Isle of Dogs

By Barney Bumpkin

Published on Mar 13, 2020



This story is intended for adults interested in homosexual erotica. If that is not something that you wish to read then go no further.

All characters and situations are fictional though hopefully plausible and grounded in reality.

The work published here is all my own with all rights reserved.

The author is based in the UK so the diction reflects this but my stories involve characters of different ethnicities and many are set in locations outside the UK.

My thanks go to Nifty for all the pleasure the Archive has given me over the years and for the opportunity to bring my writing efforts to the attention of those who share my particular erotic interests. Readers are encouraged to make a donation to keep the archive going for many more years.

As always, feedback both critical and complimentary is welcome via e-mail to:

Please don't contact me with commercial requests or advertising.

Hope you enjoy




After hearing about Playa Del Ingles reputation for being a sun-drenched gay paradise, Ian Hamilton opts to take a winter holiday in the Canary Islands.

Travelling alone, after the beak up of a relationship, he opts to book with a gay tour operator, thinking he will soon make friends with his fellow tourists.

But introverted Ian doesn't make friends easily and when his travelling companions all seem to be in tight-knit couples or groups and no one he fancies takes much interest in him, he turns to the locals to satisfy his craving for sexual domination and his lust for hirsute Latino and Arabic guys.

A few years later, a more sexually accomplished Ian hears the resort now has a leather scene, so decides to visit Gran Canaria again.

This time, he mixes more with his British compatriots, but after finding it hard to pin down a guy he fancies, who is into the sort of sex he enjoys, he fears he may have to settle for watching the drunken antics of others.

Until, on the last night of his stay, he summons up the courage to make a move on a strikingly handsome guy who has caught his eye in the disco.

When his affection is reciprocated, Ian proceeds to introduce his companion to the delights of public humiliation and bondage, only for things not to work out quite as he had planned...

  1. Brief Encounter

Despite his drunkenness, five minutes later, John was leading Ian surefootedly by the hand through the maze of arcades and terraces to the taxi-rank outside the shopping mall. There they instantly found a cab to take them back to his hotel, maybe because neither of them had the presence of mind to enquire about the cost of the fare!

Initially intimidated by the taxi driver's presence, the pair sat apart on the back seat just holding hands. But once the car pulled away and the interior light faded, Ian swiftly drew the lad toward him and resumed his kissing lesson once more.

Not one to miss up on an opportunity to indulge his love of sex in public places, after a series of long, lingering, kisses, Ian firmly directed the youngster's head down to his groin.

Meeting little resistance, after stroking him gently on the back of his head with his palm, he slowly increased the downward pressure and began thrusting his swollen dick up against the lad's face.

When the warmth of John's breath and the saliva from his kisses began to permeate the taut fabric of his jeans, Ian interrupted him to ease down his zipper to permit his admirer unhindered access to his cock (having recently dispensed with wearing any underwear for his gay cruising expeditions).

Without a second's hesitation, John gobbled up his manhood and began sucking on it with the enthusiasm of a hungry infant, earning himself more appreciative pats on the head from his tutor, but also a warning.

"Careful with the teeth!" Ian winced in his ear, pulling the youngster's drooling head up from his groin by a lock of his hair, then immediately thrusting it back down again.

John got the message, and seemed taken by the authority with which his more experienced partner had addressed him.

Whilst Ian sat back and savoured his pleasure with a contented grin on his face, the lad obediently spread his jaws wider, increased the pace of his sucking and willingly took Ian's shaft all the way to the back of his throat.

More pats on the head quickly followed to communicate his mentor's approval of his efforts to please him.

But as his passion grew and they speeded toward their destination, Ian decided he wanted more from the college boy than just kisses and having his cock sucked before their journey was over.

He cast a glance toward their driver as he pondered how daring his next move might be and how likely he was to intervene.

Despite the obvious sounds of sexual goings-on emanating from the rear of the cab, the taxi driver had so far turned a blind eye to what was going on behind him and had kept his eyes fixed firmly on the road.

No doubt this sort of thing happened on a regular basis when he picked guys up from the Yumbo Centre, Ian assured himself. Maybe he was gay too or hoped through his cooperation to secure a larger tip?

Either way, at this juncture Ian risked upping the lad's humiliation further by unfastening his pants and easing them down, along with his briefs, while he continued to suck him, and was immediately rewarded for his boldness.

John turned out to have a peach of an ass which Ian was more than happy to show his appreciation for by kissing repeatedly as he slowly slid the lad's pants down to his ankles and his T-shirt up to his armpits to expose yet more of his pallid flesh.

As a result of his preference for hirsute men, Ian had forgotten just how silky smooth the skin of a young White lad could be!

Now he was being treated to a surfeit of it, his appreciation heightened by the sweet smell of the various lotions the pale-skinned youngster had employed to protect it from the ravages of the sun, as he ran his hands over John's velvet torso from top to bottom!

But it was more than the sensual delights of fondling the lad's exposed flesh that heightened his passions; it was the prospect of getting away with stripping him entirely naked in the back of a cab!

Meeting no resistance, Ian calmly slid off the inebriated youngster's trainers to allow him to fully remove his rucked-up trousers and then pulled off each of his short cotton socks for good measure.

Moments later, he interrupted John's cock-sucking to wrench his T-shirt off over his arms and head, then celebrated completing the job of denuding the youngster by twisting his head around to kiss him passionately on the lips once more.

As the lad's body turned to the side, Ian caught sight of his perfectly-formed pink cock for the first time, pointing vertically up from his groin as large and erect as his own and couldn't resist reaching out to give it a slap!

John had implied his accommodation was relatively close-by the Yumbo, so whether their driver took a direct or circuitous route to their destination in order to boost the fare Ian didn't have a clue.

However, whether this was the case or not, he was grateful that the guy had not only awarded him sufficient time to strip the lad completely and refrained from interrupting their lovemaking, but also given him the opportunity to bring their encounter to a climax before they reached their destination.

After sliding the fingers of one hand into the college boy's drooling mouth to silence him, Ian used those of the other to check out his balls, peel back his foreskin and award his swollen shaft a few playful tugs to heighten his excitement still further.

Encouraged by John's meek compliance with his every demand, he yanked his head back downwards by his jaw until he had him positioned over his knee with his arse up in the air with his cock secured between his thighs.

Dare he risk landing a few slaps on the youngster's pristine ass? Or would this take his submission beyond acceptable limits and risk exceeding the tolerance the driver had so far been prepared to show toward their lovemaking?

Maybe that would be pushing things too far on a first date, he chuckled to himself, opting instead to free his spittle-lubricated fingers from the lad's mouth, prise apart his buttocks and sink a couple of them into his hole!

With John bucking and squirming delightfully beneath him, Ian repeatedly slid them in and out of his ass and used his free hand to guide his head down to his foot until his nose was nestling against the top of his trainer.

"Lick it!" he hissed in his ear.

Once again, the lad did not let him down and stuck out his tongue to humbly obey his Master's instructions.

Maybe it was the result of someone massaging his virginally tight anus for the first time, or their fingers happening to rub up against his prostate gland that did it! Or maybe it was the more cerebral experience of finding himself stripped entirely naked in a public place, draped over a guy's knee with his bum in the air whilst licking his footwear? Or maybe it was the excitement he felt at having someone as handsome and sexy as Ian take an interest him and permit him to suck his cock?

Most likely it was a combination of all of them; as within a few seconds of rubbing his shaft between Ian's thighs as Ian fingered him, the youngster lost control of his bodily functions and began pumping out copious quantities of semen onto the floor of the cab!

Realising the lad's premature ejaculation had given him the perfect excuse to bring their encounter to a conclusion, Ian jumped at the chance of getting away before the youngster's romantic ambitions for him became too burdensome.

Although he'd enjoyed his company and their brief erotic encounter in the bar and in the backseat of the cab, his charity only went so far! He was old and wise enough to know it was best to avoid becoming emotionally entangled with a young guy looking for his first relationship - especially one whose mate he fancied more than him - as in the long term it was bound to be a big disappointment to them both!

As John's orgasmic throes gradually ground to a halt and the taxi coincidentally drew to a halt outside his hotel, Ian faked annoyance with him for cumming first by pushing his head down to his puddle of spunk by the neck and demanding he lick it up, then landing half a dozen sharp blows on his bare ass when he refused!

That would give him something to remember him by!

As he'd hoped, as well as giving him pleasure, his actions succeeded in convincing John that he had fallen for a guy who was into sex far too kinky for his tastes and set him scrambling to retrieve his clothes from the floor.

Thankfully, the more mature taxi driver just looked on with a grin on his face as Ian overcame the youngster's resistance and contimued to pummel his buttocks before finally opening up the rear door and ejecting the naked and red-arsed youngster onto the pavement and throwing his clothes out after him.

Leaving the humiliated college boy attempting to preserve his modesty at the foot of the white- painted, ten-storey, monolith they had stopped in front of, Ian instructed the driver to drop him off elsewhere, after which he assured him he would settle the bill.

To be continued...

If you liked this story, check out my latest Kindle e-book "EXPOSED" on Amazon.

You will also find my other two e-books "A Homage to India" and "Finding Friends" listed there if you have not already come across them.

(Links listed on the Announcements page of Nifty or simply search for Barney Bumpkin on Amazon).

Or check out my other writing posted on Nifty for free which includes the full-length erotic novel "Teacher Training". You'll find my work listed under "B" in the Authors tab or do a search for my name.

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Next: Chapter 15

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