Iroppoi Herususentaa

By TopLegal

Published on Jan 7, 2023


Part 6 ======

By TopLegal

WARNING This contains graphic descriptions of sexual intercourse

and sadomasochistic activities between adult males. If this

offends you, is not appropriate for viewing in your location, or

you are not of legal age, do not read it. Any resemblance of

characters in this story to the living is purely coincidental.

(c) 2003, TopLegal. Permission is granted for distribution via

Usenet and the Web provided that the following two conditions are

met: there is no cost to access this story, e.g. AdultCheck, pay

site, etc., and the story is posted in full without modifications.

Sumisu-san 2 ------------

Reza was completely exhausted the next morning from the previous

day's punishment, but I was surprised to find Tanaka-san had

brought Sumisu-san into our unit.

"Sumisu-san," Tanaka-san said pointing to me, "I am glad you were

so pleased with Coady-san's training. He has been quite a


Sumisu-san smiled broadly at me and picked up the martinet from

the peg as I instinctively stripped. "Well Lane," Sumisu-san said,

"I am really glad you could see your way to letting me help his

training along. The best bottoms have historically always put up

the most resistance."

Tanaka-san ordered me to freeze and the young boy band star

administered a savage thrashing to my entire body. The strokes

immersed me mentally and with each violent lash the young star was

driving my free personality deeper into submission.

Three hundred lashes after the assault started, Sumisu-san put

down the lash and held me tenderly as I collapsed into his arm.

"Fuckbuddy rules," Tanaka-san called out as Sumisu-san carried me

into my bedroom. Sumisu-san licked every inch of my sore flesh and

commented that he wanted to take me to hang out with his band.

"To be fucked by them all?"

"Patrick," he said mockingly as his tongue flicked over my just

lashed and sore, but sensitive cock head, "why else would I take

you to see them?"

"They know you are gay?"

"Who says they aren't?"

"Are they?"

Sumisu-san stood up and tacked my autographed picture of him on my

wall. "So many questions Patrick, I'm beginning to think the

thrashing was not effective enough."

I shuddered involuntarily at the thought of further punishment and

offered to suck his dick but was turned down and he handed me a

kimono to go do a cardio routine.

Still in a pink trainee swimsuit and jockstrap, I was unmolested

in the gym, but Sumisu-san pushed the limits and openly groped me

in the gym.

"Coady-san," I heard from across the gym. I turned and saw the

club's director Damien Sato beckoning me.

I walked across the gym floor to Sato-san. I passed by William

Thompson squat thrusting Sumisu-san's cock as he did a leg press.

Sato-san took me by the arm and guided me to Tanaka-san's office.

"Tanaka-san," Sato-san said to the seated trainer, "allowing

Sumisu-san into Coady-san's house was a breach of training


"Sato-san," Tanaka-san responded, "my humblest apologies,

Sumisu-san was so complementary of my training methods, I perhaps

was not thinking."

Sato-san stuck Tanaka-san's arm with a syringe and the trainer

blacked out. I was ordered to carry Tanaka-san to one of the

training rooms and strap him to a table and affix a virtual

reality headset to his head.

Sato-san then led me back to his office where Sumisu-san was

sitting politely waiting. "Where's Lane?"

"Tanaka-san will be indisposed for a few hours," Sato-san said as

he picked up a syringe and then jabbed Sumisu-san in the arm.

Punishment ----------

When Sumisu-san, no John, my boy band friend awoke he was fully

laced down to the bondage table in our basement apartment.

Sato-san's parting instructions were to "have fun."

I had already inserted an electrode with a buttplug in John's anus

and as I saw him waking up, I applied a gentle, stimulating

current to jolt my young friend awake.


I increased the voltage to a more painful level, "that's Coady-san

to you for the duration of your punishment." John's satisfying

struggle against my thorough bondage work on the lace-down table

due to the painful electrical stimuli aroused me greatly.

"Humblest apologies Coady-san," he said, quickly followed by "domo

arrigatou goziamasu."

I reduced the electrical voltage down to a more minimalist level

and picked up a feather.

"Interesting turn John," I said flicking the feather across his

rock-hard boy cock. "You thought you would be taking me back to

your mates and instead you are here suffering my attentions."

He fought vainly to free himself as I began to tickle him gently

with the feather. "NO," he screamed as I increased the intensity

of the tickling and targeted his most sensitive exposed areas. The

more he struggled, the harder his cock became and the more he

oozed precum.

"John," I commented idly, "did you know there are eight different

positions from which you can be fucked on the bondage swing?"

More precum dribbled out of John's cock and then I brought the

intensity of the electrical stimulation to more painful levels.

John started screaming more loudly and begging for his punishment

to end but that only caused me to turn the intensity higher and


Realizing that his pleas only worsened his predicament, John tried

to modulate his screams and stick to struggling helplessly against

the restraints. All the while John's cock was rock hard.

"I was thinking I might use your cell phone to call one of the

other guys over for some boyband boy-on-boyband boy action?"

John shot his load into a shallow cup I had waiting at the tip of

his cock. I reduced the electrical stimulus to almost nothing and

then commented, "It would seem you would like that very much."

Then I forced John to drink and swallow his own cum.

"Well you will have to settle for trying all eight positions on

the bondage swing with my slave cock." John's quick suddenly

became rock hard again and began to drizzle precum liberally

again. "Then, I'm going to flog you with the martinet quite

severely and finally dress you up like a British prep-school lad

with short-shorts."

His precum flowed freely as I carefully released him from the

table into confining leather restraints and then carried him to

the bondage string with one hand on his rock hard cock.

At the swing, I strapped John into the first position and then

removed the buttplug. I plunged my hard cock into his ass and

began to rock John back and forth on the swing in a full pumping

action. I used the biofeedback techniques to control my own

orgasm, but John lacked that training and quickly unloaded his


As I forcibly moved John to the second position and restrained

him, the full horror of his predicament was beginning to dawn on

him. "Please Coady-san," he begged as I reinserted my cock into

his waiting ass and began pumping and swinging until he achieved a

third orgasm for the evening.

Flogging --------

John was hoarse before the ninth orgasm--eighth position--and I

still had not cum even once. His eyes pleaded with me for mercy.

He was too fatigued to fight as I led him to the whipping pillory

to be restrained for his punishment.

Drained of cum from six hours of forced anal sexual pleasure in a

variety of bound situations. He was feeling quite different about

his position versus mine. The tops received almost no training

except for Japanese language from the club. The employees/slaves

like myself were heavily trained.

As I lashed John with the martinet for the first time, his hoarse

voice's barest scream was an exquisite music to my ears. "You see

John," I said, punctuating each word with a blow of the martinet,

"our next stop will be the hotel where your mates are staying."

I took care to strap only on the areas that would be easily

concealed with shorts and a T-shirt. Still humiliating for a club

top and even more humiliating for a public figure like John.

Satisfied that a mere fifty lashes had done their job, and I

released him and handed him the shorts and T-shirt he was to put


Exhausted from his ordeal, he dressed without resistance and

followed me out the back to a waiting limo. We pulled up at the

small hotel where he was staying and made it up to his room

without encountering anyone.

"Call them," I said firmly. John picked up the phone and dialed

the suite next door. "Tell them you have a piece of meat for them

to enjoy."

He made the calls and in a few minutes the other four band members

were in the room. John was naked, kneeling on the coffee table

with his flaming red ass and back in the air.

"Gentlemen," I said to the four arrivals, "John would appreciate

it greatly if you would fuck him so he can cleanse himself fully

of his error this morning."

One asked, "Who are you?"

John called out, "guys just get it over for me, please. We've

fucked girls as wells as guys together, just fuck me and get it

over with."

One of the guys dropped his pants and shoved it into John's mouth,

"get me hard then." Another dropped trousers and just rammed it up

John's ass. The other two pulled out their cocks and started

stroking them. John took it in the ass like a man and when it was

over, I left without fucking him.

Back at my apartment, I wrote up a full disciplinary report for

posting at all clubs worldwide.

Wolf-san Returns ----------------

I was excited to see Wolf-san in the club again the next week. He

was pleased to see that I was progressing nicely and kissed me on

the cheek at the club.

"So did you get some initiation in Japan?"

"Actually, yes," he said, "they will be sending you soon. I still

can't quite get over what you did to that boy band star for his


"You disapprove?"

Wolf-san hesitated and then shook his head, "no, more just that we

are taught ~not~ to think of you boys as having desires or sexual

appetite. Reading Sumisu-san's punishment log I suddenly was

struck that you might have some desires."

"I did not orgasm Wolf-san, I took no pleasure in punishing

Sumisu-san." That was only partially true, that part of me that

was outside my own body had loved fucking Sumisu-san in every

position. Loved the power I had over him and loved that I was

fucking a celebrity. But that part of me was not in control.

"True," Wolf-san said, "but do you ever want things? To be hugged?


I hesitated. Weeks of violent lashings with the martinet were

unraveling ever so slightly as Wolf-san opened the door to my

liberated personality. But only slightly.

"Wolf-san, I have learned to find extraordinary pleasure in making

my body as attractive to others as I can and as available to

pleasing others as possible." The programming won out.

"I can see why Webster-san was relieved to switch to training


I knew what he meant all of a sudden. I was a good friend of Tim

Webster. Or at least I used to be. Now I was another item on the

sex slave buffet for his selection. He could easily stomach using

me, but actually breaking my will would have turned his stomach.

Wolf-san had no such compunctions about breaking my will and

commented that Sato-san had given both of us dispensation to an

extra escort duty on Friday ~and~ Saturday night.

I stopped at Tanaka-san's office to discuss my final training

sessions and my future schedule before heading home. I was going

to do Wednesday, Thursday and Friday from noon to eight shifts

when I started. Reza was similarly scheduled Sunday to Tuesday.

Both of us would do escort work on Saturdays.

"Coady-san here is a first class ticket to Tokyo on JAL for your

final training. In Tokyo you will report to headquarters for your

final week of slave training."

I took the ticket, bowed slightly and thanked Lane Tanaka for his

hard work over the previous months in training me. Reviewing the

ticket, the flight was two weeks away. That just meant that I

would get used to my shift times and could optionally review the

existing electives I had taken.

My shoulders were thoroughly tattooed to reflect my specialties.

The next five or so years loomed large ahead of me as I returned

to find Reza with a ticket to the Saudi Arabia club.

"They are sending me to the Saudi club for my final initiation

since they have the most torture specialists in the clubs in the

Middle East."

"So this is a test?"

"Yes, if I pass I'll go to Japan to finish the initiation," he

said calmly.

"Reza," I said reaching out to hold him, "I am glad to be in this

with you."

"You have to demonstrate total surrender in order to pass the

tests Patrick, if you hold back even slightly you will be kicked


The part of me on that far away cloud screamed something, but I

could not hear it. "I want to be here Reza. I love serving the

tops here at the Iroppoi Herususentaa."

"Good," Reza said, "I'm just glad to finally find people who will

treat me like the disgusting faggot piece of shit I really am."

I embraced Reza and kissed him.

Write the Author ----------------

These stories are e-mail'ware, show your appreciation by dropping

some feedback (in English) to the author at

See other works by me at


Next: Chapter 7

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