Irelands Boiler House

By Michael

Published on Aug 7, 1999


Author's note: this is my first time writing about experiences I have had. I have been thinking for some time to write fantasies, but hey man, whether you want to believe it or not this all happened three nights ago, in Dublin, Ireland. I was on such a high with all that happened but most particularly the syncronistic elements of the last encounter, I did not go to bed for the day. When telling some friends of the experiences, I said what happened to me that night, you could not fantasise, I believe.

Enjoy and I welcome similar or comments.


This is the third part of a trilogy. (1st is titled Kevin's sphincter) (2nd is titled 24 year old Mike's technique)

At first I had thought, be greedy and stay on for a while longer. But by this time I was dehydrated and badly in need of some liquids of a nourishing kind! I began to walk around the cubicles to see what was now available. All of a sudden just flaked out and decided that it was after all a good nights work at it still only 3.00 am!!! So I went downstairs to the lockers to get dressed and go home. I met a complete dickhead there in the locker room. Being so tired etc, while pulling on my jeans I wobbled over and touched off this guy. He sneeringly told me to fuck off I was not worthy of him'!!!!!!!! He was American, by his accent Ivy League student over here and a shit head of the biggest kind. I must say after my night, I was cocky and self-assured and retorted "go back an look in the mirror with the one you love most"! [I produced a card that I carry with the following on it {an egoist always harms most the one he loves best --- himself!'} and gave it him.] I suddenly remembered him from the cubicles upstairs, and he stayed in one all night, on his own, spurning anyone who looked at him, or tried to enter. Now, its true he had a fine cock, a lovely body and good lucking. A reasonable air of sophistication about him that was attractive. But what a shit personality. Looking at him I assumed, that he so loathed himself that he gave himself a body beautiful and image, so that he could dump on others less fortunate and make himself feel good. Well, hey man, wasn't gonna do it with me. I told him what I thought, in as reasonable a fashion as I could, but he was so closed up, he could not hear or respond. He could not cope that someone actually answered him back! What a cheek on my part, eh? FUCK HIM, THE DICKHEAD!!!!!!!!!

I went and got some Pepsi and left the sauna and it being a lovely balmy evening I really looked forward to walking home and going through my memories of the evening. All on my own and full of satisfaction and contentment. I walked across the Liffey up Capel Street, towards home. I was not quite half way up when a young guy shouted over at me from the other side. I stopped and cocked my head but being fully aware of all on the street looking both front and rear. [ I was queer bashed about 16 years ago, and it never leaves you!] Anyway, the guy did come over and asked me about clubs he could go to. I being wary thought this strange, as even for Dublin, to be trying to get into a club at 3.00am+ was late, to say the least. I suggested that it was far too late for entry into a club. This chap was a little unsteady on his feet and again I was generally wary. After that he kinda asked where were the gay places to go to, so that he might pick someone up? Now, I was twice as wary, and looked pointedly around to see if there was anyone in the vicinity. Thankfully there was not.

So, I took a chance and told he about the Vortex just down the street, to the left. I pointed the place out and he being a bit drunk and uncoordinated I decided I would walk to the corner and point the building I was talking about. This I did without either of us talking and for some reason I walked with him up to the door. He asked for me to go in with him. I said that I did not have any money to pay in and really I was too tired. SHIT IF HE DID NOT KISS ME FULLY ON THE LIPS AND PLEAD WITH ME TO GO IN WITH HIM, HIS TREAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! A song comes to mind, in my fashion, "Oh god, what a night..."

In we went, and to my shock and horror, the attendant said "I can't let you in", to my companion, "you are too young!" I looked at him straight I suppose for the first time, already having told you, I am not into younger men at all. The guy, took out his wallet and showed the attendant id; driving licence etc that showed that he was 21!!! I was going to leave, and let him get on but he held onto me and kept me with him.

We went on in, stripped, and went directly up to a cubicle and closed the door. I really began to think. I am heading for a heart attack, I am crazy, and I'll be unable to do anything. How wrong for the fourth time, this night, I was.

We lay down on the bench and held each other and things began to happen. My god, I began to get excited about this young man! I asked him about his experiences. He was from the country, but while in college he had played around and had a teen lover for over a year. He was not a virgin, thank god for me. I really could not handle it I began to think, yet I got excited as hell. The smell of his body odour, so different to a mature man, so so so different. My head began to swim and my cock began to rise. I am not in control of my own body anymore. It's on its own. My mind is just there, I have become a sex slave to myself and I could not do anything about it. We kissed, we cuddled and we kissed. I began to explore his body, I ran my hands around all his flesh. It was soft and full of goose pimples! What was going on, should I be doing this, could I stop? Our cocks were ram rod hard and sticking into each other and he got excited and began to move and squirm.

He got up from beside me and went down to give me head. He hesitated, he had not done this for a long time, because he was working in a rural area. He was worried about what he was doing and hesitated if he was hurting me! I tell you what he lacked in experience and finesse, he made up for in enthusiasm! This young man was sex starved and very quickly he was letting me know I was on the menu for the night. He needed satisfaction and I was the starter, main course, and desert. Gee, I was thinking would I open the door and may be let someone else in. Surely, my tiredness would do him a disservice? None of it, he would not have it. He had his mind made up and I could not argue.

His young tongue went down on my cock, his gentle tongue slurped around my shaft and spit dribbled out from his mouth onto my pubic hair. He was facing away from me and I took hold of his torso and mid section and encouraged him to turn around. I started to want his young milky fresh cock in my mouth. I was aroused and I needed satisfaction. I need to taste his young cock in my mouth. I needed to experience a young cock in my mouth. This was a cock not to be shy of. It was a good six inches and not fully hard because, I think he was a little excited and nervous in a shy way. As soon as his cock came into my mouth it took on a new dimension and grew in thickness and a little length and boy, YES FIRMNESS. This was hard and ready to go now. He was on top of me and just let himself go. He began to trust his instincts and went with them. Automatically he began to fuck my face and fill my mouth with his cock. All of a sudden there was a shudder, but he quickly withdrew and settled down. He had nearly had a premature ejaculation, because of all the excitement. I so wanted to rim him and thought of it, as he was so young. But sense prevailed I believe, and I spat on his pucker hole and used my fingers. Jeez, this was tight. He was again reluctant and nervous. This excited me and I got lube and lubed up my fingers, entered one, firstly, for a while and then a second and man, yes a third. This guy was around, this guy was hot and needing it. He was, I think unknown to himself pulling my fingers into his pucker hole. The smell was divine, young and tender and firm and ready. I can't really describe the smell. But you might know by now that smell is a real turn on for me, if it's the right one! I was so excited again, by the smell of his young hole almost at my nose. To watch my fingers, going in and out gently at this young man flesh, the sphincter holding on as best it could. Putting up enough resistance to any complete withdrawal. This sphincter had known delights from months ago and wanted, NEEDED satisfaction and using again. That what I felt I was being told in body language, and it was shouting and loud.

All the while he was working on my cock and driving it higher and higher and deeper into his throat. Having just come a half an hour or so ago, it was going to take some working to get me spurting, I assure you. He was really passionate on my cock, making love to it, running his young tongue all around and sending me high again. He just let his tongue do what it wanted, no direction from him at all. He just kept on doing it. He was a young animal, savouring his earliest sex quarry and I was it!!!!!

I indicated to him to turn around, and with some more lube and his spit on my cock, I gently encouraged him to ease himself down on my cock. It felt right for me to allow him to have some control at this stage, its not any pleasure for me to force anyone. If there is a union of two people enjoying each other sexually that's so good for me. For me, there is a passion in that union that I find hard to describe but it takes me places. Shit, he was not a bit nervous looking at his beautiful young face. He was craving it all, by the look on his face. But he went slowly and gently and eased him self down on my rigid cock. Slowly and gently, ¼ inch by ¼ inch. This was heaven as it took minutes, with no rush, but just the need for heady raw sex between two men. Then he was down and moving himself around to get comfortable. His sphincter was craving this but also un-used to it. The were all the opposites going on. He put his legs forward only as a younger man can I think. Each leg was at either side of my face and they smell of young sweat from his skin was divine. Scent again for me!!!!!!! I began to encourage him up and down a little with humps from me and he gently rocked to and fro. Shit, if he did not start to pre-cum. This sent me wild. I had not experience this flow of young pre-cum since my own youth. He oozed, he flowed and it kept coming. I suggested we stop and rest, we were only on the go for ½ an hour by this time!!!!! He said no, that even when he wanked alone, he could have pre-cum for minutes before shooting his load. I love pre-cum, the smell, and the texture before alas the taste. But two out of three, was good, for me. The fucking texture of his pre-cum on my belly, filling my belly button, sent me heaven wards. I bounced him up and down and his own cock a little limp was flapping around spewing pre-cum in every direction. For the first time in ages, I did not want this to stop. But I was sweating and sweating and so exhausted I knew that I would have to take a check. We did this for about another 10 minutes, with no harshness, or roughness, just raw fucking, gently firmly and for us both.

Then, I asked him to get off being on top of me and HE BENT OVER ONTO HIMSELF AND TOOK HIS OWN COCK INTO HIS MOUTH FOR A MOMENT. I use to be able to do this too, with the aid of a wall, before I became a bear and know what it does for you. Then he asked ME could he please take my cock in his mouth so that he could taste himself!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! He wanted the taste of himself that was on my cock in his own mouth. He licked me like a lollipop. This was mad. I was mad with passion and raw sexual energy and anything else you care to mention. I pulled him up onto my mouth, demanding that he share everything he had! This sent him wild too, and we hungrily ate each others mouths and tongues and throats. Man he was a good kisser. I know I am a good kisser, and for us two to meet, was heaven. We kissed and kissed and licked our faces and heads and necks front and back. He devoured my ears and the marks are still there. He went wild and wilder. Our bodies fought each other. Here I was twice his size and he giving as good as he got. Man, he was a man, he had passion, stored up passion from his time in the country and he was using me to satisfy his needs.

After a while, he asked me to fuck him again. As there were no fresh condoms around, I said I would have to go out. He agreed, but believe it or not told me to knock three times, on my return, as he was locking the door for my return. Hell, I was back in less than a minute, I was not wasting any time with being away from this demanding fucker.

I lubed up and he kneeled over on the bench. This time I could not help myself I just went straight up and to the hilt. He screamed out, in pleasure, I assure you and cum and cum pumped out of his cock and began hitting the wall. I put out my hand and grabbed some and brought it to his nose first for that heady spunk smell and then my own and with about three jabs in his tight little ass, I creamed and creamed for the night. The scent of his cum on my hand sent me wild. My balls disappeared into me with the velocity of the cum coming out of me. I was raw and drained and sore and fucked and fucked and sucked,

All night, and how him.

"How could he do it?" This I asked when we settled down, on the bench him in my arms, leaning his head on my armpit and nuzzling in. "How could he ask a stranger on the street about gay sex"? He was so hungry, and raw for it he took a chance. He was scared coming up to me too but felt he could run away if I turned nasty.

Then stranger than fiction happened. My world went upside down. I asked him his name and what he worked at? BELIEVE IT OR NOT. His name was CLYDE, and he worked in technical support for the Internet service provider I am registered with. I HAD BEEN TALKING WITH HIM THREE WEEKS OR SO BEFORE WITH A PROBLEM, WHICH HE SOLVED EFFICIENTLY AND COURTEOUSLY!!!!! He was so kind, gentle and helpful on the phone and had such a divine telephone speaking voice that I got infatuated there and then on the spot. I asked him where he was based, and it was in southern Ireland. If it had been Dublin, I would have asked him out for a drink, even at that time if he wasn't gay, he had been so helpful and courteous. He sprang up, remembered the situation and told me he had been fantasising about us getting together too!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! He told me that he had wanked off for the last weeks thinking of our almost chat up lines to each other, fantasised about meeting me and doing it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


S Y N C R O N I S I T Y or what?????????????????????????????

Obviously, he has my email and telephone number and I have his personal email now. Because of where he works in the country, he saves his weekends and days off. He has gone down for this week, and is coming up while David is on holiday, for all of next week. I am building up my energy and spunk reserves too. I really don't know whats going to happen. I am not taking any commitment to someone who is so young and needs to explore and search and experiment. At the moment I am happy to be a part of that experiment. That it for me right now.

Two days after writing this, I just got an email today telling me dates and times of his next arrival!!!!!!!!! (I assure you it won't be on the street!).

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