It begins now

By Kel Davis

Published on Mar 1, 2017



Thoughts/comments/feedback/etc. greatly appreciated to

The springs of the mattress creaked as Lee hit it and bounced towards the headboard. He wasn't a small man – 5'10" and muscular – but the man had picked him up easily and thrown him with considerable force towards the hotel room bed. Lee grinned up at the man, who was busy taking off his shirt, revealing a spectacularly muscled body and large nipples already erect.

Judging by the considerable bulge in his jeans, his nipples weren't the only thing erect.

In the back of his mind, Lee was beginning to suspect that this was going to be more than just the average bar hookup. He hadn't really expected anything out of the ordinary when he went out, just another Friday night people-watching and laughing under his breath at the queens.

But the man had been there.

Everybody noticed him, of course – not only had no one seen him before, but he had the body and face worth remembering. His features had a Slavic cast to them, with high cheekbones and a large, square jaw. His hair was a flaxen blond and his eyes an almost unnatural electric blue. Lee, while reasonably attractive, knew he wasn't anywhere near the league of the stranger, so was content to let the "stand and model" crowd try their wiles on him and enjoy the results.

The stranger was polite to those who approached him, but they all turned away, disappointed. Lee raised an eyebrow in wonder – the disappointed included the self-anointed (and objectively, really, if you were honest) hottest of the bar. As he watched, the stranger scanned the bar, seemingly looking for someone. As his blue eyes made contact with Lee's hazel ones, Lee felt a sudden jolt down his spine and into his crotch. As Lee shuddered for a moment in the aftermath, he noted that the stranger was walking towards him, a small smile on his face.

Surely he wasn't –

"Good evening," the stranger said. His voice was a deep baritone with an indistinct, but noticeable accent.

Lee struggled to think of something suave and interesting to say, but came up completely blank. "Um, hi, how are you?" he managed.

Another, wider smile ghosted across the stranger's lips. "I am doing very well now, thank you. Would you like to go with me?"

"Now? Go where?"

"To my room. It isn't far from here."

"What? I don't even know your name, we just met – "

The stranger's eyes again held Lee's and he felt the jolt again as he drew in a ragged breath.

"Is my name really that important to you right now, at this moment?"

Lee felt the tingle and push of an erection beginning. "...No, I suppose not. Lead on."

"Come." The stranger turned and moved through the crowd of bewildered and shocked men. Lee couldn't keep a sly smirk from his face, although he knew he would catch absolute hell for this the next time he came to the bar. Whatever, he thought, they're just jealous.

He followed the stranger a few blocks and came to an unremarkable chain hotel. As they entered the elevator and the stranger pushed a button, he looked over at Lee again. "You bottom, yes?"

"Well, I like both, actually, it's one of the best parts of being gay, I think, but I don't really have the supplies with me and – "

The stranger cut Lee off. "It's not important now." He again held eye contact, his blue eyes smoldering. Lee's mouth went dry and he unconsciously licked his lips. He followed the stranger down the hall to a room. As he entered, he noticed that the blinds were all closed, leaving the room in semi-darkness.

As the door closed behind them, the stranger murmured, "Are you ready?"

"Ready for what?"

"For me."

"I...I suppose, it depends on what you have in mind and – "

"Here, let me show you." He picked Lee up under the armpits and threw him onto the bed.

Lee stared speechless at the stranger's torso as he peeled his shirt off. He was even more muscular than Lee suspected, which was saying quite a bit. He learned forward, wrapped one hand around Lee's neck, and ripped Lee's shirt away from him with the other.

"Hey, that was – "

"Shh." The stranger silenced Lee with a kiss. It was the best kiss Lee had ever felt, but in a way that was difficult to describe. Heinlein put it well in Stranger in a Strange Land – this stranger, like Mike, kissed with his entire being. Within seconds, Lee's penis had sprung to its full length, feeling hard as steel, clearly visible through Lee's Wranglers.

"Yes." The stranger took more time with Lee's pants, unbuttoning them and pulling them down with his underwear. His dick rebounded back against his stomach with a meaty thud as Lee watched the stranger stand and start to take his pants off. His eyes widened as the stranger's erection came into view – it was huge. Lee estimated at least 9 inches and very thick. The flaring outline of the large head was clearly visible under the foreskin that still was rolled forward. A pearl of precum glistened at the tip.

"Oh, man, I don't think I can take that, you're huge."

"It's okay – I will help you to relax. Roll over onto your stomach."

As he did so, Lee noted that the drop of precum at the stranger's head had already lengthened into a stream oozing slowly down his shaft towards the floor. He'd heard of men who ran like faucets, but this was the first time he'd seen such a thing in person.

He felt the mattress creak and move as the bed took the stranger's weight. The stranger's hands – oddly soft for so large a man – came to rest on Lee's shoulders. Lee felt something warm and wet come to rest against his ass. The stranger's hands began to knead Lee's shoulders, the head of the considerable cock rubbing gently against Lee's ass as its owner moved. Lee felt the first drops of precum come into contact with his skin.

Another jolt ran through Lee's body. An involuntary muscle contraction wracked Lee, arching his back and grinding his cock into the mattress. A pleased-sounding rumble came from above him, "Hmm, yes. I thought so."

"Thought what? What happened?"

"Shh." The stranger pressed his head against Lee's ass again, eliciting another shudder and a moan. The kneading of his shoulders and teasing of his ass continued for an unknown period of time before Lee noticed an increasing pressure from the stranger's dick.

"Um, hang on a sec, have you got a condom somewhere? If you're going to do that – "

The reply was a short, sharp "No." The pressure of the head continued to increase. One of the stranger's hands moved to Lee's neck while the other moved to between his shoulder blades. They pressed down, mashing his face into the mattress.

Lee began to thrash under the stranger, fighting to get from under his weight. "No, stop it, let me up – " He found that he couldn't budge between the two hands of steel holding his upper body and the weight of the stranger at his hips.

"Enough." With a short, savage thrust, the stranger forced the precum-slick head of his penis into Lee. Lee's muscles locked in agony with this violation as he cried out into the pillow. The stranger advanced no further, holding Lee with only the head in. Lee noted through the pain that he could feel the stranger's dick pulsing slightly with the contractions that ejected the precum into Lee's writhing body.

As the fresh precum entered Lee, he felt the pain begin to diminish rapidly, replaced by a gentle tingling and a deliciously sweet ache. As the pain subsided, so did Lee's struggles. He heard a satisfied grunt from the stranger, followed by increasing pressure as the stranger slowly pushed the rest of his shaft into Lee. Lee began to writhe again, but from pleasure. "What are you DOING?"

"I am beginning."

After what seemed an eternity, the stranger reached full penetration, again holding still as he pumped precum into Lee. After a few minutes of moaning ecstasy from Lee, the dick retreated. "Wait, please, I – " The stranger bodily turned Lee over onto his back, placed Lee's legs on his shoulders, and with one, smooth motion, rammed his dick back into Lee to the hilt. Lee's back arched up as he bit off a scream of pain and pleasure – how was this happening? He looked down at his contracting stomach muscles, half expecting to see a bulge there from the tip of the stranger's huge dick. The stranger looked down at Lee with eyes burning with dark emotion and placed one large hand across Lee's taut belly.

"You are ready."

"Ready? For what?"

Lee's question was ignored and forestalled as the stranger tilted his hips, gently nudging Lee's prostate.

What followed was an indeterminate time of ecstasy, with the stranger slowly but forcefully fucking Lee, occasionally pulling out to ooze more precum as lube. Lee could do nothing but moan and writhe on the bed, his own dick hovering, ignored, over his abs and drooling precum onto his stomach. As the stranger continued his work, he kept one hand across Lee's stomach, just above Lee's dick, and the other above his heart. His face was a mask of intensity.

After however long it was, Lee noticed that the stranger's thrusts were growing shorter and harder. Marshalling his attention away from the glory of the stranger's fucking, Lee noticed that the stranger's his breathing deeper and a most becoming flush was spreading across his face and chest. "You're getting close, aren't you?" asked Lee.

The only reply was an evil-looking grin following by an increase in the rate of thrusting. Lee could feel the stranger's dick starting to swell, heralding his inevitable orgasm. The intruding cock grew larger...and larger...and larger. Lee could only moan in ecstatic agony as the stranger's already formidable cock grew girthier by what felt like half. Lee reached for his neglected cock, only to have his hand swatted away by the stranger with a shake of the head.

Through the haze of pleasure and pain, Lee watched the stranger approach his orgasm. For all his oddities, he did it like any other man - the deeper breathing, the flush, the increased muscle tension and facial contortion. Faint, guttural grunts came from far back in his throat as the thrusting continued to accelerate.

But his eyes were black. The electric blue eyes were gone, replaced along with the whites by a field of inky black. A distant voice in Lee's mind somewhere was screaming, No, don't let him do this, stop this now before it's too late -

As if to dash any thought of that, the pressure on Lee's chest and stomach from the stranger's hand increased as the grunts increased to a crescendoing roar. Lee felt the stranger's dick enlarge a final time - how he had no idea - and begin to shoot.

Lee had heard stories about feeling a man shoot into you, but this was far above and beyond his expectations. He could feel every pulse of the stranger's shaft and the impact of the shot into his guts. The stranger froze, his cock at max penetration and his head thrown back in ecstasy, as he blew his load into Lee's belly. Lee could feel twelve individual shots before they faded below his perception, although the stranger held his position for another thirty seconds after as his orgasm subsided.

The stranger seemed to return to himself and looked down at Lee, an unreadable expression on his face. His hands were still in place on Lee's chest and stomach. "It begins now."

"What does?"

Even as he asked the question, Lee noted an odd tingling sensation beginning near his prostate, emanating from the stranger's cock, still hard and buried deep. It seemed to branch out, moving both towards his dick and upwards towards the stranger's splayed hands. The tingling intensified, building to what Lee associated with an incoming orgasm, but in the wrong place. His breath coming in short gasps, Lee looked down past the stranger's arms.

Fine, red lines were spreading across his skin from a point just above the base of his dick both upwards towards his belly and downwards towards the base of his cock. As Lee watched in horrified fascination, the lines reached his penis and began moving up the shaft. The corresponding lines on his stomach had branched out, forming a woven network across Lee's belly. As the lines grew upward along the shaft, the pre-orgasmic sensation continued to intensify to the point of almost agony. Lee began to buck and writhe as the lines slowly grew.

The sensations reached a crescendo as the lines reached the head of Lee's penis, by now a dark, desperate shade of purple. Lee gave a wordless scream as the orgasm crested over him and his dick erupted.

Lee was usually a decent shooter - he seldom failed to make it to at least his chest- but this was on a whole different scale. The first shot easily cleared his shoulder. The second splattered against the headboard behind him. How many shots followed that, Lee couldn't say...he could only scream in triumphant, terrible pleasure as the orgasm finally wracked him.

As the orgasm subsided, Lee looked down at his body. The fine, red lines still wove their network across his belly and genitals, the former centered about the stranger's hand there. The look of intense concentration on the stranger's face lifted as Lee watched. The stranger regarded Lee with black eyes and a slight smile on his face.


The smile on the stranger's face grew somewhat sad. He laid both hands on Lee's forehead and murmured, "Sleep now."

Lee slept.

Copyright Kel D.

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