Involuntary Quarantine

By Ron Venable

Published on Mar 23, 2020


AUTHOR'S NOTES: this is a work of gay romance. If you do not wish to read material of this nature FOR ANY REASON or it is illegal in your locale, please click away NOW and save us all a lot of legal hassle. (Nifty reaches world wide and you know your laws better than I so please follow them.)

Some parts of this story are true and some are utterly made up--you can guess which. Extreme Right Wingers might want to click away now since I am likely to say some things you find offensive. (Just know that the part of the story where I am quarantined at least is 100% TRUE!) Any resemblance to persons Living, Dead or Undead is purely coincidental so keep your brown shorts on!

I'll be returning to the "Doververse" shortly: check out The Dover Brothers and Dover and Son (all available on Nifty) if you are curious about my other work. Questions, comments, suggestions and constructive criticism are always welcome. Hit me up at or if you have any of these or wish to be notified when new content is available.

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I am an Otolaryngologist (that's a fancy word for Ear, Nose and Throat Doctor) for a major HMO in Southern California and this is the story of my involuntary quarantine due to COVID 19 (also known as Corona Virus). I was exposed thanks to a MAGA hat-wearing Senior Citizen who, while coughing all over me and my staff, loudly insisted that it was (and I quote) a "Liberal Media fake trying to bring down Donald Trump!" I tried to assure this man that the virus was indeed a threat but he was having NONE of it! At least until he was taken to the ICU unable to breathe. Guess why? Yep--the "fake" COVID 19. Since tests are few and far between in my locale it was simply decided that my entire office would close for two weeks while everyone at work that day self-quarantined and waited to see if we were going to develop symptoms.

My home is large and comfortable and I have it all to myself since my faithless lover decided to decamp. After much complaining and breast-beating my full-time housekeeper Luzmaria went home (being paid by me). My Mastiffs Bud and Belle shared the space but neither of them are particularly good conversationalists. End result--I spent a LOT of time binging on Netflix (often accompanied by snacking on the sofa) when I wasn't on the computer checking my Social Media, playing some sort of game to distract myself and trying to write the next chapter of my "Nifty Novel" Dover and Son. I also spent a lot of time shopping on Amazon and buying random crap I didn't need--mostly books but that's another story. At least I got to know my delivery guy Troy VERY well! (Since I was stuck at home my only source of groceries was Amazon Fresh--who, thankfully, had almost everything I needed.

Troy is only about 5'8 but he's "two axe-handles wide" and it's all muscle! He was good-looking enough, in a slabby sort of way, but the things that stood out to me were his thousand-watt smile, the way hairs peaked out of the collar of his UPS shirt and the most incredible blue eyes that shone out of his well-tanned face. His skin was kind of a honey golden-tan that went well with his curly sandy hair (also very much in evidence on his arms and legs) and I couldn't NOT notice the bulge in his brown shorts that seemed to be just a skosh shorter and tighter than regulation. He always seemed to have a couple of minutes to chat (even though those chats were usually limited to things like "Hi Doc, looks like you got some more goodies!") Still, I grew to treasure my visits with my favorite UPS Driver. I even found myself ordering stuff I didn't need or want just to make sure I'd get my daily dose of Troy.

Six days in and I was definitely going "stir crazy": I had binged through pretty much everything that interested me on Netflix and Amazon Prime, not gotten much of anywhere on my story and even got bored enough to order and try to play Animal Crossing. I drove myself out for a daily dose of Starbucks or lunch--just to have some face to face conversation with someone. That's why I was surprised to hear a knock on my door just before 6:00 PM Saturday night; I hadn't ordered dinner yet (and door-to-door Religion and other Salespeople had stopped coming by). I didn't know my neighbors (in true SoCal suburban fashion) we didn't speak when we left for work in the morning or returned. Being the only "single gentleman" on the block and having no kids, I didn't even have that connection. Yeah, I got a few greetings from fellow dog-walkers but thanks to "social distancing" even those had died out. That's why I was surprised to hear the front doorbell: I won't say I "flew" but I certainly made haste to answer it. (And this point I'd have invited a Jehovah's Witness in to talk!)

Imagine my surprise to see my favorite UPS Driver standing on my little front porch with a pizza box in hand. He was in "civvies" (jeans and a USMC sweatshirt) so I was a bit confused. "Hey Doc--I brought Pizza!" he said with that thousand-watt smile that always made me melt.

"Uh--I didn't order anything..." I said stupidly.

"To hear Luzmaria tell it, you're a hazard in the kitchen so hopefully you aren't cooking anything either!" he said brightly. "So, Doc--you gonna invite me in or what?"

"Um--come in..." I wondered if I'd stepped into a porn film or if maybe I'd had a stroke. This COULD NOT be happening!"

Bud and Belle were doing the "doggie happy dance" to see Troy as he came inside. "Hi doggie-dogs!" he said brightly. "No Belle-Belle! SIT! This is PEOPLE Pizza--not for dogs!" Much to my surprise, Belle obediently sat, but kept her doggie-smile firmly plastered on as her tail wagged frantically. (Belle didn't take to strangers like Bud always had and the fact that she warmed to Troy so quickly made my heart warm. (Neither of the Mastiffs had cared for my faithless ex; maybe that should have given me a clue.) "So--Family Room or Kitchen?" he asked.

"Uh--Breakfast Room I guess..."

Troy walked confidently into the house. "Nice place you got here, Doc!" he said. "You decorate it yourself?"

"I had some help..." I admitted. When the Ex decided we needed to "upgrade" to a home in the "Wood Streets" of Riverside, I'd hired a Professional Decorator to combine the furniture from my Condo with new things for the much larger space. The Decorator had done an excellent job and the Ex liked him too--liked him enough to dump me. In the end I decided I was really going to miss that Decorator. He was THAT good!

"Hope you like Il Fromaggio," Troy said as he set the box and large bag down. "Where are your plates?"

"I'll get them..." I said. I still felt like I was in the middle of a scene without a script. "Would you like wine with dinner? I have an excellent Red..."

"Luzmaria says you have an excellent Liquor Cabinet!" my unexpected guest observed as I brought back plates for the pizza and salad. "Yeah, since we're celebrating you might want to bust out the good stuff!"

"What are we celebrating?" I asked.

"I'm movin' in," Troy said and gave me one of his best heart-melting smiles and a wink.

"Excuse me?"

"Doc--this old house is GIANT!" Troy said. "You're on enforced involuntary quarantine and I KNOW you have to be going a little nuts! Why else would you be ordering all that shit from Amazon?"

"Uh..." He had me there. But--MOVING IN?" "Troy--that's not wise..." I told him. "Yeah, I'll admit I'm lonely--I have been for a while! I came in contact with a confirmed case of COVID-19! I may have been infected! I don't want to spread that risk around..."

Troy surprised me by giving me a huge hug: he was an amazing hugger. "Doc, do you know how many people I come in contact with on a daily basis?" he asked. "Hell, Dude! I may have been exposed ten times over! If YOU get sick you don't have anybody to take care of you! If I get sick--who better to take care of me than my own personal MD?"

"How do you know so much about my personal life Troy?" I asked, growing a bit suspicious.

"I'll give you three guesses!" he replied.

"Luzmaria!" I asked. Troy nodded. Honestly, I loved my Housekeeper; she was a demon cleaner and the woman knew her way around a kitchen! But, aside from the fact that she liked to sample from my Liquor Cabinet, Luzmaria LOVED to gossip--and she'd gossip with anyone and everyone! And her favorite subject was me and my love life!

"She's worried about you Doc," the other man said bluntly. "I don't know how she managed to get my number but she called and aske me to check on you..."

"You didn't have to do that..." I said, still feeling stupid and unsure as I poured the wine. "Thank you for your concern though."

"She told me you might be difficult!"

"Uh--Troy..." I finally said. "If you've been speaking with Luzmaria you know I just got out of a relationship! I don't know if I'm READY for anything right now."

"Nearly a year, isn't just out' of anything!" Troy said with surprising bluntness. "Luzmaria calls him he who shall not be named'!" the other man said. "She also tells me that this loser left you over a year ago and you haven't dated since!"

"Grief takes its own time..." I mumbled.

"If he's dumb enough to dump you for some damn Twink then it's his loss--not yours Doc!" Troy said confidently. "You're a real Catch--good looking, charming and well off! You could have any guy you wanted!"

"I'm also pushing fifty...." I told him.

"So, maybe I have a thing for Daddies!" he said. "Or maybe I just have a thing for you!"

"Still..." My oh so logical mind was busy trying to come up with reasons to stay isolated but I wasn't having much luck.

"Doc, it's only eight days..." Troy told me. "If neither of us are sick by then and you decide you want me gone, I'll move out! How does that sound?"

I was bright enough to realize when I'd been defeated. "Fine--we can see how it works..."

"And, unlike the *Puta", I'll pay rent!" Troy promised. I had to laugh at this; in spite of having a decent job of his own, my faithless Ex had let me pay for EVERYTHING--even going so far as to suggest I take care of his car payments, insurance and cell phone. Stupid me, I'd almost done it: the things you'll do for love... "I DEFINITELY won't ask you to put me on your insurance or pay my truck note!"

"You've definitely been talking to Luzmaria!" I laughed.

"Oh yeah," he agreed. "Luzmaria had A LOT to say about `he who shall not be named'! I got the feeling she didn't like him AT ALL!"

I smiled. "Luzmaria warned me against him!" I admitted. "Neither of the dogs liked him either..." Belle had her big head on Troy's thigh quietly drooling as he scratched her ears (and I was the tiniest bit jealous!) "Maybe I should have listened to them..."

"No more talk of `He-Who-Shall-Not-Be-Named'!" Troy said as he put a couple of slices of still-warm pizza on my plate. "Tonight, we'll concentrate on getting to know a little about each other..."

Dinner went surprisingly well: I found out that Troy had done two tours of the Middle East with the Marines before giving the whole thing up as a bad job (why, exactly, he didn't say but I knew there was a story there). He actually seemed interested in me but not in a way that made me think he was sizing up my bank account. He was curious why I'd become an Otolaryngologist and seemed equally fascinated and intrigued by my interest in Steampunk and Cosplay. "Can anybody do that?" he asked.

"If you have the time, interest and creativity," I told him. "I can't sew anything but I know where to buy stuff. You can do some pretty amazing things on the cheap' if you have the creativity and skill! Assuming we're not still in quarantine' by June I can help you make something for the Steampunk Event at the Inland Empire Railway Museum! We could throw some suspenders over a dirty tank top and old jeans and you could go as a `Sooty'!"

"OK, I'll bite!" he said. "What's a Sooty?"

"A Victorian Machinist," I told him. "They are called `Sooties' because they got dirty!"

Troy laughed. "Doc, you are SUCH a Nerd!"

"Hang with me you're gonna get a lot of Star Trek', Marvel' movies, science fiction and fantasy references," I replied. "If you can't deal with that then--at least we had a nice dinner!"

"Who said I couldn't?" Troy commented with a wink. "I'm a total crypto-geek and I'm not ashamed to admit it!"

"You DO know crypto' means secret', right?" I told him.

He nodded and gave me another of those heart-melting smiles. "I do--and I'm not ashamed to admit it because only other geeks think to ask!"

"Logical..." I agreed.

After a night of "Neflix and Chill" in which we watched the new "Spenser" movie and "Altered Carbon; Resleeved" it was time for bed. I went to take Bud and Belle for the final "evening walk" after showing Troy the largest guest room in the house. I locked up the house and headed upstairs to find my unexpected houseguest making himself comfortable in my King Size bed! "You didn't like the Guest Room?" I asked as I began to undress.

"What if I get scared or lonely in there?" It was nearly impossible to make "puppy dog eyes" when your eyes were blue but somehow Troy managed. Besides, I had to admit, what I could see of my houseguest was pretty enticing! Troy was evenly tanned and his chest and belly had a nice coating of curly brown hair. He had large brown nipples and an amazing pair of pecs that went well with his large, defined arms. There were little fat pads over his hips and on his belly but I thought it just made him sexier. It also made me curious to see what he was hiding below the covers.

I sighed. "I hope you don't mind the dogs watching," I told him. "They always sleep in here with me!"

"As long as they don't make comments or hog the covers once I'm ready to sleep I'm fine with whoever!" he replied. "Did He-Who-Shall-Not-Be-Named freak out because they're in here?"

"He thought they should be in their Crates with the doors shut and locked."

"Dude--no!" I fell in love with Troy a little more with that statement. "You couldn't do that to your `fur babies'!"

"Are you TRYING to make me fall in love with you?" I asked.

"Maybe. Maybe..."

I went into the bathroom for my nighttime ritual and added a shower. I made a special effort to clean myself out, wanting to be "kissing sweet" if things went that far. I came back to bed and found Troy reading one of my books--the last of "The Custard Protocols" series. "Welcome back Doc!" he said. "Climb in--you look like you need a cuddle..."

"You're on my side of the bed!" I protested.

"Oh--wondered why all the good stuff' was on this side..." he replied but obligingly moved to the other side. "You really got rid of all He-Who-Shall-Not-Be-Named's' stuff? That's awesome Doc!"

"It was Luzmaria's idea..." I confessed. "She said if he was out of my life his stuff should be too! So we did a household purge, packed up everything and shipped it to him C.O.D.!"

"I love that woman..."

Troy's body had nicely warmed my side of the bed as I slipped under the covers. I noticed a vague yet enticing "man" scent as my unexpected houseguest rolled into my arms. Troy kissed me slowly and gently, letting his tongue fence with mine as he held me close to his warm, furry-muscled body. When he kissed it seemed that was all he was thinking about: there was no sense of him planning what was coming next: he just concentrated on the moment and left it at that.

"Wow," was all I could say when he finally let me come up for air. "If you kiss like that you must have a LINE of people out the door waiting to get with you!"

"I only kiss like that with guys I'm really in synch with..." he said, moving in for another kiss. This one was even longer and more deeply exploratory. I felt his tree-trunk thigh move between my legs and I adjusted myself to accommodate him as the kiss went on and on. "You're an amazing kisser Doc," he told me when we eventually came up for air a second time.

"Nobody has ever told me that before..." I said, equally surprised and gratified. "What would you like now?"

"It's entirely up to you!" he replied. "What do YOU want, Doc?"

"I have to admit I'm curious about the parts of your body I didn't see..."

Troy through back the sheet and blankets to reveal his lower half; his legs were thick and muscular, covered in curly light brown hair and his feet were large. He had an impressive pubic bush out of which sprouted a seven-inch cock that was damn-near as thick as his wrist. His balls were low-hanging and large but smooth. Unlike the rest of his nicely-tanned frame his midsection was creamy-pale. "Damn!" was all I could manage.

"You like?"

"You're fucking GORGEOUS!" I breathed.

"OK Doc, now show me you..."

"'I'm hardly as pretty as you," I said as I slowly began to undress: I was a bit shy to show off my body when I compared myself to the Muscle God sharing my bed but I pulled off my Tee Shirt and "tighty-whities" so he could see me fully naked for the first time. I stand 6'2" and I'm built more long and lanky; I kept in shape but I didn't have the same deep, even tan of my houseguest; my body was several different shades of brown--none of them as dark as Troy. I have a nice crop of chest and leg hair but not much on my head; my cock is only about six inches long and nowhere near as thick as Troy's but it did the job. "You remind me of one of my High School Math Teachers," the man in my bed observed.

"Is that a bad thing?"

"Actually no!" he replied. "Mr. van Orsdell was strict but I learned not to hate Math from him; he was my first crush!" He pulled me in for another of those amazing kisses.

"Maybe that's why I've developed such a thing for you!" he observed when he finally let me go. "You wanna see if you can take my cock?"

I kissed and licked my way down Troy's furry body, making him laugh when I tongue-teased his "outie" navel. Eventually I got down to the "main attraction and began work on his "tumescent tower". Troy was very verbal as I worked my way around his throbbing massiveness, giving it lots of licks and kisses. I teased his cockhead then began slowly working up and down on the thick shaft: it had been quite some time since I'd sucked a dick and, believe me, it wasn't like riding a bicycle! (The muscles had to be retrained to do a proper job!) Still, I was determined to do justice to the massive member and I eventually got the whole thing down.

"Let's not end the party too soon!" Troy cautioned. "I wanna fuck you Doc!"

I gulped but agreed. "Let me get you a condom and some lube," I told him.

"Hey, I'm clean!" he protested.

"I don't know that!" I responded as I sat up between his legs. "For that matter--you don't know if I've been exposed to something! He-Who-Shall-Not-Be-Named might have gotten around and passed it on to me!"

"Got it from a FRIEND who--got it from a FRIEND who--got it from another who'd ben sleepin' around-ound!" Troy sang. Then: "yeah Doc, I get it! If that'll make you comfortable then that's how we'll do it!"

"Until we're in a committed, exclusive, relationship--no cock enters either ass without full coverage!" I told him flatly.

"Yes Doctor!" But then Troy smiled. "You can be very forceful! I like that in a Daddy!"

"VD is for every-body," I sang, "not just for the few!"

Troy laughed as he began teasing my ass with a finger. "Where didja learn that?"

"It's an old `public service announcement' from the early 70s," I told him. "I found it on YouTube and, hey, it's true!"

Troy began kissing me again as his thick finger worked deeper inside me. I hadn't had anal sex in quite some time so I'd gotten rather tight back there but the UPS Driver seemed to enjoy teasing me as I moaned with pleasure. "That's right Doc!" he whispered in my ear. "Open up for me!" Soon two fingers were working deep inside me and I was damn near ready to explode on the spot!

"Fuck me Troy!" I begged.

"Just let me get the condom on Doc!" he replied. "Your ass, your rules!" Once he had the thing rolled down over his massive member and as greased as my quivering ass he began pushing into me. My ass had grown disused to intrusion since I usually topped my Ex-Boyfriend but I wanted him inside me and did my best to relax. Troy took his time as I adjusted to his massive invader and he continued to be very verbal, encouraging me with words and kisses until I could feel his pubic hairs tickling my ass bud. "Nice!" he breathed in my ear as he began his slow pull-out only to thrust back in again.

I had forgotten how much fun being fucked could be but Troy's skillful movement and filthy encouragement soon had me flying as I gripped him with my ass as I turned my heels to Jesus and prayed for rain! The fuck seemed to go on and on until he was giving me a pounding like I'd never had--and I was loving it! "Gonna come Doc!" he finally panted as sweat dripped off onto my equally sweat-slick body. "You ready?"

"Yes! Yes! Yes!" I moaned as his cock thickened inside my grasping hole. Thanks to the condom I couldn't feel his cum but I could see the expression on his face as he blew his load. "Oh my God, that was amazing!" I panted once he was finally done shooting.

"Let me get you off now!" Troy said and he went down on my cock, swallowing all of me in one gulp. It didn't take me long before I was shooting my own load. "That was wonderful Doc!" he said as he cuddled me close in his strong arms.

"Yes," I said. "This involuntary quarantine might not be so bad after all!"


If you want to hear more of "my" adventures with Troy let me know!

Next: Chapter 2

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