Isle of Dogs

By Barney Bumpkin

Published on May 28, 2019



This story is intended for adults interested in homosexual erotica. If that is not something that you wish to read then go no further.

All characters and situations are fictional though hopefully plausible and grounded in reality.

The work published here is all my own with all rights reserved.

The author is based in the UK so the diction reflects this but my stories involve characters of different ethnicities and many are set in locations outside the UK.

My thanks go to Nifty for all the pleasure the Archive has given me over the years and for the opportunity to bring my writing efforts to the attention of those who share my particular erotic interests. Readers are encouraged to make a donation to keep the archive going for many more years.

As always, feedback both critical and complimentary is welcome via e-mail to:

Please don't contact me with commercial requests or advertising.

Hope you enjoy


The Isle of Dogs?


After hearing about Playa Del Ingles reputation for being a sun-drenched gay paradise, Ian Hamilton opts to take a winter holiday in the Canary Islands.

Travelling alone, after the beak up of a relationship, he opts to book with a gay tour operator, thinking he will soon make friends with his fellow tourists.

But introverted Ian doesn't make friends easily and when his travelling companions all seem to be in tight-knit couples or groups and no one he fancies takes much interest in him, he turns to the locals to satisfy his craving for sexual domination and his lust for hirsute Latino and Arabic guys.

A few years later, a more sexually accomplished Ian hears the resort now has a leather scene, so decides to visit Gran Canaria again.

This time, he mixes more with his British compatriots, but after finding it hard to pin down a guy he fancies, who is into the sort of sex he enjoys, he fears he may have to settle for watching the drunken antics of others.

Until, on the last night of his stay, he summons up the courage to make a move on a strikingly handsome guy who has caught his eye in the disco.

When his affection is reciprocated, Ian proceeds to introduce his companion to the delights of public humiliation and bondage, only for things not to work out quite as he had planned...

PLEASE NOTE: The completed version (all 41 Chapters) of this story is available for free from the author on request in PDF format.E-mail me

  1. Sun, sea, sand and sex

When the winter gloom sets in and seems as though it will never end, Britain's gays go in search of the sun and join those from the rest of northern Europe on the beaches and in the bars, discos, restaurants and shopping malls of the Canary Islands.

Ian Hamilton joined the exodus for the first time after seeing an ad for the resort of Playa Del Ingles in a gay magazine. Convinced by the brochure that it was little short of being a gay paradise, he'd paid his deposit for his stay at the "exclusively gay complex" and crossed his fingers that he would meet up with some of the tasty tanned hunks adorning the sun-beds and the pools in its pictures.

A few weeks later, on a cold February Monday morning, he was to be found shuffling his baggage towards the check-in desk at London Gatwick's North Terminal eager to board the regular charter flight to Las Palmas in search of sun, sea, sand and, hopefully, sex...

The trip to Gran Canaria would be the first holiday he'd taken alone for a long while, but as he was travelling with a gay tour company, he figured he'd get to make new friends pretty quickly. He exchanged glances of mutual recognition with a few guys on the plane he assumed were also gay and had his suspicions confirmed when he met up with them again at the airport lining up for the coach to take them to the resort.

One or two of his travelling companions were as hot as the Canary Island sunshine that had greeted him as soon as he had stepped off the plane. But by the time he'd checked into his room the sun had set and he had yet to exchange a single word with any of his compatriots.

Sadly, the guys staying at the complex all seemed to be in tightknit groups or couples with the good-looking ones among them already spoken for...

He deposited his baggage with a sigh and slumped down exhausted on the bed of his echoing apartment. After dozing off for an hour or so, he eventually roused himself and set about unpacking.

There were distinct advantages from not letting others know all about you, he told himself as he hung up his clothes - it avoided gossip for one thing. He'd brought a few good books to read which should keep him occupied and planned to work on a tan and get himself fit. Perhaps by keeping apart from the crowd, and picking his friends carefully, he'd end up having a lot more fun...

By day three, Ian had slipped into a routine completely at odds with the rest of his gay countrymen. He would rise early, have a leisurely breakfast out on the sun- drenched terrace and read from his detective novel for an hour or so.

He was working his way through a set of Joseph Hansen's "Dave Brandsetter Mysteries" at the time - loaned to him by an older friend who had recommended them because they not only had a gay central character but one who had a black boyfriend.

Mid-morning he would do some stretches and exercises from his usual gym routine to keep his body in trim. Then, after showering, he would slap on a thick coating of suntan lotion and venture out to explore the island, wearing little more than a vest and shorts and the fashionable aviator prescription sunglasses he'd bought himself prior to the trip, which, along with his contact lenses, would hide his poor vision.

With his headphones blasting out the latest pop hits compilation he'd bought at the airport, he'd stride happily along the shoreline in time to the music enjoying the sunshine, breathing in the fresh air, quenching his thirst with diet cola and treating himself to the occasional ice cream.

But as far as cruising was concerned, GC was a major disappointment. On his first walk along the promenade, Ian had discovered, contrary to the impression given in the holiday brochure that Playa was predominantly a gay resort, in fact, its clientele was mostly retired elderly people determined to avoid premature death from hypothermia in favour of one from skin cancer.

The Europeans with the most money, coldest winters and the longest holidays were present in the largest numbers - with most places making an effort to cater for German as well as English tastes. Being red haired and fair skinned, Ian often found himself being spoken to first in German, rather than English, by tourists and natives alike.

After enjoying the sunshine, Ian would return to the complex to cool off in the pool while other guests were still enjoying their siesta.

  1. The Shopping

Although the marble pavements and glittering steel street furniture was impressive and the resort ornamented with greenery, including numerous parks and golf courses, when he ventured inland, Ian discovered Playa was dotted with a large number of architecturally uninspiring, reinforced concrete shopping malls clearly designed to relieve the tourists of their cash as efficiently as possible, rather than to raise their spirits.

During the first days of his stay he had found shopping more of a trauma than a pleasure. For as he had circled his local shopping centre in search of toothpaste and suntan lotion, Arab traders had grabbed him by the arm and tried to convince him he needed to buy the latest electrical gadget, camera or watch and then to haggle with them over the price.

But like other more experienced tourists, he quickly learned not to catch the salesmen's eyes and to hurry by shops with anyone lurking outside them before they got the chance to drag him inside.

On Thursday on his way back from his morning walk, Ian called in on a shopping mall he'd not visited before to buy a few more postcards and browse around for presents. It was quiet, as the sun was now high in the sky and the shopkeepers had mostly packed up for their afternoon siesta.

Not harassed for a change, he wandered around the anonymous concrete corridors at a leisurely pace, glancing at the goods still out on display.

Spotting a leather bag that took his fancy, he removed his sunglasses to get a closer look and lingered just a little too long to avoid being spotted by an Arabic salesman who had been lurking in the shade for just such an occurrence.

"You like bag? I give you very good price," was his opening gambit.

Now he had caught his attention, Ian realised he wasn't going to be brushed off easily.

But at least he had chosen the right language to address him with and after noting his muscular body, handsome features and large brown eyes, Ian was not so sure he wanted to shake him off, in any case.

So instead of beating his usual rapid retreat, he laughed indulgently at the guy's sales technique and rather than heading for the hills gave him a smile.

"It's not quite what I was looking for..." Ian replied, moving on to examine other bags in the display, "Have you got something like this one but a bit bigger?"

As the salesman turned around and rooted out more bags from boxes hidden beneath the counter, Ian got the opportunity to cast his eyes over the guy's backside and was immediately transfixed by a band of light brown flesh that kept opening and closing between the top edge of his trousers and the bottom edge of his white cotton shirt as he rummaged around.

The pants were tight fitting and the shirt a little short, so when he reached to the furthest extent of his domain Ian was treated to view of the cleft of his arse which left him completely mesmerised.

When the guy suddenly turned back to face him with a box of bags in his hands, he realised instantly where his customer's eyes had been focussed.

Although Ian quickly looked away and stood back to let him display his wares, a subtle change in the shopkeeper's demeanour told him that his sexual interest had been noted.

As he nervously checked out the new batch of goods, the guy stood silently by watching him and slid one of his hands into his trouser pocket whilst blatantly eying up his customer's skimpily-clad body.

Despite none of the bags being what he was after, Ian opted not to walk away and continued to thumb them over - with one eye on the bags and the other on the salesman's crotch.

While he maintained the pretence of examining his leather goods, the Arabic guy's arousal became more and more apparent.

By the time he slid his hand out of his pocket, to wave one of the bags under Ian's nose, a large bulge filled out the front of his pants, leading Ian to conclude that he wasn't wearing any underwear!

"What about this one?" he asked, determined to get Ian to look him in the eye.

"No, that's far too big." Ian replied, swallowing hard as he faced him, a little unnerved that his half-hearted cruising had provoked such a strong response from the powerful-looking Arab.

When he looked beyond the guy's swollen groin, he found a lascivious grin plastered across his face and instinctively lowered his gaze.

"I'm sorry. It doesn't look like you've got anything I fancy!" he mumbled weakly, deciding it might be wise to extricate himself from the situation before it got out of hand.

"I wouldn't be so sure about that!" the salesman assured him with a chuckle, walking around to join Ian at the other side of the counter.

"I have second shop that may have what you want!" he added, wrapping his arm around Ian's waist and surreptitiously giving his ass a gentle squeeze.

"You come with me! I show you something special..." he promised, grabbing hold of Ian firmly by the wrist.

After pausing to shout a few words in Arabic to his next door neighbour, presumably for him to keep an eye on his stall in his absence, the horny Arab tugged him down the aisle to escort him to the new location.

Ian's pulse rate had quickened when he had first admired the guy's backside and when he had caught him lusting after him his heart had begun beating twenty to the dozen.

Now he was being abducted to an unknown location where the guy would be free to do whatever he liked with him, its pace went completely off the chart!

But although he felt apprehensive at the speed and intensity of the shopkeeper's lust for him, Ian couldn't help being excited by it too!

As the salesman led him by the hand through the almost deserted shopping centre, his face flushed red from a mix of embarrassment and excitement and his cock began to stiffen.

"What your name?" he demanded when it became clear Ian was not about to run away, "My name Ali."

Ian obediently provided his own name in reply and despite his misgivings continued to follow his captor along one passageway after another, down stairs and through another maze of corridors.

As Ali displayed his superior strength by maintaining his iron-hard grip on his arm, however many twists and turns they might make, his sex-starved captive took advantage of his turned head to admire his rear end and breathe in the testosterone- infused scent of his sweat.

As Ian was paraded past half a dozen or so of Ali's fellow stall-holders along their route, a couple of them called out what he guessed were lascivious comments to his captor in Arabic, their encouragements acknowledged by him with a modest grin.

Was such intimacy a common occurrence in GC between Arabic salesmen and their gay, north European admirers, Ian wondered?

To be continued.....

PLEASE NOTE: The complete version (all 41 Chapters) of this story is now available for free from the author on request in PDF format.E-mail me

Can't wait to sample more of my writing?

Then check out my three e-books published on Amazon Kindle: "EXPOSED" "A Homage to India" and "Finding Friends" and my profile at Amazon's Author Central

Also keep a lookout for my most torrid humiliation story yet which will appear in e-book format on Amazon early in 2021. Blurb below:


In his latest novel featuring interracial gay sub/dom sex, Barney reveals all in this blow by blow account of a turbulent affair between a young Indian top and his older white admirer, who, over a period of months and years, battle to fulfil their respective sexual fantasies at each other's expense.

At the age of fifty, Alan Robertson finds himself abruptly made redundant from the job he put his life and soul into for over twenty-five years but with a "severance package" sufficient to pay off his mortgage and provide him with a more than adequate income for him to spend the rest of his life on more pleasant pursuits than scraping together a living.

As he begins his new life of leisure, sorting out his moribund sex-life ranks high among his list of priorities.

Weary of always having to play the dominant role in his sexual relationships, Alan makes use of a gay dating website to create a new persona for himself as a sub in the hope of finding a suitable top guy to introduce him to the delights of subbing before he's too ancient for anyone he fancies to be interested in him.

After a year or so of trying, he finally stumbles across "Ram", a feisty thirty-odd-year-old Indian lad, who he realises has the potential to fulfil his fantasies.

However, although Ram possesses the looks, desire, self-confidence and intelligence Alan is seeking, he is far from his perfect match and a battle of wills ensues as the two of them strive to get closer to what they each want from the other.

Whilst Alan attempts to steer his headstrong young master toward providing the type of domination that excites him the most, Ram sets about training the former top to better meet his more straightforward needs, sexual and otherwise.

Via their often-hilarious exchanges of messages and the outrageously raunchy sexual encounters that take place between them, the author brings to life their turbulent relationship and depicts Alan's ongoing frustrations and continuing infatuation with the young Indian who ends up changing his life for good.

If you are interested in the above, drop me a line by email to let me know and I will give you the heads-up when the book is available.

Hope you enjoy

Cheers, Barney

Next: Chapter 2

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