Iroppoi Herususentaa

By TopLegal

Published on Feb 10, 2023


Part 11 =======

By TopLegal

WARNING This contains graphic descriptions of sexual intercourse

and sadomasochistic activities between adult males. If this

offends you, is not appropriate for viewing in your location, or

you are not of legal age, do not read it. Any resemblance of

characters in this story to the living is purely coincidental.

(c) 2003, TopLegal. Permission is granted for distribution via

Usenet and the Web provided that the following two conditions are

met: there is no cost to access this story, e.g. AdultCheck, pay

site, etc., and the story is posted in full without modifications.

Japan Work ----------

My cell time was interrupted by an announcement in Japanese over

the loudspeaker instructing me to put an eight-hour day in on the

gym floor.

I left the cell and went to the elevator. At the exit of the

elevator a fully clothed Japanese man uttered a locker number to

me in Japanese: "341."

I found a perfectly sized white, bottom, jockstrap as well as

socks and athletic shoes for my usage. I checked my mental clock

and determined it was about 1600 local time. I would be up till

midnight on the gym floor.

On the floor the Japanese businessmen wasted no time in

interrupting my work out routine to fuck my brains out. They were

rougher than most of the American tops and tended to slap me a bit

before as if to assert their dominance. Not that it was needed. I

am after all a good little slave boy for the Iroppoi.

Around midnight I wound down after having been fucked by about

fifteen guys and given an equal number of blowjobs. Back at my

cell I found Daniel curled up in a corner sobbing softly.

Thailand --------

"What's the matter Daniel?"

He looked up at me and pleaded, "I want to go home."

"Come here," I beckoned as I pulled off my T-shirt revealing my

muscular chest and ample nipples. He stood up and came across the

room to me. I pushed his mouth down onto my nipples and encouraged

him to suck. As he sucked and my mind control-laced man-milk

filled his mouth and stomach, the effect was quick.

He stopped crying. Then he became attentive as I explained he was

going to be sold into slavery and not give me any resistance or

complain about it to me again.

He agreed and I could see the conflict I had set up in his brain

between his self-realization of what he had allowed to happen to

himself and the simple clear instructions he now felt a strong

compunction to follow.

We fell asleep in each other's embrace.

The next morning we were transported in the trunk of a limo to a

remote air strip where we were loaded into a special transport

crate and which was loaded into the cargo hold of a plane.

I could tell Daniel was scared, but my simple mind control

instructions had the desired effect of procuring his unwilling

cooperation and silence.

We cleared customs inside the crate and then were transported by

truck to a warehouse. I attached a dog collar to Daniel's neck and

led him by a leash to a waiting car. The car took us to a sex club

that catered to foreign visitors.

I led the two of us into the club through a back entrance. The

club's owner greeted me warmly and I handed Daniel's leash to the

owner who roughly grabbed the boy and forced him to his knees.

The owner ripped Daniel's clothing off with a knife and inspected

the Daniel like a product on a shelf in the supermarket.

The owner nodded and I handed him the transfer instructions.

Daniel was kneeling on the floor, clearly terrified but unable to

complain. I leaned towards him and whispered, "if you are smart

you'll cooperate since this guy won't hesitate to beat the crap

out of you."

The owner returned with a receipt and invited me to stay but I

decided to head out. The car was waiting for me and I stepped into

it and could only imagine what the rest of Daniel's life would be


The car took me to one of the fanciest hotels in Thailand where I

checked in under my own name: Ethan Hunt. A huge suite awaited me

and I took a bubble bath to relax.

When I came out of the bath a young Japanese man about my age,

dressed all in tight black leather was standing in the center of

the room with a tawse.

In Japanese he said, "to make sure you remember who you are slave.


I became paralyzed as the young Japanese man lashed every inch of

my flesh from my ankles to my shoulders with the tawse. I could

see my frozen body in the mirror as the punishment was

administrated. As my skin turned redder and redder the little free

spirit inside of me seemed to float further and further away as

the pain became more and more intense.

When he finished the man announced, "tomorrow you will visit

Daniel to help you contemplate just how well you are treated at

the Iroppoi."

I could not speak or move still and was in unspeakable pain.

The man laughed at my predicament. "When I leave, wait ten minutes

before you move."

With that my tormenter dropped the tawse on the floor and walked


I silently counted the ten minutes before I could move. I badly

wanted another bath to soothe my beaten flesh but instead flopped

onto the bed and forced myself to get some sleep.

In the morning there was no evidence of my thrashing visible.

However, the tawse still lay on the floor. Also, my body was still

sore from the violent thrashing.

I marveled at the Iroppoi's medical techniques. There was some

latex clothing for me to put on in the dresser so I donned a latex

bodysuit and then put on a pair of extremely tight fitting jeans

and a white mock turtleneck.

I looked around the room and noticed my travel bag on the entry

dresser. I picked the bag up and put the provided wallet and

passport into my pockets. I was now myself again: Ethan Hunt. For

a fraction of a second that seemed wrong, but the thought passed.

Then I got a hard on thinking about getting to see Daniel Parente

in honest to goodness involuntary slavery.

An airline ticket home was in the bag. I slung the bag over my

shoulder and hit the bathroom to fix my hair and brush my teeth.

Then I walked out of the hotel, pausing only briefly to check out.

I hailed a taxi and gave directions in English to the sex club. It

was already midday and the club was surprisingly busy. The owner

let me in without the normal $1,000 cover charge.

Daniel was on the center stage and tied to a waist-high wheel with

his ass sticking out and his legs tied to the floor. The device

was ingenious in that the boy could be rotated around to be fucked

by multiple sex partners or even permit two or three boys to share

the carousel.

Other slaves were locked in cages around the room too. The owner

explained that the slaves on the floor got fucked at will as part

of the cover charge. The backrooms ran another $100 for a


I approached Daniel who on closer inspection had deep whip marks

in his back already. The owner offered, "he really has quite the

tongue. Most of our boys are Thai and know better than to talk


"Well you wanted a genuine American slaveboy."

"True," the owner commented as he pulled out his dick and rammed

it into Daniel's ass. Daniel let out a stream of curses which as

soon as the owner finished fucking him resulted in several savage

blows of a cat-o-nine tail from one of the paid employees.

Daniel was sobbing and his back was bleeding. The owner was

annoyed with the employee for breaking the skin, "take him back to

the cell."

Daniel was removed forcibly and carried struggling back to the

prison cells for the slaves. I decided against visiting the slave

chambers and left unmolested.

At the airport I could not shake some thoughts of sympathy for

Daniel's plight. I had so many advantages, the prosthetics, the

genetic modifications, the hypnotic training, the biofeedback

control. But he had none of those. He had just been abducted,

somewhat willingly, by me and swept into a new life of pain and


On the plane I fell asleep quickly and was glad to land in the

States. I picked up the newspaper and read about how the DA had

been forced to drop murder and kidnapping charges against the

thieves that stole Daniel's car.

I got home and found that William was already at work. Tanaka-san

debriefed me and then expected me to work the last four hours of

my shift. I did it completely willingly and happy to be serving as

a sex slave and glad that I wasn't stuck like Daniel.

Hollywood ---------

The next morning I was woken up at 0700 and rushed out the door

with barely a chance to pee by Tanaka-san to get on a flight to


A major star--another Sumisu-san--wanted a blowjob boy on the

set. I was given no information about who it was until I got to

LAX. I was greeted by a limo driver holding a sign that said


I had only the smallest personal "manbag" with me. The limo

driver took me to the Bel-Air where I was ushered up to one of

the suites. I found a huge array of expensive luggage packed

with my name on it as well as a note.

We are filming in New Zealand, I have paid $10 million to have

you at my side non-stop for the next three months.

You will be staying in a private cottage I am renting ostensibly

as a distant cousin helping keep my house.

On most days you will spend ten or more hours a day in extremely

confining bondage. I will also be fucking you regularly. You

will also be expected to periodically make your way to the set

discretely to give me blowjobs in my trailer


The prospect of a trip to New Zealand excited me. Knowing how much

John Sumisu had paid to have me exclusively made me feel valuable.

The thought of such extensive bondage was also exciting. I flopped

onto the bed and jerked myself off.

After orgasming, I ripped the note up and flushed the pieces down

the toilet.

Around 1900 there was a knock at the door. I opened it to find a

young bellhop with a note. I tipped the boy five and opened the



I am in the restaurant please join me in a tuxedo promptly. You

will recognize me, cousin.


The last word was a cue to the pretext. I was Sumisu-san's cousin.

I would also avoid the Japanese honorifics in public. I put on a

tuxedo that was hanging in one of the closets and quickly made my

way to the Restaurant.

I scanned the room and noticed three well dressed men apparently

sitting alone. Two had their back to me. One I could rule out

visually. I hesitated and the maitre de approached.

"Sir, may I assist you," he offered.

"I believe my cousin was already seated," I responded.

"Ah, yes, he is expecting you," the maitre de responded and led me

to one of the two tables. My "cousin" stood and embraced me

warmly. I recognized the famous star immediately.

My meal had already been ordered, but I did not find that strange

or object. "Excellent table manners," John remarked midway through

the meal, "you are every bit as well trained as promised. Also,

you are quite bright."

I beamed slightly and thanked him for the compliment.

"When do we go to New Zealand?"

"Monday," he said, "I just figured for what this is costing I

might as well enjoy some time with you in LA."

"Will you be staying here with me then cousin?"

"Yes, I will," he said and smiled at me wickedly.

Torment -------

After dinner, in my suite, I was quickly reminded of my station by

Sumisu-san. From the luggage a huge array of bondage equipment


"Strip," he said in a commanding tone that left me no doubt that I

would suffer if I hesitated. I quickly undressed as Sumisu-san

finished removing a full store's worth of bondage gear from my


A leather straight jacket was my first companion. Sumisu-san knew

many of the tricks taught to Iroppoi bondage boys and barked at me

to suck in my gut and fully tightened the straightjacket to the

point that I could barely breathe.

My cock was rock hard from being bound up and Sumisu-san pressed

on, locking my cock in a steel cage and then binding my legs

together with restraints. My cock strained vainly against the

metal rods of the cage for release, but it was firmly trapped. My

butthole was readily accessible to the young star and he pushed me

over a counter and rammed his cock in without any lube.

I self-lubricated as quickly as I realized what was going to

happen so his cock entered easily without tearing and I enjoyed

the fuck greatly.

After fucking me he mocked me openly to right myself while in the

straightjacket and with my legs bound together. He laughed as I

fell onto the floor on my first attempt and verbally humiliated me

as I struggled to comply with his order on the second attempt and

failed again.

Stuck on the floor he showed off about twenty-thousand dollars

worth of suspension bondage equipment that would be used on me

during our stay in New Zealand.

"Now I recognize that you are 'modified' to make it possible for

you to escape from most situations," Sumisu-san said in a tone one

might normally use to lecture a recalcitrant school boy. "But, I

want to emphasize that if you ever damage a piece of my bondage

equipment you will be tied to a tree and whipped so severely you

will regret the day you were born."

I nodded meekly.

"Now get yourself free," he said as he gut punched me and knocked

me onto the floor.

I worked to dislocate my shoulders and pull my arms out of the

sleeves of the straightjacket and then remove it. He had done a

thorough job with the straightjacket and I doubted that Houdini

would have been able to escape. It took me about seven minutes of

intense breath control along with the ability I had to move my

shoulders and arms in abnormal positions to get out.

I then used prosthetics to pick the locks restraining my ankles.

"Very good," Sumisu-san said. His cock was bulging, aroused by my

escape. "Leave the cock-cage on and clean up the equipment and put

it away."

I did as instructed and packed everything away.

"Good, now do you need to pee before I lock you up for the night?"

"Please Sumisu-san, that would be most appreciated."

"Use the shower Ethan, I don't want that cock-cage to come off

till before our flight."

I nodded and went into the shower and turned it on and had to pee

myself to relieve my bladder. When I stepped back into the room he

had attached straps and restraints to the posts of the main bed. I

hopped into the bed without prompting and got on my back.

Sumisu-san spread me out and restrained me spread eagle.

"That will do, now stay until morning boy." Sumisu-san walked out

of the bedroom and shut the door. I heard the TV go on in the next

room and the sounds of hetero-porn. I used biofeedback to relax my

body and put myself to sleep.

I woke up with Sumisu-san sprawled on top of me and his rigid cock

pushing against my chest. He was staring into my eyes when I

opened them.

"You are quite the pretty boy Ethan, the club was right to select

you." His lips brushed against mine but did not fully connect.

Kissing was prohibited to reduce chances of tops and boys falling

in love. But the brush of his lips aroused me and my cock strained

against the metal cage.

"Domo arigatou goziamasu," I responded enthusiastically.

"The last time I hired a blowjob boy from the club he was not

trained for advanced bondage and found the ten-plus hour sessions

I like to do quite a strain. I ended up able to use him for

extended bondage only once a week."

"I am sorry to hear that one of my fellow slaves was inadequate

for your needs in anyway."

His lips brushed against mine again and then he licked my ear. "I

have very specific requirements and finding a slave with advanced

bondage training who meets those requirements can be a challenge

even within the Iroppoi. Their hypnosis techniques are not

flawless; the slave has to have a certain aptitude towards a skill

for the more advanced lessons to really take hold. Also the mind

and body have to be strong."

I felt myself blush at the flattery. He was of course right. The

Iroppoi selected mentally and physically fit slaves and kept us in

peak mental and physical condition. But even still, not every

slave could withstand or learn every trick.

"When I let you up Ethan I want you to go to the bathroom and then

get dressed in jeans and a white muscle-T."

I nodded once and Sumisu-san removed the restraints. I had to pee

myself in the shower again to relieve my bladder because of the

cock cage.

Out of the bathroom I noticed that the restraints were packed

away. I rummaged through the only suitcase that had not been

opened the previous night to find a limited array of clothing that

had been selected for my three-month trip. I put on tight jeans

and felt very consciously aware that the cock-cage could almost be

seen at my crotch.

I put on a muscle-T and followed Sumisu-san out to tour LA. He

drove us around in a fancy convertible and despite his fame, the

twenty-two year old star and I were hardly noticed.

Over lunch in a corner booth I asked him to share my cover story.

I was a cousin twice removed from Cedar Rapids, Iowa. I was

instructed not to go into more details and he gave me a few more

key details about Cedar Rapids to enable me to fake it, but again

I was not to discuss that as much as possible.

Flight ------

Back at the Bel-Air Hotel, I checked my man-bag's secret

compartment and found a longer dossier I had neglected on my

flight to LA. I read through on Sumisu-san's history. I realized

that in January 2004, just before we returned home, he and I would

celebrate his 23rd birthday together.

My huge suitcases were all gone except for the one with clothing.

Sumisu-san commented, "not to worry Ethan, the production company

picked them up for cargo transport."

I nodded as if I understood. I found myself slightly disappointed

that I would not be tied up again till we got to New Zealand.

We spent the next day or so in LA, most of it hanging in our

suite. Sumisu-san's apparent appetite for heterosexual pornography

surprised me a little and then I realized it was a great cover for

his homosexuality.

True to his word, the cock-cage was stuck on my body through our

morning departure for New Zealand when he made me remove it myself

and pack it in my suitcase.

At the international departures area of the airport, Sumisu-san

was recognized by the check-in clerk who convinced him to give her

an autograph.

We then headed to the first class lounge to relax until the

departure. In the lounge Sumisu-san was recognized by a

businesswoman who proceeded to coo all over him about the film he

was working on. I was impressed how polite he was with the woman.

I stayed out of the picture and we hung out on the airplane

together. The sleeper style seats afforded us an opportunity to be

close without it seeming overly odd. Under the blanket, he held my

hand most of the way to New Zealand as we slept.

I felt perilously close to falling for him.

Write the Author ----------------

These stories are e-mail'ware, show your appreciation by dropping

some feedback (in English) to the author at

See other works by me at


Next: Chapter 12

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