Isle of Dogs

By Barney Bumpkin

Published on Aug 9, 2019



This story is intended for adults interested in homosexual erotica. If that is not something that you wish to read then go no further.

All characters and situations are fictional though hopefully plausible and grounded in reality.

The work published here is all my own with all rights reserved.

The author is based in the UK so the diction reflects this but my stories involve characters of different ethnicities and many are set in locations outside the UK.

My thanks go to Nifty for all the pleasure the Archive has given me over the years and for the opportunity to bring my writing efforts to the attention of those who share my particular erotic interests. Readers are encouraged to make a donation to keep the archive going for many more years.

As always, feedback both critical and complimentary is welcome via e-mail to:

Please don't contact me with commercial requests or advertising.

Hope you enjoy


The Isle of Dogs?


After hearing about Playa Del Ingles reputation for being a sun-drenched gay paradise, Ian Hamilton opts to take a winter holiday in the Canary Islands.

Travelling alone, after the beak up of a relationship, he opts to book with a gay tour operator, thinking he will soon make friends with his fellow tourists.

But introverted Ian doesn't make friends easily and when his travelling companions all seem to be in tight-knit couples or groups and no one he fancies takes much interest in him, he turns to the locals to satisfy his craving for sexual domination and his lust for hirsute Latino and Arabic guys.

A few years later, a more sexually accomplished Ian hears the resort now has a leather scene, so decides to visit Gran Canaria again.

This time, he mixes more with his British compatriots, but after finding it hard to pin down a guy he fancies, who is into the sort of sex he enjoys, he fears he may have to settle for watching the drunken antics of others.

Until, on the last night of his stay, he summons up the courage to make a move on a strikingly handsome guy who has caught his eye in the disco.

When his affection is reciprocated, Ian proceeds to introduce his companion to the delights of public humiliation and bondage, only for things not to work out quite as he had planned...

Part 11

The moment Marcel was out of the picture, the orderly queue quickly disintegrated and a free-for-all ensued.

After sampling the taste of Ian's dick, his first admirer had risen to his feet and was kissing him on the lips once more with his arms wrapped tightly around him, sliding his ample manhood between his thighs squashing his own member up against his belly with each forward thrust.

As more than one additional pair of hands began fondling his body at the same time, Ian's suspicion that Marcel had invited other guys, in addition to the Spaniard, to join in with his humiliation was swiftly confirmed.

Unable to do much about it, even if he'd wanted to, the defenceless tourist soon discovered there was a plus side from having each and every part of his anatomy simultaneously pawed by a bunch of horny gay guys, many of whom appeared to possess a keen insight into what would turn him on the most!

Setting any trace of decorum aside, one guy squeezed in between Ian and the tree trunk and set about sinking his face into the cleft between his reddened buttocks. A more dominant one soon joined him but focussed his attention on the upper part of Ian's rear, running his muscular fingers through his short-cropped hair to massage his scalp then wrapping his other hand more ominously around his throat while the Spaniard's attention was diverted elsewhere.

As the extent of his vulnerability sank in, his physical pleasure was amplified by his emotions as he embraced the dual humiliation of having his body completely at the mercy of strangers, regardless of their age or looks, and of his deflowering taking place in public, in the daylight, in a location where anyone might witness it!

Ironically, Ian reflected, the openness of his sexual molestation provided him with some protection from physical attack and the improvised blindfold prevented his identity from becoming known. He'd had the foresight to reduce the risk of robbery by bringing little of value with him, apart from his watch, which he had thoughtlessly put on out of habit, then stowed away for safety in the bottom of his bag. Losing his apartment key would be a hassle though, if that were to go missing...

But rather than focus on his fears, beneath his sock-blindfold, Ian embraced his predicament and brought to mind images of the mischievous young Frenchman who had so inventively converted this bondage fantasies into reality and the tanned Latino hunk he had cruised on his arrival at the beach, not realising he was the one busily thrusting his cock between his thighs and kissing him passionately on the lips!

Sadly, it didn't take long for less desirable aspects of his vulnerability to emerge, when yet another guy joined in the melee and thrust an open bottle of poppers beneath his nose and held it there.

With his hands tied, Ian had little alternative but to breath in the vapour and experience their effect full-on for the first time. Within a few heady moments his heartrate doubled, his face reddened and his cock hardened. Here was one aspect of being rendered helpless and mobbed by a group of horny gay guys he had not anticipated!

A little pain and discomfort and transitory damage to his body he was willing to put up with in pursuit of sexual pleasure, but he drew the line at things that might present serious threats to his health!

Fucking bareback, dirty sex, breath control and fisting were listed as off-limits on Ian's dating profile, but when one of your primary turn-ons is to be rendered completely helpless, in public as well as private places, it is difficult to enforce such restrictions!

The reassurance provided by a regular dom, would circumvent such problems he realised, but as yet he had only come across one who passed muster, and he had abandoned him! Even if he found himself another, the spontaneity and unpredictability of sex with in public places would still be absent.

No, he concluded, obtaining the type of sexual experiences he hankered after would depend on both the kindness (and the meanness) of strangers and always contain an element of risk, as this was itself a key ingredient of its fascination for him.

That many gay guys opted not to take such risks and confine sating their submissive desires to the virtual world or to their sexual fantasies, he could well understand...

To Ian's relief, upon spotting his distress, the Spaniard jumped to his defence.

Annoyed by the presence of so many rivals, he fended off the poppers enthusiast before he could do him any lasting harm.

He then did his best to ward off the rest of Ian's fan club but soon realised he was fighting a losing battle, so abandoned keeping him entirely to himself and settled instead for getting first shot at fucking his arse.

Considerably younger and more muscular than the rest of the crowd, they stood back to admire his body as he slid down his shorts to reveal his bronzed buttocks and large, swollen dick, over which he stretched the condom Marcel had handed him, and permitted him to claim his prize.

"No pics!" the Spaniard spat out in exasperation, when a couple of guys in the crowd immediately pulled out their mobiles to augment their holiday snaps with those of the erotic event they'd had the good fortune to stumble across amidst the dunes.

Only when they shamefacedly stowed away their phones, in response to his glare, did Ian's beefy protector turn him around to face the tree, kick his legs wide apart and coat his dick with lube.

Then, taking full charge of his swaying body, the Spaniard aligned the tip of his dick with his hole and slowly entered him, before easing Ian back toward him by the hips and thrusting his cock forward until his member was buried inside him to its fullest extent.

Ian let out a grateful moan as he felt himself filled up inside once again and whimpered as the Spaniard arched his back and thrust his dick, satyr-like, in and out of his rear, any pain he experienced dulled by the effect of the poppers that he had inhaled against his will.

In homage to his enviable looks and gym-toned, sun-tanned, body, the rest of the team worked in harmony to keep Ian steady, while the one who had been licking Ian's arse previously complemented the Spaniard's actions by crouching down between his legs and taking the groaning Englishman's bloated cock into his mouth.

As the Spaniard's excitement increased, he rested his face on Ian's shoulder and muttered words of love, or more likely expletives, in his ear in his mother tongue, to excite himself all the more.

Inspired by the bite marks Marcel had left emblazoned on his conquest's neck, he opted to follow the young Frenchman's example and go beyond mere kissing to leave the Brit a souvenir or two of his own to remember him by.

As the notion of humiliating him in this way took hold of his imagination, the Spaniard progressed from sucking the soft flesh atop Ian's shoulders to sinking his teeth into it, as he plunged his cock ever more rapidly inside him to achieve his climax, accompanied by a chorus of "Fuck him!" "Fuck him!" from his increasingly excited audience.

Soon afterwards, the handsome Spaniard's cock erupted deep inside the Englishman's loins and he uttered a loud cry of satisfaction, which was greeted by a cheer from the watching crowd not least because it meant they would, at long last, get their own turn at fucking his arse.

Once his orgasm had subsided, Ian's aficionado withdrew his dick from his hole, awarded the waiting spectators a triumphant grin and added his seed, and the condom, to those discarded at the roots of the tree.

As the mob swiftly encircled Ian, he glanced at his watch, pulled up his shorts and hurried off to re-join his mates on the beach, with the hapless Brit's swimwear still tucked inside his pocket.

No sooner had the Spaniard departed with his trophy, than Marcel's other recruits were vying with each other to be the next in line to lay claim to his ass.

While the more voyeuristic ones among them happily waited their turn, content with watching and wanking, and taking the occasional pic, the others set about getting their money's worth by exploiting Ian's helplessness to the full.

Fortunately, the soft-hearted older couple, who ended up being the last to have their way with him, were charitable enough to take a little longer to cum in order to ensure Ian's first public bondage experience reached a happy ending.

While one expertly targeted his slender dick at Ian's prostate, the other sucked happily on his cock with the power of a vacuum cleaner and, having observed the effect it had on him, tweaked his nipples while he did it, to increase his excitement further.

The pair's expertly targeted stimulation, on top of all that had gone before, caused Ian to rapidly lose control and within minutes shoot his load into the insistent guy's mouth, tightening his ass muscles in the process and bringing the guy fucking him to achieve is orgasm in tandem with his own.

His sperm was no sooner expelled from his cock than every drop was greedily gobbled up by his partner, after which, the guy rose to his feet to seek inspiration to achieve a climax of his own.

He began by planting a kiss on the still-tethered Ian's parted lips and then proceeded to claim his tongue by sucking it into his mouth as he pulled excitedly on his dick.

Once his accomplice had withdrawn his cock from Ian's backside, he augmented his dominance of the helpless sub by easing the fingers of his free hand inside his hole to fill the void, prising them inside until its perimeter was stretched to the limit and the Brit was teetering on his toes to avoid himself being penetrated any deeper.

"Please don't fist me!" Ian pleaded breathlessly.

Heeding his plea, maybe since his arse was too tight to fist in any case, the guy settled for sliding four fingers inside him and gripping Ian's ass-hole so he could control his every movement as he swung helplessly in front of him from his tethered wrists.

At this point he underlined his vulnerability by sinking his teeth into his flesh just below his shoulder blade, to add a further bite to those already inflicted on him to brand the Englishman as the slut he had become, after which he accelerated the pace of his wanking and quickly brought himself to orgasm.

Exhausted and completely spent, Ian heaved a sigh of relief as he felt his admirer's excitement reach its zenith and his effervescent load cascade down over his legs, after which the pressure on his backside finally subsided.

After awarding him a minute or so to savour his pleasure, Ian pleaded with him to set him free.

"No problem!" he assured him, finally removing his fingers from his arse and backing away to allow his mate to add a few more pics of Ian to their collection before stepping forward again to unpick the knots in the laces that attached his arms to the tree and remove the sock-blindfold from his head.

When Ian's eyes eventually adjusted to the brightness of the sunlight, he got a shock when it was not the handsome face of Marcel that greeted him but a couple of sun- baked sixty-odd year olds with big grins plastered across their suntanned faces.

Despite Ian thanking the guys profusely for releasing him, they picked up on the look of disappointment that had filled his eyes on seeing their faces and headed off into the dunes from whence they came, taking his socks and laces with them!

It was only after searching the walled enclosure at the other side of the tree, that Ian realised the full extent of his plight - that, in addition to Marcel, his bag, clothes, trainers and towel, were also nowhere to be seen!

Left with nothing to hide his shame or any means of getting back to his accommodation, Ian had little alternative but to head back in the direction of the rainbow flag in the hope of obtaining assistance from the gay guys still sunning themselves on the beach.

Upon spotting the figure of Kurt in the process of leaving, Ian heaved a sigh of relief and explained to him that he had been robbed.

Could he loan him something to wear and ten Euros to hire a taxi to get back to his apartment complex, he pleaded?

After eying Ian's bitten neck and shoulders, reddened nipples and glowing arse, not to mention the fresh semen adorning his legs, the German, registered the Brit he had had a far more successful time sex-wise by heading off into the dunes than he had by remaining on the beach.

So it didn't take more than a couple of seconds for him to decide upon his reply.

"If you get down on your knees and suck my dick, you slut!" he replied in an American accent, using a phrase Ian guessed he had probably picked up from a US porn movie.

Ian gazed around at the vacant sunbeds surrounding them and the crowds snaking their back into town along the seashore and reluctantly got down on his knees to take the frustrated German's bulging cock into his mouth to earn his passage home.

To be continued...

Although this story is far from over, Barney figures he deserves a holiday before he posts the next instalment of Ian's adventures in the Canary Isles, which will follow in two weeks' time.

In the meanwhile, if you can't wait to sample more of my writing check out my two e-books listed on Amazon Kindle books (links listed on the Announcements page of Nifty or simply search for Barney Bumpkin on Amazon).

Or my other writing posted on Nifty which includes the full-length erotic novel "Teacher Training" plus short stories "Los Angeles" and "The Road to Shangri-La". Find my work listed under "B" in the Authors tab or do a search for my name.

N.B. Kindle e-books can be read on a PC or mobile phone by non-Kindle owners using a free app downloadable from the Amazon website.

Next: Chapter 12

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