Island Girl

By Mas P

Published on Mar 27, 2010


Thanks for reading. :)

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Island Girl - Part 2 By Mas

A quiet R&B song was playing on the radio in the office. Luther Vandros was singing about "Here and Now". The man made me want to be in love whenever I heard his voice. Or at least inside some woman. Some tall woman. Some woman with nice, strong shoulders...nice, thick thighs and big strong hands...maybe with a low, short hairstyle and...

"Joanna!" I jumped from my chair. My boss was looking at me strangely. "You sick honey?"

"Ummm, just thinking about something Ms. Peters. Was there anything that you needed?"

She looked unsure but shook her head and stepped into the office. "Well your mama just called me worried about you being tired from work." I sighed and told her to ignore her. "I need the Brennan file by 3 o'clock then I want you to go home at four today."

"Ms. Peters-" she held up her hand and I tried not to get angry with my mother who I knew was behind it. The woman still thought I was a kid. "Yes Ms. Peters."

"Did Terry's mom get through to you? She was trying to call to say thank you." I was on conference calls all morning so knew that I missed it. When I told her this she waved it away. "Well she wanted me to give this to you anyway." I took the paper and looked at it.

366-9900 - Pine Way Drive, House # 98


"Jo!" I jumped again, cursing all the way back to the seat of my chair and pressed my hand to my chest when I saw Karl standing on the other side of my desk. So lost was I in studying the paper that I didn't notice when Ms. Peters left and Karl arrived. "Where in the hell were you?"

"Why is everyone trying to scare me?" He shook his head then asked me if I wanted to tag along to a hotel bar that the after work crowd frequented. Though drinking with him and his boyfriend was always eventful the paper in my hand burned through my conscience. "How 'bout a rain check?"

Gina Lawrence didn't pick up her phone all afternoon. So at four that afternoon I packed away my purse and left work, deciding to go to her home after I changed and grabbed a bite to eat. She had to have intended for me to stop by when she left the note right?

The evening was warm so I wore one of my cut off jean shorts and a t-shirt. I avoided the more populated roads at the center of the island and took the scenic route to the address. It was near the water. Though I never ventured into the neighborhood I knew that there were some nice homes in the area.

98 Pine Way Drive was a nice house with an entrance that sat nestled between two very old looking trees and a lot of flowers and rocks. It was almost as if the greenery were hiding the house. I stepped up a wrap-around porch admiring the look of the home. My hand reached for the doorbell then I froze when a low growl told me to stop.

The sound came from my left and as slowly as possible I turned toward it. It was a German Shepherd. A very big German Shepherd. "Good doggie..." I said as I backed away from the door. The beast of a dog reached my stomach, and at 5' 6" I didn't consider myself to be a short woman. The dog followed me step for step until my hips connected with a low railing. It kept on advancing as I stood still, ready to scream at any second, waiting on it to jump me for the kill. I watched the snarl disappear as it sniffed the air a few inches around me. When a rough tongue stuck out and ran up my thigh I released a relieved breath. My hand hesitantly touched its inky, black fur. So soft. It seemed that it was all the big, black monster of a dog needed for it to jump up on its hind legs, slapping my shoulders with its paws to lick the hell out of my face. "Ach!" It jumped down and wagged its body excitedly running off and barking its head off.

"Okaaay then," I wiped my face, grimacing at the sticky wetness on my fingers. "One bipolar dog? Check." It seemed to be a very big dog for Gina but I was sure it did its job; scare the crap out of strangers. "Almost made me shit a brick..." I stopped when I heard what had to be a saw. Curious now I followed the sound.

I followed the steps of big, black dog and came around to a huge backyard filled with trees and flowers and a half naked Terry Lawrence.

The muscles in her arm flexed as she ran the saw through a piece of wood. When the wood fell to the floor I must have made a sound because her head jerked up and the shiny surface of her shades were pointed at me.

She stood up fully, yanking off a pair of work gloves. The shorts she had on rode low on her hips, showing the top of what had to be boxer briefs and boy was I happy. A weakness of mine was women in men briefs so I filed away her choice of underwear beneath "sexy". I had quite the view of her stomach; her flat, hard stomach. The sports bra covered her breasts but uncovered everything else. I watched as she slowly placed the gloves on the table, muscles flexing under a layer of sweat. Sweat I saw myself licking off of every inch of her body.

"Ms. Larnet." No surprise. No confusion in her voice. As if loan officers walked up to her half naked, sweaty body everyday. "What can I do for you this evening?" My mouth went dry. There was that smile again. I watched it grow as she watched me.

You're doing it, I thought. I watched an eyebrow rise. I didn't say that out loud did I? Before I could answer my own question I raced on, "Your mom gave me her number and address. I couldn't get her by phone so decided to stop by..." She stepped closer to me. I looked around to keep my brain from scrambling. Though the yard looked beautiful, magazine worthy, it couldn't hold my attention the way Terry Lawrence did. She was standing in front of me with sweat dripping down her stomach. My eyes tracked up over her chest, up her neck and finally was on her face. "Is...ummm...where...?" My speech regressed to that of an infant.

"Is my mom?" She finished, looking at me as if she was trying to hold back a laugh. I rubbed my eyes.

With a deep breath I rearranged my thoughts, determined to get out a complete sentence. "Is she home? I wanted to say hello." Her shades were pushed to the top of her head.

"Oh she's home." I watched her pretty eyes roam over my body. When her eyes moved down my thighs they slipped away as she shook her head. I wanted to know what she was thinking.

"Can I see her?" I didn't want to see her mother. In fact, she was the farthest person from my mind.

"Don't see why not. You'd have to go to her house to do that though." I looked around confused. The big, black dog was looking up at me panting happily in the shade. Even he was smiling at me. "Number eleven, Paradise Road."

Uh huh...

"Her house address." She chuckled. "She gave you the address to my house." With a whistle she called the big, black dog to her and they began to walk up a stone pathway through the back yard. She stopped and looked back. "You comin'?" A moment later she disappeared behind a huge bush.

I walked through what had to be a pretty expansive garden until I saw a back porch that led to a pair of glass doors and spotted her moving around in the kitchen. She opened a fridge when I stepped inside, after a few moments she sighed. "Damn, nothing to drink." She went to the sink and filled a glass with water. I watched her throat bob as she swallowed it down.

"I can make lemonade." My mouth closed with a snap and I began to regret saying it until I saw her eyes light up.

"You can huh?" I could. Why did I say that though? I asked myself that hours after I had left her house but in that moment I just nodded my head. I knew why; I didn't want to leave her and making lemonade seemed the logical solution. "I need to shower then. Can't have you makin' me lemonade all sweaty now can I?" She smiled and I watched her disappear around a corner.

Big, black dog looked up at me curiously and I looked down at him. Was it a him? I bent down and my eyes widened. Definitely a him. "Okay buddy. Where are the knives kept?" He sat down resting his head on his outstretched paws still looking up at me. "Lemons?" A dramatic sigh was his response. "I see that this is going to be a solo effort." I heard a shower start somewhere beyond the doorway Terry disappeared through. "Better get to it."

By the time she came back into the kitchen I had a tall, chilled glass of lemonade waiting for her. She smiled and sat in the bar chair next to me. She grabbed the glass and took a hesitant sip. With an appreciative look she greedily gulped down the rest. My mouth was still hanging open by the time she was done.

"A bit thirsty there huh?" She raised her eyes from the empty glass and burst out laughing.

"You could say that." She looked around. "Any more?" I went to the freezer and grabbed the container. After tossing in a few more ice cubes I poured her another cup. She finished that too and sat back. "That was the best lemonade I've ever had in my life. Thank you."

I smiled and took our glasses over to the sink. "I can do that." She stood up and tried to take the glasses from me but I shoved her away with my hips.

"It's nothing." I felt her eyes on me as I washed the cups. She had her arms crossed over a now covered stomach. The tight tank top stretched over her torso barely brushed against low riding cargo shorts.

"Swimming after those runs yet?" I laughed. She was persistent about that. If only she knew how unlikely it was for me to EVER get in that ocean.

"Why are you pushing it?"

"Because you're body can benefit from it." The thought of her not liking my body created little sparks of insecurity. I crossed my arms and felt my shoulders getting tense.

"I think that my body is in great shape." She smiled down at me stepping closer.

"I think that your body is beautiful." She stepped even closer. "Incredible." My eyes fell on her full lips. She licked them. I wanted to give them a lick of my own. "I'm not in the closet Ms. Larnet."

That was one way to kill the mood. I blinked then stepped away. Her smile was gone but her mouth still looked relaxed...welcoming. The light brown orbs that studied me told another story though. They were resolute. "What?"

"I spent quite a few years hiding around this island and at school. I'm not going into hiding again..." She studied my chest then looked away quickly to wipe her mouth and shook her head. Something said too low for my hearing was pushed past her throat.

"I'd never ask you..." She looked up at me and moved even closer, this time resting her hand on the edge of the counter on either side of my hips, trapping me. I could smell her shower gel now.

"I'm not accusing you of asking me anything, I'm just telling you what I'm not prepared to do." She leaned into me, her lips a breath away. The tangy scent of lemons filled my senses. They looked so moist..."Not even for you." My head snapped back. I pushed her away as she just calmly looked at me.

Who does she think she is? Not even for me? My thoughts were an angry mess. My mouth opened and closed as the words that were bubbling in my throat piled up on each other. I pushed her further away and headed for the door. Her feet were slapping against the floor to catch me but I just moved faster and slammed out of her back door. The dog started barking loudly.

"Roc! Hush!" She stepped outside her house. I heard the door slam shut but I didn't hear her behind me as I quickly retraced my footsteps to the front of her house. She wasn't following me.

I don't know why I even expected her too.

I was pissed. I took it out on everyone and everything. I nearly gave myself a heart attack with my running the next few days and I was short with everyone at work, even Karl, and he notice. Karl didn't suffer bitches lightly.

"Hi, queen bitch? Can you tell Joanna that I said hello and I'd like to talk to her please?" I stood at the tea machine in the break room glaring at it, willing it to speed the hell up.

"Not now Karl."

"Then when? You've been fuming up and down these halls for three days now? What's going on?" I looked at him and tried to scowl him away. Some of the hurt Terry stirred inside of me may have peeked through because the next thing I know he was pulling me along the halls and practically tossing me into his office. I looked around at the office, it was notably smaller than mine but that was the only major difference. He sat on the edge of his desk and pointed to his chair. I sat down.

"Speak to me honey." His office had no pictures. The only person I know he'd want to be looking at while he worked he couldn't look at because of what others would say, or think...or do. Would I do that too? Hide the woman I was seeing or in love with from the world?

In love with...where did that come from?

"Is this about that woman?" I sighed and sat back in the chair crossing my legs.

I told him about Gina Lawrence and the site Terry was working on, or one of the sites by the sound of things. He laughed his handsome head off and made me promise to introduce him to Gina when she came back to the office. Now the entire scene just seemed like the prelude to a very humiliating evening.

"She doesn't want to be with me and made sure that I know it." I crossed my arms and looked at the floor. When my eyes began to sting I blinked in surprise. Only when I said it out loud did I realize how hurt I was by the words. "...not even for you." A tear escaped.

I told him about that too.

He shook his head and pulled up a chair next to mine. When he took my hand I looked to the side into compassionate eyes. "Jo, the woman is not in the closet, YOU are. She was protecting her ass, that's all. Letting you know what she's willing to do with you."

"You heard what she said Karl."

"And I agree with her." I gaped at him. "Frankly I have no idea why you're even IN the closet, it's not like women have it as bad as men on this damn island."

"That is so untrue! And I'm only...quiet about my love life at work." He rolled his eyes.

"You mean lack-of-love life..." His smartass wasn't fast enough to miss my fist. "Ouch! It's the truth! You're fucking fine as hell, have this woman chasin' your ass and you're hidin' in a damn closet for no fucking reason! Get with her and wave the sheets on the streets after she fucks you!"

The laughter bubbled up then spewed out of my chest. It took a few minutes for us to control ourselves afterwards. "She said I need to go swimming therefore implying that my body isn't attractive." He threw up his hands and walked around to his chair.

"WHAT are you TALKING about?" I told him about that too, trying not to let my insecurity show but he saw it anyway. "Who knows what she meant Jo? No one will unless you can read her mind. But if someone tells me that my body is beautiful and incredible, I'd take the compliment and run."

"So you think she really likes my body then? She's just obsessed with swimming?"

"Yes! I love your body! Now go call her to set up a date. I want to see a smile on that face when I see you again." I hugged him and left his office on a mission.

I was going to ask Tereesa Lawrence on a date.

It was no problem getting Terry's phone number. The problem was actually calling her. Dialing the number, waiting for it to connect and actually saying hello, that was the problem. I couldn't do it. So I went home instead to my empty apartment and got into my empty bed.

Then I prayed for morning to come so I wouldn't have to lay there thinking about being alone at night in my empty apartment and empty bed...again.

"Shit!" I said as I panted, staring out at the ocean. My lungs were burning, my legs were burning and my skin was hot. Those first rays of sunshine made the sky glow. It was as if someone was holding a lamp behind an indigo screen and moving it up, making it glow brighter and brighter. Some things seemed to be a constant in my life; my singleness and a beautiful sunrise every morning were two of them.

I breathed in deep and felt my heartbeat begin to slow. I stood up straight and began to walk down the shore toward the little forest of trees that would take me to my car. The shadow was leaning against a tree this time.

It didn't surprise me to see her there that morning. What did surprise me was her turning around and walking away. A few minutes later she disappeared. I walked up to the tree she was leaning against as she watched me, sure that I felt the heat from her body when I touched the rough bark. I looked into the slowly lightening forest of pines. It made sense that she'd be here in the mornings since her home wasn't very far away from the beach.

I studied the tree for a few moments, listening to my own heartbeat in my ears, knowing that the thought of my fingers touching a tree she touched caused it and not knowing how I'd react if she touched me.

I'm not a ho. I know that I'm not a slut. These are things that I KNOW. My mom enrolled me in a Christian high school and had me in church every Sunday until I got tired of being condemned to hell every Sunday and going home depressed. I've been a good girl for as long as I can remember.

Even my sex has been...good. Nothing risky or wild. So why was I telling you this now? I felt like one.

I decided to visit her that evening. Just to say hello...and that I was sorry, for running away. I hadn't seen her since I left her house pissed off. Karl helped me to see what she was telling me, or at least trying to tell me. So now I understood...I think. I understood.

I knew that I couldn't see myself kissing her on the lips in front of my office, or any woman for that matter, but I couldn't stay away. I understood though.

She was playing fetch with Roc. He noticed me first and came barreling over to me. I braced myself in anticipation. She must have noticed his intentions because she barked an order and he skidded to a stop about a foot way, grinning at me in that way only dogs can. I reached out a hand and patted him, his tail began to wag excitedly and he moved closer and closer, leaning his weight against me for more attention. It was hard NOT to laugh at him. He was a cutie. A scary looking one but a cutie.

"You little womanizer, go fetch that." She tossed a tennis ball as far as she could and we watched as he took off, barking excitedly. Her smile remained as she studied me.

"Came to make me some more lemonade?" I smiled and shoved my hands into my jeans, or at least tried to. They were tight allowing only the tips of my fingers room to squeeze in. Her eyes took in my outfit and brightened. I guess she approved.

I wasn't one to be fussy outside of work so my faded jeans and t-shirts had to do. My flip flops rounded it all out. She stepped aside and let me lead the way down the pathway to her backdoors. Both were open.

As soon as I stepped inside the kitchen I felt like sleeping. The cool breezes that moved through the doorway were a god send. From the corner of my eyes I saw her sniff at her t-shirt and had to smile. She thought about what I thought of her.

"Can I take a quick shower?" I looked up from the lemons I was cutting. She had to have bought a lot of them since then, they filled an entire basket on the countertop.

"Well this is your house..." She chuckled and slipped a hand in her pocket.

"Don't want you to think I'm abandoning you down here." I nodded my head and she turned around and pointed at Roc who walked up quietly behind us. "You better behave." Roc sniffed before he stretched his long body on the floor. "And you," I looked up surprised. "Don't disappear. I'll be right back."

And I guess that her parting shot alluded to me running away after her little speech the other day. I looked at Roc who was studying me, panting happily.

"You thirsty?" His big, pointy ears jerked. I went to the fridge and decided to pour him a bowl of cold milk. His tail wagged as he watched me pouring it. When I placed it on the floor his body tensed, ready to pounce on it. He looked from me to the bowl then back again. "Come on boy-" he jumped from the floor like a spring and started to lap up the milk excitedly. About 10 seconds later he was licking his mouth dry then licking my face that was conveniently at his level with me kneeling on the floor. "Whoaaa! Okay, no more kissing. I mean, I hardly know you." His tail wagged excitedly at me as I stood up. I poured some more since he seemed to like it and refocused my attention on the lemonade.

When Terry stepped back in the kitchen she looked from Roc who was sitting at my feet to the carton of milk, to the bowl, then back to me. "I guess this hedonistic critter didn't tell you that he has cold water on the porch there huh?" I looked guiltily at her.

"Did I do something wrong?" She smirked as she walked over to the empty carton and lightly tapped Roc on the nose with it. He sniffed and pushed his head into her thigh.

"No, you just made a friend for life. This guy loves milk more than doggy treats." I took the juice from her freezer and poured her a tall glass. I watched her drink it down so I topped her off again. She looked into the glass empty and half empty jug disappointedly. "Damn, you make the best lemonade I ever had in my life. I don't want to drink it all though."

"So you say. I can make you more you know?" She smiled and leaned forward on her forearms studying me. "I mean, you have a bucket of lemons here..." I eyed the basket of shiny, yellow fruit.

"I bought them yesterday for you." I'm sure that my face must have registered surprise and maybe a bit of pleasure. You'd think that it was normal to have a bowl of lemons waiting on a stranger from her relaxed expression. Her eyes looked curiously at me. "Grab the jug, let's sit outside." I did as I was told and watched her grab the glasses. We settled into a soft and comfy couch on the porch out back. As soon as I sat I was surrounded by the sight, sounds and scents of her back yard. She was an incredible landscaper and I told her so.

I saw her look shyly into her drink. "Thank you." Roc sat heavily on the floor next to us then spread out on his side, no doubt about to fall asleep. "How was work?"

"It was good. Average." She smiled over at me and I wished I sat closer. The one cushion that separated us felt like an ocean. "It's very peaceful here."

"It is." Her hooded eyes scanned the garden that had to have taken a lot of work to maintain. By the looks of her body I didn't think she had much problem doing just that.

"You must not be able to get women out of here when they come by." There. I said it. She looked at me with a tilt to her head. After she sipped her juice Terry stretched her arm along the back of the couch, managing to move closer to me as she did it.

"Is that the case with you?" I nearly choked on the sip I was swallowing. "You don't have to answer that." I saw the smile she tried to hide behind the glass at her lips.

"You get up pretty early..." my attempt to change the topic was acknowledged with a nod.

"My days start much earlier."

"Do they start when I see you on the beach?" She smiled.

"You could say that." I bit my lip. Her eyes followed the movement. I watched the way her hands gripped her glass, even as the slippery surface condensed beneath her fingers she held tightly to it. Would she be like that with me?

No matter how wet I slippery...

"I hurt you when I said what I did the other day." I looked up at her. Her smile was gone. Now her lips were pursed. "I'm sorry."

"It's okay."

"No it's not." She placed her drink on a nearby table. "And that's the problem." She took my drink from me too.


"Shhhh..." She said with a finger pressed to my lips. When she replaced her finger with her mouth all protest died in my throat. The soft, full flesh brushed against my skin. It wasn't right to have lips like hers. It wasn't right at all.

Her lips fit perfectly against mine as she tugged and nipped playfully. At some point my eyes drifted close and the only senses that remained were sound and touch...and taste. I'd never experienced such a peaceful kiss in my life. Or a tasty one. When I pulled her lower lip into my mouth the tart and sweet taste of the lemonade teased me.

Her hand moved until they cupped my cheeks. The cold fingers of one hand against the warmth of the other. She placed a kiss to both sides of my mouth then my chin and nose. My eyes opened again. Her light brown orbs were hooded and looking into me. I licked my lips trying to taste more of her. Her eyes flickered to my mouth. I did it again and she pressed closer. When I licked them a third time her lips wrapped around the tip of my tongue.

My eyes shuttered close.

Good god this woman can kiss. She ran the tip of her tongue over mine, asking to play. Then she bit down gently on it, tugging it into her mouth. I moaned. She stretched out, moving into me fluidly, pushing me back into the couch.

My hands reached down to steady myself as her body moved over me. We were both breathing hard as I offered up more of myself to her. She pulled my tongue into her mouth and began sucking on it. I felt her fingers moving up my side, sneaking back down only to slip beneath my shirt.

Her thighs were on either side of mine so when I pushed up into her I wasn't surprised to feel resistance. A grunt rumbled from her chest. Our kiss was hotter now, the innocence long gone. She was a master of that wet and very warm organ. I decided to play dirty too and ran my hands over her back. The hard muscle I felt beneath the material of her shirt would have made my knees weak if I was standing up.

She felt so good. She tasted so good.

Her hips moved into me, earnestly. When I tugged my tongue away and teased her she nipped at my lips until I gave it back. She realized when it was too late that it was a trap for her. Her hand reached out to grab onto the arm of the couch when I started to suck greedily on her. Her hips began to rock in rhythm.

God! I have to get these clothes off. That was the only thought racing through my brain as I felt her rocking into me. But it was too late. Impossible, I thought, I have to be dreaming. No one can orgasm from a kiss!

But I sure did. I shook and trembled beneath her as she rocked her hips into me, the solid length of her pressing wonderfully into me.

I couldn't ever get use to this, I thought as I the last few spasms moved through me. It was too good. I knew that I'd always want more of her. When she tore her lips away I groaned loudly. She didn't pause but started in on my neck. "...Ressa..." I mumbled, hearing the way I shortened her name but unable to say more. It felt as if any spare energy went into that orgasm.

"Mmmm," she moaned as she licked her way down my neck, tugging roughly at my t- shirt to get at more skin. When she couldn't reach any she started to yank it up, bunching it at my neck and tugged down the cups of my bra.

My breasts popped past the material, dark tips hard and ready for her. She swooped down on them, alternating between breasts greedily. "That's it..." I moaned. "Harder...oh God..." It felt so good. It's been so long...

Her sucking turned gentler until they became little licks that moved to the underside of my breasts. When my body bucked beneath her she looked up at me surprised. Her lips stumbled on a sensitive spot and I saw her filing the information away. She tugged up the bra until it bunched at my neck too. I pulled off my t-shirt as she playfully bit any skin she could find. I giggled. She moved on down my stomach. Her kisses grew wetter the lower she got until her tongue was swiping along the edge of my jeans. Her fingers were on the button there.

Pop. I lifted my hips as she pulled them down, grabbing my panties on the way and yanking them down until they were somewhere behind her. I sat up, pressing my back to the couch as she tugged me forward.

"Someone might see us." I protested feebly. Her yard was open to the front. This fact fluttered through my mind but disappeared when I felt her hands on my ass holding each cheek.


I barely had a chance to straddle her shoulders before her lips were sucking me into her mouth. It was as if she were trying to completely consume me inside out. I moaned loudly. "I knew it," she said into me then her mouth was attacking me again. With every swipe I felt my world shaking, threatening to shatter.

"Don't stop...d-don't stop..." I panted out loud. It sounded like even the birds grew quiet at her assault, but that was just my own heartbeat drowning out the world. She squeezed my ass as her lips pulled my clit into her mouth and sucked hard, she let go of me with one hand and plunged her fingers into me. "Ohh Reesa...Reesa..." I moaned. My hands squeezed her shoulders with each stroke of her tongue. Then I saw Roc racing down the steps and into the yard. "Reesa, wait..."

"No," she murmured as she licked and stroked me to an incredible orgasm. One that was short lived as I heard the unmistakable sound of footsteps on stone. "Mmmm, your pussy is so good, so tight..." My body trembled as it tried to settle down again but she was only getting me wetter and more excited. My hands alternated between pushing her closer and shoving her away.

"Reesa stop someone's-"

"Yo! TK?! Are you okay? I heard-" A smaller and younger version of Terry materialized. I couldn't hide it even if I wanted to. I looked like I was getting fucked and enjoying every second of it. And Terry couldn't hide either since she was still buried between my thighs. I shoved hard on her shoulders.

"Oh shit Terry! I'm so sorry!" Terry whipped her head around and scowled at the young girl who was backing away, barely avoiding tripping over Roc.

"Mellisa!" Terry barked in annoyance as she wiped her mouth.

"I'm going! I'm going! I'll be in the front!" With that she practically ran away with an oblivious Roc dancing excitedly around her legs. They both disappeared a moment later.

"Joanna, wait..." I was already pushing her away and fishing around for my clothes and my pride.

"I can't believe I just did that." She stopped trying to stop me and that made me stop too. Then I replayed what I just said. Her face had already turned to stone at the implication. She stood and picked up my t-shirt where it fell over the arm of the couch. "I didn't mean it like that Terry, I meant-"

"I know what you meant Ms. Larnet." Her voice was cold. My eyes turned to slits.

"Don't call me that! Stop calling me that!" She crossed her arms. If I had a glass of juice I would have thrown it in her face. How can she call me that after what we just did? I yanked my shirt from her and tugged it on. "Who was she?"

"My little sister, she drops by without calling. I've already cussed out her ass about it." Now her crossed arms seemed protective instead of defensive. I stood up, running my fingers through my braids, getting them in some semblance of order. How did I lose myself long enough to have sex on her porch? I wanted to reach out and touch the corded muscle of her arm to reassure her but I didn't.

Instead I looked at my toes then out into her yard. "I'm sorry, for saying that. It's just that..." I looked up into her eyes. They were closed to me now. I sighed. "I've never done anything like that before."

There was a smile trying to squeeze its way past her mask of indifference. That was all I needed to see. I stepped closer. Though there was still a considerable amount of space between us, like four inches, I still managed to smell myself on her. It made my stomach tighten in awareness. I wanted her bad. I needed her bad.

"Can I see you tomorrow?" She wiped her face and turned around to look into the trees. She couldn't say no, I wouldn't let her. I walked behind her lifting my hand to touch the material of her t-shirt. Her shoulders relaxed marginally. I ran my hands up her back, I wanted to move them around her stomach. I wanted to hug her, then slip them lower and lower, until they were inside those shorts. Over the low, coarse hairs I knew I'd find...would she let me? Would she spread her legs for me? Would she be shaved?

I wanted answers to these questions.

"You swimming after those runs yet?" She turned around. My hands stayed and ended up on her stomach. I didn't move away. She smiled down at me as she shook her head.

"I can't."

"Why?" I looked up at her, the smirk was toned down now and her curious gaze was back in place. She reminded me of Roc then.

"Why do you keep asking me about it?"

"Why NOT ask you? Why can't you do it?" I rolled my eyes and stepped father away. "Where are you going?" She grabbed my arm and gently tugged me back until I was pressed up against her. The length of her thigh pressed against mine. She moved her face closer and I watched her nose flare.

She felt it too.


"I'll be there in the morning. You're getting in that water." That old annoyance at being bossed around flared up but excitement was there too. She was the first woman that I'd ever been with who was a little controlling. I liked it.

"I can't and I won't." She moved back releasing my arm.

"We'll see about that." I stepped down from the porch and she followed close behind.

Roc was playing in the front of the house with TK's sister who I learned was Mellisa, Mel for short. She looked up shyly as she pushed Roc around to his heart's content. My eyes lowered in embarrassment as the memory of our first meeting flooded my thoughts. Mel saw her big sister fucking me...Oh God.

"Nice to meet you again," came the cheeky greeting. Another smart ass.

TK moved as if to chase her and she jumped back with a laugh and ran around the yard disappearing. "She won't say a thing about it again. Not if she values her life."

"I'm sure," I said dryly. I stood behind my opened car door and she stepped forward.

"You can't keep comin' around here breaking down my resolve." My eyes lowered. She chuckled and pulled the door open. I sat down. "What am I gonna do with you Joanna?" I bit my bottom lip and shrugged. She laughed and closed the door, stepping back as I started up.

With hands shrugged in pockets she watched me reverse then disappear.

As I panted down the shore I felt her eyes on me and as promised, she was there waiting. She had on men's beach shorts and a bikini top. I decided that the darkness of the sky was in my favor because she looked too good to be showing off her body in daylight. Lesbian or not she was bound to have both men and women eyeing her.

But no matter how good she looked she wasn't getting me in that water.

"Good morning." She smiled and reached out for the shirt I had thrown over my shoulder.

"Mornin'," she took my hand but I pulled it away. A look of surprise filled her eyes but she just smirked and took my hand again.

"Reesa!" Her smile turned predatory.

"I like how you have your own little nickname for me now."

"TERRY! I can't go in there." She grabbed me by the waist causing me to squeal. "Nooo..." She chuckled as I banged my fists against her shoulders.

"Stop hitting me before these people think that I'm raping you."

"I can't swim Reesa! I'm gonna drown in there!" She slowed then lowered me to the sand. The water raced up to my tennis shoes. I jumped back tugging her with me. She looked just as confused as everyone else I told my little secret to.

"What do you mean you can't swim? Everyone can swim." I crossed my arms.

"Obviously not." She scratched her head as she studied me.

"But you grew up on an island..."

"So? No one ever taught me. And not everyone who grows up near water can swim."

"But you're on the beach all the time..." I shrugged. Now I felt like an idiot. It was a well kept secret. Telling someone you couldn't swim was on the level of spitting on the Holy Bible. She took my hand. I looked up at her expecting to see a teasing smile but instead her eyes were filled with compassion

"Do you trust me?" I hardly knew her how could I trust her? My heart was singing a different tune though. More like shouting.

I nodded my head. Yes, I did trust her.

"I'll teach you how to swim. We'll come out here in the mornings until you learn." I looked apprehensively at the water but she tugged my chin back. "Not every morning, just some." She stepped closer pulling me close. The few runners who I usually spotted were eyeing me now, eyeing us both. Guess I just outted myself to my "running family".

At least that's one group of people out of the way, I thought.

"Come on, trust me. We'll take it one step at a time..."

I held onto her hand tightly as I stepped out of my tennis shoes then my socks. She smiled encouragingly at me as I felt the cool water splashing deliciously against my legs. Then the water was hitting my thighs. As soon as it hit my stomach I felt that telltale tightening in my chest. Fear. "I'm right here Joanna," I turned into her waiting arms and wrapped my thighs around her. "You can stand at this depth you know."

"I don't care." My voice trembled. She rubbed my back reassuringly.

"Okay, we'll just stay here okay. Soak it all up." I nodded my head against her neck. Gradually I began to relax and my choke hold on her eased to my hands resting on her shoulders. "Better?" She asked. Her lips were close to mine. I nodded my head, dipping my head before I could stop myself. Our lips pressed together softly.

I pulled away. She had a pleased smile on her face. I looked at her pretty hair style regretting that she was going to get it all messed up.

"Your hair..."

"I don't care about shit like that." She touched my braids sadly. "But your hair..." My eyes widened as I realized that they were getting a little wet at the tips.

"Oh shit! Pull them up! Pull them up!" I held on tighter as she made a knot on top of my head.

"See? All better. We need to get you a swim cap."

"You too." She smiled and I felt her legs kicking, keeping us afloat. I felt bad for a moment that she was doing the work for the both of us.

She deserves it though, pressuring me into the water. It wasn't such a bad deal though, wrapping my legs around her waist as she held me up. Now I knew exactly how it would feel in bed...with my legs wrapped around her, it didn't take much for me to imagine her pounding into me with a strap-on.

"I would pay good money to know what you're thinking about." I blinked and the steamy vision turned to her grinning face.


"I'm sure." She mumbled then nodded to the shore. "You ready to head in?" I nodded my head, trying to hide my disappointment. "Just hang on, but not too tight." We made our way to the shore.

We walked past the trees, both of us sticky with the grainy feel of salt water drying on our skins. All too soon we were standing in front of my car. She sat on the hood with legs spread. "Why didn't you just tell me that you couldn't swim?"

"People make a big deal out of it." I shrugged again. She chuckled and stood up.

"You're very easy to like Ms. Larnet." At my scowl she lifted up her hands in a show of peace. "Sorry. I meant to say Joanna. Habit." She shrugged too then led the way to my side of the car. "You drive safe now."

"You're kinda bossy." She chuckled.

"And I think you kinda like that." Getting into my car was a great cover to hide the revealing expression that I knew was on my face. "Have a good day."

"I will. You too. Don't work too hard." She smiled and stepped back, as always watching me drive away.

I didn't see her that night. It was as if my mom sensed that I wanted to get laid and made it her mission to ruin my plans. But god how I wish I went to her that day because the rest of the week turned into a traffic jam of meetings every evening.

I managed to call her on Thursday night. Though the conversation was short it was sweet enough to let me know that we were still...whatever we were.

"Hello?" My eyes closed when that sexy alto voice greeted my ears.

"Hey. It's Joanna."

"Well hello there."

"How was your day?"

"Long, of the guys quit so I had to get down and dirty today." I heard a grunt and imagined her stretching her legs.

"What happened?"

"He was a lazyass bum and wanted to get away with that with me so I gave him some choices and he made one." I heard the irritation in her voice. I didn't like it. I surprised myself with this feeling; me caring that she was stressed at the end of a work day.

"Bet you could use a nice, cold glass of lemonade right 'bout now." I bit my lip. The low way I said it sounded decidedly suggestive. I think we both knew what kind of "lemonade" I had in mind. I knew that she knew by her response.

"I could use a few glasses of your lemonade right 'bout now." My hand slipped between my thighs as my eyes closed. "I'd probably get greedy though, messy too. Might drink it in the kitchen, on the porch..." Her voice was deeper now. "My living room, bathroom...bedroom..."

"Ressa..." I whispered. I wanted her. I pulled the t-shirt I wore to bed higher up my thighs; my fingers ran over my underwear. I felt the wetness there, it wouldn't take me long at all to get myself off. I wanted to see her. I looked at my watch, swallowing. It was already 11pm. I had to be at work for 8:30 the next day and I needed to be up for 5:30 for my run..."Reesa-"

"You need to get to bed." Disappointment laced the quiet words.

"I do" I agreed. I didn't ask if I'd see her on the beach.

"Goodnight Joanna."

"Goodnight Reesa."

It wasn't going to be a good night at all. Vivid scenes of us together made sleep near impossible.

It wasn't a goodnight. I had another bad dream. The figure was still ambiguous but scared me so much that I woke up shivering. Twice in a month was too much. I hated waking up from those dreams. More than that, I hated waking up from them alone.

I had a day filled with paperwork and emails to return. It was lunch time on Friday and like most office workers, my mind was on the weekend. I had no idea what I wanted to do. I thought about getting the girls then I thought about the little projects that I wanted to get done around the apartment. I wanted to repaint the living room and it would be great to buy some plants for the kitchen. That would mean a trip into the city. Or maybe Reesa knew of a great plant place.

Reesa. I mentally added her to my to-do list.

I wouldn't mind checking her off of my list every day. I decided to go out for lunch that day and waited at the entrance for Karl to join me since he wanted to get out of the office too. "Where to sweetie?" He asked as we approached my car.

"Jimmy's" He rolled his eyes.

"You eat there whenever you get a chance! I want MacDonalds or anything else Jo." It was like watching a five year old demand candy.

I stood looking at him over the roof of my car. "You will never utter the name MacDonalds in my presence again Karl. And I heard Amanda and her lackeys inviting you out to lunch so if you don't want Jimmy's then just go with them."

"Ohhh! Well excuse me for being normal and not having money to spend up in some restaurant everyday." I turned the key, frowning when the ignition didn't turn over. "You know I don't like those bitches but come on Jo! Jimmy's again?"

"I don't go there everyday." I tried again. Nothing. "Dammit."

"Pop the hood." I did and he stepped out of the car. I stood next to him and we both stared at the mess that was my car's inner workings.

"So what are you looking for?" I asked. Karl shrugged.

"I don't know, I was hoping you'd tell me." I punched his arm and he laughed. "What? I don't mess with engines and stuff. I just got a manicure!"

"Shit. Who in there knows anything about cars?" The afternoon sun had me fishing for my shades.

"One of the IT guys," I shivered at the thought of asking one of them. They already looked at me funny, well more particularly my ass. I had no intention of owing them a damn thing.

"Can you call your guy?" His face lit up then grew dim again.

"He went to Miami yesterday."

"Shit." We looked at my engine some more.

"Why don't you call your girl?" Reesa? Why did I assume he meant Ressa?

You know why Jo...

"I don't have a girl." He rolled his eyes and pursed his lips.

"Well why don't you call the girl you don't have?" I pulled out my cell phone and scrolled down to where I had it saved. Karl noticed this of course, so he had to tease me about it.

"Shut up," I said to him as I pressed the call button. He teased me some more until I pushed him back into the car. "I said shut up."

"Okay, but you did call me," I didn't hear when she answered the phone. I slapped Karl's arm and pointed to the phone.

"NO! No, sorry Reesa. I didn't mean you." She chuckled. I heard men talking in the background. "Are you busy?" Of course she's busy Joanna.

"No busier than usual." Was she always smiling? I heard it wrapped around every word. I always smiled when someone was smiling at me who I liked, so I started to smile too "What's up?"

"Well, it's my car-"

"Can we dump that sand now boss?" Someone shouted in the background.

"Can't you see me on the phone Sammy?" I heard mumbling. "Yes you can dump it, next time say excuse me."

"Yeah boss..." I tried not to laugh as I pictured one of the big guys who worked for her skittering away properly scolded. She sighed.

"Sorry 'bout that Joanna. It's like they were raised by a family of gorillas." I laughed as I pictured it in my head. She chuckled. "What's wrong with your car honey?" Karl nudged me when I started to look embarrassed. I shooed him away, not about to let him know that she called me my first endearment.

"Ummm, it won't start."

"Did you check under the hood? Is it the battery?" I was even more confused as she started to put names to the mass of boxes and cords under the hood.

"I don't know..." She chuckled.

"You may just need a jump, is there someone there who might have the cords?"

What cords?! Karl was sitting in the passenger seat filing his nails in between fanning himself. "Ummm, I have a friend with me but he's even gayer than I am and won't get his manicure messed up even if he knew what to do." She burst out laughing. I chuckled and shook my head at the ridiculousness of the situation. It felt good making her laugh.

"I'm guessin' you're at work right? Parking lot?"


"On lunch break, a break you already missed 30 minutes off?" I lifted my wrist and sighed. She was right again.


"I'll be there in 15 minutes. On the other side of the island." I told her not to bother since she was so far away. I'd ask around at work and find someone who could help. She was quiet for a beat. "I'll be there in 15 minutes. Wait inside where it's cooler. See you then." She didn't wait for a response.

With a soft snap I closed my phone.

My frown must have been mistaken for her not coming because Karl was already calling her a bitch for not coming.

"...when you call her, OBVIOUSLY in the middle of a crisis, and she's not gonna help you?"

"She's coming." His mouth snapped closed.

"Oh." His mood lightened up instantly. "Well then, I'm excited! I get to meet your mystery lover! Is her voice deep? What does she look like again?"

"Let's just wait for her inside crazy." He clapped his hands as we stepped past the doors of the bank. I led him to my office and people walking by looked at me curios about Karl who was practically bouncing off the walls in excitement. "Too much coffee." I said. Most people nodded their heads understandably. He really did get excited from too much caffeine.

I was sitting down listening to Karl tell me about some movie he saw the day before with his boyfriend when someone came knocking on my door. It was open already so just swung even wider revealing the face of the assistant that I shared with another loan officer. She looked like she was trying to hide a smile as she told me that someone was here to see me. She wasn't very successful.

"Send them in Tiffany," I stood up in surprise when Reesa stepped up to the doorway. Karl looked her up and down then turned to me mouthing, "wow." It was for good reason; Reesa looked good in a white dress shirt with the TKL logo on the right pocket. The shirt was rolled up her forearms and tucked into a slightly dusty pair of dark blue jeans. Black work boots rounded out the outfit and as usual her dark shades covered her eyes.

Tiffany hadn't left yet, she stood by greedily taking it all in and what it all meant. When someone sent you lunch in the office it meant only one thing, you were together. Reesa had a slightly greasy paper bag in one hand and a plastic bag with two cans in it in the other. The surprise was as clear as day in Tiffany's eyes. She had no idea that I was gay. "Thank you Tiffany." Finally she caught on to her staring. With a smile and nod she disappeared, no doubt to spread the good news. Or bad new depending on your point of view.

I ushered her inside the office and closed the door. Karl was already standing up with hand held out. It looked like he was about to curtsy.

"Hello! I'm Karl. You must be Terry." Terry smiled politely, shoving her shades on top of her head. She had on a hat today. The khaki hat had the logo of her company at its. I took the bags from her and she shook Karl's hand.

"Hey, nice to meet you." She smirked at him then turned back to me and nodded at the food. "Since you missed your lunch and all."

"You didn't have to."

"I know." She smiled at Karl and opened the office door. "Show me the car. There's enough for two and two forks." I told Karl to dig in. He smiled thankfully.

I felt all eyes on me as I led Reesa out of the bank. When we stepped outside I exhaled. She looked over at me but didn't say a word, though I felt as if she wanted too. I pointed out my car and popped the hood. She fiddled around under the hood for a few minutes, repeatedly asking me to try the ignition until finally it started.

"Come here a sec Jo." I hopped out of the car and stood next to her. She pointed to where the ends of two cables connected with a big box that I found out was my battery. "That was loose, you need to make sure it's tight whenever you check under here. You only need one of these to do that." She waved a wrench around that I didn't even see her grab from her truck parked a few spots away.

"Okay. Tighten the end of the thick cordy things. Got it." She smirked at me.

"Exactly." She gestured for me to step back and lowered the hood. "This is a good car, when's the last time you got it serviced?"

"Well, I bought it a year and a half ago." She patiently looked at me. "A year and a half ago."

"You do realize that you need to have your car serviced every four months right?"

"No. I thought that was a myth." She laughed as she wiped her hand on a rag I found in the trunk. I pulled her over as I sat down and grabbed the cloth from her. After I wet it with a bottle of water I had in my car boiling for days I wiped at the tougher grease stains on her fingers. She was crouched down watching me carefully.

"You need to take care of this car before it shuts down on you. Send it in this month Jo." Her bossiness was in full effect now.

"Yes ma'am," I teased. Her body stretched to its full 6' 2" as her pretty, brown eyes twinkled down at me. I pouted when she pulled her shades over them. It was like looking into two mini mirrors. "You didn't have to bring me food. Or that queen either." She crossed her arms and leaned against the car.

"It was free and you missed lunch." So that made it all logical, I thought.

"Free..." My arms crossed too.

"I have the hook up."

"The hook up..." She flashed her pretty teeth at me again. I loved how strong they looked. Her mama must have made sure she had her milk. Lots of cream with her cereal. I had some cream I could give her...shit. Her smile told me that my thoughts were as loud as a bullhorn.

"I have to make sure you eat properly." I think that we both knew that her definition of eating was now of the dirty variety. Her phone buzzed and she yanked it up. "Gotta get back to work. Enjoy the meal."

"Let me cook for you tonight." Her smile was instant.

"You don't have to ask me twice. I'm there." I was giddy with excitement. She stepped forward and I knew that she was going to kiss me. My eyes were glued to my shoes a second later, it was reflex. I couldn't help it. She couldn't help stepping back either.

I watched her shake her head and turn away. I grabbed her arm and slid down until I held her hand. "Reesa..."

"I know. Text me your address." Her voice was irritated now so I let her go, watching as she hopped in her truck and drove away.

I know that I shouldn't have cared about if someone saw her touch me, or kiss me but I did. Looking away was probably as harsh as slapping her in the face. But I cared. I just didn't know if I cared enough to risk threatening whatever it was we were doing.


Next: Chapter 3

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