Invited to Formal Dinner

By moc.liamg@em4ruofgsb

Published on Feb 10, 2020


In Parts 1 and 2, Brett, a fine young man with higher intellectual capacities and an appearance somewhat like that of Bel Ami's young porn star, Roland Curtis, was converted to a sexual object from having been a special guest at a mature-aged male dinner.

Part 2 saw him being 'opened for business' by methodical rimming and fingering and further dealt with Brett's psychological feelings and assumptions about his audience.

It appears the first two Parts of this story really resonated with some readers who found it to be realistic and vivid. Some even related that their own real life experiences paralleled those of the experience of young Brett. Several also said they would love to take Brett's place in such a scenario.

Part 3 finds Brett's bottom fully loosened for action and sees the commencement of insertions to demonstrate the 'amazing athleticism of his fine ass.

Some of the thoughts and experiences of Brett are based on real life happenings of the author, albeit involving smaller scale encounters with adults at this early age.


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..and always be sure to be safe and play safe as it's not only in your lifetime interests but those of the people closest to you.

By Brett Saxton

By now, as I lay prostrate face down on the green 'operations' table at this harbourside mansion in Sydney, I started to reflect on my real self-images, by comparison with the sexually defeated and prone disposition in which I now found myself.

I recalled my private school days in my neat green blazer and green tie with black stripes, clean and pressed white shirt and my light beige coloured trousers that discreetly hugged my slim hips and neat, shapely butt, just showing a nice hint of my below hip curvatures, but without 'clinging' to me.

Then there were the end of year parties, at which I wore tighter gear and a plunging open neck shirt, and at which the female sorority doted over me for my'hot looks'. I had felt these waves of admiration as if holding a fine pistol, but without knowing how to cock and shoot it, excuse the pun; I was frustratingly empowered by my good looks, yet capacitated by my shy disposition that held me back from letting out those inner 'animal instincts' that attracted young girls like bees to a honey pot. This was an early hint of my sexual confusion and my emerging bi-sexuality, but of course at the age of 16 who can rationalise such things?

A further image was that of being on Bondi Beach with my swimmers that were pretty pocket-sized when off and skimpy when on me. My lean body was a definite asset, especially when my summer tan arrived, and my straight light-brownish hair was an unusual shade that definitely turned heads as it flopped forward to just above my blue eyes, under-scored by a most encapsulating boyish smile.

There were also the 'hot little ass' comments that came from all quarters of the female sector and curiously I noticed dudes of practically all ages giving me that discreet 'second look' as I strutted my stuff down to the water's edge and back, or when I was stretched out on my towel, face up or face down, for admiring eyes to scan more thoroughly.

Was it truly this young figure that was now pinned like a biological experimental object before a roomful of over-sexed older men, with young bottom now fully exposed and stretched open in the most sensuous, pornographic way, as 'eye candy' of the highest quality?

"Now gentlemen," announced Henry, "we've done a thorough job of lubricating, then manipulating, our young guest's bottom to a point where it's now ready for some new tests of its limits..I speak of its limits to take larger objects and to take them more deeply than our fingers and tongues can reach. It's now my desire to show you just how much a young slim-hipped man of this quality can be opened. It's also my desire to test the depth and volume of Brett's sexual cavity, which

tonight is no longer being used for its usual function but for the purpose of our desires. This is a young man pussy now," he added, touching his index finger onto my pulsating asshole and massaging the lucky fingertip between the now bulbous lips.

I felt a new shiver go up my naked spine as I became aware of an imminent new phase of attack on my asshole and 'sexual cavity', as my host had put it. The flashes of my teenagehood were continuing as I tried to compare one realm of admiration of my persona with another -- one being the clean-cut lad of my schooldays, the other the sexual object that was being opened methodically at my rear end for a large cluster of hungry eyes to feed upon.

"I'm going to ask Ted, the 'donor' of our young guest, to continue to do the honours and commence to insert the first of our toys, this string of large beads that grow in size from one end to the other. As you can see the last bead equates to a medium sized apple. I'm confident however that the work we have done with tongue and finger, to train this young man's behind to open up, will have been enough to prepare it for bigger and better things."

Ted took the pink and red beads and held them up to his audience.

"Little asshole here we come," he cried and with that he slowly and deliberately lowered the smallest of the six beads down to my spread ass that featured an uncontrollably twitching hole..twitching with a combination of anticipation and raw fear.

My cock had gone limp for several minutes after the ass-opening event involving some 60 or 70 fingers of the other twelve men in the room. Now it was beginning to stiffen again quite noticeably as I realised I was about to be entered by this series of beads that progressed to 'apple size' once the smallest three had passed deep into my ass.

Ted touched the one inch bead onto the glistening surface of my excited hole and slowly started to push.

I groaned with a new expectation of a loss of control and the forcing upon me of a sexual pleasure that vibrated right through me.

"Fuck yes," came an exclamation from a man that I hadn't clearly focused upon up until now, but suddenly I felt I remembered the voice, a little shrill and high-pitched, like that of an older gentleman that I used to encounter on my bus ride home from school each day in my final year. The 4.10pm bus down to Crows Nest from my North Shore private school was always crowded with both schoolboys and girls from a neighbouring school. This meant standing in the perennial squash in the aisle between seats.

I had by then turned 18 years old, although my baby face and medium height of 68 inches belied my age. My young ass was in fact roughly in line with the upper corners of the back of each seat. So as someone of my height reached up and held the straps located at head height, in order to remain on one's feet during the bus ride, one could also further stabilise by resting one's butt against the corner of a seat.

This brings me to the point: the gentleman of whom I speak always seemed to sit in about the same seat some four or five rows from the rear door. He would make a habit of holding on to the top corner of the seat in front of him with his right hand. So when I boarded the bus and positioned myself in the aisle for the 20 minutes trip to where I disembarked, and my ass went back to stabilise myself on the seat corner, it happened to connect with the back of this man's hand. On the first such occasion that I had felt the hand touch my ass I had corrected position simply by reflex. I heard the squeaky voice for the first time that day:

'It's OK, son, you're not troubling me if you lean back, if that helps you to keep your balance.'

I blushed with embarrassment, realising that my spongy young bottom was in contact wth the man's hand in a way that was probably beyond the limits of normal decency. Blushing deeply to myself, I refused the man's offer that day but the feeling of this contact stayed with me for the whole bus ride. As I prepared to alight, I turned to make eye contact with the owner of the hand. He was a man of about 60 with an thin, angular face and dark framed spectacles that were a main feature of his appearance. He wore an oldish but fine looking grey suit and I took him to be perhaps an accountant or administrator of some kind.

As I turned he gave me a nice smile and dropped his head a little in the process, as if to say 'all was well' after our unscheduled tactile encounter. That night as I was in bed and starting my process of sexual imaging before going to sleep, my mind flashed back to that experience on the bus. I wondered what might have happened if I'd taken the man's offer and resumed stabilising myself by positioning my rear end over his hand, a most unlikely thing to do for a shy young teenager still looking to discover his true sexuality and self-confidence.

I fantasised about the man actually wanting me to take position so that he was in contact with my bum, a body part that I guarded so closely in public places, such as the earlier days in the gym shower rooms before I first met Ted there.

That night I remember cumming at the thought of the man getting off on his contact with my soft ass, albeit just with the back of his hand. In that moment, it occurred to me that he may be on board that same departure each day and for the whole of the next day at school I looked forward to finding this out.

In my pondering I had decided that if the man were once again to offer me a more stable position when standing next to his seat, I should perhaps accept and gently lean my ass against his hand. This was a harmless means of testing my sexual prowess and boundaries. It actually occurred to me that the positioning of his hand achieved nothing by way of extra comfort or support for him..more likely it was purposely designed to make the sort of contact I've described with some unsuspecting ass owner.

At the bus stop that next afternoon my heart raced as the bus pulled up. I tried to see through the bus windows if this man was on board but the reflections prevented that preview. I boarded and moved back down towards the centre of the bus, searching for a hand on a seat edge. There it was, same seat and the same man.

My heart rate quickened even more as I edged down the aisle from the front of the bus, glancing briefly at the man then dropping my school bag at my feet and stooping slightly as I did so, with my back to my 'target'. After a few minutes had passed I mustered all my courage and allowed my ass to touch the hand that had grown to a giant size in my imagination. Pretending ignorance as to whom I may have offended, I looked around and apologised for this contact.

"Oh I'm sorry sir, it's a bit of a crush in here."

"Don't be concerned, lad, you're not offending me in the least, just relax and enjoy the ride."

I stood upright now and started to think whether I should take the risk of edging back to make what would now have to be considered intended contact with the man's hand. I flushed at the thought of what might happen next and wondered if others nearby would notice or hear any resultant exchange between me and my latest admirer.. or at least I took him to be so.

After ten minutes, the decision was made for me, as a schoolgirl was negotiating her way past me down the aisle to stand with a friend. I was forced to pull back and I had nowhere to go but against the hand on the seat. I pushed back firmly to allow the girl through and felt a full and stimulating contact with the persistently placed hand on the seat top.

The contact lasted some ten seconds before I again came off the hand and stood normally again. I turned to check if the man seemed disturbed by my repeated intrusion on his private space. He smiled and used his finger to beckon me down a little so that he could speak in my ear. I leant over in partial fear of being admonished or corrected in some way. That wasn't going to happen, now was it?

Quite the opposite as the man whispered that "a crowded bus was a crowded bus and safety came first." He added that I shouldn't worry about touching his hand with my backside as it felt quite nice to him in any case. "So any time, son, you need to rest yourself on my hand it would be welcomed!"

This bold confession came with a form of wicked smile that broke the news to me that his hand was there to enjoy the prospects of any indiscreet contact that he could make with any young passenger's lower body part, male or female, front or back, I supposed.

I replied with a shy grin and merely a "thank you" as I stood back upright yet again. I now had a decision to make: do I or do I not take up the older man's loaded offer?

One part of me was reticent to do so, as my instincts said it could lead to trouble, but my raging adolescence then started to argue that it would be a great experiment to see what might happen next. I was to discover later in life that these decisions come upon us on a regular basis, some are more profound than others of course.

With a rush of blood I allowed my butt to make contact with the hand ever so lightly. I felt what must have been a knuckle of a finger rise up a little against the cotton of my beige trousers. This was the first signal of sexual intent, rather than merely an offer of comfort by way of better balance. There could be no mistake, the man wanted my ass to touch his hand, and much more I suspect.

I responded by leaning back so that the left cheek of my bottom started to actually indent and pressure over the man's hand. I didn't look at him, but again felt finger movement which was clearly a signal of encouragement. I came off the hand and turned 90 degrees so that my back was squarely to the man, then I backed up so that the centre of my buttocks made full contact. I felt the man's fingers start to move constantly through the material of my trouser cottons, and then it was time to alight from my thrill ride. I looked and smiled at the man as I moved down the aisle.

I came several times in bed that night as I reviewed my experience and contemplated 'where to next'. I had washed my bottom thoroughly in the shower before bed and fingered myself madly as I fantasised about the man and his hand. My plan was to get off with this man every day and explore where he might go with his new found 'toy'.

My next manoeuvre was to increase the sensation of my 'bottom to hand' encounters and I organised this the following day by deciding to leave my jocks at home. There was no sport that day at school and I couldn't be caught out. The fabric of my trousers was quite thin and smooth in texture, almost to the point that it was as if touching bare flesh.

I was preoccupied all day with the thought that my bus contact would be taken to the next level, as the absence of my jocks gave me a feeling of sexual freedom and I knew that if I positioned myself over the hand strategically the man would actually be able to feel between my ass cheeks to some extent. How good would that be for both of us?

Sure enough we again rendezvoused on the same bus departure and I smiled at my man with a wry grin as if knowing something more than he did.

At my first opportunity I slowly backed my little bottom onto the eagerly waiting hand, but this time I positioned so that my buttocks went each side of the centre of the man's hand. The slight slackness of the seat of my trousers allowed enough give for the hand to sink at least an inch between my cheeks and the sudden pleasure was indescribable. Never before had I had contact from anyone, other than myself through my own hand, in this way. The man wiggled his fingers and I'd swear this helped him to find his way to my prize jewel between my ass cheeks.

I almost came on the spot and was well aware that I had a raging hard on and that I needed to be careful not to show it off to other commuters, who might peg me as a deviant of some kind. This didn't stop me from looking around and receiving a signal from the man, that involved his tongue travelling over his thin lips. I bent down and whispered that it felt so hot and that I had no jocks on.

For the remainder of the trip the man just moved his fingers ever so discreetly in the sunken area between my cheeksand I eventually left the bus as high as a kite.

Each day for over a week on the bus this ritual of intended contact took place very discreetly and then one day as I was leaving the bus, the man said that he was now moving jobs and that he had loved knowing the feel of my nice young behind. His final word to me was:

"By the way I would love to fuck your little ass so hard one day, so I hope we meet again before you're too much older." I blushed ruby red and stored that thought away in my permanent memory, never believing that this could ever eventuate.

Now leaning down to my face was this very same man, no doubt. Confirmation came quickly when the query came to me as I lay spreadeagled and ass opened by the first bead:

"Did you ever catch the 267 bus to Crows Nest after school?"

"Yeah, sure," I replied, "why do you ask?"

"I had a wonderful relationship with your young bottom when you stood next to my seat on that bus for some days years ago, and now by some incredible twist of fate I'm going to get my wish, that I've harboured all those years since, and get to play with your soft private school bum and its insides; how does that make you feel?

"Yes, for years I've thought that yours was the best young bottom with which I'd had the pleasure to fiddle, and I can't believe that it's the same former schoolboy bottom now stretched before me like this. And what a beautiful behind it is, even better than I had imagined, although I guess you've grown and it's filled out a little more now, as those bus rides were four years ago, when I was working my old North Shore job.

"Oh, and by the way, I loved the taste of your ass juices a while ago and yearn for some more.. if your hot little ass would oblige.

"But now I'm going to love seeing these beads get pushed between those beautiful, lush ass lips of yours and make their way up into the depths of your delectable young man ass. What a wonderful thought. I'm also going to ask my friend, Ted, if he would let me suck the ones that go in deepest, as he removes them. By the way my name's Albert, or Bert for short."

My head went back to those hot times on the bus as my asshole very easily swallowed the first bead which entered my sex cavity with a sudden 'plop' as it heralded the entrance of the next larger 1.5" bead. Ted pushed and Bert commented on the extraordinary way my butthole gave way to his fairly slight but constant pressure on the bead. Now the third bead was at my hole, 2" in diameter.

'Oh,' said Bert, 'now we're going to see a truly nice asshole opening as these beads are of a testing size from now on.'

Slowly my hole engulfed the leading half of the bead and then with a rush it fully consumed the remainder, as it flapped shut like a trapdoor onto the trailing section of plastic string. Soon I was to feel the pressure of the first bead starting to push on my inner doorway that led from my sexual cavity to the depths of my gut, where my ass juices ran even wilder and richer.

The next ball was medium sized at 2.5" while the fifth and sixth were 3.0" and 3.5" respectively.

My by now very flexible asshole took the second to last ball with relative ease, the view of the hole's erotic expansion creating many oohs and ahs, with Bert at the forefront of admirers.

"Now for the nice big ball," he announced, "let's see how your hot little bottom handles this challenge. I'm thinking back to the days of your neat trouser-clad bottom folding around my hand on the bus..if only I knew then that I would one day have the amazing pleasure of seeing it opened to the max before my very eyes in a display such as this.

"Do you realise how beautiful your hole looks when its stretched open to more than three inches? It's a true delight..glistening wet muscle and your small radiating asshole wrinkles fully flattened out as they run to the inner cheeks of your nice deep crack..not a crack at the moment though as you're fully opened wide before us all, aren't you young Brett?"

I moaned with pleasure, pain and with the realisation of my prone position before all eyes. Slowly Ted started to apply pressure to the largest ball as it rested on my deep red asshole muscle. Nothing happened, he pushed harder, still nothing happened. Willis went for more gel and also dropped a large glob of his spit on the area proximal to the swollen entrance of my bottom.

"This will do the trick and open his gateway to inner bliss," he exclaimed.

Willis was right, as now my hole ever so slightly started to yield to the relentless pressure of Ted's last ball, to the sheer delight of Bert.

"Look, it's starting to give way, Ted," squealed Bert, with a glee that was like that of a child opening a long anticipated birthday present.

"Yeah look, his hole's really opening up to your pressure on it."

"I've got his hot little ass right where I want it now," said Ted, "it's going to be opened wider than it's ever experienced, so we're about to really see something now."

The thoroughly juicy asshole was now engulfing half of the 3.5" ball and I was moaning in agony at this point, but wanting to succeed in my challenge as well. The hole looked almost grotesquely open now, then as Ted pushed the ball more firmly, he had Bert contribute by pulling my soft ass cheeks apart to assist the final swallowing of the last ball. This worked with a sudden swallowing of the back end of the ball into the depths of my bottom to the delight of all present. My swollen cock, that had dripped precum for most of this procedure, now exploded with a huge gusher of cum all over the table between my separated legs. There was a rush by several guests to lick this hot cum that had suddenly released from my aching balls and throbbing cock.

I let out a huge moan of pleasure as my ass engulfed the last and largest ball. At the same time I sensed a movement up through my gut as perhaps the third ball moved through my inner hole from my 'sex cavity' into my lower large intestine.

This feeling of total fullness was a sensation impossible to describe, except to say that I felt as though I needed to take a big dump immediately. This was an unnatural feeling to have as a room full of people closely observed and were manipulating the very equipment that I used in my everyday private routine.

Bert then blurted how much he had gotten off on finally being able to handle the flesh of the young bottom over which he had fantasised for so long, having felt my ass warmth and softness through my private schoolboy's trousers on a number of unforgettable bus rides. It had certainly not been a disappointment to him as he couldn't have imagined that such a stunning piece of butt 'art' lay so nicely packed in that uniform.

"Now then my dear guests," said Henry, "we've reached a critical stage in the testing of Brett's stunning asshole. We know that it not only looks so sexually appetising, but it performs like a young hole should, in stretching beyond the bounds of normal expectation.

"This is now where we can start to take over from the young man's own instinctive need to expel a large mass from his very full cavity and prevent him from doing so until we're ready to do this chore for him. Remember that we're in control of his bottom and he is not.

"It's rarely possible to see how an asshole actually works in its daily task but today we will be making this discovery, courtesy of our good looking young guest."

For the next ten minutes each person had a chance to lean over to my face and express how they felt about what was happening and about to happen. One gentleman perhaps said it all when he explained that, as we were all sitting for dinner and the related discussions, he had actually fantasised about taking control of my bottom until I moaned with great pleasure and until my face, reflecting its 'model' qualities, started to contort. He knew that all I would be able to think about at that future point would be the action taking place in my cutest of asses.

Another very dignified tall gentleman had advised me that this was only a 'pipe-opener' to the activities that would befall my 'hot little bum' and that he was having the best sexual experience of his long life watching a young man of such quality overtaken by the rampaging sexual exploits of his older fellow guests upon and within my now not so tight little hole.

My cock stirred noticeably at these propositions, as the language of these men was all centred around the sexual power of my ass as it lay on full display for all eyes to feast upon.

"Now," said Henry, "I think I'll ask Bert, who spoke so well of you as an 18 year old schoolboy, Brett, to start to pull the string attached to the huge and final ball that your ass has swallowed."

Bert came forward with a glow in his face that reflected his extreme sexual pleasure that had been rising by the minute. He took hold of the pink plastic string and started gently pulling but with no reaction from my tightening asshole.

"My goodness," he said, "the young man's ass has a very tight grip on the big ball just inside it. I guess I must pull harder."

I can't tell you how out of control this was making me feel as someone was literally pulling the contents of my ass out of my hole, whether I liked it or not. I felt so totally exposed as the basic natural function of my ass was being tested in this artificial way. Whence was all this leading I asked myself, as the group of men became more and more frenzied at the sexual feast unfolding before them.

Slowly Bert commenced to increase the tension of the string until it was noticed by all present that the outer rim of my asshole was starting to grow larger. The surrounds of my hole were now protruding from the centre of my ass and becoming convex in shape, something that was impossible to appreciate unless a person were fully sexually exposed as I now was.

"This is quite a load that we're forcing this butthole to pass," said Henry,"and you can see the fineness of the flesh of Brett's outer ring now. It's in fact stretching to become quite thin and extremely soft and slippery."

Henry was running his fingers around the circumference of my bulging anus and savoured the extraordinary tactility.

The guests also noticed a seeping of a combination of my ass juices and some of the gel and saliva that had found its way into my bottom during the reverse procedure.

"If any of you would care to run your own fingers or tongues around Brett's anal ring then please feel free to do so, remember his bottom is your property tonight," came Henry's timely invitation. Bert was the first to scoop a small sliver of moisture from the stretching ring and put his finger to his mouth.

"Absolutely exotic, the best I have tasted," was his description of my oozing ass cocktail.

"It goes to show that the finest amongst us are also fine in all the places that count!"

By now I felt someone sucking the next round of precum from my cock which continued to hang hard and quite grotesquely down from my stretched asshole. They had taken in the majority of my organ in their enthusiasm to swallow me and my emissions. This also gave me a further feeling of being totally out of bodily control and under the influence of people who were interested in just one thing, their sexual appetite and satisfaction.

By now my entire lean semi-tanned back was starting to glisten with a fine layer of perspiration, particularly along my spinal cord, from the sweat glands of my paraspinal muscles. Someone ran their fingers sensuously down my spine from the nape of my neck to the top of my bulging asshole, giving me a feeling of total body exposure.

My formerly fluffy hair, cultivated from time well spent with expensive shampoos and conditioners, was now steadily dampening. I looked like a 'gym junky' in full exercise, but in this case all the exercise and strain was via my very confined little ass muscles.

"Oh man," said someone needing to let off some nervous tension, "this boy is the hottest thing in existence, every square inch of him spells sex..and lots of it."

Whilst Bert was holding my asshole open to its extreme width, Henry ordered me to to start pumping my butt as if I were fucking someone. I immediately obeyed expecting the mouth around my swollen cock to let me loose, but that mouth continued to latch onto its prize possession, sucking even harder as I commenced to get my bottom into a lurid 'fucking' rhythm.

This depicted a most unusual combination of the action of a bottom as it pushed out a load, and the action of a bottom as it was in full sexual mode. Somehow it razed the room to another level of excitement as all brains, including my own, struggled to get themselves around the fact of this exotic combination of functions that were now on full display. The smooth glistening skin of the flesh of my back was highlighted as the rhythmic waves travelled along my back and thrusting pelvis to my upper firm and equally smooth thighs.

The recipient mouth gobbling my cock began to enjoy even more precum as it flowed freely from the opening of my flame red cock head and the owner was like a babe on a teat as he sucked with all his might.

My cock was in a world of its own with intense sensations coming from both the outer ring and inner depths of my ass and with a constant feeling of wanting to blow, due to the direct oral stimulus it was undergoing. This is ignoring the deep psychological impact of my sexuality being fully exploited and stimulated by a room of guests who sought pleasure way beyond the normal bounds.

Now Bert pulled even harder and someone remarked how the inner lining of my asshole was starting to be dragged out of my hole by the biggest pink ball. This lining was even deeper in colour than the 'sex' pink ball and was clear evidence of the duress that my bottom was undergoing.

Now the ball had reopened my ass to its extreme point, but Bert then did the unexpected and pushed it all the way back into my rectum. My asshole collapsed accordingly, twitching in total confusion and frustration, as it had never had to endure a toing and froing of any object before, at least not at this level of expansion.. certainly my fingers and small dildos had provided my hole with a good workout from time to time but there was no extreme effort or stretching to the limits.

Bert delighted in taking command of my hole in both directions of the ball movement. He marvelled at the appearance of my asshole being almost torn open as he pulled the ball outwards, but then greedily gobbling the ball back into its depths as he nastily pushed the large object back into me. He reflected again on his very superficial contact with my trousered ass when I was a schoolboy of just 18, doing so to remind himself of the fact that the lithe, naked, sweating body before him was one and the same as that with which he had lightly played and fantasised about some four years earlier.

Bert pulled the ball outwards once more and again watched with the others as my hard-worked ring stretched to its extreme, then he reversed direction yet again so that my asshole was at every beck and call of his hand. How amusing was this, to effectively order an ass when to eliminate and when to absorb? This display represented the definition of ultimate 'visual rudeness'.

Finally he pulled the entire ball from the grip of my bottom and the speed of the expansion then partial contraction of my ass ring was to the great amusement of everyone. This exhibition was accompanied by a 'slopping' sound as my ring temporarily lost control and for a split second remained open after the exit of the big ball. My asshole seemed to 'think' for a moment before deciding to return to some form of normality and once again fully close and hide my glistening mucous lining that ran into the inner depths of my formerly private hole.

"Now then Bert," continued Henry, "would you please draw the rest of the balls and beads from our young guest's ass for him and in doing so draw faster for each object."

With a new wave of pleasure, Bert began to draw the string of balls, from larger down to smallest, in one single motion out of my loosened ass. The subtle slopping and slurping sounds were as I'd never heard, as my very moist ass gave up its possession of each ball, expanding and contracting in rapid cycles. It then enjoyed a sudden 'peace' as the last ball exited, leaving an oozing mixture of fluids seeping from the exhausted, angry aperture.

Bert then made his move to taste more of my ass juice as he appealed to Henry to suck clean the shining beads and balls along with my messed up asshole as it seeped almost endlessly with the juices that had formed from the incredible invasion and exit just completed.

Bert's face took on the look of total ecstacy as he licked the equipment that had just harvested my ass juices, then he plunged his face into the closing crack of my bottom and sucked my juices off the glistening surfaces like a man possessed. As he proceeded he again forced his mind back to the private school lad in the green blazer who's soft ass cheeks had been his first point of introduction. This was the hottest experience of his life and no wonder he tugged down his front zipper and let out his cock as it started to explode a huge load of cum which gushed all over my tired ass.

Much clapping followed in response to this involuntary ejaculation which could only result from a man at the highest level of sexual simulation.

Bert bent down to my face and, with a shaking voice affected by his now subsiding orgasm, thanked me for allowing him to take control of my ass and to observe at such close range just how hot it looked to him as it opened and closed at his command. He mentioned once more his disbelief that this was the ass of the young man about whom he had fantasised on the bus, having had that initial contact with my tight little behind. He also enlightened me with a description of the creamiest ass juices that a man could possibly enjoy, and wondered if he could possibly bottle them one day.

Henry once more assumed his role as Master of Ceremonies over my sexual fate.

"Gentlemen, we've now seen just how Brett's bottom functions under the duress of forced objects of increasing and diminishing size. This is a privilege rarely enjoyed over a young man of refined stature such as this, with such a sleak and sexy body that provides the user with a once in a lifetime experience."

The word 'user' drove home to me the fact that I was being used like a tool of pleasure and to that end there was little consideration of the human nature of my being, merely the physical nature.

"It's now my intention to insert this next object that will force this very supple little asshole open to a maximum gape so that we can start to enjoy the images of Brett's very hot interior. For this segment of the evening we'll turn him over onto his back and hold his legs back over his head. That will allow us to watch his facial expressions and talk directly with him whilst at the same time we're gazing at the insides of his succulent asshole and beyond."

With that I was released and rolled over on the green table like a bag of wheat. My cock was obviously featured in all its erect glory, seeping with cum and precum as it had done all night.

Willis volunteered to take one of my feet in each hand and pulled them to each side of my head, so unveiling a new sight of my private parts, featuring my hot and sweaty hairless cock and balls but also providing a fresh perspective to the perfect anatomy of my asshole as it nestled between the smooth cheeks of my young bottom.

I felt like a chicken being prepared for seasoning as I knew the next move by Henry was to insert something totally new into my tired, moist, red behind.

He now produced a piece of medical looking equipment that was effectively a steel brace that would be inserted into my relaxed asshole before being wound open by means of a small screw on its perimeter, until my bottom was at its full 'gaping' limit.

"We know, my friends, that we have just been able to force Brett's ass open to the 3.5" of the largest ball that went in and out of him..I wonder if we can actually expand on that as his hole would be much more supple and flexible than it was an hour ago?"

With this proposition now put, Henry asked Ted to insert the brace into my asshole. Ted took the equipment with obvious enthusiasm and commenced to place it at my hole. The brace was like a table napkin holder but the metal of the ring was only around half an inch wide and shaped so that, as it was inserted into an asshole, it allowed the ass lips to settle into its concavity, thereby reducing the chance of it popping out of the hole as it was expanded.

Ted now began to turn the screw and the guests watched with great expectation as my hole once more was being forced to open unnaturally. This started with it being some one inch open with the initial placement of the brace and then 1.5". Ted was mindful that by opening me up too quickly he would cause pain and therefore have to reverse the procedure so he ever so slowly, over a period of five minutes, wound the brace to the point that my gaping hole was open to three inches, including the width of the brace's expanding metal ring.

Henry looked down into my face and ordered me to open my eyes which were closed in order to avoid the embarrassment of eye contact with my audience and to fight the discomfort of the procedure that was going to reveal the deep red cavern of my awaiting rectum and the smooth juice-secreting muscle that lined it.

He then cynically exclaimed: "Hello again my dear young man, how does it feel to know that we're about to look up inside your bottie and even have a play in there while its held open by force?"

I replied that I was in a helpless and embarrassing position and that I just wanted to get it all over and done with.

"Oh but the night is but young," said Henry, we have such a lot of further amusement and recreation ahead of us, courtesy of your most beautiful young male rear end. You can't imagine what we have in store for you, so if you feel embarrassed now, just wait for a few hours' time!"

I was suddenly in full realisation that this was truly going to be an epic adventure for all in the room and that my ass was going to be the centre of attention and activity for many more hours into the night, as the clock was now passing 10pm.

"Now we have Brett's bottom open to the extent of the size of the largest ball that it swallowed some time ago, but we're going to press on aren't we, Ted, as we believe we can make him gape even more. How about you giving us one of those nice smiles of yours Brett and give us the instruction to proceed to open you up even farther?"

"Yes sir, would you please keep opening me to my outer limit, please sir," came my subservient reply with forced smile.

"And why should we do that Brett?" asked Henry in an attempt to bring me to a full conscious level of understanding of the spirit of the situation in which I found myself.

"So that you can all look up inside me I guess."

"Well yes, Brett, that is so but it's also the case that your bottom is being prepared for the next stage of our proceedings because the chef is now preparing a dessert that we intend to pack into your 'sex cavity' then have you serve it in the nicest possible way to our mouths direct, does that seem like a nice idea?'

"Wh..what sort of dessert are you going to stuff inside me?"

"Well it's going to be some very large strawberries, one for each guest, and we're going to have them with cream and ice-cream, which we'll be adding in a very sexual way to the dish when the time comes to dine."

"Oh please, sir, I'm not sure if I can do that, sir."

"Well, Brett, we're going to make sure you do, and further more we'll be videoing the dessert course to promote to others who may come to another dinner."

I hoped that this didn't imply that I was to become a permanent fixture at these dinners or that I might end up with my ass featured in all its open glory on You Tube in the near future.

Ted had now managed to go past the 3.5" former 'record' for my ass expansion and it was now at almost 4.0". This is a huge gape by anyone's standards, but still he pressed on, until I was now almost at a 4.5" point, where I declared that my incredibly stretched bottom could take no more winding open.

Bert then stared into my dulled countenance and told me that my bottom was a picture of openness and just glorious to examine, with its deep pinky-red private school man's inner lining. He cheekily ran a middle finger into the space and around the lining of my ass. Never before had he done such a thing as never before had he been blessed with an ass so wide open for his attention. "Truly incredible," he exclaimed, "truly incredible."

"Why don't you show us how you can fart with your young bottom wide open for the world to see. I've never watched a fart come out of anyone's opened ass before."

"I agree," said Henry, "so do as Bert orders please, young man."

I realised I had no choice but to attempt to push out a fart from my fully opened asshole. I slowly raised the pressure in the normal way inside of my gut and then with no warning a long and sustained juicy sounding ejaculation of wind emerged to the thrill of the audience. The noise was however not the usual type as that is caused by the wind squeeing through the closed muscle of an asshole, rather it was a deeper hollow sounding noise that sounded extremely base and rude. I decided to give the guests a full show and continued to push for more air to be released.

"Wow, what a trooper," said Ted, "he's volunteering to entertain us."

Soon my air supply was exhausted but there was conversation on the visible movement of the walls of my 'sex cavity' as I had made each attempt for air production.

"It's amazing to watch the inner workings of an ass," said someone, "especially an ass of this quality.

"Host, do you feel we could each spit into Brett's insides so that we can say that we've contributed something to his hot body?"

"Great idea," said Henry and he set the example with a large glob of spittle that went straight into my bottom without intervention. Soon the rest had followed and my cavity was now flushed with saliva.

Willis even remarked how it looked so hot to see each glob of saliva slide down the inner walls of my gaping hole and into my depths. He also made comment that it was funny to think that one moment the saliva was in his mouth then in an instant it was deep inside my ass.

"Right, now we'll sap the moisture from him with some straws from the kitchen and start to stimulate his ass juices with this large plastic spoon," said Henry, holding a medium sized serving spoon in the air.

Willis then inserted a long straw into me and before long had sucked out all of the saliva that had been temporarily deposited in me. This was done as if cleaning out a turkey and as he did so he stared me in the eyes as if to say 'I've got your ass right where I want it..fully on show, fully wide open, full stretched and now fully sucked out for the next phase.'

Henry now did the honours and started to stir the insides of my ass with the plastic spoon.

"This will stimulate ass juice production and that will be the means by which we marinate the strawberries that we're going to eat from Brett."

Every so often Henry removed the spoon to demonstrate the yield of juice that it was producing..quite a copious amount in fact and certainly very viscous and with a rich smell strong enough that my nose could detect it at the other end of my body.

Right on cue Willis arrived with the thirteen large strawberries to feed each guest including one that he had set aside for me. I was soon to taste the juices of my ass on my dessert, taken straight from the inside of my bottom.

Henry now started to drop each strawberry through my 4.5" gaping hole, an effortless exercise that ended with the thirteenth strawberry just neatly filling the awaiting cavity.

"We're ready for dessert now gentlemen. Ted would you stir the fruit pieces slightly to mix Brett's ass juices with them then unwind the brace so that Brett's hole is returned to its normal shut position."

This took little time as my ass was most willing to shut down, thereby closing the strawberries inside my body. I felt totally dehumanised with this procedure as now I was a kitchen utensil to dispense dessert.

"Now I think I'd like him turned onto his stomach as we feed from his ass, because I want to serve a dollop of cream onto his asshole before he pushes out each strawberry, but also two small scoops of ice-cream one each onto his nice smooth buttocks. I think you'll all quickly get the hang of the way things will work."

Soon I was tied back into position on my stomach and the adjustable platform was raised up slightly just to accentuate my ass curvatures that little bit more.

"Fuck," said Bert, "I can't believe that hot ass is going to push my dessert into my mouth very shortly, what a buzz this is."

There was general agreement as Henry now gave the word for Willis to spread my legs apart to fully reveal my butthole. Willis was then told to place a dollop of thick cream on my asshole and a scoop of ice-cream onto each of my ass cheeks.

"This looks utterly unbelievable said a high excited guest, I can't wait to begin this dessert."

"Now then young Brett, serve your first guest with one strawberry, ordered Henry."Bert you can be the first recipient."

Bert couldn't wait to put his mouth over his former little bus buddy's asshole and receive his dessert. It came forward perfectly and merged with the cream to create a perfect mouthful. Bert licked my asshole perfectly clean of all cream and juice and then commenced to suck the ice-cream off my bottom, licking hard to complete the task.

He came up grinning from ear to ear, and particularly commented on the beautifully marinated strawberry and the distinctive taste of ass juice that set it off.

I was pleased to oblige as my bottom was again feeling like I needed to take a dump, but what a hot dump this was to be.

One by one each of the dinner guests partook in his dessert, each serving becoming richer in its sauces until finally all were satisfied and my ass felt relieved of its burden. This had been an extraordinary exercise in intimacy combined with pleasure for each palate.

I was given the thirteenth strawberry which was warm and richly 'marinated'. It was a totally surreal experience, that added a whole lot of spice to the sexuality of the night's proceedings. Somewhat of a return to old Roman times, as someone put it!

Henry had been delighted with the dinner course and the witty chatter that had taken place, all surrounding the function and appearance of my young bum. This had definitely been one of the hottest segments of the night for me as much as anyone, as the psychological feelings of a room of well-to-do gents actually dining from my bottom, as it performed its gymnastics to release each of their dessert strawberries, were like nothing I could have imagined.

Henry now moved to his next highlight announcement for the night: "My dear guests, you have experienced one memorable function of this young man's incredibly hot ass, and now it's time to experience another totally different one, as we are all going to strip down and join him in his nakedness. We're then going to fuck his ass whilst he assumes the position of each man's choice.

"You will have noticed how tight his asshole has remained as the night has progressed whilst at the same time increasing in its suppleness as demonstrated with the equipment that opened it to four inches in width.

"You will also have noted how Brett has continued to produce copious ass juices that we have now all tasted with the greatest of pleasure and satisfaction. These juices will now support the fucking function that his hot and very shapely little behind is now about to provide each of us."

As I lay on my stomach with my legs apart my asshole was pulsating uncontrollably, not only from the rigours of supplying each guest's dessert but due to the waves of excitement that were running through me as I continued to be made the sexual object of this large group of senior men from all walks of life.

It was as if I had lost control of my anus and it was actually 'mouthing' words of appreciation and expectation of that which was about to commence..a dinner gangbang that I would never forget. I also felt the subtle flow of ass juice from my hole as it hit the cool air of the room and ran down my perineum and across my balls, before gathering on the table's surface below me.

Suddenly Henry grabbed my bottom by both its cheeks and stretched it open to reveal the deep juicy redness of my outer and inner anal rings.

"Just look at this piece of 'ass art', to quote someone else, and imagine your cocks plunging into its depths. If that doesn't make you harder than you are already then nothing will," he exclaimed in a bold and dramatic voice.

My asshole tried to pull shut but there was no chance that it could. It's pulsating took on another appearance as the inner part of my anal tunnel could be seen in its rhythmic movement. At this moment a long and deep sounding fart left my bum and for the first time I wasn't embarrassed, unlike my extreme embarrassment previously, but actually turned on by the fact that my audience could view this happening and not just hear it. My ass lining vibrated to the amusement of the room and suddenly all was quiet.

Somehow at this point I had transferred my thinking to that of being an entertainer, as opposed to a victim.

"Now how fucking hot was that my friends.. Brett's asshole not only looks, feels and tastes like the hot little organ it is, but it sounds so rich and beckoning as well, doesn't it gentlemen?"

Henry was so proud of the fact that he had caused this unscheduled event that gave extra spice to the ever-evolving waves of sexuality that gripped this gathering.

"So now let our fucking session of our young guest begin; is there anyone who would like to fuck him whilst he's on his stomach in this hot posture which, I must say, is one of my favourite angles to admire the globes of an ass, particularly from their underside?"

Bert immediately expressed his interest and was invited to move into position between my waiting legs. Henry had released my soft ass cheeks and my hole had contracted back to its fully closed state, but still continued to pulsate involuntarily with excitement as Bert manoeuvred his six inch weapon into position.

"I would love to know how many times I have fantasised about your young ass and how hard I would like to fuck it, Brett,' he muttered between his teeth as the head of his cock forced my hole to yield to sudden pressure. So the boy on the bus is now mine at last!"

This took me back once more to my teenage school uniform days as if they were still the present. My excitement was heightened by this combination of feelings as Bert's cock sank further and further into my wet, supple ass until it was fully consumed.

"I'm right up inside that hot little bum of yours young man. If only I could stay here for ever,' he murmured into my ear."

"Fuck me, please sir, fuck me hard," I replied, "My ass wants to be ripped by your hot cock."

Bert was now pumping like a threshing machine and one could hear my ever-present ass juices squelching with every stroke. I got my bottom into rhythm and started to meet his cock with an upward thrust at it was diving downwards into my depths.

Applause broke out from the gawking onlookers as they watched their young guest's backside go into extreme action in perfect timing with the fucker. A kind of sexual madness had overtaken me and my whole body was now in full motion like a rippling wave from head to toe. I was sweating profusely and all manner of expressions were leaving my mouth but the intensity of my stupor blanked out any conscious recognition of my own words and expletives.

Bert came after two minutes of violent pumping and I felt the jet of cum hit the top of my rectal cavity like a small but sudden wave of heat.

He withdrew with a long 'fuuuuuck' exclamation and as he did so my ass stayed open momentarily and released the load that it had just taken to everyone's amazement and pleasure.

"Suck him clean, Bert," came Henry's next command, "as he needs to be made ready for the next man."

Bert needed no further encouragement and dived his mouth onto my still partially opened hole. He sucked with all his might and savoured the rich mixture of his sperm with his bus boy's ass juices, a delightful cocktail that he then brought around to my face, turning me towards his mouth.

My palate filled with this unbelievable taste of warm, viscous elixir and I swallowed it in one large gulp. Another first for the night and another echelon of sexuality that I had now experienced.

Henry now moved up to me whilst I remained in the same position. I had brought my legs together to rest my groin muscles but he quickly wrenched them apart to the max so that they were spread like a gymnast's on parallel bars.

My asshole was still pulsating and before entering with his seven inch tool, Henry once more heavily massaged the lips of my hole, producing the familiar squelching sound from the copious moisture that was still oozing from my insides.

"Oh I can't believe how fucking hot your little behind looks when I do this," said Henry as his fingers forced inwards more and more. I was in total submission and my head was just singing the best music as I lay there conscious that my most intimate body part was again in completely open view to all onlookers.

All sorts of comments were spilling from the mouths of the audience as they watched in disbelief over my submission and the subsequent control of my cute young bottom by their host's aggressive fingering.

Now Henry made his move and his cock disappeared within a couple of seconds deep into my belly. I groaned with pleasure..there was no pain but there was a sexual sensation and fulfilment that I could never begin to describe.

Again I moved my bum in rhythm with my attacker, and soon it was Henry's turn to cum wildly. He yelled out with a mad pleasure as he filled me and then withdrew to watch the oozing of his produce from my gaping hole.

"Fuck," said someone "get a load of that load!" Everyone laughed including me at this well-timed humour.

"Push your ass out sonny," came Henry's command, "as I'm going to suck you out like you've never had it before."

With this, I felt Henry's teeth grab either side of my extruding hole. He was literally drawing my insides well into his mouth and sucking with all his might. The nerves of the inside of my anus were being stimulated to a peak of excitement and I felt totally out of control.

Henry came up for breath and gasped: "This is a very fine ass in every way, we must have this young man to dinner many more times."

My cock, which all the while had been fully erect and sticking out and down at the table edge, now exploded cum as if from a pressure hose. I recall some ten or more spurts as the intensity of my orgasm was off the map.

Willis was able to save the day as he raced to engulf my cock with his hungry mouth and sucked my cock and balls dry of their ejaculate.

He then carried on and positioned me on my back before easing his very long tool into my man hole. As he did so, he looked deeply into my eyes and uttered the following words that I shan't forget:

"Now my spoilt little college boy, my waiter's cock is buried deep into your body and we're now as one, you the upper class and me the lower. I'm about to fuck the brains out of your pretty little head but first I'm going to just lie on top of you for a while and make you think about our bodies that are joined at my pleasure."

"I want you to try closing your sexy little anus as tightly as possible around my cock. Squeeze it as hard as you can, then release, then repeat, then release..and keep doing this every few seconds until I say stop."

I started to follow these instructions and Willis then commenced to give me a very deep and lasting tongue kiss, sucking at my tongue each time I contracted my asshole around his huge cock.

"That's a very good job that you're obedient pussy is doing on my cock," gasped Willis, "I have the control over you now that I wanted."

"You're completely mine," he said. "I love the feeling of your anus working out on my cock under my command. It's how it should be."

The room had gone quiet as everyone listened to the waiter having his finest hour of sex with a young man from higher society. Tears started to run down from the corners of my eyes as I experienced my conquering at Willis' hands or, more correctly, cock.

"Can you feel me very very deep up inside your pretty ass and did you feel me go through your inner asshole and into your hot, tight little guts?"

I replied that I could feel both and that it felt unreal to have a person so deep up inside me.

"That's right," he said, "very deep inside you ..I'm now at this moment part of your hot little body and soon I'm going to squirt a huge load so deep into you that it may come out of your pretty mouth.

"You will actually take much of my load into your bloodstream and part of me then will become part of you forever. Just think of that. I'll be part of you!"

"Now I'm going to fuck you very hard and very deep and you're going to tell me to keep doing it harder."

"Whilst I'm drilling your ass I'm also going to be thinking of how you looked, so smart and prim and proper, as you first came to the front entrance. I knew then that I was going to screw your little rounded ass to its limits until you couldn't even close it."

Willis started to pump his huge cock way up inside me. I felt it leave my lower intestine and retreat to my rectum, then return, then leave and I started to urge him on as he had ordered.

"Fuck me harder, no harder, please harder."

Some eight inches of his cock was leaving my body and pumping back in at every cycle, and the audience couldn't believe their eyes. What a feast of a different kind they were having.

My ass muscles were crying out for a rest but still we continued this routine. Finally after some ten minutes, Willis' cock let go with a huge burst of cum when right at the top of his stroke. It must have travelled two feet into me and I felt the surge even so.

He withdrew his human fucking tube and left my over-worked hole gaping wide open for all to see.

An applause went around the room as Henry put the claim:

"You're thoroughly fucked Brett, thoroughly fucked."

As he said these words, one could see the first part of the long stream of cum starting to flow from the gaping asshole that must have been two inches wide.

Ted was the first to service the flow as he started to suck me out and swallow the juices with great gusto.

Willis whispered his final words into my ear.."Always remember that I'm a part of your very hot body and that I fucked you silly."

Each guest followed suit but none could emulate the deed of Willis, albeit I enjoyed every contribution.

I was fucked doggy style with my ass way up in the air, on my side with one leg held up, folded back with my feet alongside my ears, upside down from the front and rear, stretched out face down, elbows on the floor with my legs going either side of the fucker who was sitting on a chair, upside down with one of the fucker's legs in front of my body and the other behind, so that the axis of his body was at 90 degrees to mine.

Finally I was placed on my back and my ass brought high up over my head. My hole was at full gape and those able to cum yet again, some five guests, each did so into my gaping ass as if it were an open receptacle. Slowly the level of cum rose inside me to almost fill my hole.

This was an extremely hot scene for witnesses to watch as it demonstrated the actual moment that sperm entered my body to complete the mating. It also created a mixture of sperm of a bunch of colleagues and friends that was now poured out of me as they lowered me back down to the horizontal.

The contents of my ass were collected in a small glass and then handed to me for swallowing down. I recall the salty rich taste as it slid down my throat to the applause of the room.

"Now for the final act of the night gentlemen," came Henry's last edict.

"This young man is now to be fisted by" ..and every one waited for the lucky person's name,"your host."

"That's right, my small to medium sized hand is going to have a happy marriage with the inside of Brett's sexy little bottom, and we're all going to love this very personal conjoining."

Henry's hand was only some four inches wide when flat and it was known that I could be opened up to diameter of at least that width.

Henry made further introduction of this finale that would not be forgotten by his guest:

Gentlemen we have waited for two years since the founding of our dinner club to source someone whom we believe to have all the attributes for a fisting ceremony:

"Firstly the person needed to be young and fit and very good looking.

"Secondly he needed to be of a personality that blended into the spirit of being the sexual centre of attention, maybe a little narcissistic as I believe Brett to be.

"Thirdly he needed to have a bottom that stood good punishment and was flexible to all the challenges put to it.

"Fourthly he needed to possess a sexuality that drove us to the act of fisting in order to stretch him to the maximum limit physically and mentally and to provide each other with the maximum sexual stimulation.

"This young man and his classy little bottie have all these attributes and more.

"So young Brett, I'll now have you turn onto your front and we'll raise the table adjustment please Willis to nine inches. I need good access to Brett's asshole but I also want to keep the table low enough to avoid losing the beautiful line of his natural body, as his lovely back runs into his highly desirable ass and his bottom flows into his sexy thighs.

"Normally gentleman it takes one or two hours to work a bottom to the point that it will fully open to any object. We have already spent some five hours on Brett's young backside and indeed it's now ready to go for that which I feel sure will be a most entertaining fisting ceremony.

"Willis would you please apply the special fisting cream to the necessary site.

Willis unscrewed a large jar of white and fairly thinly textured cream and layered it generously over my asshole and down through my crack.

"Thank you Willis, now let the show begin."

Henry commenced by very easily slipping two fingers of his right hand into my bottom and then two from his left hand, before starting to prise open my hole. I opened very easily as he had anticipated and he then commenced to pull at my anal muscles in all directions around their perimeter in order to effect the first stage of my ass opening.

"He feels so sexually supple and willing gentlemen, so I'm going to push four of my fingers as far up inside his bottom as they will go. This will tell me just how soon I can add my thumb and thence my whole hand. Henry proceeded as indicated.

"Oh dear, I must say the poor lad is far more loosened and opened than I anticipated, perhaps Willis your last good fucking of him has advanced his ass more than I had expected."

Henry started to move his four fingers into my insides and then thrust and pulled and turned, creating a real din of squelching and farting that was out of my control completely.

He positioned his thumb now to enter me alongside his fingers and this happened without any resistance by my anus. It was as if I had no defence against any intruding object after the night's exercises.

He did a test withdrawal of his hand and noticed that my asshole remained fairly open even after it had recoiled into a more normal position.

Henry then started to punch his closed fist into my wet and dripping male pussy and on the third attempt his whole hand was engulfed to the wrist. I moaned in ecstasy as I felt this huge addition to my insides, which stimulated my prostate immediately.

"Oh I think I need to pee," I exclaimed, "You're making me want to pee, sir."

"Then rollover young man and I'll deal with that immediately," came the host's reply.

I rolled onto my back and Henry then started to push his hand in a frontal direction so that he was pressuring my bladder which now lay above where his hand was positioned inside of my ass.

I moaned very loudly as I now felt I was about to lose control of my bladder and piss all over myself and in front of all the guests. Henry pushed again and suddenly with no intention on my part, my cock released a large squirt of piss that hit me on the lower face around my mouth. I was totally embarrassed that I had been forced to eliminate my bodily contents in front of this well-to-do gathering. Henry repeated this action and again I peed over myself..this continued for about six bouts before my bladder had finally been emptied by the internal manipulations of Henry inside my bottom. This was the lowest thing that had ever impacted my ego and my face was blood red with embarrassment.

"That was extremely entertaining don't you think gentlemen, it goes to show how the bladder's valve can be overridden manually by the will of someone other than one's self.

Willis was smearing my pee all over my skin, stomach, cock, legs, face and even including my hair. He had me lick various samples from his fingers as he proceeded. I was completely humiliated.

Soon though I had been ordered back onto my stomach and Henry started to push his hand into my vacant rectum and through to the point where he explained that he could feel my inner hole that led to my lower intestine.

The sensations as he fingered his way through that second hole where quite amazing, with the odd jab of pain but overall quite without event.

The guests were commenting how his forearm was now starting to go through my asshole and up inside my bum.

"I wonder how much he can take," said someone, I think it was Bert. "Knowing this hot young fella a fair bit more," came a response.

The prediction was right; Henry talked to me about my cleverness as he steadily planted his whole forearm up inside me.

After some 20 minutes he announced that he was at the point that he felt was my safety limit.

"I can't tell you, gentlemen, just how personal a happening it is when one has a limb this far up inside another human being's body. I feel a wonderful connection with Brett right now, how about you Brett?"

"The same," I replied, "I feel like your hand and arm are part of me and I almost want them to stay inside me."

"You have a wonderful, sexy and willing body, young man, one that most people would die for."

Bert mirthfully added that I had come a long way from just letting him feel my ass out between my buttocks whilst I travelled home on a bus.

I reflected that this was certainly so. This had been a great turning point in my life where I had realised the power of my body over others, and the power of others over my body.

It was time to leave the function and head home. I showered at Henry's invitation, without any help I might add, dressed and then started to move around the room to say goodbye to each guest. Their compliments were very generous to say the least, including those of Willis who confided it was the best night he had experienced as a waiter for this group. He recorded that he hoped it would not be the last..I wonder?

Again I thank all readers and welcome any comments or suggestions as to where I might go next with this story or perhaps one with a different theme.

Remember: Brett says: "Be safe with someone who's safe and consider a donation to Nifty!"

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