It Did Get Better

By moc.oohay@ammdarg

Published on Dec 18, 2007


It Did Get Better By Charlene

Roxy, Michelle and Dianne were now my roommates. I could never go back to living with two straight guys after having spent a weekend having sex with three transvestites. I was no longer confused; my course was set in stone. I was part of their world and the outsiders could never understand. I paid for next months rent and said good by to my old buddies, giving them a lame excuse that I had to go back home and help my ailing Dad. We left on good terms and I only hoped I never bumped into them on the street, it could be quite awkward.

I had in a matter of weeks gone from being what I always thought of as a straight man, to a lover of transsexual men/women. I don't know how it happened but it did and I know that I am more than comfortable with it. Occasionally I would go off by myself and wonder if I had been hypnotized or drugged, but in the end I realized that % had found my new life. A life where I felt comfortable and relaxed a life where I felt alive and involved.

I resigned myself to the new life that had fond me. I was living with three beautiful women, ok so they had penises, but none the less three women who rocked. I still considered Roxy as my woman and she seemed to consider me her man but all four of us were in what can only be described as an "open relationship". I would be fine if the others went their separate way tomorrow and fine if they stayed. My life was at an all time peak.

Last weekend the girls dressed me up and then not only had fun doing it, they used my like a sex toy. I enjoyed it after the anxiety subsided. Really there is nothing sexier than a silk blouse against a recently debilitated chest. My nipples are still tender. Of course that has a lot to do with the girls teasing me and working me over like a cheap whore.

When I arrived at the apartment, Roxy met me with a Manhattan and a deep kiss. "How did it go" she asked as we broke off the kiss.

"Great" I said. "As long as I never run into them on the street."

"Do you like the drink?"


"I used Makers Mark, I know you love bourbon and the guy at the liquor store recommended it highly."

I smiled, took another sip and nodded approval, before taking her in my arms and kissing her soul.

"I'll make us two more." I watched her walk away and admired her sweet little ass.

"Rox, I am going to hop in the shower!"

She leaned back into the room to make eye contact and said," Make sure you debilitate, or else the hairs will itch."

I smiled and thought about this on the way to the shower and thought, "I have to let them grow back sometime but what the hell, I have a couple silk shirts that might feel terrific with bare skin."

I took my time in the shower and removed any sign of body hair and enjoyed the steaming hot shower.

When I came out, Roxy was sitting on the commode, two drinks in hand giving me a devilish smile.

I got an instant erection.

"Oh a Hard on," she said in her best French whore accent. This just made it harder if possible. Before I knew it she was bobbing on my dick and I came a small ocean in her mouth.

She moved up to kiss me and passed my cum back into my mouth. I would have been pissed if it was anyone else but I guess I had come to realize that I loved Roxy, and she could do no wrong.

We kissed for a while then I grabbed a towel and positioned myself in front of the mirror.

"Let me help she said." She grabbed the shave cream and lathered me up. Slowly she shaved my face. I was nearly rock hard again.

After she finished, I rinsed the cream off and reached for the after shave.

Her hand caught mine, our eyes met and she said"uh uh, I'll be right back."

I bided my time sipping my second Manhattan.

Roxy returned with a bottle of perfume, she said, "You need to learn how women seduce men."

I assumed that this was a slow turn on and courtship.

She dipped the glass stem into the perfume and instead of using it on herself, she reached over and said, "A little behind the ears, and she dabbed me behind each ear. "A little on each wrist and again she dabbed me and a little behind each knee."

I was so hard, I let this all pass with out question and finally she said," A tiny dab near your privates."

We kissed and she sniffed me and said,'oh you smell like heaven."

I have to admit I felt quite sexy.

"Let me freshen your drink."

I had taught Roxy how to make a Manhattan last week, actually I had taught a bartender how, but Roxy is a quick study.

I like them sweet, a large portion of Bourbon, two cherries and over a third of sweet vermouth. The pie de resistance was the drop or two of cherry juice to add that sweet flavor that cuts the harsh Bourbon.

I busied myself combing my hair and brushing my teeth.

In the mirror I saw the door open and I said,' what are we doing tonight anyway?"

Michelle, held out my drink and said" You tiger, I thought we milked you dry last weekend."

I turned, suddenly embarrassed.

"Oh come on , it's me, Rox sent me in."

I tried to laugh and relax but I was still not used to having free reign of three women.

Michelle came over and kissed me on the cheek and sniffed me. "Mmmmm very sexy!"

I blushed.

She brought her hand out from behind her back and said, you smell good enough to wear these.

She was holding a black lace bra and matching panties.

Once again the situation confused me, I was uncomfortable with, one Michelle telling me what to wear, and two, wanting to put on the lovely panties, and thinking this is nuts, I am a man.

Michelle kissed me on the cheek and closed the bathroom door behind her.

I debated for a few moments and decided that every time the girls had plotted against me, it always ended up as a good thing for me.

I slipped the panties on and then the bra.

As I opened the bathroom door, I was still a little embarrassed but I did have a partial hard on.

Dianne was in the living room as I came out. She acted normal but sized me up and said," Darling you need some breast forms."

She reappeared from her room in a few seconds and slid the forms in place. She then kissed me on the cheek and went back into her room.

I have to admit, I was feeling a lot of love in this apartment. The guys never showed me this kind of love.

I wandered into the kitchen and Michelle and Roxy were deep in conversation. Michelle had a doobie between her long fingernails and was holding a lit match..

They acknowledged me and Michelle torched the joint and took a deep hit, handing it to Rox.

I sat down on the empty barstool and started to relax as my turn came around.

Soon we were mixing more drinks and toasting silly things. At some point, Dianne had wandered in and joined us.

"You have to get dressed, or we have to get undressed" she said, sweeping her eyes up and down my body.

I was ready to choose the latter when Michelle said, "Don't move, I have the perfect dress for you."

She returned with a teil green mid thigh dress with spaghetti straps.

The girls huddled around me and fitted it. After it was on the girls all declared it perfect.

Rox took my bra straps off my shoulder and tucked them into the bra. "There!'

We drank and toasted and chatted for a long time until I realized that Dianne had brought out her makeup kit.

"Bright red, I think?" Dianne said looking at the other girls.

She applied lip stick and then proceeded to do my face as the we all continued talking.

After one more drink, I was blotto, that is when I noticed that the girls were mixing seven up and coke to make their manhattans.

We laughed and hugged as I accused them.

"Roxy took me by the hands and looked my in the eyes. "Can we treat you to a night out?"

Well I never gave it a thought. ""Sure, hurt me, beat me, make me write bad checks!"

Somehow they got a pair of low heals on my feet and we headed out.

Dianne drove and we ended up at the Century, a multi-level, mall and shopping center.

As we walked up, a very large man looked at us, me in particular and started to say something.

Roxy looked him in the eyes and said,' I f you say anything I will punch you and believe me mister, I was a linebacker in high school and I can do it."

He moved on.

I was light as air, the joint and all the booze had me in a near dream state and the feel of the female clothes against my body was keeping me in a state of euphoria.

The girls walked me into five or six stores; I tried on dresses, shoes, jeans and lingerie. By the time we left, each girl had a couple bags on their wrist and I was in a whole new outfit.

Outside, Roxy took me in her arms and asked, "Can you make one more stop?"

I kissed her with abandon then looked her in the eyes and said, "Only if you beautiful creatures buy me a drink first, my feet hurt.">

This brought on a barrage of laughter.

We stopped into a dimly lit neighborhood bar and continued with the Manhattans.

I floated around with the girls to three shoe stores as they had me try on no less than thirty pairs of shoes. We finally left with five pair.

To be continued...

Next: Chapter 2

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