Iroppoi Herususentaa

By TopLegal

Published on Feb 16, 2023


Part 12 =======

By TopLegal

WARNING This contains graphic descriptions of sexual intercourse

and sadomasochistic activities between adult males. If this

offends you, is not appropriate for viewing in your location, or

you are not of legal age, do not read it. Any resemblance of

characters in this story to the living is purely coincidental.

(c) 2003, TopLegal. Permission is granted for distribution via

Usenet and the Web provided that the following two conditions are

met: there is no cost to access this story, e.g. AdultCheck, pay

site, etc., and the story is posted in full without modifications.

New Zealand -----------

We arrived in New Zealand and an assistant from the production

company greeted us. I stuck to the cousin story and kept it short.

The grip took us to the cottage that would become my home for the

next few months.

As soon as the grip departed I was ordered to strip naked and set

up the bondage equipment in the basement. I did it eagerly.

Without even being asked I brought Sumisu-san the cock-cage to

enclose my cock. He put it on and commented that he believed that

slaves should not orgasm. I thanked him for locking my cock up and

for trapping me in a humiliating situation every time I wanted to


He smiled wickedly and hugged me. Again he came close to kissing

me but our lips only brushed. It was electrifying for me and I

felt my cock stiffen.

"After you finish unpacking," Sumisu-san explained, "let's go meet

the cast cousin."

I returned to the basement and finished unpacking the gear and

then locked the basement off. I dressed myself in the clothing

Sumisu-san had laid out for me and then waited dutifully for him

to exit from the shower.

Cast Dinner -----------

The cast dinner was fantastic fun for me. As Sumisu-san's cousin,

nobody thought twice about the fact that two guys were living

together. I managed not to gawk too much at the stars and since I

was not permitted any personal possessions back at my home

Iroppoi room I did not bother to ask for autographs.

After dinner we drove back to the house where after a brief chance

to pee myself in the shower due to the cock-cage, Sumisu-san began

to get me into some elaborate suspension bondage equipment.

Tonight's bondage would be a straightjacket inside a hanging strap

cage. This time Sumisu-san put a tight metal collar around my neck

to make it harder to escape the straight jacket.

With my own weight tightly pulling the hanging strap cage tightly

around me it would be hard to escape. Also I would be stuck

standing all evening.

Sumisu-san cranked me off the ground and then sat down on a lounge

chair and began to stroke himself off at the sight of me in

bondage. My own cock was struggling against the cock cage to

become fully erect.

After about thirty minutes of stroking himself, Sumisu-san shot

his load. Then he picked up a feather and pushed it against my

inner thigh and began to tickle me mercilessly. Trapped by my own

weight and the straightjacket I was all but helpless against the

tickle assault. I laughed endlessly and found myself rather

enjoying the added touch on the bondage.

I noticed Sumisu-san's young cock become hard again quickly. As he

tickled me and watched me laugh forcefully, he got harder and

harder. He stopped tickling me after about an hour to allow me to

catch my breath and leaned in towards the metal cock-cage and

licked my semi-erect cock to taunt me as he shot another load.

He stepped back, "yes, that will quite do Ethan, see you tomorrow.

Make sure you have gotten yourself no earlier than six am and no

later than seven so that you can make me breakfast."

He walked away and I felt a tremendous longing for his tongue,

touch and torment. But I was alone and bound.

I programmed myself to fall asleep until 0550 and drifted off

thinking what a lucky man I was to be an Iroppoi sex slave.

Escaping the hanging strap cage was non-trivial given the

restriction against damaging any equipment. Some of my prosthetics

could easily cut open the straightjacket or straps. Instead I had

to work myself out of the straightjacket quickly, but arduously.

The strap cage was particularly difficult until I figured out how

to release the top using one of my prosthetics. I fell to the

ground unceremoniously, but neither the equipment nor me was


I went upstairs and made pancakes for Sumisu-san and me. He

arrived downstairs promptly at 0700 and congratulated me on

getting out. He ate his breakfast as I stood at his side,

obediently. Only after he ate was I able to go to the bathroom.

He took me downstairs to check that his bondage equipment had not

been damaged. I earned five strokes with a whip because I had

failed to coil the ropes properly when I put them away. I thanked

Sumisu-san profusely for whipping me and then got dressed to go

hang in his trailer and give blowjobs throughout the day.

Night 2 -------

My young master orgasmed into my mouth several times during the

day inside his trailer. When we got home, I was immediately taken

to the basement for a new extended bondage session.

A leather sleepsack designed for suspension was quickly put out

for me. I crawled into it and watched as he laced me up tightly.

"Suck it in slave," he barked as he pulled the lacing tighter.

He looked down at me and said, "Shame your ass isn't accessible

for fucking and that I did not let you pee first." Then he


I was so aroused by my predicament that the taunts aroused me even

further. His bare feet soon presented themselves to my mouth for

licking which I did with great eagerness.

Then Sumisu-san pissed into my mouth--and on my face--before

suspending me for the night. He said with a certain degree of

cockiness, "I doubt you will get out of this without cutting open

the laces. But if you don't free yourself, you will be stuck until

tomorrow night after the shoot."

I nodded and watched my master leave.

I took in the scenario and began planning my escape.

I actuated a "snake-like" prosthetic that was top-secret even

within the club. I was one of only three slaves with the device.

It snaked out of my neck and pushed open the lace knot with ease.

Once I had the sack open I lifted myself form the suspension rig.

I then carefully coiled all of the ropes and put the equipment


It was only around 2200 so I decided to walk upstairs. Sumisu-san

was nowhere to be found so I went to the bathroom to piss myself

and then headed up to his bedroom and crawled into his bed.

Around 2400, he staggered upstairs drunk. "Well..." he slurred,

"freed yourself, fine."

Sumisu-san fell into bed and against me piss drunk.

When we woke up the next morning he was laying on top of me and

staring into my eyes. "I'm amazed you got out of that, it is such

a turn on." He pushed my legs up in the air and fucked me facing

me. His lips stayed close to mine as he fucked me harder and

harder. The touch of his lips to mine was electric and his eyes

stayed open and locked on mine during the whole fuck.

After he shot his load he stayed resting against me for a while

before he moved. We had no time for breakfast before we had to go

to the set. I had to hold my bladder all day and give him eight


Night 3 -------

That night Sumisu-san pleaded with me to call him by his first

name. I refused commenting that it would only get both of us in

trouble. He responded that we were already in trouble--or at least

he was.

"You are falling in love with me?"

"Yes Ethan."

I nodded, I was an obedient little slave boy though and felt no

reciprocating emotions for him. Just pleasure from being fucked

and used. "I'm glad you are enjoying me so much."

He pushed his hand through my hair affectionately. "Its good that

one of us is keeping their head on." His eyes became sorrowful.

I smiled up at him and allowed him to kiss me deeply on the lips

and insert his tongue into my mouth. It was electrifying.

We slept together that night wrapped in a tender embrace.

Poker -----

The next morning it was business as usual. Sumisu-san tied me to a

post in the basement and flogged me with a bullwhip before leaving

me for the day. I suffered for his indiscretion.

I made no efforts to free myself and when he returned that evening

and found me there still he beat me further with the bullwhip. The

punishment, while excruciating only served to reinforce my slave


"How long till your back heals?"

"Usually a day," I responded.

"Make it faster, you need to lose to Orlando at strip poker in two


I nodded and freed myself from the bonds and headed to the

bathroom to soak my savaged back and hurry the self-healing

process. Before I dressed myself, Sumisu-san removed the cock-cage

and then let me dress.

Doorbell rang and Sumisu-san answered it. I was on the couch


"Hey Orlando," I called out.

"Hey Ethan," he responded, "how's it hanging?"

"Cool," I said.

"Did your cousin explain this perverted game?"

"Strip poker."

Orlando laughed. We went to the kitchen table and Orlando shuffled

the deck. I lost the first round. I was expected to lose so I made

intentionally bad choices in replacing cards in my hand.

Orlando seemed not to notice my poor play and seemed more

concerned with staying out of second with John.

When my underwear came off the game was close. John had lost his

shoes and socks. But Orlando had lost both those ~and~ his shirt.

"Ok cousin," John said, "as loser you need to do a sexy dance

naked." I wiggled around a bit which seemed to satisfy him and

Orlando. Then John announced, "as for second place."

Orlando suddenly grabbed my cock by the balls and swallowed my

cock into his mouth. John laughed, "second place in this game


I watched John for subtle clues as to how to behave and finally

allowed my cock to become erect and then waited another five

minutes to shoot my load.

"Well that makes up for me coming in second last time Orlando,"

John commented. I put my briefs back on and then joined John and

Orlando watching straight porn in the living room.

One thing I noticed as we had played the poker game is that the

same implant that was helping me keep time was also enabling me to

closely count cards and estimate poker win-loss estimates. I

devilishly thought about how fun it would be to go to a real


Sumisu-san however had other more immediate plans such as having

me service some of the female cast members to distract from his


Man Milk Brainwash ------------------

Sumisu-san had me in his trailer wearing nothing but a pair of

tight gym shorts. Cate arrived looking for John and I gently

persuaded her to stay and have a drink.

I kicked up my pheromones, in particular the androstenol

pheromones and handed Cate a glass of water. Her response was

surprisingly rapid. I leaned in for a kiss and received it

willingly. Then I had her suckling on my breast.

The mind control drugs that leech into my man milk provide a

suitable opening for basic hypnosis and mind control of people and

Cate proved to be no exception.

When we finished she was convinced she had just had the best

sexual experience of her life with my temporary owner--John Sumisu.

She also would have this strange urge to share information about

generalities of the experience with others and also to ~not~ seek

John out for sex again.


My reward was an intense seventy-two hour bondage session without

food or water. I loved every minute of it.

Two other female cast members had similar encounters with my man

milk and my cock instead of Sumisu-san's. For each such visit I

was rewarded with ever more intense and longer bondage sessions.

The final one lasting a whole week with an IV providing some

fluids to prevent dehydration.

During the long bondage session I realized for a brief moment that

my entire old personality was gone. All that was left was a

mirrored ball that only reflected back Ethan Hunt. At that same

time I found myself increasingly aware of the amount of "hardware"

or perhaps better yet, "wetware" that had been installed into me.

If I thought exclusively in Japanese, I could review a series of

half-biological / half-mechanical devices wired through my body.

There were the ducts for self-lubrication of my sexual

entry/insertion tools (dick, fuckhole) as well as for general

lubrication of my body. The other "ports" were for my breasts and

milk supply; pheromone controls; and a bewildering array


I focused in mentally in Japanese on the time keeping unit. I was

able to find that it had been implanted along my brain column and

contained a body-powered computer system for time keeping, record

keeping, and computations.

Almost instinctively I began to practice long computations in my

head. I found that I could easily generate two random numbers up

to about a hundred digits in length and perform arithmetic on them

rapidly. The unit also explained my increased memory capacity and

strong biofeedback controls.

I turned back to the pheromone unit and found that I was capable

of emitting perceptible amounts of ten or so complex compounds.

Several of which were completely artificial.


Cast Sex --------

I guess I should not have been surprised to come home from the

grocery store one afternoon to find Sumisu-san fucking a cast

member's, Sean, brains out on the kitchen table.

"Hey coz," Sumisu-san called out as I walked in with my arms laden

with groceries. If my appearance bothered either of them they did

not bother to say. Sumisu-san continued to fuck Sean's ass until

he came and then the two switched positions oblivious to my

domestic tasks.

With Sumisu-san still getting fucked Sean politely asked me to

strip naked and lay down on my back on the kitchen table next to

Sumisu-san. I complied.

He pulled out of Sumisu-san and asked me if I minded. I shook my

head and lifted my legs so he could fuck me.

He was surprised how well controlled the entry went. I was able to

precisely open my fuckhole to allow his cock to tightly slide in

and then surround his member firmly and apply tremendous pressure.

He shot his load almost instantly.

Sumisu-san laughed.

I got backhanded and then pulled over Sean's lap like a

belligerent child for a spanking. Sumisu-san got one as well.

Write the Author ----------------

These stories are e-mail'ware, show your appreciation by dropping

some feedback (in English) to the author at

See other works by me at


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