Isle of Dogs

By Barney Bumpkin

Published on Mar 22, 2020



This story is intended for adults interested in homosexual erotica. If that is not something that you wish to read then go no further.

All characters and situations are fictional though hopefully plausible and grounded in reality.

The work published here is all my own with all rights reserved.

The author is based in the UK so the diction reflects this but my stories involve characters of different ethnicities and many are set in locations outside the UK.

My thanks go to Nifty for all the pleasure the Archive has given me over the years and for the opportunity to bring my writing efforts to the attention of those who share my particular erotic interests. Readers are encouraged to make a donation to keep the archive going for many more years.

As always, feedback both critical and complimentary is welcome via e-mail to:

Please don't contact me with commercial requests or advertising.

Hope you enjoy




After hearing about Playa Del Ingles reputation for being a sun-drenched gay paradise, Ian Hamilton opts to take a winter holiday in the Canary Islands.

Travelling alone, after the beak up of a relationship, he opts to book with a gay tour operator, thinking he will soon make friends with his fellow tourists.

But introverted Ian doesn't make friends easily and when his travelling companions all seem to be in tight-knit couples or groups and no one he fancies takes much interest in him, he turns to the locals to satisfy his craving for sexual domination and his lust for hirsute Latino and Arabic guys.

A few years later, a more sexually accomplished Ian hears the resort now has a leather scene, so decides to visit Gran Canaria again.

This time, he mixes more with his British compatriots, but after finding it hard to pin down a guy he fancies, who is into the sort of sex he enjoys, he fears he may have to settle for watching the drunken antics of others.

Until, on the last night of his stay, he summons up the courage to make a move on a strikingly handsome guy who has caught his eye in the disco.

When his affection is reciprocated, Ian proceeds to introduce his companion to the delights of public humiliation and bondage, only for things not to work out quite as he had planned...

  1. The Bronx

After his unconsummated but arousing encounter with John, Ian was feeling hornier than ever!

So, despite the lateness of the hour, instead of asking the taxi driver to take him back to his apartment for a solitary wank before going to bed, he instructed him to take him to the Nilo Shopping Centre, where the gay bars and discos reputedly stayed open until dawn.

When they pulled up outside the reinforced concrete entrance of the unprepossessing mall, Ian paid off the cabby, who thankfully charged him far less than he had feared he might, and with a grin handed him his card to encourage him to make use of his services again.

He then stumbled up the steps with little clue about which way to turn so asked directions "to the club" from a policeman who he literally bumped into on the stairs.

Following his instructions, he went downstairs and discovered a loud, but obviously heterosexual, event going on in the basement. After quickly walking straight past it, he found himself in a fluorescently-lit car park.

Realising that to find his own way to the gay bars and do more cruising when he arrived, he needed to return his contact lenses to his eyes, Ian made use of the brighter lighting and a car's wing mirror to put them back in place and suddenly it became a lot easier to find his way around!

After climbing back up the stairs, he soon found his way to one of the places he had been on the lookout for, a black painted, neon-illuminated, American style leather bar called "The Bronx". As he peered in through the open doorway he could only spot a few customers inside, so before buying a drink he opted to wander further along the corridor to check out the other gay bar listed in his guide, only to find that one was emptier still!

So, he returned to the Bronx, stood at the bar and ordered a beer.

The barman was around his age and height, with an athletic-looking body, a virtually shaved head, a sexy beard and 'tache, only a little longer than five O'clock shadow, and a handsome enough face, but in sharp contrast with himself, possessed a deeply tanned skin.

If he was back in London, he would have assumed he was likely a mix of African Caribbean/Indian/White origin but in Spain he was uncertain what his ethnic origins might be - he only knew whatever it was, he found it incredibly attractive!

When he greeted him it was his big brown eyes that had caught his attention but when he turned to extract his chosen beer from the fridge it was his peach of arse!

No doubt at the owner's insistence, the barman was skimpily dressed for his duties in an arse- hugging pair of pants and a tight-fitting vest that revealed both his bulging biceps and the beginnings of his hair-coated chest, making Ian suspect that he was hairy all over.

"Have I arrived too early, or too late?" Ian joked, in reference to the small number of guys present.

But when the barman clearly didn't understand his question, he let it go and moved on to checking out the guys on his side of the bar.

There were five besides himself, but to his surprise all were pretty attractive.So, in between thumbing through the gay porn mags the management had considerately laid out on the bar counter for their customer's amusement, he stared surreptitiously at each one of them in turn, helped by a mirror which ran all along one wall, which from his sideways-on position allowed him to cruise in both directions at the same time - it was just a shame there weren't more men for him to attempt to catch the eye of!

When two of the men he'd just been cruising got up and left together and no more arrived, it became clear to Ian that the bar was not filling up as he'd hoped, but near to closing! Well, it was now going on for 3am!

In the absence of anyone else to converse with, the barman came back to chat with him and asked him in English where he was from and how long he was staying on the island. Ian happily answered his questions and a short while later, asked him more directly if the bar was about to close.

"In ten minutes," he replied, clearly recognising his rephrased question more easily this time round. When they were down to only one guy left, apart from the barman and himself, his host enquired what he was planning to do next.

Concluding that his evening was about to end in disappointment, Ian said he was going back to his apartment.

Only after the words were out, did it occur to him that this had been a proposition, and, what was worse, that his response could be interpreted as turning it down!

He quickly looked back at the barman with renewed interest, trying to reverse the effect of his half- witted reply.

However, he need not have worried, faced with a choice of one, the barman persisted!

"You are very nice!" he informed him with a grin.

That was all the encouragement Ian needed - he didn't reply - he just gave him a huge smile in return.

At a word from the barman, the lone man remaining set about closing the place down around him - pulling down metal shutters and gates and switching off the music.

Ian watched as he finished off the last of his beer, beginning to get excited at the prospect of being locked in with these two - would both of them want to have sex with him, he wondered?

So he was a bit disappointed when five minutes later he was ushered out of the door so that they could switch off the lights and lock the security gates behind them.

Even more disappointing, the barman then said goodbye to his handsome friend and put pay to Ian's fantasies of a threesome!

The barman, who at this point asked him his name and informed him his was Enrique, led him along a corridor to another part of the complex where, to his surprise, there was a crowded gay disco still in full swing!

However, within a few minutes of their arrival, it became obvious that something was seriously amiss as the music suddenly stopped and a large number of policemen streamed in through the doorway.

Gay men with sweat-glazed limbs stood around aimlessly as an embarrassing silence replaced the ceaseless rhythm that had provided the inspiration for their dance. Others anxiously stowed away the illicit drugs they had been using, while others stood awkwardly apart from the man they had just been embracing.

Despite the confusion, Ian's barman had somehow managed to get hold of a couple of beers. After depositing one in his hand, he returned to have a serious talk with his Spanish counterpart to find out what was going on.

Ian stood by comprehending nothing, secure that Enrique was looking out for his best interests. But when the music failed to restart, some of the clubbers started drifting away and a few minutes later, bright overhead lights were switched on and it became clear to everyone that the police were intent on closing the place down.

As they began ushering people out of the building, Enrique urged him to finish his drink and led Ian away from the crowd heading for the shopping centre exit, back along the way they had just come. When he came to The Bronx, he pulled out his keys, rapidly unlocked the metal gates, pulled the shutter up halfway and swung open the internal door. He looked each way to check no one was looking and when the coast was clear, ushered Ian inside.

This was getting exciting!

To be continued...

If you liked this story, check out my latest Kindle e-book "EXPOSED" on Amazon.

You will also find my other two e-books "A Homage to India" and "Finding Friends" listed there if you have not already come across them.

(Links listed on the Announcements page of Nifty or simply search for Barney Bumpkin on Amazon).

Or check out my other writing posted on Nifty for free which includes the full-length erotic novel "Teacher Training". You'll find my work listed under "B" in the Authors tab or do a search for my name.

N.B. Kindle e-books can be read on a PC or mobile phone by non-Kindle owners using a free app downloadable from the various Amazon websites.

Next: Chapter 16

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