Isle of Dogs

By Barney Bumpkin

Published on Aug 2, 2019



This story is intended for adults interested in homosexual erotica. If that is not something that you wish to read then go no further.

All characters and situations are fictional though hopefully plausible and grounded in reality.

The work published here is all my own with all rights reserved.

The author is based in the UK so the diction reflects this but my stories involve characters of different ethnicities and many are set in locations outside the UK.

My thanks go to Nifty for all the pleasure the Archive has given me over the years and for the opportunity to bring my writing efforts to the attention of those who share my particular erotic interests. Readers are encouraged to make a donation to keep the archive going for many more years.

As always, feedback both critical and complimentary is welcome via e-mail to:

Please don't contact me with commercial requests or advertising.

Hope you enjoy


The Isle of Dogs?


After hearing about Playa Del Ingles reputation for being a sun-drenched gay paradise, Ian Hamilton opts to take a winter holiday in the Canary Islands.

Travelling alone, after the beak up of a relationship, he opts to book with a gay tour operator, thinking he will soon make friends with his fellow tourists.

But introverted Ian doesn't make friends easily and when his travelling companions all seem to be in tight-knit couples or groups and no one he fancies takes much interest in him, he turns to the locals to satisfy his craving for sexual domination and his lust for hirsute Latino and Arabic guys.

A few years later, a more sexually accomplished Ian hears the resort now has a leather scene, so decides to visit Gran Canaria again.

This time, he mixes more with his British compatriots, but after finding it hard to pin down a guy he fancies, who is into the sort of sex he enjoys, he fears he may have to settle for watching the drunken antics of others.

Until, on the last night of his stay, he summons up the courage to make a move on a strikingly handsome guy who has caught his eye in the disco.

When his affection is reciprocated, Ian proceeds to introduce his companion to the delights of public humiliation and bondage, only for things not to work out quite as he had planned...

Part 10

"Ou etes vous, Monsieur?" Ian ventured hoarsely, beginning to panic when he had neither heard nor felt Marcel's presence for what seemed like several minutes.

"Be quiet!" shouted back the Frenchman, who had been busy gathering up Ian's possessions from the other side of the tree and loading them up into his bag.

Realising that in addition to trussing him up, he'd have to silence the Englishman before he took his leave, Marcel removed the speedos from his bag of swag and prised them into his mouth as a makeshift gag.

As he stood beside him, he paused to admire his handiwork and reached out to fondle the taut skin of Ian's stretched out torso, becoming aroused once more by the completeness of his vulnerability.

After witnessing a quiver pass through his captive's body, he chuckled and ran his hands over his flanks and back to sample the softness of the Englishman's seldom- exposed, white flesh.

When he shuddered once more in response, the Frenchman grinned and moved on to tantalise him still further by tickling him beneath his exposed underarms, chuckling as Ian began to convulse and jerk around in a fruitless attempt to escape his teasing.

Without pausing to give him the opportunity to compose himself, Marcel then switched his attention to his tits, twisting one while he chewed on the other, sending his captive writhing and whimpering forlornly into his gag, but his cock rocketing upwards toward the cloudless blue sky.

Unable to escape whatever torment Marcel chose to impose on him, however much suffering it might entail, Ian was left with little alternative but to embrace his role as the Frenchman's plaything and accept both the agony and the ecstasy resulting from his chastisement as his due.

For his part, Marcel found his defenceless sub's high-pitched whines and guttural pleas for mercy even more arousing and an inducement to increase his humiliation still further.

Buoyed up by the extent of his sexual triumph, Marcel decided that he would leave his mark upon his conquest's body before he abandoned him, in the same way the two Arabs had done, in imitation of his swashbuckling hero, Zorro!

After securing Ian by his swollen cock and balls to prevent him from backing away, the Frenchman picked a spot halfway down the side of his neck and, on the pretence of awarding him a kiss, sank his teeth deep into his victim's previously flawless skin.

When Ian realised what he was up to, he struggled to pull away, only for the Frenchman to tighten his grip on his genitals, clamp his jaws together and refuse to release them until the impression of his bite had been etched in red onto his victim's pallid flesh.

Finding Ian's impotent struggles a huge turn-on, Marcel quickly returned to imprint a second bite-mark on the opposite side of the hapless tourist's neck.

"Now I spank your arse!" he chuckled as he stood back to admire the two enormous hickeys he had successfully emblazoned above Ian's neckline, which would mark him out as a slut to all-comers for the rest of his stay at the resort.

His sadistic impulses now to the fore, in return for Ian's attempt at resistance, Marcel ensured he landed his blows atop the reddened circles already adorning his arse as he pummelled the Englishman's rear with the flat of his hand until he was reduced to whimpering forlornly and his swollen cock began to shrink back to nothing as a result the pain.

It was thirst, as a result of his exertions in the heat, rather than any softer feelings toward him, that eventually persuaded the Frenchman to bring his captive's suffering to an end.

Recalling the half-finished drink he had found secreted in Ian's bag, he sat down on the wall behind him and helped himself to what remained of it. He then celebrated the Englishman's total humiliation by lighting up yet another cigarette.

However, this time when he glanced around as he relaxed, he noted the previously deserted patches of scrub nearby were alive with gay guys.

They must have homed in on the sound of Ian's spanking, he realised with a chuckle.

Deciding he would give the voyeurs a show, in between drags on his fag, Marcel landed a series of unexpected slaps on his blindfolded slave's cock for the spectator's entertainment.

Remarkably, Ian's shaft began to stiffen once again!

The Frenchman had barely extinguished his cigarette, when he was approached by one of the voyeurs - a beefy-looking guy in his thirties with a dark tan and curly, jet black hair, dressed in a vest, shorts and sandals.

Unlike the more tentative older guys, after spotting the naked Ian, gagged, blindfolded and trussed up to a tree, he had headed straight for the fully clothed youngster smoking contentedly beside him - whom he deduced, correctly, must be the one in a position to grant his request to join in the fun.

"Ola!" he ventured to Marcel with a grin, now close enough to see the pale-skinned naked guy was not only pretty fit and sporting a hard-on but also had both a reddened backside and inflamed nipples to match!

Wasn't this the guy who had cruised him down on the beach he pondered? But he couldn't recollect noticing the matching love bites that now adorned both sides of his neck!

The Frenchman rose to his feet, returned the Spaniard's greeting and then proceeded to engage him in conversation in a mix of their respective languages.

Both Ian's ears and his dick pricked up at the sound of the stranger's voice, thrilled at the prospect of being taken advantage of by more than one guy at the same time, just one day after it had happened to him for the first time.

This holiday resort was living up to its reputation as a gay paradise but not in the ways described in the brochure...

Ian's excitement increased still further, when, shortly after the start of their conversation, Marcel led the newcomer up to him and encouraged him to twist the tips of his nipples to witness the effect it would have on him.

By now, it will not come as a surprise to the reader that in response the helpless Briton began to gasp and moan and his cock to stand to attention even more rigidly than ever.

Happily, this reaction caused his Spanish admirer to relax and share a conspiratorial chuckle with the mischievous French kid who had plainly taken advantage of the guy's frustration and sexual naivet‚ to turn him into his willing slave.

After a round of haggling, reminiscent of those that took place in the GC shopping mall, the horny Spaniard pulled out his wallet and reluctantly handed over a twenty Euro note to Marcel for the privilege of fucking the guy he could have picked up for nothing earlier on that day, if only his gossip-prone pals hadn't been hanging around to witness him do it!

But there were advantages to be had from being awarded free-reign over a guy he fancied who was unable to resist his attentions - for a start it avoided all the pre-sex chit-chat with someone who didn't speak his own language!

Seeing Ian's excitement at being trussed up like this and the marks adorning his twice-ravished body, the Spaniard saw it as giving him carte blanche to do whatever he liked with him as far as sex was concerned with a clear conscience. So, he reckoned it would be worth every cent!

Once the money had changed hands, Marcel's attention was quickly taken up by other arrivals on the lookout for a rejection-free opportunity to get their hands on some youthful male flesh, leaving Ian at the mercy of the guy who'd had the courage to get in first.

"Ola!" the Spaniard whispered lasciviously in Ian's ear, extracting the Speedos from his mouth and tucking them away in his pocket, before planting a lingering kiss on his mouth and embracing him in an all-encompassing, breath-expelling, hug.

Ian was soon in seventh heaven as the muscular stranger literally swept him off his feet as he slid his tongue into his mouth and ran his hands over the back of his defenceless torso.

Following his initial burst of passion, Ian's admirer drew back to explore the front of Ian's tethered body, and soon resumed where the young Frenchman had left off by sucking on his distended tits, but in contrast with him, he also happily licked his way down his salted, lotion-coated flesh and gobbled up his swollen dick - caressing it lovingly with his lips and tongue.

Observing what had transpired, more men who had been scouring the dunes in search of sex emerged from the bushes and began approaching Marcel with a view to them also getting in on the action.

Soon there was a whole queue of them waiting their turn to fuck the helpless Ian and Marcel was happily tucking his takings away in his wallet.

Before slipping away, the Frenchman suffered a brief pang of conscience and extracted from his victim's bag the condom and lube packs Ian had so thoughtfully brought along with him, and thrust one into the hand of the Spaniard and each of the guys waiting in line.

However, once the condoms had been dispensed, Marcel saw his duties as Ian's guardian as over and, after sliding his bag over his shoulder as though it were his own, high-tailed it in the direction of town, where he planned to use the proceeds from his day at the beach to finance yet another hedonistic night out at the disco.

To be continued...

Can't wait to sample more of my writing???

Then check out my two e-books listed on Amazon Kindle books (links listed on the Announcements page of Nifty or simply search for Barney Bumpkin on Amazon).

Or my other writing posted on Nifty which includes the full-length erotic novel "Teacher Training" plus short stories "Los Angeles" and "The Road to Shangri-La". Find my work listed under "B" in the Authors tab or do a search for my name.

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Next: Chapter 11

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