Irish Charm

By John Byrne

Published on Oct 14, 2013


Chapter 3

This is pure Fiction. Only read if you are over 18/21. Feedback to

I didn't see Mikey for the rest of the day, or for the rest of the week. His mates said he had called in sick, some injury that had happened at the previous weekend. A note from the doctor (probably forged) came into the school office, and so nothing more was said. The principal had his doubts, thinking that he had heard him in the bathroom, but he had more pressing issues to attend to. Only I knew the truth, but knew it would destroy him if word got out. God knows what would have happened to me.

Kyle invited me back to his house that Friday; mainly just someone to watch the reality crap with, but it was also a great chance to talk to him, about what was troubling me. He was tall, over 6 feet, with light blonde hair that went against his tanned frame. A Swedish mother, and a Gaelic Father, he had always thought he looked "Foreign", but that made him ever hotter. True I had a crush on him, from years earlier, but he knew it.

His house was found in a quiet side street, not too far from the school. Both his parents worked hard, to put enough food on the table. Because they were never there, he always got his friends over. With such an advantage he could bring back a lot of friends, people he barely knew, and even a few lovers. He was openly gay, but only spoke about it to those that he would trust. The loud mouthed cunts that shouted at him, never really fazed him. He came when he was fourteen, well more so he was dragged out of the closet when he was found making out with another guy at the back of the local teenage disco.

Life hadn't been easy for him, but he had plenty of friends that would love him to come out with him. "To be the token gay mate". He played no sports, but spent hours performing and dancing, mainly with his many female friends. But because of his honest approach to his sexual desires, he got more interest than others; even most were not in the town.

Although he had many tales to tell, he would never speak about them in school, the main place that I had seen used to talk to him. But in his quiet den, in the back of his house, he was willing to speak a lot more honestly, well to a certain extent.

"Have you gotten laid?" I had asked him over a strong Coffee (Let's just say it was late one night, and it was right to keep it in the Irish tradition). For a moment, he just stopped from drinking from his mug, and then just gave a sly smile. I didn't need to know anymore, but it was true that there was little any chance of him speaking about it in great detail; it was just the circumstance he was in.

A few years later, he would come to tell me he had messed around with about half a dozen lads, and slept with two of them. He had a secret relationship with another gay teenager from the town over that he was only too happy to speak about. It wasn't too serious, for I was able to get into his pants, on more than one occasion through those later years at school.

One such occasion, just happened to be that late Friday evening, even if it was completely unintentional. I had found myself boning up nearly every hour, thinking about what had happened with Mikey. The idea of messing with this tempting blonde stud that night was so tempting, that if I he came onto me, I wouldn't say no.

"I'm not seeing him until Sunday", he had moaned to me as he sat down on his settee, letting me take the free seat opposite him. "I've nothing else to do until then", he said with a wink. I could have taken that as a suggestible invitation, but knew better. He was over a year older than most of the guys in our class, and much taller. For that, he was barely the target physically of any trouble, but they still shouted profanities. He would just walk on, and wink accordingly.

That particular evening he continued talking about his issues, and wanted nothing more for me than to listen to issues.

"You alright?" he asked.

"Yeah, I'm fine", I replied, swirling the cup of coffee with a spoon.

"I don't know what to do" he began (Neither did I, I thought, my own thoughts so more important than his own)

"About what?"

"The girls, my guy, everything, I just don't have enough time to see them...

"You got to make priorities, don't you?"

"I suppose, but I never know what I really should do"

"Just get your priorities right then..."

"Sex", he grinned cheekily, before pointing down to his crotch.

"I never would have guessed that", I said sarcastically.

"You're just jealous you can't compete, he said, "In terms of numbers, or just size". It was true, he was immensely hung. At least 7 inches long, and thick. Along with the little few specks of pubes, and the tanned skin made it look even bigger.

"I've had guys tell me I'm twice the size they are", he had told me more than once.

"That's great, I said", "but it's not all about the size you know"

"You're only saying that because you're smaller than me".

"Not my much said before him.

"Whatever," he said, standing up. IT was clear he had a slight bulge developing, but I said nothing. He was too much of a tease not to let him try getting it on, and surely it would go nowhere.

"You interested in, ya know, doing the usual?"< He said with a smirk. I smiled, knowing that he was in a good mood. Kyle was a popular guy, both socially and sexually in the local area. Since developing this newfound sexual appetite he hated getting himself off alone. And with such big dick, how was I not one to oblige.

"Sure", I said nodding, before beginning to undull my belt.

"Give me a minute," he said. "I just got to go get my laptop."

"Grand< I said, before letting him disappear upstairs, and then stood up to close over the windows. Most of his neighbours knew of his sexuality, but still I would find it quite rude if another of the kids walking home saw us messing about together, or worse if it was the elderly next door neighbour. He returned a few minutes later, his large laptop in one hand and some kitchen roll in the other. Balanced on top of it was the bottle I instantly recognised, it was a large bottle of baby oil, something we both used for lubricant. It felt better than all the other stuff we used, after all the years of these impromptu jacking sessions.

"Setting the laptop down on the table, he smirked when he noticed the closed over blinds. "Still not ready for people to know who you are?"

"Not that," I said, pulling down my school slacks just as he was, "I think it's just more intimate this way". I said honestly.

"Well, good", he said, "Because this is the only way you are going to get anything from me". That was a lie, but what he was offering now was more than enough.

Without saying anything, he zipped down my pants and grabbed my dick, without even asking. For a brief moment, I waited then went to grab it, and release it from its grey cage. With a great moan, he shimmed down his pants, to wrap around his ankles.

It was still on a semi, about five erect inches, when I began stroking it gently. This cock was too thick to wrap around my own hand. The tip was gently pouring out copious fuck fluid, and all I wanted to do at that point was to get down on my lips and lick it up. But he wouldn't let me, especially since he had a boyfriend at the time. Other times I had come close, but for the moment .I was glad just to get a good jacking session to what was an otherwise limited sex-life.

"What do you want to see?" he said, lifting his hands off my growing dick, and reaching to put on some decent porn.

"Just some hung lads fucking, fit ones, ya know the usual"

"Sure," he said smiling.

"You would love that wouldn't you, some decent looking lad to get fucked by".

"Yeah.". I said moaning as he grabbed my dick again. Suddenly, I felt the growing pleasure that only came from an experienced hand pulling up and down my medium size knob.

"Here", he said, pushing the lotion into my free hand. "Put some on mine, then some on your own, please", he ordered, before moaning from the feeling from a tight hand around his knob. I pushed the lotion down onto his dick, and made sure to cover it his large balls too. A few hairs on his knob showed the huge load he was carrying.

The young guy on the screen moaned, as he was fed a large black cock.

"I'd love to try some of that, I blurted out, "Knowing that I could say anything that I wanted to him.

"It doesn't taste any different," he said through the gentle moans. Then to really get me off he leaned over and whispered gently "neither does it feel any different. It's the same as any other hot ass. Tight, firm, and wanting nothing more than to take a good hot load. I gulped, not sure if he was lying or not, but it just made my dick even harder.

"Uh, that's hot", he moaned a few minutes later, when the hot submissive twin sat down on the fat black cock on the screen.

"He some slut," Kyle moaned to me, before trembling. It was clear he was getting close, but I didn't want him to cum before me. I thought about the big black cock as he continued jacking me, harder and harder, until I got ever close.

"I'd bet you love that, wouldn't ya. That big dick in your ass," he said jacking me even harder. I just moaned the exact response that he wanted. Despite his larger dick oozing more pre-cum that mine, the sudden change in his stroke rate, and calmly reaching over and massaging my balls, wanting nothing more than for me to pump my load.

My hips twitched into his hands, and he smirked knowing that he was in control.

"Cum for me lad, ah cum all over that nice tight hot little body of yours." I moaned loudly again, rapidly approaching my first orgasm within the past few days.

"Oh shit" I cried, just before I was about to can all over myself and into his hand.

"Yeah man, that's it", he said before reaching over and twigging my right nipple.

"Oh man, I didn't think, I didn't think that would be so GOOOOOOOOODDDDDDD!!!"I shouted before groaning and shooting three shots into the air. The first two landed on my face, covering my smooth face in the salty liquid. The next few hid my defined abs. I groaned again. It was too much for Kyle when he saw me ejaculate all over me.

"Ah fuck" he said, before grabbing his dick with his own more familiar stroke. I looked through the pearly gleam and could see the strong physique standing over me, looking desperately into my eyes. With a ferocious stare, He bellowed "Oh fuck", and shot six loads all over my body. All I could do was moan as I was baptized with his load again.

"Oh fuck," he repeated, milking the last of his load out of his thick dick, "that was so fucking hot". Stepping down from me, I licked my lips. HE saw me, and responded rapidly, by quickly grabbing my dick and I squealed with the pain, just as he squeezed a little more.

"You know our agreement", he taunted. "You don't get that, until I get from you what I want".

"Oh yeah, I said (Dammit). Before standing up to pick up some of the nearby tissue to clean myself up.

"Just give me a minute", he ordered, before leaving to go out and clean himself in the toilet nearby. I did my best to clean myself, but really I needed to go home and get a shower.

Kyle came back out a few minutes later, still naked and hot as ever. He was confident with his strong physique. "You look better that way", he said with a wink.

"So do you", I said before leaving for the toilet. He reached over and tried to grab my now shrinking dick, but I stopped him.

"Still love it though, doesn't yam?" I just nodded again, and then went to coal myself up; I had two fresh loads to wash up. I decided to just have a quick shower, it was a lot quicker than anything else, and soon returned to the quiet room. The porn had been switched off, and the computer was off.

Kyle was in the kitchen talking on the phone, probably to his boyfriend. I just quickly got dressed, and then walked over to the wooden door separating the two rooms. I knocked on the door to get his attention, the just pointed to the exit. He looked up, and just nodded. That was his signal for goodbye.

I left, still feeling tense about what happened. About halfway home, I got a text from him.

"Thanks for that. I'll see you Monday. Remember if you want it to go any further you got to keep to the deal Xx".

I just shook my head, knowing exactly what he wanted.#

He was fascinated with my best friend. This quiet loner that lives on the other end of town. I knew him from years ago. Word around the school (and a few quick glimpses from the school showers) that he was immensely hung. Perhaps one of the biggest in the school, and Kyle wanted to know, more than anyone else. It was really an insatiable lust, and he wanted me to find out the truth, visually.

Only if I could do that, would he let me go beyond just wanking with him, and that was something I foolishly agreed with. I never had planned on trying to trick him as the friendship was worth a lot more. But you never could know, he might just have been into it, all you could do was trying. It was surprising how many people were

Next: Chapter 4

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