was able to get most of his tongue inside his lover's anus, and had reached around with one hand to begin a slow jacking of Andy's throbbing cock. Sean could feel the precum flowing out of the tip and used it as lube. He knew he was driving Andy over the edge.

Reaching for the lube, Sean lubed up an index finger and inserted it into Andy's butt. He met no resistance. He finger fucked his boy slowly at first then gradually gaining speed and making sure to massage Andy's hot button, making Andy gush precum. Sean then lubed up and inserted his middle finger along with the index finger. "Push back, And! Like you're taking a shit! That's how it'll go in!"

Two fingers went in with ease. Andy was now a virtual hand puppet, actively impaling himself on Sean's fingers in perfect rhythm with Sean's hand-fucking. Sean went back in with three fingers and again met surprisingly little resistance. Andy for his part continued to loudly demand that Sean fuck him. Sean wanted to make this memorable. It was the first time he'd take his man, and he knew that Andy was willingly surrendering to Sean what he for so many years only dreamed of.

"Sean! Fuck me! Fuck me NOW!" Andy screamed. "Sean-o. I can't take it anymore! I need your dick inside me! NOW! JUST FUCKING FUCK ME! NOW!"

"Here we go, lover boy!" Sean whispered. "I'm gonna fuck you and fill you with my cum! I love you, sweet boy! I'm going to take you now!"

Sean lubed his dick, and jacked it until it was as hard as steel. His own precum added a natural slipperiness to the lube. "Here I come, And! Now when I say push, you push back with your asshole muscle a little bit and I should slide right in. Then I'm gonna fuck the shit out of you! You want me? Do you want me to fuck you now?"

"Yessssssss! I can't wait anymore! Stick it in!"

Sean wriggled on his knees up close to Andy's ass, parted his butt cheeks with one hand and with the other one guided the head of his swollen cock toward his target.

"OK, And, now move your ass backwards, and don't forget to push out with your asshole muscle!" Sean pressed his dick against Andy's entrance. Andy did as instructed and in one smooth motion Sean buried his cock in his mate's ass.

Andy moaned loudly and gutturally. "UHHHHHHH! Oh, fuck! Oh, God! Sean-o start fucking me! Pound my ass! Pound me! Give it to me jock boy!"

Sean grabbed onto Andy's shoulders. With his hips he fucked Andy, slowly at first but in a few seconds getting up to speed. He pulled Andy into him by the shoulders while slamming Andy's ass with his pelvis.

"Oh yeaaaaahhh! Jesus Christ! Ohhhhh! So fucking good! Faster! Pound me harder, Sean! Fuck me!" Andy quivered under Sean's pounding. Sean fucked Andy as fast and as rough as he could.

"Christ, And, I'm getting close! Oh fuck! I love fucking you! Your ass is so fucking hot..."

"Fuck, Sean-o, I'm leaking, fuck me hard! I'm gonna cum! Fuck me! HARDER!"

Sean put all his weight and strength into it. Andy was thrown around the bed like a rag doll. Faster and harder Sean fucked. "And, I'm close! I'm gonna fuckin' cum! Oh shit!"

"Sean-o, I'm cumming! Uhhhh! Unghhh!!!! Ohhhhhhh! Fuuuuuuuuck!!!! I'm fucking cumming!!!!"

Andy experienced a shattering orgasm, as he had never before had. He felt his big cock erupt with wave after wave of hot, thick cum. His load sprayed everywhere. On his arm, on the sheets, everywhere. He felt his asshole rhythmically contracting against Sean's pole as Sean fucked him mercilessly, hitting his prostate in time with each blast of cum.

"Fuck, And! Your asshole feels so good! Squeeze my dick with your asshole! I can't last any more! I'm shooting! I'm filling your ass with my cum! Uhhhhhhh! Fuuuuuuuck!!! Shit! Uhhhhhhh! Uhhhhhhh! Fuck!!!"

Sean's entire body quaked uncontrollably as he filled Andy's ass. His knees gave out. His arms turned to jelly, and he collapsed on top of Andy, totally spent and out of breath. Even post-orgasm he felt his dick's aftershocks inside Andy's hot ass. Never had he experienced anything like this.

"Sean-o? Oh, God, Sean-o! That was... I... You were... Oh, my God, that was infuckingcredible! I want that over and over and over again! I love you! I love you so much!" Andy had tears in his eyes.

Sean wiped Andy's tears away with his bare hand, lifted his chin up and kissed him lightly on the lips. "I love you so much, too, Brown Eyes! Your ass is fucking unreal! I never came like that in my life! Could you feel it when I came in you?"

"I could feel every shot of cum! I could feel it spray out, and it was really warm inside me. I could feel it coating my insides. I have your seed inside me, Sean-o! You made love to me! Hey, look at this!" Andy pointed to a huge puddle of sperm on the sheets where a few minutes earlier he jacked himself while his lover pounded him with abandon. "Look how much cum there is! Here!" Andy scooped up two fingers full of cum. He put one in his mouth and one in Sean's mouth. "Eat my cum, jock boy! Next time we'll eat yours! Do you think we're cum fiends?"

"Well, yeah! When I sucked you off and swallowed your load it was so hot and sweet. I love the smell of your cum, too, and when I see you shoot your load it drives me nuts! Making love to you is awesome, And. I feel like we are one when we make love! Wanna know something?"


"I love you! More than you will ever know!"

"I love you more!"

Both boys lay in each other's arms basking in the afterglow of the event for which they had both longed. All of a sudden Andy started laughing uncontrollably.

"What so fuckin' funny..." Sean asked.

"Nothing. I was just thinking we better wash the sheets is all... Wonder if we'll plug up the lint filter?"

"Asshole!" Sean smirked.

"Yeah, but I'm your asshole..." Andy teased.

"Yeah, yeah..." Sean teased back. "Let's just get the bedding in the washer and maybe we can go grab something to eat then. I'm kinda hungry..."

"OK, I think Id like Chinese!"

"Works for me!"

The boys got the bedding in the washer, then Sean turned to Andy and said, "Hey, Brown Eyes, I'm horny again..." Sean stood there in his gym shorts, commando, with a noticeable tent in the front. He dropped his shorts to the floor and began jacking his dick.

"Jesus! You are horny!" Andy smiled.

"Yeah! I wanna shoot a load on you, And! Hey, you think you can shoot one on me? That would drive me crazy seeing your big dick spew all over me! Can we try it?"

"Yeah, but we just stripped the bed. We can't get cum all over the carpet... Whadya wanna do?"

"I got an idea, And! I'll run and grab a couple towels – we can do it on the garage floor!"

"OK, I guess so... You lie on your back on the towels, and I'll get on my knees and jack off on you!"

"And, you're making me so fucking hot! Let's go!"

Sean went and got three large bath towels, spread them on the garage floor, stripped naked and lay down on his back. "OK, get over here, Brown Eyes and spray your cum on me! Let's go! Then I'll do you!"

"Here I come, jock boy!" Andy smiled. He skipped over on his crutches, stripped his pants off, managed to get on his knees and straddle Sean. Andy didn't intend this to be a slow, soft love-making session. What he wanted was to come all over his man. He knew that drove Sean crazy. Andy jacked his big dick furiously, "I'm not gonna last long, Sean-o! I'm gonna come fast and hard! Finger my hole! Your cum is still in there! Finger my hole and feel your cum inside me!"

Sean gladly applied his finger to Andy's pulsating hole, massaging it and finding Andy's prostate.

"Milk me, Sean-o! Press down harder! Make me cum!"

Sean jacked his own dick in time with Andy. "Cum on me, boyfriend! Spray me! Let me taste your cum! Cum in my mouth!"

"Uhhhhhhh! Oh, shit! Sean! Here I come! Fuuuuuck!!!! Ohhhh! Unghhhhh!!!" Andy's cock erupted with a huge load. It spewed forth onto Sean's face, into his mouth and across his chest. Sean went berserk. He gently, but firmly turned Andy under him, stood over Andy and masturbated like the world was coming to an end.

"Shit, And! Fuck! Your cum gets me so fucking hot! I'm gonna blow any second! See what you do to me!"

What neither boy could know was that an unexpected visitor had come by a few moments earlier. Tim Dickson had been visiting another teammate who lived a few streets over, and decided to stop by and say hello. Tim knocked at the door, but there was no answer. He thought he heard voices in the garage, so he walked around the side to where the service door was. He was sure he heard people in the garage, and he was sure it sounded like people having sex. While Tim had never had a steady girlfriend, he wasn't a virgin, and he knew what sex sounded like. Curiosity, or something like that, got the better of him and he moved over to the garage window that was to the side of the door to see what was going on.

Peering through the window Tim was astonished at what he was witnessing. He looked through just as Andy shot his load all over Sean. He was agape as Andy shot into Sean's mouth and Sean lapped it up. Not unnoticed, there was a stirring in Tim's loins. He continued to watch as Sean turned their positions over and jacked off like a racehorse until Sean covered Andy with his sperm. By this time, Tim's dick was as hard as a rock. Tim moved his hand down to his crotch and rubbed his hard cock through his shorts. He felt as if he might cum at any moment.

He decided to go back to the front of the house and knock on the door again. Why, he didn't know. Maybe, he thought, if he got in his car and left Andy and Sean would see him leaving. He had no answer. He just wanted to stay. Returning to the front door, Tim rang the doorbell and waited.

"Shit!" Andy said. "Who the fuck could be at the door? We're not expecting anyone..."

"I dunno, here, grab a towel and wipe the cum off yourself while I go answer the door." Sean finished wiping himself off, pulled up his shorts and headed for the door.

Opening the front door Sean greeted his friend, "Hey, Dix! This is a nice surprise! What are you doing around here? C'mon in!"

"Hey, Wymo! I was just over at Brad Frazier's. You remember Frazhe...he was at my place the first night we all met. I was just dropping off some shit, and, well, I, um, I, well, I uh..."

"Are you OK, Dix? Cat got your tongue?"

"Um, well, I uh, I mean, well, Wymo...I dunno how to, like ya know, say this and everything, but you got, um, like, cum on your face..."

"Really? Where?"

"Right here!" Tim took his index finger and scooped the cum off of Sean's face. "See!"

"Oh, wow! Sorry, man! I thought I cleaned myself up!" Sean smirked. "It's Andy's cum, anyway, in case you're wondering..."

Just then Andy scooted up into the foyer. "Hey, Dix, what's up, man?"

"Um, well, uh, shit...I dunno what to say now..."

"Brown Eyes, Tim was in the neighborhood and decided to stop by. I answered the door and I guess I still had some of your cum on my face. I didn't know it, and Dix pointed it out. I guess that's what's up..."

"I don't see any cum on your face..." Andy said.

"That's because I scooped it off with my finger! Look! There! There ya go! Guys, I'm so fucking sorry..."

"What the fuck are you sorry for Dix! It was Sean-o that opened the door with cum on his face. I guess it's on your finger now! Whadya gonna do?"

"Um, I don't, well, I mean...huh?"

"Dix, you got cum on your finger!"

"I know!"

"Dix, that's my cum! Me and Sean-o had a quickie in the garage and I shot on his face!"

"Oh, OK... Well, it's on my finger now!"

"Dix!" Andy said gently, but firmly, "Don't just stand there with my cum on your finger! Eat it!"


"Eat my cum, Dix!"

Sean was speechless. He didn't know where this was going to go and he feared where it might go. He stood there with his mouth open.

"Wymo, your mouth is open just like when Andy shot into it!" Dix said.

"Um, Dix, how would you know that..." Andy asked.

"Well, I um, OK, fuck it! I knocked on the door and I heard noises from the garage so I walked around the side to the door and I could see you guys through the window! There! I saw you guys cum on each other!"

"Did you like it?" Andy asked.

"Well, guys, I guess I might as well be honest. My dick got hard as a rock..."

"Dix, you still haven't eaten my cum yet, now clean your finger off! Eat that cum!" Andy ordered.

Tim looked at Sean. Sean didn't know what to do, so he just shrugged. Tim stuck his finger in his mouth and pulled it our clean. "There ya go, little dude, you happy now? I ate yer fuckin' cum!"

"Didja like it?" Andy asked just a little bit leeringly.

"I dunno, I never ate cum before, never mind someone else's. I guess it was OK. It's kinda salty and sweet at the same time. It wasn't bad..."

"OK, guys!' Sean said. "I think we need to go sit on the patio and talk. Can you stay a while, Dix?"

"Yeah,, well, I think we need to talk, too..."

"I really fucked up, didn't I..." Andy looked dejectedly at the floor.

"Little dude!" Tim exclaimed, "No you did not! The three of us are gonna sit and talk. Little dude, you're my bro. Ain't nuthin' gonna ever change that."

"OK, Dix, And, you guys go out on the patio. I'll get us some cokes and I'll be right there..." Sean said.

Andy and Tim trundled out to the patio with Sean trailing half a minute behind with their drinks.

"Well, what the fuck am I gonna do with you two!" Sean said, cracking half a smirk, and inside not having the foggiest idea what was to transpire. "OK, I'm gonna cut to the chase, Dix, I don't blame you for looking through the window. You heard people and you didn't know what we were doing. And, you were pretty bossy with Dix out there! What's up with that? Look, you guys gotta tell me what's going on. On the one side of me I have my boyfriend, and on the other side I have even though it hasn't been a long time, one of the best friends I've ever made. You guys gotta help me out here..."

"Um, OK, well, I uh..." Dix stuttered.

"OK, let's try this..." Andy cut in. "Dix, I'm gonna ask you a question."


"Are you gay?


Next: Chapter 16

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