Iroppoi Herususentaa

By TopLegal

Published on Dec 29, 2022


Iroppoi Herususentaa: Part 1 ============================

By TopLegal

WARNING This contains graphic descriptions of sexual intercourse

and sadomasochistic activities between adult males. If this

offends you, is not appropriate for viewing in your location, or

you are not of legal age, do not read it. Any resemblance of

characters in this story to the living is purely coincidental.

(c) 2002, TopLegal. Permission is granted for distribution via

Usenet and the Web provided that the following two conditions are

met: there is no cost to access this story, e.g. AdultCheck, pay

site, etc., and the story is posted in full without modifications.

Application -----------

"Hey Patrick," Tim called out, "are you ready for our property


I was sitting in the cafeteria at the law school focused on the

more immediate civil procedure exam and responded to Tim, "let's

get through civ-pro first."

"Good point," Tim said as he sat down at my table.

"Where do you work out Tim?"

"I just use the university's gym."

I nodded, "It's just that I've heard the new gym near the dorms is

supposed to be out of this world."

Tim snickered, "Yeah out of this world expensive; it is over a

thousand a month."

"Oh, they did not have prices on their web site."

"Patrick, you will be working out at the school gym for the rest

of law school."

I shrugged. I had filled out the gym application last night and

figured I had nothing to lose. The application itself had been

quite long, and unusually prying. I guess in the "euphoria" of

finals at law school, submitting naked pictures for a gym

membership seemed like a fun lark.

Email -----

A few days after that conversation with Tim, I was up late

finishing my last review of criminal law for the final and

received a peculiar email:


As for your request for application to our health club, we would

be most humbly appreciative if you would pay us a visit tomorrow

at two.

Lane Tanaka, Membership Director

Iroppoi Herususentaa

The awkward English of the whole thing surprised me, but my

interest was more piqued than before.

I thought through the timing. My criminal law final would be over

by noon. The post-finals party did not start till five. Two was

spot on.

I replied:


Thank you, I will be at the front desk at two.

Patrick Cody

Iroppoi Herususentaa --------------------

I finished my final and had lunch at the cafeteria with Tim. For

some reason, I decided not to mention the health club. We

dissected the final and then around one, I left for the dorm to

grab my gym bag and make my way to the health club.

I arrived a few minutes early and was greeted in the lobby by a

young man. "Konichiwa Cody-san," the man said as I entered.

If I had an iota of common sense I would have turned and run at

that point, but I simply waved back and sat down on the only chair

in the waiting area.

Two guys came in a few minutes later and were each greeted by name

and buzzed through a wood door without showing any sort of

membership card. I was left waiting for a bit and noticed the

strongly Japanese style influences throughout the room and


"Konichiwa Cody-san," a new voice said from behind me, "I am Lane


I turned to see an extremely handsome, young, white man, who

clearly worked out daily. I extended my hand to meet his and

greeted him back.

"Cody-san, let us go to my office," Lane offered as he extended an

arm to point towards a smaller, now open, door that was

camouflaged in a side wall. I led the way and he followed shutting

the door behind me.

We walked up a flight of stairs and into a small, windowless

office. "Cody-san, please sit down." I did. "Cody-san, our

committee reviewed your application closely and was quite excited

to extend an offer of membership to you."

"But," I started.

"Please Cody-san, allow me to explain, we have many membership

classes here at the club and you will be at a rate that is most

accommodating of your situation."


"Not to worry Cody-san, can I take the required blood draw now?"

"Uh, sure," I said, vaguely recalling some discussion of that on

the web site.

Lane came around and got chatty with me about how the club was

owned by a Japanese consortium and the staff was required to use

certain polite terms and language. He really set me at ease so

much so that I did not notice the syringe in my arm until it was

too late.

"Relax Cody-san," Lane instructed as he removed the syringe and

inserted the phlebotomy cup to draw my blood. The strange thing

was that I had not already gotten out of the chair and run

screaming from the club.

"Stand up now Cody-san," Lane instructed and I did. "Take your

clothing off and put this swim suit on," he said handing me a pink

Speedo bathing suit. After putting the bathing suit on, I felt

quite sexy.

"Let's head down to the floor," he said leading me out a different

exit from his office and down a longer staircase which opened into

a hallway with a set of pictures lining the wall. "This is the

main corridor to the locker room, we have the schedules of all of

the bottom-boys along the walls Lane said pointing out a photo and

corresponding schedule.

We walked closer to the locker room and he showed me my picture,

which had an "In Training" sign below it. If I had anything to

say, I was unable to say it. Whatever drug he had injected me with

was leaving me quite out of control.

"Don't worry Cody-san, we will provide you plenty of training

before you are part of the schedule, pink indicates trainees,

black tops, white bottoms, blue employees. Sex with employees is

forbidden. Bottoms are paid for by the tops and are 100% available

to all tops. Sex is as instructed by the top. As a club rule, we

do not permit condoms. Presently we have 18 bottom-boys. You will

be nineteen. We have 100 top-members and prefer to have 20 bottom

boys, but there is always turnover. There are five employees."

I found myself propelled down the corridor and inside a stunning

indoor swimming pool with a glass roof. I noticed that it was dark

outside and realized that I had been at the club longer than I


Lane gave me no time to think about that and guided me to a

starting block and was quite loose and free about touching my body

as he positioned me to take a dive. "Give me five laps."

I dived in without question and gave Lane five laps. I got out and

noticed that several men in black suits were eying me closely and

one was even talking to Lane.

"Ah, Cody-san," Lane said, "allow me to introduce Wolf-san one of

our more junior tops."

Almost instinctively, I bowed slightly and greeted Wolf-san in

Japanese: "Konichiwa Wolf-san."

Wolf-san grabbed my groin and felt up my cock without asking. I

just stood there impassively and allowed him to do so. He

commented to Tanaka-san, "Amazing how quick the first programming

session takes in these boys Tanaka-san."

Tanaka-san responded, "Quite, but we still like to allow three

months for training to ensure that the boys are capable of fully

enjoying their jobs."

Wolf-san leaned in close to me and forced his tongue into my mouth

and kissed me roughly. "See you in three-months Patrick," he said

and walked away.

Lane smiled at me, "he his quite looking forward to fucking your

ass. He says you 'ring his bell.'"

I nodded meekly and followed Tanaka-san from the pool area to the

workout room. A pink jockstrap and matching shoes and socks were

sitting by the entrance and without prompting I changed from the

bathing suit to that outfit in front of the room. About six guys

in black jockstraps were working out and there were two guys in

white jockstraps working out.

Lane guided me through an intensive cardio workout and commented,

"of course when you are working you need to interrupt your workout

for the tops." As he helped me up from one of the machines I saw a

bottom doing squats onto a top's rigid, bare cock.

"That bottom is William Thompson, he is one of our best. The squat

move is his signature and none of the other guys have the upper

body strength and control to do squats like that on another guy's

shaft. Makes him quite popular. We had to place some limits on the

tops to ensure he did not get worn out."

I nodded approvingly and followed Lane back to his office. Back in

Lane's office I willingly let him give me another injection.

Dorm ----

"Ok, Cody-san, see you same time tomorrow," Lane said as he helped

me out into the dark street. All I was holding was a small bottle

of pills in one hand and a membership card in the other.

For a second I thought it was strange that it was late out, but

then it passed. I looked at the card and aside from my picture and

my name "Patrick Cody", the rest was in incomprehensible Japanese

characters. Same for the pill bottle. My name was printed on a

label, but the description of the pill was in Japanese.

I remembered Lane explaining it was a special vitamin supplement,

maindokontorooru piru. I was to take it three times a day. I took

my evening dose, shoved the bottle and card in my pocket and then

decided to walk over to the party.

Nobody but Tim noticed I was late, and a quick excuse about

falling asleep from exhaustion made complete sense to him.

In the morning, I quickly regretted getting piss drunk. My head

was throbbing and Tim was laying naked next to me.

"About time we fucked," he commented as I opened my eyes.

I kissed him, "Suppose so, but don't get any ideas about love or


"Of course not," he said as he pushed me out of bed onto the cold


I landed unceremoniously and looked up at him. Tim and I had made

winks but never fooled around seriously, now in our piss-drunk

stupor we had fucked, or something, last night.

Barely awake for even five minutes, I had a strange need to take

my vitamins. I scoured the floor for my jeans and reached into the

pocket and pulled out the bottle. It was not until I swallowed my

morning maindokontorooru piru that I felt ok.

Tim was still lounging in bed and called out, "Patrick, I always

had you pegged more for the top-type. But man, you sure know how

to suck dick and take it up the ass. And you were fucking


"Well as long as you enjoyed your one and only shot at my ass," I

quipped back.

"Nah, I'll just get you drunk again."

"Fuck you," I said as I headed towards the in-apartment shower.

Showering I noticed several characters tattooed on my shoulder. I

was torn between which was the odder part, the fact that

straight-laced, suburban, white-boy Patrick Cody suddenly had a

tattoo or the fact that I could read, and understand, the Japanese

characters, they simply said my name: "Patrick Cody"

The more I tried to focus on the tattoo, the more I felt

disoriented. After a minute, I stopped and took my shower.

Tim was standing naked in the bathroom when I stepped out of the

shower. "Leave any hot water for me?"

"Nah," I retorted, "you'll have to make do with an ice bath."

Tim chuckled and stepped past me and into the shower. I dried off

and got dressed. I was lying in bed with blue jeans and a white

T-shirt when Tim came out, "Any chance of another blow job now

that you are sober?"

"Scram," I said, "I start my internship at the public defenders on

Monday and I don't want my weekend ruined with some lusty teenager

who thinks he's in love with me cause we fucked while we were both


"Hey," Tim shot back, "you're the baby here at only twenty-one in

law school. As for 'love,' fuck that, I'm just looking for a good


"Oh, well perhaps from time to time," I commented, "but we are

working on opposite sides this summer, and sleeping with the enemy

seems so wrong."

Tim giggled and finished dressing himself.

We kissed warmly and he headed out.

I was out the door a few minutes behind him and headed towards a

local Nordstrom. In the store I went up to the personal shopper

department and gave my name to the clerk who immediately said,

"Yes, Mr. Cody... Sorry... Cody-san, we have the items you requested

ready for you to try on."

I tried to remember calling Nordstrom, but drew a blank. I

followed the clerk to a dressing room and tried on a perfectly

tailored suits and approved its matching cousins. The suits were

followed by dress shirts, then casual pants, casual shirts, jeans,

t-shirts, shoes, underwear, every conceivable item of clothing had

been selected for me. "Cody-san, would you like us to deliver

these to your apartment?"

"Yes," I said admiring my body in the mirror wearing some of the

casual clothing.

"Very good then Cody-san, everything is paid for and will be

delivered to your address. Do you have time to pick out your new


"Um, sure," I replied.

"Very good. You had indicated you were not sure which one you

wanted and so I thought it best to show you the range here," he

said as he pulled out a small tray filled with gorgeous watches.

I gravitated towards one of the chronographs and the salesman

gently encouraged me to try it in. "Quite nice Cody-san," he said.

I liked it. The salesman said, "why don't you wear that out. All I

need you to do is sign the receipt in a moment."

"Sure," I said. The salesman disappeared for a minute and returned

with a long receipt and a pen. I signed for close to

twenty-thousand dollars of merchandise and walked out wearing my

new watch.

Looking down, I noticed the time and felt a strong need for

another one of my vitamins. I took the bottle from my pocket and

swallowed another maindokontorooru piru and relaxed again.

I took a bus back to the graduate apartments and found that

Nordstrom had already delivered much of the merchandise. It took

me four trips in the elevator to get all of the bags to my dorm


By then it was 1330 and I realized I needed to head over to the

gym. I checked for my membership card and my vitamins and headed

out the door.

Second Visit ------------

I arrived at gym two minutes before two and the same receptionist

was working. Again I was invited to sit down and wait for


I tried to detect where the door to Tanaka-san's office was but

could not see even the hint of it in the wall. I noticed Wolf-san

enter the gym again, he made a point of waving to me.

Around 1415, Tanaka-san came down and invited me to his office.

"So, Cody-san, did you enjoy your shopping trip?"

"Quite Tanaka-san."

"Good," he said as he jabbed my arm with a needle. "Today we are

going to give you our special inoculations to protect against

diseases." Another needle jabbed my arm and I felt hopeless to do

anything about it. In all, I received seven injections before I

blacked out.

I woke up, sort of. It was a very dream like haze. Lane Tanaka was

explaining some important instructions to me, but I couldn't fully

understand them cognitively. It was as if I was standing outside

my body. I knew every word being spoken was resonating with my

body, but I would be damned if I could repeat a word of it to you.

"Cody-san, let's go down for your workout," Lane said and I

suddenly could move.

"Ok," I said as I followed him past the hall of bottom-boys

towards the swimming pool.

"Notice the schedule Cody-san, each bottom is scheduled for three

8-hour shifts a week and four 2-hour shifts."

I nodded.

In the pool area, I was the only one wearing a pink-trainee

Speedo. Again Lane felt free to touch every part of my body in

positioning me and training me in how to swim and dive. Again a

number of the tops looked on in black Speedos approvingly.

As I finished in the pool, I noticed Thompson-san doing his

signature squat-thrusts on one of the top's hard cocks. I followed

Lane into the workout area and switched to a pink jockstrap for my

cardio workout.

After we finished this time, Lane showed me the extensive locker

room/sauna areas where we found an orgy of about ten members in

equal numbers of tops and bottoms.

Wolf-san was standing to the side watching the orgy and stroking

his dick off. He smiled at me and when we walked by he tweaked my

nipple. I bowed politely and thanked him before moving on. It just

made sense.

By the time I left the gym again, it was close to midnight and I

quickly took my vitamin and then headed back to the dorm. There

was a message on my machine from Tim inviting me to meet him at a


I ignored it and hit the sack.

In the morning, I woke up to a phone call that at first I could

not understand. Then I quickly found myself responding to the call

in Japanese. The call ended immediately and when I tried to

remember what I said my head hurt. I took my vitamin and forgot

about it.

In the bathroom, I noticed another tattoo, this time on my other

shoulder. This was also in Japanese characters and read something

like, "Treated - Disease Free - 5/19/2003."

I shrugged and took a shower. Wearing my new clothing and watch

felt great and I felt sad that I had no workout for the Saturday.

Tim ---

Tim stopped by around 1000 and talked his way in. "Stood me up

last night."

"We are ~not~ dating."

"Ok, but still, you could have called."

"I was out."

"Anyhow, I get a free blowjob for you standing me up."

"I'm not stupid Tim, we just fucked last night you can't possibly

be that horny already."

"Pent up needs," he responded. I supposed that made some sense.

Tim had not dated, or fooled around, all semester. I on the other

hand had been through five different guys in series.

"If we are going to do this fuckbuddy thing, there need to be some


"Like what," he asked.

"Like, if you want sex you just have to ask for it and the other

person will give it, no excuses, no kissing, no falling in love,"

I responded.

"Fair enough," Tim said, "now come suck my dick."

I went over to him and got on my knees, unzipped his pants, pulled

out his cock and began to suck his dick. Tim moaned quite

pleasurably as I gave an expert blowjob. I was shocked at the

quality of my technique and my knowledge of how to keep him on the

edge of orgasm for close to twenty minutes.

For me it was an enjoyable game that I was somehow quite expert

at. Tim's appearance--which was quite attractive--was

uninteresting to me. His pleasure was my paramount concern and I

found the more I focused on that the more pleasure I got.

After about twenty minutes he said, "Cody, I want your ass again."

I came off his dick and told him to get a condom and lube from the

bedroom and I would be waiting. I stripped naked and kneeled on

the coffee table, ass out for Tim's hard rod.

"Fuck Cody," he exclaimed on re-entering the room, "you really

know how to turn a guy on."

He entered me swiftly and I found I was able to easily control the

tightness of my ass to slow his ability to reach orgasm and enable

him to fuck me for ten or so minutes before shooting inside me.

"I really like this fuckbuddy thing," Tim said as he pulled out

and hit the showers. I waited for him to finish before showering

myself. When I finished he was watching TV. "Quick question

though, what if I want another blowjob now?"

"Just ask," I said.

"Cool," he responded, "can I buy you dinner?"

"No, that's against the fuckbuddy rules," I said.

"What if you start dating again, can we still be fuckbuddies


"Sure," I responded, "whoever I'm with will need to just


"So you'll be fucking them and getting fucked by me Cody?"

I shrugged; somehow I did not think I would be dating anytime

soon. We spent the afternoon watching football and drinking beer.

Around 1700, my phone rang and again a strange voice was giving

instructions. Again, I responded in Japanese.

"What the hell was that Cody?"

"Oh, wrong number I think," I said.

Escort Duty -----------

Tim mentioned something about a formal dinner and headed out. I

found myself getting dressed in one of the tuxedos from Nordstrom

and then heading over to the club for an 1800 rendezvous.

Lane was standing in the lobby, "Ah, Cody-san, sorry to call you

in but we have very little time to review the escort rules before

you need to depart." With that I followed him quickly to his

office and submitted to another injection.

By 1900, I was standing in the lobby waiting with Lane Tanaka. Tim

entered and Lane greeted him, "Konbanha Webster-san, your escort

is ready."

Tim looked at me and smiled, "excellent that will be all


I greeted my friend Tim, Webster-san, appropriately with a slight

bow and followed him out to the waiting limo. "Remember our

conversation Patrick about how expensive this club is?"

I nodded.

"It's nice to be wealthy," he said. The limo pulled up outside the

opera house and the two of us exited.

Write the Author ----------------

These stories are e-mail'ware, show your appreciation by dropping

some feedback (in English) to the author at

See other works by me at


Next: Chapter 2

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