Irish Charm

By John Byrne

Published on Oct 14, 2013


Chapter 4:

The rest of the week went by quickly. I kept to my studies, and wondered where Mikey had gone. He still had shown up to class by mid-week, and I was beginning to worry. I had thought about calling up to his house by the end of the week, to see how he was, but I thought it might have been a little awkward. But for his sake, any to quench I decided to go look for his house, at least to settle his ease.

None of my friends knew his exact, so I was bound to try and get it out of some of the lads on the outer fringe of his social circle. They were hesitant at first, but I promised It was only for homework purposes and nothing else. Begrudgingly, one of the guys that lived in his neighbourhood gave me the number of his house, and I decided to go up one evening quite late after I knew his training was over.

At that time of the year, it was still dark early in the evening, and I wasn't really ecstatic about wandering through the town in the dark, especially in the more crime ridden parts of the town. But the guilt of what I had done meant that I had to go see him, it was just who I am. The street lights down his lane weren't working, and I was surprised to see so little movement or action in his housing estate. It was eerily quiet, too much for my liking, and I found myself running down the narrow lane. I ended up in the back of his house, wondering what would be the quickest way to get around.

I could hear some music coming from the first floor. It was some dumb rock music, nothing I was familiar with. But I knew it must have been his. He had mentioned that his sister and brother had moved out years ago to go to college the previous couple of summers. I calmly walked up to the door, and knocked calmly, hoping that he would answer the door.

Instead, a gruff middle aged man answered, and stared at me intensely

"Who are you?, he grunted.

"Eh, I'm a mate of Michaels. I said doing my best to keep my nerve. It was true that his stare was intense, but in a weird way he looked handsome. An older version of the guy I had been with

"His mates never come around here," the father said, "What do you want, and why are you here?"

"Well ever since he was moved around the classes, they asked me to bring some work for him since he wasn't all week.

The father moved his hand from the door, and slowly invited me in. "Good to see that boy doing some work, all his mind was ever thinking about was soccer. Come in," he said without ever introducing himself. "He should be in the room in the back," the father said, "pointing down the hallway. If not try his bedroom, it's the second door on the right when you go up the stairs".

"Thank you," I said, (not knowing whether to add sir or not. The man was tense, almost vicious, and no wonder Mikey had been stressed out anytime he was around him. I even felt he may have hit me even I just asked the wrong question.

"Who was it?". A female voice shouted through the house as I walked through the hallway.

"Ah, just one of Mikeys mates, here with some of the work he missed".

"That's great, who was it?", she said.

"No idea, he's probably upstairs with him. He better be getting on with all that work he missed."

"Ah leave the boy alone, he's just a little sick.., she said sympathetically. I checked inside the kitchen, and noticed the lack of anyone in their small sitting room, so I ascended the narrow staircase.

The loud music could be heard coming from the furthest door in the hallway. The blaring music was loud enough to perk my ears, but I detested the heavy rhythm, the strokes of guitar too loud for my delicate ears.

I hesitated for a few minutes, before pushing my way into his room. For a brief moment, I saw him at his most relaxed, rocking to the heavy beats. He was on his Ipad, on some internet site. He was wearing a light blue t-shirt with a yellow and orange surf board on the front, some white ankle shorts, and a loose pair of cotton black boxers. His mood was broken when he saw me. First, his face went from surprise to shock, then to anger.

Standing up, "What are you doing here?", he shouted .

"Eh.. I'm just came to bring you, some work. The teachers were wondering where you were and..."

"Anyone else could have brought that to me", he admitted, "I mean anyone", He said before pushing me to the door.

"Get out", he said before grabbing me by the arm. His grip was tense, stronger than his thin figure ever suggested.

"What are you doing" I said, pushing him away.

"Just leave the work" he said pointing at the bed, "and get out. You really are the last person I want to see.", evading my worried stare at him.

"I'm just worried about you,, about what happened. I just keep thinking that it was my fault. Turning away from me for a moment, he walked to the far side of the bed before sitting down and putting his head in his arms. He was still confused, and the week away from work hadn't given him enough time to come to terms with what we did.

"We shouldn't have done that"< he said, before standing up. "That was your fault, you just... took advantage of me", that was it".

"You're the person that pleaded me for help, not the other way around", I said to him. "It was stupid for me to come here. Here., I said dropping the new notes on the edge of his bed, "I'll just go." For a few moments, he said nothing, but then he just rose up and looked at me briefly before breaking the few seconds we made eye contact.

Saying nothing, he followed me to the door. I reached out to open it, and was about to exit when he slammed it shut before I could say anything.

"No..., no.. he said meekly. "I don't want you to go, it's just.. I don't know, what to say, or what to do". Looking at him again, I saw the pain in his face. He was confused, confused about who he was, and what was he was going to become.

"Just stay, stay with me for a while. We can just talk... or".

"Or?", I said, surprised at what he may have been meaning.

"Oh.. no, nothing like that", he replied quite innocently. "I mean you could just chill here, for a while. Listen to some music, maybe play Xbox".

"Yeah, I'd like that", I said before throwing myself on his bed. Reaching over, I took his music player off the cheap speakers, and began flicking through it. "But if I'm gonna stay, then I think we need to change your music tastes.

"Nah, I don't think we do"m he said laughing, before throwing himself on the bed beside me. Wrestling with me, he was soon on top, pressing his ass into my crotch. "Uh man," he said obviously enjoying the situation we were both in.

"I can't do this, not now", he said before reaching up to get off the bed.

"What do you mean?", I asked surprised.

"Well I literally would be killed, if my Ma or Da walked in on me with the lad that kissed me in the toilet last week", he said with a cheeky smile. With a few steps, he was at the door, and calmly he turned the door. The music was still playing so he doubted either of his parents would care, but still it was just to be sure. "I don't know what I want", he admitted, "but at least I want to be with you, now".

"Are you sure?", I said, still seeing the doubt in his eyes.

He just nodded, before pushing me against, the wall. This time he wanted to be in control, and with the fiery streak in his eye how was I to be the one to stop him.

"I remember what you said, you know when we were in the toilet together."


"That I owe you..."

"Oh that. You don't owe me anything," I said before looking back at his face again.

"Yeah, I do", he said, nodding before pushing me back onto the bed. I let him jump down on me before he put his arms above mine, as if he was trying to trap me.

"Thjs is what you did to me, do you remember?", he said before grabbing my hands with his own, Slowly, he interlinked his hands with my own. They were cold, but his grip was fierce. He really did want this.

"Well then, how will you repay the debt, I said.

"That;s up to you", he said, before moving ever closer. I could smell his breath, It had a minty scent, that matched his pure white teeth. His eyes were so easy to get lost into. They demanded my attention, and I gulped not knowing what to say.

"Let's just sit here, for a few minutes", I said, before pulling him down on top of me. He felt heavy, but also comfortable. As If we were meant to be lying there together, like that.

I grabbed his tight behind, and I could feel him clench his tight muscles. "you've such a nice ass." I blurted out un-intentionally. He went kinda pale, but then just nodded in appreciation,

"Your's aint that bad man", he responded, before throwing himself onto the other side of the queen bed. Looking deeply again into his clear eyes, I knew exactly what he wanted before he managed to say it.

"Just kiss me like you did back there, in the bathroom", he said before pulling me ever closer. Even if it was just for this one night, he could forget his important ego, his image that he was trying to protect. I saw him, the doubts, the fears, and the inner feelings all wresting with one another. In that moment, all I wanted, was him, and that's what I was about to take.

I lifted my body, and leaned into him, taking not to graze any his crotch area. Leaning in to his left side, I calmly placed my lips against his. They were wet, eager, wanting the same ones that he had dreamed about all week, even if he would never admit it, not to anyone but me

He gently massaged his lips against mine, before pulling up his hand and forcing his tongue into my mouth as he had done just a week prior. Somewhere deep in his soul he wanted this more than anything, and with a brash flick of his tongue, he again wanted to be in the dominant partner. For the sake of his passion, I was willing to let him have his way, if he knew what he was doing.

"what, what should we do?", he said before calmly breaking the kiss.

"whatever you want", I said smiling, and trying to keep him relaxed. My last notion was to freak him. I knew this was going to take time, but I felt he was ready, even if it might take the whole night before he admits his true feelings.

"Do you know what I want?", he said suggestingly.

"I want to see you, without all those layers on?", he said pointing to the thick outer jacket, and the layers of uniform I was still wearing.

"Uh.. naked?"

"Eventually, maybe?", he said,

"Only if I get to see you too", I said smiling at him.

"Alright then, lets make a game out of it..", he said. "First guy that makes the other guy has to do what he says.."

"You're on I said. This is going to be way too easy..."

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