Invisible Boy

By Virtual Insanity

Published on Jul 5, 2005


This story contains male/male consensual relationships of a romantic and sexual nature. If it is illegal for you to read this type of material, please adhere to your laws.

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Part Five


I scoured the woods around the lake for two fucking hours before I gave up. There was no sign of Jared anywhere. What the fuck was I supposed to do? It was getting dark and Kyle was getting on my nerves standing there, shivering as it got cooler and telling me that maybe Jared just wanted to be by himself, it was only a few miles to the city. Asshole.

It was his fault I was in the situation I was in. Well, kind of my fault, too, but if he wasn't so fucking cute and flaunting it around with his highlights and legs and everything, maybe Jared could have gotten over him a long time ago.

Instead, Jared had pined away for him since forever and I had decided to try and be noble and a superhero or something and give Jared a chance to catch the guy's attention.

If Kyle hadn't been such a slut, it would have all worked out. Okay, so my heart was just about to be broken into a zillion pieces, but I could deal with that...and if it wasn't gonna be Kyle then it would probably be some other equally annoying kid.

The whole problem I had with everything was just that Jared could actually think that I had gone behind his back and made a move on Kyle...or even invited his attention. And I would never do that to Jared, never do that to anybody I loved. I mean that was the ultimate fucked up thing a friend could do, you know?

And what scared me and made me pick my way carefully between every branch in that damned forest was that Jared might actually think that I had done that to him. I could lose him...and over a fucked up day at the lake with Kyle Riley. That would end me.

So, I loaded Kyle into the jeep and tore my way the distance to his house, determined not to say a word to him the entire drive home. He was sitting sullenly beside me.

"Are you even gonna talk to me?" he asked. I didn't say anything. I had nothing to say to him.

"You don't have to take me home, I can come with you," he tried again after a moment. I threw him a quelling look...and he fell silent again. He opened his mouth to speak again and I snapped on the radio. Loud.

He folded his hands together in his lap, his knuckles turning white. I could tell he was angry, but I didn't even fucking really care. Suddenly, he snapped the radio off.

"You invited me on this trip, okay?" he snapped at me all of a sudden, turning in his seat to look at me as I drove.

"I know," I said.

"So, don't get mad at me for wanting to kiss you," he was almost yelling at me.

"I'm not mad at you for wanting to kiss me," I told him. "I'm mad at you for having Jared's dick in your mouth one minute and your tongue in mine the next. I'm mad at you for being such a fucking disappointment."

He started bawling then...and I felt bad, I really did, but the fact that Jared was probably pissed as hell at me at the moment did not make me feel all that inclined to show it.

"I thought I might have a chance with you, I didn't expect him to come on to me," Kyle said after he had stopped sobbing. I blew out a breathe.

"He fucking worships the ground you walk on," I told him, and didn't even try to check the fact that my voice was bitter.

"And you worship the ground he walks on," he hazarded a guess.

"I love him," I told him and my voice was fervent. The first time I ever said it aloud. "I would do anything for him. Including trying to help him get the one guy he wants more than anything."

"Regardless of the fact that its tearing you apart inside," he said and I looked away from him, willing myself not to think about the fact that I felt like I had been gutted, like my life was shit.

"You deserve more than that," Kyle told me. "Y-you're worth more than that."

"Yeah." Whatever.

"What are you gonna do?" he asked.

"I'm going to go and find him and make sure he knows that I would never hurt him and make sure that our friendship is still the same," I said.

Kyle shook his head. We pulled up in front of his house. He was still turned sideways and looking at me.

"Tell him how you feel," Kyle urged me and I shook my head.

"I don't want to lose him," I admitted and Kyle groaned. He leaned forward and grabbed my face between both of his hands.

"If you don't tell him you'll lose him anyway," Kyle informed me. "And if you do tell him and you lose him, you can move on. There are guys out there that would love a chance with you. Trust me."

I removed Kyle's hands and pushed him away. Maybe he was right. I didn't know. I would figure it out when I was in front of Jared. I would know what to say then.

*** Jared:

When I finally walked up to the front of my house, the jeep was parked there and Everett was sitting on the front stoop. My heart started clunking around in my chest at the sight of him. I was scared as hell but I was relieved, too.

It was a long walk home from the lake. I was tired as hell, but I had needed that time to think, to try to figure everything out that was going on inside of my head.

I should have known that Everett would be waiting for me. If he had been anything over the last few years, he had been loyal. I couldn't have asked for a more devoted friend.

He stood up when he spotted me, his heart in his eyes and I knew then that he loved me. Warmth invaded my entire body. I don't know how I felt...I couldn't really describe it in words, but somehow the knowledge made me feel like I had found the missing piece of a huge puzzle. Why hadn't I seen it before? In the way that he took time out for me, in the way that he fixed my bike and listened to me gab on and on about Kyle Riley.

God. Kyle Riley. Had I ruined everything?

"Jared, what the fuck, man, did you walk all that way?" he asked, digging his big, clumsy hands into his pockets and staring at me. I nodded.

"Where's my dad?" I asked quietly and he shook his head.

"Dunno," he said. "He wasn't here when I got here. I just sat down and waited for either of you."

That was his way. Everett would wait a million years for me to show up if he had to. I dug out my key and wedged myself between him and the door, fumbling to unlock it. I wanted to touch him. In two years of friendship, I never had. It felt odd.

"Jared, are you mad at me?" he asked, close behind me and the hair on the back of my neck stood up. I shook my head, glad when I could finally push the door open. He followed me in.

I kind of stood in the living room unsure of what to do next and suddenly bone tired. Everett took one look at me and got right to action. He half-drug me to the kitchen where he sat me in a straight-backed chair near the small table my dad and I kept in there. He started rooting around inside of the fridge and in the cupboards and while I was sitting there blinking and trying to gather my thoughts, he had started cooking. I watched him move around the kitchen comfortably. It was in times like these when he was at his best, when he was caring for someone else...and the attention was off of him.

He laid a plate in front of me, piled high with an omlette, bacon and french toast. Breakfast at midnight. I started to eat. He sat down across and next to me, his eyes going from my face to the plate and finally to the edge or the table where he seemed to find supreme interest in fidgeting with the tiny grooves there.

"Jared, you know I wouldn't try to take Kyle out from under you, right?" he asked and I nodded. "He was just kissing me and I swear I was just standing there. I was in shock."

"You can't blame Kyle for wanting you," I told him and he looked at me, then away again, shrugging.

"I'm sorry, man," he said uncertainly and I put my hand over the one that was fidgeting around, making him look at me again.

"It was a stupid fantasy, based solely on the fact that Kyle Riley looks great," I told him.

"Why should it be a fantasy?" he asked. "You can get any guy you want."

"I don't want any guy," I said and Everett sighed.

"I kow that it will take you awhile to get over everything with Kyle, Jared, but I swear you're going to get over him," he started to tell me and I stopped him.

"When are you going to tell me that you love me, Ev?" I asked and his face kind of froze as he stared at me. He swallowed hard, looking away again, then he met my eye.

"I hadn't planned on it," he said honestly.

"Why not?"I asked. "Why would you keep that to yourself?"

"Because you deserve a guy like Kyle Riley," he said suddenly, heated. "Someone with looks and personality. Somebody guys wanna be around. Not like me."

"Since when are you a dog?" I asked incredulously.

"I'm not saying I'm a dog, Jared, I just...I'm not much to look at, okay, I know that," he said. "And I don't talk all that well about stuff and I'm shy. Most people get bored around me...not excited and that's okay. Most of the time, I'm pretty much invisible and I can deal with that."

"I love you," I told him and that stopped him in his tracks. He pulled away from me.

"Jared, don't say shit like that when you don't mean it," he said, standing up and moving away from me, walking towards the living room.

"I mean it," I said, standing up and following him.

"No, you don't," he snapped at me a little, turning around to look at me. "Just this morning you were primping for Kyle. You don't fall in and out of love that fast."

"I was never in love with Kyle," I said.

"The hell you weren't Jared, you talked about him every minute," he said and there it was underneath everything, the tearing pain in his voice.

"I was in love with the idea of being with someone like him," I told him, getting so close to Everett that I could touch him.

"Maybe you just feel sorry for me," he said.

"Everett, I love you," I told him. "I have since you almost broke my ribs. I just didn't know it. I expected everything to zing, for everything to be so huge. I didn't know that you could love someone so quietly. I just didn't know. But when I saw you... when I saw you kissing him -"

"I didn't kiss him, I swear," he vehemently protested and I put my hand out and touched his lips, silencing him.

"When I saw you with another guy it almost killed me," I told him. "I thought I would be jealous because of Kyle, but I wasn't even thinking about him. All I could see was you...and I could have killed him. Let's face it, Everett, you're mine. You belong to me."

"Y-you're going to hurt me," he said from beneath my hand and I shook my head.

"No, Everett, I'm going to love you," I told him. "And you're going to love me back." And I pushed him back onto the sofa behind him and jumped on him, kissing him. He resisted a little bit at first and then his hands started moving over my back, slowly, helplessly...and his dick was hard and pressing against my stomach and he was trying to reach the back of my throat with his tongue.

"I'm afraid," he said when we came up for air.

"I know," I told him, kissing his forehead and cheeks and staring into those milk chocolate brown eyes. "But you don't have to be. You'll get into NYU and we'll be together and if you don't we'll go somewhere else. It's just us now."

It might sound idealistic but we both believed it with all of our hearts.

The sound of the front door slamming made us both lift up and peer at my dad as he came into the house. He grinned at us.

"About time," he said and walked off into the kitchen, whistling.

The End ************************************************ All done! Please, let me know that you think

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