Island Adventures

By Jeremy Harker

Published on Aug 20, 2005



My name is Jeremy, and I am going to describe my time growing up on the island of Paradise. Some situations are real, others have been exaggerated and some are purely fictional but based on my own fantasies of people I grew up with. Some names and locations have also been changed, but once again all based on real people and places. Enjoy.

Island Adventures Chapter 1 - Samuel And Albert

My sexual awakening began in a place outside the island, a camping known as Oceanwave where we would go every year for summer. It was the place I discovered the wonders of being a boy, and it was a place I would go back to later for some of my wildest experiences yet. I must have been about eight when I first started. I made friends with two boys, Juan and Nati, and we would make our own tent out of blankets. Once we were inside, we would have a competition to see who had the biggest dick, and that normally meant pulling down our shorts or speedos so we could compare. Nati had an older brother of about seventeen called Samuel, and whenever I'd see him at the beach, something in my little loins would stir. Samuel was a beautiful well-formed tanned smooth boy, with a rippled torso and muscular footballer's legs with a light sprinkling of dark hair. He also had a small trail of hair leading down into the mysterious bulge underneath his shorts, which also accentuated his bubble butt. The best part for me was waiting for him to shower in the evenings, I would follow him to the men's communal showers as soon as I saw him leave his caravan, and then I would take the shower cubical next to him. If I timed the hot water right, I would be able to see him come out of the showers in just a towel, dripping wet. Something in my young mind told me this was very hot, and I would follow his cute butt all the way back, hoping maybe the towel would fall suddenly.

One day my wish was more than granted. It was middle of the week early into the summer, so the camping was pretty much empty. I followed him to the showers, as usual, and then I peeped out of the little holes in the metal shower door in order to watch him leave. The best part about those little holes was you could peep out, but they were so small nobody could see you peep in. And if like me, you used the shower just beside the sinks, you could see all the boys and men come out of the shower to shave or brush their teeth, and as this was a men's bathroom, they sometimes did this naked. So imagine my surprise upon seeing Samuel come out of the showers completely wet and nude, his now visible bubble butt showing me the fact he had no tan line. He positioned himself at the sinks in front of the large mirrors, and the view couldn't have been more perfect. He was at an angle where not only could I see his wonderful ass perfectly, but the reflection showed me his whole front, all the way down his tanned chest to the small bush of pubic hair right above his drooping cock. He turned to look at the door with a slight air of panic, but he would be all right. The entrance to the bathroom was a long coridoor with toilets on one side and showers on the other, ending in the large room of sinks and mirrors. Plus there was hardly anyone in the camping, and he seemed oblivious to the fact my shower was running. Feeling pleased, he grinned at his reflection in the mirror, grabbed his cock with his hand and started pounding feriociously at it while it grew thick and hard. With his free hand he stroked his balls and ass, all the while enjoying the view on the mirror before him. I did my best to imitate him with my undeveloped genitals, and it felt surprisingly good. Harder and harder he pounded, stroking his cock up and down, occasionally glancing at the door or spitting into his hand for more lubricant. He seemed to get off on watching himself, and the thrill of getting caught. He tilted his head back and gave a low moan, until finally thread after thread of sticky boy-cum spurted from his cock, spraying the sink and mirror. He stood there naked and messy, grinning from ear to ear, until he noticed the sound of my shower and panicked slightly. I panicked and turned it off, drying myself up and putting on my clothes. "Who's in there?" I heard him shout, and reluctantly I opened the door to greet his naked, hard figure, the cum drying out on the mirror. I tried my best not to look at his now semi-erect cock, but it was even more exciting to be so close to him. "It's just me", I replied meekly. He looked at me and laughed, grabbed his cock and balls playfully with his hand and shook them at me. "One day you'll have fun with this too!", he grinned and put a finger to his lips, indicating that I should keep this quiet. I nodded and smiled, and he asked me to come closer to him. He was even more beautiful up close, my heart was pounding in my chest and I did my best to keep myself from shaking. He turned and grabbed a glob of drying cum off the mirror, put his other hand on my shoulder and brought me closer, sticking his fingers into my mouth. I tasted my very first cum there and then, salty and bitter yet slightly sweet. I grinned and nodded, unaware of the whole business that was sex yet still imbedded with an instinct that it was something fun and something I'd be doing a lot of. So I swallowed his cum and he smiled at me, his cock growing harder as he saw me swallow. He began to get slightly nervous, and inched closer towards me until his cock almost brushed my lips, his face a serious look. He then looked at the door, and as if thinking better of it, suddenly laughed and kneeled down, giving me a sweet kiss on the lips. He stood up and turned around, grabbing his towel, and then turned back to me. I stood there transfixed, as if I'd just missed a moment. So he laughed at me and slapped me playfully on my little butt, turned me around and pushed me playfully into the coridoor. "Come on now, off with you!" he grinned. I walked down to the door, and he called my name, I turned and he grinned, grabbing his cock again. "Maybe one day" he said, and then put his finger to his mouth again. I nodded and smiled, and made my way back.

"one day", unfortunately, never happened. At the very most, I became in my mind his new best friend, for every time he saw me he'd smile and wave. Now in the camping there were groups divided by age, and what every young kid wanted was to grow up and be able to go to the village and harbour next to the camping, to be able to stay up all night on the beach. So to be acknowledged by one of the older ones and sometimes be able to sit with them all made me very cool with my friends. Samuel became my Sex Education class, he'd let me sit with his friends when they talk about sex, and when someone pointed out I was only eight, he said it was fine and I could stay. Sometimes we'd sit on the beach and he'd talk to me about all the girls he'd fucked, what their pussies tasted like, how great a blowjob was, and techniques for jerking off. He seemed to view himself as my sex mentor, preparing me for later life, or maybe he just got a kick out of it. Sometimes he'd whisper in my ear "showers at six" and I would lock myself in the cubicle and wait for him to jerk off again. One very special time he let me come out of the cubicle and watch from very close up, so I watched in awe as the slit on the head of his cock opened up and the cum sprayed out. Sometimes he'd put his fingers in my mouth and watch me swallow his cum, and he's jerk off again over that, always making me leave. It was almost as if he was very tempted to take it further, and then realised the consequences of that and thought better of it. That said, he seemed to get a great kick out of having someone watching him, especially if they were hidden, so the rest of the time he made me stand in the shower cubicle. Sometimes he'd say "the trees by the beach at six", and he showed me a little hiding place I could sit in. Right beside the beach was a small river, and then a small gathering of trees, which under the cover of evening, made for a great secluded area. In my hiding area I'd watch as he brought girls back from the village or harbour, and fuck them. His favourite position was getting them on all fours, that way he could wink at me. I used to love it when he came, he'd cum all over their faces and as he came he'd groan and moan and give me a big smile and a wink. I found it all slightly bizarre but very hot, and it was the moment of the day I'd most look forward to, although I'd fervently wish I was one of the girls he'd fuck, thinking them to be very lucky to have Samuel's cum all over their faces. One time he left his underwear behind, some tight white briefs he'd jerked off into. Once he'd gone I rushed up and grabbed them, and licked them. I then rubbed myself with them until I had my own small dry orgasm.

The days were normally spent with Nati, Samuel's brother who was my age. Whenever we weren't having dick measuring competitions, me and Nati would sit in the park, which with the heat of summer was abandoned and left solely for us. The best part being it was behind a wall, so it was very secluded. There we would play around and talk lots. One day, during our own private measuring competition, I blurted out "Your brother has the biggest cock of all". He looked at me suspiciously, "How do you know that?" I blushed and cupped my mouth with my hand. I'd blown my secret! I quickly thought of an excuse "Oh, because I've seen him naked in the showers. Haven't you?" He grinned and scoffed "Of course I have! All the time, he is my brother you know! We sleep in the same bed, in the mornings it gets big". I pretended to not know this. "Wow." I was feeding his ego, so he kept going "Sometimes he lets me touch it for him, and I lick it for him too and he gives me money for sweets. He says not all girls like doing that, but I love it. I love his cum too." I was in shock, and I grineed and him and pretended to be surprised. I was also slightly jealous. I pictured Nati sucking hard on that cock like one of the girls, and my little boner popped up. "Do you want me to lick it for you?" I smiled. "Yes, you can pretend to be a woman. A whore. And I'll be the man." I wasn't sure what a whore was but I knew it was demeaning, and right now I found no greater pleasure than demeaning Nati. So I lay my tanned, skinny, hairless little self down on the grass as he licked at my crotch. "Do you like that?" he asked. I nodded, and had an instant brainwave. "I know what's better, pull down your pants". So he did and we lay there naked as I got on top of him and rubbed up and down as we both moaned.

We were both so busy dry-humping we failed to see the figure of Albert standing behind us, until suddenly he laughed very hard. We jumped in shock and put our clothes on, blushing a very deep shade of red. He pointed at us, "Ha ha ha! You little faggots! You're both hard!" Albert was the son of some friends of my parents, so this was bad, very bad, because it wasn't like I would just not see him after summer. Albert lived in Paradise, like me, and I had visions of him telling everyone, or even worse, my parents. I didn't feel that what I was doing was wrong, But I knew other people shouldn't find out. Albert was three years older than me, eleven, and I found him incredibly hot. But he was a bastard, so my feelings were slightly confused. Now he stood there in his shorts, a small appearance of muscle on his stomach waiting for puberty, and he began to laugh even harder. "You were both hard! I only get hard for a girl, ha ha ha!" Nati stood there and argued with him, whereas I just burst into tears and ran away, praying that he never told a soul and hoping for the best. I don't know what happened between Albert and Nati, but Nati told me the next day everything had been sorted out, and that was that. Samuel managed to console me greatly that evening. He told me to go the woods, and for the first time, he brought with him a man instead of a girl. The man was about twenty-five, very well built with rippling muscles and a little chest hair, and a very large thick cock. And that was how I got to see Samuel on all fours, moaning in pain and pleasure as hi virginity was taken by this anonymous hottie. And later, how he came all over Samuel's back, and Samuel came all over the man's face, and the man licked it off in joy. The next day, Samuel brought over a toy car he had bought me. He said the man had given him a lot of money, more money than he had ever seen. He grinned at me and quickly gave me a small peck on the mouth. That was the last day of summer, and I never got to see both of them again after that. Except for one time, when i was about fourteen, and they came over to the camping to visit. Samuel was then a man, married with children, and Nati was about my age. They sat with my parents and talked for a while, and then said goobye. It was nothing like before, it was almost like it had never happened, except for the wink Samuel gave me and he left.

As for Albert, it seemed I would get the last laugh, as my encounter with Nati he had witnessed seemed to spark something in him I would never have thought possible.

Part 2

When I was ten, I was going to a middle school in a large and creepy Victorian building. By this time, I had experienced my first sort of wet orgasm, one night whilst I was watching television. I was watching the film "North" with Elijah Wood and I found him so incredibly hot I started pounding on my little dick, which by now was a good 4 inches when hard. After a while I came, a liquidy cum that smelt of almonds to me. I knew this was the beginning of something amazing. At school, I paid no real attention to the boys, none of them held any interest for me then. My greatest joy would be to be excused from maths class in the morning. I would then walk down the long cold coridoor to a creepy toilet I had found which no-one seemed to use. Once there, I would strip off my school uniform, lay on the floor and see how long it would take to blow my load. I would then put on all my clothes and go back to class, the teacher never once complained about me taking long.

When I was eleven, my family would go camping to a different camping site over summer. Palm Tree Camping was different to Oceanwave, it had a pool, and this delighted me to no end. Not only could I enjoy the pool but also the sights of men and boys in the pool. And then there were the showers, large cubicles that even had a small bench in them. My greatest challenge was to try and peer through the small gaps between cubicles, I even tried a mirror, but nothing worked. Instead, it was all down to my imagination. I would also find the free papers they gave away in supermarkets, and look at the personal ads in the back. There, were explicit adverts detailing personal ads for men seeking men, and even better were the ones advertising sex shows, strippers and even male brothels. I would imagine a whole large house full of boys 18-25, and how one day I would like to join them, it seemed like the perfect job for me. One day we went to the camping on a day trip, which I found quite strange. Imagine my horror when it was clear we were going to visit Albert's family for a day. I said hi to everyone and sat down meekly, Albert looking at me the whole time with a large grin. It didn't seem malicious though, it seemed like he was generally pleased to see me, but I was very suspicious. I was also very turned on. Albert was now fourteen, and he had developed well. His hair in curtains had gone, replaced by a shaved head, and a small golden hoop adorned his ear. He had grown very tall as well, and slightly muscular. Best of all, a little hair had grown under his arms, a shimmer on his legs, and a small little trail ran down his navel and flat stomach to whatever his black swimming shorts were hiding. I played with him and his sister all day, we swam in the pool and played basketball, and everything was surprisingly well. By the time we realised, it was early evening, and we all walked back to the caravan. Albert's sister and her friend went to have a shower together like young girls do, they even shared a cubicle. Albert was off for a shower, and asked if I was coming too. Seeing as I had been in the pool, my parents told me it would be best to have a shower, so I took my towel and went with Albert.

Once there, the large shower room was empty, everyone was still having fun in the pool. Albert stepped into a cubicle, and I was about to do the same thing, when he popped out again grabbed my hand and said "Come into this cubicle with me, take a shower with me." I was deeply embarrassed. "No" "But the girls do it!" he pleaded "No!" I cried, so he blocked my way into each cubicle. I was very frustrated now. He grabbed my towel with a mighty swoop and laughed. "Now you have no choice!" I ran to the exit, and he followed behind me, trying to get me to stop. I ran back to his parents and my parents and told them what had happened. His parents looked at him in dismay as he turned a deep shade of crimson. "Albert! It's different for boys than it is for girls", his mother scolded as she handed me a new towel. We both walked back separately, until he caught up with me in the showers again. "Come on, it will be fun. If you want, I will shower first and then you can shower and I won't look." This pleased me somewhat, and because he was being so gentle, I agreed.

We stepped into the large cubicle and he locked the door, I sat on the bench and he turned to me and grinned. He reached out for the handle of the shower to let the water start flowing, and then he took off his shorts. As he did, he bent over slightly, giving me a full view of his spreading asscheeks, a small vision of his tight hole and his balls swinging between his legs. He stood up straight, his butt a small curve on the arch of his long back, he turned back round to give me the full view. The treasure trail did indeed explode into a small thatch of dark curly pubic hair, and his dick was thick and drooped against his tight balls. He smiled at me and grabbed the shower gel, stepped into the hot shower and began to lather himself up. I sat there transfixed, and he seemed to realise this and turned round angrily. "What are you looking at, faggot?!" I blushed and stammered a little, and then he began to laugh. "Just kidding man." He cupped his balls. "You never seen them as big as this?" I shook my head for no. I was actually lying then, Samuel's had been much bigger, but I thought that might displease him and I didn't want to give away that I'd seen another boy naked. He turned again, giving me a view of his ass. "Hey" he called "Come and scrub my back for me, I can't reach." Nervously, I took off my shorts and walked up the shower. I thought at least he couldn't see me with his back turned, so I started lathering up his back. It was strong and muscular, and it gave me a great tingling feeling. I wondered if Samuel's back felt like this. "Get on your knees" he commanded "and rub my legs". So I did, I started to rub at his muscular hairy thighs and he let out a little moan. He turned around, and I realised with surprise he'd been jerking off, his cock was now hard and around 6 inches. He looked down at me. "You do this too Jeremy?" I nodded in agreement. "I bet you do, it feels so good, all boys do it." I looked back at his dick. "Open your mouth" he said, and I did. With that, his cock slid into my open wet mouth, water dripping on us and he groaned. "That feels so good Jeremy". It felt good to suck too, to have this hard piece of Albert's meat in my mouth, and I began to jerk off myself as he grabbed the back of my head and slowly started to face-fuck me. He went faster and faster, pounding his dick into my open mouth, telling me it was great, and then with some urgency he asked me to get up. "Come on, get up and turn around, quick!" I did as I was told and I placed my hands on the wall, he spread my legs apart a little and I could feel him jerking off, his cockhead placed against my asscheeks, until he let out a large moan, "Fuck! Fuck! I'm cumming, fuck!" He lets the hot jizz spurt out onto my virgin hole and then he sighs and laughs. "Stay like that" he says, and starts rubbing the cum into my asshole, finally putting a finger into my tight ass. I wince in slight pain, but it also feels good. "Don't worry, you'll love it." With that he takes them out, kneels down and starts licking my asshole, lapping up his cum and his tongue travels from my hole to my balls. My legs shake in pleasure, and he gets up, puts a finger roughly into my ass and his other hand starts jerking me off furiously. I can feel his breath in my ear as he starts to whisper furiously "You little faggot, you love this don't you, you're a good little cocksucker. One day I'm going to fuck that tight little ass fo yours, and all my friends are going to come round and do the same, and we're all going to cum in your mouth." He puts two fingers up me and roughly fingers me, all the time pounding hard on my dick, until suddenly my knees almost buckle and I cum with a high pitched sigh. I turn to him, panting heavily and smiling and he grins, licking his hand where I came all over. "your cum is sweet" he says, and he reaches up and gives me a deep- throat kiss, so I can taste my own cum. Then, as if nothing had ever happened, he grabs the shower gel. "Come on, let's get clean". And for the rest of the night, it is as nothing had ever happened.

Part 3

We went back a few weeks afterwards, to stay for a few days. I'd been jerking off all day thinking about Albert and everything he'd promised to do to me. I wondered if he would keep his promise. We got there in the evening and were invited over to Albert's caravan for a meal. Albert acted as if nothing had happened, and I wondered whether it would be the same as with Samuel. It was getting dark and everything was ready for the meal, except we had no Coke, no Albert's mother asked him to go the the shop just outside the camping to buy some. He politely agreed and asked if I would come with him. My young cock gave a slight stir and my heart gave a small thump, as I agreed and followed him through the dark. We got to the toilets and he started walking into them, and he grabbed my wrist, "Come on, it won't take a moment, I need to piss". He stepped into a toilet cubicle and dragged me with him, unzipping his fly and a steady stream of piss flowing into the toilet. When he went to flush, I realised he'd also been stroking his dick, and it was now hard. He grinned at me and I smiled back, and with his free hand he grabbed my hair and pulled me to my knees. "Suck it." I grinned back, and without a word plunged his hot cock into my mouth. "Make it nice and wet" he groaned, and I did, until he finally pulled his dick out of my mouth. "Turn around and drop your shorts" he ordered, and I complied. I looked back to see him drop to his knees and start to lick my tight little asshole, and I moaned in pleasure. He got up and pushed his cock against it, until only his cockhead was in my ass, it felt like he was tearing me apart and he stifled a scream. He laughed quietly and whispered in my ear, "Still nice and tight, what a lovely virgin hole. I'm going to enjoy that tonight." He kissed my cheek. "Don't worry, it won't hurt as much." I heard the sound of his flies being zipped up. "Come on, let's go."

To Be Continued...

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