Iroppoi Herususentaa

By TopLegal

Published on Jan 5, 2023


Part 5 ======

By TopLegal

WARNING This contains graphic descriptions of sexual intercourse

and sadomasochistic activities between adult males. If this

offends you, is not appropriate for viewing in your location, or

you are not of legal age, do not read it. Any resemblance of

characters in this story to the living is purely coincidental.

(c) 2003, TopLegal. Permission is granted for distribution via

Usenet and the Web provided that the following two conditions are

met: there is no cost to access this story, e.g. AdultCheck, pay

site, etc., and the story is posted in full without modifications.

[Editorial Notes: (1) I revised the spelling of Coady's last name

between the posting of Part 4 and Part 5 to reduce confusion

between Patrick's first and last names. (2) I also found a site

that sells the bondage_table_ that inspired the scene in Part 4.

Having used one of the tables for a real life bondage section, I

can report that they are fantastic. (3) Thanks go out to all of

you who have sent email feedback; when possible I have tried to

incorporate it into the story. Your feedback keeps me writing.

Updated versions of parts 1-4 are at my website_.]

.. _bondage_table .. _website

Summer Secret Santa -------------------

Something about the way Tanaka-san carried himself as he arrived

on the morning of July 4th struck a note of terror into my bones.

In his hand he had a small, but quite effective martinet_.

.. _martinet

"Coady-san, Naiyeer-san will be busy all day at the gym. It is

time to put an end to your foolish resistance once and for all,"

Tanaka-san said as he flicked the martinet in the air. I

instinctively found myself undressing without even receiving an

explicit order. "Freeze," Tanaka-san ordered.

I found myself completely unable to move, but ~quite~ capable of

feeling the intense pain of the martinet's sting over and over

again across my defenseless body. No restraints were needed, the

mind control pills had done quite a good bit of work and I could

not move at all as Tanaka-san punished me for my ongoing

insolences during training.

The harder that Tanaka-san lashed me with the martinet, the deeper

my old personality became submerged. "Yes, Coady-san, deeper and

deeper lose yourself in the excruciating pain of the lash,"

Tanaka-san repeated over and over again as he struck me with

ever-increasing ferocity.

My training made it possible, no instinctive, to count ever blow

of the lashes: 429 in all across every inch of my exposed flesh.

And to keep track of the exact time, three hours and thirty


When he finished I felt like I was floating outside my body.

"Unfreeze," Tanaka-san ordered and I collapsed in pain. The old me

was still there but it was like it was outside my body looking in.

The proud, twenty-one year old law student who had joined an odd

health club was gone. Remaining was a well-conditioned slave boy

who had been thoroughly punished for week after week of minor, but

clearly unacceptable, insolence.

"I will be repeating this with you daily for some time to ensure

that you can reach your full potential as a slave," Tanaka-san


"Domo arrigatou goziamasu," I replied instinctively. My ability to

fight the conditioning had just been brought down an exponential

step. Savagely beaten and thoroughly sore I was abandoned by

Tanaka-san to head to the gym and do my workout.

There, my all but naked, muscular, slave body would be on

display--savage thrashing marks and all.

I threw on a kimono and some slippers and crossed the street to

the entrance of the club and started my workout.

Santa's Visit -------------

My workout was quite trying since almost every inch of my exposed

flesh was intensely sore from the earlier thrashing. When I got

home Reza was back and the martinet was hanging from a peg on the


"Lucky dog," he said with tremendous sincerity.

I shrugged, my old me was hovering outside my body and screaming

at me, but I did not hear anything.

Reza picked up the martinet and handed it to me. "Please," he


I bent him over the countertop and administer thirty savage blows

to his exposed buttocks. He relished the savage pain dealt out by

the tool and even achieved orgasm.

We embraced passionately and kissed. "Thank you Coady," he said

affectionately. I noticed burn marks on his arms. He caught my

glance and commented as if it was nothing, "just getting used to

the torture and interrogation techniques."

Funny thing was I found myself thinking it was completely normal


I finally made my way to my bedroom and found a wrapped present on

my bed. The package was about a two feet square and wrapped in

solid black paper.

I carefully removed the wrapping as Reza stood behind me watching.

"Tanaka-san gave me that to bring here saying he was 'proud of how

well you behaved today.'"

Inside the package were several pieces of heavy latex clothing:

jockstrap, socks, long pants and a long sleeve T-shirt. I felt my

cock harden. I had a strong desire to get dressed in it right away

and immediately acted on that desire.

I then put on more typical street clothing from the Nordstrom

visit and headed out with Reza for a movie. The whole trip was

fantastic especially because I was covered nearly from head to toe

in the tight, skin clinging latex outfit.

The next morning I was still in my latex when Tanaka-san arrived

to discipline me with the martinet. Two hundred lashes later he

was satisfied that I was on the road to "better living."

As I collapsed on the floor to recover from my thrashing,

Tanaka-san asked "Are you ready to start on your exhibitionism


"Hai," I replied enthusiastically.

"Good," Tanaka-san said, "your biofeedback control is amazing for

the latex, I think 'Santa' may have another latex gift for you

tonight." Then he walked out.

Inside the club a few minutes later, the receptionist diverted me

to Tanaka-san's office where I was pumped up with four different

drugs and then blacked out.

Exhibitionism -------------

I woke up naked on a park bench and I found it very erotic. It

took me about ten minutes to get my bearings and I quickly

realized I was at the park two blocks from my apartment. I took my

time walking home, completely unashamed of my public nudity--or

the accompanying hard on.

At home, Reza showed off his newest tattoo for completing torture

and interrogation level-two training. Accompanying the tattoo were

horrible burn marks along his arm, chest and face. He was happy as

a pig in shit. The marks from the previous day were completely

gone though.

"Coady, you got another gift," he said. He had no appetite for a

flogging after his earlier, exhausting torture.

I eagerly went to the bedroom and found a nearly identical

package, this one containing a latex sleep sack.

"Coady," Reza said as he brushed up against my naked body, "can I

put you in it for the night?"

I mentally prepared myself using my Latex level-two skills and

actuated some of the self-lubrication techniques and implants and

slid my arms into the arm pockets as Reza zipped me up. Only my

head and wildly erect cock poked out. Reza commented, "maybe Santa

will give you a hood tomorrow?" Then he started stroking my wildly

leaking cock.

"Tsk, tsk," he said, "so little self-control to be leaking pre-cum

like a faucet." He then roughly shoved my erect cock into the sack

and zipped me up. "See you tomorrow morning, Tanaka-san says I

will have to administer your whipping," he said as he walked out

of the room and shut the door.

As he left, I practiced struggling against the sack while

maintaining my body temperature and avoiding profuse sweating. I

practiced lubricating different areas using the implants to

increase my freedom as well. It was surprisingly easy and natural.

As I fell asleep a voice, an old and familiar voice was

complaining about how "I need to fight back against the mind

control pills." But I just decided to unleash an orgasm from the

simple pleasure of the latex sleep sack and then promptly settled

in for a long night's sleep.

Tanaka-san emptied me from the sack in the morning and

complemented me on my performance. Reza was ordered to clean the

sack as I showered. When we both were finished I was frozen in

place and Reza was ordered to administer two hundred lashes with

the martinet. He definitely did ~not~ spare the rod. His blows

made Tanaka-san's seem like being hit with a feather and I was

completely helpless to move or scream.

When I was freed, Reza caught me from falling and I thanked him

profusely as was of course required and appropriate.

Tanaka-san then told me to come by within the hour for my next

exhibitionism training and to do a proper workout. I noticed at

that moment that all of Reza's torture marks from the previous day

were completely gone.

The club's medical technology and human implant techniques were


Santa brought me a latex hood that night.

Before bed, I decided to walk around the neighborhood wearing

ultra-tight gym shorts and a muscle T. A huge boner was quite

visible as I walked around on the border of nudity in public.

I stopped at the local convenience store and bought a banana and

ate it quite sexually on a park bench before finally heading home.

Reza was sprawled out on his bed, seemingly relaxing when I came

in. I noticed he was keeping his legs far apart and then noticed

whip marks on his cock and balls.

"Jesus Reza, are you just a glutton for punishment," I asked.

"Coady are you my mother or something?"

"No, I just find it a bit distressing to come in and see bloody

lines on your cock and balls."

"Grow up already Coady, I'm a worthless faggot and I deserve to be

hurt, punished and enslaved."

The part of me that used to fight with him about this was gone, I

found myself saying "Actually, you are quite valuable as a faggot

slave Reza."

He smiled at me, "Nice to see you are getting with program finally

Coady. I'll make sure when they have me punish you tomorrow that I

hit harder since that seems to beat the insolence out of you."

I nodded in full agreement and asked if he would help me into the

sleep sack.

Celebrity Escort ----------------

The next morning Reza was directed to punish me again. As promised

the previous night he was even harder with the martinet than the

previous day.

When he finished, Tanaka-san announced that Wolf-san was in Nihon

on club business along with Webster-san and so the normal escort

duties were canceled.

Reza was visibly disappointed and I realized I was sad too.

Wolf-san's bondage and latex depravities were exciting even if I

had a hard time remembering them after the fact.

Tanaka-san allowed our disappointment to sink in for a minute in

silence before announcing that our trainers had left instructions.

"Naiyeer-san, Webster-san instructed that you experience a true

punishment so you might better understand what will happen if you

actually do disappoint him."

I realized at that moment that just as the martinet was used to

punish me since I was not trained to be a corporal punishment

slave, Reza was likely to be subjected to something he found

distasteful. "Coady-san, Naiyeer-san is to be confined to your

latex sleep sack until at least 1800 hours."

Reza's face turned to panic as I slid him into the still damp and

lubricated sack. He was unable to resist, or talk, just suffer his

punishment. "Good," Tanaka-san said as he turned to me,

"Coady-san, Wolf-san specifically instructed that we loan you out

to another member."

I nodded in agreement, slightly relieved.

"As a club policy, we generally frown on that, but on review we

have a visitor from another branch in town and that better

complies with standard training policies."

Tanaka-san pulled a small envelope from his pocket and handed it

to me and then left with an admonition to keep one eye on


My friend was in a complete panic inside the suit. I found the

sight amusing since I thought the tight, skin hugging, latex sack

to be fantastic. But for him, it was a punishment. Tanaka-san had

left him permitted to struggle, but not really move, to make the

punishment's effect more intense. Reza's gorgeous Arabic features

were covered with sweat as he vainly struggled inside the sack.

I made no effort to comfort my friend, I was just happy--and

aroused--to help assist in his punishment. I opened the envelope

and found a two words in katakana characters corresponding to the

pseudonym John Smith. The photo though was an unmistakable

dead-ringer for a famous boy-band star. For me though he would be


I logged onto the intranet and looked Simusu-san up, only his real

name found his record and it indicated he enjoyed intense bondage

sessions. I looked back at my roommate's predicament and decided

to jack off kneeling on top of his body.

Reza managed to grunt as I stradled his confined body and stroked

myself to orgasm. When I finished I noticed he was not only

sweating but was managing to cry as well. When he was released

from the punishment he would be quite exhausted and grateful for

my efforts in inflicting his punishment.

Sumisu-san ----------

An email arrived on my computer, actually two. The first was

information that a limo would arrive at 1700 hours to take me to

Sumisu-san's performance that evening and contained dress

instructions. The second note was from my mother complaining that

I never wrote to her anymore. I deleted the second without


I debated what to do with Reza and realized that he would be there

till midnight since I could not release him ~earlier~ than 1800. I

noticed it had already reached 1500 and forced Reza to drink two

quarts of water before I started getting dressed.

Sumisu-san had requested that I wear a total latex outfit under a

tuxedo to the concert. Reza looked mortified as I dressed myself

from toe to neckline with latex and then covered the hot,

skin-hugging latex with a tuxedo.

Noticing that it was 1630 when I finished, I forced another two

quarts of water into Reza, kissed him on the forehead and stood

outside awaiting my limo.

As a twenty-one year old guy, I fell into the "gay guys" group at

the concert. But my tuxedo and Rolex watch definitely made me feel

out of sorts as did the latex suit underneath. It was taking a

tremendous amount of biofeedback control to keep myself from

overheating in the hot performance arena.

I found myself with a front row seat. During the performance, I

noticed Sumisu-san making eye contact with me and smiled back

politely. The concert did not end until 2200 and I was led by an

usher backstage to a different waiting limo.

It was another fifteen minutes before Sumisu-san arrived. "Want an

autograph Patrick," he joked?

I politely declined.

Sumisu-san gave instructions to the driver in Japanese and shut

the partition. "Strip down to your latex Patrick," he said


I did.

"Nice," he said as he ran his hands along the latex and against my

body. "The club has good taste in picking slaves."

I nodded.

"Sucks that you can't even call me by my name doesn't it?"

"No, Sumisu-san, I have no problem with that."

"All celebrity members have to have pseudonyms for anonymity. You

seem quite well trained and behaved for a trainee."

"Domo arrigatou goziamasu," I answered.

We were back at the basement play area of my apartment before 2300

and I was quickly led to bondage swing that was featured in the

play room.

Still in my latex, Sumisu-san removed the cock and butt panels and

introduced me to the swing. Restrained to the bondage swing he

could fuck me from several angles or force me to take his dick.

Sumisu-san rode my ass on the swing, off the swing, and everywhere

in between for a full hour.

At midnight he politely stopped, left me a signed autograph and

then headed out leaving me restrained to the swing. I used my

prosthetics to unlock myself and took the picture to put on my


I let a very exhausted and suitably chastised Reza out of my latex

sleep sack which he had to clean before I would let him go to


I went to sleep still in my latex outfit dreaming of being

bare-back gang banged by Sumisu-san's entire band.

Write the Author ----------------

These stories are e-mail'ware, show your appreciation by dropping

some feedback (in English) to the author at

See other works by me at


Next: Chapter 6

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