Iroppoi Herususentaa

By TopLegal

Published on Jan 1, 2023


Part 3 ======

By TopLegal

WARNING This contains graphic descriptions of sexual intercourse

and sadomasochistic activities between adult males. If this

offends you, is not appropriate for viewing in your location, or

you are not of legal age, do not read it. Any resemblance of

characters in this story to the living is purely coincidental.

(c) 2003, TopLegal. Permission is granted for distribution via

Usenet and the Web provided that the following two conditions are

met: there is no cost to access this story, e.g. AdultCheck, pay

site, etc., and the story is posted in full without modifications.

[Editorial Note: I revised the spelling of Reza's name between the

posting of Part 2 and Part 3.]

Frontal Assault ---------------

As we entered the club, the receptionist rose and helped Reza

carry me directly up to Tanaka's office where I promptly passed


"Reza, you must let me give your friend this injection," I heard.

"No more injections, he wants out of your crazy cult."

"If he doesn't get this injection he will go into a coma."

"Go ahead."

I felt a jab in my arm and then everything went dark. When I came

too Reza was screaming at Lane in his typical enraged state.

"I'm ok Reza," I said and he calmed and came to my side. "I didn't

know you cared so much."

Reza growled at me.

"Really Cody-san there was no need for this elaborate visit. If

you want out, just say so."

My schizophrenic feelings took over again. The old me was

screaming I want out. But instead, nothing came out. Instead like

a puppet controlled by the club, I shook my head no.

"You see Reza, Cody-san is here voluntarily," Lane said

dispassionately. "Perhaps you might be interested in how we can

help you unlock your potential?"

"I'm not a faggot."

"Well for a fee we could fix that," Lane said.

"How do I know you won't make me a sex-slave like Patrick here?"

"You don't."

"Is he really here voluntarily?"

"Ultimately yes, all of our drugs cannot force someone to do

something they honestly don't want to do. We pick our boys

carefully from the applications, but even so one-in-ten leaves us

and resumes their life without a thought."

"So what do the drugs do?"

"They bring out his suggestibility and make him more pliable to

rules and strictures we set out."

"Without the drugs?"

"He would be a less cooperative boy and less desirable to our high

paying tops."

"So the drugs could help me stop wanting men?"

"Yes--or allow you to love them without your religious upbringing

making you feel terrible."

Reza nodded. Through this whole conversation I sat silently. The

little part of the old me that was there recognized the truth in

Tanaka-san's statements. I enjoyed what I was being asked to do by

the club, it excited me, it turned me on. I needed their help to

unlock that potential.

"I'll think about it," Reza said, "should I take him home?"

Lane nodded and left the room mentioning, "oh, Reza you might

enjoy trying Patrick as a fuckbuddy whatever you decide."

Fuckbuddy ---------

As we walked back to my apartment Reza brought up the "fuckbuddy"

topic. I explained that if he wanted to be my fuckbuddy I would

willingly suck his dick or get fucked without any kissing or

relationship baggage.

As we entered my apartment, Reza said, "You know Patrick I could

really use a fuckbuddy."

The programming kicked in, "Not a problem Reza, there are some

ground rules."

"Skip them for now," Reza said as he guided me to the bedroom and

shoved me onto the bed and pulled my pants down.

"Lube is," I started.

Reza finished, "sitting out along with condoms."

For the first time ever Reza penetrated me. I knew he preferred to

get fucked but that was so hard for him. He fucked me violently

and let off a string of curses in Arabic that I knew because while

we were dating he had used most of them to describe himself when I

fucked him.

After he orgasmed inside me he pulled out and begged me to fuck

him back. I hesitated for a moment and then decided that it was


Reza loved it and the fact that this time I was not trying to kiss

him made it easier for him to enjoy. I used my training to prevent

an orgasm as I fucked Reza long and hard for over a half hour.

When I finally stopped he shot a load on me and then headed out

without even thanking me.

The next day was uneventful and I found myself looking forward to

my mind control pills more and more. After work, Reza was in the

courtroom again.

"Hey Patrick, you are looking really good in there. Can we chat?"


We walked out of the criminal courts and down towards a park.

"That was a lot of fun last night," he offered.

"I enjoyed it too Reza."

"I really think that the club might be able to help me."

"So you will trust them?"

"Actually I suspect they'll make me as queer as you."

"And you'll go anyhow?"

"Yes," he said smiling.

"They will still be short one bottom even with me."

"So a nice young Arab boy could be a nice addition for them."

"I suppose, it probably would be less difficult to accept being

made into a sex-slave if we were undergoing the training


Joint Training --------------

We arrived at the club together and were again immediately ushered

to Tanaka-san's office. "Reza, nice to see you again," Lane said

looking up from a file with a photo of Reza sitting prominently on

one side.

"I'm in," Reza said as he sat down in the chair for his first

injection, "I'm ready to stop hating myself for being gay."

Lane handed me the file and instructed me to memorize it as he

picked up a syringe. I memorized Reza's file as instructed. When

Reza blacked out, I stayed put as he was taken from the room by an

employee and waited for Tanaka-san to return.

"Did you finish Cody-san," Lane asked me when he returned.

"Yes," I replied and handed him back the file.

"Good, let's get you started on your routine, I think we should

practice your squats some more."

"Great," I replied.

We spent about two hours practicing my squats and then Lane left

me to do my cardio workout alone. By the time I was finishing up

and walking to the locker room showers, Lane was escorting Reza

down the hall and I noticed that Reza's picture was next to mine

on the wall of boys.

When I finished in the shower I went back to the gym to watch Lane

walk Reza through Reza's first workout. His handsome, lanky body

looked fantastic in the pink jockstrap.

Later, back in Tanaka's office, I watched Tanaka give Reza his

first set of mind control pills, aka vitamins and a membership

card and then we both headed out together.

Reza had two advantages that I lacked, first he knew he had been

brainwashed and second he had me for support. We went back to my

apartment and fucked each other without condoms until the morning

before I had to go to work and he had to go to Nordstrom.

When I saw him after court he was wearing a Rolex and we headed to

the gym together to see Tanaka-san.

Switcheroo ----------

"Ah, Naiyeer-san and Cody-san," Lane said greeting us in the

lobby. "Cody-san, Naiyeer-san's decision to join us offers an

opportunity to remedy the awkward situation with Webster-san and


We were now in Lane's office and there was an extra chair. We both

sat and got our injections and then blacked out.

Later, Tanaka practiced me on the squat maneuvers and mentioned

Naiyeer-san was receiving his inoculations. "Cody-san, as I was

mentioning earlier, we have corrected your pairing with

Webster-san, Webster-san will be paired with Naiyeer-san. You will

now be paired with Wolf-san who just paid his initiation fee."

I nodded approvingly, "Thank you Tanaka-san, I think that will

remove that awkwardness."

"I thought you might think that," Lane replied and then he made me

switch from working with the dildo to working on his cock.

After an hour of practice on Tanaka's cock I was sent to do my

normal workout while he tended to Naiyeer-san.

In the pool Wolf-san approached me as I climbed out and patted me

on the butt. "I hear we will be working more closely Patrick."

"It will be my honor to work with you Wolf-san."

"Webster-san and I have already agreed to some joint outings,

including the opera."

I bowed slightly and smiled in approval and then was dismissed to

finish my routine.

The next morning was a Saturday and I woke up with Reza in bed

with me and he was still asleep. His tattoos matched my own and my

main rebellious streak against the training was at an ebb.

Opera 2 -------

Reza and I were both in tuxedos when the limo with Webster-san and

Wolf-san pulled up for our escort duties.

Inside the limo, Webster-san asked Wolf-san if he could "borrow me

for a minute." Wolf-san agreed and I was grabbed, pulled across

Tim's lap and spanked twenty times. When the spanking ended, I

politely thanked Webster-san for disciplining me and then Wolf-san

turned his attention to me and Webster-san turned his to Reza.

When we arrived at the opera, Reza and I each dutifully followed

our respective hosts for the evening by a footstep to

Webster-san's private box.

Reza and I were positioned in the middle so we could see the

other's predicament. Webster-san repeated my treatment of the

previous week, which I could now easily remember. Wolf-san on the

other hand contented himself with pulling me close and kissing me

deeply with tongue until the opera started at which point he

pushed me to the floor and forced me to give him a blowjob for the

entire opera.

Reza lost control during an intermission and shot his load.

Webster-san simply indicated that he would be punished back at the

car with a razor strap. Reza could do nothing but sit there. I was

doing a perfect job of keeping Wolf-san excited, but without


After the show, Tim led Reza somewhat forcibly by the arm back to

the limo while I followed Wolf-san at a more respectable distance.

Inside the car, Tim barked orders to the driver in Japanese and

closed the partition. Reza stripped naked inside the car and

handed his belt to Webster-san saying something in Japanese that I

understood to mean, "please punish me quite severely for my


Tim obliged with a brutal assault on Reza's bared butt with the

strap. Wolf-san simply held me and kissed me as the punishment

took place. When the strapping was over, Reza was crying profusely

and thanking Webster-san over and over for the whipping--all in


"Get dressed Reza, we'll all go back to Patrick's place,"

Webster-san indicated.

Reza clothed himself again in the car. "Patrick," Wolf-san said,

"do you approve of the way Webster-san punished Reza?"

"Very much so Wolf-san," I responded.

"Good," he said as he tongued me deeply.

Reza was dressed by the time we reached the apartments and stepped

out of the limo. We headed up to my apartment and once inside the

door, Reza and I were ordered to strip.

Wolf-san took a run at our asses first. He started with Reza's

reddened butt and fucked in bareback until he was close to orgasm.

Reza managed to prevent the orgasm using the training which

undoubtedly spared him a second thrashing.

At my ass, Wolf-san ordered me to make him orgasm in not less than

three and not more than five minutes as Webster-san clicked the

timer on his chronograph.

I focused my anal muscles as Wolf-san's bareback cock entered me

and carefully matched his thrusts. As Wolf-san orgasmed into me,

Webster-san cried out, "three minutes, one second."

I had barely ten seconds to enjoy the after-glow of Wolf-san's

hearty orgasm into my ass before Webster-san began his assault.

The mission had changed. I worked to please Webster-san without

allowing an orgasm. For an hour.

Webster-san then turned to his own boy and fucked him with the

same violent abandon he had used on my during my first escort

night and Reza managed to hold his orgasm off about ten minutes

which seemed to satisfy Webster-san.

I noticed the clock was reading 11:57 and Webster-san and Wolf-san

were leaving my apartment.

Reza and I were exhausted but slightly giddy, I realized also that

escort duties ended at midnight to reduce the chances of anyone

falling in love.

"Fuck, Cody," Reza said to me as he felt his sore ass, "you friend

Tim really packs a wallop."

"So you are ok?"

"Somewhat, I mean, I don't hate myself for enjoying getting cock

up my ass and wanting to suck dick. You?"

"Things like that spanking Tim gave you make me want to fight the

mind control pills and escape."

Reza headed towards my bed and I followed and we fell asleep

curled against each other. In the morning, I could only vaguely

remember the previous night. Reza was happy as can be and we

agreed to head to the club for an early workout.

Bondage Training ----------------

"Ah, Cody-san," Tanaka-san said as he greeted the two of us inside

the lobby, "we have some specialized training for you today can

you get into your jockstrap and meet me in my office in ten

minutes. Naiyeer-san, I'll be monitoring your standard workout on

the closed circuit camera."

Ten minutes later I was standing in a pink jockstrap in

Tanaka-san's office. Lane entered and was holding a syringe.

"Cody-san we will be giving you bondage training today as well as

some body modifications."

I was unconscious before I could even ask a question.

When I awoke I was blindfolded--no hooded--and tightly

confined--in a straight jacket--I quickly realized. Oddly, despite

my normal tendencies towards claustrophobia, I was not even mildly

panicked by the situation. Instead, I was finding it quite

arousing and erotic. Listening carefully I could hear Lane

Tanaka's measured breaths.

Softly he spoke, "struggle some Cody-san."

I complied, becoming more aroused as I vainly struggled against

the restraints.

"Good," now relax again.

I relaxed completely and savored the tight confines of the

straight jacket.

"Most bondage tops enjoy a certain amount of struggle," Tanaka-san

was explaining in a very soft voice. "You will have to find out

how much each wants by reading their body language and their


His hand brushed my cock and it was like an electric spark. I had

to fight not to blow my load as I squirmed and nearly jumped off

the restraining table.

Tanaka-san, "now you may recall I mentioned we were going to make

some body modifications. Yours have improved your flexibility and

added some concealed prosthetics to assist you in being able to

escape almost any bondage situation."

His hand brushed my cock again and I lost it, shooting my sperm

all over the table and into his hand.

"Tsk, tsk, Cody-san," Tanaka-san scolded, "you will need more

training before Wolf-san can enjoy you for bondage services. As a

punishment for orgasming without permission I will leave you

locked up like this until you can get yourself out." I started to

panic as I heard Tanaka-san leave the room.

I had to completely submerge my free personality to regain

composure. My programmed personality set to work. It was like I

was double jointed in various locations as I maneuvered myself out

of the straightjacket in about fifteen minutes. Out of the

straightjacket I had to pick the lock on the hood to completely

free myself.

It took me about five more minutes to engage one of the prosthetic

lock picks attached to my hands and used them to pick the lock. I

concealed the prosthetics and exited the room.

"Freeze," Tanaka-san said as a command and it ran through my body

and I stopped. "Let's work on ropes now Cody-san."

I followed him back to the room and lay down on the table to be

restrained with an array of ropes and tight leather restraints. I

found myself quite aroused and was willing to be tightly

restrained. I also was subtly manipulating my body to widen my

self-escape safety valve.

Twenty minutes later, I was tied down and rock hard. Tanaka-san

brought out a feather and began taunting my cockshaft. "Oh,

Cody-san," he said mocking me, "cum this time and that strapping

Naiyeer-san received from Webster-san last night will seem like a

tender kiss."

The palpable threat hanging over me, I resolved not to orgasm. The

intensity of the feather was nearly overwhelming and Tanaka-san

was quite skilled and unrelenting with it. The longer the assault

continued the more I had to submerge my old personality deeper and


"That will do," Tanaka-san finally announced. "Time?"

"Forty-nine minutes and seventeen seconds," I announced


"Stay here until 1700 and then free yourself in time to get dinner

with Reza."

Dinner ------

Reza had been home for several hours when I got in around 1800, he

had made the two of us a nice dinner and served it up.

We did not discuss our training, but he commented that he wanted

us to move in together.

"Ok, but where?"

"The club has some apartments for the bottoms but they have to be

shared by two bottoms."

"Let's do it," I said enthusiastically.

After dinner Reza stripped naked and deep welts were visible from

just above his ankles up through his upper back. "What happened?"

"Corporal punishment training," he said matter of factly.

"To make you more amenable to Webster-san's sexual kinks?"

"Exactly, I know you are still trying to fight this whole thing

Patrick," he said as he kneeled in front of me and took my dick

into his mouth. "But from where I'm kneeling this has been the

best thing that could happen to me."

I pulled him onto my dick firmly and fucked his face. Only after I

orgasmed did I offer, "But Reza, I was happy being gay before the

club, you hated yourself, all this just validates all of your

self-hatred, even the intense corporal punishment."

Reza smiled broadly and nodded.

We were not going to be able to talk rationally about the issue.

Write the Author ----------------

These stories are e-mail'ware, show your appreciation by dropping

some feedback (in English) to the author at

See other works by me at


Next: Chapter 4

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