It Did Get Better

By moc.oohay@ammdarg

Published on Dec 20, 2007


Being in your late twenties has some advantages. I was now sobering up and feeling delightful surrounded by my best girls. I was still having trouble walking in the new shoes but with a girl on each arm to steady me I was getting by. It was a wonderful night and we just kept walking north, headed in the general direction of our apartment. They made sly comments about how I was now one of the girls; with my new wardrobe I could pass as a woman anywhere. I was so sexy etc, etc. Women know how to flatter a man to get what they want and flattering their new girlfriend was working pretty well too. We swayed and weaved up the sidewalk on Clark Street, ignoring any outsiders and the weird looks. This was our night and we ruled the world.

Suddenly we stopped in front of the club where I first met Roxy, they all smiled and we went in. The girls all kissed the woman in the ball gown at the cover table and she looked me over. "New girl she giggled"

They all sounded like school girls and we went on in arm in arm. It was now around midnight and the music blasted, the dance floor was packed and we fit right in. "Come on, let's go in the girls room and blow another joint, "Rox said. We all went in a bunch and found two other like girls just leaning against the sinks and fixing their makeup. Roxy just torched it, with no regard to them; they smiled and decided to move on. We passed it around and kept joking and talking like I had always seen women do on a girl's night out. I found my self getting erect and Dianne was the first to notice. Honey that won't do, it completely ruins the look. Michelle reached out and grabbed me like a handle and said, "What shall we do with this?" Roxy looked at her and said' don't look at me; I already fed him one load tonight. Michelle needed no more prompting. She lifted my skirt and lowered my panties and had me blowing my mind in three minuets flat. She moaned in ecstasy as she took my load and then came up and gave me a big kiss passing my cum back to me.

Dianne said," I think she likes cum!"

Roxy agreed and Michelle got a wild look in her eye, never a good thing for the people around her.

Roxy and Dianne lit up as well. Let's get a drink and dance.

Back at the bar we ordered shots of Cuervo and clinked shot glasses and toasted to the dynamic foursome.

Men descended on us like flees, we were new meat and they wanted to dance. I just remember Roxy smiling and shrugging her beautiful shoulder as a jock type led her by the hand to the dance floor.

Dianne was grabbed up and Michelle too, suddenly I was face to face with a tall blonde guy in his late twenties, a little shy but determined to ask me to dance. He stumbled over the words but I eventually took pity on him and we went out to the floor.

We danced, or I should say he danced to a techno pop tune while I tried desperately to stay on my shoes and move enough to make it look like I knew what I was doing. After the song finished I was relieved and ready to thank him for the dance, when a slow song came on. He gave me puppy dog eyes and asked if I minded.

I just looked at him half in disbelief that I was being asked to dance with a man and half because I felt comfortable in the female role. He placed his arms around my waist and pulled me closer to him, I realized that the only place to put my arms was around his neck. We pretty much swayed to the music and he introduced himself as Steve, I stood there and realized I didn't have a female name. He felt the awkwardness and started to get shy again, when I blurted out" Charlene."

He smiled and pulled me closer and our bodies touched. I thought this would repulse me but I found myself melting in his arms and kissing him quickly on the cheek. He had somehow made me feel like a woman and I reacted as one.

We moved to the music and he pulled me even tighter, that, is when I felt his hard on against my groin. "I'm sorry, I just find you so sexy and you smell so good."

Michelle danced her partner over to lean in and say "He's cute huh?"

This made me even more uncomfortable.

Now Steve had a raging hard on and was brushing up against me as often as he could.

His eyes were nearly closed and he kissed my neck, and then glanced into my eyes before planting a kiss right on my lips.

I nearly stopped dead and clobbered him, until I felt his tongue part my lips and we were in a long deep kiss.

When I opened my eyes, Roxy was smiling at me from across the dance floor.

I gave her a crooked smile in return.

The music ended and Steve asked if he could buy me a drink.

I just picked up on a perk of being female. "Sure"

Dianne and Michelle came back to the bar as well and started joining in on our conversation. I made introductions. Steve bought us all a round and we shot the tequila on three.

Roxy showed up and said" Hey what am I chopped liver?"

We ordered another round and Steve insisted on paying.

I noticed that Steve was still showing a partial bulge in his jeans.

He caught me looking and smiled, winking at me, now much more confident than before. Michelle placed her hand on his ass cheek and slowly felt him up as only she could.

Steve blushed.

Roxy laughed and Dianne said "No fair, I want to sample the merchandise. She leaned in and gave him a long kiss. I found myself feeling a twinge of jealousy.

Roxy noticed and gave me a wonderful long kiss and I noticed Steve getting harder.

Michelle leaned into Steve's ear and whispered something for a few moments and his face went pale then crimson then his eyes went toward the ground.

"One for the road? Michelle asked.

We all agreed and bless his heart, Steve bought the round again. We got ourselves together and headed for the door and Steve came along with us. Outside where we could hear ourselves think we started strolling North and chatting.

I guess I thought Michelle had invited Steve along, so I never gave it a thought.

After a couple minutes I complained,' my feet are killing me."

Michelle hailed a cab and said" get in you big sissy."

Before I could react, Dianne and Roxy then Michelle piled in. Michelle had Steve by the hand and drug him in behind her.

"Full up sweetie, guess you'll have to sit on Steve's lap." She grinned the dirtiest grin I have ever seen.

I settled in on his lap, trying not to place all my weight on him, afraid I would squash him.

We only had around eight blocks to go but by the time we got to the apartment, I was afraid Steve would cum all over my bottom.

He kept touching me here and there, stroking my thigh, once he kissed my bare back.

We way over tipped the cabbie and headed upstairs.

Everyone called dibs on the ladies room, so Steve and I went into the kitchen. "Nightcap I asked"

We toasted and I sat down next to him.

Steve leaned over and kissed me gently on the lips. He closed his eyes then when he opened them, he said" Charlene, I have never been with a, a he paused, "a girl like you before, he blushed.

At first I thought he ment someone he was so hot for before, then it hit me. He meant a Girl like me.

I felt like the picture of steak on the cover of a menu and Steve looked hungry.

Just then I heard the front door open and the girls in unison called out, "you kids have fun."

I went pale, I suddenly realized Michelle's sneaky plan.

Steve smiled, obviously relieved we were alone. I can't imagine how terrified he was that we might all rape him.

I have to admit that I was in a bit of a pickle. My mind raced between where did my girls go and actually, what is the difference put some perfume and a wig on him and he would just be another one of the girls.

"Another drink?"

I used the break to freak out. As I stalled looking in the cabinets for liquor, he worked over my body with his eyes.

I have to admit it was sort of sexy to have so much attention.

I made a decision, I poured the drinks and came around the counter and slipped onto his lap and raised the drink to his lips. He drank slowly, never taking his eyes of mine. He had wonderful blue eyes and I set down the drink and kissed him long and hard. Our tongues danced for quite sometime and not only was his dick pressing against my bottom but I was getting hard too.

For weeks now I had been sucking my girlfriend's dick, swallowing my own cum, what was so different?

I stood and kept eye contact with Steve. I slowly moved my hands down and unfastened his belt. Then with a sly smile I licked my lips and slowly pulled his zipper down.

Steve had his eyes half closed and lifted up to allow me to slip his pants down.

His underwear was standing straight out so I got to my knees and mouthed his cock through the materiel.

He moaned and closed his eyes all the way.

I slipped my fingers in the waistband and he lifted a little to let me disrobe him.

His dick was magnificent, six inches of cut meat, glisteningly clean and hard. Like a flesh colored lollypop.

I kissed the tip then slowly took it in my mouth. His dick bobbed up and down with excitement. I slowly gave him head while he moaned just as slowly.

"Oh you are the best. " Steve said, his hands moving to my hair.

I found myself flattered and I moaned in agreement.

I lick up and down, pausing to suck sometimes but afraid he would cum before I could enjoy the whole experience.

I finally worked my way up his pubes to his stomach and started unbuttoning his shirt.

Steve grabbed me and pulled me to his mouth and kissed me with hunger.

Suddenly he stood up and swept me into his arms and carried me into the bedroom.

As he laid me on the bed he sniffed my neck and said," You smell wonderful."

Now Steve took charge, He slipped the straps off my shoulders and kissed my neck and shoulders while running his hands up my legs, careful not to get to my hard on too soon.

He reached under my dress and slowly pulled off my panties. He held them for a second like a trophy then tossed them across the room. His hand moved slowly up my inner thigh and his hand just slightly touched my dick. I almost came, my dick was rock hard and I moaned.

Steve took off his shirt and then slipped my dress up and over my head. I was down to a hard on and bra.

He stood there in the low light looking me over and by the size of his hard on liking what he saw.

He laid down on me and his hand cupped my breast as he kissed me deeper than before if that were possible.

His mouth was by my ear and in a horse croak he whispered, can I kiss i

I just giggled, I had never giggled in my life before.

Kissing my tummy he slowly found my dick and kissed the tip, the sides, the top of my balls, then he slowly placed his wet mouth over my dick and slid as much in as he could.

I found myself with eyes closed and moaning yes, Steve, yes!"

He gave me head for several minutes and I was afraid I might cum, so I grabbed his butt and pulled him around so we could sixty nine. He obliged. We were like two virgins in love, experimenting and lost in passion at the same time.

Suddenly I felt Steve's dick tighten and knew he was going to cum, so I decided to not hold back anymore and let my cum flow.

We both blew our loads into each others mouths almost at the same time.

He was quite noisy as he came, and I felt special as he received my load.

He lay there for a couple moments until he could turn around and come up and kiss me.

I had a surprise for him as we kissed; I passed his cum back to him. Roxy had trained me well.

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