Isle of Dogs

By Barney Bumpkin

Published on Sep 13, 2023



This story is intended for adults interested in homosexual erotica. If that is not something that you wish to read then go no further.

All characters and situations are fictional though hopefully plausible and grounded in reality.

The work published here is all my own with all rights reserved.

The author is based in the UK so the diction reflects this but my stories involve characters of different ethnicities and many are set in locations outside the UK.

My thanks go to Nifty for all the pleasure the Archive has given me over the years and for the opportunity to bring my writing efforts to the attention of those who share my particular erotic interests. Readers are encouraged to make a donation to keep the archive going for many more years.

As always, feedback both critical and complimentary is welcome via e-mail to:

Please don't contact me with commercial requests or advertising.

Hope you enjoy




After hearing about Playa Del Ingles reputation for being a sun-drenched gay paradise, Ian Hamilton opts to take a winter holiday in the Canary Islands.

Travelling alone, after the beak up of a relationship, he opts to book with a gay tour operator, thinking he will soon make friends with his fellow tourists.

But introverted Ian doesn't make friends easily and when his travelling companions all seem to be in tight-knit couples or groups and no one he fancies takes much interest in him, he turns to the locals to satisfy his craving for sexual domination and his lust for Latin, Black and Arabic guys.

Three years later, again in between relationships, a more sexually accomplished but no more sociable Ian decides to visit Gran Canaria again.

This time, he finds himself a bungalow all to himself near the Yumbo Centre, the hub of resort's gay scene, but again finds it hard to pin down a guy he fancies who is into the sort of sex he enjoys.

By Thursday of his week-long stay, he begins to feel lonely and fears he may have to settle sex-wise for drunken fumblings in club darkrooms or watching the drunken antics of others.

In a bid to secure more adventurous sex and a longer lasting romance before his holiday is over, he attends a "Leather Night" at his favourite gay bar.

Although he witnesses and participates in some horny SM sex there, when the party ends abruptly, he is forced to move on to cruise the disco, depite being dressed in black leather.

When a strikingly handsome young guy catches his eye, in desperation, he summons up the courage to make a move on him, despite being given little encouragement.

  1. Goldfinger

Plainly put out that the youngster should have the temerity to cum without seeking his permission, his master seized his disobedience as an excuse to increase his humiliation a notch further - by parting his mouth from his cock and forcing his head down to his feet to make him lick up his own spunk, inadvertently jerking Ian's fingers out of his ass as he did so.

Realising this was not intended as a rebuff, Ian quickly regrouped to do something he had been itching to do all night. Namely, take advantage of the lad's submission to relieve him of both his lace- less boots and the shorts which had remained tangled around his ankles, to render him completely naked.

Taking his cue from the lad's master that punishment was in order, once this objective had been achieved, Ian began slapping the lad's pale, upturned buttocks with the flat of his hand.

At this point, Shirley Bassey obligingly did her best to drown out both the sound of his blows and the lad's cries of pain by belting out the theme tune from the early Bond movie "Goldfinger" so that both were undetectable by the barman.

Meanwhile, the leatherguy continued to pin his disobedient slave's neck down to the floor until he had not only licked up every drop of his cum from his leather pants and boots but also the spatters of his semen that had ended up besmirching the floor!

After receiving a grin of approval from his master, Ian proceeded to spank the lad's buttocks until they glowed as red as his flushed face, which as a result of sunburn, sexual excitement and his embarrassment at being publicly stripped and chastised, was by now a deep shade crimson.

But the leather guy was not done with punishing him either, as when Ian paused to refresh himself with a celebratory sip of beer, he dragged his bar stool closer to the prone lad so he could sit on it and place both of his boots, sole-down, on his back!

Ian watched and wanked, gobsmacked that this chance real-life encounter had turned out to be even more raunchy than the SM fantasy portrayed in the drawings displayed on the wall.

Meanwhile, the leatherguy slowly upped the pressure on his slave boy's torso until he was laid out full-length, face-down on the floor, wriggling around beneath his feet like an unearthed worm.

With a triumphal grin on his face and his dick protruding vertically upwards from his open fly harder than ever, the leatherman trampled his slender, naked and hairless slave's defenceless body down to the beer-stained boards beneath his bodyweight and sadistically scuffed his exposed his baby-soft skin with the coarse soles of his boots as if he were a doormat.

Beginning to feel uncomfortable about the harshness of the treatment being meted out to the lad, though no less turned on by the sight of it, Ian sought to distract his master by passing him his drink so the pair could raise their glasses a second time to celebrate his slave's complete humiliation.

After draining the rest of his beer in a single draught, the leatherguy kicked his slave over onto his back and rose to his feet to peer down at him, revealing to Ian that the lad's face was now streaked with tears. Only then did his master finally take pity on him. However, his compassion for the youngster wasn't demonstrated in a way Ian had been expecting!

Staring down at him, the leatherguy began to unfasten his belt, making Ian think for a moment that he might be about to use it to flog him, but instead he wrenched open the top of his pants and rapidly pushed them down to his knees to free his cock completely.

He then turned around, awarding Ian a fleeting glimpse of his bare ass for the first time, which he noted, in contrast with that of his slave, was both impressively muscular and hair-coated.

But before his one-person audience had the chance to admire it further, the big guy had squatted down and positioned his backside above the youngster's face.

The lad needed no further prompting and seized his opportunity to make up with his master by grasping hold of his buttocks with both hands and easing his nose between the crack between them to commence publicly licking out his ass, as all good slaves aspire to do!

When, after the lad had barely begun, the door to the stock room creaked open and the barman reappeared, Ian stepped forward to distract him from what was taking place on the floor by hastily hiding his erection and ordering himself another beer.

Eager for things to continue until they reached their conclusion, he ordered one for the leatherguy too, keen to show him his appreciation for the masterclass in sexual domination the more experienced man had treated him to!

As he paid for them, Ian enquired about the location of the basket of condoms and lube that was usually placed atop the bar for customers to help themselves, as he only possessed one of each in his pants pocket, which he planned to retain for his own use, if and when the opportunity should presented itself.

In response, the barman apologetically lifted the tray of sachets onto the counter but then, after overhearing a grunt of satisfaction coming from the other side of the bar, leaned over it out of curiosity and caught a glimpse of the grinning leatherguy getting his ass licked by his slave.

"Oh! There they are!" he exclaimed to Ian with a smirk, noting with interest that the lad had now been relieved of his boots, shorts and dog collar and was lying stark naked on the floor, "Thought they must be in the loo!" he chuckled, his puzzlement about a lone customer ordering two drinks and demanding condoms dispelled.

To Ian's relief, the barman gave him a conspiratorial grin and watched a little more of the action until his mobile rang and he hurriedly retreated to the quiet of the stockroom to take the call, seemingly happy to leave the leather-clad duo to get on with fucking their slave unhindered.

By the time Ian returned with their drinks, and a selection of packs from the basket, the leatherguy had risen to his feet once more and, in one of the most ignominious acts of self-abasement he could ever recollect witnessing, the youngster was attempting to ingratiate himself in his good books by lathering the sole of his left boot with the flat of his tongue!

Cleary proud of his total subjugation of the youngster, the leatherguy hitched up his leather pants and gave Ian a self-satisfied smile before taking hold of his newly filled glass, raising it to his own and then pouring most of its contents down his throat.

As the two chilled out, rather than look up at the screen or join in with the stirring lyrics being blasted out by the sound system, the pair savoured the sight of the naked youngster ignominiously licking his master's boots.

So aroused did Ian become, that he yanked his cock from his pants once more to resume pulling on it.

Grinning at his excitement, the leatherguy magnanimously reached down to grab the end of the lad's flailing leash and directed his slave to lick the tops of his admirer's footwear in addition to his own.

When Ian thanked him and reached down to stroke the lad's head as he worshipped at his feet, his companion displayed even greater generosity toward him by yanking his slave up from the floor by the collar to have him display himself with his hands clamped submissively on top of his head.

Ian took another sip of his drink as his excitement grew at the stirring sight of the slender youngster parading himself before him with his head bowed and his eyes directed down to the floor as a mark of his submission.

What made the sight so erotic for him was not merely the youngster offering himself to him but the willingness with which he accepted his public debasement at his master's hands and his clear excitement at having his submissive nature exposed to all.

The total vulnerability of his naked body underlined this: his shaved armpits, swollen pink nipples, totally hairless crotch, tethered cock and balls, plus Ian's own contribution to his humiliation, his newly reddened ass! Incredibly, the youngster's tethered cock had somehow managed to fill with blood once more and now protruded from his hairless crotch stiffer than ever!

After receiving a further nod of encouragement from his companion, Ian reached out to fondle the silky smoothness of his save's exposed body while he looked on with a grin on his face.

Such was Ian's excitement at doing so that he might easily have cum by his own hand there and then, if the leatherman hadn't then directed the lad's head down to his groin for him to envelope his dick in his mouth.

Once the lad was bent over eagerly sucking Ian's dick, his master ceremonially handed the leash over to him and set about opening up two of the sachets Ian had brought him from the bar.

After stretching a rubber over his, still-hard, dick and coating it with lube, he rose to his feet kicked his slave boy's legs wider apart and placed his hands on his ass cheeks for him to hold them apart so he could prise his mammoth dick more easily into his hole.

As his boss began thrusting his shaft in and out of his ass, the lad began to moan and squirm delightfully, prompting Ian to comfort him by patting him on the head to show his appreciation for the pleasure he was providing him with.

But as fate would have it, the pair's respective paths to orgasm were about to diverge, as at that moment a whole group of rowdy new customers burst into the bar.

Seemingly oblivious that this was the night of the leather party, three were attired in standard disco wear of Levi's, T-shirt and trainers and a couple were dressed in nothing more than vests and shorts, giving the impression they had come hot foot from the beach, though more likely, they originated from the poorly air-conditioned disco nearby.

All of them appeared to be the worse for drink and it soon transpired that they were also, to a man, feeling extremely horny!

Instantly spotting what was going on in the otherwise deserted bar, they were unsurprisingly eager to join in the fun and soon formed a cordon around the leather-clad duo as they continued to spit- roast the collared, hairless and otherwise completely naked sub they had bayonetted between their steely dicks.

Despite their lack of suitable apparel, the leathermen greeted the new arrivals with welcoming grins, happy that more gay guys would be around to witness their sexual prowess as they publicly fucked and humiliated their sexy young slave boy.

With his face submerged in Ian's groin and his lips stretched around the base of his cock their charge remained oblivious to the new development, though Ian thought having his humiliation witnessed by a whole gang of his fellow holidaymakers would, likely as not, only add to his excitement!

However, rather than watch respectfully and wait to be invited to join in, as Ian had, the newcomers were keen to get in on the action before it reached its conclusion, which they correctly surmised, the pair were not far off approaching!

Homing in on Ian as the least intimidating of the leather-clad duo, the more sexually aggressive members of the group soon had their cocks out and their pants round their ankles and between them soon succeeded in parting the lad's mouth from Ian's dick so they could replace it with their own burgeoning hard-ons. Leaving our hero with little alternative but to shamefacedly resume watching and wanking from a distance amidst the ranks of the less forceful new arrivals.

The leather guy fared much better in fending off the newcomers' unwanted advances and seemingly was not too heartbroken by Ian being substituted at his slave's other end by two horny young guys who seemed to have a greater fondness for brutality than the mild-mannered Englishman.

But when one of the others risked thrusting his tongue into the leatherguy's mouth to kiss him he found himself rapidly caught in a headlock and his face prised down to his chest. There, he was conscripted to add to his pleasure by sucking on the large nipples adorning his beefy pecs while he pressed on to achieve his climax by fucking his slave's ass more rapidly than ever.

To Ian's amusement once the guy was incapacitated in the leather guy's iron grip, one of his companions immediately seized the opportunity to yank his pants down to his ankles and began playfully slapping and fingering his ass with a view to fucking him!

To add to the mayhem, one of the guys dressed in beachwear, who clearly had a more submissive and exhibitionist bent than his companions, rapidly shrugged off the few clothes he was wearing and inserted himself beneath the helpless youngster and the floor.

There, he embraced the double humiliation of servicing the leather man's slave by licking the lad's tethered balls and taking his resurgent cock into his mouth as he wanked himself off.

Relegated to the role of voyeur, rather than join in the race to achieve orgasm by wanking himself off whilst ogling the unfolding orgy, Ian backed away and opted instead to save himself for later.

Only to discover two minutes later that there was to be no later - at least not at Divas!

When the leatherman's uninhibited cries of orgasmic satisfaction succeeded in overwhelming the volume of the music, the barman emerged from the stockroom just in time to witness him finally pump his semen into his recently recruited slave's ass.

Clearly pissed off that no one had as yet turned up to assist him with running the party, and that it had degenerated into a sexual free-for-all in the few minutes he'd been arguing on the phone, he abruptly turned off the music and announced "Party's over!"

Already on the point of leaving, Ian quickly finished his drink, mouthed a parting "thankyou" to the sated leatherguy as he pushed his way to the door and exited before the others were ushered from the bar in his wake.

Sadly, what had been one of the most incredibly exciting SM encounters he'd ever witnessed, with the arrival of five more guys had fast deteriorated into something more akin to what he'd experienced on a nightly basis in the club darkroom all week long.

Tonight, he told himself, he was on the look-out for something more!

Turning back when he reached the end of the aisle, he chuckled as he witnessed the interlopers being ejected out into the shopping arcade by the irate barman, regardless of whether they were clothed or naked, flaccid or erect, and the door to Divas being slammed shut behind them!

To be continued...

NEW!!!! Barney's Nifty recommendations:

As a reward for those of you who have reached the end of my story and are begging for more of the same, I am including a link to stories buried deep in the Nifty Archive that I liked that you may not have come across.

  1. Simon Says - Iarwain

This is an unusual take on sexual domination involving roommates in a college dorm. After catching his closeted buddy wanking over gay porn, Simon, a self-confident character of unstated sexuality, makes his roomy, the hapless jock, Jamie, agree to do whatever he tells him by threatening to publicly expose his sexuality. But Simon's motives are benign rather than exploitative and he uses the power he has over his less worldly companion to provide him with the courage he lacks to explore the world of gay sex, find himself a boyfriend and come out as gay!

If you have especially enjoyed a story from the archive that you would like to recommend to others then please send me the details in an email.

If you liked my story, check out my latest Kindle e-book "EXPOSED" on Amazon.

You will also find my other two e-books "A Homage to India" and "Finding Friends" listed there if you have not already come across them. Check out my profile at Amazon's Author Central

Or check out my other writing posted on Nifty for free which includes the full-length erotic novel "Teacher Training". You'll find my work listed under "B" in the Authors tab or do a search for my name.

Next: Chapter 34

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