Isle of Dogs

By Barney Bumpkin

Published on Jun 7, 2019



This story is intended for adults interested in homosexual erotica. If that is not something that you wish to read then go no further.

All characters and situations are fictional though hopefully plausible and grounded in reality.

The work published here is all my own with all rights reserved.

The author is based in the UK so the diction reflects this but my stories involve characters of different ethnicities and many are set in locations outside the UK.

My thanks go to Nifty for all the pleasure the Archive has given me over the years and for the opportunity to bring my writing efforts to the attention of those who share my particular erotic interests. Readers are encouraged to make a donation to keep the archive going for many more years.

As always, feedback both critical and complimentary is welcome via e-mail to:

Please don't contact me with commercial requests or advertising.

Hope you enjoy


The Isle of Dogs?


After hearing about Playa Del Ingles reputation for being a sun-drenched gay paradise, Ian Hamilton opts to take a winter holiday in the Canary Islands.

Travelling alone, after the beak up of a relationship, he opts to book with a gay tour operator, thinking he will soon make friends with his fellow tourists.

But introverted Ian doesn't make friends easily and when his travelling companions all seem to be in tight-knit couples or groups and no one he fancies takes much interest in him, he turns to the locals to satisfy his craving for sexual domination and his lust for hirsute Latino and Arabic guys.

A few years later, a more sexually accomplished Ian hears the resort now has a leather scene, so decides to visit Gran Canaria again.

This time, he mixes more with his British compatriots, but after finding it hard to pin down a guy he fancies, who is into the sort of sex he enjoys, he fears he may have to settle for watching the drunken antics of others.

Until, on the last night of his stay, he summons up the courage to make a move on a strikingly handsome guy who has caught his eye in the disco.

When his affection is reciprocated, Ian proceeds to introduce his companion to the delights of public humiliation and bondage, only for things not to work out quite as he had planned...

Part 2

When they finally arrived at the other shop, which was tucked away in the basement at the opposite end of the complex, Ali gave a nod to a young guy lingering around outside, who immediately ditched the magazine he'd been reading and started to put up the shutters.

Without uttering a word, Ali led the increasingly edgy tourist to the back of the premises and into a dimly lit storage area that seemed to double up as a fitting room.

Once ensconced in the relative privacy of this sanctuary, the Arab lost no time revealing his true motives for dragging Ian along there.

After finally releasing his grip on his wrist, Ali grabbed the baseball cap the pale- skinned tourist wore to protect his head from the sun and discarded it on the floor.

Like a rabbit caught in headlights, Ian swallowed hard and looked back at his abductor as he examined his face unobstructed for the first time, hoping he would not be disappointed by what he saw.

To his relief, the Arab seemed pleased by what he had dragged back to his lair and awarded his picky, but undoubtedly handsome, British customer a lascivious grin.

"Now you show Ali what you have to offer!" he announced with a smirk.

Interpreting this as his cue to strip, Ian nervously slid the strap of his Nike bag from his shoulder and let it slide down his arm to deposit it alongside his cap on the fitting room floor.

Given how skimpily dressed he was to begin with, his striptease was bound to be a pretty short one, Ian reflected, but with his cock already tenting out the front of his shorts, he realised he was hardly in a position to play hard to get!

Smitten by the Arab guy's handsome features, muscular body and the directness with which he had expressed his amorous feelings toward him, Ian grabbed hold of the hem of his vest and, without a quibble, tugged it up over his head to expose his pale-skinned chest.

The chill of the basement, together with the gentle friction of the cloth sliding off over his shoulders, was more than sufficient to harden Ian's nipples which stood out pert and pink from his otherwise pallid skin.

Amused by his captive's eagerness to denude himself, Ali's grin widened as he witnessed Ian discard his top on the floor, step out of his sandals onto the cold concrete and then halt as though seeking his permission to take things further.

"Turn around!" Ali responded, realising that by chance he had stumbled upon a guy who was so desperate to get fucked that he could do virtually whatever he liked with him.

Ian performed the required pirouette and paused with his fingers poised on the waistband of his shorts, keen to demonstrate his sexual surrender by stripping himself completely.

"Slowly!" Ali demanded, "And make it sexy!" he added, revelling in his captive's readiness to submit to him.

With his heartbeat racing, Ian eagerly obeyed his command and wiggled his hips from side to side seductively as he slowly inched his skimpy shorts down over his rump for the horny Arab's entertainment until the milky-white curves of his arse were fully unveiled.

"Hands on head!" Ail commanded, when Ian finally stepped from them to render himself naked.

Heaving a sigh of contentment, the Arab slowly circled around his willing captive, tugging on his dick to pleasure himself as he examined his exposed body in its entirety from both front and rear.

Ian knew better than to look his conqueror in the eye and kept his gaze directed to the floor as he was surveyed, whilst silently urging the handsome Arab to reach out to take advantage of him.

However, as his abductor drew close to him, he could not prevent his eyes from being drawn to his crotch and noticing the impressive dimensions of Ali's engorged, olive-skinned, dick.

Although Ian's actions had certainly succeeded in getting the stall-holder hot under the collar, revealing his eagerness to be fucked so openly may not have been a wise move, as it not only upped the Arab's excitement but gave him the impression that he was dealing with a complete slut!

Ali had had a hard day.

Despite his multi-lingual attempts to engage them in conversation, he had not had a single sale from the hundreds of sour faced white tourists who had either hurried past his stall, dismissed his wares after a brief glance or attempted to haggle down the price of something they fancied to a mere pittance before walking away.

Meanwhile, the sun had risen inexorably in the sky raising the temperature in the open-air shopping centre to an increasingly uncomfortable level, adding a layer of perspiration to his exasperation.

Getting to fuck this submissive white guy in the cool of the basement would provide him with some consolation for the indignities he'd had to suffer at the hands of his hardnosed north European compatriots and also help restore some of his dented masculine pride.

So rather than immediately providing his reluctant customer with the fucking he was hankering after, Ali decided he would first take advantage of his sexual surrender to satisfy his long-held, but rarely indulged, sadistic impulses.

No longer hiding his feelings of contempt toward the tourist, Ali grinned as he eyed up Ian's exposed body and showed off the impressive dimensions of his genitals to him for the first time, aware that they put his to shame.

There Ian stood, passive and nude, just the way Ali liked them. The red flushed cheeks of his face giving him a boyish appearance that belied his years, his soft skin, freckled and blushed pink from the unaccustomed sunshine, his hair, bleached an enticing shade of gold.

But to Ian's frustration, Ali did not reach out to touch him, at least not yet!

"Mehmet!" he called out over his shoulder a trio of times until his young assistant's head appeared through the gap in the half-drawn curtains ready to do his bidding.

Ian swallowed hard as the lad gave him the onceover but kept his hands affixed to his head, unable to prevent his dick from pulsing even further upwards at the prospect of being fucked by two handsome Arabic guys rather than just one.

Seemingly un-phased by what he saw, the youngster sniggered at the sight of the tourist he had seen his boss dragging behind him earlier now stripped completely naked. But when Ali barked out instructions to him in Arabic he quickly turned on his heels and hurried off to do his bidding. Maybe he'd been sent off to close up the other shop, Ian speculated, as he didn't plan to return to it anytime soon.

Once they were left alone together, Ali strode up to the submissive white boy who had appeared so fortuitously at closing time to compensate him for the day's disappointments and so foolishly put himself completely at his mercy.

"Close eyes!" he demanded.

Ian instantly obeyed.

As though a starting pistol had been fired, the salesman encompassed Ian's slender torso in his powerful arms, pressed his lips hard against his own and proceeded to insert his tongue between them.

Had Ali got his underling out of the way so he could make love to him without the risk of it being considered unmanly, Ian mused as he opened up to let him inside?

Whatever the reason, now Mehmet was gone, the Arab's passion began to mount rapidly and once their mouths were pressed together, he drew his obligingly submissive prey roughly toward him and sucked out his tongue to its fullest extent.

Ali was plainly fond of kissing and continued to do so as he hurriedly inserted his bloated cock between Ian's thighs beneath his balls. He then gradually slid his hands downward from his waist to cup the twin mounds of his buttocks, which he grasped firmly as he began slowly thrusting his shaft back and forth between his legs.

Literally swept off his feet, Ian yielded completely to his Arabic admirer's passion and, as their bodies merged, met his rhythmic thrusts with some of his own.

As his engorged cock rubbed up against Ali's belly, waves of physical pleasure augmented the emotional high he felt from rendering himself so completely vulnerable before the handsome stranger whose arse he had ogled so casually barely ten minutes before.

Wary of either of them cumming too quickly, after holding his captive in a tight embrace for several minutes, during which Ali had fully acquainted Ian with his superior strength, the Arab eventually withdrew his tongue from his mouth and his cock from between his legs and backed off so he could explore other parts of his captive's anatomy.

Fascinated by the shapeliness of Ian's pecs and their protuberant pink tips, he gave each one a playful lick with the tip of his tongue before taking them into his mouth to suck on each of them in turn.

When he felt Ian's breathing quicken and his body quiver in response, he chuckled to himself and bit into them, only to observe the white boy's cock stiffen even further.

Sadly, Ian's pleasure was short-lived, as his squirms of delight only succeeded in drawing the Arab's attention to the defenceless of his rigid pink dick and in provoking him to display his contempt for it!

While Ali continued to sink his teeth deeper into Ian's nipples and shift the balance from giving him pleasure to inflicting pain, he also began slapping around the white boy's swollen shaft with similar intent, after which he proceeded to hold it up by the tip of its foreskin so he could land a series of uninhibited blows on his exposed balls.

As Ian gasped and moaned in response, Ali broke off sucking on his tits to silence him by sticking his tongue back in his mouth once more, after which, he gathered up his captive's scrotum in the palm of his hand and slowly squeezed it to underline the extent of the power he held over him.

Ian had experienced sex as rough as this before, so despite the pain, did not make any attempt to resist the horny Arab. That Ali was into domination and seemed determined to bring about his total sexual humiliation came as a not unwelcome surprise, as he had initially assumed he was in for little more than a quick fuck!

In reality, Ali had not sent Mehmet away to avoid him witnessing him making passionate love to the white tourist, but so he would not observe the aberrant sexual pleasure he obtained from tormenting him!

So before the lad returned, he led Ian by the ear across to an empty chair and bent him over it with his hands palm-down on its seat and kicked his legs wide apart.

"Stay there - no move!" he warned, when he finally had him positioned exactly to his liking.

After heaving a huge sigh of satisfaction, Ali began slapping the white tourist's pristine backside repeatedly with the flat of his hand, gently at first, then a little harder and at a swifter pace, switching randomly between one buttock and the other until both were flushed flamingo pink.

As the Arab's blows increased in ferocity, Ian found it harder and harder not to attempt to defend himself or plead with him to stop. But aware that any protest on his part might end the encounter prematurely, he resisted the temptation to ward off Ali's hand and instead gasped and moaned and performed an involuntary little dance as each slap hit home as a measure of the sacrifice he was willing to make in order to please him.

When he was awarded a brief respite, he thought for a moment his suffering was over, only for Ali to pick up his shorts from the floor and force them into his mouth as a makeshift gag!

After spotting his captive's leather sandals hidden beneath them, once he had silenced him, Ali was inspired to requisition one of them.

With a sadistic grin on his face, he flexed its sole between his hands before deciding it was the perfect implement for upping the white tourist's humiliation even more.

To be continued.....

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Then check out my two e-books listed on Amazon Kindle books (links listed on the Announcements page of Nifty or simply search for Barney Bumpkin on Amazon).

Or my other writing posted on Nifty which includes the full-length erotic novel "Teacher Training" plus short stories "Los Angeles" and "The Road to Shangri-La".

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Next: Chapter 3

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