Island Girl

By Mas P

Published on Apr 19, 2010


Thanks for reading. :) And thanks for all the kind words folks. This is the second to last. Sorry for the delay.

If you'd like to fan my ego, or take it down a notch then hit me up at:

Island Girl - Part 5 By Mas

"Reesa..." I mumbled her name with a sigh as she moved inside of me. The only light in the room came from the window, the dull glow of street lights. Yet arousal had her usually light brown eyes deepening to deep sienna.

The phone rang but I was too close to letting go to answer it. Her hands caressed my breasts as she gently grinded the dildo into me. I felt her deep inside of me, rubbing up and down flesh that was quivering and squeezing her in only to have her slip away again. Her pace was the perfect one for a slow fucking. Combined with her hands touching my body almost reverently I was experiencing sensation overload. I gripped her ass. Our lips met in a sloppy kiss. My pants turned to grunts as our bodies moved together. Every time she neared me I felt the pressure on my clit. I heard the slap of our skins meeting.

Every tug of my breasts had me closer and closer to the edge. "Jesus you fuck me so good..."

"Mmmm," she moaned as she kissed me deeply. "This isn't fucking," she mumbled against my lips as my calves moved along her hers. "This is makin' love." My body tensed and a few moments later I was coming hard as she grinded into me. Like always I felt myself falling to pieces beneath her.

I shouted out her name over and over until my body stopped shaking and my legs unwrapped themselves from her waist to flop on my bed. She unbuckled the strap and tossed it to the side. I wasn't able to relish in the afterglow when I heard a crash in my living room. Both of us froze then looked up at the opened door. She was the only one to react and jumped from the bed.

"Reesa!" I shouted as she stormed out of the bedroom. I grabbed her shirt and shrugged into it as I ran behind her.

"Who the FUCK are you?" I heard a surprised scream that sounded very familiar. When I turned the corner I was proven correct.

"Jamilla! What are you doing?" She looked up at me from where she knelt on the floor. She had a guilty expression on her face. It reminded me of her daughters when I caught them being bad.

"I can explain!" Her eyes tracked back to Terry and she began to openly eye her. Her expression hovered between fear and awe. When I looked over too and realized why; Terry was as naked as the day she was born.

"Terry! You're naked! Go put some clothes on please." She looked at herself then from Jamilla to me.

"So I take it that you two know each other?" After I nodded she shook her head and did as she was told. Jamilla sat back on her butt.

"You could have told me she was a freaking amazon Jo! She's so fine!" She watched Terry's ass until she vanished. Even then she was still straining to look around the doorway. "Where did you find her?"

I chuckled as a cover for my nervousness and embarrassment but couldn't help the pride I felt at Jamilla thinking Terry was attractive. I waved her away and went to the kitchen for the dust pan and broom to keep busy. She broke a vase I had on an end table in her haste to leave the apartment when she realized that the sounds I was making weren't from pain but from ecstasy.

When to came back into the living room she was still on the floor looking guilty. "I'm sorry! Mom ordered me to check up on you and when you didn't answer my calls or the door I got worried." She looked at me sheepishly. "Then I heard you moaning and thought you were in pain or dying or...something." She took the key and placed it in my hand. "Here! Don't give this to any of us unless you WANT us to come into your apartment unannounced."

"I think that there's some secret mission for everyone in our families to walk in on us having sex."

"You have to tell me what you're talkin' about! Who else walked in on you?" She took off her sweater and sat Indian style on the couch.

"Don't you have children to take care of?"

She shrugged. "Bobby cooked mac and cheese tonight." Her gaze was steady and determined.

"Her sister and mother." Jamilla's laughter was loud and long. "It's not funny!" Even so I began to chuckle too. Only then did I notice Terry leaning against the wall watching us with a half smile on her face. I stood up when I saw that she was dressed. She had on a tank top since I still wore her shirt. "You don't have to leave Terry."

"For sure!" Jamilla said as she stood. "And I'm sorry that this was the way we had to meet." She gave Terry a wink. "Well, mostly sorry."

My sister was flirting with my girlfriend. What was next?

"Me too." She turned to me with a slow smile. "We both have early starts in the morning Jo." I nodded my head and walked her to the door.

"It was fun," she said. I stood closer and hugged her.

"Very fun." Our lips met in a soft kiss. "Until my sister sneaked into my apartment and saw you naked." She laughed as her arms tightened around me. "You need to watch that quick-draw-McGraw reaction you have there buddy."

"What can I say? I protect what's mine." She laughed at my haughty look. "Why you lookin' at me like that? It's true."

"You don't own me. In fact if anything I own YOU." She laughed and pushed me against the wall.

"Oh yeah? I thought I was the one fucking you with a strap a little while ago." My pulse began to drum. A new wetness began pooling between my thighs, the flesh there yelling at me that she was quite right. She knew it too by the way she smirked at me. Luckily she stepped back a little. I was ready to have her take me again right in my hallway with my sister in the next room. "I'm gonna be a bit busy the rest of this week but I'll call you." Her finger traced down my nose to my lips. "Maybe we can spend the weekend together again?"

"Okay." We kissed again then I watched as she walked away. As I watched her ass disappear down the hall I thought about taking her out to buy some jeans. Or maybe some briefs. A trip to one of those Ralph Lauren or Calvin Klein boutiques downtown to watch her try them on all afternoon was in order. So lost was I in my dreaming I forgot that I had company. When I turned around Jamilla stood waiting and watching. She shook her head but I studiously ignored her and ushered her back into my living room.

"What was that woman doing to you Jo? I don't think I've ever screamed that loud for Bobby, and the man knows how to lay it down when he's ready."

"Shut up Jamilla or else I'm gonna tell your mother where you hide your house keys."

"Okay! Okay. Geesh. No need for the threats." We decided to make a pot of tea. "So are you gonna tell me about her or should I beg you until you do?"

"Sit down silly. So, you already know that she's good in bed..." We both smiled and I began to indulge in what was going to be a favorite pastime.

It was 8am on Wednesday and I was stuck in a department meeting that was as stimulating as a bowl of jello. The only thing keeping me awake and smiling was my memory of the past weekend with my girl. I was beginning to long for the weekend.

My girl. Tereesa Lawrence.

I loved the sound of that.

Poor Roc. His crying woke us both up that weekend and after we were up our appetites followed. He was ignored the first half of the day but we made it up to him by tiring him out all afternoon with a riveting game of fetch.

Terry wanted to exercise her cooking skills and made chicken and rice that she had a fancy French name for. I just called it chicken and rice. Even the salad she threw together tasted great. Roc sat at my chair so diligently that I offered him a few leaves of lettuce. He wasn't amused.

That evening as we sat on her back porch watching the evening slip away, the lights in her garden began to brighten little pockets of green. I asked her about why she decided to become a landscaper and listened as she talked about her love of art and trees and grass. Before that day I never met someone who liked grass. Well, the kind that you mowed at least. Her love for the outdoors seemed to be the main reason but her job seemed to be a part of the whole that was her.

"I love it Jo. I use to follow my mama around the yard when she got into her gardening phases. Soon I was the one pulling her out of the house to garden..." Our quiet voices fought with the night sounds around us.

At some point the discussion turned to me and my dreams. I told her about how I loved to collect seashells and sea glass. I had vague dreams of making a few dollars out of it somehow since I knew that I had a knack for making necklaces and little nick-knacks with them. I went online and saw people selling shells but I knew that it was just a hobby for me and one that engaged in only when the mood struck. My job was actually enjoyable. I was a loan officer now but knew that I was on the rise to becoming a supervisor soon. As I spoke to Terry I realized that the position of manager looked good but working in the bank wasn't a permanent career choice for me.

I felt as if I was supposed to do more but had no idea what it was. "You'll figure it out Jo," she assured me. Her confidence in me was contagious.

"Let's go to the beach when you're here again. We'll find some shells and I can teach you how to find sea glass." I suggested. She smiled and looked down at Roc who had his ears perked up from the mention of the word "beach".

"What do you think Roc?" His loud barking made us decide to take him for a quick walk.

"...Ms. Larnet? Joanna...?" I was looking right at Bernard and had no idea he was talking to me even though he called my name about 5 times. Karl nudged my arm hard enough for me to jump out of my day dream.

"Yes! Yes Bernard," the sniggers around the mahogany conference table had me shuffling papers in embarrassment.

"We want an update of the stats you have for us, industry trends, etcetera in the country..." Yes, exactly what I've been preparing for the last two days, I thought.

"Yes, well..." I stood up, ignored Karl and tried to not think about Terry and how little I saw her for the last three days. "If you would just follow my presentation and the booklets provided for you..."

"So you gonna see lover girl tonight?" Karl stood in my office with his briefcase strapped over his shoulder.

"I think so. She's still working late though. She said that she may be at her office tonight and we barely saw each other this week except when I jog, which is only on Monday and Tuesday with work the next day." I signed off my computer and stared at the blank screen. "I don't want to seem too...needy you know?"

We were both pleased with my swimming progress. I could do the doggy paddle now though she had to be within grabbing distance whenever I did. The point was that it was an improvement.

"Has she told you to call her?" I nodded my head. "Didn't she hold you hostage in her house all weekend?" I nodded my head again. "Then I think she's a bit in need of your constant company. You know how many hos runnin' around this island?"

I laughed and assured him that I wasn't worried. He looked at me for a moment then shook his head. "Joanna, Amanda had her eye on that woman for months now. The girl is in the closet so deep she's shittin' mothballs."

The flash of red I saw behind my eyes was just the lighting. I convinced myself that I wasn't jealous. "What?" He raised an eyebrow at my voice. Despite trying it lowered. Karl was one of the few people who knew when I was pissed.

I was pissed.

He had to be kidding. Amanda? She's one of the most homophobic people I know!

"Just letting you know. You can't be lax about these bitches. I let Vic out of my sight for one night and about half the gay population on this damn island was tryin' to get at his-"

"I think that I get the picture Karl." I began to chew on the end of a pencil nervously. Terry wasn't one to sleep around and we only vaguely discussed women she's been with on the island. It wasn't a huge list. Like me she was picky. Most of her wild times happened in university with women she barely talked to now if ever. "We've been a bit busy but I meant to stop by her office tonight. I mean, I don't want to move too fast Karl." I'm sure that the worry was written all over my face. "I don't wanna mess this up."

He sighed and stepped into the office closing the door behind him. "Joanna Larnet," he began. "I saw the way that woman was around you. I don't think that she gives a fuck about going slow or any of that shit. I think she wants you to be her woman Jo and if you don't want to do it I think that there are many women on this island who'd try to."

"Oh great, so you're gonna bully me into spending the night? What? Are you pimping me out too?" He threw up his arms and stood up.

"I'm not even gonna ask what you're talkin' about but you better get to that woman's house and spend the night Joanna. Both of you work long hours so someone has to take the first step here. Has she spent the night yet?" I shrugged but he scowled at me so I told him technically no. "But I spent the night at her house before." When I thought about it I knew that Terry was waiting on me to take that next step.

"She's waiting on me." My voice was small and insecure.

"Then go to her." I stood up and walked around my desk to hug him. "Don't be afraid Jo." He rubbed my back then grabbed my purse. "Let's get out of here, where's her office anyway?"

We walked arm in arm out of the bank. I looked over to see a familiar face in a dark SUV. "Hey Vic!"

"Hey beautiful!" He yelled back.

Karl hugged me again. "Why don't you bring your girl over next weekend? Vic wants any excuse to fire up his grill with the summer ending soon."

"Sounds good to me." I kissed his cheek. "I'll ask her." We waved and I tried to remember where my mom said Terry's office was. "Definitely on Wells Street..." I thought about calling Terry but decided that a surprise visit would be even better.

"81 Wells Street...81 Wells Street..." The sky was still bright at 5:35pm that evening so locating the building number was no problem. While talking the night before Terry told me that she would probably be at the office most of the day to catch up on smaller projects she had to reschedule.

I saw 79 Wells Street and held my breath as I pulled up to Terry's building. My eyes scanned the mostly empty parking lot for Terry's truck among the SUV's and cars in the parking lot. The white truck didn't disappoint. I parked right next to it. I felt like I was in a clown car in the midst of all of the Ford F150s and jeeps.

After I parked I took in the white two story building with its fenced in area that appeared to store a lot of huge rocks, trees and equipment. Men and a few women were walking back and forth through the fence loading up two big, black trucks with Terry's company logo on it.

I stepped out of the car then bent down at the side mirror to quickly ensure that my hair and makeup were okay. I breathed into my hand and searched for a mint. "Hey there." I spun around to see a slim man standing behind me. The shirt he wore told me that he was an employee. "I'm Diego, what's your name beautiful."

"You better step off before the boss castrates you." A blond woman who looked familiar walked up and shoved him away. "Sorry about that ma'am, we try to keep him caged and medicated."

"I was just saying hello to the pretty lady! Muy bonita." I could see that he had those dark, good looks that probably got him a girl every other day in high school. He had to still be reliving his glory days. "Maybe I can be of assistance..."

"I'm fine thanks." I smiled as the woman rolled her eyes. I liked her and saw her pleasure when I held out my hand. "I'm Joanna."

"Evelyn." Her eyes twinkled happily. "The boss is inside. Nice to officially meet you." She dragged Diego away with surprising strength as he fought against her. She shoved him in the passenger side of the truck and motioned for two men to follow her. "Come on if you want that ride home fellas." Two more men ran toward the truck just as the doors to the building opened. Gina materialized followed by Melissa.

The men slowed down to a civilized walk as they all respectfully greeted Terry's mom. I closed my car door and was about to yell out Melissa's name when an expression fell over her face that I knew well. It was the same way that Terry looked at me when she was horny.

I followed her line of vision and bit my lip when I saw Evelyn with one foot on the inside of the truck and the other planted on the step of the truck. For a tiny woman she sure made it seem like she was born to own a truck that size.

With mirrored Oakley shades covering her eyes I watched a rakish smile cover her lips. The woman was a looker. Sexy in that I-know-but-I-don't-really-care kind of way and Melissa seemed to be very aware of it."Hello Ms. Lawrence."

"Evelyn! You drive safe now and when will I see you over for some food? Tell your mother hello for me, I missed her in church last month."

Evelyn laughed and shook her head. "She said to tell you that once a month is not Godly behavior."

"You tell her that God and I have an understanding."

Evelyn laughed and promised to do as she was told. "Hello Mel."

"Hey." It was like watching a 22 year old regress to a 5 year old. Evelyn nodded her head then hopped in the truck and gassed it up. Mel watched as the woman and her passengers left the lot as if in a trance.

"She's something else huh?" I said right into her ear. She had to have jumped two feet from the ground. Gina looked back from the car to see what the commotion was and smiled happily at me.

"Joanna!" Mel shouted and scowled.

"Joanna!" Gina said and walked over to hug me. "Good! Now you can make Terry get herself HOME and in bed. How are you honey? You eating all right?" I assured her that I was eating breakfast, lunch and dinner until she was convinced enough to let me go.

"I'll be right there mom." Mel continued to scowl at me. "You scared me," she accused. I pointed at my chest feigning innocence.

"Me? I would never do that. I was just pointing out Evelyn's...attributes." Mel looked at her feet and to my amusement, started to kick stones around. "Not that you didn't notice them already."

"She thinks I'm a baby." Bingo. Mel had a crush on a certain blond employee of TKL Landscaping. If I had to guess I'd say that Evelyn had to be at least 35. More than a decade her senior but not enough to be overly worried about. "And Terry scares the hell out of anyone who even breathes in my direction." That was an additional complication for sure.

"Maybe we can soften her up. Evelyn seems nice though." Mel laughed and started walking backward toward her mom's car.

"Yeah well, I have to leave for university in four months anyway. Terry is upstairs and boy will she be glad to see you."

"No field work today?" She pointed to her boots and I finally noticed that they were caked in mud. "Good seeing you."

"You too, gotta get the old lady home now. See you soon?" When I nodded she beamed and jogged to the car. I waved as they drove out of the lot.

The office's interior wasn't what I expected. It wasn't overly showy but instead predominantly a pale white with vivid watercolors adorning the walls and light, cherry furniture. It was an elegant space. A plump woman with skin the color of coal looked up from the purse she was stuffing. Her smile was a bright white and lovely, her voice, the same. She had the perfect voice for a receptionist. If I had to pick a receptionist by her voice she would be it. The name "Marsha Knowles" was engraved on a small plate on her desk.

"Hi there. How may I help you?"

"Umm, I'm here to see Terry."

"Ms. Lawrence asked not to be disturbed for the rest of the evening. Is she expecting you?"

"Not really...Well, yes she is." The woman frowned. I sounded like a stuttering idiot even to myself.

"Give me one moment as I call her line Ms.-" I held out my palms, instinctually knowing that I didn't want her to know I was there.

"Larnet, but you don't have to tell her I'm here." She held the phone in mid-air and tilted her head. "I...I want to surprise her." She studied me for a few moments looking unsure then something clicked in her eyes and she smiled.

"First name?" She asked.


"Well why didn't you just say so? Up the stairs, last door on the left." She grabbed her purse and headed for the exit. "I'm locking the doors, be sure to tell Terry that I closed up okay?"

"Yes ma'am. Thank you." She beamed at me and left with a wave. After the door closed the silence was overwhelming. I looked around the area filled with painting that had the initials K. L. signed at the bottom of them. With every step I took deeper and deeper into her office the paintings changed to drawings and I realized that Karl was right, I needed to mark my territory. Terry was amazing. She was fulfilling every major category on any woman's list for the ideal girlfriend.

"...Yes Mr. Bethel I know that I promised to have that work started last week and I can assure you that I'll have a crew there in the morning. In fact the truck is loaded with the materials as I promised and they're being dropped off tonight...yes we did, you said that you'd have your garage empty for the bags of soil and the, she can't keep that in the truck...I can't Mr. Bethel...can't you park your Benz outside the garage for one night? That's all we need...Well yes, we'd need the Masarati to be moved too" She pulled the phone away and stared at it in annoyance. I watched her rub between her eyes as she gazed outside a darkened window. Its shades were drawn halfway. She wore a dress shirt with the company logo. The sleeves rolled up her forearms and the collar was open enough to reveal the swell of her breasts.

Her face looked a bit haggard and tired and I saw her roll her left shoulder about five times as she spoke to the troublesome Mr. Bethel. She was tired.

"No sir I cannot be there to oversee the work but I have the best on your project...yes sir the discount still applies. Alright, I'll let my crew know that they need to have your housekeeper move the cars. Until tomorrow." She hung up the phone and quickly dialed another number. "Eve, make sure there are no cars in Bethel's garage, check with the housekeeper, and pleeeease do not fuck with this guy's yard. Only touch what's in the contract to touch, he's trouble." I stepped into the office. She finally noticed me and whipped around in surprise. Her body relaxed and she began to get up but I motioned for her to stay seated. "You know I trust you to take lead on this project. It's just that these rich bastards can be the cheapest and dirtiest clients." My hands began to rub at her shoulders and she sighed. I kissed her neck and felt her shiver beneath my lips. "Ummm, yeah, drop those off and you get home. It's a 10 am start tomorrow." My thumb dug into a ball of muscle and she groaned. "What?...Fuck you..." She said with a light laugh. "Don't you worry about what Ms. Larnet is doing to me. Goodnight Evelyn."

The phone was in its cradle and her head was on the table a second later. "Ohhh man Jo, you have no idea how good that feels."

"Tough day?" She nodded her head against the table.

"I hate being in the office and working out payroll and pacifying pissed off clients but someone has to do it." She sat up and tugged at my arm as she pushed the chair away from the desk. Her eyes studied my three piece skirt set and an eyebrow rose as her eyes lingered on the skirt. It was a few inches above my knee and tight. "You were in the lot in this suit?"

"Well, I certainly didn't change into it before I came here." I looked at the dark grey slacks she wore over black loafers. "You were in the lot in these pants?"

"You look sexy as hell." My ego purred as she tugged me between her legs.

"So do you." She sat forward and nuzzled her nose into my stomach. Her hands pushed my jacket away. I tugged it off and pushed her away to study her face. Her eyes were closed and her lips had a lazy smile on them. They slowly opened and gazed at me. "You're tired Terry, you need to go home."

"Tell me something I don't know."

"Well, we're going home now." She sat back and crossed her arms defiantly.

"Oh really?" I nodded my head. Her eyes scanned my body again, settling on my breasts and I watched her expression grow more and more aroused. "You're going to need to persuade me Ms. Larnet."

"Persuade you huh?" My fingers lingered at the top button of the fitted vest I wore. I looked back at her open doorway. "Are we alone?"

"An alarm would go off if someone else came in here."

"I don't like you here so late Jo." I felt her eyes on me as I walked over to her window and closed the shades completely. "I get worried about you, here all alone..."

"It does get pretty lonely..." Her breath was shallow now as I flicked open the buttons of my vest. I pulled she skirt further up my thighs and watched her eyes light up at the sight of my panty hose and underwear. I only liked to wear black lacey sets now. I pulled them down to my ankles and stepped out of my shoes, tugging them away as I did. When I straddled her lap her hands grasped my ass immediately.

"I'd hate to have to come here everyday to get you to leave." I unbuttoned my shirt and she unhooked the bra, her lips diving for my breasts. "I'd hate to make a habit of this," I whispered.

Her mouth sucked hard at my nipples. My hips began to grind into her, the material of her trousers rubbed against my flesh. I knew that I was smearing her clothes with my wetness but I needed to get off. "Sounds like you're gonna punish me baby."

"Damn right I'm gonna punish you," I muttered as I grabbed her hand and roughly shoved it between my thighs, her fingers got to work quickly. Lips were deftly parted, one finger searching and sliding followed by two probing digits.

Then my hips were pumping her digits as if we hadn't fucked in years. "This doesn't feel like much of a punishment," she grunted into my neck. Her mouth sucked hard enough to leave a mark as my chest pressed against hers. I kissed and licked her face, touching her everywhere, tugging at the v of her button-up shirt to kiss any skin that I could reach.

The taste of her, the scent of her, the scent of me, the feel of her fingers curving and spreading inside of me; it all had me unraveling on her lap. Her voice urged me on gently, her palm stretched over my back keeping me from falling into her desk.

I still clenched around her fingers as she moaned against my lips. "Hot, milk chocolate, that's what your skin looks like...tastes like." An Eskimo kiss turned into a wet contest of who could get their tongue deeper. She pushed her hips into me telling me exactly what she needed.

"You ready to cum Reesa?" An earnest nod was her response. Her fingers gently ran through my tingling folds. I trembled, grabbing her hand to kiss her fingers. They smelled of me. I sucked one into my mouth and let it go with a plopping sound.

Terry's face was a mask of need.

"You need me to get you off?" I rubbed her cheek soothingly.

"Bad bad..."

"Okay, I will." Her eyes widened in excitement as she stood up, nearly dropping me in a rush to get at her belt buckle. "At home." Her hands stopped. She looked heart broken. "Let's get you home and fed. I'm sure Roc misses you."

"Are you serious?" I had my shirt buttoned and shrugged on the navy blue vest and matching jacket. Terry still stood with her arms hanging loosely at her sides. After I tugged down my skirt I looked up to meet pouting lips. Her arms were crossed and her brows drawn. All she had to do was stomp her feet on the ground to finish off the look of an angry toddler.

I laughed and tugged at her arms until she hugged me. "This is called being punished."

"I kinda got that." I leaned a shoulder against her doorframe as she organized her work area and the huge drafting desk in one corner of her office. As we walked hand in hand through the reception area I pointed at the paintings.

"I think that these are yours." She just smiled mysteriously at me. "Fine, don't tell me."


"Brat." Her laughter was full and husky. She walked over to check the double story gate that separated the storage yard from the parking lot.

"That's the least you deserve after leaving me in this state." I looked innocently at her as I leaned against my car. The evening sun cast her face in shadows as she leaned close to me. "I don't know if I should stay late just to fuck you like that again or get my ass home in time so I can avoid you blue ballin' me."

"You don't have balls," I pointed out.

"Well, blue clitting me then." I grabbed her hand and kissed it. Her expression softened.

"I don't like you working late." She raised an eyebrow, about to defend herself but I shook my head. "I know sometimes you have too, but that doesn't mean that I have to like it." She stepped closer with the intent of kissing me, I pressed the button that disarmed my car and pushed her away.

She growled and stepped back.

"I need to grab a change of clothes from home. I'll see you soon." With a pat to her stomach I opened the door.

"Joanna Larnet, you are gonna be the death of me."

Next: Chapter 6

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