Isle of Dogs

By Barney Bumpkin

Published on Nov 19, 2023



This story is intended for adults interested in homosexual erotica. If that is not something that you wish to read then go no further.

All characters and situations are fictional though hopefully plausible and grounded in reality.

The work published here is all my own with all rights reserved.

The author is based in the UK so the diction reflects this but my stories involve characters of different ethnicities and many are set in locations outside the UK.

My thanks go to Nifty for all the pleasure the Archive has given me over the years and for the opportunity to bring my writing efforts to the attention of those who share my particular erotic interests. Readers are encouraged to make a donation to keep the archive going for many more years.

As always, feedback both critical and complimentary is welcome via e-mail to:

Please don't contact me with commercial requests or advertising.

Hope you enjoy




After hearing about Playa Del Ingles reputation for being a sun-drenched gay paradise, Ian Hamilton opts to take a winter holiday in the Canary Islands.

Travelling alone, after the beak up of a relationship, he opts to book with a gay tour operator, thinking he will soon make friends with his fellow tourists.

But introverted Ian doesn't make friends easily and when his travelling companions all seem to be in tight-knit couples or groups and no one he fancies takes much interest in him, he turns to the locals to satisfy his craving for sexual domination and his lust for Latin, Black and Arabic guys.

Three years later, again in between relationships, a more sexually accomplished but no more sociable Ian decides to visit Gran Canaria again.

This time, he finds himself a bungalow all to himself near the Yumbo Centre, the hub of resort's gay scene, but again finds it hard to pin down a guy he fancies who is into the sort of sex he enjoys.

By Thursday of his week-long stay, he begins to feel lonely and fears he may have to settle sex-wise for drunken fumblings in club darkrooms or watching the drunken antics of others.

In a bid to secure more adventurous sex and a longer lasting romance before his holiday is over, he attends a "Leather Night" at his favourite gay bar.

Although he witnesses and participates in some horny SM sex there, when the party ends abruptly, he is forced to move on to cruise the disco, depite being dressed in black leather.

When a strikingly handsome young guy catches his eye, in desperation, he summons up the courage to make a move on him, despite being given little encouragement.

  1. Head over Heels

Sadly, dear reader, the events described in this story took place before the availability of drugs to combat AIDS, so David's announcement had considerably more import than it would have today.

So, for a moment, Ian was taken by surprise, not only by the nature of the lad's revelation but also by its timing, just after he had announced his intention to fuck him!

From the apprehensive look on his face, he could tell the lad awaited his reaction to his confidence on tenterhooks, keen to hear him voice the reassurance he was hoping for, but at the same time preparing himself for rejection.

"Thanks for telling me," he replied speedily, "I think it's very brave of you!" he added hugging the lad to his breast as he suddenly found himself filled with a whole set of more tender emotions toward him. Precisely the ones he had cautioned himself against indulging earlier, if he was to carry off the role of ruthless dom, which was what he suspected the lad was looking to him for.

"I've had a couple of boyfriends in the past who turned out to be positive," he added by way of comfort, "and I've practiced safer sex for as long as I can remember, so it's not a big issue for me."

But at the same time, Ian couldn't help his eyes filling with tears, as he also recollected less-close friends and colleagues who had disappeared from public view only for him to read their obituaries in the gay papers a few months later or receive an invitation to attend their funeral.

"But as far as I'm aware, I'm still negative, as they were both careful to make sure I never got infected."

By which he meant, so far, he'd been lucky. He had always tested negative, despite having sex with a variety of regular partners and innumerable one-offs, including some hairy public and drunken darkroom encounters, where he couldn't be absolutely certain all his sex partners had worn condoms to fuck him...

Despite discovering that Ian didn't share his affliction, the lad looked relieved by his response and became even more so when, filled with a tsunami of affection toward him as a result of his confidence, the leather man immediately initiated another round of even more passionate love making.

Far better to reassure the lad in this way, he felt, by making clear it only enhanced his feelings for him, than break off and enter into a distinctly unsexy conversation about T-cell counts, how long he had known he was infected and how it had come about!

Not that he wasn't prepared to share their respective sexual histories at some point, but at this juncture he felt admitting that he was professionally involved in AIDS work and providing the youngster with a sympathetic ear could wait until the following morning!

Radically changing his plans yet again, instead of leading the lad around the grounds and fucking and humiliating him outdoors as he'd intended, Ian decided he'd had his fill of public sex for one day and led David from the patio back to the seclusion of his chalet by the shortest route.

Although, the riskiness and added humiliation accruing from sex in public places increased its enjoyment for him, it could also lead to unwelcome consequences - as he'd already experienced twice that night! Besides which, he was beginning to despair of ever venting the sexual head of steam that had built up inside him over the course of the evening.

So, despite the killer disease that had stalked the gay community for so long crashing their party, rather than let it put an end to their fun, Ian resolved to celebrate their good fortune in coming across each other by providing them both with the most satisfying of orgasms ever!

                                                                    • Within seconds of closing his chalet door behind them, Ian had, the already naked lad, kneeling on top of his bed with his bum up in the air and his head submerged between the pillows ready to be fucked!

Although ideally, he would have liked to take fucking David slowly, the intensity of his feelings for the lad dictated otherwise.

Ironically, through his open admission of his HIV status, the youngster had succeeded in increasing his vulnerability still further in his eyes, which had made his longings for him more acute than ever!

"Now yer going to get fucked, good and proper!" he announced with a grin, stoking up his ardour by awarding each of the blushed cheeks of the lad's upturned ass a couple of further slaps before stooping down to kiss both of their perfect curves more affectionately. But he didn't stop there!

To demonstrate his enthusiasm for him had not diminished one iota, for the second time that night, Ian wrested apart the cleft of David's buttocks and ran his tongue up and down the entire length of his crack before sliding it enthusiastically inside his hole!

As the lad began to squirm with pleasure, he one-handedly wrested open the front of his leather trousers to free up his cock so he could resume yanking on it at the same time, ensuring his own excitement was rapidly brought to a head.

On the cusp of orgasm, Ian decided it was high time to relinquish his leatherwear and while the lad waited expectantly, sat down on the edge of the bed to remove his boots, step out of his pants and then shrugged the waistcoat off over his shoulders, to render himself naked, save for his socks.

He then turned and landed half a dozen more slaps on the lad's defenceless ass to redden it further, before roughly grabbing hold of his wrists and positioning a hand on each of his buttocks for him to hold them apart, so he could view his target.

With an evil grin on his face, he then gobbed a couple of times into his open crack and, while David moaned, used his spital to ease two of his fingers inside his glistening pink hole to prepare him for what was to come.

With his shaft now totally rigid, he broke off to open up a condom pack and tear open a sachet of lube, then unrolled the rubber over it and smeared it, and his fingers, with gel to enable him to sink the same digits inside the lad's hole all the way to the knuckle.

With his buttocks held apart, his thighs spread wide and his ass at the exact right height for him to enter, Ian was able to penetrate David painlessly in a single trust.

He then withdrew his dick completely, to give himself the satisfaction of entering him again, and then repeated the process with increasing regularity until he felt the lad's ass muscles gradually relax.

That achieved, he rapidly increased the pace of his thrusts until David's initial gasps were transformed into groans of pleasure.

But, despite the collar the lad still wore around his neck, fucking him doggy-style, from the rear, was not the position Ian wanted to fuck David in. He wanted to look him in the eyes as he penetrated him to both savour his beauty and the expression on his face as he came.

"On yer back!" he demanded, temporarily extracting his cock from the lad's hole and awarding him another couple of slaps on the ass to hurry him into the position he wanted him in.

The flushed-faced youngster eagerly co-operated, allowing Ian to then grab hold of him by the ankles, realign his greased-up member with his hole and plunge it straight back inside him.

He then hooked his legs over his shoulders and, with the lad bent double below him, resumed thrusting his shaft in and out of his ass with their heads barely inches apart.

                                                                    • "You are completely... fucking... gorgeous!" Ian sighed wistfully, no longer holding back his feelings for the youngster, who he judged was probably in need of a confidence boost to reassure him that his sex life was far from over.

With David's entire body now folded beneath him, he was able to stare directly into his startled eyes as he continued to penetrate him and this time gain the additional satisfaction that comes from observing the impact of his each and every thrust.

In this more intimate position, the pair were not only able to observe each other's faces but also exchange kisses, allowing Ian to pause his fucking at regular intervals to doubly penetrate the lad by sinking his tongue deep inside his mouth while his hard shaft remained fully embedded in his butt.

Their proximity also permitted Ian to share his thoughts with the lad as he fucked him and excite both of them all the more by recounting his recollections of what had gone before and outline the even more audacious plans he had lined up for him in what little time remained of their holiday.

"Bet yer never had yer keks pulled down out on a dancefloor before," he chortled in between kisses, "Or had a guy shove his dick between yer ass-cheeks while yer did the conga..."

"No!" David agreed, "I've never been stripped completely naked... at a gay disco before... either..." he replied in between grasp, clearly as turned-on as Ian had been by the experience.

"Nor had to suck a guy's dick with all yer mates watching before...." Ian chuckled, "Or had yer ass spanked in front of the miserable buggers!"

"Definitely, not!" David concurred.

"But I bet yer loved every minute of it..." Ian insisted, convinced he had liberated his new amore's long supressed longing for public humiliation by taking advantage of him in the ways he had.

"Didn't yer?" he demanded, intent on getting David to own up to his proclivities as frankly as his cock had done earlier.

"Yes sir!" the lad gasped whether he meant it or not, plainly blown away by the wave of affection and sexual passion that now engulfed him.

"Only for me to strip yer all over again outside on mi patio... put a dog collar round yer neck... an lead yer round on a the little doggy you are!"

Again, David responded in the affirmative, encouraging Ian to go on to describe what further humiliation he had lined up for him next....

"Tomorra I'm goin tek yer to the nudie beach and fuck yer on one of the sunbeds in front of all those posers!"

"Then later on... am going to tek yer ta Divas and have yer strip off there anall..." he promised. "Yer belong ta me now!" he added in case the lad was left in any doubt.

Thrilled by his conquest's good looks, as well as the fulfilment of his own long-held fantasies, Ian couldn't restrain himself a second longer and, to an accompaniment of cathartic cries of satisfaction, pumped his spunk into the condom embedded deep inside David's ass.

To Ian's delight, so excited had the lad become by his sexy banter and the pummelling his shaft was delivering to his prostate, that his own cock erupted in tandem with his own, spurting large squirts of semen high onto his chest.

As their heart-beats gradually slowed, the pair remained locked in this position, after which they lay side by side on the bed, too exhausted to clean themselves up and promptly fell fast asleep, dreaming of their wonderful holiday in the gay paradise of Playa Del Ingles.


Did you enjoy this story but want it in a more easy to read format? Then contact the author at for a free PDF version of the whole novel.


Keep a lookout for my most torrid humiliation story yet which will appear in e-book format on Amazon early in 2021. Blurb below:


In his latest novel featuring interracial gay sub/dom sex, Barney reveals all in this blow by blow account of a turbulent affair between a young Indian top and his older white admirer, who, over a period of months and years, battle to fulfil their respective sexual fantasies at each other's expense.

At the age of fifty, Alan Robertson finds himself abruptly made redundant from the job he put his life and soul into for over twenty-five years but with a "severance package" sufficient to pay off his mortgage and provide him with a more than adequate income for him to spend the rest of his life on more pleasant pursuits than scraping together a living.

As he begins his new life of leisure, sorting out his moribund sex-life ranks high among his list of priorities.

Weary of always having to play the dominant role in his sexual relationships, Alan makes use of a gay dating website to create a new persona for himself as a sub in the hope of finding a suitable top guy to introduce him to the delights of subbing before he's too ancient for anyone he fancies to be interested in him.

After a year or so of trying, he finally stumbles across "Ram", a feisty thirty-odd-year-old Indian lad, who he realises has the potential to fulfil his fantasies.

However, although Ram possesses the looks, desire, self-confidence and intelligence Alan is seeking, he is far from his perfect match and a battle of wills ensues as the two of them strive to get closer to what they each want from the other.

Whilst Alan attempts to steer his headstrong young master toward providing the type of domination that excites him the most, Ram sets about training the former top to better meet his more straightforward needs, sexual and otherwise.

Via their often-hilarious exchanges of messages and the outrageously raunchy sexual encounters that take place between them, the author brings to life their turbulent relationship and depicts Alan's ongoing frustrations and continuing infatuation with the young Indian who ends up changing his life for good.

If you are interested in the above, drop me a line by email to let me know and I will give you the heads-up when the book is available.

I am also about to begin posting a new story on Nifty entitled "A Night to Remember" so look out for that too!

In the meantime, if you have not read them already, check out my three e-books published on Amazon Kindle:

"EXPOSED" "A Homage to India" and "Finding Friends". Check out my profile at Amazon's Author Central

Or read my other writing posted on Nifty for free which includes the full-length erotic novel "Teacher Training". You'll find my work listed under "B" in the Authors tab or do a search for my name.

Cheers, Barney

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