Involuntary Quarantine

By Ron Venable

Published on Mar 28, 2020


This is a work of gay-themed romance containing explicit descriptions of sex between consenting adults. If reading this material offends you or it is illegal for any reason (since you know your laws far better than I do and Nifty reaches a worldwide audience) please click away now--otherwise enjoy!

AUTHOR'S NOTE Shout out and sincerest apologies to "Bruce T"; I'm sorry this story didn't fulfill your fantasy even if you are the reason it was created. (Sometimes the characters just write themselves--and my guys were all being difficult!. If, like Bruce T. you have questions, comments, suggestions or constructive criticism drop me a note at or and I'll try to accommodate you. If you take the time to write I WILL respond. Likewise, if you wish to be notified when I publish new content use of the above addresses and I'll see you are among the first to get word.


My involuntary quarantine ended and I'd like to say things went back to normal but they didn't. Our area wasn't as hard-hit by COVID-19 outbreak as some other parts of the state but we still faced staffing shortages and were running critically low on supplies we needed to protect ourselves and patients. Since most of my procedures were deemed "elective" and could be easily postponed I found myself dragooned into daily Hospital Rounds to help fill in for sick Doctors, Nurses and Support Staff. Days were long and I hadn't had this kind of grueling regimen sent my Residency twenty plus years ago! At least I could count on Troy being there and a hot meal in short order provided by my Housekeeper Luzmaria who seemed to be glad to be back at work and have another life to manage!

When my involuntary quarantine ended Troy simply didn't move out--and I wasn't mad at that! Not only was he fucking beautiful he was tidier than I'd ever been (and so received far-fewer scoldings from Luzmaria). He was a real sweetheart, quick with a joke and always ready and willing to help--plus I think he had a retractable bone in his cock that seemed to harden at the drop of an inuendo. Troy's avoid, enthusiastic pursuit of sex fueled my own libido and I quickly found I was craving him as much as he seemed to be craving me. I was also quickly becoming used to my role as a bottom and I liked that too!

April First I came home after work to find an envelope stuffed with cash tucked in with the other paperwork on my open Roll Top Desk. I opened it and was surprised at the amount. "Luzmaria!" I bellowed.

"Ya boss?" The older Hispanic woman bustled into my office. "Make it quick! I've got a pan of Enchiladas Suizas coming out of the oven!"

"What's this?" I asked, showing her the cash.

"Troy's rent!" she told me.

"Ah..." I said in dismay. "I suppose I'll have to talk to him about this..."

"Boss--you got a good thing here!" she said, wagging a finger in my face. "Don' be un estupido grande an' fock it up!" My Housekeeper didn't give me time to respond; she simply left to check on her Enchiladas.

Luzmaria's words echoed in my head as I pushed back my dinner after finishing the lovely meal she had made. "Troy--we need to talk about the rent..."

"Do you need more?" He seemed to be deadly serious.

"It's too much!"

"Doc--no!" the man replied forcefully. "This house is a-fucking-mazing and everything is included! You pay everything but my cell phone! Luzmaria washes and irons anything I need done and you even provide all the food I could want! Honestly, I oughta be paying you more!"

"But still..." I knew I was going to lose this argument.

"Look Doc," he said flatly. "I'm SAVING a few bucks living here! If you want we can write out a contract so you can throw my ass out if I don't pay up! Would that make you happy?"


"It's settled then!" he said. "Let's write that contract!"

A few days later we were just sitting down to another of Luzmaria's amazing dinners. "Hey Doc--are you doing anything this weekend?" Troy asked.

"I thought I might get started on some yard work," I replied. "Maybe get some of the spring flowers planted." I sighed. "Yeah, I know--it's dull as dishwater but everything is still closed up! We can't go to a movie or a bar--or at least we SHOULDN'T..."

"How `bout a small gathering?" Troy asked. "My friend Duane has been asking about you non-stop and he wants me to meet a new friend!"

"Oh--kay..." The truth is, I was awfully shy--especially around people I didn't know. While Troy was all "hail-fellow-well-met!" I was often the one hiding out in the corner not talking to anybody at parties.

Troy instantly picked up on my hesitancy. "Doc--don't worry!" the other man soothed. "Duane's a nice guy--you'll like him! If you don't I'll take you home! Promise!"

"You could just go by yourself..."

"The idea is to meet some new people!" he said. "Come on, Doc! It'll be fun!"

The day before Easter was clear and warm, a nice change from the cloudy and rainy weather we'd had through most of March. Troy had chosen to wear a tank top, cargo shorts and flip flops. I, on the other hand, wore neatly-pressed Chinos, a madras plaid shirt that picked up one of the colors in my Khaki pants and some boat shoes. Duane's place was a nondescript 1960s tract house in Western Riverside but the lawn was neatly trimmed and the place was well maintained. A very nice black Dodge Ram was parked in the driveway in front of a cherry red BMW that I'd seen at work.

I had always been very careful to keep my work and private life SEPARATE. On the rare occasion I was force to attend social gatherings I went alone--much to the annoyance of my Ex! I was pretty much a cypher to my coworkers and I liked it that way. I didn't discuss my private life with anyone at work--much to their everlasting annoyance. Now, I was about to be forced to socialize with someone I know, however slightly, and I wasn't at all happy about it!

Troy caught my facial expression. "Something wrong Doc?"

"Someone I know from work is here," I told him.

"It must be the new person Duane wants me to meet!" Troy said with a smile. "Maybe you two will actually have a chance to bond!"

"Maybe..." In all honesty I wasn't sure I wanted to "bond" with anyone from work! Over the years I had built up a pleasant social distance with my co-workers and I would have preferred to keep it that way! But then the door opened and any hope of that faded away.

"Hey Troy!" boomed a black mountain of a man, "Troy's friend..."

"This is..." he looked at me, "RJ!" That's what we'd settled on.

"Howdy RJ!" he said, a broad grin splitting his face, showing massive white teeth. "Adam! Get your candy ass in here and get these boys drinks!"

"Hello..." Dr. Adam Thorson's voice seemed to trail off in surprise as my mouth literally fell open in shock! The Chief Cardiologist of our region was naked but for some six-inch "fuck me" pumps. We were the same height bare footed but now he towered over me, showing evenly-tanned skin from top to toe and his massive muscles were oiled and on display since he'd shaved from the neck down. The only other thing he was wearing was a `cock cage" that kept his abundant member locked close to his amazing body. "May I take your drink order?"

"I'll have a beer!" Troy said.

"Iced Tea for me..." I said hesitantly.

"I'll be right back with that," "Thor" allowed. I got a second shock when Dr. Thorson turned around to reveal his magnificent ass where a flail had been stuffed into his hole, handle first. He walked away, hips swinging in a way that gave me the impression he was used to walking on Stilettos.

"You know my bitch?" Dwayne said to me.

"Uh--yeah..." I said hesitantly. "We work together."

"Hey Troy!" the black man-mountain bellowed again. "Your bitch and my bitch are both Doctors at--"

Troy cut him off. "RJ isn't my BITCH," he growled. "He's my boyfriend!"

"Calms your ass down!" Duane said. "I didn't mean nothin'!"

Not knowing what else to do I followed Dr. Thorsen into the kitchen. Troy had referred to me as his BOYFRIEND, not his ROOMMATE! Was he taking this relationship too fast? Was I allowing it? The thought of actually being his boyfriend made me quiver a bit but was it real or was Troy running a "long con" on me? Maybe he was and I realized I was a more-than-willing victim. This whole thing was completely freaking me out--but at least I could figure out what was going on with Dr. Thorson. "Can we talk for a minute?" I asked the other man once I was safely in the kitchen.

"Yes, but not too long!" he replied. "Duane doesn't like to be kept waiting!"

"Are you OK?" I asked. "Do you need help?"

The other man literally laughed in my face. "I've never been happier!" he told me. "I've always wanted to be completely OWNED by a big, black buck and now I am! Maybe if you removed that gigantic stick you've got up your ass you could actually be happy!"


"Oh puh-LEASE!" he said dramatically. "Does the idea of me having a kink not fit into your world view? Too fucking bad! I spend every workday doing surgeries that make the difference between who lives and who dies! Can you blame me if I like to let off a little steam when I'm off work?"

"Certainly not!" I replied. "It's just..."

"You weren't expecting the supremely-confident Dr. Thorson who seems to own the world to be some black dude's cum dump?"

"Honestly?" I replied. "I didn't know any of this! Forgive me for being worried about you!"

"Thanks Doctor Bleedingheart, but I'm good!" Thorson told me. "I don't need you to ride to my rescue and I sure as FUCK don't need your judgment!"

"Satisfied? I whirled to see Duane blocking the kitchen door. I briefly considered fleeing through the Laundry Room but I was in an unfamiliar neighborhood and it looked a little sketchy to my white-bread pallet. "You got any questions you can ask me! Don't bother my bitch again!"

"Believe it or not, I don't judge people!" I shot back (even as I was silently judging both of them VERY harshly!) "I was worried about my colleague, that's all! "Thor," I decided to use the name he'd been "introduced" to me with, "says he wants to be here and he's not being hurt! That's enough for me! Since that's settled, can't we just move on?"

Duane turned back to Troy. "Your bi--uh--boyfriend seems mighty-tightly wound!" he observed. "Ain't ya givin' him enough dick? I'd be happy to break `im in good an' proper for you if you want..."

"Troy gives me all the `dick' I could want!" I shot back.

"Your bitch is feisty!" Duane told Troy. "You really need to either train that cunt or trade `im in on a better one! I can help you pick one out..."

"Thanks--I'm happy with the guy I've got!" my "boyfriend"? replied. "You ready to go home Doc? I think we're done here!"

"More than ready!" I replied.

There was a serious traffic jam on the 91 and I sat in stony silence bouncing between anger, humiliation and utter confusion. I was grateful that Troy had defended me but I didn't know what to make of him calling me his boyfriend! My feelings for my new roomie were, at best, utterly confusing--and I'd been burned often enough before to be suspicious of anyone who got too close.

"Are you ever gonna talk to me again, Doc?" Troy asked. "I'm sorry Duane was such an ass! Honestly, I've never seen that side of him before!"

"You didn't do anything!" I told him. Except call me your boyfriend. "I just wasn't expecting to see our leading Cardiologist swanning around in nothing but a pair of high heels with a flail jammed up his ass! I don't know how to react if I should run into him in the Doctor's Lounge!"

"To steal a line from the Rock Opera `Tommy'..." my companion replied with a wry smile. "You didn't SEE anything. You didn't HEAR anything! You won't SAY anything!"

"Nobody would believe me if I did!" I replied. "If I hadn't seen it with my own two eyes I know I sure wouldn't!"

"Didn't you find it the least little bit titillating?"

I sighed. "Adam Thorson is damn good-looking, I'll give you that," I admitted. "Yeah, that body of his is spectacular but he thinks he's God's gift to Medicine. If you aren't a Cardiologist or a Brain Surgeon you aren't worth his time! And don't even get me started on how he treats the `lesser' Staff! I've ended up comforting more than one crying Nurse after he's jumped them for some nonsense!"

"Wow, I'm so sorry Doc!"

"Troy--I suppose I should be the one apologizing to you!" I told him. "I've always been deeply closeted and, truth to tell, my tastes have always been rather--vanilla..."

"Lucky for you I LIKE Vanilla!" my companion said. "But, maybe if you're willing, I can take you to the White Party in Palm Springs and you can meet a lot of other gay guys! That's sure to loosen you up!"

I smiled at him. "Your cock has already done a pretty damn good job of that! Of course, it probably shoved that stick further up my ass!"

Around sunset there was an authoritative knock on my front door. I was surprised to see a stern-looking Dr. Thorson staring at me through the peephole. I opened the door and had to stand aside or be bowled over as the Viking God of Medicine swept imperiously into my Entry Hall. Bud moved between me and my uninvited guest, baring his teeth and growling low in his throat. "We have to talk!" Thorson snapped.

"About what?"

"About what you saw at Dwayne's house, you FUCKING IDIOT!" he said, moving closer to me in a threatening manner. "You say ONE WORD about what you saw and I will DESTROY you! Are we clear?"

I grabbed Bud's collar. "As crystal!" I replied.

"And you, BITCH, won't say anything either!" Troy said. Belle was with him and she too was being protective. "You mess with the Doc and I'll pass on the naked video I took of you so he can share it with everyone at work! Then you'll have all the fun of trying to clean that up!"

"You Shithouse Mouse!" Thorson thundered. "You will destroy that video AT ONCE!"

"No." Troy's single word was hard as steel.

I hadn't seen my roommate taking video but I decided to play along. "Here's how it's going to work--DOCTOR!" I said coldly. "You want to be God's Gift to Medicine at work, you do that! Ignore me like you always have! But if ANYONE says one word about this, that video goes out to the ENTIRE staff! Get it? Got it! Good!"

"That's blackmail!"

"You call it blackmail; I call it insurance!" I said coldly. "Frankly, Doctor Thorson, I gain nothing by outing' you at work. You gain nothing by outing me either--other than being the gossip du jour', We BOTH want to keep our private lives PRIVATE! I can promise you this though--if my life becomes fodder for the gossip mill so will yours--and guess who's going to look worse!"

"Why are you so wrapped up in hiding who you are?" he asked. "Everyone already thinks you're Gay! I mean--REALLY! You're an old man who doesn't date! Everybody I talk to thinks you pay for boys!"

"They can think what they like!" I replied blandly. "Call it a Puritanical upbringing! If and when I choose to Come Out it will be on MY terms! Until then--I can't control what other people think an I don't let it bother me! Frankly Doctor, all I want and need from you is your silence! We don't have to be friends--you don't even have to be civil to me in the Doctor's Lounge if you don't want to! It's not like we have that much in common with one another..."

"Other than liking to be dominated by working-class men!" he snarked.

"Dude--when you're IN our relationship you can comment on it!" Troy said. "Otherwise shut-the-FUCK up!"

"Now," he continued, "does RJ have your silence?"

"If you delete that video!" Thorson finally said after he ground his mental gears. "I won't say a WORD!"

"That's NEVER gonna happen sweetheart!" Troy responded. "We need the evidence to make sure you don't go blabbin' all over town!"

"Fine!" he finally said. "I hope you enjoy jacking off to me!"

I went to the front door and opened it, gesturing grandly. "I'd like to say I enjoyed our visit," I told him, "but I hate to lie! Just go--and don't come back without an invitation!" Thorsen went and I closed and locked the door.

"Do you really have video of Dr. Thorson?" I asked as we were getting ready for bed.

"Nah," he admitted. "Duane suggested I take video of his `bitch' and I pretended to--but what they don't know won't hurt you!"


"So, he said, "what's with this hyper-guarding of your privacy?"

"Like I told Dr. Thorson, call it a Puritanical upbringing," I said. "A lot of my family's love is VERY conditional; they already disapprove of almost every life choice I made so I quit bringing my personal life up around them. After a while it got to be a habit I guess..."

"Is that why He-Who-Shall-Not-Be-Named decamped?" he asked.

"One of many reasons," I admitted. "I never took him to Work functions, I didn't post about him on Social Media; he said it made him feel `less than' and I suppose I could get that on some level. But he was also take, take, take--and no matter how much I gave him he always wanted more! Eventually I started feeling like his personal ATM so when I caught him in bed with another guy I moved him out!"

"I promise you'll never catch me in bed with another guy!" Troy said as he gave me a warm hug.

"That good at hiding your `affairs d'amour' are you?" I teased.

Troy punched me lightly. "I'm just as serious about commitment as you!" he told me before giving me one of those amazing kisses. "If I ever stick my dick in another guy while we're together it will be with your full knowledge and consent! Hell, you might even be in bed with us! I promise you that!"

"Weirdly enough--I believe you," I told him. "Ready for bed?"

"Yep," he said, "teeth brushed and flossed, asshole all cleaned out... I want you to fuck me tonight Doc!"


"I--want--you--to--fuck--me!" he said with exaggerated slowness. "Did you miss a word somewhere Doc?"

"Ah--no..." Now I was confused. "I just thought you were a confirmed Top!"

"Even a confirmed Top needs to get fucked now and then!" he replied. "Especially by the man they love..."

"Excuse me?"

"I don't fall often," Troy told me as he rolled into me, wrapping his strong arms around me and pulling me into a hairy hug, but when I DO fall I fall fast--and hard!" He kissed me gently, long and slow. "I love you Doc..." he finally said when we could both breathe again.

"I--don't know what to say..." Honestly, I was a mass of conflicting feelings right at the moment; Troy, to quote an old Disco song "had the kind of body that would shame Adonis" and he had a winning personality. I was terribly attracted to him, I couldn't (and wouldn't) deny that but I didn't have a "good picker" where men were concerned. (My relationship track record was spotty at best.) Over the years I'd grown leery--especially when someone seemed too good to be true--like Troy. "I don't know what to say," I finally repeated lamely.

"Then don't say anything!" he told me. "Just let your body talk!" Both of our bodies certainly had a lot to say as we kissed feverishly hands roving over each other's bodies. Both our cocks were rock hard and I found myself panting. Troy reached for the lube we kept in the nightstand. "Open me up, I want you inside me!"

I kissed my way down his hairy, hard-muscled body, spending some time lavishing attention on his rampant manhood before going back to spear my tongue into his tight cleft, working it deep inside the squeaky-clean hole while my favorite UPS Driver bucked and moaned. Eventually I replaced my tongue with a lubed finger and worked it slowly inside, going a little deeper with each thrust. "You like that babe?" I asked.

"Fuck yeah lover!" Troy grunted. "Don't know why it took us so long to try this!" His toes flexed as I worked a second, well-lubed finger into his ass and soon had them going deep into his grasping hole. "Fuck me, Doc!" he grunted. "Fuck me now!"

"Your wish is my command!" I replied, reaching for our condom stash. "Put this on me?" Troy surprised me by doing it with his mouth! "Wow, that's impressive!" I told him as I thrust into his well-greased hole. Troy grunted as I moved in and out with slow deliberate strokes, building up speed as my lover's grasping hole relaxed.

"Yeah that's right Doc!" Troy panted, "fuck that hole!" I came down on him and kissed him hard and deep as I thrust into him faster and faster. I was cumming in a few minutes, or was it a few hours? Much to my surprise Troy was shooting right along with me. Spent, I fell on top of him, kissing him one more time. "That was fuckin' awesome, Doc!" he said, giving me another one of those amazing kisses. Then; "RJ--I think it's time we get tested..."


Next: Chapter 3

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