Isle of Dogs

By Barney Bumpkin

Published on Sep 20, 2023



This story is intended for adults interested in homosexual erotica. If that is not something that you wish to read then go no further.

All characters and situations are fictional though hopefully plausible and grounded in reality.

The work published here is all my own with all rights reserved.

The author is based in the UK so the diction reflects this but my stories involve characters of different ethnicities and many are set in locations outside the UK.

My thanks go to Nifty for all the pleasure the Archive has given me over the years and for the opportunity to bring my writing efforts to the attention of those who share my particular erotic interests. Readers are encouraged to make a donation to keep the archive going for many more years.

As always, feedback both critical and complimentary is welcome via e-mail to:

Please don't contact me with commercial requests or advertising.

Hope you enjoy




After hearing about Playa Del Ingles reputation for being a sun-drenched gay paradise, Ian Hamilton opts to take a winter holiday in the Canary Islands.

Travelling alone, after the beak up of a relationship, he opts to book with a gay tour operator, thinking he will soon make friends with his fellow tourists.

But introverted Ian doesn't make friends easily and when his travelling companions all seem to be in tight-knit couples or groups and no one he fancies takes much interest in him, he turns to the locals to satisfy his craving for sexual domination and his lust for Latin, Black and Arabic guys.

Three years later, again in between relationships, a more sexually accomplished but no more sociable Ian decides to visit Gran Canaria again.

This time, he finds himself a bungalow all to himself near the Yumbo Centre, the hub of resort's gay scene, but again finds it hard to pin down a guy he fancies who is into the sort of sex he enjoys.

By Thursday of his week-long stay, he begins to feel lonely and fears he may have to settle sex-wise for drunken fumblings in club darkrooms or watching the drunken antics of others.

In a bid to secure more adventurous sex and a longer lasting romance before his holiday is over, he attends a "Leather Night" at his favourite gay bar.

Although he witnesses and participates in some horny SM sex there, when the party ends abruptly, he is forced to move on to cruise the disco, depite being dressed in black leather.

When a strikingly handsome young guy catches his eye, in desperation, he summons up the courage to make a move on him, despite being given little encouragement.

  1. Dirty Dancing

Feeling hornier than ever after his night out at Divas had been unexpectedly cut short, Ian headed for the Yumbo Centre disco, despite knowing being dressed in his leathers was likely to make him stand out from the dance crowd like a sore thumb.

He stood for ten minutes or more in glorious isolation in the queue for admission as it slowly inched its way up the staircase while the guys nearby eyed him up dubiously and others pushed past him heading in the opposite direction, warning those waiting in-line that the place was both overcrowded and unbearably hot.

After gaining admission, Ian then had to fight to buy a drink at the crowded bar, after which he eventually found himself a quiet spot to stand in, well away from the dance floor. As he quenched his thirst, he reflected on the horny scenes he'd witnessed at Divas and became more determined than ever to find himself a partner for the night.

But despite the place being packed to overflowing, yet again there were few men that caught his eye. The ones he fancied most invariably blanked him out or scurried away to drape themselves around the shoulders of a companion to indicate they were already taken, confirming what the great divas had warned him in the torch songs they had been belting out during his hour-long sojourn in his favourite bar, namely, that good men are hard to find!

Was it his desperation that was putting guys off, Ian wondered, or was it the leather gear he was wearing? Thinking it could easily be the latter, he decided to blend in more with the rest of the revellers, many of whom were already bare chested due to the heat, by taking off his T-shirt and tucking it into his belt.

But as careless drunks staggered into him in their rush to reach the loos, some bold enough to fondle his exposed chest as they apologised for spilling his drink, he discovered the space he was standing in had been left unoccupied for a reason.

So he quickly finished off what was left of his beer and moved off to find a new location only to make the mistake of venturing too close to the dance floor, as he was rapidly dragged into the maelstrom of heaving bodies against his will and entangled in a giant conga dance that snaked its way from one end of the club to the other.

After being manhandled toward the entrance and back again, he made a break for the bar, where he managed to buy himself another drink only to find the whole place had now become one huge dance floor.

Thankfully, he eventually managed to find shelter in a quiet corner nearby the entrance, where he tried to cheer himself up by tapping his foot along to the beat whilst pouring yet more beer down his throat as he continued to scrutinise all-comers in his quest for a sex partner.

Then, who should float past him, caught up in the flow of inebriated sun-kissed flesh, but a guy Ian recalled lusting after and fruitlessly cruising in Divas earlier that week. He had drooled over him for an hour or more from the opposite side of the bar, attracted by his handsome face, big brown eyes, silky black hair and 'tache, only to have him leave abruptly with his friends before he'd had the chance to make a move on him.

After he'd gone, he'd tried to persuade himself to put the guy out of his head - as someone simply out of his league - and focus on other, more attainable, possibilities. As if to confirm this had been a wise decision, once again when Ian attempted to catch the guy's eye, he immediately turned away and headed off in the direction of the toilets.

Once more faced with rejection, Ian retreated into fantasy to salvage some satisfaction from the surprise encounter.

Although he'd never heard him speak a word, he decided that the guy he lusted after was German, with a keen interest in leather. Taking his cue from the Tom of Finland cartoon and the antics in Divas he had witnessed earlier, he imagined himself tearing off the guy's clothes in the midst of the dancefloor and then, despite his protests, dragging him across to the bar by the ear, putting him over his knee and spanking him soundly for snubbing him, whilst the crowd cheered him on.

When the guy reappeared in the distance heading back toward him, so aroused was Ian by these thoughts that he threw caution to the wind and plunged into the stream of perspiring bodies, intent on turning fantasy into reality.

Camouflaged by the inebriated crowd, Ian steered himself closer and closer to his unsuspecting target. As the opposing human currents passed each other, he realised his prey would soon be within his reach. But given the deafening music and the chaos surrounding them, was unsure about how to go about catching the guy's attention.

Only when he was almost past him did a means finally occur to him. He tightened his leg muscles, leaned back to hold up the flow pushing him forward and in a desperate lunge just managed to pinch the guy's backside big-time before they were both swept away in opposite directions.

But despite being jostled further and further away from his mark, Ian kept his eyes glued to his rear so he could observe his reaction to his attempt to grab his attention.

His startled victim first jumped up into the air as though he'd been stung by a bee, then instinctively began looking behind him in an attempt to identify who it was that had assaulted him.

The mischievous smirk plastered across Ian's face instantly gave him away as the culprit and, as their eyes met, the guy finally took note of his existence, seemingly for the first time!

Despite a nervous churning in his stomach, Ian cut into the returning flow eager to find out how his pass had been received. When he spotted the guy fast re-approaching from the opposite direction having done the same thing, his heartbeat quickened.

Just in case there was in any doubt in his mind that he was the one who had pinched him, when the boy came within range, Ian reached out and gave his ass a second squeeze.

The guy immediately countered by pinching Ian's ass in return, leaving him momentarily unsure whether this was a sign of interest or of annoyance.

But to his great relief, at this point the boy's face broke into an enormous smile.

After heaving a sigh, Ian grinned back at his handsome German and steered him into the stream of revellers heading in the direction of the terrace, where hopefully they would be able to hear each other speak over the deafening beat of the music.

Anxious that his catch should not get away, as soon as he turned his back on him, Ian hooked his fingers into the empty belt-loops of the boy's baby-blue denims, and used them to guide him through the heaving throng.

When the opposing stream thrust the boy's ass against his groin, Ian used the opportunity to slide his hands around his waist, conga-style and, as they inched forward, surreptitiously grind his fast- hardening dick up against the seat of the boy's pants.

No longer in any hurry, Ian was more than happy to go with the flow and let the drunken crowd pitch them back and forth while their closely-packed bodies hid his mischief from public view. With a wide grin pasted across his face, he slowly lowered one of his hands down the front of the boy's jeans and discovered just what he had been hoping to find there, a very stiff dick!

Interpreting this as the green light to take things further, Ian slowly opened up the lad's fly buttons in turn until he was able to ease the seat of his pants downward to expose more of his ass as they continued their drunken dance.

When their progress toward their destination ground to a halt, Ian surreptitiously slid down his own zipper to unleash his, now rock-hard, dick so he could nestle his shaft in the cleft below the lad's bare buttocks.

As his passion grew, he dragged the lad's cock out into the open and showered the back of his neck with a mix of bites and kisses. Then, whilst upping the pace of his pelvic thrusts against his buttocks he clasped his exposed cock in his fist and as they stumbled onwards, spooned together, commenced tugging on it.

Suddenly, the disco Ian had found so claustrophobic only moments earlier was transformed into the most delightful of orgies, as he enveloped the boy's body in his own and, hidden by the crowd, continued to heighten the lad's and his own excitement by virtually fucking him in the midst of the teeming dance floor!

It may have fallen short of Ian's fantasy of publicly stripping and spanking the lad in the bar while others looked on, but it was certainly good enough for starters!

To be continued...

NEW!!!! Barney's Nifty recommendations:

As a reward for those of you who have reached the end of my story and are begging for more of the same, I am including a link to stories buried deep in the Nifty Archive that I liked that you may not have come across.

  1. Chat line - Stuart James

This is a story about a feisty young guy who likes messing around in chat rooms by adopting lots of different identities and telling lots of lies. When he gets bored he visits a leather room and gets into an exchange with a sex slave who tells him about his life, his Master and why he likes being a slave. Led to believe he is chatting with a would-be slave he encourages the youngster to seek out a Master and chat to him to find out more about what it is like. A few hours later the youngster returns to the chat room with a new ID pretending to be a novice slave in search of a Master. When he gets contacted by a guy who lives nearby he pretends to be interested and tells lots more lies only to find himself turned on by the way the guy orders him around. After a terse exchange, his potential Master arranges to interview him a local leather bar the following evening. Although he'd never intended to show up the youngster finds himself inexorably drawn to the venue but only commits himself to clandestinely checking the bar and the guy out. However, his play acting soon gets him into deep water and what started out as a prank soon ends up as something all too real.

If you have especially enjoyed a story from the archive that you would like to recommend to others then please send me the details in an email.

If you liked my story, check out my latest Kindle e-book "EXPOSED" on Amazon.

You will also find my other two e-books "A Homage to India" and "Finding Friends" listed there if you have not already come across them. Check out my profile at Amazon's Author Central

Or check out my other writing posted on Nifty for free which includes the full-length erotic novel "Teacher Training". You'll find my work listed under "B" in the Authors tab or do a search for my name.

Next: Chapter 35

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