Iroppoi Herususentaa

By TopLegal

Published on Dec 31, 2022


Part 2 ======

By TopLegal

WARNING This contains graphic descriptions of sexual intercourse

and sadomasochistic activities between adult males. If this

offends you, is not appropriate for viewing in your location, or

you are not of legal age, do not read it. Any resemblance of

characters in this story to the living is purely coincidental.

(c) 2002, TopLegal. Permission is granted for distribution via

Usenet and the Web provided that the following two conditions are

met: there is no cost to access this story, e.g. AdultCheck, pay

site, etc., and the story is posted in full without modifications.

Opera with Webster-san ----------------------

Tim led the way to his private box at the opera. I meekly followed

a step behind submissively. When we arrived he had me sit down

next to him and promptly unzipped my pants and whipped my cock out

from my underwear like it was second nature. I sat there calmly

and allowed this to happen without even flinching.

"So Patrick, it seems like your training is progressing well," Tim

commented as he stroked my cock into a frenzy. "You must feel

quite embarrassed and powerless to be out in public and having

your privates fondled."

He was right, I was embarrassed, but somehow despite that I had no

ability, or even will power to move away from Tim's control.

"Oh, and Patrick," Tim continued, "I know you might get a bit

excited as I continue this hand job, but I expect you to make

absolutely no sounds."

His words were like a command. Suddenly I found myself completely

unable to make a sound.

Tim laughed quietly at my predicament, "oh and one other command

Patrick, despite my work on your cock, you will ~not~ orgasm until

the very end and you ~will~ pay close attention to the opera no

matter what I do to you."

I nodded, but made no sound.

Not cumming was slightly easier than I expected, but focusing on

the opera was more difficult. Tim would squeeze my balls painfully

or tweak my nipples through my shirt at the most in opportune

moments and yet I had to try to keep my eyes and ears on stage.

The whole experience was awful. Strange thing was that I felt a

bit schizophrenic about the whole thing. The Patrick Cody I had

always been hated the torment. The Patrick Cody I was becoming

loved every minute of my escort duties for Webster-san and

relished each of the tweaks he found to drive me crazy.

Just as I contemplated my schizophrenia, the opera came to a close

and I shot a massive load of cum onto the floor in front of me.

Tim released my cock and applauded the performance. I was worn out

and remained seated in my chair with my now limp dick dangling

between my legs.

"Patrick," Tim said, "I hope you enjoyed the opera since I've

purchased your escort services for every performance this season."

I nodded appreciatively, but remained sitting impassively.

"Tsk, tsk," Tim said, "look at the time and you haven't even taken

your evening dose of the mind control pills."

With the mention of my vitamin supplement, I suddenly felt

nauseous for not having taken my evening dose. I reached into my

pocket and found the maindokontorooru pirus and then quickly took

one and immediately felt better.

Tim chuckled again, "well the training at the club is top notch;

put your dick away and lets go back to the limo."

I immediately put my cock back in my tuxedo pants and stood up to

follow Tim out to the limo. He led the way and again I followed

meekly, a step behind him.

In the limo, Tim gave some directions to the driver in Japanese

which I could not quite understand and then raised the partition.

"Just so you know Patrick, once your training is over I won't have

any special claim to you," Tim said, "but for now as your sponsor,

I get free use of you within certain guidelines."

I nodded.

Limo Ride ---------

"You can talk freely as long as you remain respectful Patrick."

"Webster-san, domo arigatou gozaimasu," I responded politely.

"Good," Tim continued, "a bottom costs about $200,000 to train.

Members pay those costs as their final initiation fee, I won't

become a full 'top' member until your training is complete."

"Two hundred thousand?"

Tim snorted, "your wardrobe alone was a significant chunk of

that." I looked down at my gorgeous Rolex watch. "But you are

wondering about the rest, well the medicines and inoculations

against the diseases are expensive and the psychoactive training

drugs come at a great cost as well."

"Webster-san, is that why when you told me not to speak I could

not open my mouth?"

"Exactly Patrick, you are being injected every time you go to the

club with massive doses of a mind control drug and then subjected

to extensive programming sessions. The pills are boosters that

raise your brain's sensitivity to the drug itself."


Tim grabbed me from the seat across from him and sprawled me over

his lap and smacked my bottom firmly five times and then said,

"Politeness, Patrick." Then I was shoved back off his lap.

"Sorry Webster-san; what I meant was Webster-san, why are you

programming me?"

"Actually, whether you can believe this or not, your selection as

the bottom being paid for with my initiation dues was complete


"Really Webster-san?"

"Does that make you feel better about becoming a sex-worker,



Tim chuckled again, "I really did not expect it to be anyone I

knew. I only found out while you were undergoing your first


"Feel guilty?"

Apparently he did not, because I was hauled over his lap again for

impoliteness. After the spanking was finished I quickly

apologized: "Sorry Webster-san."

"Not a problem, anyhow, the fact that it is you is irrelevant once

the first three months of training are finished since you and I

will only have the most general contacts."

"But till then... Webster-san?"

"We will be having quite a bit of contact."

"I look forward to it Webster-san," I said the words but could not

believe they had come out of my mouth.

Sex ---

We pulled up two blocks from the graduate apartments and I

followed Tim out. "Follow at my side and respond normally to any

law school chums."

I took a step forward and walked along side Tim and into our

apartment building. We took the elevator to my floor and I let the

two of us into my apartment.

"Strip," Tim said firmly and I wanted to resist and yet I could

not. Instead I stripped naked and stood in front of him helpless

to resist anything he might demand.

There was no condom, Tim forced himself onto me in a mad passion.

We were barely inside the door and I was tackled on the floor and

the part of my body and mind that wanted to struggle was

completely unable to achieve any movement.

Tim fucked me passionately and was clearly enjoying the bareback

sex. I found my body responding to please his needs and was

helpless to resist. He achieve orgasm quickly and stood up and

walked out leaving me on the floor like a used garment.

I fell asleep naked on the floor crying with Tim's cum filling my


I woke up the next morning with a bad headache and a burning

desire to take my vitamin supplement.

The previous evening's events were hazy. I could remember being at

the opera with Tim and that was about it. I took my pill and felt


Dream Walker ------------

The rest of Sunday was completely uneventful and the next day

would be the start of my internship with the public defender.

I decided to shower the night before and while I was showering my

tattoos seemed to glow faintly. But the more I tried to stare at

them the more nauseous I became. Then I got the bright idea to

force myself to remember my visits to the club and only succeeded

in vomiting.

Deterred and frustrated at my predicament as a drug controlled sex

slave there was very little I could do to fight back that did not

induce tremendous waves of nausea.

Finally I set upon a plan. I had been able to train myself to

remember and write down my dreams. I cued myself to dream about my

training at the Iroppoi Herususentaa and then lay down to go to


I woke the next morning at 0400 and found two pages of notes in my

dream code. I took the notes with me to the kitchen and popped my

maindokontorooru piru without even thinking about it.

At the table I pulled out my laptop and transcribed my dream


It was devastating.

The most devastating aspect was that I could not see an out. Even

reading the instructions reinforced their power over me. I found

myself shredding the paper on which I recorded my dreams and

deleting the files on my laptop.

Then I vomited all over the table and felt like shit for being a

sex-slave and worse still for trying to decode my programming.

Public Defender ---------------

I cleaned myself up and then got dressed for my new job.

At the public defenders office the next morning I involved myself

totally in learning about my internship and put all of the

thoughts about the club out of my mind.

It wasn't until lunch time when I crossed paths with Tim in the

courthouse cafeteria that the club came back to my mind.

"Hey Cody, how you doing," he said jovial as ever.


"Just relax, working in court will become second nature."

"Not that."

"Oh," Tim said, "sorry, I actually am finding this pretty nerve


"Nah, the court stuff is a piece of cake, I will get lead on the

bail hearings for petty felonies this afternoon. It's this club


"Is it bothering you?"

"Yes," I said a bit too loudly for the cafeteria.

Tim offered, "Patrick just go talk to Lane if you aren't feeling

well about your workout?"

Something about what he said calmed me immensely. I decided that I

would go straight from work to the club and talk to Lane Tanaka

about how I was feeling. I popped one of the maindokontorooru piru

and Tim and I finished by talking only about our mornings.

Tim was finding the whole experience at the DA completely

unnerving, but I was actually doing fine. I mused, some of the

training from the club was generally helpful for helping me deal

with a new situation like my job.

We parted ways and as promised by my mentoring attorney I got to

serve as lead on the bail hearings. It felt good to be in the lead

again and at the end of the hearing the assistant DA commented to

my mentor that I had performed well.

My mentor commented, "Good work Patrick, the hard part is

continuing to care after many years."

"Thanks Nancy, how long have you been doing this?"

"Ten years."

"Do you still believe in what you are doing?"

"Most days, yes. I work out every evening to let off steam and

that helps a lot."

"Cool, I'm going to hit my club actually."

"Enjoy," Nancy said as she took her briefcase and left the

courtroom. I paused briefly and then followed her example.

Club ----

I reached the club around five and remembered to take my pill on

the bus ride over. At the club the same receptionist as always

greeted me and invited me to sit for Tanaka-san.

When Lane finally emerged over an hour had passed and he guided me

upstairs. "Sit, sit, Cody-san."

"Thanks, I've just been feeling very nauseous."

"Cody-san, that is terrible, Thompson-san had a similar problem

during his training. He fought the training drugs the longest of

any boy in the history of the clubs worldwide: one year."

"I don't want to work here, I want my life back."

"Cody-san, let's look at some basic facts here, you ~did~ fill out

the application of your own free will, no?"


"And you came here to the club for the first time of your own free

will, no?"

"Yes, but then you drugged me and my life has been upside down

ever since."

Lane sighed, "we only want willing bottoms at this club if you

don't want this job we can give it to someone else. We get

hundreds of applications a week, we only select the best. You have

the potential to beat even William Thompson. But the best are

always difficult."

"So if I say I want to leave I can just leave?"

"Yes, we would of course have to deprogram you."

"And if I stay?"

"You will make a generous living, have fine clothing, and enjoy

more sex than most men ever dream about."

"For how long?"

"Most bottoms stay with us three-to-five years and then move on

into a relationship with a client who must then resign the club or

become a staff member."

"What about Tim, I mean Webster-san, did he really have no idea I

would be his trainee?"

"Cody-san, no initiate knows who their payments will bring in, the

situation with you and Webster-san is unfortunate. By the time I

realized the mistake it was too late to adjust course as your

programming was underway."

The needle went in.

I woke up in a small white prison cell in a cold sweat. "Let me


The lights began to flicker and an audio track in Japanese came


I passed out again.

The next thing I knew I was walking out of the club in a clean

suit towards work and took a moment to pop my pill.

Seeking Help ------------

On the way to work I resolved to extricate myself from the club. I

was assigned as a clerk in a capital case going to trial and lost

track of time. By the time I finished the day I found myself

heading back to the club.

I did not want to go but I felt like I had no choice.

At the club Lane spent two hours making me practice a variation of

the squat thrust technique with a dildo and then with his own

cock. As we parted he commented that I was showing potential to be

a better bottom than Thompson again.

That made me feel good.

I got home around 2100 and remembered my earlier thought and

decided to try an ex-boyfriend for help. "Hey Raiza," I said over

the phone.


"Yeah, sorry to call so late, but I could use a hand," I

stammered, my nausea started to set in, but I steeled myself, "can

I come over?"

"Patrick we broke up three months ago and not so much as a call

and now you want me to drop everything so you can come over?"

"I need help Raiza, I'm in trouble," I said as I vomited into my


"Are you vomiting?"

"Yes, please," I said and started to cry.

"Ok, stay put, I'll be over."

I put down the phone and curled up crying in bed until the phone

rang again with security asking me to sign Raiza in. We hugged

warmly and he came up to my apartment.

It was close to midnight already, "Look Raiza, you may not believe

anything I'm about to tell you but it is the truth, and I need

help, and you are the only person I trust to help me."

Raiza's emotions at that moment were indecipherable. A young Arab

from Saudi Arabia raised in a strict Islamic family but educated

in the West, Raiza had always been an enigma. Our relationship had

failed when he had been overcome with self-loathing about being


"I'm here Patrick and I'm listening."

"Ok, I signed up to join a health club."

"FUCK! You hauled me across town cause you are too wimpy to get

out of a health club contract!"

"NO, Please Raiza, listen," I pleaded.

"Is this some fucking mind trick to trick me into living a

disgusting faggot lifestyle?"

"RAIZA," I screamed his name and pounded my fists into his chest

and then vomited bile.

He helped me to the bathroom and let me explain about the


"What a mess Patrick," he remarked as he looked down at the floor

to avoid making eye contact. "You always had to be on top with me,

I never knew you would take it up the ass."

"Raiza there is a lot more to this then whether I'll take it up my


"True," he commented, "so what should I do kidnap you and tie you

down until you go cold turkey on their programming or something?"

I thought about it, it was not as crazy as it seemed. "Well maybe

if you came with me you could make them put me back to normal?"

"Maybe they could help me stop being gay?"

"Raiza they seem to be more into the gay business than into making

people straight. Plus once they drug you."

"Ok, well let's go together and perhaps we can straighten out your

situation. I'll meet you at the courthouse at four?"

"Great," I said, "and thanks Raiza, maybe we could try being

friends again?"

"Patrick you know how hard it is for me to reconcile my upbringing

with my sexual and emotional needs for male relationships."

"Fair enough, I can sleep on the couch, you take the bed."

"Who says I'm staying?"

"It's one in the morning Raiza."

"Fair enough," he said leaving the room and taking my bed.

I curled up on the couch.

Frontal Assault ---------------

Making it through the day was challenging and despite my best

efforts my attempts to avoid taking the mind control drugs that

masqueraded as vitamins was unsuccessful.

When Raiza arrived in the courtroom, my anxiety level actually

climbed rather than dropped. I broke into a sweat as Raiza


"You ok Patrick?"

"Just nervous, you?"

"Yeah a bit, you look awful though."

"Let's get this over with."

Raiza hailed a cab and we were dropped off in front of the club. I

was drenched with sweats and in terror. "We don't have to do this


"I want to be free."

"Ok," Raiza said as he guided me into the club.

Write the Author ----------------

These stories are e-mail'ware, show your appreciation by dropping

some feedback (in English) to the author at

See other works by me at


Next: Chapter 3

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