Iraq, a War Story

By JustJames (James Robinson, James Jones, JacanaKid, The Fisherman)

Published on Mar 30, 2004


This story is a product of my imagination and has never occurred as far as I know; if you are enjoying the tale please don't hesitate to let me know. All emails will be answered except flames which will be extinguished on receipt, please ensure you put the story name on your email or it may be inadvertently deleted. The usual warnings apply to this story, it contains sex between men and teenaged boys etc. etc. -----. Please send your emails to

Iraq A War Story, the Search. Justjames17.

We left the compound carrying the dead mutilated young man on the stretcher accompanied by the armed guards, the prisoners were glowering and muttering curses upon our infidel heads. We carried the boy away to the infirmary then contacted the Arabic adviser to ask what should be done with his remains, he advised that he would join us post haste and check the boy's body out.

He arrived half an hour later bowing over his clasped hands and almost grovelling to us, we escorted him into the infirmary where the body was laid out after being cleaned up. He raised the sheet to see the genitals severed and lying between the glabrous thighs, his face went pale as the bloodless boy and he began to shiver, his eyes were wide and he looked at us then asked, " Where were his genitals when you found him? Were they lodged in his mouth?"

The captain said, " Yes that is where they had been stuffed, what does it mean?"

The adviser said, " He was unclean and will never enter Heaven, they emasculate unclean men and make them eat their genitals. He cannot enter heaven the way he is he is no longer a man."

I became angry and said, " Well what will we do with his body? He cannot stay here in the Infirmary we must bury him somehow."

The Arab just shook his head and said, " It is for you to bury him, and no true believer will touch him now. You could throw his remains out and let the animals feed on the carrion if you so wish."

I saw red and reached out grabbing the man's burnoose dragging him against my chest as I raised my fist to smash him in the face, the captain barked at me, " Sergeant enough let him go, let's not make things worse by assaulting him."

I dropped him and stepped back as the swarthy face smiled at my embarrassment, I desperately wanted to wipe the smile off his supercilious face but the glare from my superior officer silenced me. The Arab turned and walked out the door and left the area, I collapsed onto a chair and held my head in my hands trying to regain my composure. The captain came across the room and placed an arm around my shoulders and hugged me saying, " It's ok Sergeant, I understand exactly how you feel I too wanted to do him harm, we just can't do it in the current situation. We will have to ease our feelings by catching the guy or guys responsible for the atrocity."

I stood up and thanked the captain who detailed off four men to take care of the burial detail and organise a coffin, he then asked the Chaplain to perform a burial ceremony of some sort. He organised the service for the next morning and we would make it a military funeral, even though he was an enemy combatant he deserved some sort of ceremony.

The captain asked me if I could remember the man who was having sex with him in the shower block, I told him I would recognise him if I saw him and he agreed that he could as well. He told me that he was going to hold a parade of prisoners and we would walk the ranks and see if we could find our suspect, I was eager to begin but he said we would hold it after the midday mess. The time taken eating dragged on and on interminably, I wasn't really hungry and I was desperate to get out into the compound and locate the dark lad who had been having sex with the dead boy when we discovered them in the shower block. Finally the captain arrived in the mess hall and nodded to me that it was time for our inspection, I hurriedly arose and followed him from the mess area.

We exited the shade of the air-conditioned building and the hot blast of the midday desert sun hit us like a blast furnace, the myriad of small black flies milled about us trying to enter any orifice they could locate. We did the continual Australian bushman's salute waving our hands ineffectually trying to chase them away; all it did was keep them milling about us. Entering the prison compound we were confronted by the serried ranks of sullen men and youths, glowering in our direction and spitting on the dusty ground as we approached the front rank. The constant mutter of curses rippled through the over heated air as we began to closely inspect the faces of the prisoners.

The array of sullen dark swarthy faces glaring at us with sardonic expressions was a trifle unnerving as we walked slowly along the front rank, the bearded aquiline Arabic countenances of the older men and the hairless but non the less arrogant expressions of the younger men filled our eyes as we passed slowly along the ranks. In the middle rank I saw a face I was sure I remembered, the same expression I saw when we interrupted the sex act between the two lads. I glared into his black eyes and his gaze dropped as he looked away towards the dusty ground, I saw an imperceptible drooping in his stance ass he realised I had recognised him. I reached out my hand and grabbed him by his shirt and dragged him from the rank, the neighbouring men grasped his arms trying to pull him away from my grip.

The guards saw the reaction and movement in the men around us and immediately rushed in swinging their batons striking out hard at the men surrounding the three of us. The armed guards also tightened their grip on their weapons and began to look as though they were ready to spray the prisoners with bullets, the Arabs realised that the situation was not going their way so they parted and allowed us to frog march the lad out into the open and drag him towards the gate. The lad cursed and swore as he kicked and twisted in my grip, we exited the compound and dragged him into the administration building where he was hustled along the passageway to be thrown into the prison cell at the end of the row. His body flew across the cell to crash into the wall and he collapsed onto the floor semi conscious, we entered behind him and shut the cell door and I raised him from the floor and I tore the shirt off his slim hard muscular body.

The sight of his muscular swarthy torso with it's defined musculature and prominent ribs was quite erotic as he stood there trembling but arrogant as we looked him over, I studied the shirt closely and discovered a small dark bloodstain on the seam of one pocket. I was sure we had at least one of the perpetrators of the atrocity committed on the young lad. I showed the captain he nodded in agreement and I gripped the lad by his scrawny neck and kneed him hard in the nuts, he grunted as his body lifted from the floor with the force of my kneeing, his expression of haughty arrogance changed in the instant to abject pain as he struggled to breathe.

I let go of his throat and he fell to the floor curling into the foetal position as he tried to protect his aching goolies, I laughed at his misery and said, " That is nothing to what you are going to get, you murderous little scum bag. The pain and misery you caused your young friend is going to be visited on you until you admit you killed him and who your accomplices are."

He lay there clutching his bruised balls as he groaned and gasped for air, I pulled back my booted foot and slammed it into his kidneys lifting him from the floor and sending him across the room to fetch up against the legs of the bunk in the corner. He lay there with tears of pain coursing down his agonised face as we coldly watched him writhing in agony. The captain offered me a cigarette and I took one to settle my nerves and to calm down, we smoked in silence as we watched the lad slowly recover from his pain. He glared at us and pursed his lips spitting and sending a globule of spittle arcing through the air to splatter on my boot.

I looked down at the whitish froth clinging to my polished boot and I laughed evilly as I walked across to the lout, I bent down and grasped his hair tightly in my fist and dragged him across the floor pushing his face onto my boot saying, " Clean your foul essence off my clean boot you dirty little toe rag or you will suffer even more pain than you can imagine." He struggled trying to pull away as I ground his nose into the shiny leather, the captain bent down and grasped the lad's scrotum in his massive hand and he began to crush the swollen throbbing orbs. The lad's cries of pain were muffled as I pushed my boot into his open moaning mouth, he began to choke as my boot spread his lips wider until they seemed as though they would split open. He rolled onto his back as he began to arch up into the crushing grip trying to alleviate the pain from his almost crushed balls.

The captain was enjoying the feeling of the young cum filled balls as he ground them about in his hand, the nuts were semi hard and rubbery and he could feel them yielding as he squeezed them hard. He decided to pull the lad's trousers down so he could access the nuggets easier; he unzipped the trousers and popped the top button then yanked them down quickly exposing the genitals. He studied the heavily haired nut sack and fingered the hairy perineum as it disappeared into his tightly clenched ass cheeks. The young man was groaning in pain but still cursing us in Arabic and the captain asked me to pick up the digital camera and take some pictures of his sexual play with the lad.

He crushed the nuts and told the boy to open his legs wide after pulling down the trousers to the lad's feet, the boy resisted until the pain overcame his resistance and he collapsed and opened his hairy legs. The captain began to tease the tight-pursed ass lips with his finger and the lad tried to wriggle away but the pressure on his gonads stopped his movement. The boy's anal nerves began to react to the gentle massaging and his tight hole began to relax under the manipulation, I was busy photographing the anal action. The lad began to relax and the captain stopped the squeezing of his nuggets and his finger broached the tight wrinkled muscle guarding the lad's anus, the boy gasped and as the man twisted and curled the invasive digit around inside the hot silky tunnel.

The lad began to enjoy the manipulations and was soon humming with pleasure; the captain worked a second finger deep into the still tight pucker as the boy began to react pleasurably to the erotic invasion. He mentally may have hated us as infidels but his body reacted to our stimuli like any other young sexually aroused guy, he began to moan as the captain forced a second finger into his furnace like inner body. The movement of the man's fingers soon had the tight brown lips opening further and wider as the guttural groans echoed around the cell. My penis was hard and throbbing in my uniform as I watched and photographed the action, I caught some incredible pictures of the lad's face as he rocked back and forth in a sexual frenzy. His black eyes squinted almost closed as he drooled and panted from the sensual sensations raging through his slender frame.

The photos of his ass close up as the fingers stretched his tight ring, opening his rectum to the air exposing the deep crimson shiny lining of his bowels, the entry of the captain's third finger hardly caused a ripple as the ring loosened to accept the invader. The captain began to rapidly push in and pull back as he flexed the bunched digits apart spreading the hot hole, the lad's groaning became a constant ululation of erotic joy as his body was wracked with exquisite pleasure as the hard button of his prostate was manipulated violently.

His cock was rampantly stretched up his abdomen pumping gouts of clear pre cum onto the brown flesh, it filled his navel and dribbled down his sides onto the floor, my mouth watered at the sight of his tasty juices pumping out the swollen piss hole onto his tensed muscular gut. The captain began to undress while working the boy's loosened ass, he pulled down his trousers and boxers exposing his thick club like cock, it too was dribbling freely, he grasped one leg of the lad and pulled him closer to his groin then he whipped his ass juice slicked fingers out of the lad and quickly lifted both legs up pulling the stupefied lad onto his hard pole. The slick purple helmet pierced the slack ass lips as the lad groaned in pain, the man entered into the slim body in one hard thrust of his hips and he sighed in pleasure at the feeling of the tight hot silky innards as the prick filled the lad's anus.

I caught the insertion on the camera in video mode as the lad grimaced in pain then a dreamy blissful expression passed over his swarthy countenance as he felt the thick tool caressing his love button. His facial expression changed as the hard flesh pulled back, a lost empty look clouded his visage as his body emptied of warm cock, then the man hammered back into his hole, as he grasped the prominent hip bones pulling the slim body hard against his groin. The lad grunted as his body stretched internally to take the forceful insertion, the captain's heavy full balls thudding into the boy's shiny stretched ass. The captain now began a forceful hard fucking action driving in and out like a pile driver, the sound of his grunting and the boy's gasping and groaning drove me to whip out my turgid tool and poke it into the lad's open mouth. The insertion of my hard prick muffled the lad's sounds as I pushed it hard into his corded throat; I filmed the insertion on the camera then adjusted the lad's head to open his throat fully to allow me to drive deep into him. He gagged frantically as I pushed deeper hitting the back of his throat then as I poked harder he opened up and I slid up to my pubes into his warm wet orifice. The lad looked as though he was on a spit with a pole inserted into his tensed body from each end and the captain and I set up a motion together, he pushed in as I pulled back then we reversed until we were humping him like clockwork.

The lad was out of it his body completely possessed by our cocks, he was gasping for breath and groaning frantically, then I saw the captain's stomach muscles tense and he began to lose the rhythm as he panted, his eyes glazing over and his sweaty face raised up till I could see his corded throat. He bellowed out incoherently and rammed hard and deep into the lad and I could see him trembling as he unloaded. The boy felt the hot discharge flooding his guts and he blew a huge load all over himself as I rammed deeper into him and cascaded my sperm deep into his throat where it ran down into his stomach.

The captain clasped my shoulders and pulled us together still embedded in the wiry young body, he opened his lips and kissed me sloppily and our tongues tangled together entwining and stroking inside his mouth. The lad was sandwiched between our groins and I felt his hand slide up my muscular stomach as the captain shivered and I looked down to see the lad's other hand caressing his tight abs. The lad, a true believer, was now lost in a sexual haze as he stroked two infidels who had fucked his body from both ends. As we calmed down he realised what he was doing and dropped both hands to his chest and a look of disgust then animosity crossed his face.

We pulled out our now flaccid cocks and we knelt there breathing heavily as we smiled at him, he looked away and muttered under his breath obviously cursing us by the sound of his voice. I looked down into his fathomless black eyes and smiled triumphantly as I ran my hand over his cum coated torso, raising my wet sticky hand to my mouth and tasted him slowly and sensuously as I smelt his aroma and licked my tongue slowly up my fingers. The captain followed my action and licked his cum coated fingers then he bent down and licked the still gaping ass hole tasting the mix of his cum and the lad's ass lubricant. The lad moaned and trembled at the slow sensual tonguing of his still excited ass, the captain slid his tongue deeper inside the dark orifice scooping a load of the hot mixture into his mouth then he rose up and we kissed tasting the heady mixture.

We enjoyed the kiss and the flavour of the fuck juices but the time had come to now question the lad as to what had happened to his friend. We stood up and tidied our uniforms and looked down at the lad, as he lay naked on the floor, I told him to get up and stand to attention but received no response. He lay there on his back cum cooling on his body and dripping from his abused ass hole, he was looking daggers at us as we towered above him laughing at his expression. I reached down and pulled him up by his greasy hair till he howled in pain and stood up on his own volition, he was obviously in a little pain from his stretched fucked rear end as he stood in front of us trembling.

I asked him what had occurred to his friend in the shower block, he remained silent and looking daggers at us, I punched him in the stomach and as he doubled over I hit him under the chin knocking him out and he fell to the floor as if he was poleaxed. We lifted him off the floor and placed him on the bunk and the captain told me to go and get some rope to restrain the lad. I hurried out and found some outside the cell area then hurried back and tied the lad wrist to ankle on each side, he lay there arched and unconscious as we studied his quite attractive slim body. I felt sad that the lad was involved in the demise and torture of the other young boy but we were positive this guy was involved if not the perpetrator of the disgraceful episode.

The Arab lag moaned and twitched as he regained his senses and he tried to straighten out on the bunk but the restraints stopped him from achieving his wishes, he opened his eyes and saw us standing there watching him. He looked puzzled and frightened until his brain cleared and he realised where he was and who we were, then the old expression of hatred clouded his face. I stepped in and gripped his hair tugging his face up from the bunk and asked again who had murdered his young friend, he gasped in pain and said, " He wasn't my friend I was just getting my sexual pleasure with him, he was an outcaste because he was a lover of men. He deserved to die after allowing you two to have your way with him."

I grinned at him and said, " Well my little friend you too will have to die the same horrific way because you too have just enjoyed sex with two infidels haven't you?"

He was silent for a minute as the idea entered his narrow closed mind then his face turned white, as he realised he was in the same position as the young lad who had died so horribly. He blinked and then seemed to become more confident as he said, " Yes but no one knows what I have been forced to do with you, so it won't happen to me."

I laughed nastily and replied, " Oh really you think that you are safe because it happened here out of sight of your mates, well I've got news for you my dark young friend it has all been captured on video and pictures of you enjoying the sex can be shown to your leaders in the camp."

The lad blanched and began to tremble as he realised his days were numbered then he broke into tears begging us to destroy the pictures, I said, " No way lad you killed your mate and you deserve to die too."

He lay there crying hysterically, tears and snot dribbling down his distraught face, he begging us not to kill him or show his superiors the camera shots of him enjoying sex with us, then went on telling us he would explain what had occurred to the dead boy.

Here we leave the cellblock and maybe we will return to Iraq to find out the facts of the murder and torture of the innocent young Arab.

Next: Chapter 4

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