Isle of Dogs

By Barney Bumpkin

Published on May 1, 2020



This story is intended for adults interested in homosexual erotica. If that is not something that you wish to read then go no further.

All characters and situations are fictional though hopefully plausible and grounded in reality.

The work published here is all my own with all rights reserved.

The author is based in the UK so the diction reflects this but my stories involve characters of different ethnicities and many are set in locations outside the UK.

My thanks go to Nifty for all the pleasure the Archive has given me over the years and for the opportunity to bring my writing efforts to the attention of those who share my particular erotic interests. Readers are encouraged to make a donation to keep the archive going for many more years.

As always, feedback both critical and complimentary is welcome via e-mail to:

Please don't contact me with commercial requests or advertising.

Hope you enjoy




After hearing about Playa Del Ingles reputation for being a sun-drenched gay paradise, Ian Hamilton opts to take a winter holiday in the Canary Islands.

Travelling alone, after the beak up of a relationship, he opts to book with a gay tour operator, thinking he will soon make friends with his fellow tourists.

But introverted Ian doesn't make friends easily and when his travelling companions all seem to be in tight-knit couples or groups and no one he fancies takes much interest in him, he turns to the locals to satisfy his craving for sexual domination and his lust for hirsute Latino and Arabic guys.

A few years later, a more sexually accomplished Ian hears the resort now has a leather scene, so decides to visit Gran Canaria again.

This time, he mixes more with his British compatriots, but after finding it hard to pin down a guy he fancies, who is into the sort of sex he enjoys, he fears he may have to settle for watching the drunken antics of others.

Until, on the last night of his stay, he summons up the courage to make a move on a strikingly handsome guy who has caught his eye in the disco.

When his affection is reciprocated, Ian proceeds to introduce his companion to the delights of public humiliation and bondage, only for things not to work out quite as he had planned...

  1. Abrier la puerta!

Despite the relentless upward pressure on his sphincter, Ian had managed to avoid being fisted, probably due to the barman's refusal to use any lube!

Once his orgasm had subsided, the pain from his abused hole, cock and nipples was transformed into a warm glow of relief but that coming from his trussed-up limbs persisted.

Fearing his muscles might begin to cramp at any moment, Ian was about to urge the grinning barman to release him, when there was the sound of loud knocking on the shutter, accompanied by a series of shouts in Spanish, followed in English by "Open up!"

In response, Enrique let out an exasperated curse before hurriedly tucking away his spent dick and rising to his feet.

"I warn you not make noise!" he hissed at Ian, clearly thinking it was the police who had returned after overhearing his cries echoing along the empty corridors.

"Okay! Okay!" he shouted in the direction of the doorway, accompanied by a few words in Spanish.

As the demands to open up were instantly repeated, Enrique hurriedly unfastened the cuffs to free Ian from his bonds and set about stuffing the restraints and chains back into his bag to conceal them.

"Quick, get dressed!" he whispered to the tourist as he stood rubbing his wrists to urge the blood to flow back into his hands.

While the weary Brit did as he was told, the barman hastily covered up the hooks on the walls with the posters, moved back the furniture to obscure the ones in the skirting and hid his bag of bondage gear behind it.

By the time Enrique had unlocked the door, pulled up the shutter and opened the security gate, a red-faced Ian had finished dressing and was steeling himself to face being interrogated by the Spanish police.

But when he discovered who it was that had been rapping on the shutter, Enrique visibly relaxed and as soon as he let the guy in, began talking to him in Spanish as though he were and old pal rather than someone who might arrest them at any moment.

Ian was surprised to find that he too recognised the new arrival! It was the guy he had taken for a policeman that he had bumped into on the stairs on his way into the shopping centre who had directed him to the wrong club.

However, now he had his contact lenses back in place, he could see the guy was not dressed in a smart policeman's uniform but the more battered and well-worn one of a security guard.

He could also see that, like the barman, he was of mixed race, though in his case more West African- looking than anything else and although probably no older than forty, large both in height and girth.

Although Enrique was plainly being given a telling-off by him for making use of the bar after hours for his own purposes, which would no doubt land him in trouble with the owner if the security guy reported it, when the barman handed him a complimentary whiskey it became clear they were now the best of friends.

Relieved, Ian slumped down on a bar stool to massage his aching limbs and gently rub his tortured nipples through his clothing, prompting his grinning conquistador to return to the bar for a beer for himself and provide him with a can of coke to slake his thirst.

As the Spanish pair continued to chat amiably in their own language, Ian realised from the way the African guy was eying him up, not only that the night-watchman was gay, but also that he was the subject of their conversation!

Twenty minutes later, by which time it was going on for 5am, Ian was led from the bar by the grinning night-watchman at the end of a leash, on all fours and butt naked, save for a leather collar encircling his neck!

Before they parted, Enrique reached down to award his arse a final slap by way of farewell then set about closing up the bar yet again, leaving the security guard to complete his rounds, this time accompanied by his newly acquired human guard dog and a plastic shopping bag full of his clothes grasped in his hand.

Thankfully, as a result of the actions of the real police earlier, the place now seemed totally deserted, but given its reputation for being open until dawn, Ian realised new customers in search of late night entertainment might yet arrive from elsewhere at any moment and witness his humiliation.

However, whether they were observed by anyone else or not, didn't seem to bother the elated security guard, who was plainly getting off on imposing this public disgrace on the White guy his pal the barman had traded him, in return for keeping shtum about what he'd been up to.

By now, the three glasses of whisky he'd also been treated to by Enrique, had kicked in sufficiently to obliterate any remaining inhibitions he might have had at doing whatever he liked with the pathetic White sub he'd been given to placate him!

Due to having been chained up with his back to the wall, the rear of Ian's body remained blemish- free apart from his ass, which was flushed just enough to make his new owner believe he had license to redden it further!

Fascinated by the pallor of his skin, as soon as they were out of sight of the barman, the burly security guard brought him to a halt and set down the bag so he could run his hands over Ian's flanks unobserved.

After sampling the softness of his back and briefly fondling his arse and genitals, chuckling when he felt his dick start to stiffen beneath his touch, he ran his hands down his thighs and calves for good measure, as though he were inspecting a racehorse.

He then caught Ian by surprise by grabbing hold of one of his ankles and stroking the underside of his foot, provoking him to kick out at him as he was convulsed by yet another fit of giggles!

Clearly, after making him strip and display himself to his new master, Enrique had also confided his weaknesses to him as well!

Only when he had imposed his will on him, by squatting down on the middle of his back and pinning him down to the floor, so he could tickle the sole of each of his feet with impunity, did the grinning African finally straighten up.

He then brought Ian's fits of uncontrollable laughter to a swift end, by landing twenty or more sobering blows on his rear-end with the flat of his hand.

After deciding he quite liked the sound of his sobs and the sight of the pretty White boy crawling around on the floor begging him not to hit him again, the burly security guard yanked his head across to his boots and instructed him to lick them, in Spanish!

So, tragically, Ian had ended up having to suffer another round of blows landing on his twice-beaten ass before he finally worked out what was expected of him!

With the Brit reduced to a whimpering heap at his feet, the night-watchman finally brought their raucous play to an end, by pulling hard on the leash to bring him to heel and soon had him back on his knees with his paws on the ground looking up at him awaiting his next command.

Emitting a little chuckle at his good fortune at coming across such a willing sub, he ran his fingers through the still panting Ian's auburn hair before grasping his head between his huge hands so he could examine his face more closely.

As a lust-filled look spread slowly over his face, the African raised the back of his hand to his mouth and held it there until Ian finally caught on to what was expected of him and stuck out his tongue to lick it!

Breaking into a grin at his willingness to accept of his new role, the security guard took his submission as his cue to up his humiliation even more and was soon rubbing him behind the ears and thrusting his fingers in to his mouth to bite on in the type of rough-house play a child might indulge in with a new puppy.

Now they had bonded, the night-watchman resumed his rounds with Ian on his leash behind him but kept pausing at regular intervals to teach his charge the rudiments of doggy discipline - providing him with incentives to co-operate via a mix of over-enthusiastic pats on the head and equally uninhibited whacks on the backside.

As he persisted in giving him his instructions in a language Ian couldn't understand, he ended up receiving far more of the latter than the former!

Ian guessed the night-watchman must be a dog owner as, despite his drunkenness, the way he controlled him through rewards and punishments seemed entirely authentic, so much so that Ian began to fully embrace his reduced role of being the animal-loving African's obedient mutt!

Thankfully, the pauses for tuition, strokes and discipline came at frequent intervals, so provided his knees with some much needed respite from padding along the unyielding, polished concrete floor in his master's wake. Although he guessed by the time they were done his knee-caps would end up as red as his tortured nipples, the pain was as nothing compared with what he had suffered earlier.

"What could possibly be more humiliating than this?" Ian reflected, as he rushed to keep pace with the security guard on his hands and knees with his reddened arse and balls on public display and his erect cock peeking out from between his legs revealing his excitement at his enslavement to all.

When they eventually reached the furthest extent of the night-watchman's domain without encountering another soul, Ian was a little disappointed! However, his public humiliation was still far from over!

As he came to a halt on the edge of the centre's uppermost terrace and surveyed the shopping centre's perimeter with his lower half hidden behind the four foot balcony wall, he ushered Ian to crouch down between his legs and began unfastening his belt.

Needing no words to prompt him what to do next, the Brit eagerly demonstrated his submission by opening up the front of his master's uniform pants and easing them down over his ass until he was able to sniff the moist cotton fabric of his ragged undershorts.

After inhaling the masculine smells emanating from his groin, he kissed the outline of his swollen dick and after noting the damp patches of pre-cum and urine surrounding its head, reverentially set free his bulging shaft and wrapped his lips around it.

As the security guard sighed and gazed up at the stars filling the cloudless night sky, at the other end of his leash, an equally aroused Ian hunkered down in the darkness beneath the parapet to feast on his velvet-skinned penis.

Simply by being himself and straightforwardly going for what he wanted, the beefy African had played the dom role to perfection and in the process got Ian more turned-on than he could recollect having been in his life before!

Determined to demonstrate his gratitude, he sought to provide his dark-skinned master not only with as much physical pleasure as he could but also increase his satisfaction by an unrestrained display of his submission.

In a frenzy of self-abasement, he greedily licked his dickhead clean of his juices then willingly set about cramming as much of his mammoth shaft into his mouth as he could without choking.

As he began sucking on it, he slowly eased the African's undershorts down over his curvaceous rump to free up his genitals completely then set about bathing his pendulous set of balls with his saliva.

As though he were testing out the extent of his devotion, after Ian had willingly taken his swollen shaft to the back of his throat and held it there for over a minute or more before gasping for breath, the African turned around and presented him with his ass!

Without hesitating for a second, Ian sank his nose between the ebony cheeks of his rear and after prising them apart with his fingers, slid his tongue deep into his hole.

To be continued...

If you liked this story, check out my latest Kindle e-book "EXPOSED" on Amazon.

You will also find my other two e-books "A Homage to India" and "Finding Friends" listed there if you have not already come across them.

(Links listed on the Announcements page of Nifty or simply search for Barney Bumpkin on Amazon).

Or check out my other writing posted on Nifty for free which includes the full-length erotic novel "Teacher Training". You'll find my work listed under "B" in the Authors tab or do a search for my name.

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Next: Chapter 20

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