Invited to Formal Dinner

By moc.liamg@em4ruofgsb

Published on Dec 17, 2019


In part 1, Brett, a fine young man with intellectual capacities, was converted to a sexual object from having been a special guest at a mature aged male dinner.

It appears part 1 of this story really resonated with some readers who found it to be realistic and vivid. Some even related their own real life experiences that paralleled the experience of young Brett, One or two said they would love to take Brett's place in such a scenario.

Part 2 continues with the story of his experience at the hands of 12 other dinner club members and the butler who was up for any saucy game with a young man's hot bottom.


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..and always be sure to be safe and play safe as it's not only in your lifetime interests but those of the people closest to you.

I had never before found myself at the centre of attention or as an object of any large group, but more significantly, I had never before received appreciation of my physique by older men, only by dudes of the same age group with whom I had one on one relationships.

This was a whole new realm of experience for an attractive, slimline young man. My dignity and privacy had been methodically stripped away from me over the last three hours.

From a hot looking 22 year old of sartorial splendour in my finely cut sports clothes, I had been rendered an even hotter exhibit, pinned face down onto a table like a specimen for a biological experiment, my ass being featured predominantly as it was stretched over the moving platform beneath my pelvis.

I was experiencing a raft of different emotions all in parallel. Firstly there was that of inherent fear as I had been hijacked by this group of men with the most clinical precision and had no idea of their intentions, other than their intentions to work over my very hot young ass to the nth degree. On the other hand, I, like all of us, posses an ego, in my case built upon a self confidence derived from exceptional features that had always turned heads, both male and female of all ages. Then there was the physical challenge put upon me and the fact that my body was being forced to do and reveal things publicly with which it had never been challenged before.

My natural ego was being fuelled by a twisted enjoyment and stimulation of the stuff, or should I say stuffing, that was upon me..a feeling of having power over the sexual drives and instincts of an upper age group of men, as a result of the undoubted attraction of my body, made available to them essentially against my conscious will. But I had always possessed this bent towards exhibitionism merged with my own victimisation, why I didn't know. It was simply a residual part of my makeup from an early age. Could it be that a child fortunate enough to have looks that turn all heads, by default becomes unfortunate enough to fall victim to that attention. An inherent realisation then becomes programmed in his or her 'power of body'?

So here we have another example of Isaac Newton's Third Law..'For every action there's an equal and opposite reaction'. As my prone and immeasurably inviting body exuded power or force over the psyches of my captors, they in turn were motivated to crystallise their sexual instincts in the form of various punishing applications upon the ever yielding beautiful behind of their captive.

Henry was extremely satisfied with the latest phase of my sexual humiliation, the harvesting of my exotic ass juices for all present to savour and critique, as if the contents of the glass from which they imbibed were a fine liqueur.

"Gentlemen, it's now time for you to become directly acquainted with the tastes of Brett's delectable young bottom, don't you feel, Brett?"

I didn't reply until I was asked to do so much more firmly by my host.

"Yes, sir, I hope the gentlemen liked their original tasting." Politeness never escaped me even in this extreme situation.

This was not just a reflex answer but an enquiring one driven by my ego to want to know that my body was appreciated, even though it was not my choice to offer it.

"Well gentlemen, let's put this lad's mind at rest and give me a show of hands for all those that enjoyed their tasting of Brett's wares."

Without a moment's delay twelve hands were raised confirming a unanimous appreciation of the formal tasting of my ass juice that had just taken place.

"May I advise you that my palate was highly appreciative of your body's product which was subtle, smooth and soothing to savour.

"Brett, I hope that puts your mind at rest and gentlemen I take that as an indication that you wish to proceed with this next segment of discovery of this young man's ass, namely the 'mouth to ass' segment."

A cheer of commitment filled the room, followed by a sudden quiet, whilst everyone waited for the host's next instruction. All this, as the harbour view lights twinkled beyond, to remind those present that this was indeed a gathering of the well-to-do to celebrate the sexual excellence of a young man from whom they had removed any power of resistance.

The prone figure before them might have otherwise been a dinner guest for whom they had intensive sexual attraction and they were left only to imagine what it would be like to perhaps lie with this hot lad and experience his lithe, naked body against their skins.

But no, their wildest dreams were coming true before their very eyes as that same lad for whom they might have lusted lay on the table, bottom slightly raised and ass cheeks spread to the point that they could observe the subtle twitching of my quite perfect asshole, as it nestled between my sweating buttocks that were so magically formed for their appreciation and pleasure.

Upon Henry's latest announcement, my heart once again began to race as I knew that a whole new wave of invasive sensations was about to be imposed on me. My very private hole was now very public, and had transferred in ownership from me to those in the room. It had also dramatically transferred from its usual function to that of serving the deepest primal sexual needs of others. The nerve endings in my perfect little rear end ring were already tingling in expectation, that caused the slight twitching that was so stimulating to the groins of my audience.

It's a fat that our assholes are with us all every moment of the day and night, yet they are a part of our anatomy that don't receive the attention of others, unless it's a partner or perhaps a doctor. To be able to make an unimpeded wholesale study therefore of this ever-attractive feature of our bodies is a luxury we rarely realise, with the exception of our accessing of video and You Tubes. This experience becomes even more potent and stimulating when the feature is part of a highly attractive owner,

"Gentlemen, Willis will now show you how to savour the difference between drinking from the glass and drinking straight from the bottle. Willis, please fix your mouth over Brett's pulsating asshole and demonstrate the sucking action that will yield his inner juices to one's palate."

To the man, everyone in the room felt immediate movement in his groin as one of the most sexually intimate acts was about to be demonstrated to them..not to mention that they were to each have the ultimate sexual pleasure of following suit.

Willis in his full butler's attire, positioned himself to attack my prone ass with his lethal tongue.

"Firstly, gentlemen, it's important to take a firm hold of the ass cheeks and pull them was we did before, upwards and outwards, until the anus is clearly open. This enables a less impeded entry for your tongue.

Step one was then demonstrated by Willis who somewhat roughly took a firm hold on each of my glutes and with a sudden jerk, pulled them far apart and upwards from my body."

He had been right, the result was an immediate opening of my anal ring with an immediate, prolonged but odourless fart duly being released by the newly accessed inner sanctum of my compact round bottom. Somehow the induced release of the my fart was a symbol of the control now held over me, as I was forced to give up the inner air of my body in a way that one completely resists when in company, due to the consideration of others, but more directly due to the unfettered desire to save embarrassment of one's self. An exception might be when a raw teenager purposely 'let's off' in a full classroom to create shock value, courtesy of his peers, and to draw their jealous admiration.

I felt my face flush upon this involuntary release of wind from my bowels. Again I wondered how I could possibly have found myself in such a hopelessly powerless situation, where a room full of men even had control of my bodily function.

Willis now applied his open mouth to the twitching asshole of his stretched out victim as it fell quiet. With detectable aggression he plunged his full tongue deep into the gaping hole of the hottest ass on earth, by his current reckoning. I writhed in a combination of shock and extreme pleasure as my ass rim tingled with joy at the invading oral organ.

After two minutes or so of utter turmoil between Willis' tongue and the inner lining of my young ass, during which my bottom was humping out of control over the table, Willis eventually came up for air. Accompanying his sexual gymnastics were my moans and groans and my pleas to stop were loud and clear. In reality though, I had no desire for the sensation to stop and it was really the words 'keep going deeper' that were singing out from the base of my brain. Willis then converted to a sucking action as he withdrew his tongue. There was a distinct sound of juices entering his mouth which was even more stimulating to the senses of the audience than the music of my long fart. I was even more stimulated by this sound , as I knew I was giving great audible and visual pleasure to those staring up my bottom from the foot of the table and great pleasure of course to Willis' insatiable taste buds.

"Oh sir," exclaimed Willis, "his juices are better than ever, they are richer and even thicker than before; this is truly a high performing ass."

"Ted, once more in recognition of the favour you have done for our members in bringing Brett into our midst, I invite you to be the first member to follow Willis' vivid demonstration."

Upon this invitation by the host, Ted had visions of me in his gym environment then in the change rooms, then as he collected me in his car, then as he dined and communicated with me over dinner. This accentuated his sexual desire as he reminded himself of the normal functioning and disposition of the specimen stretched out in front of him, displaying the ass that had often taken front position in his dreaming of such an event. Even the way I had glided through the gym in my slightly gripping shorts had a style that made one want to see the product beneath the silky cotton. Some of the patrons probably even timed their exit to the changeroom with my exit.

To think that now he was going to play to his heart's content with that formerly hidden little bum..a surreal proposition to say the least.

For me, I had often seen Ted glance my way when working out and occasionally even exchange 'g'days'. I would be a liar to claim that it had never occurred to me that Ted could possibly have the 'hots' for me, albeit I guessed it to be fairly unlikely.

These days, most young guys had consumed good doses of porn on the web, some were even daily doses, and many older men were in the same boat. It's

more than feasible that both groups of males had migrated from hetero to gay porn, including the 'twinky' porn that attracts some more than others. Then of course there were the gays who went directly for their sector of attraction; they were not always out of the closet though and so they were all part of the one horny mass.

As a result of these recreational trends, everyone is of course more tuned to these possibilities, even realities, of life, and younger dudes, especially those boasting looks anything like the calibre of mine, are more aware of the way other males might admire them and even lust for them.

So I travelled with these thoughts in the back of my mind, sometimes not always at the back actually, and all this conjecture now came racing to the fore as I was becoming living proof of how a young male body can trigger lustful behaviour in the extreme from older males. Many males have no limits as to age groups that attract them, but a high percentage certainly find their radar beeping when I'm in range.

In fact I often pondered on whether a completely hetero man would ever be tempted by my body, for example if I were to approach one in the gym and ask if he knew of a massage service. Would some be tempted to say 'not really but I have given some good massages myself' and, were I to accept such an offer, would some of those be tempted to go a little bit further than just the standard massage treatment? I liked to think that they would, were my totally nude form stretched out on a table or bed in front of them, with all my sexual attributes on full display.

So now some of my questions as to my degree of sexual magnetism were being answered, even though the circumstances were far from being on my terms.

These thoughts added value to everyone's experience as events unfolded around the green table.

Ted, in accepting the invitation to put his mouth to my smoothest of hot bums, firstly moved to where my head rested and established eye contact with me, to remind himself of the personality of his object. He asked me if I could believe that, from an innocent encounter in the gym things had progressed to his being given 'carte blanche' to suck my little ass out.

"Fuck you," I muttered under my breath.

" No .. it's actually fuck YOU, my hot little piece of male meat."

Ted conveyed to host, Henry, my previous utterance.

"That demands a good smacking on his ass before you put your mouth to it, Ted." came Henry's reply.

Without hesitation Ted started a thorough bare handed smacking of my whole ass, which rose and fell in rhythm with the beating, accompanied by synchronised shouts of pain from the receiver. The creamy white cheeks were none a rosy pink and looked ripe for the plucking they were about to experience.

As Ted issued the discipline, he also grabbed hold of my raging hard on that was still throbbing and merrily pointing out behind my ass ever since Willis' thorough oral treatment of my asshole.

He squeezed and pulled my horn very hard, forcing precum into his fist which he tasted as he went. I was at full sexual gallop now as I had been highly manually stimulated, in receiving a public smacking on my fully exposed ass and being masturbated harshly to add to everything else. My cock was at full extension, a little longer than seven inches now with a knob of red and glistening super sensitivity that poked out from the end of Ted's fist for him and others to inspect. My piss slit was looking red and angry as liquid oozed from it. This caught Ted's attention as he paused for a moment to draw everyones attention to the urethral opening.

"Look, his slit is gaping with pleasure gentlemen, perhaps I should give it some help."

Ted then used the fingers of both hands to stretch my smallest aperture to almost a half inch in width.

"Wow, he said it's so open and raging that I could almost put my little finger into it."

With that he made an attempt to do so and his fingertip actually did enter the first fraction of my raw cock head.

I screamed out in the height of pleasure and all but came in Ted's hand. Again I managed to pull back, knowing that it was better not to cum if I wanted to sustain the attack that was heading my way.

Ted then started to pull my heated red bottom apart as had been demonstrated by Willis. He lowered his ear to my pulsating asshole to try to detect any farting noise that he predicted would result from his latest action. Sure enough there was a minor release and Ted actually felt the small wisp of air as it breezed across the side of his face.

"You rude boy," he exclaimed, and gave the culprit hot butt two sharp smacks across its centre.

"Ouch," I screamed, "that really hurt."

"Perfect, now I'll tongue right into your crack to sooth the pain."

Ted started licking up and down the depths of my exposed inner crack and again forced my bottom open allowing his tongue to enter the newly opening hole more and more. He was fascinated by the little strings of muscle that radiated outwards perfectly symmetrically from the centre of my asshole and so cleverly disappeared as they flowed into the smooth, now hairless flesh of my bottom that made up the walls of my crack.

"Oh, he moaned, this is sheer bliss, everyone, you wait till you try it."

This left me in no doubt that I was going to be orally 'gang banged'.

Ted sank his tongue into the deepest depth that my tight ass would allow, my well-trained hole giving way fairly easily to the pressure. He then started to suck for the juices as he removed his tongue. And they arrived soon enough with a wonderful taste and texture.

"I want to take him home and suck this hunk of sex meat every night. Just look at the hot deep pink colour of the inside of his opened ring..have you ever seen a hotter sight than this ass of a private school product? The flesh inside my asshole, but before you break through the second anal ring, is a slippery looking deep pink to light purple colour and when wetted by saliva and now the emerging ass juices it presents the hottest of sexual exhibits. This is accentuated by the twitching and reopening of my hole after someone releases the stretching pressure that many had already applied this evening.

Ted rose up and everyone could see for themselves that he had extracted quite a yield from my juicy wet behind, as it was all around his mouth. Ted left it there for some time as a form of trophy to show the success of his technique.

And so the table of diners all dined on this final course, each finding that they received an admirable response from my nicely yielding asshole. It proved that the more stimulus an ass received, the more secretion it will produce, as a natural defence one would suppose.

The host was the last to attend the targeted hole and he took a little longer than the others. He occasionally stopped to describe the taste and consistency.

He declared: "I truly wish I could get my whole head inside this beautiful ass as then I could go deeper and longer and discover just how much young Brett can produce of his exotic juices.

Henry completed his task then went to where my face lay sweating and grimacing up the table before planting a penetrating kiss squarely on my lips. I was caught by surprise and actually opened my mouth only to taste some of my exotic juices flowing in.

"How do you like tasting your own ass on my mouth, young fellow?" came Henry's question of sincere interest.

"Perhaps I don't taste too bad, so do you think that's the end of your final course, sir?"

"Oh, thankfully not," came the response, "we now want to see inside your bottom not just *taste *inside."

"So now it's my intention of training your asshole open with all sorts of toys for men so that we can each examine right up inside that hot ass of yours. Does that sound like a good idea?"

"I'd rather not, sir, as my poor bottom has already taken a hammering, perhaps I could come back another night?"

"Well that's a great idea too, but we're also impatient to explore the inside of you tonight, whilst your juices are running as they are. I'm hopeful that we might actually see how your ass can release its fluids out of a gaping hole before our curious eyes.

Henry went to the toy box and extracted a fairly broad butt plug, about three inches in diameter at its widest point.

" Exhibit A, announced Henry, we're going to commence the stretching of your ass with this beauty."

Henry applied a generous quantity of quite viscous 'gel lubricant' to the black butt plug and placed the plug at the opening to my ass. He also smeared some of the lubricant onto my waiting hole,ensuring to push a fair amount in through my outer ring. The large object at my back door looked quite a turn-on as my rather compact although curvy little ass didn't seem of the proportion that might swallow such a monster.

Henry ordered me to push my ass out, as I might for other purposes, as he made his move to force the cutest of assholes open. My ass crack gave way quickly to the intrusion and before long the toy was all but into its destination as the widest point started to force my tight little pussy lips apart. Suddenly the toy was fully embedded in its destination, to the surprise of all onlookers, who hadn't expected my bottom to be so supple and accommodating.

During this invasion I felt much discomfort but by ow my bottom had been worked open so many times that there was non pain, even in this additional size of object. As the widest part ha gone through, the sensation was indescribably satisfying. I also had the knowledge that the end of plug was still sticking out of my ass which was in itself a rudely stimulating experience to enjoy. My exhibitionist self was in full flight again.

"That was too easy," said Henry "but it augurs well for the special ass fisting that lies ahead for Brett's hot ass later in the night..However we're going to have some fun and perhaps take some pictures for our records to depict the flexibility of our young guest's hole using the various toys we have sourced."

"One of the hottest sights in my view is the forced opening of a good looking young man's asshole with a large object, not going in freely, but being pushed back out by that hole."

"Now push, Brett, with all your might and show us how your ass rim performs when under pressure."

"Oh please can't we skip this?" I moaned, "as it's so rude to have to show my ass doing things that it normally only does in private each day."

In response to this resistance the host dealt an extremely hard slap to my bottom, just to the side of where the butt plug emerged so rudely from my body.

"You will see to it that your bottom does everything that we command you to do with it. I shan't stand for the quality of my guests' entertainment to be compromised due to your pathetic selfishness."

Henry then lined his video camera up allowing just my bottom to fill the frame of the shot he was about to take.

I obediently started my push to eliminate the huge butt plug from my ass. For some 30 seconds it seemed as if it was not going to budge, then suddenly I felt something almost give way. It was the double ring of my asshole starting to open for the widest part of the plug. Then at a certain point I felt as if my rear aperture was as wide as my whole butt, before suddenly the widest point of the plug traversed the strong ring of ass muscle and in one action popped all the way out of my bum and into the waiting hands of my host.

A form of suction was created behind the plug as it flew out of me, again with an unavoidable accompanying fart, and with that force the deeper insides of my hole actually emerged from my anus. I believe this shape of the 'prolapsing' inner flesh is called a 'rosette' as the slippery, deep red, circular cross section of flesh from within has the appearance of a small rose for its short period of exposure to the outside world.

"That's one of the hottest things I've ever seen," screeched one of the guests with utter delight and others agreed.

"He's one hot lad, this one," said another. "I can't get over how good looking he is but how totally exposed and opened up to us all, he's just scrumptious."

"Gentleman I have Brett's very cute and fully stretched ass ring on video as a record for you all to enjoy," confirmed Henry, as he started to lick clean of ass juices the giant butt plug that he had just caught at slips.

"Willis, I'm going to ask you to stand by whilst I get young Brett to give us one more demonstration of his bulging inner red flesh as he pushes out once more. When the clump emerges from his bottom I ask that you suck it into your mouth and hold it there until I give the word for you to allow it to spring back into his ass."

I groaned as I heard this instruction to Willis, whilst Willis' pulse became visible at his temple as the sudden excitement gushed through his wiry body.

"Now push, young man for all your might," came the already anticipated order.

My embarrassment took another leap upwards as I obeyed Henry's command and soon my insides were being held captive by Willis' mean mouth and he wasn't going to let go. In fact I could feel him sucking at my formerly internal flesh like a child on the last remnants of a lollipop. Then he took a liberty that I'm sure he wasn't meant to take and suddenly bit my deep red insides causing me to yell in pain. I jolted my head up and down in a combination of discomfort and extreme sexual excitement at having my ass eaten out in this fashion for all to see. It was hardly possible to reveal any more of me sexually, although the host had plans that were going to approach that possibility.

I had come a long way from not even wanting others in the gym shower room to see my lower naked body

Henry brought his face to mine and asked me to describe the feeling I was experiencing in my bottom.

"I feel as if I'm about to lose my insides," I moaned.

"I've never experienced any such sensation, how long is it going to last?"

"Someone count to 100 and then, Brett, we'll release you back into place," was the agreement given.

"Does this thing that Willis is doing to your ass turn you on at all, Brett?"

I couldn't lie and admitted that it was making me feel very excited, like nothing I'd experienced before in sex. Everyone could see this to be so as I'm sure precum was oozing even more copiously from my very hard cock at this point. This was the undisguisable barometer.

"In the meantime, Brett, I want you to keep pushing outwards as I believe Willis' mouth would appreciate any of your refreshing juices that you can produce to save it from going dry under this duress."

Willis smiled as he continued to suck on my ass and then gave off a facial expression that might have indicated that he was now being rewarded as Henry had planned.

I suddenly reflected on how distant it seemed from the moment Willis received Ted and me at the front door, looking me up and down in the process. What a hint, I thought, of his salacious little mind at that first moment of encounter.

The magic figure of 100 was finally reached by the appointed timekeeper and Willis' mouth came off my rear end which in turn did its best to sort itself out, as my asshole reclaimed my innards and closed back into its perfect shape.. a minor miracle, I thought.

Suddenly the hot looking curvatures of my ass were being admired again as it was mentioned that a beautiful ass can be turned into an absolute 'cauldron of sex' when Henry goes to work on a guest like me.

"He's such a nice young man with such nice everything in looks, it's so hard to believe that we actually have taken possession of his stunning little ass tonight" came a comment.

All these comments were passed as if I wasn't even in the room, but on hearing them, it raised my feelings of exhibitionism, as the words reminded everyone present that I was indeed a person and not a mere sexual object alone. In one sense I was a well dressed guest for dinner participating in the agenda and subjects of the night, but in another I had been totally unveiled so that even the very insides of my most private parts had been exposed to the dinner group.

Now expectation was again beginning to rise in the room. What was to be the next test for my sorry butt?

Henry now made an announcement that was the herald of the commencement of heavier and more gruelling action for my ass as the time drew on towards 10pm.

"Gentlemen, we must now start to share the load of determining how far young Brett's ass can be expanded and made ready for some of the amusing insertions with which we're going to test it over the next few hours."

"Next few hours, I muttered to myself, I'll never survive this night the way it's developing."

"Now Brett, you must do your bit," reminded Henry, "by ensuring you're ass remains in its most exposed position. This means we need your bottom high up in the air and your knees as far apart as possible, so that each of our guests can gain easy access with their fingers to pull your anus open to its limits. You'll find the discomfort will recede as we progress because we're effectively training your hole to stay open without any difficulty. We've already seen with our speculum that you can be opened some three inches, and maybe more with practice. This is often the case with young asses of high quality in which the structures are supple and the flesh is so beautifully soft like yours."

I raised my bottom as ordered, so that now I was positioned in one of the rudest postures, cock and balls dangling down between my legs, so that absolutely no aspect of my private parts was hidden from view. Again the room was full of murmuring about my 'classy ass' and remarks like: "Who would dream of such a young gentleman like this being the subject of this kind of extreme display?"

Henry then instructed Ted to insert two fingers from each hand into my asshole without and lubricant. My ass was actually quite moist from the last phase of attack, as my natural juices had been stimulated to the max by the wild and very willing mouth of Willis, who was in the front line of spectators for the new 'procedures'.

"Come on my young gym friend," said Ted, "show me how much I can open you up for these nice people, as they've a full view of your hot little bottom from the outside, but now they'd like to see inside through the tunnel your tight little asshole into your inner bottom."

Ted's fingers quickly pushed into the hot flesh of my hole and I was surprised just how quickly my asshole complied. The properties of my anus had been changed and it no longer was the reliable custodian of my interior self anymore. In a sense my insides were 'open for business'.

I had rarely felt more excitement passing through me than when I assumed this totally revealing posture. I wondered just what my friends and those closest to me would think if they could see me now, heaven forbid. Perhaps there would be one or two who had a latent desire to see my sexuality on display, but most would never have dreamt of the possibility. Here I was before a room full of strangers, all fully dressed as they experimented on my now totally willing ass.

Meanwhile the video camera was running and the full length movie it was generating had no dull moments. My slick and lean body was no longer garbed in eye-catching clothing but was as if on display in a butcher's store, for all to judge my hidden attributes that were hidden no more.

It then occurred to me that even if this gruelling event had given me the shits, metaphorically that is, there was no way I could have actually felt the urgent need to use my bowels as they were completely devoid of contents. My propped up ass was an empty vessel and no different in effect to any of the ass toys that had been aligned to use on me.

Ted had stretched my hot and glistening hole very successfully and so now it was the turn of others to do the same for the next half hour. Each guest let out some form of groan or sigh at the excitement they felt at being able to intrude into me in this fashion. Some saw it as an ultimate "high" whilst others were just swallowed up by the sensation of manipulating my opening and as a result being able to see deep within my ass cavity. Some of this manipulation involved people stretching my hole laterally, some along the axis of my bodes that their lower digit stimulated my prostate gland on the floor of my rectal cavity.

My asshole was the centre of an attack that would leave it a fully compliant mass of warm, soft, pulsating, mucous laden tissue ready for new challenges that were on the host's 'sexual intrusion' agenda.

Moreover, my small backside was now prepared for the' invasion of the toys' each with their individual tests of the flexibility of my ring and capacity of that which lay beyond it.


This ends part 2 of my story. Part 3 will find me still prostrate on the green table with a variety of tools about to be used in that two test the capacities of my ass. Please be sure to feed back any comments to me on parts 1 and 2 and any ideas that you would like me to consider building into future parts.

Remember, when you play..always play safe!!

Next: Chapter 3

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